Potion Cat: Yearning Hearts

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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#19 of Potion Cat(Reboot)

A wandering potion cat finds herself pondering the various feelings that she's been having ever since her cousin has left. In particular, how lonely it feels now that there is no one in her home and now that she doesn't talk to someone in an intimate manner every day. Eventually, she bumps into a familiar face in the forest while on her listless way. Perhaps, a bit of respite from the loneliness and perhaps more.

The soft crunch of steps on snow echoed through a forest, no other sounds interrupting the steady beat. Most animals were tucked away in their dens slumbering the last months of Winter away while the world around them continued to move. Even the trees remained quiet as the small breeze wasn't enough to shake their leafless branches. The source of the noise was a short black-furred feline wearing a long dress of black with a scarf around her neck and a satchel at her side. She stopped her trek and knelt down to pluck a single mushroom from the base of a tree. Unlike the leafless tree, the mushroom appeared to be perfectly perky and healthy but the feline's sapphire eyes appeared to stare beyond the fungus. Her gaze was locked on the space the mushroom had been as she placed it in her satchel before she stood up and sighed. Layne looked out toward the grey sky with her eyes still distant and foggy as reality seemed to matter less and less. Her cousin had left a few days ago for their family's home and she couldn't help but wonder if he would be okay. Layne knew better than to worry about him. Nicolas had been resolved in going back to solve the problems with the family since was in a position to do so. Those thoughts weren't so bothersome, no, it was something else entirely. She was lonely. Everything around her was peace and quiet which allowed her to think clearly about what she wanted to do and gave her time to relax, at the same time, she kept on thinking about how few people she really interacted with on the regular. Sure, she talked to customers every day but lasting relationships were a dime a dozen. Maybe that wasn't too healthy and so she found it difficult to focus on her current task as her thoughts continued to ponder the loneliness she felt to the point where her eyes were barely watching where she was going. While lost in her thoughts, she found herself suddenly sitting on her rear. The feline blinked and looked to one side before looking to the other and then ahead of her where a hand was being offered. Struck out of her thoughts, she could finally hear the rapid string of apologies coming from a familiar voice. She took hold of the hand and allowed herself to be brought up and she saw that the person who had bumped paths with her was her friend from the town, Silas.

Silas stood there with one hand holding hers and the other rubbing at the back of his head. He was a moth of sorts with a black body spotted with white in places and a crest of orange fur around his neck. Bright orange wings were folded around his shoulders like a cloak and his eyes of a similar color were looking her over as if checking for something. At the moment, he wore robes parted at his legs that hugged his waist and at his hips a small glowing vial hung that she recognized as one of her own warmth potions that she had given him during the start of the cold seasons.

"Again, I'm sorry for the bump. Are you okay Layne? You seem a bit spaced out? I hope you didn't hit anything important." He said with a little twitch of his fuzzy antennas.

Layne wondered if she truly looked like that and for some reason found it difficult to speak. He had caught her truly in a moment of weakness and she wasn't sure how to respond. When she finally did manage to open her mouth, she sighed and shook her head, "I'm fine Silas...Well, physically. I can't say that my mood is great."

Silas took those words quietly enough, the moth watching with a pensive line curved downward on his face. When he moved, he did so to lean down and pick up both of their bags that had been dropped. He set them both neatly by a tree and sat down with them before looking up at her, "Well. I'm not busy. We can talk if you'd like."

The feline looked down at the moth who had his arms on his knees and was watching her with a small smile. She could say no. There wasn't anything forcing her to bear her weaknesses to a stranger and subject him to what might be just some passing Winter blues, at the same time, the prospect of being able to sit down with someone and just talk about anything at all sounded wonderful. With a little breath, she drew up her dress just a bit and sat against the tree next to the robed moth.

After she sat, she waited a few moments to pass before closing her eyes and drawing her head back against the tree to begin speaking, "So, I've been at that hill for a long time now living on my own and struggling. When I stopped struggling, I figured everything would be all right, and y'know? For a bit, everything was more than okay. I had a successful store, I had safety but with all that safety I felt idle. I went on an adventure for a little bit, came back and found my cousin here. I got to interact with him as I got to interact with him like I usually don't get to and came to find out how lonely my life was."

Silas frowned, "Lonely? People come to your store all the time don't they?"

Layne chuckled and leaned against the moth, "Mmmm, I suppose so...But tell me, Silas, do you talk with people outside of your business?"

He considered that for a bit before nodding slowly, "Yes. Of course. I have friends around the town and I usually take break days to go out and about here and there even if I'm a little shy sometimes."

Layne tilted her head, "Hmm...I don't do that really. I just stay at home, brew and get ready for the next day. I don't like being idle for too long so I experiment or I try out new things and when something exciting happens I welcome it. Going to town for anything other than business usually never crosses my mind." She then sighed, "That's all my own fault really and so, I've just been thinking about that."

Silence remained between them. A buzzing quiet that lasted for only a few seconds but seemed to last for a year or so simply because she had opened her heart to someone else and wasn't accustomed to it. When Silas finally spoke, she was glad for it, "I see. I didn't know you'd be thinking about that. You always seemed so confident and perky whenever you're around so I figured you were more than fine up there but I mean, the solution seems pretty obvious right?"

Layne raised a brow and asked, "The solution? Well, I guess I figured I'd hire someone and that way I could actually have someone to talk to day in and day out and maybe slooowly have them get comfortable with staying over?" She then blinked and looked out toward the expanse of trees and snow, "Huh, that sounds kind of silly out loud..."

Silas hummed, "Not necessarily but...Layne, you could always just close shop more often. You even said that business is great."

"Hmm...But what would I do when business is down?" She said with a sigh.

The potion maker turned her head just as she heard the moth chuckling. Her gaze found him with a hand on his mouth holding back laughter and she had to frown at that. When he noticed that she was frowning he stopped his chuckling as quickly as he could and cleared his throat, "Uh, Layne...You know, you could go down to town and meet people. Just, y'know, talk to people. There are places to eat and there are places to shop. I'm sure you'd meet plenty of people."

Layne raised her head a bit at that before leaning back against the tree, rocking back and forth, "Huh...That simple? You say it so casually but to me, it seems so daunting. I can make potions so easily and deal with customers just the same. Adventures into the unknown are nothing and meeting new people in those situations is nothing but what you just said? Seems pretty foreign. Maybe I am overthinking things far too much."

Silas nodded, "I'm sure you are and I never even knew that you were the type but you agree, right? That just going to town maybe once or twice a week would be good? You could visit the market, you could shop for books, for new materials that are imported and more, or you could just sit at a cafe and eat. If you've really been on adventures and done so much with your life then this should be nothing, right?"

She couldn't help but snort at that and push against him just enough to jostle him a little, "I guess that's true. I can't really argue with that. Other than that, I'd really like to wake up with someone in my bed who was more than a single night thing or maybe even someone greeting me at the door. For that, maybe I'd have to actually meet and connect with people, that and possibly move my store down to town for easier access."

Surprisingly, the moth pushed back, accepting and returning the tease while he continued the conversation, "Maybe! And well, I'm surprised." Layne looked over with one eye as Silas smiled and continued on, "I feel a bit emboldened by the fact that you're not perfect. You're beautiful, a genius with magic and some other things involving the crafts and you really do have a good business sense when handling people but uh, you're rather socially awkward too."

Layne's ears flicked back and she huffed, "Well. I guess that's one way of looking at it. Yes. I can talk with customers all day with a big smile on my face but when it comes to truly connecting with other people I only ever do it rarely so I'm not so great at that. Thank you for noticing and I guess you're welcome for giving you some confidence."

Silas shook his head, "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to make you feel bad with that and I should apologize for putting you on a pedestal instead of actually approaching you for conversation. I shied away from your store and from you in general because I thought that you didn't need anyone. You were...Perfect and I was just a shy bug."

The potion maker pondered that for a few seconds before she leaned against him and hummed, "Okay, so we both made some mistakes in regard to interacting with people but that doesn't mean we can't fix that?"

"I don't see why we can't fix it...I can even help you explore a bit of the town if you'd like sometime." His words then came with the usual quiet nervousness that she had known him for before, "Y'know, if you'd like...Not that you have to accept that invite or anything."

Layne chuckled, "Sweet thing, of course, I'll take your invite! Maybe tomorrow. I don't think it would be wrong for either of us to close down shop for a bit right? We both make a good profit and we both deserve our rest right?"

The moth nodded, "Yes! Tomorrow seems perfect."

Quietly, she watched as Silas reached for his bag as if the conversation was over. Perhaps it was over. Perhaps this would mean they would part ways for a bit until tomorrow but something in Layne ached. She wasn't accustomed to that. She was so used to simply seeing every meeting as a passing thing because most meetings she had in life had either been fleeting or some sort of betrayal but that had changed.

Layne had come to know her cousin properly, had spent time with other people other than her family who actually cared about her well being and now she wanted to foster those types of relationships herself rather than waiting for the chance meeting. Sex was wonderful and she would continue to fool and toy with her customers but maybe she could get something more out of it and perhaps she could get something more out of this meeting right now.

The words came easily enough as her paw moved to touch his arm to stop him as he began to stand, "Do you want to stay the night? We won't be needing to wake up early tomorrow and today can be a day off as well. You don't have to if you don't want and we could even do this tomorrow but really...I'd like to wake up with you in my bed tomorrow."

Silas looked at her, his cheeks stained with sudden color as her offer passed through his mind. When he answered it was with a little nod, "I'd be happy to."

Both feline and moth got up before picking up their satchels. They both made sure that the bags were secure and full of the proper contents before turning to one another. Layne already knew what to do in this situation and felt somewhat comforted by that knowledge. This entire conversation had been something new to her and she felt strangely exhausted by it. Perhaps it was pouring her heart out that made her so fatigued or perhaps it was simply the fact that this was something new. Either way, she was grateful for what she knew would be the right move now.

Layne leaned in and planted her lips on his, one paw coming up to cup his cheek while his eyes widened for a short second before closing. The potion maker understood seduction, understood passion and heat and she shared those things with Silas through their kiss and through the affection that she so burned to have. Layne cherished the feeling of their lips pushing together and purred as she felt his own body against her own. She could feel his want and understood his need through the way he returned the kiss with just as much hunger. It was a shame that she could feel herself growing winded from the initial kiss.

When their mouths parted, Layne brought in a breath with a sigh, the moth doing the same. Their separation was only for a few seconds as Winter's touch pushed the feline to step closer. The cold brushed along her lips and back urging her to bring her mouth over his again with more fervor as she desperately desired that lovely heat. She kept the kiss going longer this time, lips melding together and parting with tongues twisting against one another in the middle.

Silas was still the same meek bug she knew and she could feel it in the way he shivered every little moment their kiss continued but she could feel a strength ebbing somewhere beneath the surface, a strength that slowly came out as he reached up to take hold of her arms to draw her close. He pressed his mouth to hers and now Layne shuddered, feeling herself being pushed back just a bit by the force of his kiss. The moth's tongue dipped into her mouth, warm spittle mixing together as they continued the deep kiss until finally both of them pulled away with a gasp.

Silas muttered, "I uh...You should lead the way back right? We're going to your place?"

Layne nodded and purred, "Sure are...If you can be that pushy with just a kiss, then please do it with everything else. I like that...And really, today I think I'd like someone else to take control."

The moth nodded and move to plant a soft peck on her nose causing her to smile. Their bodies parted away from another, Layne smoothing out her dress before she started to walk. In her life, she had brought back men and women of all sorts back to her home for sex. It never shook her to lead someone two times her size or someone with deviant tastes back to her home but it always made her heart twist and tremble whenever she had someone following her who actually seemed to care about her. To her, it was not only unusual, but it was also the most thrilling and frightening thing she had ever experienced every single time. Hopefully, she would become accustomed to it.

Their steps together formed the only sounds in the forest as they walked back to the potion maker's store. It didn't take long to get to the snow covered hill where the cottage sat neatly at the top waiting for them. Cloudy skies kept the sun from warming the world and Layne found herself feeling glad that Winter wasn't forever. She was a creature of sunshine and flowers, not of ice and snow. At the front door, there was a letter slipped inside of a little slot near the door. The potion maker took the letter but ignored it as she opened the door for her guest. He bowed his head and ducked inside without saying much, the color still painting his cheeks.

Layne had to smile. He had been so bold and so comfortable talking to her about things that made her nervous, and yet, Silas seemed to have some trouble with bedding and courting still. When she followed inside, she did so with her tail twisting while containing a little giggle that seemed to desperately want to get out. Once the door shut, she moved toward the front counter to her store where she set the letter atop of it and looked to see that the moth was looking over the various potions in her store.

After setting her satchel down behind the counter and noticing that he was taking his time she had to ask with a little chuckle, "Doing some shopping? You're good to me so I could give you a few things for free."

Silas blinked and looked around as if realizing where he was. He then cleared his throat and moved to set his own bag behind the counter while speaking, "No no, I don't want anything. This store is impressive is all. You run it all by yourself and brew everything by yourself. I take care of a store but I don't have to make anything, I just raise plants and of course, that's still work but just, I think you're amazing."

Layne felt herself grow heated despite the chill of Winter still clinging to her clothes, "Hah! Relax Silas, I invited you to my bed. No need to butter me up and certainly no need to improve your station with me."

A hand touched her paw and she looked up to see that he was watching her with a quiet gaze she couldn't read, when he opened his mouth, his words were gentle, "I mean it." Such sudden intensity hadn't been expected. A few moments after the words settled his hand was still touching her paw and he cleared his throat, "Besides...I already know that I'm in the clear, right? Might as well just start disrobing right here even."

He chuckled and looked away, color burning further on his cheeks. Layne smiled at his attempt at flirting and she gave his hand a squeeze before she leaned over to peck his cheek and whisper, "I think, that sounds wonderful...But how about we share a bath? Warm and clean before messy or a mixture of all these things might be nice, right?"

Silas shivered and both of his hands moved to reach around and grab her rear. He tugged her close and she suddenly felt something firm pushing against her body. Layne blinked and reached down to touch the bulge and she felt him press his face to her neck as he breathed out, "All of that sounds wonderful but only if I'm close to you, only if I can feel you, sexual or not. I almost started stripping in the forest when you kissed me and the warmth I'm wearing might as well be a source of cold since my body is burning up because of you."

Layne squeezed his bulge ever so tenderly while her words came out in a purr, "If that's what you want then that's what you get. I love that you're being so open about what you want...Is that what you have trouble with? Telling people what you want? If so, you don't have to be afraid of that. Be a little selfish."

She felt a little nip at her neck and shuddered as his words came out just loud enough that she could hear them, "I want to see if I can take control today...And tomorrow...And maybe even every day of the week. I'd uh, even try to put a collar on you."

Layne felt herself smiling so big that it almost hurt, her cheeks burning as she responded with a sigh, "Well...You're going to have to work hard to achieve all that but we'll see sweetie. As for the collar, provide that yourself one day and we'll see."

Before more could be said, she stepped away from Silas and his touch. She turned with a flick of her tail in the air before walking toward the door leading to the back. It didn't take long for Silas to follow and for now, both of them moved in silence through the cottage. Layne brought the moth to the bath she had in her home. It was something she hoped to expand but for now, this would do. A single tub would have never done it for her once she had actual money to spend and so, she had herself a bath cut into the floors that spanned about half the room with a flower and vine hanging over it. She pointed toward the flower and with a little glow of magic, the vine began to release heated water into the baths. Layne beamed before she started to strip, getting her dress off without considering the fact that she had a guest. It didn't matter if he saw her nude, it didn't matter if anyone saw her nude because she knew that she was beautiful. Establishing deeper connections might've been a bit difficult but confidence in herself had already come. The scarf and dress came off, piled at the floor beneath her just as the steps of her guest began to press onto the wood just as the noise of the water flowing stopped.

A shiver ran down her spine as she felt digits slide down her left side all the way to her waist where a thumb hooked through her underwear. His touch was trembling but he still tugged it down as if attempting to assert what he desired. With the way he paused and the way his digits were shaking, she could almost hear the question, 'Is this right?'

Layne gave her own quiet answer by doing nothing and letting him take control. She waited until he stepped up and she could feel his breathing carrying heat across her shoulders as his other hand came down to take her panties by the other portion of the waist and drag them down. Layne helped by bending over slightly, purring as he actually allowed himself to indulge. When her underwear was at her ankles, both of those hands came up to grab her plump rear, squeezing and kneading it with gentle touches that had her shivering. A squeeze here or there became more firm, more confident, and those digits slowly stopped shaking while her ears slowly flicked back and her heart began to race.

Between her legs, she could feel her own cock growing, each twitch bringing it up just a bit while the heat in her body continued to match the steam flowing through the room. Eventually, his hands came off of her rear and she heard him take a step back. Layne turned just enough to see that the moth's cheeks were flushed with color, his eyes watching her with a quiet intensity. That bulge on his robes was more visible now and those digits that had been trembling were now working to get his robes off. Layne watched as he stripped and while she did so she leaned down to grab her clothes. She stepped away just for a second to set her clothes on a bench before she turned back to see that he was fully nude. With a small smile, she knelt down to take his clothes quietly, her cheek brushing against the length of his uncut cock causing him to shudder. She took her time in taking his robes and when she got up, she brushed her cheek against his cock again. Layne moved to his clothes down next to hers.

Silas was watching her with a gaze that she could very nearly feel. It was fiery hot and burned away any leftovers of Winter's kiss but she did not return that gaze for now. With a breath, she moved to step inside of the bath, eyes closed as she sunk herself into the water until from her chest all the way down she was submerged. Her ears twitched as she heard him slip into the bath, the water parting and moving against her fur before it settled again. Again she felt his touch, again she felt his digits, but this time at her thigh. When she looked up, she finally met that heated gaze and saw that it was less of a smoldering heat and more of something gentle and magnetizing like the flickering phantom touch of a campfire. The burning storm she had felt and still felt came from her own heart as she found it difficult to look at him without feeling some sort of emotion bursting forth. Layne could feel that this was one of those moments where she was sharing affection with someone who was looking for more than just a quick fuck, more than just a passing time to empty balls and let pleasure loose. It was exciting in such a different way and she couldn't help but lean in first to plant her mouth against his while his hand kept on squeezing her thigh.

Even though she had begun the kiss, she managed to keep herself calm enough to let him take control of the pace. His mouth moved against hers softly, pressing and pushing only every so often while his other hand moved to rest around and on her side. He tugged at her body, bringing her just a bit closer while their mouths' continued to meld together. Layne could feel the heat in her heart quenched just a bit by the sweetest kiss. It felt soft and hungry for her attention all at the same time and she reveled in it.

Their lips pushed and parted together to let their tongues meet. There were so many chances to deepen the kiss, to make something more of this gentle kiss, but neither of them did anything except enjoy and sink to their desires. Each little movement sent the sound of wet lips smacking together echoing into the bathroom with little pops joining the sound of the water moving around them. Breath became something rare between their mouths as they continued to keep themselves as close to one another as they managed. When Layne needed to, she held her breath and continued to kiss, dipping closer and closer until she realized that she was pushing him, his body nearly engulfed in the water.

Finally pulling her mouth away, she gasped in a breath and attempted to apologize before her arms were seized and she was brought into a deep kiss. The steam from the bath was already curling around her mind and the kiss only added to that. Her thoughts were getting distant and foggy, a soft wash of pleasant sensations tapping at her heart letting her know that this was more than just a little bit right. Layne allowed herself to be pulled into that deep kiss, allowed his tongue into her mouth and loved every second of it. The spittle mixing with her own felt cool compared to the heat of the water surrounding them and the warmth of her own body. Again they parted with a wet line remaining between their lips as proof of their connection.

Silas breathed out, "Am I...Am I doing this right? I'm not being too pushy am I?"

Layne purred and shook her head, "You're perfectly fine Silas. Relax and do what you want."

The moth looked away for a few seconds before leaning back in as if he wanted to plant a loving kiss on her, but instead, he whispered, "I'd like to go to your bed now."

A shot of electric excitement touched her spine as she heard the meek bug assert his desires so readily and so heatedly. Had he truly been so star struck by her presence that he hadn't wanted to visit her? Hadn't thought that she would need anyone? Either way, their little conversation had given him this new confidence that she wanted to see through and not just for one night. Maybe when her cousin came back she would have someone to introduce him to. That was always a disappointment. She had shown Nicolas a good home and a healthy lifestyle with a successful store but she hadn't been able to show him, anyone, that she could call a friend. Olea traveled and other than that, anyone she had a heart to heart with was outside of the village but now, now she could find herself connecting to someone right here, someone who lived just a walk away. What a wonderful thing.

Layne broke out of her thoughts in time to remember that she had an answer to give the nervous bug sitting next to her in the bath. Slowly, she got up from the bath and stretched, tail curling around her waist to hide her arousal, "Bed already? A nap might be a bit much but I have to agree that getting out of the water might be a good idea...With all that kissing I felt like I was about to faint."

Silas blinked and slowly got up with her, watching as she stepped out of the bath to take a towel and dry herself. She wondered if he would catch on to her tease, or if perhaps, she had been too coy, "Ah, a nap? I didn't really mean that. I mean, if you're about to faint it would be a good idea to get out of the water but..." He paused for a moment and Layne thought about turning around to soothe him but he then spoke up, "I'm sure you'd be willing to take a nap after we're done having sex. I...I think I'd like to leave you exhausted this time instead of me barely able to stand up. I think, I'd like to see you barely able to stand up and barely able to keep your eyes open after I'm done with you."

The potion maker turned around just in time to see that Silas had stepped out of the bath and just in time to see his hands grip her waist firmly. Her eyes grew wide and her heart thumped firmly, a big smile creeping up her face as she managed a steady answer, "Well, get dry first and we'll see if you can handle me."

He tugged her close for a moment and she thought he might kiss her again, but instead, his words came out with a huff, "I can...I can handle not only you in bed but I can handle who you are too...I want to talk before you pass out, I want to hear about you and your life. I want to know you."

Layne felt her cheeks burn, "Gosh...Silas that's sweet and I guess I don't see the harm in that..."

Silas drew her into a firm and wet hug, squeezing her tight while his words came, "That's what I really want."

The feline shivered, feeling the water on her body cool to the open air and so she said softly, "We should dry up...Anything you want, I'll provide it. Even if it hurts."

Silas nodded and pulled away to get his own towel while Layne focused on keeping herself up and drying off. When she finished, she took their clothes in a pile and started walking, knowing that he would follow her. Both of their steps padded on the wooden floorboards, neither saying a word as they continued on toward her room. Silas stepped in front of her when they got to the door. He opened it and watched with that gentle gaze as she moved into the room. Inside the room, her bed awaited big enough for two or three with purple sheets illuminated by the flower above the bed itself. There were bookshelves and a study where a few lonely flasks sat. She quickly set the pile of clothes in a corner and her heart thumped as the door shut.

The feline rose from the corner while turning, cheeks burning bright beneath the fur as she found herself face to face with the moth's cock. She looked up just as he took hold of his shaft to push the fat thing against the bridge of her nose, pushing it and grinding it as if to taunt her before slapping it against her cheek. Layne could see the moth trembling, could see how nervous every little movement he took made him. Normally, she would take advantage of that weakness and attempt to tease and wear him down until she could do whatever she wanted with the poor thing but that wasn't what she wanted right now. The tug of war between control and submission was a beautiful thing but her heart and body craved the feeling of being vulnerable and simply allowing another to take control. Layne simply wanted to know that she could be taken care of right here in this moment and in turn, she wanted to let Silas know it was safe to show that weakness.

Again she felt the tap of his cock on her cheek and she reached up to take hold of it gingerly in paw, digit after digit curling around the beautiful thing before she brought her mouth underneath and toward the base where she began to plant kiss after kiss on each of his balls. She started from one orb and brought her lips to the other while her paw began to stroke the moth's cock gently. That twitching member pushed against her hand as Silas thrust, his hand gripping the back of her head. Layne could only purr as she felt his grip tighten, purr while her mouth continued to kiss at each lovely black orb while she wondered just how much cum was in each of them. She took her time worshipping with her lips before opening her mouth to let her tongue push against them. Every inch of those lovely orbs was covered in warm spittle before she returned to kiss, at the same time, she could feel pre already dripping from the tip onto the palm of her paw. It didn't take long for the moth to yank her head back, Layne gasping in response before suddenly finding her mouth full of thick uncut cock.

The feline gagged as the bug took a step forward to thrust all of his shaft into her maw, balls on her chin, the tip of his cock twitching in her throat. Layne shivered and shut her eyes, obeying quietly while Silas began to drag her head back and forth. He pushed and tugged her along at a steady pace while his hips thrust forward to bury his shaft in her mouth. The gagging and sputtering soon stopped as she adjusted to his size and both of her paws came up to take hold of his balls and squeeze them gingerly. She could feel the air escaping her lungs with no other place to escape and she had very little way to catch her breath. Her sapphire eyes grew hazy as her mind became mired in fog from the constant pounding her throat was taking. Whatever weakness the moth had before had faded away and now she could only feel his strength as he tugged her along whichever way he desired.

A heavy throbbing pulsed inside of throat from the cock pushing and pushing inside of her mouth and mind. The balls in her hands seemed to tense and pull back, growing hotter as her own body seemed to reflect that imminent heat. Layne's ears tugged back as she felt a sudden gush of heat pour straight down her throat. She was forced to swallow that first load and the moth pulled away just enough for his twitching orgasm to stain her tongue in the taste before she swallowed dutifully. Again he pulled away and out of her mouth, his hand gripping his cock tight to aim it at her face and paint her with the last potions of his load. The feline closed one eye and gasped, purring as she felt the warmth stain her.

Layne made sure to wipe away the cum over her eye before she looked up to see that the moth was still so hard, still so firm and even if he was panting, he looked like he wanted more. Both of his hands came around to her shoulders and gave her a little tug to which she obeyed and got up slowly while he began, "Get us some lube...A-and get on the bed."

The little stutter at the end nearly made her giggle but her mind was too drunk with lust to do so while she was recovering from the lack of air. Layne obeyed and walked away to her nightstand, reaching into the cabinet to pull out a glowing blue vial, her tail lifted in the air. When she had it secured in her paw she crawled onto the bed and turned around to watch Silas move over her body. He kissed her stomach lovingly before kissing down to her crotch and around toward her thighs causing her to squirm and groan. He reached up to take hold of the vial while his mouth moved against her balls to kiss lower and lower until his mouth reached her taint. With his arms, he pushed her hips up and brought his mouth against her puckered hole, licking and kissing as he might her own mouth. Layne had an arm over her mouth at this point, her body shaking as she let him take control and reveled in the fact that he seemed to have cast aside any doubts that she would do exactly what he desired. His tongue curled inside of her rear, stretching out deep inside of her rump to drag against her inner walls and wet it with his spittle. She watched as he popped the cork off of the vial to let the blue liquid seep out onto one hand so he could get his cock nice and read before he pulled his long tongue away to replace it with two of his sticky fingers. Layne purred and moaned while she felt it all happen, shuddered while he fit in a third and stretched it far making sure that her rear was properly lubed before taking it away.

Silas took hold of his cock and placed the tip at her rear before pushing and pressing. He still had one arm hooked around one of her legs to bring her up while he fit himself inside of her ass. The tip spread her apart and Layne could feel the pressure start to build in her gut while Silas thrust in all the way. It was a sudden push that jolted her forward and caused her to squeak but she only moaned as he started to rut and ram her. Every thrust was one that saw every inch of that thing push inside of her and he made sure to pull out just enough to let her feel every portion grinding against her inner walls. The potion made it easy for his cock to glide inside and her toes clenched while he took advantage of that. Layne remembered the last time they fucked, remembered how meek, how simple he seemed. Had he been holding back his desire to break her? Had he been holding back his strength, or maybe, Silas had changed.

The feeling of pressure and pleasure rolled up from her gut to the rest of her body causing her eyes to flutter. At this point, Silas let her leg down so he could wrap his arms around her waist, his thrusts growing faster as he buried his face against her neck planting kiss after kiss. Already her own orgasm felt so close from just the pounding she was taking, her own cock twitching and dripping hot pre onto her stomach while he kept on pushing those sweet sensations through her. Both of her paws grabbed onto his arms but only to steady herself as she watched him work. She purred and mewled, moaning while he thrust, an eagerness growing within her as she felt his cock twitch wildly. The pressure inside of her caught up to her body first, her back arching as her climax poured out between them onto her own stomach leaving a little dot of warmth.

Every little sensation added after her orgasm seemed to push down on her mind, coiling around it as if trying to draw her into a pure lust drunk state but she wanted to be aware of this moment, wanted to be aware of the moth's desires. Warm cum started to fill her rear while the mouth was still stuck in his rutting. He pushed and thrust against her despite his seed pouring out against her inner walls and his own groans were rolling against her neck. Layne purred and threw her head back as she felt every drop fill her. Being bred so thoroughly felt just right, her toes splayed and her claws digging into his arms just a little bit while she rode out the pleasure of his orgasm.

When he was finally done. He pulled out quicker than she expected and suddenly, he had his cock at her mouth. Layne blinked and looked up, the bug staring down at her with such a heated and foggy expression as he pushed the tip of his cock against her lips. The feline shuddered and opened her mouth to let him thrust every inch of that thing in her mouth. Again she found herself being throat fucked by the moth, one of his hands on the back of her head and the other reaching down to grab her throat as if he wished to feel the cock bulging there. Each thrust robbed her a little bit of her sanity as she felt her mind giving in to that pure lust that threatened to ravage her senses. Bit by bit she felt his cock swell and throb against her throat and tongue but she could only feel pure bliss in all of this. The bug above her whined and moaned, huffing with every push of his hips to get himself off in her mouth. This ceaseless lust had to have been built up over time for her and only her and she loved every second of it. She received ever portion of his love and passion, drinking down the pre while her tongue tried to move to help him get off. It wasn't long before she could feel the warmth of his seed sticking against her throat and filling her maw. She swallowed what she was forced to swallow, her gut feeling so full from the combination of cum in her ass and the cum flowing down her mouth. When it was all done he pulled out, his cock shrinking as he brought himself down to lie on her.

Silas muttered while Layne caught her breath, "How was that...Did I do well?"

Layne shuddered, "M-more than good...It was wonderful Silas."

The moth pushed his face against her chest and shut his eyes, the feline doing the same as she found it difficult to stay awake after all that. Tomorrow, she would wake with someone in her bed and take a break from things. Hopefully, that letter she had placed atop of her front counter wasn't too pressing. Either way, it could be taken care of later. For now, she slumbered.

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