Mice in Shadows

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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Experiments in positive cuckoldry but also, some feels. Bit short tho.

A thief sneaks into a home looking for a bit of cash to take or maybe some fine jewelry but instead he finds himself a pretty prize in the form of a mousey wife slumbering peacefully on a bed.

(Also, something funky has been going on with my formatting and I can't quite fix it.)

Deep into an evening where most people in the city were asleep but the street lights were still on, the shadows moved and curled from one light to another. It moved like a serpent through shadow and light while occasionally sticking against a wall or pole to keep itself hidden from the random passerby going home to either sleep off a late shift or too many drinks. The shadow kept on moving, cutting through any bit of light as fast as possible until they finally stopped at an apartment building. It slipped into an alleyway and up the wall where a window was cracked open just enough for it to fit inside. Inside was a small bedroom dimly lit by a single lamp on a nightstand. A mouse laid on the bed with soft white fur and a pink tail curled around one of her legs. Her chest was rising up and down steadily and her eyes were shut. Long socks that reached up to her thighs were the only thing that she was wearing. The sliver of darkness slipped into the room itself and grew until it took the shape of a feline with white eyes. At first, it began searching through the room, opening dressers as quietly as it could manage before it heard the mouse yawning. When he turned, he saw her eyes opening and just as he caught sight of the blue of her eyes he rushed forward and planted a paw on her mouth.

Panic registered on the mouse's face but she froze as his digits squeezed onto her mouth. Doran had been caught in the act of thievery and he already had a way out. Slowly, he brought her head up so their eyes were meeting and he put a digit up to his mouth as if to shush her. She nodded but he could feel her entire body shivering so he knew that it wouldn't last for long. A smile spread across his face and he leaned in close to keep her gaze locked on his and began. A little bit of magic went a long way in a city with so little of it. The mouse's eyes grew wide for a second before a tint of purple and black began to touch them. She started struggling again perhaps sensing his presence within her mind but her movements were all in vain. The tendrils of his presence curled around mental sanctuary but he did not squeeze and did not apply any pressure at all. Instead, he coaxed and caressed the edges with whispers and promises of pleasure and better things. He broke into places where he could collect her memories and use those to poke and prod her in the right direction.

The glow in her eyes began to shimmer more and more until the light of the lamp was nothing compared to her eyes. It didn't even take that long for the mouse to stop struggling and her body to start squirming for other reasons. The thief had planned on having his fun before leaving but he supposed he could enjoy himself a bit now and find valuables later.

When he took his paw off of her mouth, the mouse breathed out quietly, "Master..."

The feline shadow reached up to stroke her head and he muttered, "That's right sweetie, I'm your master. So tell me, is your husband home?"

She answered by shaking her head, sighing happily when his digits moved from her head to her cheek. He could see that she was drunk with what little influenced he had pressed on her and it was wonderful. Someone so easily malleable barely required any magic. Continuing the game, he leaned down to plant a peck on her head before asking, "What is your name dear? Didn't catch it while I was in there."

The mouse sighed happily, "My name is Shelly."

Doran grinned, "Well Shelly, you're going to do a lot to please me tonight okay? And by the end of it, you might just end up carrying master's child."

Shelly's eyes seemed to lose that glimmer for a moment as if she were attempting some sort of inner resistance but the shine returned and she smiled to nod her head and giggle, "I'd be happy to."

With that out of the way, he reached over to feel the girl's body properly now. Both of his paws gripped onto her sides and squeezed before passing up to feel the curve of her body. One of them moved over her stomach, loving the little plumpness there before those digits dipped down to the crotch. She sighed and cooed with every little touch, shuddering and squeaking when his digits met the outer lips of her pussy. Doran's other paw slipped behind her to feel down her back and onto her fat rump. Damn, he really wished he could take his time with this one. With a shudder, he climbed onto the bed and without even needing to say a thing, she turned onto her stomach and raised her hips to show off her rear.

One paw took hold of one of those plump cheeks to spread it apart revealing her cute slit just underneath while he took his time growing the cock between his own legs. He took hold of it, stroking it while thinking about the shape of the shaft and balls. Something feline and barbed but big and juicy, something that would really give her something to think about. When he had the right type of cock in paw, he squeezed on it while shuddering, taking the tip and pushing it against her cunt. He'd love to break her fat rump, to have her gagging on his cock for a bit too but her husband wouldn't be out forever. He poked and prodded her cunt until the folds pushed apart and allowed him to enter. A little squeak came from the mouse as he slowly pressed inside until the tip was rooted in there nicely. With a sigh, he reached to grab the base of her tail and yank her back all the way onto his cock until his shadowy balls slapped against her thigh causing her to gasp and clutch the bed while her body shook like a leaf.

Doran didn't waste any time treating her kindly or attempting to stretch her before ruining her insides, instead, he moved his hips with all his strength and speed with the sole purpose of getting himself off and nothing else. With the connection of their minds still fresh, he could feel her pleasure spiking against her mental self violently. The pleasure was something not only pressed upon her mind but it was something that her body was pushing her to feel since she was genuinely loving every moment of it. Doran hadn't expected her to be into being ravaged so thoroughly but he kept on thrusting while urged on by that fact. Her mind was still resisting at the smallest portion of it where her meager defenses were the strongest. He could feel her trying her hardest to break free of the spell but anytime she stepped away from that protective zone she was pushed back. It was not Doran who pushed her presence back but instead her own body's pleasure that toyed with her mind and risked breaking it. Such a weak mind could do nothing against him and he wouldn't have it any other way right now.

On the outside, her moans were loud and her glowing eyes were fogged over with the heat he was putting inside of her. Those insides were tight enough to create a vice on his shaft, squeezing it as if wanting to help get him off quickly so she could receive the blessing of his seed inside of her womb. Her toes curled and her moans kept on growing louder, tail flicking from side to side while a squeak escaped her mouth every single time he tugged at the base of her tail. Every thrust sent a ripple through that fat rear and eventually, his free paw came up to slap down on her fat ass. He kept on going with these motions while she squeaked her surprise and pleasure. Doran's cock was already swelling from the constant heat and pressure applied by those wet inner walls. He could hear her whispering no inside of her mind as he kept on going but he didn't stop since alongside those little denials were begging moans that silenced any discontent.

Eventually, he could feel the pressure in his gut growing too much to handle but instead of releasing right away, Doran slowed his thrusting. The shadowy feline leaned all the way over the mouse, his head next to hers while he drank in the sound of her pleasure. Tiny sighs and groans escaped her lips while he slowly brought himself deeper and deeper inside of her. The voice that was shared between their mental connection, the one he had thought would ardently resist him the entire time began to whimper and groan alongside the rest of her mind. He thought that she had been broken but instead it was simply that she had given in to the demands of her body by herself.

Slowly, he released the control he had on her and out of her lips came the words, "Breed me please

Doran thrust one last time inside of the mouse, both of his arms coming around her to keep her pinned down while his mouth found hers. Their lips locked in a sideways kiss, his long tongue dipping into her mouth to muffle her moans while the tip of his cock brushed against her deepest reaches. It kept on poking at that furthest point in her cunt before it broke free and began to pour out load after load of hot cum into her womb. She groaned out her pleasure to his mouth and dipped to his kiss eagerly, her mouth suckling on his shadowy tongue without any sense of shame or depravity inside of her. Part of her was still wrestling with the thought of needing him to pull out but the other part of her mind that wanted this was far too powerful. He could feel his cum pooling inside of her and around his still firm shaft, her body trembling with every other rope of his seed being added to the mix. One of his paws reached down to feel her abdomen getting just a bit rounded from all of the cum pouring inside of her, the bulge not nearly as pronounced as he might want it at the end of a proper session but it would have to do for now

When he pulled out of her, he did so with a slow movement of his hips. Inch by inch his cock slid out of her pussy, flared shadowy barbs grinding against her inner walls until finally, it came out with a wet pop. Their lips separated and the mouse laid her head on the pillow, gasping and panting while allowing herself to fall to the bed. With a job well done, the shadowy feline sat at the edge of the bed. From nothing, he pulled a cigarette and reached up with one digit to pinch the end until it started to smolder. He flicked his digits clean and leaned back to take a deep pull before taking the cigarette in two digits to let out the first puff. He turned his head, ears twitching as he heard the door open. There another mouse stepped in with gray fur and green eyes. His cheeks grew red beneath the fur as he saw Shelly lying there in a quivering mess with her exposed cunt dripping tiny drops of cum onto the bed

After he took a few steps inside, Doran tapped his cigarette shaking ash onto the floor before chuckling, "Welcome home hubby. Jobs done and looks like your wife enjoyed it even more than I thought she would."

Jona was the husband's name and he stepped forward while nodding his head, eyes on his quivering wife, "Oh uh, wow! You really just wrecked her huh? Geez, she's shaking a lot. You didn't even pull out. I did say condoms were optional but still, can't believe you just...Just did that. She could actually get pregnant you know?"

Doran puffed out a bit of smoke and leaned back, "Wasn't that part of the point? You two have been having trouble havin' a kid so you wanted someone who could do it right? How is that by the way, you been goin' to a doctor to get that problem checked up on?"

The mouse's cheeks flared further and he sighed, ears and tail drooping as he fished through the drawers while muttering, "Yeah, doctor is recommending me to a therapist. Says it might be related to anxiety or something."

The shadowy feline frowned, "Aw Jona...Stress is a hell of a thing y'know? Ain't no shame in needing a little extra to get by in this day and age

Jona headed to where Doran was sitting but before he took a seat, he leaned over to check on his wife, muttering, "Is she out?"

Doran quirked a brow before nodding, "Like a light, it seems."

The mouse sighed before taking a seat on the bed next to the shadowy feline. From his wallet, he plucked a few bills and offered them up. Doran took them quietly before letting them fade into his body. When that was done the mouse began, "So, I haven't been getting it up for a while and I want my wife happy so I do this and uh, occasionally I join in but tonight...Tonight I think I'd like to extend our session for a bit of conversation instead."

Doran snorted and pinched the cigarette between two digits out of existence before putting an arm around the mouse, "Aw c'mon...You don't need to pay me for conversation. I got places to be but places that can fuck themselves if they think I'm letting a friend hang dry. C'mon, a heart to heart is on the free as hell discount."

Jona chuckled and shook his head, "Thanks. I don't wanna keep you too much but uh, I just don't feel like I'm doing a very good job at this husband thing. Sure, whatever, we have enough money and we've even made sure that we'll have enough money for a baby. Great. And yeah, we still talk but I...I don't feel like I do enough ever. There's always a nagging noise that's telling me that I just don't do enough at all in everything. You know? I could be sitting here building a statue to her or to even you and it wouldn't make a damn." He then let out an exasperated sigh before continuing on, "And yeah, it's not just her it's with everything I do."

The shadowy feline gave his friend a gentle squeeze while looking up, "Hmm...I'm not a therapist Jona, I'm a sex worker yah? But it sounds like you're wound up like hell, I mean, that's pretty obvious since you're talking about that. You work real damn hard with everything that you do and you don't do things in half-measures but hell if that breaks you. I've seen you pour so much into a single conversation or project and then come out looking like you've been at it for years without sleep and sometimes, you don't sleep, do you?"

Jona looked down, "Uh...Sometimes I don't. Yeah."

Doran nodded, "Yeah so...Let's start with the basics then. I can't and probably shouldn't think about all the things in your past that happened to make you like this and I can't really solve that but listen...Do you eat right? Make sure to drink water and think about yourself and your needs now and then?"

"Well..." Mumbled the mouse while his ears began to droop, "I guess I do tend to think about other people more than me...Even in bed, I'm so worried that Shelly will hate what I'm doing or think I'm ugly or something."

Doran gave his friend's side a gentle squeeze as he tugged him closer, "Aw come on...Jona, dear, I get things like not bein' able to see the plum on your own back but ugly? Really? Listen, I'd kiss you right now with or without a fat stack. As for the other stuff, trust your partner or at least talk about it. Have you tried talking about it?"

Jona shook his head, "No. I don't want her to feel bad about any of this."

"Mission not accomplished my tiny friend."

The mouse squeaked, "Wait? What? Why?"

Doran chuckled, "Because anyone can see the stress on you and when you hide your feelings you're not giving her a chance to help you, not giving her a chance to share that with you when she wants to. She loves you, friend. Give her a chance to show that and depend on her a little bit, yah?"

Jona looked down, closing his eyes before leaning fully against the shadowy feline, "Thanks."

Doran nodded and reached up to stroke the mouse's head. Together they sat there for a bit, soft breath against his body while Jona took his time enjoying the warmth and Doran took his time letting his friend get back some of his steam. When Jona started to pull away, he quirked a brow and smiled, "Done huh?"

The mouse chuckled, "Yeah. I can't keep you too long and I mean, I should be heading to bed soon anyway. Are you uh, up for dinner tomorrow. Like, just dinner, no fucking or anything like that."

Doran gave his cheek a little pinch, "Aw you scamp, you know dinner is another form of payment and I'd be happy to fuck you or your wife if you'd like. Friend discount of food and company." The mouse cleared his throat and Doran finally gave a proper reply, "Sure. I'm free tomorrow, just text me a time and I'll be there."

With that, the shadowy feline planted a kiss on the mouse's nose before flattening against the floor and slipping out of the window. Getting paid, fucking and talking to a good friend about his problems. What an eventful night. Of course, it could have gone better. Seeing Jona like that was a bit of a drag but he could make it up by enjoying himself tonight and tomorrow. Maybe he'd be able to help Jona break out of that mindset a little bit more and maybe not but at least he'd be around to listen so long as the little fella wanted.

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