Catching up Part 2

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#53 of Commissions

A continuation of the story I did for Roure.

Cai finds he rather likes being in control and decides to indulge more in his special power.

Catching up Part 2 by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is given to their owners. Any similarity to real persons, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. Furthermore, there is a prominent micro/macro theme presented within this story. You have been warned.

"Mystery creates wonder and wonder is

the basis of man's desire to understand."

-Neil Armstrong

You know the feeling of control? The one that for some leads to an intoxication of reason and a muddying of the logical facilities in life. What if you knew that felt like control was inevitable? Would you be able to resist the temptation that comes with the overbearing sense of power that comes with authority? But it is often said that with great power comes great responsibility and those who inherit it must not use it or else they risk terrible repercussions.

For his entire life, Cai had been on the smaller slice of life. He lived a humble existence at a boarding home which was exclusively for wayward boys of various walks of experience. Cai was an 11-year-old fox who had been at the place for almost half a year now. He hadn't made many friends so far but the ones he had befriended were close ones whom he hung out with on a regular basis. One of which he was particularly fond of, a mutt by the name of Rory.

Rory for the better part of the entire time they had known each other had always been the better of the two at everything. He was physically more fit and intellectually more capable in just about every way. In fact, the only thing the fox was really good at was being creative. He was pretty artsy and liked spending his free time doodling and creating new works of art. His most recent projects involved sketches of all the other boys at school, though most of them were of his puppy crush.

For a time Rory had no idea of the foxes feelings for him. The mutt spent most of his time socializing and playing sports with a much larger circle of friends than the fox had. Cai knew he had a thing for the other boy but until recently had never told the other about his feelings. However that all changed recently. One thing the fox knew that the dog liked was bigger boys and he knew that he would never catch up to his friend if he waited on his own biological maturation.

The kit had stopped by the doctor of the school and convinced them to allow him to take growth hormone. Despite the warning given to him by the medical staff, Cai still went through with it. All he cared about was pleasing Rory. He wanted to be fancied by him not just the other way around. So, of course, he went through with it, not expecting much to come of it. But the results in which he had experienced were nothing short of exhilarating.

Cai had gone from being the shrimpy boy to being the taller one. In the course of a day he had grown several centimeters taller. He was now no longer in the other boy's shadow. For once he was the bigger one and he couldn't help but enjoy the situation for all it was worth. It was only a day after all the events had come to pass. Frankly, he woke up a bit anxious. His body was sore and a little warm. Though it wasn't warm from over insulation.

The other boy was nearly touching his body. The two laid down in very close proximity to one another. Rory was still lightly snoring so apparently he was still asleep. Cai decided to relax and guide his arm over the other boy, enjoying the moment cuddling with his crush. Though it certainly didn't help with his bodies warmth, he put up with it nonetheless. It was another good 20 minutes before the other boy started to rouse and come around.

Rory yawned and elicited a loud groaning noise. Cai had no idea how long they had slept, only that they had napped in the middle of the day. There was no doubt that the normal schedule of events would be out of whack. Looking at the clock it appeared to be mid-afternoon, though not overly late.

"Morning...well afternoon. How was your nap?" The fox giggled a little bit as he corrected his silly mistake.

"Well enough. How was yours?" The puppy responded with a light smile, poking his snout inward and giving his friend a light nuzzle.

"Great because I spent it with you." Cai's sense of affection was corny even if it was unintentional.

"You're funny. Let's go do something constructive so we don't waste all day indoors." Rory was feeling a little restless from being cooped up indoors all day.

"Alright, what do you want to do?" The kit was a little disappointed they couldn't snuggle anymore as the other boy pulled away.

"How about we go see if the game has started and if we can join in?" The puppy knew the physical education department had planned a rugby match for the evening.

"Sure, but I'll just watch is that alright?" The fox wasn't quite as active as the dog was.

"No problem. Let's get some clothes on." The smaller cub got out of bed and began collecting his clothing that had been strewn around the room.

"Erm...there's just one problem," Cai recalled that he had already outgrown his old clothing.

"What's that?" Rory didn't quite recall that the other boy was taller than he was now.

"Well, my clothing doesn't fit anymore. Remember?" The fox was surprised the other had forgotten that quickly.

"Oh right, well you might fit into my stuff now. Want to try it out?" The puppy suggested it as a temporary fix to being naked.

"I suppose it's better than going around in nothing." Cai stood up, smiling once he was reminded that he could just barely see over Rory's head now.

The smaller cub searched through his dresser before finding something he assumed would work for the time being.

"Thanks." The fox took hold of the clothes and began putting them on.

"They should fit. They are a little big for me but for you, they should be fine." Rory hoped that would be the case and was a bit concerned about it being too small for his friend.

The kit sat back down on the bed and began dressing, finding that the stuff fit him rather nicely. It was neither snug nor loose. Cai didn't like how the shirt looked on him but decided he didn't have much choice in the matter. Eventually, he has clothed again and seeing him back in after seeing his friend in full wardrobe, Rory soon followed in suit. Though the puppies choice of clothing was much more sporty since he actually planned on participating in the sport.

Now that both were fully dressed they made their way out to the field where they assumed the other boys would be. Cai tried to hold the other boy's hands but it seemed Rory wasn't interested. Rory simply ignored him and stayed in front, seeming more intent on maintaining his sense of social status than anything else. The fox was a little hurt but decided to not let it bother him since he understood the quirks of his little crush.

Once they made it outdoors, the rush of light immediately began beating down on the two boys fur. Cai felt the warmth on both his skin and the surrounding hair as he didn't much like being outside. However, he decided to put up with it and serve as both a spectator and a supporter of his friend's athletics. The two broke away from each other outside, with Rory going towards the center of the field to play rugby.

Rory's position was that of a Lock. Since he was one of the biggest cubs on the team, and also the most physical, he was expected to scrummage whenever defense called for it. Occasionally he was expected to be a ball carrier and make his way to the goal line. But normally the canine's goal was nothing short of an enforcer. Today's match was against another boarding school, which had traveled to Hopewell to play the game.

The total match was 45 minutes since the boys weren't expected to put up the regulation match of 90 minutes. Each player shared shifts with the other boys on the squads rotating every 5 minutes or so. Cai found it hard to focus but was able to watch Rory the entire time, even when he was called off the field to take a break. By the end of the game, the score was 23-12 with Hopewell coming on top. The cubs on the team were jubilant that they had won and the opposing team left feeling overall dejected that they had lost.

The Hopewell team cheered and even gave the coach a bath in a sports drink. It was not necessarily a big game but still, they were happy that they had won. Cai made his way over to the place where they were celebrating once the cheers began to die down. Rory saw him and pulled him into the fray once the fox was in an arms distance. The two shared a hug and once again Cai felt the loving embrace of his makes-shift boyfriend.

No longer did he feel he was disheveled or discarded. Instead, warmth filled inside him. Even more enthralling was the other boy's smell. The foxes sense of smell had always been strong and being next to the dog after physical activity, Cai could make out his musk. Frankly, it was turning him on.

"Come on...I want to give you a well-deserved victory massage." The fox whispered into his friend's ear.

"Alright..." Rory wasn't about to decline when his muscles were sore and aching from physical activity.

The kit wasted no time in getting to a place that was more private. He led over to a shed which would serve as both protection from the sun as well as from prying eyes.

Inside the musk of the boy wafted about and it drove the fox even more mad with lust. Cai leaned forward and gently kissed the other boys snout. Soon the cub dragged the other boy to the floor and began to lightly wrestle him so that the larger cubs body was over the smaller ones. It was a pretty uncomfortable position for the mutt but he was unable to free himself from the larger boys body mass. He tried to squirm his way from underneath but was unsuccessful.

Eventually, Cai began to rub his body against the smaller boy. Still nuzzling his nose into the other boy, the fox was already getting worked up. His body becoming heavier with each passing moment. The fabric on his form tightening as it began to stress beneath his again growing form. Rory couldn't take much more of the pressure.

"Get off! You're hurting me." The smaller cub cried out in pain.

"Oh...sorry. I had no idea. Sorry..." Cai shifted his body so he was no longer directly on top of the other boy.

"Here...this should be easier..." Rory crept on top of the boy, finding it somewhat easy to fit his body on top.

"Okay...that works." The fox wanted to be in control but also didn't want to cause his lover pain.

It was a small tradeoff but for the first time in their short-lived relationship, the puppy took over.

Little did Cai know that Rory had experimented with other boys before. In fact, one of the reasons he was so popular with at the boarding school was that he was loose.

It was an issue that Rory had yet to deal with coming clean about. Rory began to fiddle with the other boy's clothes, finding it was a wee bit tight on him now. It seemed he was getting bigger again and frankly this was turning on the mutt even more. With some effort, the puppy was able to free the friend of his tight fabric. Not bothering with taking his shorts, or boxers for that matter, down the entire length of his legs.

Rory didn't even bother to undress and began rubbing his entire body against the length of Cai's. It was evident that the other boy was big enough now to support his weight as unlike himself, the fox wasn't struggling underneath the dog's weight. It seemed he had become stronger as well, not just bigger. The puppy guided himself so that his own bulging piece of fabric was directly on top of the foxes sheath.

Eventually, Rory couldn't take it anymore. The pleasure building up inside of him as he was rubbing himself on top of the other boy. He slipped down his pants followed by his own underwear before stripping off his top. Now Rory was naked just like Cai was. The dog continued grinding his red rocket against the sheath of the other boy. Already both of them were full mast. The puppy pressed his meat fervently against the skin of the other cub.

Rory's breathing was becoming faster and his heartbeat was racing with each push, continuing to frot with his friend. Cai's loins were already tingling and he was needy for more attention. His body was sore and his muscles were aching as his cock raced towards its climax, he was close. He didn't even last another push. Rory fought back a giggle as his friend finished before he did. However, he wasn't far behind and exploded along with his friend only moments later.

"Mmph" Cai grunted as his body tried to recover from yet another physical indulgence.

"Hehe, did you like that?" Rory asked a rhetorical question that he already knew the answer to.

The fox simply nodded as he wasn't able to vocalize his response. Now he too was a sweaty mess as the humidity of the shed was too much for his furry body to handle. Eventually, Cai climbed off his body and the two lay down flat trying to recover. It was stifling to be sure and neither of them would have been able to have stayed in there very long. Their recovery only lasted a few minutes before neither of them could bear just laying there anymore.

"Come on there's no air circulating in's getting difficult to breathe." The puppy stated the obvious as he began picking up his clothing to redress himself.

"Yeah...your right..." The kit responded getting up, doing the same but finding the clothing now very tight on him.

The fox struggled for a bit, managing to get the stuff on despite it looking a bit ridiculous on him. He looked like a kid who had decided to put on severely outdated clothes.

" fits pretty poorly. Guess I grew again." Cai managed to force the stuff on either way.

"Hmm? Yeah, I assumed as much. Stand up and let's see." Rory was curious about how big his friend might be now.

Cai stood up and wobbled a bit as he managed to gain his balance. His center of gravity was different so it was a bit awkward for him to discover it again.

Now that he was standing up, it was evident to the two just how much bigger he had gotten. The fox was now a full head bigger than the dog, making him a decimeter or two taller than his friend. Cai couldn't help but smile, partially because he was still growing but also because it was much more obvious that he was the one in control now. It was very much a power trip. However like his friend, now he was a sweaty mess.

"Well...that was fun but maybe we should clean up huh, big guy?" The puppy made a corny joke which elicited a smile from the kit.

"Hehe. Good idea. It's pretty stuffy in here anyway." The fox wasn't about to protest leaving the un-ventilated shack.

The mutt headed outdoors with his friend who had to walk slower in order to avoid ripping his clothes. Already the fabric was tightly pulling on his body and it was likely that any more stress would cause them to fray and tear. Surprisingly the two still did not hold hands despite a single attempt by Cai to do so. He didn't try again because he knew better than to test his luck with the other boy, whom apparently he had still not won over.

The gym showers were back across the field and in the back of the place where student lockers were kept. By this time of the day no kids, or adults for that matter, were around because they had since returned inside for other activities. It was a holiday so no classes were being held until Tuesday. That meant it would be pretty low key in terms of events until the following week when school started back up and organizers were forced to be more regular with special occasions.

Back in the locker room, both boys could tell it was deserted. It made it much easier for Rory since he didn't have to worry about being seen together. There was nothing he hated more than rumors, even if they were true. He wanted to remain as a bachelor and be on the market, he was a boy's boy. Once they were closer to the shower stalls, steam poured out from the tile floor. There were several towels hung up on a metal bar right outside which was stationed for the convenience of use.

Rory was the first one to be rid of his clothes. His body was sticky with sweat and it was a bit difficult to tug off the fabric as it clung to him. Cai had just as much difficulty, though not just from perspiration but also for his obvious size difference. After a serious struggle, the dog had to help him in getting out just about every piece of clothing. Once the battle was one and both boys were naked, they entered into the tiled area of the gym showers.

It was foggy because of all the heat rising up from the floors. Rory could make out that no one else was there and so the two cubs took the closest stall near the exit. Once they were within range of the spicket of water, Cai turned it on. The fox was a sucker for warm water and immediately let out a sigh of relief as the balmy fluid hit his fur and skin. It was a welcome addition even know his body was already warm from being in the stifling confines of the shed.

Rory didn't enjoy warmth nearly as much as Cai did and hid behind the larger cub before reaching around to reduce the temperature. The fox didn't mind much since he wanted his friend to be as comfortable as he was. Now that both of them were happy with how the water felt, they could focus on cleaning themselves. Cai was the more hygienically concerned of the two and as such he was more keen on cleaning than his friend.

The fox took hold of the soap and moved so that he was the one in back. Now the brunt of the water was on the dog and he began to lather up the puppy with soap. Rory was enjoying the attention to detail and the overall soft embrace of his loving friend. Cai continued to massage the soap into his friend and in no time he was a suddy mess of water and bubbles. The fox got an idea to use something he had learned in the past, dropping the soap on the floor.

Rory looked down, he had heard countless stories of dropping the soap and the consequences of picking it up. He didn't know if they were true or not but the allure of bar was far too enticing to ignore. It's shiny radiance pierced even the thickest cloud of humidity within the shower stall. It called to him like Meret of from the tales of Ancient Egyptian myth. Eventually, he could no longer control himself and bent over like the little trinket controlled his actions.

Cai watched as his friend leaned down to pick up the soap. The fox had been incredibly randy lately, although he didn't know why. Little did he know the growth hormone he had received the other day was sending his hormones into overdrive basically giving him precocious puberty but with none of the maturation that came along with it. The kit began to pick up the smaller boys tail and lifted up before wasting no time and inserting himself into Rory.

The puppy should have known better, but the moment the other boy inserted himself into him, Rory grunted. He had never been penetrated before despite the number of boys he had been loose with. Cai had never tried it either but the opportunity had finally presented itself and he wasn't about to pass it up. Strangely he wasn't even sore anymore as the warmth from the water that cascaded over both of them had relaxed him enough for a second helping.

The fox pressed his sheath against the other boy, pushing it against his tail hole until his red rocket revealed itself. He was still sensitive from earlier, so it didn't take nearly as long as last time. The moment his member touched the fur of the other boy's butt, his body began to ache again. Cai watched as his surroundings began to diminish before his eyes. But he didn't care...he wanted to be inside of his so-called boyfriend. Cai wanted to make Rory his.

The kit pushed himself in slowly with intention of not hurting his friend. Rory felt his friend push further and further inside. The size of his friend's member didn't quite easily fit into his tight hole. The fox closed his eyes as the sensation from his loins was overcoming his senses. It was nothing short of euphoric. The larger cub found himself unable to fit his entire cock inside the other boy, finding the notion to be rather bothersome.

Still, Cai was able to enjoy himself as he pushed in and out of the small space where he had stuffed his member. The water from the shower served as a lubricant and made is significantly easier. Rory's tongue was sticking out of his mouth, his body writhing between pleasure and pain, regardless he still managed to find pleasure in the activity. Luckily for the undesirable portion of feelings, his friend likely wasn't going to last long.

The fox only lasted about a minute before his cock exploded. His mind was weary with exhaustion by this point, more so than his body. His bones ached and his muscles were sore...yet again returning to a weary state of existence. Cai's cock leaked as he let it slip out from his friend's ass. Rory's hole dripping with cum which fortunately was quickly washed away by the water that was still pounding down upon them.

By the time Cai was able to come around again, Rory was already recovered, though still a bit sore in the behind. After regaining his composure, Cai looked around suspecting that Rory had left, but looking down he could see that the puppy was very much present. It seemed that he had grown again and this time left the now diminutive pup coming just up to his nipples. It left him shocked, albeit he found it a bit funny that the tables had turned in his favor so quickly.

The two had forgotten all about the fact that they were still in the showers. The buildup of steam and the saturation of water combined had already successfully started to prune their skin and mat their fur. Rory looked up at his friend who now towered over him, though was still fairly puny in terms of muscle mass. So at least in the area of physical mass, he probably still had the upper hand. But by the looks of it, the growth hadn't seemed to have stopped affecting his body yet.

"Wow, you're really big now...I don't think I have clothing that fits you anymore." Rory jested as he knew that to be the case.

"Hehe probably not, little guy." Cai giggled as he ruffled the other boys head fur.

"Well what's gonna happen if you keep growing bigger? Like...if you don't stop." The puppy mentioned a legitimate concern that was coming across his mind.

"That would be sorta cool. You could be like my toy or even a pet!" The kit began to think about the possibilities of being infinitely big.

"I'm serious though...what it just keeps getting worse?" The mutt began to begin feeling concerned about his friends well being.

"I thought you wanted me to be big. That's why I went through with this...well mostly." The fox sounded was a little disappointed that his friend wasn't liking this as much as he was.

"Well yeah...but if you become a giant...well know?" Rory trailed off as he didn't seem intent on finishing his thought.

"You know what? Come on let's go out of the showers before we turn into raisins." The bigger cub began to lead out of the shower stalls.

"You know...difficult to hang out and do stuff. It's already going to be hard to find you clothing that fits." The puppy stated the obvious hoping to appeal to his friend's senses.

"I guess your right...but this is fun. Can't we wait and see what happens?" Cai knew the other boy was right but wanted to enjoy himself a little bit longer.

"Sure...I guess but let's be careful to make sure you don't get any bigger or it might become more of a problem." Rory didn't mind him the way he was now but was rather concerned about what the future might hold.

"I promise." The kit held his paw behind his back and crossed his fingers in a gesture that he was telling a fib.

Once they were completely outside of the wash area, there was an immediate improvement in the surrounding temperature. Though the shift from sultry heat to the frigid AC wasn't a welcome transition at first and both boys shivered as they exited. Cai grabbed a pair of towels and handed his friend one. Now it looked like the pair was a cross-generational friendship. Luckily for them, no one was around to see them hanging out.

"We should probably figure out what we're going to do about your clothing situation." The mutt noted as he looked at his friend who he knew was much too big for the temporary clothes he had borrowed.

"Well, I could just wear the towel for now. Where do you think I could find some?" Cai asked before thinking among himself about it for a bit.

"Hmm...I know the school keeps dry clothes for wet days in the clinic. Maybe we could find something there?" Rory thought that was a good enough place to start as any.

"That's a good idea. But would they believe us if we explained our reason for needing clothes?" The fox stated the obvious setback but forgot one minor detail.

"Probably not but we can just show them how much you've grown." Rory stated the obvious but seemed to almost miss a little issue.

"Don't you think that would raise alarm?" The kit was concerned he might be taken in for further medical examination.

"Let's play it by ear and see what happens, alright?" The puppy got his clothes back on and led back towards the clinic.

It was in the same place where he had gone earlier. It wasn't quite as busy since it was later in the day but each time they passed someone, the person they passed couldn't help but stare at the fox. It wasn't because he looked odd or off, but rather because of his lack of clothing. Regardless it didn't take them long to reach the end of the hallway which led into the medical facility. In the front was the clinic which was still stationed with people no matter what time of day it was.

Once they arrived, Cai decided to wait and attempted to hide in a crevice in the wall which was where one of the many water fountains stationed around the place were located. The fox pretended to drink, which only elicited more stares as many passersby's could make out the poorly clothed furry stashed away to the side of the entrance to the clinic. It didn't take long before his friend returned with a small stash of clothing which surprisingly was given with him without much questioning.

"That was easy enough. Let's head back to our room." Rory suggested calmly handing the other boy the clothes.

"Sure. I'll go change in the bathroom really quick." Cai disappeared into a nearby boys bathroom and returned shortly after.

After returning, the puppy looked his friend over and had to fight back a giggle. The clothing looked utterly ridiculous on his friend. It was as if he had borrowed from his older brother or even his father. But the bottom line was it fit.

"Least you have room to grow now, hehe." The puppy made a joke about it and then began heading off to their dorm.

"Yeah...this works, for now, I guess." The fox knew he didn't have much choice in the matter as he didn't want to attract anymore unwanted attention.

The two boys made their way back to their room. It was getting close to dinner so most of the other cubs were getting dinner.

"Maybe we should get some food before we turn in for the night?" Rory was hungry and would just eat about anything at this time of the day.

"Sure, that sounds good. I could use some food." The fox felt his stomach growl just as he said that.

The cafeteria was just down the hall and even as they got near it, they could overhear the other boys. The school was a mixture of both furries and humans and this was really the only location where they interacted on a normal basis. Neither population was entirely fond of each other and for the most part, they avoided each other. The line was long enough that it looped out into the hallway and ended a short distance from the entrance.

Each of the cubs filed into the line, with the larger of the two in the back. Luckily no one recognized them or was able to make out the changes that had occurred to Cai over the course of the day. They made it to the front of the line after about 15 minutes or so of waiting. It was one of those self-service counters where the kids could take what they thought they could eat. Only the desserts were really closely monitored since the school administration didn't want rambunctious boys at night.

Rory took his tray and Cai followed soon after as they made their way through the buffet line. The options were always different as the menu varied from day to day so that boys got the necessary nutrition in their daily diet. It was also the only time of day they could help themselves since lunch and dinner were already pre-prepared for consumption. The puppy chose some meatloaf along with a small assortment of boiled veggies along with some juice for a drink.

The fox was starving and felt like he could eat anything he put in front of him. He took about two times as much food as he normally did. Cai decided on two servings of fish, an entire ear of corn, along with two slices of bread. This left very little room on his tray for his drink so he had no other option but to come back for it. He followed the puppy back to one of the tables where the end of the bench was vacant of patrons.

He set is tray down next to Rory and went back for a large drink of milk, one his favorite beverages. The kit even decided to indulge and add some chocolate flavor to it. The boy returned to his friend who had already started eating without him. Strangely the puppy paid no mind to the amount of food his friend had served himself as he was much too hungry himself to bother. Cai began dining, although much slower than his friend.

By the time that Rory had finished, the fox was only a quarter of the way done. The kit rather enjoyed savoring his food and the puppy was looking forward to dessert. It was brownie night and that was his favorite treat. He wasted no time in going to the desert line which was only a fraction of the size of the original dinner queue. Rory decided to get them both one and luckily for him the server believed that he was getting one for the other cub as well.

He even made sure to include strawberry ice cream for his friend which he knew was the other cub's flavor. Rory chose chocolate for himself and topped it off with fudge. Returning shortly after, he set down both plates for each boy.

"Thanks, I'm almost done." Cai remarked even know he was only halfway done with his meal.

The mutt looked over at his friend who seemed quite content now that his hunger was sated. Though now that he saw just how much food he was ingesting he couldn't help but wonder.

"Hungry tonight?" Rory stated the obvious well after the fact.

The fox simply nodded and continued dining. It took him about another dozen or so minutes before he finally finished the meal. By the time he was done, most of the other boys in the cafeteria had left. There were only a few tables with a presence on them.

"All done?" The puppy was a bit surprised the other boy was able to eat all of the food he served himself.

"Yup, thanks for getting me the brownie. It was really good." The fox wiped his snout and mouth with a napkin.

"No problem let's turn in for the night. It's getting late." Rory picked up both boys trays and discarded of them.

Cai got up and waited for Rory before the two of them exited. Neither was tired but the lack of light outside foretold that it was almost bedtime.

They returned to their room which was already lit since the lamp was on a timer. Their beds still were unkempt since neither had bothered to make it. Now that they were back in the room, the both of them couldn't help but feel lazy. They weren't exactly tired but neither really wanted to do anything.

"Want to watch TV or something?" The puppy was the first one to make a suggestion since he was already bored.

"Sure, what do you want to watch?" Cai didn't mind what they watched as long as they were together.

"There might be a movie on or something. Let's find out." Rory bounded over the couch and landed square on his behind managing to not pinch his tail in the process.

Cai wasn't quite as bold as his friend and instead, he walked around the furniture. By the time he went all the way, the mutt had turned on the TV.

Rory channel surfed for a bit and found the movie channel. It was one of those self-service channels that allowed you to pick a movie from a list of them. Each room was allotted one choice per month and neither Rory nor Cai had bothered to use it. The puppy ran through the options and it didn't seem like there were that many things that interested him.

"Any movie you want to watch?" The mutt asked before the other boy sat down next to him.

"Whatever is fine. I just want to spend time with you." The kit continued to be the romantic one.

"Heh, alright. Suit yourself." Eventually, the dog landed on a random action film which had already started according to the guide on the channel.

"What movie is this?" Cai asked as he wasn't sure because he hadn't paid attention to the menu screen.

"Planet of the Apes. The newer version" Rory always had a fascination for sci-film and had heard good things about the sequel, which was due to come out later the same year.

"Sounds good. Want some popcorn or something?" The fox was still a little bit hungry and wanted something to snack on.

"Sure, popcorn would be fine." The puppy was just feeling lazy and just wanted to relax.

Cai got up and headed into the kitchen. The microwave was one of the few luxuries afforded to some of the older kids. However, it was something that was only awarded to boys who were not being punished or otherwise restricted. It was one of the only thing good about the place as the boys who behaved were rewarded on a regular basis. It made the kids of all ages more likely to do as they were told with or without being asked.

He popped a bag in the oven and waited a few minutes before it beeped, signaling that it was done. The fox took it out and served it into a bowl before returning with the fresh confectionery. There was no butter but the scent was still recognizable as the kit walked back into the room with it. Cai popped his head over the puppy whose focus was fixed on the screen.

"Thanks!" Rory didn't even wait for his friend to set it down and snatched the bowl from the other boy's paws.

"No problem." Cai was a little caught off guard by how quickly the bowl was taken away, but he decided to ignore it.

The fox rotated around the couch and stood directly in front of the TV. Obviously, the kit was feeling attention deprived.

"Come on, your in the way. We can cuddle later, I promise." The puppy knew exactly what the other boy wanted.

The kit rolled his eyes and kneeled down in front of the puppy as if in a begging position. But he had something else in mind other than that in mind. He took one of the other boy's paws and lifted it up so that it was on one of his knees.

Rory was still in his shoes so Cai wasted no time in taking them off leaving the boy in just his socks. Despite their activity throughout the day, the mutts socks were only slightly dirty. The fox loved one thing more than anything else and he had always secretly fantasized about smelling the other cub's paws. This was his chance and he wasn't about to blow it. He picked up the socked paw and began poking his nose into it.

He immediately inhaled and felt the musk of his friend's paw. It wasn't quite intoxicating as he might have thought it would be. He had always been under the impression that feet smelt bad, but to him, the smell was pure bliss. The foxes eyes rolled back into his head as he took a second whiff of the boy's feet, clearly enjoying himself. Already he could feel himself getting hard as his pants began to tent again.

Cai didn't mind pleasuring himself in front of the other boy, but Rory was paying him no mind. In fact, Rory was so lost in the movie, he wasn't even aware of what was going on. The fox dipped his snout in deeper and dragged his tongue along the bottom of the boy's sock.

"H-hey! That tickles, quit it!" The puppy fought back a giggle but still didn't look at Cai.

The kit wasn't about to stop and used his teeth to roll back the boys sock so that his entire foot was bare of the piece of clothing.

The fox began to masturbate as his member reached full mast. His body was beginning to ache and his muscles were becoming sore. It seemed his body was expanding again. Eventually, he could no longer control himself and Cai took his hand into his pants and began enticing himself flesh against flesh. By this point, his cock was already leaking pre-cum despite several engagements throughout the day. However, his level of sensitivity was certainly not helping the situation.

The moment he began sucking on the cub's toes, his member exploded. Cai groaned in relief as his bodies pains began to subside again. It seemed like the fox was becoming quite the nympho as his desire to sate himself was only matched by his continued growth. No longer was the formerly adult-sized clothing big on him. For all intensive purposes, he fit into the stuff quite well. Now while he didn't exactly look mature, Cai was very much the size of a full grown adult, if not a bit more.

Cai smirked as he realized what had just happened. The best part is that Rory hadn't even paid attention and he had gotten away with it. The day had been a long and productive one but after the movie was over both boys retired to bed. The puppy was so weary that he didn't even realize the other boy had gotten bigger again. The fox was a wee bit fatigued and decided to turn in for the night as well. He fell asleep to thinking...of just how big he could possibly get. The idea of the giant was both very real to him and very enticing. Would it ever come to fruition? Only time would tell...

Slumber Party

Slumber Party By: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: Some characters are original and others are the rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is given to their owners. Additionally, some characters are portrayed...

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Puberty by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All characters are original and are only to be used within the context of this story. Any resemblance to a person, living or dead, is purely a...

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Oracle Part 2

The Oracle by Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All characters are original and are only to be used within the context of this story. Any resemblance to a person, living or dead, is purely a...

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