PMD: Uncertain Apprenticeship

Story by ReynartWrites on SoFurry

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Wandering a dangerous forest alone might seem like a wonderful test of strength but usually those types of test end in a bit of disaster. While alone, a Snivy finds himself face to face with a trickster that offers him a position to give him that strength that he so desires, so long as he performs a little.

Just outside of a small house shaped like an extremely overgrown acorn was a short serpentine pokemon with green leafy scales and bright purple eyes. A big smile dotted the features of the snivy as he puffed his chest while breathing in and then let it all out with a deep sigh to take in the morning air. The sun above was just reaching over the tops of the trees and the sun's rays brought down shimmers of warmth that mixed with the cool morning air. He took in that warm with eyes shut for a moment as he looked up before he opened them while facing out toward the mess of trees near his home. Jess secured the red ascot at his neck, tugging at the knot before he looked to his side to make sure that his satchel was still there. He gave it a few pats to feel the lumps within to make sure that he was well stocked. He could feel a reviver seed in there, a few oran berries and an escape orb just in case he needed to get out of some sort of sticky situation. Today, Jess was going to head out on a little excursion, just a little walk. He lived near a massive forest but never really took the time to explore it. Most of the people in the nearby town said that it was dangerous to even think about going in there without a team but you didn't have to be an explorer to explore. Maybe it was just because Jess had dreams of being on a rescue or exploration team, but his chest swelled again at the thought of being part of a group of pokemon going out into the unknown. In some ways, today would be a test. If he could go out inside of the forest and come out without harm or fear then he'd be absolutely sure that he could join up with a guild. With a little hop, the short pokemon began to walk toward the sea of trees while humming.

The forest itself was made of trees large enough that their roots jutted out of the ground like large steps that Jess either had to walk around or climb over. He was more than happy for the exercise and enjoyed the sight of the various flowers and mushrooms on the little trip through the forest. There were bushes full of wild berries and smaller trees that held the same. Most of the berries he came across didn't seem ripe enough to pluck so he left them where they were in the hopes that someday he could come back. Jess was surprised by the amount of shade in the forest. The trees had formed a canopy high above the ground that only allowed flickers of sunlight to filter through in beautiful rays. Strangely, Jess couldn't spot or hear any other signs of life in the forest.

There were plenty of plants of varying kinds but the only sound he could hear was his own steps padding on the grassy ground beneath him. The townspeople had said it was a dangerous place in the forest but none had elaborated on what that meant. If it was a dungeon then that could mean trouble but even dungeons had pokemon inside of them. Those pokemon were often dangerous but they were still there. Jess could see nothing but nature and more nature as far as his eyes could see and that made him excited. With a hand on his chin, they started to walk while pondering the mystery of the strange forest. Perhaps the rumors were so strong that no one ever desired to come here or maybe people were just smart enough to come. Part of Jess' instincts were telling him to turn back and find his way home but louder part of his mind was urging him forward. Strange, that part of his mind had a distinct voice. It almost seemed like someone with a sweet tenor was whispering nearby.

"Come deeper." The voice whispered and the snivy followed without even needing the voice to tell them a single thing.

Jess was here to explore and in his heart, he was set on exploring. The whispering soon faded away but the snivy thought nothing of the strange appearance and disappearance of a voice inside of his mind. He just took it as his inner-self reminding him that he was here to prove to himself that he could explore places which others considered dangerous. A single step forward more and suddenly they felt a drop of something cold on their head.

The snivy looked up and found himself gazing into a shower of rain coming down in a thin sheet despite the fact that the sun seemed so bright. It felt kind of nice to feel water pouring over their body but they did wonder if he should turn around. Jess turned his head just to get a good look at the path behind him and quirked a brow. He turned around all the way and felt his little heart begin to sink as a shroud of mist covered the way he had been walking. When Jess turned again, the mist had coiled around all the way. The large trees that had been towering above the clouds were nowhere to be seen. Jess turned and turned until he felt just a bit dizzy but all he managed to see was the mist gathering together into a thick fog that made it nearly impossible to see the grass at his feet. It rolled over his legs and twisted in strange ways that sent shivers up his spine. Jess reached into his pack and pulled out the escape orb that he had taken with him. There was something strange in this forest and the fog was proof of it. Even if he couldn't see where the path home was the orb he held should allow him to return to a safer place. As he held it aloft to use it, a long tongue shot out from the fog and coiled around the orb before yanking it away before he could even realize what was happening.

Jess stared at his open hand, flexing his pointed digits until current events dawned on him. The snivy's heart began to pump against his chest like a wild drum as he fished through his bag for something that might help him but the only thing that he had brought along that would have helped him had disappeared into the fog. Panic rose in him like embers from a roaring flame and he tried his hardest to snuff out that rising fear but all that did was make him think about it instead. He took in a deep breath and looked around again noticing that the fog was clearing in some places. Both of his eyes followed the dispersing fog until a jutting root was revealed hiding behind the fog. There his orb hung in the air held by the hand of a chameleon-like pokemon with red eyes and deep green scales. It was a kecleon with a long body rounded at the stomach and sharply featured head. Jess had seen kecleons before but none had been so large and certainly, none had stolen from him. Most were content to sell him goods or buy goods from him.

Every moment he spent staring into those red eyes was another moment that his instincts told him that he should be gone by now but instead, he stood his ground and decided to play nice for now, "Ah, hello! I seem to be a bit lost here and that is my way out. If I could have that back then maybe I could leave you alone."

The kecleon tilted his head and a large smile crossed his features as he spoke, "Leaving so soon? You just got here and I don't often get guests. You know, the forest is dangerous even for explorers. If you really wanted to, you could just leave all your valuables here and use your badge to warp on out."

Jess felt his heart sink but he continued the conversation, "I uh, don't have a badge. I'm not an explorer per say...I was just, out here to see if I could handle exploration and well, I was going to join a guild afterward so uh, if you could just give that back I can leave. I can even just, drop all of my stuff too and let you have it all."

That smile that seemed to have been growing forever stopped and shifted to a deep frown, "Not an explorer?" Said the thief while tossing the orb up before catching it, "Well, that's a shame. Really, anyone can be an explorer. All you have to do is go out on adventures and maybe rescue a few pokemon. I'm confident you'll get your courage and strength to achieve that goal someday. I can see sparks of something good in you anyway."

Unsure of the strange pokemon's motives, Jess gave a crooked smile and nodded, "Thank you, I think but right now I'd just like to go home."

"Hah! You're shaking." Said the kecleon before he hopped off of the root, "I didn't think that all of this would frighten you so much. Here I was, wanting to play a little game before sending you off...But that little bit of fear excites me you know. Seeing the way you react makes me interested in you. What say you to becoming my little apprentice, I'll make you strong!"

Jess winced and covered his head as he saw the kecleon hop off of the root but then raised his head high when he heard that statement, "What? Apprentice? I mean...I'd like to get strong but I don't think I'd like to be a thief and besides, what can you really teach me? I'm not a psychic-type. I'm a grass pokemon of all things."

Before he knew it, the kecleon was right next to him, circling him while tossing the orb up and letting it fall down into his open clawed hand, "True! But I can teach you some grass things if you want and I can teach you general things too. How to survive, how to be smarter and how to cut loose. You don't have to be a thief either, you could be whatever you want, so long as you let me have my fun."

The snivy looked up at the kecleon with a tilted head, "Fun?"

Jess found himself face to face with the kecleon now who moved like the fog surrounding them, in and out of existence as if he were made of air. When their snouts touched, he felt his cheeks burn as the kecleon spoke in a quiet tone, "Fun is whatever I want it to be and whenever I want it. I think you're cute enough to have you tag along as my pretty little student but I need you obedient and ready to do what I want. If that's a problem, you can just take this."

Distracted by the kecleon's sudden nearness, Jess had not noticed that the orb had returned to his person. He looked down to see that he held the orb in his arms and when he looked back up he saw that the kecleon was standing upright with both arms crossed and a big grin stretching from edge to edge on his face. Jess could not get a read on what the kecleon was thinking but that had begun to interest him more than frighten him. The thief seemingly had much more power and wit than Jess could ever hope to have and when he looked down at the orb the thought of a missed opportunity passed on by. He could leave and return home but he would also count this little excursion as a failure due to his own weakness. Using the orb would mean fleeing and how could he ever hope to join a guild if he wasn't at his peak?

With a gulp, he squeezed the orb before taking it one hand and tossed it off to the side where it rolled into the sea of fog without a sound. The snivy looked up at the kecleon with puffed cheeks and arms crossed to at least make himself a bit bigger and show that he meant business despite the fact that he had a sneaking suspicion he just looked silly, "I'll take your offer." He said with a huff, "What else is there to do besides wasting away? If I don't actively go after what I want then how will I ever get it? I'd say this is my best chance to actually go out and see the world. Maybe I'll keep on following you or maybe I'll settle down with a guild but either way it'll be my choice!"

The kecleon clapped his hands together and chuckled, "Well said! Now. Payment."

Jess blinked, "Oh uh...I guess I got a few coins in my bag."

Laughter echoed in the forest and the kecleon leaned forward and down with a single claw touching the snivy's chin to bring it up, "No dear student of mine. I don't want money. I like you and taking you as my apprentice is only one part of my desire."

A burning spread across his cheeks as the kecleon moved closer and closer until he pulled Jess's chin up firmly and brought their mouth's together. The snivy's eyes grew wide but he didn't struggle and didn't try to pull away. He found his heart beating by the second and his mind rushing with various whispers trying to figure out what was happening. The mouth over his parted to let a long tongue coil around his own. Warmth and spittle mixed together between their mouths, sticky passion causing his mind to grow fuzzy as he trembled from the sensation of the tongue coiling around his own and twisting down into his mouth. The tongue traveled deeper and deeper until he could feel it at his throat robbing him of precious air. Jess brought up a frail hand to touch the kecleon's cheek, eyes turning half-lidded as he found himself strangely aroused from the deep kiss. When their mouths parted, it was with a wet pop, strands of spittle showing their connection while the long and sticky tongue of the other pokemon uncoiled from his own and snapped back into the kecleon's maw.

Jess was left panting, tiny legs shaking and his own meager erection poking out of his slit. The kecleon licked his own mouth, ruby eyes glinting in the shadows of the fog as he spoke, "My my my...What a taste...Now, tell me, what is your name, precious student?"

"Jess." Sighed the snivy with no hesitation.

The kecleon chuckle and leaned on to plant a lovingly gentle peck on the snivy's pointed snout before muttering, "And I'm Zen. Let's get along well together. Right? Teacher and student. Teacher and apprentice. Master and servant."

Master and servant? Such words brought a shiver down the serpent pokemon's spine. The implications were clear and if he did not understand at first, Jess could clearly see how his teacher felt. Zen had stepped back and stood up nice and straight with his legs out just a bit to show off the rather impressive cock jutting out from between them. It was a large thing tapered at the tip and sliding out of a genital slit like his own, however, unlike his own cock, Zen's shaft was a beautiful thing to behold.

While his mind was stuck in lustful dreams of the cock in front of him, the kecleon brought a foot up and then down on his shoulder causing him to stumble and nearly topple over. The smaller pokemon looked up and saw that the cock he had been worshipping from afar was just inches away from his face. Clawed digits coiled around the shaft, Zen squeezing on that thick thing before slowly pushing it down to point at the snivy. Jess watched as he stroked it up and down carefully, clawed digits working the shaft all the way to the base before coming back up to the tip where they came off to flick a drop of pre onto his nose. That dot of heat caused his legs to buckle a bit underneath the weight of the foot on his shoulder. It was difficult, so so difficult to think with that cock in front of his face. He had never done this before but he knew about it and his body knew what to think about it. Even if he was born with a cock himself, his body understood his role in life.

Zen woke him out of those ambient thoughts of instinct and lust with a press of the foot on his shoulder and a mutter, "Aren't you pretty? Trembling like the sprout you are from just the sight of my cock in your face. I thought I'd have to push you a little, to actually claim my prize but here you are showing me that you're a natural born slut. I wonder if I fuck you hard enough and long enough will you pop an egg out? You seem like the type since you're so eager to suck this cock of mine...Hah, weak."

Wild burning spread across his cheeks in a flash of red as he finally snapped out of his cock lust long enough to huff, "I'm not weak! I'm not a slut either and I won't be popping out any eggs." His eyes then trailed toward the fat cock in front of him before he stuttered, "I...I just...I can't help it. I've never done something like this before so I can't help but be interested and my body is acting on its own."

Despite his words, his gaze was still locked on the cock twitching before him and he did nothing to push the foot off of his shoulder. Even Jess knew it was only a matter of time before he would be begging his teacher to show him how to play this little game. Zen himself look unconvinced and even snickered, that snicker turning into a giggle that rolled out into proper laughter. He kicked the flustered snivy onto his rear but before Jess could get up to retort, the cock that had captured his mind slapped onto his snout. He looked with wide eyes and then tried to back away but a hand at the back of his head kept his mouth firmly secured against the shaft. Jess thought that his new teacher would attempt to bring that fat thing inside of his mouth or maybe even tell him to lick it but instead, he found himself yanked back and onto the grass where he looked up at the fat rear of the kecleon hovering over him.

Jess gasped just as the puckered hole kisses his mouth forcing him to share a lover's embrace with the hole while he shuddered beneath that plump rear. Both of his hands came up to squeeze the fat ass smothering him but his digits did so gently before he found his mouth opening slowly to let his tongue out without his permission. Again he found that his body was moving purely on instinct, twin cocks twitching between his legs while he dragged his tongue against that puckered hole. The reptile above him purred, chuckling some more while rolling his hips to drag his ass across the subdued snivy's tongue. Jess let this happen and even dipped his head up to catch more of that rear with his tongue. He licked and licked again and again until every part of that puckered hole was covered in warm spittle, even then, he knew he wasn't done. The snivy dragged his tongue up and against that sweet hole, digging it inside in an attempt to coat those plush inner walls with his spit as well. He heard a moan from above and his cocks responded in kind by twitch and releasing a small amount of pre while he squeezed his legs together. Jess couldn't believe he was reacting this way and he almost wanted to ask if he were being influenced in any way but he could remember his own name and feel hot shame and embarrassment for giving in so easily. He almost wished that the kecleon would have used some sort of trick to get him to do this.

Adding to his embarrassment was a voice above him so full of humor, "My my, I thought I'd have to push you or somethin' but here you are just licking away at my rear like sweet candy. I expected you to open up for my cock and well, now I know how you really are."

He pushed up against the rear cheeks he was squeezing but instead found himself smothered by all of that ass as it came down firmly to end his little struggle. Slowly, Zen pulled his rear away and Jess was finally free only to sit up and find himself face to face with that cock again. He reached toward out without even thinking and the kecleon pulled away and sat down on his rump with a big smile on his face.

Jess huffed, "What do you want?"

Zen laughed and held up a small glass vial of pure blue liquid, "Come here and lie on my chest. I wanna get your little butt ready while you suck on my cock."

The snivy felt his cheeks burn again as Zen laid back but didn't say anything against what had just been ordered of him, instead, he moved to obey bringing his legs over the kecleon's body to lie on the chest with his rear pointed toward Zen's face and his snout poking against the tip of that beautiful cock. He didn't need encouragement to open his maw wide and plant his lips on the cock in front of him. More shame struck him like a hammer as he suckled greedily while his body's instinct and desires grabbed hold of his senses. He wanted to take more of that cock, to taste it while the heat permeated within him and so he brought more of it inside while his little hips started to move back and forth to grind his cocks against the kecleon's stomach. Soon the dream of that warm cock against his tongue was interrupted by the feeling of something wet and stick being pressed in his rear. He shuddered and didn't care to look back while two of those things pushed deep inside of him. Rather than shock him out of his pleasure, the probing digits only seemed to make his little cocks twitch more and more while his mind full of lust and desire urged him to suckle on more of that shaft.

Jess, at this point, was a moaning mess. His sounds were muffled around the cock in his maw but he still let them be known while he humped the kecleon's chest. The snivy didn't care about the digits pushing into his rear one by one and certainly didn't care about the stretching of his rump. No, it all felt too good to have his body be used while his mouth was stuffed by such a potent cock. He could taste the salty warmth of that thing pulsing against his tongue. He dipped and dipped as far as his body would let him until his maw had at least half of the kecleon's cock in his mouth. Even the salty-sweet scent of his master's cock was almost enough to get him to want to try his luck for more but there were other things that pushed at his mind and his body wouldn't stretch that far. The digits pushing and rolling about his rear were becoming too much to ignore. Every little movement pushed against his inner walls and stretched them out wide causing his little leg to kick and his hips to buck, his eyes growing wide as he took in the full extent of the pleasure in his rump. It felt strange, though, like something was making him hotter than usual and maybe it was that strange substance inside of him or maybe it was that pressure building in his gut.

The snivy thrust and thrust his body forward while nursing the fat cock in his maw, eyes closed tight, body shuddering as he felt a gush of heat pour out on the kecleon's chest. Both of his cocks poured out a heavy amount for a pokemon his size while Zen chuckled and massaged his rear with his free hand. Jess finally pulled his mouth off of the kecleon's cock to sigh and groan, humming while his orgasm continued to blow out. When it was finally over, something long and sticky coiled around his body to pick him up and set him down so he was turned around and facing the kecleon. Jess had to use his hands to keep himself up and now he could see the mess he made on his master's chest. His cheeks burned wildly and his tail flicked up into the air.

"Oh, oh! I'm so sorry...I just..." He started before stopping. The tongue that had coiled around his body pulled away slowly to return to the kecleon's mouth and he noticed that Zen was grinning. He shuddered as he felt a hand at his tail tugging it up to keep it there. He turned his head to see the cock poking at his tailhole and again he shivered. Jess then looked back over to the kecleon and took a deep breath before muttering quietly, "I guess this is payment."

Rather than say a word, the kecleon hummed happily and took hold of his tail to drag it down firmly causing half of that shaft to shove up inside of his rear. The effect was his mouth opening wide to let out a loud squeak that rolled into a groan. Another tug brought a few more inches into his rear and Jess soon found Zen's mouth planted over his own to share a firm kiss while that strong grip continued tugging and tugging over and over again. Jess found himself shivering, his cocks twitching and growing to erection again as his insides spread wide for the fat cock pushing deeper and deeper inside of him. Surprise colored his mind as he found himself entirely blissfully without pain, his body trembling as the mouth over his own parted to slide that long and sticky tongue against his own. When he tried to move he realized that he could do nothing in the kecleon's firm hold and that only seemed to further his excitement. The loss of control frightened him and affirmed the knowledge that he was far too weak to handle himself among the dangers of the world but it also told him that he may yet one day inherit that strength.

Jess could feel the kecleon's cock twitching inside of him, throbbing as if it were about to blow at any moment. He felt as if his rear were being used like something made specifically for the pleasure of the creature tugging away at his tail. The snivy cried out as he felt something bulbous kissing his rear that refused to slide inside. His noise was muffled by the mouth over his and he found that his breath was running thing, his eyes growing weak as he trembled in the kecleon's hold. Zen's movements became rougher, hips thrusting to bring that fat thing against his rump over and over again while the snivy could do nothing but accept each and every thrust while hoping his rear would soon spread for that beautiful knot. When it finally pushed inside, it was with a sticky pop that echoed in the forest. The pop was accompanied by his muffled cry of pleasure as he felt hot cum pour out of the tip of that beautiful cock and stain his insides with burst after burst of seed.

Zen pulled his mouth away slowly to let the little snivy moan aloud and Jess took the opportunity to let his song be known. He groaned and hummed, squealed at some points while the cum continued to build inside of him like a wildfire being fed a steady bit of kindling. Jess felt as if his insides were stretching further from the amount of cum piling inside of him, his gut stretching just a bit from the amount and rather than cry out now, he purred. The tiny snake pokemon purred and groaned, eyes fluttering as the warmth took his mind and body completely. When it was all over, the kecleon remained firmly rooted in his rump and a gentle hand came to touch his chin. i

Jess looked up slowly, blinking as Zen whispered, "Still wanna come with me?"

The snivy had just been broken in for the first time by a pokemon strong enough to keep him rooted on a cock with just one hand. Jess hadn't even been able to squirm, just moan like an idiot. He didn't care about doing that to someone, in fact, he probably preferred being bred like that but there was something to be said about having the power he felt coursing through the kecleon and the promise of experience that would be passed on to him.

Even still, he couldn't help but let his body respond rather than his mind, "If I get more of this... Of course master."

And the kecleon grinned, satisfied with the conquest of the little snivy who had come looking for adventure but instead found something else. Zen only hoped that the tiny snake could even hope to keep up because he certainly wasn't going to hold back. Neither his lust nor his teaching would be gentle but all in all, he understood that in the end, it would be fun.

PMD Commission: Lover's Performance

Bright lights flashed outside of a theater with posters plastering the walls detailed with the images of two lovers, a smeargle and a furret, entwined and surrounded by hearts. The show was advertised as a performance of love and passion clashing...

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Lust Returned

Sunshine poured over the tops of clouds hanging in the bruised blue sky slowly shifting and melding with the orange brought by the rising sun. The forest below drank in the morning shine while the light flickered off the deep green leaves of the trees....

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A screen buzzed to life, lines of color catching and stringing together until an image began to form from the various dots of color. The visage of a canine wearing an eyepatch stood there wearing a jumpsuit adorned with straps here and there, hands...

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