A Dancer's Gaze

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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Beware of those sweet eyes. They'll draw you in and you'll never get out.

People of various species crowded into a lounge lit by the flickering candles on the tables the glow of the lanterns over by the walls. There were three separate stages along with tables and booths crowded around them. As the people began to be seated the sound of their voices buzzing began to rise. A band on one of the stages played music with brass instruments and horns while hosts and hostesses came out to greet the patrons with kind smiles and loving words. Bottles came out with little baskets of various foods as orders were taken and filled one by one until the little buzz of the club began to rise in volume until the evening was rolling nicely and cash was slipping from tipsy digits. The lights were dimmed just a bit more as the music climbed over the crowd's sound to garner their attention as the stage lights snapped on one by one. A quiet came over the customers before their hands and paws came together to start clapping for the performers that slipped out of the curtains and onto the stage. They were all dancers wearing little to nothing and heading to different parts of the lounge with swaying hips to swing to the music and draw in the eyes that they so desperately deserved.

Hungry eyes were drawn here and there to the twisting forms of the dancers coming out to gather that praise and love while loosening any extra change that they could manage to get. Each dancer got their fair bit of attention until a sudden shift in the room's gravity happened as a radiant figure appeared at the center. He was a tall feline with sharp red fur and frost of creamy white that went from the top of his head down to his feet. Both of his eyes were closed as he stepped out onto the stage wearing nothing but a wrap of loose cloth around his waist. A long tail tipped with a green orb tucked in between dark feathers curled around his waist before lashing at the boards of the stage. As those green eyes opened toward the crowd out in front of him, he brought out his arms and let a fan of emerald feathers unfold. The people who saw his eyes, who watched him start to move, could not look away as Anso's performance began.

Anso was the center of attention except for a few of the other dancers who took to the side stages to work their magic there while hiding from his radiance. The feline moved about the center stage as if he were gliding, steps never truly touching the floor until he stepped down hard to stop and flourish for the people that watched. He ignored the people coming closer to the stage, spinning along the edge while keeping his gaze anywhere but the crowd as if he were starving them of his attention. When he stopped his movement, he was facing toward the people with his eyes shut.

The feline dancer opened them, scanning the various onlookers with a small smirk as they all looked at his gaze with such twinkling hunger that he could see it in their leaning stares. This was his place, above the people and with all of their eyes on him. It didn't matter that there were others vying for attention, he simply knew that he would be the one to take it all in and that was what mattered when he was dancing. Right now, his eyes were searching for one lucky customer to call his own for the evening to make sure that they enjoyed themselves just as much as he was going to cherish their attention and money.

The feline dancer caught sight of a chestnut furred rabbit in a short black dress sitting at a table with a few other patrons. All of them were talking amongst themselves while their eyes were off to the side on him except for that lovely bunny. Her minty gaze was entirely focused on his body, his movements and spots of pink could be seen beneath her fur. There was something beneath those soft eyes that whispered a sweet desire for him to come over and give her more of his presence and perhaps simply that would do but he had so much more in mind.

Anso moved while the eyes in the lounge were still on him and he took his time getting off of the stage to weave through the tables and eventually make it to the sweet mint-eyed bunny. When he arrived, she seemed to struggle with looking away and back at him, eyes darting one way to the other while her ears drew back. The other patrons with her weren't as shy with their stares and watched with uncertainty as he folded his wings to bring his paw out to touch the bunny's chin. She blinked, ears raised on high and cheeks flashing red as she looked into his glowing gaze and immediately she melted to his touch.

"Would you like to join me for the evening dear? I'm going to be taking a break and I'd rather unwind with someone rather than on my lonesome." He said with a purr.

The bunny opened her eyes wide and began to stammer out her response, "Oh! I-I don't really know if I could or should I'm just...I'm here with some friends and--" Her eyes seemed to glow just a bit the longer she stared into his eyes, the flush of her cheeks growing as the rest of her answer came, "But um, if you really want me with you then I could maybe just, just take a little trip with you. I don't see why not?"

Her fellow patrons giggled and nudged her up, their own eyes bright and happy as they watched her get up from the table to stand and join the feline by his side. Anso carefully looped an arm around her waist, "So dear bunny, before we get going. Can you please grace me with your name?"

"Ah? Oh! My name is Tina." She said with a crooked smile.

Even through her dress, Anso could feel the subtle shiver of her body telling him everything he needed to know but of course, he didn't want to press on her too hard, didn't want to overwhelm the poor thing. The night was just starting after all and so he gave her side a squeeze as he started to walk and his voice softened, "Tina huh? Cute name for a sweet bun. If you could do me any favor right now, it would just be to relax. I'm going to make sure that you enjoy your evening here and never forget it."

A little squeak escaped the bunny as she followed along, "Goodness! It's just a little difficult to relax with you so close a-and maybe I drank just a bit too much already. I can feel my head swimming a-and well, maybe a break sounds good. What did you want to do?"

Anso chuckled while the girl kept on talking. He didn't answer her question just yet, instead choosing to remain quiet as he headed around back to a staff door leading to the dressing rooms. The feline dancer had his own room near the back where the noise of the crowd was muted by the walls and where he could recharge without interruption. It was also a wonderful place to take patrons when he needed a little privacy, not that he minded prying eyes for any fun.

Tina had calmed down a little but was still shaking, still clutching onto him so tightly and when he stepped away from her to open the door to his room, she rocked back and forth with big eyes. The feline dancer moved aside as he tugged the door open and bowed his head for her while chuckling, "After you."

There was a moment where the bunny froze, her eyes locked on his as she seemed to consider whether or not she wanted to be here but slowly, she stepped toward the open door and even giggled as she walked past him and into the door. While the rabbit moved inside, he got a good look at the supple curve of her hips and rear. He knew he was going to have a good time with this one.

The evening went on between them with a shared bottle of something warm against the throat while they lounged on his bed. He took his time talking her up, getting her comfortable and whispering sweet things in her ears while the glow in her eyes continued getting brighter. Her gaze had been glued to his during the entire time, the shivering of her body slowly coming to an end as his words continued to dance in her mind. When their lips met for the first time, the bottle had been emptied and fallen on the carpet while the feline and rabbit shared a passionate embrace.

Her arms came around his shoulders and her lips parted with a sweet sigh that whispered with that comforted hunger that he had pressed so lovingly into her mind. There were still portions where she gasped and squeaked as his paws slipped down her back to feel every inch of her body until he had a firm hold of those lovely plump thighs. When she pulled away from his kiss he brought his mouth over her neck to plant firm pecks as she sighed, eyes fluttering, body shaking again while he allowed one paw to trail underneath her dress.

"Ah...Wait, I don't think I have any protection." She breathed out while she planted a meek paw on his wrist.

Anso opened his mouth and instead of saying a single word, he bit down on her neck and the glow in her lovely eyes sharpened as she gasped out. Her digits on his wrist splayed as she moved his paw up her dress to feel over her bare sides. His claws brushed beneath the fur and came around toward her stomach before slipping down to her crotch where he pushed a thumb against the fabric of her panties. Every little touch sent a shiver through her body that was accompanied by a little noise. He bit down just a bit harder on her neck causing her to squirm while her ears flattened back and she muttered little words that he couldn't quite understand to the air between them.

When he pulled his mouth away it was to breath out against her throat, "I'm going to enjoy spending the night raw inside of you pretty bunny. Think of this as encouragement to come back to the club, come enjoy yourself and drink the night away before getting your chance with me again. Wouldn't that be nice?"

Tina panted, leaning back and slipped away from him just to lie back on the bed with her arms out while she spoke, "I...I think I'd love that and please, please don't tease me. If I come back, please take me again, please let me see that dance of yours again oh gods."

Her eyes were drunk with that lovely glow and his paws came up to grab her cheeks as he leaned up to plant his mouth against hers again. Anso drank in that glow, drank in the feeling of the warmth of her cheeks against his palm and practically drowned in the passion he felt burning within her. The bunny's eyes fluttered as one of his paws slipped through the front of her dress to take hold of one of her sizable breasts, squeezing on it lovingly while his digits pinched one nipple carefully. The other paw worked around her back to get the hooks off of her bra and when it snapped off she gasped to his mouth and pulled away just a bit. Anso growled in response and planted his mouth harder against hers, lips smacking and parting, melding against the bunny's while their tongues met in the center. Her own movements were feverish, confused and passionate all at once. Her paws came around his back to feel through the fur while her toes curled and her body arched and squirmed toward him. When they parted lips on the feline's terms, a line of spittle marked their connection and Anso licked his chops to clear it away.

"I ah...I can get out of my dress and strip if you want. Or uh, just, I want to. Makes it faster." She slurred while trying to sit up.

Anso helped her up with a small chuckle and grinned, flashing fangs as he spoke, "I could tear everything apart and that would be the quickest way."

Tina shuddered as she slipped off of the bed carefully, "I...Maybe next time. I don't have anything to change into if you did that and I doubt you'd want to pay for that."

The feline drew his legs up on the bed to slip the thong he wore off, flaccid cock twitching out into the air as he leaned back to lounge while watching her quietly. For a moment, she waited for his response but when her eyes locked onto his narrowed gaze she shivered and looked away to take hold of her dress and bring it over her head. She worked quickly to let her bra fall before bringing her digits down to loop through the waist of her panties. Anso watched eagerly, cock growing as he took hold of it to gingerly coax it into action, a purr escaping him as she bent over to show her fat rear and cotton tail while slipping free of her underwear. When she was fully nude she turned just in time to see his barbed cock fully erect and ready just for her. The bunny returned to the bed with her gaze locked on his shaft, the feline dancer waiting patiently with a small smirk as she brought her face right next to his cock. She took hold of it gingerly, digits wrapping around both ends as she leaned in to plant a kiss against the base.

Anso chuckled as he watched her work, purring as he lounged on the bed and enjoyed being worshipped without even needing to ask for it. Her lips moved down to his balls where she kissed one and took hold of the other, her tongue coming out to flick off beads of sweat. The bunny dipped her nose against the center of his balls as she dragged that wet tongue underneath his balls to dip against his taint as she started to suckle where her lips met. A little sigh ran along the surface of those plump orbs, his cock throbbing just a bit as pleasure began to work its way through his form. Her other paw came up to take hold of his shaft, squeezing the center while she kept on licking and kissing his balls, replacing any sweat on them with warm spittle.

Each peck of those soft lips on his balls brought a shiver up his body that he reveled in until he could handle it no more. He brought down his claws to take hold of her ears by the base and bring her up slowly. The bunny squeaked but allowed herself to be led up until their mouths met for a firm kiss while her digits squeezed around his cock. When their lips parted he did so just to let his words come out with a little growl, "Show me that fat ass of yours. All fours, hands on the wall, any position just so long as I can take you from behind."

Anso let go of the bunny's ears and her entire body trembled as she let go of his shaft and moved onto all fours to spread her legs and lift her rear up high. The feline brought himself behind her to lower his mouth all the way between her fat rump. He grabbed hold of her ass to spread it wide while his tongue came out to drag against it, dipping against the ring while he let his claws flare out just a bit. Every little movement of his tongue on her ass had the bunny sighing and shaking, legs spreading just a bit more to give him more room just as he pulled his mouth away to slowly bring himself over her. The feline leaned over her back, his mouth at her shoulder as he took hold of his cock and edged the tip against her cunt.

"Last chance to keep me from knocking you up pretty bun. You could always just put that dress on and go back to your friends." He teased as he ran the tip of his cock up and down her already wet heat.

Tina whined as she drew her hips back to grind her cunt to his shaft, "I can't, I just can't care right now. If you fill me up and send a picture to my boyfriend I would even care. I doubt he would too, I need this so badly and I can't stop thinking about you. Please, please please stop teasing me and just do it! Whatever you want, anything so long as you're in me."

Bringing an arm around her body to keep her steady, he edged the tip of his cock inside of her pussy until it was snugly in place, after that, he brought his hips forward firmly to drag half of his barbed member inside of her. The bunny gasped, eyes growing wide as she was jolted forward by the dancer's thrust and Anso only smirked as he brought his hips forward again to force the rest of his shaft inside of her cunt. Her breaths grew rapid as he dragged his hips back to slowly pull his cock out before he thrust in all the way again. The feline kept on doing this and with each push, he began to pick up speed. He started firmly, grinding his cock against the heat of her pussy while cherishing that tight warmth coiling around his member. Every thrust created a lovely slap with each collision of his hips on her ass, the noise echoing in the room. His arm that was around her body moved to get his paw on one of her breasts where he squeezed and tugged it gingerly while opening his maw to bite down on one of her ears.

The heat, the fiery passion of conquering this bunny brought him a pressure in his gut that he struggled to contain but held it firmly in. She was so easily pushed and pressed into exactly what he wanted to do and he hadn't even needed to influence her that much. As soon as she followed him she had fallen to his charm almost as if she had thrown herself into it. There was no need to keep eye contact because her hunger was always raging beneath the surface as if she had been looking for this her entire life. All he had planned on doing was toying with the girl and maybe getting her to come back for the sake of the club but her attention and her desire fed him so thoroughly that he couldn't help but need her to come back to his room again in return.

With that fire growing, his grip on her chest grew tighter, his fangs pinching her ear just a bit harder as he brought his hips forward with more of his strength. By this point, his cock was pulsing, a steady drip feed of pre-cum staining her insides with every push. He wrestled with his own desire to breed her, to feel her cunt filled with his seed. It would be better to pull out and be safe but his body just kept on pumping his fat cock in her cunt. She mewled and moaned so pathetically, her eyes fluttering as she clawed the bed beneath them and Anso shuddered as he heard her desperately whining for his cum to fill her.

Each thrust brought him just a bit closer to that breaking point until the violent throbbing of his cock was almost painful. He drew himself up to lean over her just a bit more, mouth letting go of her ear as he snarled. His claws flicked out of his digits to dig into her breast as he lost a bit of control. She squeaked and gasped in response, body jolting against his as he buried his shaft as deep as he could inside of her one last time. The tip met the end of her pussy just as the thick heat began to spill from his cock. Anso growled as he poured out every drop into her, not caring that there was a risk, not caring that this lovely customer was to be treated nicely while his claws dug into sensitive skin beneath soft fur and the girl beneath him groaned out in shuddering pleasure. Tina collapsed beneath him, her body at his mercy as he continued to grind his hips against her ass until every single drop of his seed had been planted inside of her. When he finished, he pulled out firmly and let go of her breast, mouth open to let out a deep sigh.

The bunny trembled, turning over on her back slowly to look up at him with one soft mint eye staring up at him. Her chest rose and fell, her legs still spread while she opened her mouth to purr, "That was wonderful...Can I please come back again? Not just to the club, but to this room with you, please?"

Her begging was cute enough to earn a soft kiss on the cheek from the feline, "Of course. Feel free to take a nap and rest just a bit but I can't promise you I'll let you sleep soundly."

Tina sighed and shut her eyes before muttering, "Anything...I think I'd let you do anything at this point."

Hearing those words was enough to have him shivering from knowing that he had claimed her fully. When he slipped off of the bed, he reached over to touch her cheek gingerly before leaning down to get his thong back on. He was sweaty and most likely smelled of danger alcohol and sex but he was sure that would add to his appeal as the night went on. Anso looked in the mirror and smirked, brow quirked as he wondered who he would take on a lovely dance the next night. For now, he needed to head back out to the club and entertain the rest of the guests since his break was over. There would be time for more fun when he came back to this room if the girl was still here and even then, there were always other lovely patrons in the club to bring into this paradise. With a flick of his tail, the feline turned from the mirror and headed out of the dressing room to resume his role as the star of the evening. Hopefully, none would be too drawn in by his gaze when all he wanted was their attention.

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