Flora: Monsters and Fun

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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Doing research on the various sex bits of large monsters seems like a strange gift but it is one that Lily knows Neon will appreciate. Lily herself will certainly enjoy it.

Sitting atop of a branch in a tree is a feline with grey and black fur, a big smile on her face as she looks out into the rest of the forest. A little break before continuing an adventure wouldn't hurt at all. Lily had come out here to a forest near the Miaoustok mountain range in order to do a particular bit of research as a favor for a dear friend. Of course, that friend didn't know that she was out here just yet. She had been hoping that Neon would find out on her own rather than having to check in but she knew that if she was gone for too long without saying anything then someone was more than likely to get worried despite the fact that she could take care of herself entirely. With a small smile, she was about to reach into her satchel before it suddenly started to vibrate. Keen purple and pink eyes peeked up and then down to make sure nothing was about to give her a nasty surprise before she reached into the pack hanging off of her shoulder to take out a mirror-like device that was buzzing. She flicked the compact on with a single digit and her smile grew as a familiar stripe goat with white fur and neon pink and blue hair appeared. Neon was looking rather frazzled with that hair messy enough to tell her that the fine doctor had just gotten out of bed and those goggled eyes were staring through the display with such pure irritation that she couldn't help but snort and chuckle.

"Lily!" The stripe goat bleated, "What exactly is this note that you were going out into the wilderness to pick up some gifts

Lily resisted the urge to laugh and instead leaned back against the bark of the tree, one leg over the other while she spoke, "Relax Doctor. I just figured I'd get you a gift since you're always stressing out over this and that. I don't have anything important to do for a bit too so this is a good way of keeping me busy

One of Neon's eyes twitched before she shut them both and took in a deep breath. When she exhaled she spoke a bit more calmly but still with that hue of irritation, "I don't see what gift I would need or want out in the wilds where you could get hurt. When you don't have any field work you just can't make field work for yourself there are other things you could be doing back at home besides, what about Jupet

She beamed at that, "Oh! Jupet? They're staying with a friend until I get back. I didn't want to wake you up so I just dropped her off before leaving." Her eyes then narrowed and a small smirk curved against her expression, "And as to what possible gift I could be getting you out here, well, let's start by saying it is for your research

Neon tilted her head, running a paw through her hair while muttering, "My research...What possible research that I do could involve a random forest teeming with dangerous wildlife and--" A sudden blush so intense that it bled through the white fur on her cheeks spread across her face as understanding struck her and she lowered her voice considerably, "You didn't have to do that you know? I could have gotten research from any other place since there are more than enough sources of dangerous wildlife information without having you risk yourself for something so silly

Lily took in the sight of her lover's face covered in red, the tone of her voice that reflected that bit of embarrassment and she sighed happily while listening. When she had her chance to speak, she explained, "The life here isn't that dangerous dear doctor of mine. Sure if I'm not careful I could get hurt but I think this adventure will be more fun than dangerous if anything. Anyway, I should be getting you something today with larger insects and maybe something else? There are a few things I haven't seen out here before but most of the wildlife here appears to be pretty docile. I'll get some pictures and information about dicks and various other genitals and features out here for ya

The stripe goat turned another shade of red before huffing, "Lily! There is absolutely no need for this! I would prefer if you came back this instant

Rather than agree, Lily tilted her head and hummed, "Oh goodness, seems like something is happening to the feed

"What?" Neon blinked and began to fiddle with something on the other end, "That's impossible. These compacts are made for distance and can resist most types of feedback including the magnetic fields surrounding certain areas

Lily giggled and rolled her eyes, "Sorry doctor, seems like you're cutting out

"Lily!" Bleated Neon, "You're not even pretending that the audio is cutting out! How would anyone believe that you were cutting out if you just simply speak instead of trying--

And the feed disappeared just as Lily flicked the call off and hummed happily. Neon would be steamed for a little bit but hopefully, she'd come to realize that there was nothing to worry about, besides, that embarrassment had shown her the smallest hints of excitement buried deep beneath meaning that Neon would be more than happy to have this research. Well, it wasn't really research so much as it was finding out what type of genitals particular beasties had for Neon's simulation purposes. For herself, it was a matter of genuine research as she enjoyed cataloging strange creatures and potentially dangerous monsters. The sexual aspect of things only added an extra layer of fun as she might find herself needing to examine a creature's habits more personally in order to understand it but for the most part, it was better to be safe. Making sure she had a firm grip on her compact, Lily threw her legs off the side of the branch she was sitting and slipped off of it. She landed in the grass of the forest floor without making any noise and got up slowly to focus her eyes on the wilderness before her. It was time to hunt.

Lily moved through the forest trail at a steady pace. She poked her head beyond bushes and brush in an attempt to find anything that might be interesting to catalog but mostly ended up seeing things that were too small for Neon's research. The path she had taken dipped down a hill where the trees were a bit curved and the grass had a hue of blue. There were brightly colored creatures here but yet again, all of them were small. Lily kept little notes and pictures of each of the small critters that she encountered for herself but kept on moving in order to find the proper gift. The sound in the forest was very bare. Her steps did not make any noise and the wind was broken by the trees leaving the occasional croak of an amphibian or a random call from an avian up in the trees. Around a tree, she found herself in a different environment now with flowering bushes and trees that had brightly colored growths on them. Both the growths and flowers came in a variety of bright pinks and strangely, each came with a scent that she might describe as sweet.

Carefully, she reached out to touch one of the growths on the trees. It looked like one of the bushes was growing right off of the tree but when she felt over the surface it felt harder than the petal of a flower. When she gripped it, she suddenly heard a buzzing that caused her to hop back a step or two. A fine blue powder coated the air and as the intensely sweet scent touched her nostrils her mind grew distant and fuzzy. Lily tried her best to maintain her balance while watching the growth float away from the tree. Its flowery and fuzzy petals had fooled her into believing that it was just a plant growing on a tree but as it buzzed to life she realized she was looking at some sort of wasp. It turned as it hovered in the air with its multiple wings beating rapidly. The wasp was easily as large as she was with a long abdomen that was brown and speckled on the underside like the bark of the tree. Its antennae were fuzzy and were part of the ruse that had fooled her along with the flowery parts on its back that made up its chitinous carapace. If there was a stinger she would need to worry about but when she tried to take a step back she fell on her rear and winced. Well, she had been bamboozled before by creatures multiple times her size and still managed to get out of those situations to live today but here she was on her fat tail feeling fairly elated because of that beautiful scent and wondering whether or not this creature would harm her.

Just when she thought that the creature was pointing its abdomen at her to brandish a stinger, her body began to move. Lily blinked as she got up as if nothing was wrong and took a step forward, except, she hadn't told her body to move. Despite the fog still buzzing about in her mind, she was still herself. Again she took another step toward the wasp and the scent of that fine powder in the air began to grow stronger. The fog that seemed to curl around her mind and body turned into a thick miasma that weighed on her shoulders and made it difficult to think about anything negative. It urged her to wander closer through her own movements rather than the influence of the creature's pull but a better part of her understood that this was dangerous. Thinking about the danger only seemed to strengthen the tug and flow of the creature's poison inside her mind until her eyes were glowing a faint blue. Finally, her body began to move on its own without needing the full control of the wasp's mental strings pulling her along.

This was what she had come out for, no? Lily had come to the forest to discover new creatures and interact with them in wonderful ways for the research of her lovely friend who she could invite out here as well the next time she came for research. At the moment, there were more important things to attend to. Lily brought her compact up with one paw and began to snap picture after picture of the wasp to catalog as it was part of something that brought her comfort. She saw something slipping free of the abdomen near the tip. Lily leaned in to get a closer look and beamed as she realized that what was growing from the wasp was something pink and phallic that looked perfect to fit inside of Neon or perhaps herself. It kept on growing and growing until she was sure that it would give her a bit of trouble but she still took pictures of it and set her compact aside in her pack before reaching out to cup it ever so gingerly. She held either side of the pink member, one paw coming up to pass over the swollen tapered tip before coming all the way down to the bulbous base. Somewhere in Lily's mind, she knew exactly what the wasp wanted her to do. Her digits pulled and tugged at that large thing a few more times, passing up and down the length before she finally let go to take a step back and breathe in the sweet air. The feline shuddered as she brought both of her paws against the tree, digits tensing as her claws dug into the bark to brace herself while she lifted her hips and tail together to present her rear to the wasp.

There was a bitter little part of herself somewhere in her mind that still struggled against the creature's mental power but Lily could feel nothing but pride and joy as the wasp latched onto her back with every single one of those insectoid legs. Lily welcomed the feeling of the creature's member sliding against between her legs, shuddered as she felt it prodding at her cunt and rear. It was oddly cool to the touch and something wet dripped from the tip onto the spots that it poked at. Her tail responded by coiling around the creature's abdomen in a fashion to let it know that she was fine and ready for this despite the fact that it didn't matter. There was a moment where the wasp adjusted itself to bring that slippery member up and against her puckered ring. Even with the poison making her feel so damn good Lily couldn't help but wince and yelp while she felt her ass being stretched apart by the wasp's fat member. Her inner walls spread apart easily enough despite the pain she felt and as the cool pulsing thing inside of her continued to dig in, a new feeling began to blossom

Lily gasped and dug her claws into the bark while cold began to drip into her body at a steady pace. It spread through her like an icy chill and was accompanied by a pleasure that struck her a shuddering throng that stuck to her body. The wasp continued to push that what shaft in deeper and deeper and Lily swore at this point that it was only growing inside of her. It seemed to swell and pulse, occasionally digging in deeper as the wasp tightened its hold on her. The feline's ears were drawn back with her eyes shut tight as she tried her hardest to hold herself up against the feeling of the wasp burying itself inside of her rear again and again. Eventually, that thrusting paused and she suddenly felt the creature's member inside of her rear bulging.

While the wasp paused its pounding of her tight rear. Lily was given a chance to breathe in and out, her mind a swirl of sensations as she tried to get a grasp on what was happening. The poison was wearing thing or perhaps the wasp was simply letting her feel something other than pleasure at the moment. Her mewls and moans combined together as she brought her hazy mind into focus only to feel it darken again as the bulging inside of her rear grew further pronounced. When it seemed like her rear could handle no more, something shaped like an oval popped out of the tip of the creature's member right into her rear.

Realization struck her as the first smooth egg was pushed deep inside of her rear. The ovipositor pulsed and grew as it slowly deposited more of those heavy eggs in her ass. Lily gasped with every single new invader stretching her ass and struggled to keep herself up. One paw came around to her stomach to clutch as she felt herself fattening from the amount being dropped inside of her rear, the cool and smooth eggs making a firm bulge against her belly. The final egg popped into its place and Lily was allowed to steady herself for a second while the wasp remained hooked in place. Her mind still told her that it was the right thing to simply wait and allow the wasp to do as it pleased despite the possible dangers. The feline purred as the insect's throbbing ovipositor seemed to pull away, tugging at her insides as it stuck against her inner walls but again it stopped. Curiosity touched her mind before a sudden gush of heat began to fill her rear. Lily's eyes grew wide and her purring turned into a loud gasp while the wasp's ovipositor began to pump something hot and sticky into her ass. It clung to her inner walls and washed over the eggs pushing even deeper than that to cradle and paint them with the stuff. When it was all done the wasp finally pulled out of her rear with a wet pop, the feline gasping as she was allowed to lower herself to the ground on her knees to rest and lean against the tree.

Lily's eyes shut and she let out a deep breath as her world began to fade to black. Everything around her was sweet, from the crisp air to the way she felt. She could describe it as honey and sap wrapping around her mind and spirit, cradling her gingerly until sleep began to take her. Through the surface of dreams, she fell into a field of that sweet miasma calling her deeper and deeper until it felt like she would never surface ever again. A field of flowers called to her, made her feel like every little thing would be all right in the world but this little moment of peace was the one that she had been waiting for. There was something there in the field of flowers that called out to Lily with whispers and words that twisted and twined like blackened smoke. There were things in the shadows of the flower petals that crawled out and writhed in the wind before they formed a figure much like herself. It stepped toward her in her dreams and uttered a few words so bare that only she could hear it. Those words were enough to break the dream, to ruin the hold of the poison on her mind. Panic, pain, and pleasure ran alongside one another in her body and jolted her awake but she still had her eyes shut tight. Lily's mind crawled through the dark of her dreams and she clawed herself all the way to the waking world where she gasped and opened her eyes.

Coming out of that dream had sent a shock through her system and it took a moment for her eyes to adjust to the real world again. Everything came back in a swirl of bright lights and colors that mixed together in a way that she would almost call overwhelming. When everything stopped spinning, Lily leaned back against the tree and looked out into the field she had been before passing out. No longer did the wasp control her but she was acutely aware that something had happened at all. She looked up with a sudden jerk of her head and sighed in relief as she saw there was no growth on the tree. When she planted a paw on her stomach she noticed that it was rounded and fat from all the eggs she had taken into her rear. The feline grimaced while shifting so her legs were spread. Her insides still felt stretched out and whatever heated liquid had been poured into her rump was still hot enough to make her feel warm throughout her entire body.

With a breath, Lily shut her eyes and began the process of squeezing those eggs out. The creature had underestimated how much of that poison it would take to keep her under for long enough but she wasn't about to wait here to become a nursery for little wasps. Slowly, the first egg came out with a wet pop and she arched her hips as she felt it stretch her wide. She hadn't quite expected it to stretch her like that and she nearly yelped from the sensation of it coming out but rather than let her voice escape her, she clamped her free paw over her mouth and continued the process. One by one the eggs slipped out of her rear each with a distinct pop and each making her feel as if her insides were clinging to them. She tried her hardest to keep herself quiet as she actually found it somewhat enjoyable. Memories of being stuffed with those eggs surfaced in the most horribly pleasant of ways and she simply took it in steps and strides. Lily allowed herself to feel the pleasure of those memories and of the moment itself while keeping her mouth shut tight. She kept on allowing herself to drift away in those pleasantries as her paw slowly slipped away from her mouth all the way down to her cunt to take two digits and very gingerly press them inside.

There was no sense in worrying too much or else she might tighten up and make this process harder, instead, Lily kept her eyes closed and breathed in and out while letting it all happen. Two digits pushed inside of her heat, stretching apart as she dug them in deeper and deeper. She used her thumb to push up against her clit and found herself suddenly very glad that she had gone on this little trip. Faster and faster her digits moved to grind her inner walls while she kept on pushing the eggs out of her rear. At this point, Lily found herself purring. That was the only noise that she would allow herself to make in such a vulnerable position out in the wild but still, she was loving every second of what was happening right now because she was allowing herself to.

When the final egg popped out of her rear, her digits were moving rapidly inside of her pussy and the pressure was building in her gut along with a deep-seated heat. She let out a hiss of breath to control herself as she arched her hips up while her legs quivered from how close she was. One last dip of the digits and a press against her clit had her insides clenching tightly around her fingers while warmth gushed around them signaling her climax. She kept on pushing and grinding against her inner walls while dipping her digits in deeper just a little bit more to edge out the rest of her orgasm before finally pulling her digits out with a loud sigh as she fell back on the ground and against the tree.

Huffing, Lily flicked her digits off to the side and looked between her legs to see the clutch of eggs sitting there oh so lovingly. She snorted and decided to make an uncomfortable situation further good by reaching into her pack to take her compact out and snap a few pictures before setting it back in there. When she was ready to get going, she slowly got up to her feet only to stumble against the tree. Her rear still felt rather raw from squeezing all of those eggs out and her legs were practically jelly. While she had enjoyed her time with the wasp, she really needed to keep going and oh yes, she was not going to be giving up now. Why would she do that? Just the fact that she had encountered the wasp meant that there were plenty of creatures out here that she could catalog not just for Neon but for her own fun as well.

Once her legs were back to fully functioning, Lily stretched and headed through the forest again while being mindful of any strange growths. There were many more of those wasps on trees in various colors and shapes. Most of the time she wasn't sure if they were wasps or if they were actual plants but she simply assumed since she would rather not have another run in with their brand of poison. Eventually, Lily made her way into a less colorful part of the forest where the canopy dipped together to make a leafy roof that only allowed the bare minimum of sunlight to filter through. There were glowing creatures on the bark of the tree and a few floating in the air that made up for the light that was lost from the sun. She walked until her ears pricked up at the sound of something scuttling over a hard surface.

Lily turned her head to see something glowing a faint orange and red in the dim light much larger than the small creature floating about. It was a long thing coiled around a rock with multiple tiny nubbed legs tapping along it with a front that appeared to have two long smooth antennae. She tilted her head as it scuttled along the rock and then down onto the forest floor. It was large enough to pose some sort of threat but its appearance was so slug-like that she had a difficult time processing the creature as anything other than a wandering friend. Of course, she still remained on guard as it raised its upper half toward her. Lily began to circle around the creature and she made careful note of the fact that its head followed her despite the fact that she couldn't see any sort of eye on the creature. When she brought her compact out, she smiled as those glowing spots on its back came into view. For whatever reason, the creature had mushroom caps on its back that pulsated with light along with a thin coating of moss. She brought her compact up and snapped a picture or two before putting it away just in time to make note that she wasn't the one controlling the flow of movement. The creature was steadily circling around her with its long body creating a coil and as the creature finished that coil all of its body parts stopped moving all at once. Lily narrowed her eyes and watched the creature's head that was pointed right at her before she leaped backward.

The feline's instincts had been on point as nearly invisible lines of something slick traveled through the air and painted the ground where she had been standing. She landed just behind one segment of the creature and watched as it slowly got into place again to fire off another jet of that weird stuff. This time, Lily moved behind a tree before peeking her head out to watch the creature inch toward her position. It was incredibly determined to catch her in that gunk and she was incredibly curious as to what that gunk did. For the sake of science, she stuck an arm out and watched as the creature fired off another jet of that stuff. She moved her head in time to see her limb get tagged with the stuff and immediately dropped her arm to her side. Blinking, she poked and prodded her arm to check if she could feel anything and found that it was simply that the gunk was extremely heavy. It felt like several weights had been wrapped around her arm and yet, she could move the rest of her body just fine. Least to say, that experiment was finished and there were other things to do in the forest and just as she thought of that, she heard another noise in the forest that caught her attention.

Just as she heard the rustling of leaves, she peeked back out toward the worm to see that it was inching away from her rather than toward her. It had either grown bored or afraid of whatever was making that rustling in the bushes. When she turned her attention toward the noise she saw a little shadowy snout poke its way out of a brush. Lily couldn't tell what it belonged to but already she decided that it was worth taking her compact out to take a picture of whatever was about to appear. Just as she was making that decision, the rest of the creature came out of the bush. Lily looked up as a canine beast stepped out of the leaves with triangle snout snuffling in the air. It had hunched shoulders and sharp blue eyes with fur as black as shadows. Speckled on its body were glowing spots that appeared to be fluttering insects of some sort. Lily snapped a picture while trying to remain still as it approached her. Its snuffling snout stopped close enough that she could feel warm breath on her chest and as it sniffed her its tail began to sway from side to side.

Taking that as a good sign she smiled and reached out with her paw that was actually good to give the creature a soft pat on the head, "Uh, hi there friend. Can you understand me I wonder? Probably not if you're just out here in these deep woods huh?"

The canine creature tilted its head before lashed out surprisingly quick to grab Lily by the waist and heft her up into the air. She yelped and tried to move for one second before it latched onto her useless arm with its mouth. Lily prepared for the worst and closed her eyes figuring that this was going to be the end of her arm but all she felt was the tickle of a tongue and drool all over. When she opened her eyes, the creature had pulled its mouth off of her arm and she blinked as she brought the previously weighed down arm up and moved it about.

With a smile, she looked at the monster and huffed, "Well, you could have asked but I guess I should thank you for de-gunking my arm, now then, could you let me down?"

Rather than let her down, the creature brought her up and onto its shoulder, setting her there gingerly before it started to lumber through the forest. Taking a ride on a wild monster's shoulder wasn't exactly what she had in mind but the monster had saved her a bit of strife so the least she could do was see where it wanted to take her, besides, this was an interesting opportunity to interact with a creature that she had not seen before. Enjoying the ride meant getting to see other insects and various critters traveling along the forest floor and trees. Eventually, they stopped at a den dug up underneath a gnarled tree and before they stepped inside, Lily hopped off of the creature's shoulders and decided it was time to assert herself a little.

"Okay! I think that's enough of that. While I've loved our time together I think it is time for me to get goin'. You know, I've got a worried goat at home who will never stop complaining until I get back and I'm sure you know I can't have that, right?" She said with a big and paws her on hips.

The canine creature stared down at her with a tilted head before it huffed and pushed its snout against her chest. Lily blinked and planted both of her paws on the monster's nose to try and press it back while chuckling, "Okay now, that's enough of that. I have places to be so if you'll just let me."

Lily hopped as she felt the creature press its nose against her body and as she thought of running away it started to lick her belly. She shivered while feeling its massive tongue brush through her fur. A confused utterance was on the edge of her mouth before it turned into a little squeak as its tongue dipped lower between her legs. The feline closed her legs together but not before she felt the warmth of the creature's tongue dipping against her cunt. She winced and squirmed, reaching to push on its nose but she could do very little as the creature was intent on bringing its tongue over her slit and back around to her tail.

When she pushed again the canine monster grabbed her by the ankles and lifted her up before sitting back on its rear. She yelped and tried to kick around for a few moments before she realized how solid of a grip the creature had on her legs. With a sigh she crossed her arms and looked up just as the canine monster rested her on its stomach, her head resting at its thigh. Lily managed to catch a glimpse of the creature's maw opening wide as it brought it down over her crotch. She shuddered as she felt its tongue dart inside of her pussy, toes curling as she started to get adjusted to the creature's treatment of her body. A sudden heat at the side of her head caught her attention and her eyes grew wide as she witnessed a barbed tipped length of glowing meat growing from a fuzzy sheathe. It had a cock that would certainly make Neon happy and even while she was in such a precarious situation she retrieved her compact to take a picture or two before putting it away. Whether or not she could handle that thing inside of her was another question but it was getting harder to think about resisting as the creature's tongue kept on proving to know exactly what it was doing as it darted deep inside of her and pushed against her inner walls. When it had enough of toying with her insides, the monster hefted her up so her world was right side up again and her legs were spread wide while her pussy kissed the tip of the creature's cock.

Lily figured that there was no harm in trying and no sense in even fighting this and so she grabbed onto the creature's chest fur and leaned in to plant a kiss on the monster's mouth. It responded with a rumbling purr as it opened its maw and allowed its tongue to dip past her lips and against her own. Lily shuddered as she felt the tip of that canine's cock stretch her pussy open but the monster took its time and was gentle with her. The feline shivered while her insides were being parted, moaning just a bit while the creature dragged her down lower and lower. Lily could feel that girth growing inside of her but it was going too slowly. At this point, she was in it entirely and began to move her hips down to show the creature that she could handle more. The beast responded with a rumble and dragged her body to fit more of its cock inside of her cunt until she could feel its heavy balls against her tail.

It finally let go of her now that it realized that Lily wasn't going to go anywhere and she balanced herself with her arms around its neck and her knees on its thighs. When she brought her hips up slowly, she could feel every inch of that thick slowly popping out of her before she dragged herself all the way down. Lily sucked in a breath as heat lanced up her body in portions of pain and pleasure while she wrestled with the sensation of being stuffed so much. Suddenly, the creature took hold of the base of her tail and yanked her up only to slam her back down causing her to mewl and yelp, body shaking violently as she tried to steady herself. The creature gave her little room to relax as it began to bring her up and down to breed her pussy while it leaned forward to snarl over her shoulder. Lily held on for dear life while her insides were plowed so violently. Her mind flashed white with every single thrust, pleasure, and pain mixing together in thick amounts that made her wonder which would overpower the other. It didn't take long for the creature's knot to start growing and for it to become difficult to fit in every inch of the beast's shaft. Lily winced with every tug of her tail and moaned with every push of that thick thing inside of her. Finally, the knot popped inside of her with a wet smack and Lily mewled pathetically against the creature's body while a torrent of hot cum began to fill her. She would need to make sure that crossbreeding was impossible but there were a few potions, pills and more that could solve the issue of a possible pregnancy. Still, some feral part of her seemed to enjoy being stuffed to the brim with a virile male's seed and she even purred just a bit.

With every drop secured inside of her, the beast laid back to yawn and start snoozing almost immediately. Lily was both glad and incredibly insulted that the monster would just pass out on her like that but she wouldn't miss this opportunity. Slowly she started working her way up, moving her hips to try and get the knot out of her cunt while keeping her voice down. She tugged up and up while squeezing her legs together until finally, the knot popped out of her pussy with a wet pop. Lily squeaked to her paw and shut her eyes tight while she felt the cum gushing out of her. Shivering, she got herself down onto the forest floor and took her compact out to take one last picture of the monster before she started to walk with a little wobble. It was time to get out of this forest and go home. Neon would absolutely enjoy all of these little references for her VR program and the first-hand experiences absolutely were something she was going to enjoy with her lover over a cold bag of ice on her lower back and a cup of warm tea.

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