Crossing the line

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#57 of Commissions

A commission which I did for KennyKitsune

It's about a young boy who finds his babysitter has a knack for pleasing him.

Crossing the Line By: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Some are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators, others are created for the sole use within this story. I use original characters with permission and respect. This work contains underaged content. You have been warned.

"Maturity does not come with age; it comes with the acceptance of responsibility." - Edwin Louis Cole

There are some who say to expect the unexpected. The meaning of which is certainly open to interpretation. But what of those things that are more predictable? What if suddenly one was not able to rely on a formerly predictable event or source of information? Such is a part of life and no one person should rely on an otherwise foreseeable case. One should never assume that one is capable of prophecy.

The Kitsune family was a den of red foxes who lived in the suburbs of South Carolina. Like most fox dens, they were most certainly in the minority when it came to the issue of predator versus prey. The mass majority of the furry population was that of prey and as such, families put into the same category as foxes were forced to live astray from the rest of society as the prey interest had a slight majority in government.

The family had a single son who was 8 years of age and named Kenny. Enrolled at the Elementary school, the kit was very much your typical boy. He loved bugs and playing outdoors. But perhaps the one thing he loved more than anything else was balloons. His entire room was decorated with bright colors and no shade was more prominent than another. The walls, however, were akin to the sky with floating balloons and floats for decoration.

It was getting close to the Kitsune's business trip. Both the mother and father had been selected to go on a multiple-day trip to a convention for business administration. The boy's parents each owned a franchise of their own and was looking forward to developing new strategies in order to see their business succeed. As such they had begun to look for a sitter for the weekend to take care of their son.

Kenny was young enough that he couldn't yet take care of himself so the parents decided to take advantage of a promotion a website was having and try something for the first time. The benefit of the place was the fact that most of the sitters had background checks and were older than your stereotypical babysitter. When they were looking through the list together, they decided to take a more inexperienced candidate with less feedback.

They wanted to give everyone a chance and the best part was that the person was one of the cheapest options on the website. All that was left now was getting to the weekend so that they could go on their trip and take advantage of professional development. They did arrange a meeting with the person through messaging so that the pertinent information could be relayed to the sitter.

The temporary guardian was a 16-year-old Tasmanian devil who was originally from Australia. The teen had recently moved over with his family to the states in the last few months. His parents had forced the boy to take a job in order to help pay the bills with a mind to prepare him for adulthood. The marsupial was ready for take on any task with tenacity and overcame the initial interview process with ease. Frankly, the fox parents were impressed with him after the first meeting.

They were happy enough to no longer pursue the issue and decided they would stick with their first choice for the weekend. After all it wasn't like they were going to be gone that long. To prepare they made an emergency list of contacts as well as created a make-shift bed out of the couch in the living room of their home. Making sure to store enough food so that the teen wasn't expected to pick anything up since he didn't have a license yet.

The last few things to do before they had to left included an allowance for the teen to spend while he was at the house. The parents would be gone for two days, so they needed to make sure there was enough cash to use so they wouldn't have to be contacted. They figured like 60 bucks would be enough to suffice for a 2-day excursion. Just as they were finalizing things there was a knock at the door.

The father went to answer the door and opened it as he assumed it would be the teen. It was indeed the Tasmanian devil who wasn't much shorter than he was.

"Good afternoon Mr. Kitsune. Thank you very much for hiring me for the weekend." The marsupial stuck out his paw in a gesture of formality.

"No problem. Don't disappoint us, young man." The older male shook the younger one's paw.

"I won't. I promise, sir." The teen eventually released his grip and was shown inside.

"Great, let's show you around." The father began to show his temporary hire around the home.

The foxes den was a nice single story home. There was two bedrooms, a kitchen, and a laundry room. The master room was towards the back and the son's room was towards the front of the house.

The father made sure to tell the teen all of the rules and go over the whole emergency list. Handing him over the wad of cash as well as exchange both parents cell phone. It seemed they were finally ready to make their exit and head out towards their business convention.

"Goodbye, Kenny. Make sure you're a good boy for the sitter." The mother leaned over and kissed her son on the lips.

"I will, Mom! Have a good trip. I'll miss you!" Kenny hugged his mother a bit too tightly as he had always been a momma's boy.

The parents made their exit from the home and headed towards their vehicle. This left the babysitter and his no charge alone.

"Hiya, little guy. My name is Ethan. What's yours?" The teen kneeled down so that he was just about eye level with the fox.

"My name is Kenny!" The kit didn't seem bothered at all by the departure of his parents.

"What kind of things do you like to do for fun?" The marsupial had brought a bag of things in order to entertain the kid but he had no idea if he had prepared properly or not.

"I like to play outside and make balloons." The boy was especially excited to mention his love for the inflatable things in life.

"Make Balloons? How so?" The teen older boy had no idea what the fox was getting at.

"Lemme show you, come on!" The vulpine tugged at the larger boy and pulled him into his room.

The boy's room was not far into the house and the teen looked around inside of the small space once they entered inside of it. The decorations were sparse but it was obvious what the boy was into. Here and there were balloons spread around the room as if it were someone's birthday. Some of them had shapes but the mass majority of them were the simple teardrop shape. Even more surprising was the fact the cub had his own personal inflator.

"You really like balloons, huh?" Ethan asked the obviously rhetorical question.

"Yup. Watch this!" The fox took a small uninflated plastic and put it over the nozzle of the tank of air.

"Cool. Can you make anything out of it?"The Tasmanian devil assumed the boy had talents similar to that of a clown.

"Sure can!" Kenny took a thinner piece of elastic and blew it up.

The teen watched as the smaller boy assembled it into a small poodle. The knots didn't stay together very long but the general idea was easily visible.

"Nice job. Who taught you that?" Ethan was genuinely curious about where he had learned to do it.

"I taught myself but my mom helped me." The cub handed the teen the balloon as it floated to the ceiling of the room.

"Cool. Well, I don't know any games with that but do you like any board games?" The teen had brought a game which he figured was simple enough to teach his temporary kid.

"What game?"Curiosity was getting the better of the cub and he wanted to know more details.

"Sorry." The Tasmanian devil spent a moment explaining the basics of the game.

"Oh, that sounds fun. We can play that if you want." Kenny released his small handful of balloons onto the floor.

Ethan disappeared for a moment and returned shortly after collecting the game from his bag. Once in the room, he bent over in order to set up the game. The younger boy watched on with interest as he placed the board and it's pieces on the floor.

After setting it up, the fox finally joined him on the floor and the two joined in a short game of Sorry. The whole game only took an hour and the teen had thrown enough games to know how to lose while making it look convincing that he didn't lose on purpose.

"Good game. Looks like you win. Winner gets to pick what we do next." Ethan knew well enough to always allow the younger one to pick the next activity, else there might be a risk of

"Hmm...I'm not sure. Do you have any ideas?" The fox usually defaulted to same usual activities.

"How about we go outside and play ball or something." The marsupial loved the outdoors but wasn't sure about the cub.

"I think going outside to play ball is fine." Kenny wasn't much one for sports but he was already bored.

"Alright, get your shoes on and we'll go outside. The weather is good enough." The marsupial got up and swished his tail behind him as he made his way back to the front door.

Kenny wasn't far behind him and was curious what game of ball the teen was referring to. Before they went outside, the older boy collected a large red ball from his bag.

Outdoors it was quite nice. It was still Fall so the temperature was neither too warm nor was it too cold. The leaves were beginning to turn color and it was already well through the day so the sun wasn't as prominent as it might have been earlier in the day. The two made their way to the garage which the teen would figure as a surface by which they could rebound the ball off of.

"We're going to play wall ball." Ethan explained the rules to the smaller boy.

"Sounds simple enough." The boy became excited waiting for the game to begin.

Ethan didn't allow much downtime to occur and began to bounce the wall back and forth between himself and the fox. It was a simple enough game with very little variation in how it was played but the kit was entertained easily enough. The teen allowed himself to be scored on a few times while scoring just a bit less in order to keep up the facade of losing. But by the end of the round, it was clear that the cub was the victor.

"See. Told you that you would like it." The Tasmanian devil could see the boy was happy.

"Yeah! But I need to go to the I'll be back." Kenny couldn't hold it anymore and immediately rushed inside.

The teen waited a few minutes and checked his phone. Eventually, the standby period lasted so long that the Tasmanian devil became nervous that something had happened. Ethan went back inside. Looking around the entrance, it didn't seem like Kenny was anywhere to be seen.

"Kenny? Everything alright?" The marsupial yelled and heard nothing back so he went further into the home

It was only a few moments before the cub finally returned and like any careless boy, his zipper was left undone.

"You're fly is down." Ethan wasn't afraid to say something and risk embarrassing the boy.

"Oops. Did you get worried about me?" Kenny didn't even bother to pull up his zipper.

"Yeah, I guess I did." The prospect of the fly still being down strangely irked the older boy.

"Hehe...thanks" The fox twisted his body and blushed profusely.

The Tasmanian devil moved closer to the smaller boy and allowed his hand to fix the boys zipper position. The fox couldn't help but blush again.

"There you go. All better. What took you so long anyway?" Ethan wasn't entirely sure he should ask but did anyway.

"Um...My thingy felt weird." The fox covered himself near his genitals despite the teen still having his hand there.

"Your thingy?" Just then the marsupial felt the cub's small member tent against his hand.

"Uhuh...what's wrong with it?" The foxes face was even redder through his normally red fur.

"" The teen found himself soon cupping the cub's genitals.

"That uh...feels good. Don't stop..." The kit was getting worked up rather quickly.

"Erm...okay." The teen knew better than to continue and yet he continued massaging the little bulge anyways.

Kenny's eyes closed and enjoyed the alien sensation. He couldn't recall anyone except himself having touched him down there. His cock was beginning to feel quite good and he couldn't have moved away at this point even if he wanted to. Eventually, the marsupial felt compelled to push his hand into the small slit of the brief fabric that allowed him better access to the foxes shaft.

The very moment that the teen touched him, flesh against flash caused the boy to spasm and his cock to pulsate. His cock shot nothing but the Ethan knew full well what had just happened. He couldn't help but feel guilty about going through with it but the look upon Kenny's face showed a state of utter bliss and sexual stupor. It didn't seem like he had anything to worry about, even if he couldn't indulge himself.

"That...felt good. Thanks..." Kenny's words were half muttered and stumbled over.

" problem, bud. Just don't tell your parents about it. Okay?" The Tasmanian devil wanted to make sure he protected himself.

"I promise!" Kenny's tail wagged behind him innocently as if he had forgotten all about what had just happened.

The rest of the weekend went like normal. Nothing else out of the ordinary happened and eventually, the two boys became close. One could even say they became friends even despite their obvious age gap. When Kenny's parents returned, the kit couldn't help but revel in his babysitter's job. It was a stellar review and both the mother and father seemed pleased with how the teen had performed, even giving him a tip.

Kenny and his family saw the Tasmanian devil off as he made his way back to his own home. The parents promised that the two would see each other again and Kenny would definitely make certain that was the case. It seemed everything was going to be alright for the both of them. Would they indeed see each other again? Only time would tell.

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