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#58 of Commissions

A story which I did as part of a trade for someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

It's about a boy who receives a mysterious gift from his role model in order to improve his skills.

Adrestria by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: All characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. . Additionally, some characters are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life persons is purely coincidental. Furthermore, there is a prominent micro/macro theme presented within this story. You have been warned.

"The best revenge is to be unlike him

who performed the injury"

Marcus Aurelius

It is when the great Ares gazes upon the Peloponnese that humanity does not smile. The visage of war ravages upon the Greek isles with a fire that is not to be put out by normal means. The civil war has scarred the land for the better part of 15 years and no side seems to have gained the upper hand. The wives of the men wonder when we might see the crushing savagery of fighting come to an end and finally bear witness to the dove of Eirene once again.

Society fails to see reason. Both men and women alike continue to sulk in the graces of Nike when she is humble enough to besooth is mantle upon a Spartan banner. The men are even more set in their ways, convinced that the next generation will be doomed to the same destiny that their fathers were. But some more of the reasonable women find this notion ridiculous to see their sons off to war then sometimes they had not even seen the cusp of manhood.

Alesandro was a boy of the greek city-state of Sparta. He was lean and formless and had been enlisted into the military academy like every other Spartan boy at the age of 7. As a beech martin the cub was placed in a segregated group of fellow gouninos, better known as furries. Unlike his fellow cadets, the boy had yet to be recognized the magistrate. However even despite not being noticed the cream furred cub continued working hard as was expected of him and his agemates.

It had been several years and the boy's class had managed to come out of the first years of training with ease. The practice of Agoge certainly had more pros then cons especially for those who were involved. Often coming out stronger and well molded men of society that was befitting of the Spartan image. The boy had not seen his formally seen his family in years, though his mother was allowed to visit him on occasion to gift him various items he would not get otherwise.

Normally it was some piece of clothing, otherwise it was a tool to help him in life. This year was to be his 12th summer he was expected to move on to the next stage of the paides. One where he was expected to become more independent but still remain loyal to his master. Regardless, it was expected that he was able to survive on his own despite living in an agelai with other boys similar to his age. Besides, it was the summer and the next opportunity to impress the magistrate was coming up soon.

Alesandro worked extra diligently as the time for the games was coming out. Each year during the summer each member of the elder council would sponsor a competition in which each band of boys could participate to gain recognition and honor. This years particular games were to focus on wrestling specifically and since the martin was among the smallest in his band, he knew he would likely come out on the bottom.

He and his fellow cubs were out in the courtyard on a warm summer day. Some of the other furs were working on their wrestling technique but the mass majority of them had been focusing on strength training since they believed that sheer force was the key to pleasing Hermes and ascending to as a paragon of all sporting activities. The martin wasn't as religious as most but he knew better than to speak out against the gods as that would risk a lashing.

All day the cub had been working on perfecting submission moves. While his arms were not as strong as they should have been, he did have strong legs from all the running he did on a regular basis. Not only that but he was one of the best swimmers in the entire band of kids, among both furries and humans. However, he was not one to ignore his weaknesses and was keen on trying to at least impress his superiors even if he did not think he could win outright.

The goal was not always victory but just improvement and he knew that if he worked hard enough that eventually he would be rewarded by his magistrate. So for each and every day until the competition, Alesandro worked as hard as he could even past his own curfew. But it wasn't like his superiors cared to stay up late training. Rather some of them watched him with increasing interest as the days went by and he became stronger and more lean.

Despite all of his work, the cub never gained any muscle mass remaining just as formeless as if he had not trained at all. The day finally came and each of the groups of boys was invited to the gymnasium where both humans and furs alike were invited to watch the spectacle. It was always quite the event and seen as the predecessor to the olympic games. However each group of boys was divided by ages so that no one herd had the physical advantage to another. Of course that never took into account the rate of physical maturation which varied from individual to individual.

Alesandro's age group was categorized as the third group to go. Group gamma was to include both the 11 and 12-year olds and this was one of the few times during the paides where he had an advantage in experience. The older groups always went first so that the younger boys could learn from their elders and perhaps borrow from their strategies, and even the paidiskoi were to be included, which would likely be the last time they were to be seen before they were finally conscripted into the army.

Group gamma was fourth in line to go and Alessandro stood on the side of the wrestling rink with his age-mates who watched each and every match with interest. Each time the martin stood up next to his friends, he was reminded that he was one of the smallest their. Even among some of the younger boys who were to train with them were bigger than he was. The marten couldn't help but feel jealous that he hadn't had a growth spurt yet.

After about 2 hours, group gamma was finally called to the main arena. Now that they were out of the audience portion of the building, Alesandro could see just how many people there were. The arena had banners of multiple colors representing some of the nobility whom were present to make wagers on just about each and every fight. The cub couldn't help but feel nervous as he didn't much like being in the presence of so many people. He knew that his every move

Luckily for him the winners from last year were always made to go first. For his group that meant that Theo would be going first. Theo was an apex warrior who had been actively sought out by many of the royal families. The administration in both the army and navy had a keen eye on him since he had pretty much won every match he was placed into. Theo was weasel with chestnut red fur and a fairly firm body with a bit of definition.

The match announcer beckoned to his adversary which was a boy from one of the older groups, a young teen human who seemed to be of a similar build to Theo. The event organizers figured the cub could use a challenge and the weasel wasn't one to turn down a chance to impress people even more. Each of the two boys took their spots on opposite sides of the crimson colored ring.

"Ena, Dyo, Tria." The announcer signaled the beginning of the match as the referee moved out of the way.

Theo made his way to the middle of the rink. He was a little bit smaller in terms of height than the human but he made up for it in physical mass. The human looked down at him in disgust as if he expected the furry to play dirty or something. The weasel wasn't one to judge and didn't bother evaluating the older teen. Instead he lept immediately forward, using all of his might to push the teen into the mat below. The human struggled but the cubs muscle was far superior to his own and each time he fought back, the weasel seemed to be applying more and more force.

Within moments of starting the match was over. The crowd was seemingly stunned and silenced. No cheering occurred for a moment until the cubs paw was lifted up in victory. Theo was declared the winner. He looked down and tried helping the bigger boy, but the human wanted nothing to do with him and saw himself out of the arena. The weasel shrugged it off as nothing and exited as well.

Theo brushed by Alesandro who looked up to him as a role model. Normally the bigger cub paid no attention to the marten but today seemed to be different.

"Here you go, this should help you." The weasel offered the cub a small herb.

"What do I do with this?" The marten had no idea what was being suggested to him.

" it." Theo lifted the leaf up and stuffed it into the smaller cubs mouth, making sure that he ate it.

"Erm..." Alesandro couldn't speak and had no choice but to swallow the small herb.

"Good boy. Now go get em, tiger. It's your turn." Sure enough the announcer called the other cubs name.

The marten was a bit surprised the other boy knew the call order but decided it wasn't an issue worth pursuing. Straightening up his tunic and loincloth as he entered into the ring. His own opponent was a mouse.

Alesandro couldn't help but feel a bit nervous even if his opponent was only a mouse. The rodent seemed to be bigger than him but it was far enough away that he couldn't tell for sure. The referee was in the center of the rink and seemed ready to begin the match. It seemed that there was no more time to be anxious about the ordeal. The same countdown was made but this time in reverse. Theo watched from the sidelines with interest.

The marten locked up his paws as they grappled with each other in the center of the ring. The rodent made the first move, trying to sweep the marten to the ground. Alesandro was able to dodge quite easily and shifted himself around so that his body was behind the mouse. The mouse reversed and broke the twos grip before trying to tackle from underneath. The attempt to pin the other cub left the smaller marten panicking as he didnt' want to lose.

The mouse was not one to give up easily but wasn't exactly the stongest cub in the pack either. Using his tail to try to tickle the other boy into submission didn't work so his dirty tricks didn't work as he had planned to. The smaller boy was becoming desperate and came up with a plan as his body became tense and achy underneath the stress of being pinned. The smaller cub erupted upward in an uproarious escape as the crowd gasped in suprise.

This left the rodent stunned and unable to act. The marten stood atop the mouse and although he had done very little, he had gained the upper hand. He stepped downward in an attempt to pin the mouse who now was unable to act. The referee counted down as the crowd looked on with interest and it was over. Even despite being a heavy underdog, the smaller cub had come out on top and the sense of pride it gave him was nothing short of intoxicating.

The referee held his paw up and he was declared the winner. But his time in the spotlight was up as the event needed to move on and Alesandro was rushed off the mat. The marten's body felt achy and tense. Even his joints were feeling stiff despite not really having much physical activity. His whole body wobbled as he made his way off the rink, it was as if he was learning to walk all over again. Theo noticed and helped the boy off as if he were injured.

"Your body bothering you? Don't worry its just a side-effect of the herb I gave you." The weasel seemed non-chalant about the bodily woes of his comrade in arms.

"Side-effects?" The marten noticed he could see over the boys shoulder wasn't much but he got the idea that he was bigger than before.

"What did you do to me?" Alesandro asked as he looked himself over, realizing his tunic didn't quite reach his knees anymore.

"Just gave you a little something to help with your performance. Don't worry, you'll thank me later."

The bigger cub ruffled the smaller ones head fur before walking away. A bit of concern came over Alesandro as he began to think about it. He couldn't help but think about what Theo had in mind when he essentially used the smaller cub as a guinea pig. Little did the marten know that the weasel had used the stuff himself in order to enhance his own level of skill. Over time the bigger cub had become immune to the substance but this was the first time the smaller one was given the ingredient.

However what Theo did not know was the amount he had given his friend was far above the recommended dosage. Already his body was showing signs of change whereas the weasel took weeks before he saw anything significant. Even Alesandro's stomach was bothering him and he bent over to clench his belly trying to sate his increasing level of discomfort. Meanwhile during his suffering the competition continued it's way through the first round of eliminations.

It wasn't until the second round was finally announced and each bracket of contestants was seeded that the boys discomfort began to dissipate. Alesandro couldn't have been more happy but with the end of the first round, meant an end to hand to hand combat. This round was more ruthless than the last, though not with the intent of injury. Each set of boys was afforded a bow staff which was wrapped with tape to help reduce some of the blow.

As like before they ran through the groups of kids until they got through to the Gamma group. This time was quicker since the first half of boys had been eliminated in the first round. Now was the time that the army took interest as there was no rules and the cubs and humans alike were expected to use dirty tricks in order to come out on top. While they were provided no direct upper hand, cunning was expected in the climb to the top in Spartan society.

It was under an hour this time before the Gamma group was called and like before Theo was called first since he was now considered the Alpha male in his age bracket. The counsel in charge of the staves gave the weasel a smaller one, but he didn't care much as he was very confident about his skill. His opponent this time was still a bird this time, by the looks of it a crane who didn't appear to be Greek at all. Even the avian's garb didn't appear greek and gave off an Asian appeal. He was significantly taller than the mustelid who stood opposite him.

The match began again and the two sparred with neither taking the offensive. The bird flew upwards using it's claws to grab the piece of wood before swooping down. In a single move the weasel grabbed him from above and reversed the crane so that it was over with. Despite having the advantage of the air, it didn't seem to matter. Theo was declared the victory again as the crowd went wild and again approached the marten.

"Don't disappoint me." Sure enough Alesandro was called next.

The boy took his staff and waited for his opponent as a frail human entered the rink. The human was just as lanky and formless as he was and neither seemed to have much advantage. Alesandro had never used a staff before and readied himself as the referee began the match. The human lurched forward and tried a single swing over the cubs head but the marten was able to dodge. The human struck again by lifting the stick and trying to catch his adversary in an uppercut.

The marten reeled as the inside of his leg was hit. The pain was overbearing but he tried to grit through it as the adrenaline rushed through him. His body began to ache as he pushed the injured leg forward, lifting his paw onto the staff and snapping it in half. Alesandro watched as the human flinched and acted on instinct landing a single blow to the head, knocking him out in one swift move of his wrist. The match was over and he had won again.

Theo eyed him as if he were evidently interested in the cub. Alesandro knew he was watching the entire time and wanted nothing more than to impress him. However he was glad it was over with. It meant that he made it to the next round, even if his whole body ached and tingled again. The marten fumbled to the side of the arena where he was greeted by the weasel. The two stood shoulder to shoulder and Theo looked concerned as he realized his friend was now eye to eye with him.

"What the...?" Even the weasel didn't expect this to happen.

Alesandro blinked have believing he was in a dream. Pinching himself only reminded him that this was very much reality. The two stared at each other for a good minute or so before the gaze was interrupted by the magistrate who had begun to take the cubs out as group Gramma had finished off for the day and was due to retire for the day. Both boys continued to walk next to each other as they returned to the town, occasionally looking at each other.

The town of Therapne' was located along the Eurotas river. Not many people were out and about today since the mass majority of them were present at the games. What citizens were not at the games were those who couldn't afford to miss work in order to fulfill quotas. The fisherman of the village along with the farmers were really the only ones not at the games. The cubs and their magistrate made their way back to the Syssitia. It wasn't a long way back and the day was quickly fading away since it was late.

When they returned, the magistrate gave an encouraging speech, uplifting the motivation of those cubs who had lost and commended those who had been victorious. Besides the event wasn't over and still had another day before it was formally over. After that they were instructed to continue training for the rest of the day and to not let up on their efforts as the state always recognized the fruits of hard labor. The group was finally dismissed for the day and was only required to reconvene for dinner.

Once everyone left the lobby of the barracks, Alesandro and Theo stayed behind. Each boy still locked eyes with one another. Theo was finding himself rather jealous of his comrades increased size. He had never had to deal with another cub who challenged his might. Now the one thing he didn't consider was the fact that he was still more muscular than the other cub. But the premise of another boy surpassing him didn't sit well with him and he began regretting giving Alesandro the herb.

"What did you do to yourself?" Theo played it off as something that was the other boy's fault.

"What are you talking about?" Alesandro had no idea what was going on with him.

"Why are you so big all of the sudden?" The weasel asked assuming that his friend knew the answer.

"I don't know?" The marten really had nothing else to say about the issue.

"Fine, have it your way. Meet me in the courtyard." Theo was no longer set on being cordial and was feeling rather combative.

Theo stormed out of the room and Alesandro was pretty confused about what had just happened. He was also upset about the fact that one of the role models whom he had looked up to now seemed to admonish him. The cub couldn't help but think of a way to gain the other boys favor back. Perhaps it was best to spar him and see if he could get the one up on him. He decided it was worth a shot to take on Theo, even if he didn't think he could win.

Alesandro made his way through the corridors which were lined with pillars of marble. The floors were lined with plush red carpet as this was the more ritsy portion of the building which was designed to woo visitors. The courtyard was in the middle of the main two corridors which led to the back of the barracks where the boys and their cohorts stayed. The marten could make out that the weasel was standing waiting on the pedestal that led to the fountain.

The weasel had grabbed two wooden swords and while he had no intention of killing his friend, he did want to set the record straight that he was the apex cub. As Alesandro made his way into the courtyard, it began to rain. It wasn't exactly a downpour but it was enough to be noticeable. Once the marten was within range, Theo gave him a wooden sword and immediately held his up as he was already intent on a match in sword play.

Theo brandished his sword and made a broad swipe without any notice. Spartans didn't care about the concept of fair play and this was engrained early on in every child regardless of gender or social status. Alesandro wasn't one to be foolish and was able to back away quick enough that he was able to dodge. The marten allowed the weasel to swipe at him aimlessly, seeing that fear and desperation had overtaken him.

Alesandro was being cool and calculated and made no move, watching and waiting simply parrying or dodging each attack as his comrade continued to try to lay a lick on him. Eventually the weasel became tried and hesitated and this was the opening that the other cub was waiting on. Lurching forward and kicking up dust before throwing the wooden blade into the weasel who managed to break away.

However there was an opening that Theo did not see, Alesandro immediately took advantage and snatched his friends blade jabbing it into the weasels chest. It was game set and match and he had won. Again his body ached and his muscles were sore as a tingling sensation began to rise up inside of him. His pride built up inside of him as the weasel fell to the floor in a dramatic overplaying of events. Alesandro watched as his line of site steadily increased upward.

By this point the cub was better understanding what was going on. Each time he was proving to be victorious he was growing bigger and stronger than before. The thrill of the adrenaline made his blood boil with fervor and his heart sore with joy. By this point his tunic was quite tight on his form and barely covered to just below his mid thighs. It was clearly too small for him and needed to be replaced.

From the floor, Theo looked upwards at the marten who peered over him like a looming visage sent from Hades. For the first time in a while, the weasel was afraid. He had never faced defeat before and the stinging pain of having lost dug into his confidence rather deeply. Gradually Alesandro leaned over to help the other cub up, who hesitated in accepting the act of assistance as he believed their might have been ill will behind his intent despite having spent the last several years together establishing a firm comradery with the other boy.

Alesandro helped his friend up, who offered no assistance and had to be literally dragged up by the pure strength of the other cub. The marten found no difficulty in managing to do so and didn't even seem bothered by the fact that he could do so. The two stood next to each other and as Theo looked over at his friend and realized that he was now taller than the weasel was. Barely now coming up to his shoulder, the level of the cubs anxiety was increasing with each second.

"Hehe what do you think of me now?" Alesandro asked feeling rather cocky after finally beating the weasel.

"How...did you get so big?" Theo asked the question that was a burning issue in his mind.

"How should I know? It just's sorta neat that I'm bigger than you now!" The marten patted the smaller cub on the head.

Alesandro picked up the other cubs wooden sword and gave it to him.

"Thanks, let's go get something to eat. I'm hungry." The weasel decided to drop the issue for now as he didn't want to be a sore looser.

The marten wasn't one to complain as neither of the two had eaten since before the competition. The mess hall was down the corridor back off to the western half of the building. It was partitioned off and separate than the main part of the building and you had to go across the garden in order to get the the mess hall. The garden served as some of the supply that the barracks used to feed the cadets.

It was much louder around these parts. Many of the other boys had decided to get food as well for much the same reason Theo and Alesandro had. The line wasn't incredibly long as the cafeteria was quite organized and well prepared to deal with high threshold of hungry boys, teens, and the occasional man or visitor. Every day brought a different variety of food, however the usual focus was primarily heavily protein based nutrition.

Once they were through waiting in line both of the cubs got their servings of food which included a bowl of soup, a haunch of chicken, and a cup of goat's milk. This was pretty typical for a late lunch which some days called for because of training or skirmishes. Some of the other boys looked at Alesandro seeing something off about him, however none were able to pick up the fact that he had grown quite a bit throughout the day.

Luckily for him, his tunic had some room in it before, even if it wasn't really the case now. Theo and Alesandro sat down together eating a meal together. The marten found himself a lot more hungry than normal and didn't waste even a single second after he sat down. Normally he was very slow and methodical with his food but this particular day, he was starving and was in no mood to wait. He was able to finish all three of the items in under two-minutes.

"Whoah...that was fast." Theo exclaimed as his friend finished his meal by the time he had only begun on his soup.

Alesandro smirked a bit before he burped, not caring much for manners. Manners didn't get boys very far in Spartan society anyways. He felt rather good about having finished before his friend, it was something else he had never done before. Feeling funny inside yet again as the tingling sensation began to burn inside of him. Within seconds his tunic finally tore, leaving him with nothing but his loin cloth on. The bench beneath him began to creak as his body began to swell and expand again slowly.

Theo overheard the sounds as he looked over and witnessed the boy climbing ever so slightly. It didn't last very long but by the time it stopped, the weasel barely came up to the other cubs upper chest. The cubs breast now bare as it had busted through the leather seems in his tunic. A sense of modesty came over Alesandro as he realized he was now essentially naked. Many of his fellow cadets stared and gawked at him

The marten felt incredibly insecure and immediately rushed out of the mess hall, not caring for the mess he made. Theo watched with a bit of concern as now his big friend ran astray as a result of his own growing size problem. He knew he would need someone to confide in and decided to follow him after taking the time to discard both of their trays. After all he knew neither of them wanted to risk being lashed as punishment for not cleaning up after themselves.

Theo made his way through the corridor back to where the bunks were. He couldn't see Alesandro anywhere but figured he couldn't have gone anywhere else as their sleeping quarters was the best place to find privacy. It was far less plush of an interior than the entrance to the place. There were no rugs and instead the floors were either marble or simple stone. Even in the place where all the boys slept, there wasn't much to speak of in regards to furniture.

Each cub slept on a simple hammock that was slung between two poles. Only the paidiskoi were permitted real bed along with the magistrate himself. The only luxury each boy was given was a single trunk which is where they kept all of their stuff. Inside the quarters there wasn't really anyone around since the majority of the boys were still getting something to eat. Inside the sleeping quarters Theo could make out Alesandro who had his hung slung low covered in his paws.

There was no sound being made but the weasel could tell his friend was upset. The bigger cub was sitting on his hammock, which now stressed against his increased weight. Each of poles on both sides of the bed were bowing closer and closer to the center, ever so slightly. Theo noticed it before it was too late.

"You should probably get up..." The smaller boy suggested as he watched each of the poles reach a complete vertical position.

Alesandro overheard his comrade and heeded his orders, doing as he was told and as soon as he got up the poles finally gave way.

"Thanks...At least you don't judge me like the others." The bigger cub was greatful he had been saved from further embarassment.

"No problem. Only Astraea's judgement of your person should matter off the battlefield." Theo came closer to the bigger boy who easily was a few meters taller than him.

"Well I care what you think's not just the gods opinion who matter." Alesandro was careful to watch his tongue when speaking of the immortals despite his thoughts on them.

Once Theo was in range of the bigger cub, the marten pulled him in for a hug. The boy's warmth was tremendous, especially considering the fact he was essentially naked. Had it not been for his loin cloth covering his genitals the now seemingly giant cub would have been in his birthday suit. The solace of his role model was all the comfort that Alesandro needed and it made his innate body warmth and aches begin to settle down. He was feeling less anxious and insecure than before.

The marten leaned his head over and lightly kissed his friend on the cheek. This action made Theo blush profusely but he did not retract from it nor did he push away. Alesandro wasn't one to turn down an opening when it was presented and wrestled the other boy onto the floor. The stone was cold and hard but the playful move was a slow one and there wasn't much harm done on impact with the stone base.

The two laid next to each other, eye to eye before Alesandro made another move, this time pulling his crush in for a hug. Theo found himself getting worked up, he's never been this close with another boy before but society had never allowed him to fraternize with girls so it only seemed normal to indulge. A moment later the marten pushed one of his hands downward past the smaller cubs tunic and into his loincloth.

Theo jumped in his own skin, he had never been touched down there before except by himself. The initial touch was alien and yet tantalizing against his own fur and skin. Alesandro slowly began working his larger paw around the other cub as the young boys cock began to steadily rise. The marten was feeling a little self conscious but his own arousal and desire was driving him further into indulging into his secret crush.

Alesandro had pleasured himself enough times to know how it worked, beginning by simply rubbing the other cubs shaft and then cupping it in his palm in order to pump it. Already Theo's body was tensing up as the euphoric experience of another person was beyond anything he had felt before in his young life. The marten continued to massage the other boys cock as it started to tense and pulse underneath his attention. He knew the smaller cub was nearing his limit.

Theo moaned as his cock spewed out a small stream of cum all over his friends hand and into his loincloth. Dreading a moment at the fact he would have to clean it to hide his lewd act before anyone else saw it. Alesandro smiled as he felt the boys warm body liquid cover his paw. Feeling rathe rambunctious as his body heat increased and his form began to tingle again. Another spat of achyness and soreness spiked up in his youthful form as he writhed and retracted his paw from his friends genitals.

"You alright?" Theo noticed his comrades discomfort.

Alesandro was unable to answer as his body began to expand again ever so slightly. The cub was having difficulty moving and even Theo could feel his body growing against his own since they were so close. Fortunately for him, it didn't last long. Just enough to put the weasel at roughly half the martens size as the cubs growth spurt settled down once again.

"Maybe we should get you checked out before you get to big for the barracks." Theo said half joking.

"Maybe..." Alesandro wasn't entirely sure what to do but he was much more interested in cuddling with his friend.

The two remained on the floor interlinked together for some time. Not bothered by the fact that it was a cold surface. Luckily no one happened by them and they relaxed together for the remainder of the night. It seemed their little problem would have to wait until the next day. Besides being a giant cub didn't seem to be all that bad to Alesandro who was always keen on getting the one up on his competition. However only time would tell of how the rest of his agelai would respond to the new alpha cub.

Crossing the line

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Cub Campout

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Haunted House

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