Down in the Markets

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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A gnoll merchant finds himself needing to pay proper tribute in order to lower the price of his protection. There is no other choice but to submit his body and give in to lust.

A desert city lies beneath a burning globe. The sand beneath is colored in swathes of orange and yellow that mix together along with the beiges of the gathered city buildings. Each home and building seemed to rise above the other leaving room between them to allow a weave work of pathways where people traveled together often beneath canopies to protect them from the sun. Tiny nooks and turns brought the crowds to various bazaars marked by colored tapestries and the odd scent of spice that seemed to travel on the air. The people slipped through into the bazaar for whatever reasons. There were stalls and open stores with various meats and spices along with whatever produce could be displayed. Clothing and stores full of various textiles popped up among the sides at times hidden behind doors or curtains that led into buildings full of the musty materials. A short figure in a hooded robe that fit loose against their body could be seen speaking to the owner of one of the textile stores. Their conversation was brief with the vulpine shopkeeper smiling and bowing his head occasionally before offering up a pouch. The figure took it gently before placing it within the folds of his robes. Both bowed to one another before stepping away. The hooded figure drew their hands together and entered the crowd outside of the store, a sand scaled tail trailing from behind. No one seemed to pay the figure any mind but they moved effortlessly through the crowd, never bumping with anyone or pushing to get their way. They stopped every so often at stores and stalls, taking samples when given, occasionally giving a pouch or taking one in turn. Every store owner inclined their heads to this figure but to the regular crowd, it was as if they were invisible. Finally, the hooded figure stopped at a building at the edge of the bazaar with a tapestry that easily moved side. A tall and portly brown furred gnoll with darkened spots stood at the center of a room with linen cushions lining the floor. In a paw, he held a gem that he was looking over with a bright smile, a precious cut sapphire that he looked over before pocketing. When he turned around to observe the figure standing there, the smile faded and he slipped the gem through the folds of his robe and cleared his throat before bowing his head.

Quietly, he muttered, "Welcome Issam, how may I help you today?"

The figure took hold of his hood with clawed digits and pulled it back to reveal the face of a grinning kobold with sandy scales and blue eyes. He stepped up toward the gnoll and gave him a pat on the back, "Now, Osman. We're friends you and I. No need to bow. Unless you're begging for my forgiveness and I doubt you have done anything to make me mad or disappointed."

Osman rose and brought his paws together to squeeze as he muttered, "I--"

Before he could continue, Issam beamed, "How has your business been by the way? I know there have been plenty of my people stopping by so it must be going well."

The gnoll grumbled, "My business is doing fine. There are people trading goods and in turn, I have been trading with them."

"And the fencing?" The kobold asked without a hint of malice in his voice.

Osman sighed and nodded, "Yes, that too has been going well. There are many items in the back that are waiting to be sold and there are many more that have already been converted to coin."

Issam nodded with every other word and clapped his hands together, "Well! Doesn't that sound good...So, why then, my friend, do you look so down? Your eyes never seem to look at me...It can't be that you're betraying me? I don't think you would ever do such a thing for fear of retribution but now, you might have something to say that I wouldn't like? So spill, what is on your mind?"

The gnoll leaned down and inclined his head as he spoke, "You see, I am a businessman purely. I buy and I sell and my profits are just fine but that is it, they are only fine. With what I pay you and the kingdom I find myself needing to take more risks in order to make a better profit, so you see, I have a request. I'd simply like to pay less for this protection, not too much less you understand? You have given me many new customers and more than that, you've given me a genuine service but I ah, I am simply making a request. It does not need to be fulfilled."

Silence touched the air and the kobold tilted his head, sharp blue eyes watching the gnoll twitch and squirm there. Rather than make an immediate reaction, Issam simply allowed the atmosphere to stew and boil. It was nearly funny to see such a large man groveling so quickly when he already had planned on lowering the payment as a sign of good faith from their years of working together, of course, seeing him like this gave him other ideas. He could give him that discount for free as he had planned, or he could make him dance and sing for a little bit.

With a big smile, he took a seat at the cushion and crossed his legs, "Hmm...So, you want to pay less so you can line your pockets further? You even said your business was doing so well!"

The gnoll winced, "No, you see, it is doing well but I would simply...I am simply asking for more, of course, I understand how bad that is and really, you can just forget I ever asked."

Issam leaned back on the seat, eyes looking up at the ceiling of the room before he took a deep breath in and sighed, "My oh my. You put me in a strange position here. You know that I am but an emissary between higher powers and yet you ask so much of me..." Before the gnoll could reply to that, he added, "But you know? I think I can grant you your wish."

Osman's eyes brightened and he looked up with a big smile, "Really?!"

The kobold laughed and got up, dusting his robes off as he spoke, "Of course! We've worked together for a long time but you see, I think I'd like something in return, my plump friend."

That bright smile remained, if not a little twitchy as the gnoll asked, "Yes! Ask anything that you would like

Issam simply stepped over to his portly friend and planted a clawed digit at his gut, "Disrobe. I have needs that you can satisfy.

The gnoll froze for a moment, the smile slowly fading as he muttered, "I...I see but surely I could find you a better match. I think, rather, I believe my wife might not approve entirely either even if it is for business as well."

He hand to the gnoll's crotch, feeling through the robs until he felt the light bump of sheath and balls, "Oh, your lack of self-esteem is showing. Plenty of people would enjoy that belly of yours. You're just the right amount of plump and I bet that beneath these robes you look even better." He then chuckled as he stepped back to start working on his own robes, "And as for your wife? Well, perhaps we could both visit her for a bit of fun between the three of us."

A moment passed where he thought the gnoll would actually say something but instead, the fence began to slip out of his own clothes. Issam watched with a glint of hunger in his eyes as the robes were peeled off of the gnoll. Beneath the clothes, the fence had a strong chest with a rounded gut. He looked just a bit stronger than the kobold had been expecting but that made this so much better. There was nothing better than bringing someone down who had a lot of affluence. In many ways, he would cherish if someone were to do the same to him simply because he loved such situations. Finally, he moved to inspect his prize up close. A heavy sheath and pair of balls sat between the legs ready to be toyed with and his hands moved to cup each, nearly purring as he saw the red tip already coming on out.

Issam couldn't help but mutter to himself as he watched the gnoll's cock grow and grow, "Look at that. Barely touched you and you're already like this? I wonder, are you so pent up? Always doing business, never really stopping to take a break for yourself. Poor thing, you work so hard."

The gnoll looked away, "It has been a bit."

With that said, the kobold leaned forward, allowing the robes to fall off of his body before he dragged his tongue from the center of the gnoll's balls all the way to the tip of his growing cock. The gnoll grunted, cock twitching just that extra bit bigger to finally fully come out of the sheath. A groan came from the gnoll as Issam's long tongue continued to trail up to the tip and further beyond against the gnoll's belly. Before Osman could react, he closed his mouth on the gnoll's cock, eyes shut, one hand working the shaft while the other gingerly squeezed and raised those lovely orbs. The gnoll attempted something like a protest but instead let out a deep sigh. Both of his paws twitched near the kobold's horns and head as if he weren't sure whether or not he was allowed to touch or not. Those little nervous movements put a smile on his features as Issam dipped his head lower and lower, glad that he didn't have a gag reflex as he felt the tip of the cock grace the back of his throat. He continued going down until he could feel his snout at the large gnoll's crotch. Osman groaned again, shuddering while that thick canine cock throbbed against the kobold's tongue and throat. The kobold pulled away slowly, tongue curling around the gnoll's member before he got the tip. He brought his hand back to the center of the shaft, stroking while his mouth nursed on the tip as if he were trying to get a drink.

Osman twitched and trembled with every other touch and the kobold savored the sound of his voice rolling down his back. He could tell that the gnoll had been honest with him, could tell simply because no cock that had been regularly milked could produce so much pre. Amounts in thick sprays touched his tongue and even the back of his throat and yet, the gnoll remained as hard as ever. The kobold continued to suckle on the tip, stroking faster and faster, tightening his digits as he worked to milk the gnoll. It didn't take long before the moans above him grew louder and the throbbing against the palm of his hand grew violent. Hot cum pulsed through that thick canine cock and through the tip into his maw. Issam was actually surprised by the amount of the first spray, eyes opening wide as he felt his mouth being filled with just one shot. The kobold swallowed that as best as he could manage while he kept on pumping the shaft. Each twitch produces another amount that he had trouble swallowing but the kobold remained diligent in working to milk the gnoll's shaft. When it was all finally done, he practically felt the warmth of that cum rounding out his own gut.

Slowly, he pulled his mouth off of the tip with a wet smack and sighed, "Ah...You really were pent up now weren't you?"

He looked up to see that the gnoll was panting, eyes half-lidded and probably lost in some sort of dream. A job well done but of course, things weren't finished. He gave the gnoll's balls a firm but careful squeezed before clearing his throat, "Now that you've had your fun, I think I'd finally like to claim you properly. All these cushions on the floor should do, so get on all fours for me and raise your tail."

Osman blinked before looking down. He stared for a few moments before turning away and moving to obey quietly. Issam couldn't help but chuckle just a little bit, holding back harsher laughter and instead choosing to follow and watch as the groveling merchant got onto all fours like a base animal, lifting his tail to show a perfectly precious hole to break in. Issam stepped forward and brought his hands up to cup and feel the gnoll's heavy balls from behind. He could see that canine cock twitching underneath, staining the floor with little drops of pre. Such arousal after cumming could only mean that the fool was neglecting his own needs, which was more than being just a little pent up. Issam was not a cruel master, not at all. Today he had come with the offer of a gift in mind for this particular little servant but the gnoll had begged and groveled so this little game had come to mind. With a small smile, he lifted those orbs and planted a kiss on each before letting his tongue out to drag against them. Each movement of his tongue left a row of spittle that worked to coat the gnoll's balls. While he made sure to give those lovely things attention, one hand moved to squeeze Osman's shaft, digits tightening as he began to stroke. One of those pretty balls were practically glistening with his spit, he moved up to grace the gnoll's taint with a kiss, his mouth moving all the way to that puckered ring between those fat cheeks. He planted his mouth there while the hand that had been left on the gnoll's balls moved to cup and grab one of those plump rear cheeks to spread it apart, letting him have as much room as possible to lavish that puckered hole with kisses and laps of his tongue. The moaning coming from the front of the gnoll's body was an intoxicating thing. Every little noise made his body jolt with pleasure and he couldn't help but wonder if this man had ever been properly treated before.

Holding onto that thought, he pulled his mouth away while slowly stroking that pulsing canine shaft, "Goddess...Look at you, a quivering mess with just a few touches and even still so readily erect after one go. Tell me, do you neglect yourself or is it your wife that neglects you so?" A low growl came but no words followed and the kobold continued on, "Not going to answer? No choice words for me? You know, I give you freedom to speak. I am your master at this point so you might as well humor me."

The gnoll looked back and spat, "My business keeps me here and in other places. There is no time to release this lust of mine." He then narrowed his eyes and looked down, "Besides, there is no passion in a marriage born of affluence."

Issam continued to run his digits up and down that lovely cock while he listened to those little confessions being aired out, "I see...So this is more for you than me. Perhaps I should cut that little discount but then again, you've given me such a fun time that I can't help but want to be nice to you." He planted a sudden kiss on the gnoll's rear before practically purring, "So long as you provide me this release every time I visit, I can see myself allowing you to keep your profits and protection for nothing at all."

"What?!" Osman blurted. The gnoll's head turned with his ears raised up a rumble coming from his mouth as the kobold slapped his rump, "You can't be serious? What would your masters say? What would they even think!?"

The kobold narrowed his eyes and grinned as both of his hands came up to grip and spread those supple cheeks, "I have far more influence than you think pup. So...Do you take my offer or do you deny me. If you do, we can simply do this once and I can give you that reduction still."

Not even a few seconds passed before the gnoll responded, "I'll take your damn deal and even wear a collar if it pleases you. The offer of no cost for protection is more is sweet...And if you truly have as much influence with those masters of yours, then perhaps I am right to do whatever I can to please you."

The kobold opened his mouth to let a line of drool fall from his tongue onto that fat rear before dipping down to push his tongue inside of that tight hole. Osman grunted, toes curling in as the kobold worked his tongue deep inside before slowly pulling out. Even though Issam was smaller, he still knew that this would be a tight fit but he figured he could bring some sort of proper lube next time and simply break in his new greedy slave. He was surprised that the gnoll accepted his place so readily, surprised but certainly not disappointed. When he felt that rear was wet enough, he spat into the palm of his hand before taking hold of his own cock, groaning as he felt the warmth and cold mixing together on his sensitive member. He took his time as he brought the tip of his shaft to that inviting hole, grinning as he saw the gnoll's tail twitching from side to side in some form of muted excitement like a puppy that simply couldn't hide it. With one hand, he took hold of the base of that tail while slowly edging the tip of his cock inside, sighing happily as that puckered ring parted easily for the tip of his shaft.

The warmth of those insides only matched the sudden tightness hugging around his shaft while he moved his hips to bury his member in the gnoll's ass inch by inch. Issam found himself sneering as he managed to slide on in despite how tight it felt. It wasn't even that long before his balls were twitching against the whore merchant's taint and of course he had to take advantage of that, of course, he had to tease. Taking those little weaknesses, those little sore spots and tweaking them to his needs always felt right, always felt good.

"Come on." He began, "You can't tell me that you've been toying with your ass in anticipation of this all along, can you?" The kobold brought down a hand on that plump rear, grinning as he heard the gnoll grumble but not respond, "What is it? Something the matter? I'm in here without a problem. I know I'm short and my cock can't be as big as a gnoll's but this virgin ass of yours feels custom fit just for me."

When Osman refused to answer, the kobold began to move rapidly rather than taking his time. The gnoll yelped and jolted forward as Issam used what strength he had to force himself deep before yanking out again and again. He kept up the motions, rocking forward as dragged his cock inside of that tight ass. One of his hands tugged at the gnoll's tail causing the merchant to grunt and groan while the other hand focused on swatting each rear to produce a lovely slap in the air. Someone could come in any moment but he wasn't so worried about that, in fact, it only made things that much sweeter. To see the shame blossoming on this fool right here and there while his weakest self was revealed to the world filled him with a sort of delight the boiled in his gut and urged him to continue thrusting. He allowed that urge to take over as he worked those tight insides.

"What's the matter? Nothing to say, not even a little moan?" Ossman asked while the pleasure inside of him was mounting.

The gnoll said nothing but Issam could see the claws digging into the linen's below them, could see the ears pulled back as the gnoll tried his hardest to stop it but before anything could be done about it, a moan slipped free into the air. What a lovely noise, a sound that ran down his back and made his tail twitch with such delight. The kobold groaned in turn and brought a foot up to press down on the gnoll's rear as he began to pound into that ass with all of his strength. What a lovely and thrilling occasion. He had come here to simply offer a gift and now he found himself gaining a boon all for the measly price of letting some street peddler keep his fares. Osman was a wealthy merchant but he wasn't at the top of the chart not by a long shot and he was nowhere near royalty, so why should he care about this? No, in truth, Osman could have simply kept his mouth shut and robbed the kobold of this pleasure and saved himself the humiliation of being given a single piece of passion by a thieving bastard like himself rather than the embrace of some loved one.

With those thought pushing through his mind, he found it difficult to hold himself back and even more so as the gnoll's insides seemed to suck him in every time he tried to pull back. His balls were tightening his gut clenching as he could feel the throbbing in his cock growing violent. The gnoll was a moaning mess at this point, groaning and panting like a wild animal, a lust drunk smile on his face as he kept on calling for more and more. It hadn't even taken that long for the bitch to break but here he was begging to be fucked when before he had seemed so ashamed. How pathetic! It was that and the physical pleasure itself that told him that he should keep this one, continue to toy with the creature until he was fully satisfied.

That being said, he couldn't last much longer. One last thrust and his load began to pour out from the tip of his cock, hot and thick seed painting those inner walls, marking them as his and his alone. He grunted as his cock twitched, more and more flowing from the tip until he was done breeding his new pet's ass. When he pulled out, he did so to let out the last bits of his orgasm on the gnoll's ass, grunting as he brought his foot down and stepped away from the gnoll to look at his handiwork. The merchant's rear had a pretty gape to it and a small line of cum slid from that hole down to those lovely orbs. It was fine work and a fine waste of time.

When he spoke, he did so with a happy sigh, "You know, that was such a relief, I think I'll let you free from this deal of ours. Protection will be continued to be provided but don't worry about paying or whoring."

Osman turned onto his back and sat up with a start, wincing as he answered, "W-wait? I thought you were coming back."

The kobold stepped forward and touched his cheek, "Why would I subject you to this over and over again. You're a married man who doesn't need a thing like this hanging over his neck right? You gave us good profits and our partnership is valued since you give our thieves good deals, why wouldn't I give you such a wonderful gift?"

A whine came from the gnoll as he brought a hand up to touch the kobold's cheek. Issam did not expect the sudden kiss, the tongue in his mouth and he certainly did not expect the gnoll's reply when they parted, "Please...Please keep using me. I'm starved for any sort of passion, any sort of touch. Beat me if you must but at least continue to come here. I'll pay if that is what you need."

Issam kept his response level as he felt through the gnoll's fur at the cheek, "No payment needed...I'll be back tomorrow if this is what you really want but understand this, your wife, your fortune, your entire life is mine."

Not even that little taunt could quell the lust within the gnoll as he shut his eyes and nodded, "I agree to these terms master..."

When that was said and done he planted one last kiss on the gnoll's mouth before stepping away. Issam turned his back and began getting dressed, listening to the sound of the gnoll doing the same. When they faced one another, Issam did so with a big smile, "May our paths cross again in business and pleasure."

His hand came out and the gnoll took it gingerly before Osman muttered, "May you find me of use...Master."

The kobold grinned and let go of the gnoll, hands bringing up his hood before he turned and walked away. Whatever pride, whatever greed that the gnoll had melted away beneath that unquenchable desire, that lust and need. What precious weakness to be exploited, to be taken advantage of but he was no tyrant, oh no. When he was done he would make sure that the gnoll would have a good life even if he had to continue toying idly with the merchant. As he dipped into the crowd, he couldn't help but shudder in delight as he truly thanked that goddess that he was not only in control of all of this but could participate in the splendor of people's depravity.

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