The Witch's Kiss

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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A hero is meant to obey the people, they are meant to serve and fight for what is good, but what happens when they have been led astray? The seduction of a witch could in fact be the good of the world and the ones that have put them on this path are the ones who are evil.

Moonlight poured down on a glade permanently enraptured in a clear-skied night. The trees were blackened with looming branches sporting only a few leaves. Hollows in the trees shimmered with blue and orange wisps that flickered, their flames never burning or setting fire to the trees they resided in. It was a haunted wood that only a few ever dared walk except for the witch that made her home there. Along the twisting path through the forest, a coal-furred feline walked with sharp cyan eyes shifting from side to side to check bushes and hollows for any dangers that might be following. He wore a long gray cloak that fit over his body perfectly with a choker around his neck that glimmered at the center where a gem the same color as his eyes was set. In one paw he held a sheathed blade and the other laid gingerly on the hilt ready to draw it at any moment but the further the feline stepped into the forest, the more he relaxed his shoulders, the more his eyes seemed to lose that edge. Eventually, he stopped moving and looked around with a small frown. A specter or two fluttered by on winds of white but nothing attacked and nothing disturbed him. It felt oddly safe in this haunted glade. Perri had come on orders of the King to slay a witch that had been terrorizing the villages surrounding the forest saying that she had stolen from their temples with powerful minions and threatened to spread the plague that was troubling the lands. He had expected to meet those minions here or perhaps even a small army but the hero could see nothing around except for a peaceful forest that looked a little scary to those who might have a soft heart. Even the spirits and wisps seemed at peace. Still, with unwavering faith the feline continued on, a little less tense but no less sure in his mission.

Perri found the witch's home nestled against a gnarled tree larger than anything he had ever seen. It was full of hollows where flickering lights danced among the dark and where there should have been leaves on branches, there were wisps and specters gathered about twisting and twining about the old wood. He had expected more of a lair and less of a cozy cottage but there the witch's home stood with flowers outside of it and everything. Still clutching his sword, the hero walked towards the door feeling phantoms of doubt clawing up the back of his mind. The cloaked feline stopped at the entrance and looked toward his left and right wondering if he should simply crash in sword drawn or if he should knock. Destroying such a cozy looked home almost seemed like something a hero should never do. With a sigh, he raised a paw slowly and clenched it to knock at the door, not too gently as he needed to maintain some semblance of righteous fury.

The door creaked open after the third knock or so. Perri blinked and leaned forward to peer inside expecting and nearly hoping to see something threatening or even frightening but instead finding himself disappointed and confused yet again. He opened the door fully to catch full sight of the innards of the witch's home in which he saw bookshelves lined against one wall and a rack of herbs to the other corner where they were drying near a window. Missing from the scenery was the witch and even more than just the witch, the evil was missing. As a hero, he found himself perplexed by the fact that everything seemed so nice and well, maybe it was just an illusion. He took the first few steps inside the home before closing the door. With a stray paw, he scratched at the back of his head while attempting to feel for any evil intent.

Maybe he had found himself in the wrong home? When he took another step to start his investigation of the home, the ground beneath him suddenly began to glow with such a violent red that it nearly hurt to look. He covered his eyes and gasped as his body was engulfed in that strange light. The world around the hero seemed to shift and change in strange ways. His stomach rolled and his mind felt as if a great fog was passing over it. How foolish! Perri had been caught in a trap of all things! This would be his end, this would be the finale in his saga and in that end he had failed the King miserably. If only he had not doubted then perhaps he would have sensed the trap and been able to escape before...before what?

Perri realized that all of those sensations had gone away and he felt rather normal. When he uncovered his eyes, there was no bright red light blinding him and nothing that suggested that his body had impaled, burned or anything else like that. Perhaps he had simply gone to another plane of existence and this was paradise, oblivion or something else. When he looked around, he saw that the floors were made of cut stone and that wisps floating in the air lit the way to a cauldron that he could hear bubbling from where he stood. Next to it was a table with various ingredients books and crystals laid out. What a strange oblivion, was he expected to take to the cauldron and make something? Or maybe he was still alive and simply moved to another place.

To answer his question, a puff of smoke appeared ahead just before the cauldron along with a laugh, "Welcome to my lab little lost kitten! What can I do to help one such as yourself wielding such a dangerous object?"

Finally! The witch! This was what he had come for, his mission to slay the silhouette standing through that smoke! In one draw of his blade, this could be over but something stayed his paw and kept his focus firmly rooted on the figure of the witch. Why had she not simply killed him when she had the chance? Did she not know that he was coming? Why appear to him so suddenly as well!? If there truly had been minions then could she not have sent those after him instead of appearing? There were so many questions and no answers at all that he finally allowed the doubts to seep in and coalesce.

"If you really want to help me!" He called out, "Then...Let us talk. Answer my questions please so that I can understand why the King has asked for your head of me."

The smoke dispersed and standing there was a white-furred goat with ruby red eyes, one covered by a bit of fluff. She wore robes that came down all the way to the ground but were split to show enough leg to put a blush on the feline's face. The witch crossed her arms over her chest and tilted her head as she looked him over while a tiny wisp buzzed around one of her horns.

Tapping a foot on the ground she finally shook her head and sighed, "Perri. So, you want to know why the King wants to kill me and why he's sent some sort of hired hound...Cat, to kill me? Shouldn't your employer have told you everything about little old me and why I'm such a 'threat?'"

Perri looked down, "No...And I'm not a hired hand. I'm a hero. I protect people from monsters and slay things that threaten lives but one day the King called on me to take up a mission of utmost importance. He said a witch had been stealing from villages near her home and that she planned to use what she stole to spread the plague cursing these lands to other places but...Nothing makes sense. Where are the minions that he said you used? Why is this place so at ease despite being a den of the dead? I am all for not judging appearances but nothing is as it seems and I just can't help but think I'm being fooled."

He said those last words with such spite that he spat them out rather than saying them. Perri did not want to admit to being used, and yet, what if he had been? Innocent blood could have already been spilled by his sword. Perri wasn't perfect but he certainly always tried to do his best and the monsters that he had killed were always those who directly threatened the people and yet...The King had sent him to retrieve artifacts before and assassinate certain detractors. Being used. Such a thing. It made his heart ache with such a fury that he could barely contain himself.

Finally, the witch answered in a voice so soft that he looked up and took a step forward to hear it, "Your King is a liar. Our King is a horrible man who allows his subjects to die in order to sustain his own life. I seek to destroy the connection to the plague and end his draining of the land. I've cured the people surrounding the forest and the minions he spoke of? Why...You've seen them all around you. Summoned wisps who act as my familiars in exchange for peace. As you can see, they're not really into the whole harming business and neither am I. A witch I might be, certainly, but I'm an herbalist and healer, a magician who helps people as I can. Sure I use a bit of forbidden magic here and there but I make sure it doesn't hurt others and I only want to learn how to use it best." She then stepped forward and planted a single digit on his head, "And so, brazen warrior, what say you? Are you going to lop my head off? Cuz I'm pretty defenseless right now. I mean, I could try to chuck a fireball right here and right now but uh, that might be tough considering that takes a few seconds and maybe just enough for you to draw that sword there and do whatever it is you planned on doing. So, I guess...Make it quick?"

Perri blinked and stood up straight. He looked at his sword before looking at the witch and instead of drawing the blade, he sighed, "I don't think I'll have a use for this sword anymore. Really, I feel sick just looking at the thing."

"Huh, y'should probably get a new one then." Said the witch before giggling, "If you plan on letting me live, though, you might find yourself out of the hero business. Y'know? What might the unfettered masses say if they heard a hero spared an evil witch huh?"

Perri wasn't sure if that was supposed to cheer him up but he huffed and looked away, "Not really helpful. I mean, yes I could get rid of the sword but once everyone learns of the truth then they will most certainly understand why I did it. How could I harm an innocent knowing the reality of the situation? And as for the King? Well...I'll deal with him myself!"

"With a stern talking to?"

The hero's ears pulled back and he grumbled, "No...Well, I was going to talk to the King yes but more of a pleading than a lecturing."

"Aw cheer up, kitten. You're in the right place if you're looking for a bit of regicide or a coup." As Perri glanced at the witch, she leaned in to grab his cheek and squeeze, "Besides! A witch and a cat! That's a perfect mix. You can be my hero and help me out here so we can get this plague outta here. Might make the King mad but he won't be in a position to complain after this." Perri's ears flicked up and he watched as the witch stepped toward him to take hold of his paw holding the sword and bring it up, "Maybe you killed someone innocent, maybe you did it a few times without even realizing it but whatever was clouding your eyes was gone right? So why mope when you could help me cure this plague?"

Perri's lips curved up at the ends and he found his heart fluttering as he looked down at the digits gripped around his own, "I don't know about regicide but...If I can help you cure the plague that curses the people of this kingdom then I would gladly do anything."

The witch laughed, "Good! Now, before we get to starting on this little brew of mine. I need you to do me a favor."

"Yes! Anything!" Said the hero in all eager honesty.

"Introduce yourself." Replied the witch.

Suddenly, the hero felt very silly. All this time spent talking and not a single moment had he thought to introduce himself. With a deep bow, the hero said, "My name is Perri."

"Hah! Bowing like that just makes me think you're trying to get a peek under my skirts." Perri darted up with cheeks burning, mouth open to respond before the witch took hold of his cheek gingerly and spoke, "My name is Stel. Thank you for staying your sword and actually talking before acting."

Perri blinked as the witch moved from him back to the table where she took some ingredients off the top to throw in the cauldron. When his embarrassment ceased, he cleared his throat and asked, "So...What is it that I can help you with?"

The witch, Stel, looked over to him with a big smile and said, "Well, you can start by taking hold of the big stick in the brew and stirring it for me so my arms don't get tired and I'm free to read off what I need to do. We're not brewing something to drink by the way, we're brewing a spell, a big one! Big enough that if we mess up we'll blow ourselves and this forest up! So make sure you stir it well and let me concentrate on what we need to add."

Nervous as that made him, Perri moved with a little hop to grab hold of the stick jutting out of the cauldron to start stirring after setting his sword against the cauldron. The brew itself was a thick thing glowing bright green. Stel worked to flip the pages of a book set on the table while occasionally returning to the cauldron to throw crystals, herbs and various other ingredients to mix the brew. Every new ingredient placed inside of the broth caused it to bubble and pop, a few of them making the hero duck much to the amusement of the witch who giggled and returned to her work. As frightening as the brew possibly blowing them up was, the possibility of putting an end to something evil encouraged him to work and see this through. Perri had to wonder if the witch was tricking him but that didn't matter. He knew that the King had used him and perhaps used him in the past which meant he could only do what his gut told him. Right now, things felt right. There was a tension at the back of his head, certainly, but that was only irritation at his own lack of judgment for all those mistakes.

By the time the final ingredients had been placed inside of the brew, it had turned into a bright blue like the water of the ocean. His own eyes grew wide as he watched the mixture sparkle. Before he became too enraptured by the brew, the sound of shattering stone broke him free of his stupor. Eyes narrowing to sharp slits he leaned down to grab his sword and turned with his paw on the hilt. Pebbles and dust fell from an opening in the ceiling onto figures that slowly broke through the gray screen. Knights in full plate stood there but he only saw suits of familiar armor with golden gleaming eyes in the visors that told him these were the King's golems.

One of the beasts lurched forward and drew its sword, the other mimicking the action before a voice like ice slid through his core, "We were sent to assure that you finished your duty to your Lord. We see you consort with evil and for that, you must die."

"Damnit!" The witch swore, "We just needed one last thing, just one more thing! Please, please do not let them touch the brew! We must keep it stable until I get what I need."

Perri drew his blade, letting the sheath fall to the floor as his tail lashed back and forth and his body tensed, "They will not get within an inch of your work. This I swear."

One of the suits of armor leaped forward with a speed betraying its size and material. With a hiss, the feline hero thrust a palm forward and a circle of light form before a magic force blew the creature back into the wall. The other one had darted forward with sword in hand and dropped it down on the feline who barely managed to lift his sword up to catch it. He hadn't wanted to match strength with the golems and his shoulder nearly cracked beneath the pressure before he managed to push the creature's strike off to the side. Again his shoulder screamed as he slammed his body into the hard metal to send the golem back. It seemed to stumble and those flickering eyes registered something like surprise as the feline leaped into the air and landed on the reeling knight to jam his blade between the visor. He heard the crack of the focus crystal within and a scream poured from the visor before the knight fell. Perri fell in a roll and came up just in time for a metal boot to catch him in the gut and send him crashing into the wall. The sound of his back screaming overpowered the noise his shoulder made. He told both of them to be quiet and got up slowly just in time to see the face of the approaching golem melt.

Perri blinked as he looked to the side to see Stel holding a wand smoldering at the tip. The feline cleared his throat, "Huh...Maybe I'm lucky I talked to you instead of fighting."

Stel flicked the wand and it faded into bright dust, "My my, I guess you are! Or am I? That was impressive dear hero of mine. Tell me, do you think the metal your King uses for those would sell well if I smelted it down?"

"Uhh...I don't know about that." The feline said while looking at the lifeless metal husks, "Either way, we should return our attention to the brew right?"

Stel walked toward him instead of the cauldron and a hand came to touch his shoulder causing him to wince, "Are you hurt?"

The hero muttered, "Aching but nothing broken I think."

Gingerly, the witch gave his cheek a kiss, "Thank you for your help hero. Two of those would have been too much for me. Now...I need one last thing from you."

Perri's cheeks were ablaze and he nodded slowly with a quiet answer, "Of course."

Stel then reached to take both of his cheeks and brought him close for a firm kiss lip to lip. The hero's eyes grew wide as their lips met and wider still as her body pressed toward his. Slowly, as his own lips began to press toward hers in blissful acceptance of the situation. It began softly, with their mouths moving in a way that he could still catch a breath in between each little smack but soon enough, he found himself needing to take in breath through his nose as her tongue pushed against his own and her body further pressed against his. Something felt strange as their tongues met. His mind grew foggy and his body seemed to weaken, but the aches and pains of his shoulder and back began to fade away as the witch deepened the kiss further and further. It almost felt like he might fall, legs growing feeble enough to need her arm around his waist to keep him up. When her mouth pulled away finally, strings of spittle shimmered in the wisp's light revealing their connection.

Perri noticed that her eyes were glowing brightly like gemstones glimmering in the moonlight. Slowly, the witch lowered him until he was sitting on the ground with his paws holding himself up and those glowing eyes watching him with such care. A giggle kissed the air as the witch turned from him and stepped toward the cauldron. Her voice seemed muffled in his mind and the world began to grow dark as he tried to keep his focus on the witch making her incantation near the cauldron. Blue light spilled from the cauldron and poured over the stones and his body. Ah...It felt so nice. Sleep pulled him as peace touched his form and mind until finally, his eyes shut tight.

The hero woke with a start, sitting up suddenly and looking around from left to right. Perri found himself in a bed and looking to the left he could see his cloak and sword nestled against the wall. Looking underneath the covers he could see that he was naked and when he turned his head toward the right he saw the shape of the witch lying there. Before he could react, the witch shifted over so she was facing him. A big smile painted her features as she slipped through the covers and climbed onto his body. It was at that point that he realized she was nude as her full breast pushed against his chest and he felt something warm sliding against his shaft.

Perri finally managed to gasp out, "Wait, Stel! The brew, did it work?!"

Stel leaned down to plant a soft kiss on his nose before she whispered, "Thanks to the energy you gave me? Yes. The King's magic should have been interrupted but we have much more to do if we want to make sure he can't do it again but you need rest."

A touch at his shaft told him that he wasn't exactly going to be resting all the way but it felt nice enough not to complain as she tugged his member against her warm slit. Allowing himself to sink into the feeling, he wrapped his arms around her waist and drew her lips to his own while his cock began to press between her folds and inside of her. The witch began to move her hips up and down, rocking them back and forth to milk and coax his cock. Warmth engulfed his cock and heart making him feel as if his entire being were under some sort of loving embrace while their lips continued to meet together, popping and smacking while their spittle mixed and their tongues slid together. Her movements grew faster with every push and movement and he no longer felt the drain he felt from before. In fact, he almost felt invigorated. Realizing his strength was back, he brought his paws down to take hold of her plump rear to squeeze and knead it before he brought his hips up to thrust inside of her with a bit of his strength. This brought out a little moan from her mouth that mixed with his own muffled sigh as they rocked to one another with the intent of making love. It was strange to think that this witch was going to be innocent blood on his blade but those dire thoughts were dashed away as her lips continued to move against his and as their bodies melded together. Something told him to pull away as the heat inside of his body continued to build before he felt a sudden pressure at his gut mounting.

With a grunt, the feline thrust one last time to those warm inner walls, body twitching as heat flowed through the tip of his cock and into that plush pussy. In the end, he felt her own insides squeezing tight on his shaft as if to milk every drop until their mouths finally parted in a mixed song of gasps and sighs. With her chin resting on his shoulder he shut his eyes again.

"And so...Does this mean I'm your servant, familiar, or something?" The feline asked with a little purr.

The witch chuckled, "Only if you want...But for now, rest. There is much to do when you awaken but know this...Even if you should bend your knee to me, I wouldn't be able to keep you for long. You're a hero after all."

Perri felt his heart warm at that. Such a simple utterance and he nearly found himself sobbing. Instead, he breathed in and gave her body a squeeze. No matter what had happened in the past. He was still someone who wanted to protect the innocent and now he had the correct path in mind. Even should he have to fight the entire Kingdom himself, he knew who the true evil was.

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