Deltarune: Spoils of War

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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A monster has been defeated, or rather, pacified. The three headed creature stood no chance and our heroes gain, nothing? There is no prize to be seen but the prince claims that the prize is simply being able to advance. Well...Kris has other plans. The human prods at the sleeping monster teasing that the beast's body should be their prize but the prince is appalled! Kris then eases up, only to suggest that the prince should take the slumbering monster as his prize and that Kris desires something else.

A forest sat in a land coated in darkness with bright cherry red grass and trees with leaves of the same color. The sky itself was a sheet of featureless black with no clouds or stars in sight. It was here that a battle between good and the possibly ill-aligned raged. Standing in a makeshift arena surrounded by trees was a young human with a blue complexion wearing a breastplate and greaves that shimmered in the forest's glow. Long brown hair covered their eyes and fell over there shoulders where a red half-cape hung while the other was covered by a metal pad. In one hand they clutched a sword made of wood with dull edges. There was no need to kill anyone after all. Their companion was a caprine mage wearing a green steepled hat with little nubs for their horns. A green poncho covered the majority of his body and what fur showed was swathed in darkness. Both of hands came from beneath his clothes to call forth light into the air where it floated just above his digits causing his red scarf to rise as well. Should anyone need healing, the caprine mage was prepared. These were the heroes of light come to liberate the land of darkness. One a human from the world of light and the other the prince of a kingdom shrouded in darkness. At the moment, their path was blocked.

Both heroes were facing down a quadruped monster with snowy fur and three heads that blocked the only way forward. Each head came with a pair of feline ears and a trio of violet eyes. A smile curled on two of the heads while the other one seemed pensive and almost nervous, backing away while the other two did most of the greeting, the body's cross tipped tail lashing at the ground. The heroes needed to get past the creature to reclaim a lost ally before heading to their true destination at the King's castle. They would not falter and would not stop and so a fight needed to happen, but no one needed to get hurt.

In this little standoff, it was the heroes that made the first move with the human stepping forward and lowering their sword to command the mage to come on up. The mage blinked but obeyed and raised both hands in the air before throwing them down to give a deep bow and speak.

"Uh, what type of boys do you like?"

The human smiled, controlling a snicker while the creature's heads convened with itself before one chirped out, "I think I'm into boys with glasses!" The second giggled, "Fluffy and soft are the types I'm really into it." And finally, the last one said, "I...I don't really know."

Ralsei stepped back after that while feeling a bit of heat through the cheeks. The princely mage had not expected that response and not expected Kris to order him to act in such a manner. Regardless, the monster appeared to have gone into a veritable rant with various words and statements detailing various likes of what they considered cute boys. This continued even as they both had to duck various clover shaped magic attacks. Projectiles that had been difficult to avoid were now coming in at a snail's pace in paths that almost seemed sluggish. At this point, the caprine mage noticed that one of the heads was nodding off, one or two eyes blinking shut while only one remained open. The other two heads were chattering excitedly among themselves but it would only be a matter of time before this battle was over.

Again, more conversation was had about various topics that struck a jolly chord with their opponent. They talked about boys again, sports and trees as well. These broached topics earned a happy hopping from the monster named Clover who continued chattering and chattering and chattering until only one of her heads remained awake enough to talk. When the last topic of conversation had been given, her attacks had all but stopped with the final head nodding slowly, body swaying from side to side with the tail lowered and each head yawning. With one final command, Kris pointed their finger at the monster and gave Ralsei the signal.

The caprine mage summoned all his strength, eyes shut as he brought his hands together to call forth his magic. Warmth gathered at his heart while he whispered the words of power before he brought a single hand up in the air coated in the light. With a smile he allowed that light to shower Clover and watched as each of her heads began to close those bright violet eyes. When each head had closed their eyes, the monster's body slumped onto its side with feline paws curled in. The sound of soft breathing carried in the air and the two heroes looked at one another before striking a victorious pose! They had won the day.

"Kris!" Beamed Ralsei as he turned toward his companion, "That was amazing. I knew that you would be able to do this without harming anyone. So far, we've not even lifted a single finger in order to hurt a hair on any single one of these monsters, uh, for the ones that have hair anyway. Now we can get going and reclaim our ally Susie, convince her that our cause is just and move on!"

Kris rubbed their chin for a moment while looking around. They stuck their sword into the ground and turned their head up toward the sky before looking back down at the slumbering form of the beast. They looked toward Ralsei and tilted their head for a few moments and raised a hand up as if to ask for something.

Ralsei tilted his head in turn and wondered what was wrong? Kris could command him easily enough in combat but was seemingly a person of very few words. There wasn't anything wrong with that it just made communicating take an extra step or two, which again, there was nothing terribly wrong or bothersome about that. Ralsei followed the human's hand as it pointed toward the body of the monster they had just pacified before again it opened up as if to ask for something.

With sudden realization, he chuckled, "Oh Kris...I think the reward for our success here is that we move on with a bit of coin that dropped from our friend here and the knowledge that we spared another. The journey and the destination are both equally important."

The prince's words were genuine but he could see that his friend still had that little frown glued to their face meaning they weren't satisfied. Ralsei supposed that in all classic battles, there had to be some sort of spoils that went to the victor but as he crossed his arms beneath his poncho, he couldn't really think of any. While the prince was lost in thought, the human moved toward the three-headed slumbering feline and began to search around her. They lifted each one of her heads and checked the ground around her before finding that there indeed was nothing that could be taken from her. Finally, he checked under her tail and saw nothing there but a slit and puffy hole. With one hand keeping the tail lifted, the other came under their chin to rub in pensive thought before a sudden squeak caught their attention.

"Kris! You can't just go about poking other people while they're sleeping. She could be having pleasant dreams that we're interrupting and she could wake up! If she did that we might have to fight again." Said the prince with a little pout.

Kris continued to rub their chin before reaching out to motion for Ralsei to come over. Ralsei wasn't sure what Kris wanted but he moved to see what Kris wanted. It was concerning that Kris was so concerned about reward rather than simply completing the journey but at the same time, Ralsei could understand the desire to have some sort of compensation after working so hard. Perhaps promising them a cake or some other baked good would be enough to sate their desires for some sort of prize for now.

When he arrived near Kris, his cheeks burned beneath the shadows as he noticed that Kris was not only lifting Clover's tail but also motioning with a hand for the caprine prince to look at the stuff beneath the lifted tail, "G-goodness. I don't think we should be looking at that Kris. Isn't a bit rude?"

Kris shook their head and moved to slap a hand on the large feline creature's haunch, squeezing and spreading the rear to give a better flash of what was beneath it all. Ralsei could feel the heat inside of them growing and brought both of his hands to tap the digits together while he looked away, "I...I know you want a prize but isn't that a bit much?"

A small chuckle echoed through the air. It was a bare noise that the prince only just managed to catch. In a rare moment, Kris spoke quietly, "She said she liked them fluffy, with glasses too. I was just checking out your prize, not mine.

That voice was tinted with such humor and mischief despite the fact that the human's smile was a tiny thing. The words themselves were embarrassing enough and the logic was flawed and so his response came with a huff, "My prize is the fact that we get to continue on our journey to make sure our worlds do not end up destroyed. I don't need a uh...A prize like that a-and even if she does like me then it would be better to act while she's awake." He immediately felt bad about any sort of aggression that he might've displayed and cleared his throat, "I...Of course, I could provide you any sort of prize that you might think of whether now or later. It might be a bit hard to find something but you could also ask a favor of me too."

That little smile on the human's face faded away for just a few seconds and they began to step forward. Ralsei blinked as Kris looked down at the ground while approaching looking far more blue than usual. Had he been too harsh in his lecture? Should he have been softer in the tone of voice or more gentle with his verbiage? When Kris was just a few steps away, Ralsei reached out to touch the other's shoulder, eyes softening as he opened his mouth to speak. When the words were just about to reach his lips, Kris leaned up to capture and shut the caprine prince's lips with their own. Ralsei's eyes grew wide and a hand came up to join the other in grabbing the human's shoulders, at the same time, he did not push and did not try to pull away. The sudden kiss had been a shock but he had promised any prize and any favor that Kris might've wanted, and besides, something so warm and intimate couldn't be bad right?

Both prince and human tilted heads and pushed to one another, lips locking and parting to get their tongues together. Ralsei felt his legs weaken while the human's hands came up to grab and massage the prince's ears so gingerly. A little gasp escaped his mouth as those gentle digits pinched, tugged and rubbed carefully. When he tried to pull away to catch his breath, Kris pushed forward and continued the kiss with a fervor he hadn't been expecting. The caprine prince's legs began to grow weak beneath their connection, the heat of it becoming too much for his mind to bear as the kiss produced a lovely tingling at the back of his head. Kris finally pulled free and away with a string of spittle connecting their lips together. The human had a big smile on their face, bigger than that little smirk from before and yet still full of mischief and something else Ralsei couldn't quite put his finger on.

Ralsei made an attempt to speak again but found that he had to cover his mouth with a single hand as Kris simply began to strip in front of him. Armor and clothes came off to reveal a lithe form beneath the equipment and a cock that was already firm and twitching in the air. A comment was at the back of his mouth, some sort of concern about whether or not they should be doing this out in the open but it was snuffed out by a heat pulsing between his own legs. The prince tried his best to hide his arousal with one hand pushing down on the formed bulge but could do very little as Kris approached with that mischief filled smile still there. Digits curled around his wrist before the human gripped and yanked it away to reveal the bulge pushing up against the material of his poncho. Ralsei squeaked at this sudden movement and protested with a whine that slowly turned into a groan as the hand between his legs gripped and squeezed his shaft through the material. Another little chuckle came from the human's mouth before they eased up on the poor prince. Ralsei could already feel their legs trembling making it difficult to stand from just a few bare touches. Rather than continued toying with him, the human tugged Ralsei and led him all the way back to Clover's sleeping form.

Ralsei blinked as Kris stepped behind him to grab the sides of his poncho and lift them high to reveal his cock to the forest air. He gasped and tried to push it down but Kris only let go of one side to take hold of the caprine monster's cock and give it a nice tug while the human's voice kissed his ear, "She said she liked cute boys like you...Wouldn't be so bad if you just put it in, or maybe it would be since you'd be doing it for your own satisfaction. That's okay though. Every battle needs a reward and you've fought so many times haven't you? Day in and day out getting up preparing for this day when the heroes would come? Well...Go ahead, take your prize."

The prince's felt his heart begin to pick up the pace, every other beat producing a swelling of warmth that washed over his body as he felt compelled to follow the other's words. Kris barely spoke and usually only did it to command him in battle. Up until now, the human had never suggested anything that seemed wrong and well...Rewards for victory in battle were common. More than just that was the ebbing and flowing fog that seemed to consume his mind with every other word as if just the human's voice was enough to push the prince's instinct forward. An instinct that told him to breed and enjoy. Wait...What was he thinking? Such perverse thoughts were certainly unbecoming of a hero meant to bring light and salvation but he just couldn't shake it off. Something about the human's voice, something about the way that Kris was touching him was simply compelling him to throw back reason and simply enjoy. With shakey digits, he moved his hands away from the task of stopping Kris from doing such perverse things and instead reached out to tug the slumbering feline monster's tail out of the way to get a good look at her cunt.

A hot wash of embarrassment poured through his body as he heard Kris chuckling at his ear. The hands that had been pushing at his clothes and tugging at his cock moved to caress the caprine prince's sides all the way down to hips. Ralsei shuddered as he lowered himself, his digits tensing as he pushed the tip of his member against the slumbering monster's pussy. He winced as he saw her back leg twitch but gasped as he felt the human grip his rear. Urged on by his own lust, he pushed the tip inside of those warm inviting folds and every little bit of hesitation he had an apprehension seemed to fade away. Tingling sensation coiled around his cock as he plunged inside with a sudden fervor that could not be explained. His hips thrust forward and both of his hands moved to grab onto Clover's haunches to hold himself as the feeling of her heat surrounding his cock was almost too much to handle. Her inner walls seemed to squeeze and knead his cock as if they were trying to milk him, almost begging for him to go deeper. The prince leaned forward, hips moving like pistons to get himself off inside of that wonderful sleeping cunt while his mind tried to take some sort of control again.

Keeping him from regaining control was Kris who had their lips against the prince's ear, warm breaths encouraging Ralsei to continue with this little victory. He was so focused on those breaths that he only just barely heard a few groggy moans and groans coming from the front of the monster he was plunging into. Quiet words came again at his ear to supplement those warm breaths, "Hear that? She's loving every second of it...Lost in a sweet dream. I like what you're doing too, prince. You're so soft...And my reward for doing so well. Right?"

Ralsei trembled at that, slowing his thrusting just enough to shut his eyes and muttered, "I...I guess if you want to do something to me, you could really just do whatever you want and I'd be okay with that."

A soft bleat escaped his mouth as he felt teeth press down on his shoulder. He heard Kris chuckling again and shuddered as those teeth moved away. Little kisses began to peck at his back from his neck all the way down to the base of his rear following his spine. While this happened, the prince could not stop his little hips from moving forward to drag his cock deep inside of the slumbering monster's pussy. The little kisses at his back and soon rear made it difficult to hold himself back as the cold spots moved from where they had been laid all the way around to his front to add to the pressure building in his gut. Part of him didn't want it to end so soon but he just couldn't help it. Ralsei leaned forward over the haunches of the feline monster, toes and digits curling as he squeezed out his load inside of Clover's cunt. The prince held on tight and squeezed her haunches with both of his arms coming around to cling while his seed continued to pour out inside of that lovely hole.

Ralsei's mind began to clear a little with the release of his lust and every moment he found himself growing further and further embarrassed until a sudden kiss between his rear cheeks sent a spark up his spine. He turned his head just in time to see Kris opening their mouth to drag their tongue inside of the caprine prince's hole, warm spittle wetting his rear causing him to tremble and twitch while his cock continued to release his lust. One of the human's hands moved to grab his balls, squeezing gingerly as if to urge him to continue cumming while the other hand felt through the fur of his rear cheeks to cling and grip gingerly.

The prince moaned aloud, "K-kris wait, if you need something to lube me up there's a store we can visit, you don't need to...To...Oh goodness!"

Unable to stop the human, he leaned forward and accepted every kiss and lick on his puckered hole, eyes shut while his body soaked in the pleasure. Eventually, the kissing stopped, his body allowed a moment's rest as Kris pulled his mouth away and slowly got up to plant the tip of their cock against the prince's puckered hole. Ralsei felt the tip and shuddered, not really knowing whether or not just a little lube would be enough.

Slowly, he pulled out of the sleeping monster to try and reason with his human friend, "Kris? Are you sure this is fine? I-I don't really know if spit will let you get inside easily. I mean, I just...I've been with other's before and of course, I said you can do anything but, maybe a bit of lube would help you along and me too. That shop isn't too far from here. The store owner is really nice too! And--"

His words were cut off as he felt his rear stretch and stretch to accommodate the tip of the human's cock. The caprine monster let out a squeaky moan, arms clutching around Clover's haunches tighter as he attempted to get a grip on himself and continue his statement. A single push from Kris' hips blanked his mind and wiped away whatever complaint he might've had. Slowly, bit by bit, the human pushed that thick cock inside of the goat's rear, Ralsei groaning every single inch of the way. When their balls touched, the human began to peck and kiss at the prince's neck while dragging their hips back only to push them forward. They began rocking back and forth, groaning in Ralsei's ear while the human took their prize from the battle. It was at this point that Ralsei finally gave in fully. There was no embarrassment and no need to be abashed. A lust drunk smile painted his face as he groaned and groaned, affection and warmth spreading through his body as he dragged his hips back.

A small smirk touched the human's mouth as they continued to plant loving kiss after kiss on the caprine monster's neck. Ralsei swore that he could his stomach bulging from the human's cock. He wasn't sure if this was right still and somewhere at the back of his mind he figured he should lecture Kris after this but right now he was so lost in that lust that all he could do was moan for more and more. The human's thrusts soon grew quick and rough, arms coiled around the goat's waist to hold him tight as they continued rutting like wild animals in heat. Ralsei was surprised at the sudden strength and speed with which the human pounded into his rear. The heat and pleasure combined together into something that outweighed whatever pain showed up and the constant grinding against his inner walls made it harder to think by the second.

Finally, he felt Kris slow down, one thrust planted after the other in a careful manner before suddenly, hot cum filled his rump. Ralsei squeaked as he felt the human's body tremble against his own. Teeth pressed down at his neck to bite down firmly while Kris clung to him. He groaned as thick warmth filled him until his stomach felt as if it were getting fat. Rope after rope stained his inner walls, the human's twitching member pumping out so much. When every little drop was gone. The caprine prince allowed his shoulders to sag and his eyes to shut tight while he tried to think of what to say about all of this.

The bite at his neck turned into a soft kiss and a wash of warmth kept whatever anger or lecture he had at bay. With a sigh, he leaned back into the human's touch and looked down at his own mess dripping from Clover's pussy. Ralsei mumbled, "Maybe this was a good idea. A bit of stress relief after battle doesn't seem so bad." He then added with a little bit of humor, "Maybe if we show Susie this she'd be more into adventuring with us."

Kris blinked and then began to giggle. Before long, the human leaned forward to kiss his ear and mutter, "It would be rude to put her to sleep and do what you did to Clover."

Ralsei's cheeks practically burst into flames but he ignored the quip and cleared his throat, "Uh...Right...We should get moving instead of just doing basking in the afterglow."

Kris made no objects and instead pulled out and got up to get dressed. Ralsei moved to get himself fixed, poncho back down over his sensitive parts and hat adjusted. There were important things to do and important battles to win and well, maybe, just maybe he'd let Kris have whatever reward they desired after significant victories. After all, the affection was more than welcome.

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