Deltarune: A Jester's Game

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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The court jester and mage often played together because no one else in the castle would laugh with them. There are many times where the court mage wishes that everyone could be as jolly as his friend and today is no different. Curiosity toys with the mind of the court mage as he makes his way to the jester's room to see what surprise awaits. He could have never expected intimacy and passion were another sort of game.

Dark walls and floors lined the innards of a castle where attendants scrambled about to serve the desires of their King. Various servants and vassals held practiced smiles on their faces only letting them fade when they were certain that the King would not notice them. There were only so few of these monsters who seemed to chuckle and smile in sincerity and one of them was the court mage. He was an old fellow with shaggy dark plum fur and a crest of lighter fur around his neck and chest. A long cloak adorned his body that draped down to the floor. Stretched across his features was a smile despite the stitches over one portion of that smile, the button replacing an eye and the patch on his head. Seam seemed perfectly content as he made his way through the castle halls toward a destined meeting. Sure, the King could be a bit harsh as of late but things weren't too terrible at the moment. Everyone still lived their lives as usual and everyone still remained exactly where they were yesterday and the day before that and so on and so forth. Where they were was enshrouded in darkness, hidden from the light and abandoned by it. That was fine too, it wasn't so bad down here. There were plenty of people to make things interesting and many things to consider while everyone slowly descended into madness. Most interesting of all was a friend of his that he had made during his stay in the castle. His friend was a rather unique fellow and had a very important job in the castle. Jevil was the court jester, the fool of the castle whose job involved making sure that people were smiling genuinely and actually laughing in his presence. It was a little difficult to do that nowadays with everyone being so afraid of stepping on the King's toes, but Jevil's smile was never insincere and his desire to play was as real as anything else. Even thinking about his joyful friend put a bit of fond warmth in his old body. Still, he had to wonder just what Jevil had planned for today. He had said something about today being rather special. Seam could only hope that it meant a new game rather than some strange prank again. Either way, it would be fun!

The court mage made his way through the castle quietly. His trip was rather uneventful except for one particular monster who had asked for his advice involving a certain alchemical incident. With a quick wave of his paw and a chuckle, he had gotten rid of the growth before moving along to reach his destination. The door to his friend's room was adorned with very little considering it was supposed to be the room of a jester but he knew better than to judge things by their covers. With one paw behind his back, Seam raised a closed fist to knock on the door before waiting. He swore he heard something like several things being thrown on the floor and perhaps even glass shattering. A moment of silence touched the air and he thought about knocking again but again the sound of things shuffling and crashing about came. Tilting his head, he thought about simply opening the door and seeing what was going on but he waited patiently with a small smile.

Eventually, a voice at his side caught his ear, "I wonder what he's doing in there."

Seam blinked and turned his head to see that the very reason for this visit standing right there with a small frown and tilted head mimicking his previous posture. The jester was a short fellow with sharp ears and white skin. His eyes were slits with black lines of makeup forming crosses. A slender tail flicked and curled behind him in the shape of a question mark as the jester crossed his arms and kept his head tilted in mock curiosity. He wore the usual garb with a yellow pointed ruff around the neck and blue and black coat. The fool's hat on his head moved in the direction of the tilt, points flopping over partially obscuring his eyes.

Seam looked back at the door and matched the jester's stance again before pondering aloud, "No doubt up to no good in the name of all that is good and fun. I'm certain he's preparing for our little meeting even as we speak. You know, he likes to play little pranks and tricks on people. No doubt he's preparing some sort of mischief to play on me or someone else and both I'm sure will make me smile." He then sighed with a little frown, "One thing does concern me though..."

Jevil blinked and leaned a bit closer while asking, "And what that might be my frowning feline friend?"

The court mage sighed again and made sure to make that sigh deep, "He's making all those plans and all those games just for the sake of the people around him and just to entertain me and yet, he doesn't let me in on those plans! How cruel...I like games too you know? I might be the court mage but I don't think that means I'm stuffy you know?"

A sniffle came from the jester as he nudged an invisible tear away and nodded, "Yes yes, I think I understand. Well! If that's the way you feel then I should probably let you in so we can start today's game! It'll be a fun one!"

Both jester and mage smiled at one another before they both began to laugh. Jevil's laughter was a loud and tittering thing that echoed through the halls. He slapped his stomach before putting an arm around Seam, "Here I thought I'd surprise you but instead you play along so perfectly! That's why you're my favorite you know? You always play along instead of groaning or complaining and even if you do complain you do it with a smile!"

The last bits of Seam's laughter came out in little chuckles as he nudged against his friend and shook his head, "How could I not? Everyone in this place is either crazy, boring or both. It is good to have a little levity in life and even better to enjoy a game or two along the way, so go on, lead the way so I can finally see what you've planned for us."

Seam had turned away for just a few moments and suddenly his friend had disappeared. With a chuckle, he looked around wondering where he had gone before the door opened wide and Jeil came out with a clap of his gloved hands, "Ah! Look at that! My dear friend Seam, how good of you to be on time for our arrangement. I'm a little late as I had to do some cleaning and some pranking about but I think I've made my room hospitable for our purposes."

The old puppet resisted the urge to laugh and instead shook his head with a light chuckle as the jester gave an ornate bow with one arm stretched out as if to extend a further invitation into the room. He returned the bow with less flair before stepping toward the open door, "I'll accept your invitation even if you're always late and even if I'm never sure what you're going to be doing."

A little giggle came from the Jevil but no other reply was given as he entered the room and found his shoulders relaxing and the tensions in his old body releasing him. The door shut behind him and it was as if he had arrived home. There were various things scattered about the room and most of them serving some sort of entertainment purpose. The bed was devoid of objects but a table nearby had a familiar board with chess pieces atop of it that appeared to be in pristine condition. Seam stepped toward the chess board and ran a digit against one of the knights, admiring the craftsmanship of the pieces that had been used again and again for their games.

Jevil's voice came at his side suddenly, "Oh ho? A game of chess hm? Do you think you could even best me?"

Seam chuckled, "Always with the same question and always I'll give you the same answer. We're one to one in wins and losses and someday I'll make sure to beat you outright so you can never doubt me with that attitude of yours but I admire your confidence. Is this what you planned for today?"

A cluck of the tongue came from the jester as he crossed his arms and shook his head, "No no, we can probably do that after what I have planned or maybe even during if you think you're good enough but before we begin, I have to say, we've known each other for a while haven't we old friend?"

Seam blinked and nodded, "Yes. Each day as court mage is a bit more bearable because of you."

"Yes yes! And I feel much the same about you, my friend." Answered Jevil with a giggle, "You indulge me in ways that others do not and more than that you do not simply indulge me, you humor me and laugh with me. There are so many games to play and so much time to play them. If I could, I'd freeze time so we could keep on playing and playing and playing but since time is a thing we have to make choices. I thought, that I'd suggest something we've never done before and yet has been done many times between others and even our old king plays this game! Take a guess!"

If the King has even done it before then it could be something mean-spirited but at the same time, he trusted his friend not to do anything too dangerous when it came to their games. After a bit, Seam had to sit down with one paw grasping at his chin as he pondered the question deeply. What did every monster do in the castle that could count as a game? With a snap of his digits, he leaned toward his friend and beamed, "Eating of course! I never thought you were the sort to bake!"

Jevil gasped, "That sounds wonderful! You know, I think it would be a great idea to cook some fun confections...If I weren't banned from the kitchen."

Seam crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat, rocking back and forth with a hum, "So it isn't eating? What do you think everyone in this castle does?"

The jester giggled and clapped his hands together, "Okay, so perhaps I should have said only a good portion of the castle does it rather than everyone. Sex! Simple as that."

Frozen on his seat, Seam cleared his throat and scratched at his chin, "Jevil, friend...You do understand what you're saying right?"

Jevil scoffed, "Of course I do. Intimate action between two naked fellows beneath the sheet either for mating or for fun and people really do seem to have a fun time with it, so why shouldn't we try it? We're good friends aren't we?"

The court mage nodded amiably with a small smile, "That is true, we are good friends but I didn't take you for the sort."

Seam had to duck as a glove flew over his head before the other landed squarely on his nose. He plucked it off and tossed it to see that the jester was already disrobing while laughing, "Why shouldn't I be into this? It is fun! Fun is what I'm meant to do. A harlequin doesn't just dance and sing and fall over for the amusement of others. I entertain and perform, I study the arts and more and most importantly of all, I dabble in pleasure. Joyous jubilee and elation are part of intimacy are they not?"

Part of him wanted to say how silly that sounded but then he realized just how pleasant that statement would be to Jevil who relished in silliness and more. He still felt a bit unsure about all of this but seeing his friend's rounded body out in the open so confidently gave him a certain stir that he hadn't quite expected. It was true, he shared a more intimate relationship with Jevil than most could ever say and he was more than fond about the time they spent together. Maybe, he was just overthinking things. With a shrug and a chuckle, he got up from his seat to start disrobing. The clasp of his cloak came undone and he let it slide before he worked on the rest of his clothes. Despite the fact that he felt silly doing this, he could feel the warmth between his legs hardening, his arousal pushing up into the cool air when he was finally free of all of his clothes.

Unsure of what to expect now, he blinked as his paw was taken firmly and he was dragged toward the bed and set on it. Seam looked down and saw that Jevil was on his knees with both hands on either one of the feline puppet's thighs while the jester flashed a fang-filled grin. Not adjusted to be tossed and thrown about so quickly by his friend, he opened his mouth prepared to ask what Jevil was going to do next but flinched as a warm and long tongue slid along his thigh. Seam was tempted to ask the jester not to bite but found himself instead choosing to trust Jevil's judgment. Each drag of that tongue against his thighs was oddly gentle, digits running through the fur of the other thigh while Jevil slowly made his way closer and closer to the feline's cock with every lick.

Seam clutched the bed while watching, mouth opening to let out a little sigh as the imp's tongue dragged over his balls. Gentle digits coiled around his shaft to start stroking while Jevil kissed each of his orbs. It wasn't long before the jester grew bored of only working the feline puppet's balls and instead chose to bring his mouth all the way to the tip of that barbed shaft. Seam gasped as Jevil opened wide to bring every inch of his shaft within. From there, the jester began to coil his long tongue around the shaft, pulling back to suck before bringing his head back down. Claws flicked out and dug into the material of the bed around him as his entire shaft was engulfed in warm spittle and pressure. He really needed to ask if Jevil had done this before but for now, he simply enjoyed the attention while trying not to blow too soon.

The jester's movements were slow at first, up and down with the occasional squeeze of that lovely tongue. Seam was simply content to remain seated and enjoy the attention despite part of him wanting to thrust and push his hips forward. He didn't want his friend to choke and didn't want his friend to be hurt because of this little game. A frowned touched Jevil's mouth as he slowly pulled up. Lips at the tip of his cock, the jester opened his mouth to show his tongue slowly retracting and finally with a little pop he leaned back.

"Is something wrong?" Asked the jester with a tilt of his head.

Seam blinked, "Oh? Nothing is wrong. I'm just enjoying things."

Jevil planted a firm kiss at the side of the feline's cock before sighing, "Is that so? You aren't really playing, are you? All you're doing is sitting there when you could be doing so much more! Is my mouth not enough? You could move if you want, you know?"

The court mage cleared his throat, "If I moved I might end up hurting you..."

"What an excuse! Pain is simply part of this game. A little gag or two won't bother me and when the main event happens I hope you won't hold back on my account." With a big grin, he took hold of the feline's cock, squeezing it as he kissed the tip and breathed out, "I want to feel everything, okay? That's the game, the game of feeling your hunger and passion, the game of being used like a toy. Maybe other people like it soft or sweet but me? I don't think that's for me. That's boring Seam...And I know for a fact you're not boring."

Boring? Not doing anything was boring? Well, that was almost worse than hurting his friend, in fact, perhaps it could be considered the same thing. Jevil opened his maw wide and allowed his tongue to rest against the underside of the feline's barbed member. Seam looked down and saw that the jester was doing nothing but that with a big grin on his open maw. The old puppet reached to grab the back of his friend's head, claws digging against the jester's hat to make sure he had a hold of the fool's head before he pushed firmly. A small gag sounded off from the jester as the feline's cock dug deep inside of that warm throat. The gag was joined by a muffled giggle before both noises were silenced as Seam dragged the jester's head up and down. Seam's own hips moved in time with every yank and pull, he made sure to bury his shaft as firmly as he could manage while enjoying that fat smile on his friend's face that never seemed to fade away. The warmth in his own body was growing, the pleasure becoming something near palpable and the joy rolling through the chest nearly producing laughter as he found himself wondering just how long Jevil had planned for this little game of theirs.

A few more thrusts and he found it too difficult to hold back. One more push sent him over the edge, warm cum pouring out of the tip of his cock into that smiling maw. Jevil took it with ease, draining down every drop with those wild eyes looking up at him with the usual joy and humor. When his orgasm had finished, he let go of the jester's head allowing Jevil to pull away.

The jester's tongue hung out as he panted, "Goodness! I thought an old puppet like you wouldn't put up much of a fuss but there you were using my head like a regular sex toy! Is that all I am to you?"

Playing along with the game, Seam gave the jester's cheek a soft pat, "Right now? Yes."

The smile suddenly faded away, Jevil retracting his tongue and closing his mouth as color touched his cheeks. Slowly, the smile came up in a wide smirk as he got up and turned around to show his rounded rump with a hand on one cheek as he laughed, "So! If I'm a sex toy right now then feel free to play with me as you'd like." He then brought another hand up to present a bottle that appeared out of a thin smoke, "Use this, or not. Whether you choose to break me is your choice after all! And I've practiced for just this moment."

Seam felt his cock stir and slowly start to harden again while the jester leaned forward just a bit to poke that rear out. He got up from the edge of the bed and plucked the bottle of oil from Jevil's hand before watching as the jester leaned further forward to get that rear up into the air to tease. To break or not, that was his choice? What an interesting choice indeed. If he used all of his strength he was sure he could wipe the grin away from his friend's face and instead replace it with a drooling crooked look. Sure, why not?

Digits coiled around the base of the imp's slender tail to tug him back, "Get your hands on the bed and rear up. I don't want to hear any complaining during or after this but if you really feel like you're in danger then you're free to ask me to King you."

A spark of something like mischief and genuine hunger shone within Jevil's gaze before he giggled while moving to obey, "Is that so? Are you even going to use that little bit of oil I gave you?"

Seam thought about that for a moment and shrugged before setting the bottle on the bed. Before his friend could say anything else, he brought both paws up to take hold of those plump pale buns, squeezing and spreading them apart to reveal the puckered hole between them. He lowered himself and planted his mouth against that lovely hole firmly, tongue coming out to drag along it and coat it in warm spittle. The jester's cock twitched and his body trembled just a bit as he let out a little moan from the feline's touches. Seam remained quiet as he continued to push his tongue against that lovely hole, surprised that his tongue darted in so easily. When he pulled away it was only to test that already spread hole with two digits, shocked that they slid in with barely any sort of resistance. It seemed as if his friend had truly been preparing but that wasn't enough, was it? Seam grinned and pushed a third digit in, appreciating the warmth tightening around them before he slowly started with a fourth.

The tightening around his digit grew further so and the Jevil's voice grew an octave as the feline pushed his digits all the way up to the knuckles. Seam took his sweet time in stretching his digits around and toying with the jester's insides. Certainly, he could be nicer but he had given the jester an out and he could see plain as day that Jevil was enjoying the attention. Between Jevil's legs, his cock was dripping heavy drops of pre onto the bed where they stained the sheets. His body was shaking like a leaf and every push of Seam's digits seemed to produce some new sound that hit somewhere in between pained and pleasured each and every time. Finally, he started to pull his digits out slowly, the jester panting as each came out with a little pop.

Seam took hold of Jevil's plump rear, spreading it to keep that lovely hole on display. The once puckered ring was properly spread and still sticky with spit. When he got up, Jevil giggled, "Done having your fun with your meal already? You could always keep on going until you get your arm in there, you know?"

A surprised yelp rolled off of the jester's lips as the sound of plump skin being smacked echoed in the room, Seam's voice soon joining it with a chuckle, "I could." He began with another slap, "But I want some sort of tightness for my own cock." Another smack echoed in the room, "Besides, I can't get you too prepared for me. I already decided to go without the lube." And his paw swung down with claws out this time to strike the jester's rear, leaving little marks of red, "So might as well go all the way, right old friend?"

Jevil's ears were flicking back, tears dotting one side of his face as he tried to pant out an answer, "I...Oh, oh goodness you make a good point." He then put on a display of giggling, arms shaking as he pushed himself up just a bit more before he reached back to grab his own rear and spread it with one hand, "If you really want to actually break me, then go ahead! Pain is just another fun little game."

Seam gave that fat rump one last firm swat before laughing, "Right you are!"

The swat produced little gasping giggle from the jester who seemed to be struggling to even stand already. This was more fun than they had anticipated. The teasing, the pain and most of all, the enjoyment of his friend gave him a lovely rush that made it rather difficult to be worried about his friend's state of being, especially when Jevil seemed to be so greedy for everything that he had to offer.

Finally, he took hold of his shaft, gripping tight before edging it against that inviting hole before muttering, "Sure you don't want any lube friend?"

Jevil simply answered with a breathy sigh, "I'm your toy right now so go ahead and use me as you enjoy, you cotton kitten."

A toy? Humorous. It was funny enough to make him giggle, his bushy tail flicking from side to side as he squeezed on his cock and pushed it against that spread hole. Getting the tip in was an easy task, Jevil's rear already being spread enough to take that without problem. Soon enough, he could feel the heat of those inner walls closing around his cock, squeezing as he buried his barbed shaft in there deeper and deeper with only the help of a bit of spit and his own strength to help along. Each push teased out a gasp and a squeak from the jester and Seam soon found himself needing to use more of his strength to force his way inside of that rear despite the fact that it had been stretched so well. He reached up with one paw to grab the back of his friend's neck while his free paw rested at that fat rear to give himself leverage as he pounded in deeper and deeper. A grunt and growl escaped his mouth with every thrust as he got closer and closer to getting in there all the way. Jevil himself showed no signs of pain or discomfort, the grinning fool letting his tongue hang out as he gasped and moaned in pure delight at the rough treatment. Adorable as the moaning was, Seam wanted to bring another type of sound out, something that dripped with a bit more pain rather than simply arousal and pleasure.

One last thrust brought him in all the way, their balls kissing for a second before the old feline began to pull away slowly. He kept one paw on the jester's neck to pin him down and then with a grunt he thrust forward bringing every inch of his cock inside to start his rough rutting of that fat rear. Back and forth his hips moved in a rapid manner while he raised a free paw to let it drop down on each one of the imp's rear cheeks. Each swing of his paw produced a solid smack that rang in the air alongside a yelp and gasp. Jevil's little giggles between his moans began to cease, instead, turning into sweet panting and desperate groaning as he clawed the bed in an attempt to clutch onto something for any comfort at all.

Seam enjoyed the change in attitude and the sight of his friend being so thoroughly broken in. What little apprehension he had before faded away with every swat of that fat rear, his cock throbbing inside of those tight inner walls as he focused on pounding that rump. He tried to go faster with every thrust, grunting as he found it difficult to go at full speed without forcing his way through the tightness. The old feline managed perfectly fine, the barbs on his cock flaring and the paw that had been swatting at that plush rear moving to grip the base of the imp's tail to tug and yank him back. A crying groan escaped the jester's maw as he tried his best to hold himself up only to fall to the bed with his cheek against the covers and his tongue hanging out while he panted and moaned. The sound of Seam's hips slapping against the imp's rump was a constant in the room along with the breathy sighs and groans of the old feline who could feel the pressure and heat building inside of his gut. He gnashed his fangs together and continued to thrust and tug, lifting Jevil up just a bit with every pull on that tight tail. The imp had become the perfect sex toy, remaining still except for a little shiver here and there while his rear was being used by Seam to milk that barbed shaft. Heavy drops of pre made it easier to slide in and out of that abused rump, the feline's thrusts only going faster and faster with every movement.

At this point, his mind was clouded in the desire to breed that tight rear beneath him. The game was nearly at its end but the court mage was entirely into what was happening and didn't want it to end so soon. It would be the end of their fun, the end of this pleasure tingling up his spine and the end of his friend's pleasure and pain mixing together in the air in pure beautiful expression. He continued to grind his hips forward, pumping his cock in that tight hole until the cum began to pour free like a dam broken. Hot seed stained the jester's inner walls, coating it in that thick substance while the poor fool panted and moaned. Seam himself did not stop thrusting evil while his cum continued to pour out and even as Jevil's own cock began to bounce and release onto the floor beneath them. When he was finally done, he leaned over the jester's body with his eyes shut and his mouth open as he panted.

The fog was lifting from his mind and he remembered that he had a friend to check on. Pulling out slowly produced a lovely feeling that tingled up his body while those tight insides seemed to refuse to let him go until he finally managed to get the tip out with a little pop. With a sigh, he let go of his friend's tail and planted his paw at the back, surprised that the sweat on the jester's body felt so cool to the touch.

"Are you well Jevil?" Seam asked with a little sigh.

Jevil groaned and rolled over on the bed, flashing his spent cock and slightly more rounded belly, "Goodness...I didn't think that you'd be so rough with me! If I would have known...I would have done this long ago!" The last words came with a giggle, both of his hands moving onto his stomach to rub over it, "But I must say...I want to know what it would feel like if you put all of that on me. Maybe we could even invite more friends over to have a bit of fun!"

Seam chuckled and shook his head, "Insatiable hm? I suppose I can satisfy your needs later but for now how about we rest. I can fetch us some tea as well."

The jester blinked and sat up with a fangy grin, "Really? Cake too?"

"Yes! Just because you're not allowed in the kitchen doesn't mean I am." Replied the old cat.

Jevil brought both hands up to take hold of Seam's cheeks, Seam blinking as he was brought down into a firm kiss, tongues locking as their lips were pushed apart. The kiss lasted for a hot moment before Jevil pulled away with a wet smack of the lips, "I am nowhere near satisfied I think. I'm a bit worn out I have to admit but if you really want to break me you'll try harder than that won't you? You're stronger than that, aren't you? I know you are but you also know my weakness. Tea and cake sound lovely!"

Seam stepped back and cleared his throat as Jevil giggled and sat there on the bed watching him with bright yellow eyes that seemed to flicker in the light of the room, "I'll go fetch those things and be sure to try harder next time but I don't want to be too severe."

The jester's voice came with a low edge as Seam turned around, "Next time make it so I can't even stay awake. Until my puppet strings are nearly cut. We both know I can come back from such a thing...And I know you're the only one who can really hurt me."

When Seam turned his head, he saw that Jevil was smiling as normal but there was some sort of strange light behind the normal glimmer of his eyes. He couldn't put a claw to it but he simply shrugged and shook his head, "Insatiable...Next time we'll have to bring more friends indeed if you're going to be this greedy and since you're so greedy I'll get you two slices to satisfy that hunger of yours."

That earned a bit of a giggle from his friend as Seam got dressed to take his leave. As he shut the door behind him, he couldn't quite get that sick light behind Jevil's eyes but it was surely nothing, right? Still...He didn't think that Jevil reveled in such violence. It would be fine so long as the jester kept those violent antics to bed with a mutual party. No sense in worrying about it. All he could do was smile and laugh with his friend while everything was still held together around them. Eventually, he knew something would go wrong, he could feel it but even then he was confident that they would still remain friends until the end.

Deltarune: Spoils of War

A forest sat in a land coated in darkness with bright cherry red grass and trees with leaves of the same color. The sky itself was a sheet of featureless black with no clouds or stars in sight. It was here that a battle between good and the possibly...

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Deltarune: Stitched Together

Deep in an ever-expanding field full of purple grass and trees with bright red leaves was a shop built entirely of various tarps patched together with messy stitches and twine. A sign above the entryway had crudely made letters spelling out the word,...

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Deltarune: A Lonely Prince

Somewhere far away in the depths of the earth, a Kingdom sat quietly among a surrounding umber. The buildings of the town closest to the royal castle are shrouded in shadows that are cast in a strange glow against the occasional flickering of blue...

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