Pokemon: Ringside Worshiper

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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A pikachu libre by the name of Sonia can't help but get charged by the thrill of the fight. After one of her bouts, a fan approaches her with big eyes and a desire to talk to her. Figuring she could get a little fun out of this, she invites her darling worshiping fan to the locker rooms for some fun.

A buzzing murmur passed through the air of a darkened indoor arena. The stands are full of pokemon wondering what is about to happen with their eyes searching through the dark for the main event. A flash of light hits the center where a four-cornered battle ring is revealed for just a few seconds as the crack of thunder hits the air and jolt of lightning strikes one of the turnbuckles. In the wake of the lightning, a floodlight turns on to illuminate a masked pikachu wearing black and orange spandex standing atop the turnbuckle with fingers pointed in the air and a grin stretching from ear to ear worn on her face. The crowd roars louder than the crack of her thunder and the yellow-furred mouse maintains her position for a few choice seconds before the entire ring is illuminated just as she somersaults into the air, spinning a few times before landing on the canvas with a bounce and a flick her of tail toward the adoring masses. She stands there with hands on her hips, big grin still in place and chest puffed out just as a pillar of fire erupts from the opposite turnbuckle. Stepping out of the flames is a blaziken who slashes away the pillar behind them with a single movement of their arms much to the awe of the crowd watching. The pikachu didn't seem as impressed, in fact, she seemed eager rather than anything else with a glint in her violet eyes that matched that eagerness. Sonia wasn't averse to fighting larger opponents and certainly wasn't intimidated by the fire. All she wanted was for the battle to begin so she could show the crowd how good she was, so she could shine underneath these lights like the electric star she was. Behind the tight top she wore, her heart was beating so wildly, so violently as it told her to get going right now but she didn't. Sonia waited for the sound of the bell to release her from this anticipation and as it rang, she got on all fours before springing to action.

Sonia moved on all fours with a trail of electricity hot at her heels. She charged forward directly at the blaziken who seemed surprised that she would just so brazenly charge for him. The pikachu wanted to laugh as she saw him standing his ground, fists, and legs on fire as he prepared to give her a good punishing for daring to approach such a dangerous foe but rather than charge for him she sped up at the last second and darted underneath his legs climbing up the turnbuckle before flipping off of it. The blaziken looked up and darted to the side just in time for Sonia to land belly first on the canvas. She winced but pushed herself up just in time to jump away from a kick that would have sent her flying into the stands. This one was faster than she had expected and that only urged the excitement to keep on pumping through her body.

The pikachu landed on the ropes, bouncing up and down before she jumped off of them to land on the canvas and charge again at the blaziken. Again that surprise registered on his expression but he held his ground. He expected her to dart behind him just like the last time but the wind was knocked out of his sails as the pikachu bashed her head into his gut. The red plumed avian coughed and sputtered, reeling back as Sonia landed before leaping again to finish the job. She had thought he was weak but she realized too late that it was all an act. A knee came up just as Sonia leaped up into the air and it struck her cleanly on the gut sending her high into the air. Pain lanced through her body and she looked down to see that she was flying even though she wasn't a flying type. From where she was, Sonia could see the crowds gaping mouths and eyes watching her with expressions of concern. A small pichu in particular near the side of the ring appeared to be bouncing up and down with a look of horror. Dear lovely thing, there was no need to worry. She so wished she could say that to ease the genuine concern that she saw boiling behind those cute eyes.

The attention that she had on the crowd shifted back down to the blaziken who looked like he was prepping a nasty kick from his stance. Sonia's grin never faded as she tucked into a ball and began to spin. The rotation started slowly, rapidly picking up speed with every other run. Both her tail and her body began to spark bright enough that the lights themselves paled in comparison to the splendor on display from the electric mouse. To the credit of the blaziken, he did not flinch and did not shy away from the sudden display. In fact, his beak turned up to show a determined grin, exactly the way she wanted it and loved it.

When she came down close enough, the blaziken slammed his foot into the oncoming ball and she went flying again. This time, she barely felt the kick and her body began bouncing against the ropes of the ring over and over again, faster and faster with every movement as a trail of light followed her. The blaziken's eyes were darting from place to place, sweat dotting his brow as he tried to figure out what was happening. Finally, the pikachu slipped through the ropes but uncurled at the same time to take hold of the ropes and bring herself up and over where she threw herself at the blaziken too fast to react to. Her foot struck the blaziken square on the beak and it sent him reeling until he had to hold himself up against the turnbuckle. Sonia landed on the ropes and rushed to the turnbuckle to plant her arm against the back of his head before kicking off to drag his head and body down to the mat while she put her fist up in the air to the crowds cheering. They landed with a loud thump, Sonia turning over and slapping the canvas while the blaziken groaned and turned over, eyes dazed. The pikachu hopped over his head and planted her fat butt on his face, legs on his shoulders, both hands in the air with V's for victory. The count began on a display above the ring. 1...2...The Blaziken shifted beneath her but she sent a shock through her body to add a little hell to the paradise he was going through with that lovely ass of hers on his face. And 3!

The crowd roared as she got up to rush to one of the turnbuckles and hop up with her arms raised up and fists clenched tight. She drank in the attention, the worship and nearly felt herself wanting to go back to that blaziken and ask if he wanted to fuck right there and then. She'd done it before but unfortunately, when she turned it seemed that the blaziken was truly out cold. With a giggle, she sat atop the rope as the announcer came on the speakers to call out the confirmation that she had won by pin. She watched as several chansey wandered onto the ring to take the blaziken away for medical attention and she sighed. That was that. Slipping off of the turnbuckle, she landed out of the ring and waved as the fans reached out to her and called for her. Sonia was heading out toward the ramp that led to the prep rooms and lockers but paused as she bumped against something. When she looked, she saw that pichu that had been bouncing so desperately before standing there with his rosy eyes staring down at the floor and his hands folded together. Around his neck, she saw he had a little tie with a badge that marked him as a VIP.

The smaller mouse attempted to open his mouth to say something but Sonia leaned down to take hold of the VIP pass, turning it over one way and then the other while chuckling, "Tell me, little guy, how did you manage to get one of these. Figured only adults were allowed to these things."

With a little hop, the pichu squeaked, "I'm not a kid! I haven't evolved yet is all! Geez...But uh, gosh, never mind any of that. I just wanted to say that was a great show and I'll be uh, coming to other shows. I'm a big fan! Huge fan!"

She could see the excitement burning behind those rosy eyes and it filled her heart with glee to see such a passionate and cute fan right here in front of her. Still, she couldn't help but tease by planting a hand on his head to ruffle the fur while grinning, "Big fan huh? You're shorter than me not that it matters much." A pout then puffed up on the pichu and she had to giggle, "Oh come on, lighten up. I appreciate you stopping by my matches

The pichu beamed at that and nodded, "Thank you! I really want to be like you someday. I wanna enter the ring and beat anyone bigger than me to show them size doesn't matter, but um, first I need to actually evolve and actually train

Sonia had a few words of advice lined up for her precious fan but just then, the lights began to dim and the announcement came for what the next match was going to be. When that happened she sighed, "Sorry to cut this short kid but I'd like to grab a shower and maybe take care of this excitement if you catch my drift. Matches really heat me up, so, enjoy the show and maybe I'll see you around again okay

She winked before turning to walk up the ramp but stopped as her tail was tugged and she looked back to see that her little fan still had something to say, "I uh, maybe I could come with you to the locker room? I mean, I don't really wanna see anyone else and I kind of want to see the back rooms and stuff

The pikachu stared at the boy tugging her tail and she placed a hand on her cheek, rubbing through the mask as she thought about that. It wouldn't hurt to just have him around and more than that, she could probably use something to enjoy herself with. She wasn't even sure if he would be a good lay or not but at the very least she could tease him and watch him squirm

With a smile, Sonia freed her tail and put an arm around the boy's shoulders to start walking while she spoke, "Sure, why not? Just so long as you be good and do everything I say

"Oh yes, ma'am! I'll absolutely be on my best." He said with such excitement that little sparks popped out of his cheeks

Sonia snorted, "Please don't call me ma'am...Sonia will do

The pichu blinked before nodding, "Okay! And o-oh, my name is Peach

"Well, Peach." She began as she leaned down to plant a kiss on his cheek before whispering, "I'm going to make this evening worth your money and then some. Just that little peck isn't all I want. I told you I get excited after matches and you've been to them, right? You've seen what I do to some of those wrestlers, yeah."

Peach's cheeks began to flush and spark with color before he looked down and stammered out, "I...I didn't think you'd want to but um, if you really want to do any of that then, then I'd really love it. I can't lie, I've fantasized a bit."

Sonia giggled and gave the boy a squeeze before she continued to walk with him, "Honest and cute. Just relax and I'll be as gentle as I can be."

With one last nod of agreement from Peach, they walked up the ramp and headed out into the halls in the back. She was absolutely going to savor this one. The excitement from the battle had not worn out just yet and it added to the anticipation of putting this runt through the works. When they stepped into the halls and the sound of the crowd roaring was but a distant buzz, Sonia needed to take in a breath of that cool air to keep herself calm. It would be better to do this behind closed doors rather than out in the hall where they could be caught, at the same time, that thought only added to her hunger. When they stepped through the door into the locker room, Sonia grabbed the pichu by the shoulders and pressed him against the wall. He squeaked and looked at her with sparks and color touching his cheeks and she smirked as she watched him squirm. For a few seconds, he twitched and struggled while looking from one side to the other before she let go of one of his shoulders to reach and tear the mask off of her head. Sonia then leaned in to stop his movements with a single kiss. Their lips met together and the pichu's ears flopped, his eyes growing wide for a choice few seconds before slowly closing as he pushed into the kiss eagerly. The pikachu's mouth worked over the smaller mouse's, parting and smacking together before she dipped her tongue inside while reaching up to cup his cheeks and hold him in place.

Their tongues met with a mix of spittle and warmth that sent shivers down her spine. She loved how he pushed to the kiss and even pressed his tongue into her mouth instead of just letting her take full control, of course, she would never let go of her dominance but it was nice to have a little fight now and then. When breath ran short, she pulled her mouth away with a clear line connecting their panting mouths. Sonia was grinning from ear to ear looking her precious little fan up and down before finding herself surprised at a sweet find.

The pikachu reached down to grab hold of something nice and firm while she planted soft little pecks on the squeaking boy, "Oh hoh, I'm so surprised. Didn't think a little fella like you would be packing something pikachu-sized. You say you need to evolve but look at this thing."

Instead of answering, he just groaned at the feeling of her digits coiled around his cock and gave another tiny noise like a whine when she stepped away. Her eyes were locked on the pichu's impressive member as she stepped back with a single digit leading the boy by the tip of his cock. Peach's shaft was thick enough that her hand had trouble wrapping around it and long enough that it would make an evolved pikachu boy feel self-councious. With her attention back on his eyes, she noted the bit of haze behind them as if the heat of his lust were gathering right there. When she felt her tail touch the bench in the locker room, she moved quickly to dart behind him and turn him around to press his back onto the bench. He squeaked and looked at her, suddenly awake with wide eyes as she hopped up and planted her fat rump on his face. She was still wearing the rest of her costume but she could feel his mouth already kissing her puckered hole through the spandex rather than her pussy. Ohoh, she absolutely did appreciate pokemon who enjoyed worshipping ass.

While she felt those lovely lips pushing against her rear, she leaned down all the way until her mouth was at the top of the pichu's already twitching cock. Rather than go for it right away, she teased just a bit by kissing the tip and gingerly prodding the shaft. The digit on the pichu's shaft slid down all the way over the sheath and down to the balls where she cupped them both and brought her mouth over to give them each a loving kiss. His little hips pushed up sliding that precious cock along her cheek while his mouth went wild at her ass. Peach's tongue flicked out against the spandex of her suit, pressing into it and dipping against her ass causing her to shudder while she tried her hardest to focus on his cock. Her lips moved from his balls to the shaft, kissing around it but never stroking it properly. When she got the tip, his red member was twitching wildly with globs of pre slipping from the tip in an amount that she would almost call too crazy to believe that it could come from such a small fry.

Finally, she planted her mouth over the tip to actually start pleasuring the boy and when she took hold of his shaft, he came. Her eyes grew wide and she was nearly brought off of his cock by the force of the first shot of cum that hit the back of her throat. Sonia gagged as she adjusted to the sudden torrent of cum filling her mouth and throat. It took a moment but she was soon sucking down every little drop without a problem while marveling at the amount. She watched as those little toes curled and resisted the urge to moan as that tongue moved from her rear down to the pussy while soft digits gripped her rump tightly through the spandex. When the boy's load was finally done, she pulled her mouth off with a gasp. She took in deep gulps of breath before turning her attention down to the cock still so hard and ready for more. Sonia might just have hit the jackpot with this little fan of hers. There were no complaints behind her either, his tongue just kept on moving and moving as if he wanted to get her to cum from just the movement of his tongue pushing through the spandex of her pants. It might be more accurate to say that he was paying tribute in genuine to her which made her shiver and grow ever so close to an orgasm but that would be weak if she climaxed to just his tongue, no no, she wanted more than just that.

Sonia sat up, sighing happily as she dragged her hips back and forth to grind her cunt right down on the little face. After a few passes to assert herself, she moved off of his mouth and off of the bench to reposition herself and get a look at how Peach was faring. His mouth was opening drinking in the air, tongue out as he panted, entire body shuddering. Adorable. Before she climbed back on, she brought two digits down between her legs and pushed them against the spot where her pussy was so she could shove them inside of herself along with the spandex, no sense in getting pregnant right now but she didn't have any protection so she figured this suit might do. She'd done it before and had a laundry list to match.

When she was done, she moved back onto the pichu, both of her hands coming down to grasp his shoulders as she brought her nose against his to grin and tease, "I hope you're not already worn out. You said you wanted to be a wrestler just like me and a wrestler needs endurance. Although, I gotta say seems like your lower half has the endurance for the profession."

Peach answered by grabbing her cheeks and bringing his mouth over hers. Sonia's eyes turned up for a few seconds and her grin had faded away but was replaced with a tiny smirk while she allowed the runt to enjoy his taken kiss. She accepted his answer and while the kiss happened brought a hand down to grip his cock and edge in the right place. Carefully she pushed the tip of his shaft against the spandex between her cunt and his member. Bit by bit she teased it in until the material gave way. It pushed inside and against her inner walls until she could feel every inch pulsing inside of her. With a practical purr, she deepened the kiss, her own cheeks sparking with excitement as she began to drag her hips up and down slowly. Once she was sure he wouldn't slip out easily, she started to use her strength to milk and pump his cock in her pussy. The pichu's response was a gasp that separated their lips, a little moan that kissed the air before she brought her mouth over his again, tongue digging deep, hands coming up to hold his cheeks while his wrapped around her back along with his arms.

The pikachu kept on grinding the same spot over and over again, dragging her hips down with enough strength to make the bench creak. Sonia was surprised that the boy wasn't complaining about how hard she was moving and found herself using more and more of her strength glad that he seemed like someone who could handle it. His kisses were dotted with muffled moans shared between them, little sighs and hums escaping her own mouth as she savored the feeling of an ever oncoming orgasm. The sparks at her cheek began to flare and the pichu's cheeks began to do the same. She could feel his electricity tickling through her body alongside her own and it did nothing to harm her. Perhaps with other partners, she would have to hold back but right now she could just let the sparks fly.

Sparks between the two electric-types kept on flying while she felt the cock inside of her bouncing and twitching so violently, the heat so intense it almost felt like there was nothing between them at all. At the same time, her own pleasure could not be held back anymore, her own desires catching the best of her as she pulled back from the kiss to gasp and squeal while a climax struck her like thunder cracking through the air. Just as her insides tightened around that latex engulfed cock, a burst of seed poured into her. She expected that first burst to be all but the pichu's orgasm did not stop, did not end with that. Rope after rope kept on pushing the latex up and up inside of her, creating a sphere that was pooling inside of her cunt threatening to burst at any moment and to top things off, the little pichu's hips would not stop moving. Both of his arms were around her body secured and tight while he kept on pounding inside of her pushing and thrusting as she could feel the latex giving way. Part of her mind wanted to yank away and tell him to pull out but instead, she started moving her hips wildly.

Even as his seed stopped, his thrusting did not cease. He kept on rolling and jerking his hips to get deep inside of her. Moment to moment she felt the risk increasing until finally the latex tore and she felt the full heat of his cock and cum flooding inside of her. The grinding of his raw dick against her insides caused her to groan out and shudder violently while she slammed her hips down on his as hard as she could manage. Faster and faster they both went, a static charge forming between them as they kept on going. Much sooner than she expected, she felt a fresh load of cum pour out inside of her and she paused to let herself savor that feeling of hot seed penetrating her. Damn, she was going to get pregnant off of this but at least she knew she could get maternity leave.

When it was all done and her abdomen was feeling fat from all the cum inside of her she slowly pulled her hips up and sighed as the wet pop signaled the pullout. Sonia slowly pushed herself up to look down and congratulate the boy but his words came out with a little whine, "I'm so sorry, I couldn't control myself a-and even after it ripped."

Sonia laughed and moved to sit back on the bench while she kicked off her shoes and started to slide out of her ruined pants, "Listen, runt." She grunted, "I could have stopped too right? Besides, popping out a few eggs won't weaken me and I could use the vacation. Anyway...I'm still not finished" The pikachu then brought her hips up as she laid on her stomach, legs hanging off of the bench. She brought one hand back as she looked behind her to grab her fat rump and spread it, "I've had bigger pokemon in this hole so a little spit and shine should be all it takes to get you in there and this time, I want you to really give it to me like a feral pokemon, got it?"

The answer to her commands came with action rather than words. Wet lips planted themselves on her presented ring, tongue coming out almost immediately to spread drool all over it and inside of it. Sonia again had to remark just how much she loved pokemon who worshipped ass while she threw her hips back to grind her rear against that lovely tongue. She let go of her rear and focused on holding onto the bench while the boy took hold of her rump to keep it spread while he licked and dipped his tongue inside. Her little claws clutched the edges of the bench and her eyes clenched shut tight as she felt that tongue worming in deeper and deeper to spread more spittle inside. How could she have known this fan was such a horny little bastard? How could she have ever known he was so damnably perfect!

When the tongue was out, her rear felt the cool touch of the air mixing with the warm spit wetting her rump. It wasn't long before the heat of his tongue was replaced by the tip of the pichu's shaft which twitched and bounced despite the fact the smaller pokemon was trying his hardest to hold onto it tight and press it inside. Once the tip finally slipped in, she felt his hands grip her hips tight and his feet move to press down on her thighs as he started to bounced up and down violently to slam his cock inside of her. The sudden motions dug her claws deep into the wood of the bench as she cried out. His arms moved around her gut to keep her tightly rooted in place while his hips kept moving like wild pistons to slam his cock deep into her ass. If she hadn't been with larger males then she might've been in trouble at this point but there was still a flow of pain right beside the overpowering pleasure that made her rear tighten along with her cunt.

The speed of his thrusting did not slow down for a single second and simply kept on going and going with the pure intent to breed her rear like the wild pokemon he was. When she felt the gush of his cum in her ass it was only accompanied by more thrusting, more sticky and wet thrusting that echoed and bounced off of the walls of the locker room along with the slap of his hips on her rump. When he finally took mercy on her, he thrust one last time all the way to let the final portions of his hot climax pour out into her ass. At this point, her stomach felt fattened by all of the cum inside of her and the panting pichu slowly pulled his cock out of her ass. Her rear closed tight on his shaft as if she didn't want to let it go but eventually it popped on out.

When he got off of her, she looked back to see him sitting there, cock finally limp and head laid back on the bench while his little chest rose up and down. Slowly, she sat up at the side of the bench with her hands pressed down on it to keep herself up while she groaned out, "Okay, so, I think our first training session is done for now right? But uh...You're gonna come around for another show right? I have one tomorrow night."

Peach breathed in and out steadily before raising his head to speak, "Y-yeah. I got the tickets already. Not VIP this time."

With a sudden motion, she moved over him and planted a kiss on his lips before grinning, "I think I'll make the arrangements to make you my gopher. If you're up for the job."

The pichu's cheeks flared with color and sparked wildly while he nodded rapidly, "Yes! I'd love that!"

Sonia giggled and grabbed his cheeks, squeezing them as she purred, "Good, then you'll be happy to know you've volunteered to take care of any eggs that pop out of me as a result of our sessions. Hope you're ready to be a daddy."

Peach gulped but nodded rapidly again much to her amusement. When that little agreement had been met, she hopped off of the bench with a wobble and dragged her new gopher to the showers to wash away the sweat and sex. Underneath the water of the showers, she leaned against the wall with the pichu held against her body, eyes closed and a smile on her lips. Having this one as a permanent addition to her life would be a fun idea. He wanted to be just like her so why not show him how her life went. Not only that, but maybe she would take him out onto the ring to see how he fared. If anything, she could mess him up and have fun with him and maybe even turn him into the perfect tag team partner.

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