Oracle Part 2

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#50 of Commissions

My fourty-third commission which I did for someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

It is a continuation of the first Oracle story where the men in the story try to get out of their "little" predicament.

The Oracle by Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All characters are original and are only to be used within the context of this story. Any resemblance to a person, living or dead, is purely a coincidence. This work contains underaged content and micro/macro interactions. You have been warned.

Sometimes it is best to accept things as they are. Monotony is not always the worst thing in life and people often forget that. There is often comfort in the solace of repetition. But for those times when one gets what one wants, you must consider what to do with the luxury of such freedom. Freedoms such as these can be liberating but sometimes too can they be restricting. Especially for when things don't go when as planned.

Gus found himself in that very predicament. There he was having a normal day babysitting a local couple's kid. Everything seemed to be going so well at first. Though he supposed he could have more wary of the girl's interests. Like any sitter, he found it difficult to level with her and as such sought out other sources of entertainment while the day played itself out. It had worked so many other times for him, but today was obviously not the case.

The 16-year-old mongoose had been hired by a mouse family to watch their little girl. The girl was a magic-obsessed child, one who found grace by studying the ornate and often fantasy world of fortune telling. She went by the name Phoebe and recently she had bought a new trinket which she had taken a liking to. The trinket was divination powder, which by its very nature was designed as little other than an ornament.

Of course, the curiosity shop online had never intended for it to be actually used. However, the youth had decided to indulge nonetheless. Now the teen found himself in a precarious situation. He was now only a fraction of his former size. His home was now similar to that of the very same dolls whom the girl played with on frequent occasion. He was not the only one either, the girl's father had joined him in obscurity.

Now they were nothing more than a pair of miniatures. Even smaller than the dolls themselves, serving as new toys for the young girl. Phoebe, on the other hand, found herself rather enjoying the change in role. Gus had since retired to one of the ends of the house, hoping to be forgotten about, separating himself from the father who was furious with both him as well as the girl. The older male had been on a verbal rampage ever since he had been shrunk.

But what he didn't know was she couldn't hear him. So no matter how loud, or how often he yelled, his words fell on deaf ears. It took some time before the man's voice grew hoarse and he gave up on ever reaching the girl. Phoebe had grown rather disinterested in the two for a short while leaving them to their own devices. Eventually, the girls focus shifted again and they became the focus of her lack of forbearance.

"Ah...such cute little toys you are. Why not play together?" The mouse cub noticed the two were segregated to different areas of the home.

Phoebe crossed her legs and set in front of the dollhouse before using each of her hands to place the two males together.

"Now play for my amusement!" The girl chuckled as she forced them to hug.

The two men looked rather discontent as they were smashed together. Luckily for the two of them, the force applied was not enough to actually hurt them. But still it was uncomfortable and Gus was the first to try and break free.

"Play along and maybe she'll leave us alone, Pops..." The mongoose suggested to the older male.

The father was quite stubborn and had not yet accepted his new station in life. Gus motioned to the girl over to a plastic table where a faux tea set was fixated.

Gus sat down, feeling that this facade was better than being manhandled by the girl. The teen watched as the father was forcibly fit into the seat. The man continued to be defiant, crossing his arms, still saying nothing to the younger male.

"Stop being stupid and just follow along." Gus knew the older male had to give in eventually.

Gus began serving all the fake plates and plasticware, even know they were empty. Phoebe looked on with a smile and continued to puppeteer her father.

It took a while before the humiliation began to set in on the father. A good few minutes of body manipulation later and finally he conceded that his sore and beaten body could take it no longer.

Once the man finally decided to play along, Phoebe chuckled seeming quite satisfied with the turn of events. Even going out of her way to get some tea, only to return and spill half of it onto the floor in the process. Reaching out to serve it to them, the two males watched warily. Before long the liquid cascaded from the glass in a single plume of fluid. The two have to run for their lives as the tea began to fill the space where they were just sitting and wash away the fake furniture.

Realizing what had just happened, Phoebe quickly took away the glass. But the damage was done as the stuff began to settle and seep around the insides of the plastic house. When it finally reached the bottom, only a small amount seeped onto the carpet around the building.

"Whoops, sorry about that." Truthfully the girl didn't feel the least bit guilty.

The father was furious and contemplated yelling again. But the aching feeling in his throat reminded him that this, not a wise decision.

"This is boring...I want to invite some friends over." The girl playfully chirped as she was beginning to feel bored.

Phoebe was feeling rather restless and wanted to spice up the situation. She got her clothes back on so that she could call a friend over and not risk being humiliated. There were not a lot of people who she got along with as many of her age-mates considered her an oddball. But the few friends she did have were rather close with her and most of them had been friends with the mouse since early in grade school.

The girl thought about it for a few moments before deciding that she would invite her best friend over, another girl by the name of Louise. The girl was a fur like her but was a different species altogether. Louise's family was a pack of cats. One would think that mice, or any other breed of rodents, would not get along with cats. However, Phoebe and Louise found each other relatable as well as likable.

Phoebe went over to the landline and dialed the number that she knew to be the felines. Her friend's parents picked up and she asked for Louise.

"Hiya, Pheebs. What's up?" Louise asked over the phone.

"Want to come over? I have something really cool I want to show you." Phoebe didn't want to give away the surprise.

"I'll ask my parents. But just what are you going to show me this time? Another magic trick?" The cat asked as she very well knew the other girl's interests.


"Just wait and see! I promise you'll like it." The mouse wasn't entirely sure what the other girl would think but wanted to show her anyways.

"Alright, let me ask my parents then." There was a short silence after that before the girl returned to the phone line.

"They said it's alright as long as your parents are there and are okay with it." The feline relayed the information to her friend.

"Yeah, my dad is here. I already asked him before I called you." Phoebe came up with the best white-lie she could.

"Cool. Well, I'll come on over whenever my parents get some free time. Alright?" Louise had been told by her parents that she had to wait a little bit.

"Sounds good. See you soon, then," The rodent put down the phone.

Almost immediately she began thinking of what they could do together. Of course, she had to show her new toys to her friend. But the question remained, what would she think about it. Phoebe could only hope for the best and remain positive.

It was a good two hours before there was finally a knock at the door. Phoebe was overly excited that her friend had finally arrived. To her it had seemed like an eternity. But during the time she had worked out a rather detailed plan for what they would do. The mouse opened the door and in front of her stood the taller girl as well as her own father. The man looked around inside the house, seeming to be looking for his fellow parent.

"Where's pops, Pheebs?" The man asked before looking back at her intently.

"He's in the backyard cooking for later." The mouse cub was seemingly getting better and better at coming up with false stories.

"Mind if I go talk to him for a bit." The feline's father seemed intent on making sure there was an adult presence around.

"Sure, he's in the backyard." Phoebe began to panic as she knew her own father would never be found by anyone except her.

Phoebe watched as the man walked past her into the house. There was no scent of any sort of barbeque or other types of cooking. She began fingering her paw into her pocket where the little satchel of powder was being stored.

"Watch this, Louise." The mouse whispered to her taller friend.

The cat was unsure of what she was referring to. However, she didn't have to wait very long to find out.

The mouse cub took out the little velvet red satchel and ran behind the adult. Luckily for her, he suspected nothing and continued heading towards the back door.

Once she was within distance of him, she untightened the knot on the satchel and quickly sprinkled a little powder on him. It wasn't much but the moment it hit him. The father had no idea what just happened. All of the sudden his body couldn't move and his muscles wouldn't react no matter how hard he tried. It was as if he was paralyzed. Within moments the room around him began to shift and enlarge.

He felt like he was on an elevator that had lost its suspension. Though it wasn't quite moving as fast as an out of control transport. Little by little the surroundings around him continued to escalate higher and higher, eventually, his clothing sagged enough that they draped around his legs. It wasn't long before he was the same size as Phoebe's other toys. Louise couldn't believe her eyes, but sure enough, her father was nowhere to be seen.

Instead, where he just stood only moments ago, there was now only a pile of clothing. Within some movement tented around inside of the fabric. Phoebe smirked as now she had another plaything to add to her collection. The father wasn't sure what had just happened. All he knew was that it was dark and that he was now naked. It took a minute for him to realize that he was now about the size of an action figure and that was only after he appeared from the forest of his own clothing

Louise was a little confused as well. She rubbed her eyes in a state of disbelief and even pinched herself, just to make sure she wasn't asleep. Sure enough, she wasn't in a dream state.

"What just happened?" The feline wanted to be exactly sure as she was completely stunned.

"Hehe, I just shrunk your dad. Isn't that cool?" Phoebe bent down to pick up the male who was still struggling to get out of his clothing cave.

The mouse picked him up after sifting through the clothing. She then proceeded to show the tiny critter to her friend.

With Phoebe's hand in front of her, it was very clear what happened was a reality. Petrified and running around in circles was her father. The man looked up at her before fainting, now unconscious on her back.

"How did you just...?" Louise thought this was all just an illusion but it seemed all too real.

"Magic. Come on, I'll show you the rest of my collection. Lock the door behind you." The mouse pointed to the door before heading to her room.

The kitten did as she was told and wasn't far behind. Louise knew full well where the other girl's room was as she had been to her home a number of times in the past.

The door was open when she arrived and the cat showed herself in. Phoebe was over to the right side of the room where a dollhouse was situated. It had been sometimes since Louise had legitimately played with dolls. She thought it was rather strange that the mouse was now seeming within an arms reach of the colorful plastic. What the cat didn't know was that this was where her friend was keeping her lively collection.

"Come on over and check this out." Phoebe made a gesture coaxing the girl to come closer.

Curiosity killed the cat...or as they so say. Indeed the mystery had overcome her and she wasn't about to deny her friends request. Even if it seemed strange to her that her friend was still playing with dolls as the idea was a vast change in her normal personality. Still, she went over to where her friend was and got on her knees in order to be closer to Phoebe. Louise couldn't help but feel a bit childish as she looked around to see if anyone was watching them.

"Look inside." The mouse pointed towards the inside of the building in order to re-divert her friend's attention.

Once the feline was sure no one was looking, she peeked inside the dollhouse. There were no dolls to be seen but as her attention was brought closer to where her friend was pointing, it became clearer what was going on. Inside that small room was 3 figures, all roughly the same size. One of which appeared to be her father, another which appeared to be Phoebe's, and the third she didn't know who it was.

"Did you shrink them too?..." Louise was almost certain that was the case but just wanted to be certain.

"Yup. Isn't it cool?" Phoebe was rather proud of herself as if she had accomplished some grand life goal of hers.

"I guess it's pretty neat. What do you plan to do with them?" The feline peered into the house leaning down at a more eye level.

"I was thinking we could play with them together." The mouse suggested feeling rather confident that her friend would comply with the request.

"Sure, but won't our dads be angry with us?" The cat was concerned about the long-term ramifications of what was going on.

"That's assuming I turn them back to normal." A large grin crept across the rodent's snout.

"You're not going to change them back?" Louise was rather fond of her father and concerned about the notion of him being small forever.

"If they behave, maybe." Phoebe crossed her arms defensively as if she was a little offended by the comment.

"Oh, alright. I guess that's okay then. What should we do with them?" The feline asked the same question again.

"Whatever we want! Here take your dad and I'll take mine! The babysitter can just chill for now." The mouse picked out the two men and handed one of them to her friend.

"Okay..." The cat wasn't entirely sure what to do with her father as he slid around in her hand.

"Come on I'll show you. I promise it will be fun." The rodent placed her father on the floor but continued to manipulate him as he was a doll.

The cat watched for a moment as the man was seemingly humiliated before her eyes. But Phoebe seemed to be enjoying herself and her jubilant attitude was contagious. It wasn't long before the other girl joined in on the fun. Eventually, Louise set her father down on the carpet, continuing to be cautious about injuring him. She continued following her friend's actions and began to puppeteer him. Eventually, the two males were situated at a plastic table.

Both of the fathers stared at each other. Neither was totally certain what to do. Phoebe's father had already accepted that the consequence of their position was irreversible. The man across from him looked around as if seeking to escape. But with the two young girls looking overhead, he decided it was better not to try. Eventually, Phoebe decided to try serving tea again. The pitcher was still nearby so she tried to pour it again.

Obviously, the speed at which the liquid was too much. She made the same mistake as last time as the water crashed below. The men running away in fear as it flooded over the table and washed both it and the chairs away. Both men saw this as their chance. Louise was occupied trying to clean up but Phoebe was vigilant as ever. The minute they tried to make their exit, she reached over and grabbed both of them. She was very annoyed at their disobedience.

"Try that again and I won't turn you back to normal." The girl warned them as she held them in front of her face.

Both men were utterly terrified as the voice boomed in front of them. They were almost deafened by the sound, trying to recover from the reverberation in their eardrums. Eventually, they were set back down. Both of them noticing that the floor was soaking wet and that the kitten hadn't done a very good job of drying the surface. Phoebe's father couldn't help but feel annoyed and yet still helpless about the whole situation. It seemed they needed a plan and fast.

Once the mess was just about cleaned up, Phoebe placed the two men back down on the floor.

"What if we just give them what they want. Wouldn't that resolve this situation faster? Frank, the feline's father, made a suggestion as he had yet to give up.

"And what makes you think that? You just saw we can't exactly escape." Don, the rodent's father, listened as he didn't have much other choice in the matter.

"Well, maybe they'll get bored and leave us alone. They are 11 after all and their focus won't be on us forever." The feline remained confident and in control of the situation.

"I suppose it's worth a shot. It's not like I have any better ideas." The rodent conceded and decided to let his daughter continue to manhandle him.

It was a good fifteen or so minutes before the tea party was finally over. Phoebe was feeling rather restless again and looked over at her friend who looked just as bored as she was. The mouse wondered if she might enjoy using them in the same fashion she had earlier. However, she wasn't completely certain of how to approach the subject. So she decided a roundabout way was necessary.

Gus surprisingly was still in the same spot as before. Like Don, he too had given up on ever being freed from the situation. Now back into the girls grasp, he was in an all too familiar situation. Phoebe stared at him as he looked over at the new girl.

"How would you like to have some naughty fun?" Phoebe tilted her head over towards her friend.

"Hmm, what do you mean?" Louise was a little more innocent than her friend was.

"You know something to make you feel good. You know...down there..." The rodent continued to try and be non-nonchalant about it.

"I don't know what you mean. Show me?" The cat was a little curious for her own good.

"Alright, This might feel a little strange, so lay down on your back." Phoebe knew this to be the safest method from earlier.

The kitten did as she was told, however, she had not actually bothered to disrobe as she didn't know any better.

"Goosey, make her feel good and I will reward you." The mouse made a promise to Gus.

The mongoose waited until he was set down on the kitten. She was still clothed and he wasn't too sure as to what the mouse had in mind.

"You gotta trust me, alright? I promise it to be fun." Phoebe began removing the other girls pants.

Louise had no idea what was going on or even why the other girl was undressing her. However, she wasn't about to argue since she didn't want to upset the mouse.

Eventually, the kitten was in just her panties. She couldn't help but feel a little bit of a breeze as her shorts were taken to her knees. Soon after her friend continued with her shirt which only added to the already awkward situation But soon the girl found that the mongoose was traveling around her body. His little paws trecked about her like she was this massive trail. Her fur was quite thick and so Gus was having to manage to not get lost in the forest of hair.

Eventually, the mongoose found his way to the girl's chest. She was equally just as flat as her friend and the teen decided that another approach was necessary. Turning around and heading the opposite way down the entire length of her body was a rather treacherous task for him. With each breath, the mustelid stumbled. Fortunately for him, she wasn't breathing rapidly and so he only fell a few times.

Though there was one occasion where Louise giggled and the teen was sent flat on his back. He was able to recover shortly after, still trying to make his way to the girls lower portion. After a while, he was able to manage. Looking up at Phoebe who continued to sneer at him, obviously she no intention of helping him as she was seemingly enjoying seeing him struggle. The feline couldn't help but peer up and look to see what he was doing.

Eventually, he jumped down as being on top of her offered no advantage for what he needed to do. The teen could now see square between the girl's legs and he was surprised there was no smell. Obviously, she kept her nether region clean. Pushing forward he made his way towards the area, before reaching out to touch it. He wasn't quite at the labia but was just below it where the perineum and anus were located. He ignored the anus and tried to touch the small lining between her sensitive areas.

Louise flinched the very second he touched down there. She had never been touched down there, in that way, not even by herself. The feline had yet to experiment with herself and was almost tempted to back away. But once the teen brought his finger to drag along the girls perineal lining, it became harder to draw herself away. Gus knew full well how to please a woman and this girl was no different.

Stretching so that he was standing fully upright, allowing himself to reach towards to labia and eventually around to the clitoris. The girl's body was reeling with pleasure as she gritted her teeth and clenched her hands together. It wasn't exactly painful but the rush of new sensations was difficult for her to bear. By this point her legs were completely spread, allowing the teen full access to her genital region. Gus continued to stroke around in circles in a slow and methodic motion.

It wasn't long before the girl squirted in orgasmic bliss. The teen smirked a bit as he licked his tongue around the area, lapping it up. It seemed that he had achieved what he set out to do.

"Such a naughty tiny boy." Phoebe said as she had been watching the entire time.

Gus rolled his eyes and backed away. He had done his part of the deal and looked up the girl, expecting her to hold true to her part of the bargain.

"Oh, hehe. I guess you're looking at me like that because of our little deal." The mouse was from naive and had not forgotten about their bargain.

"Very well. While she recovers let's get you back to normal." Phoebe

The mouse bent over and picked up the mongoose before setting him on a table. She wasn't entirely sure she could even change him back. But it was worth a shot.

Phoebe placed her paw back into the satchel of powder. She figured that maybe if she thought about it reverse of how she did before, that it would do the opposite. But the fact remained that she hadn't really put much thought into it before. The mouse thought deeply to herself and decided to be straightforward with the teen as she didn't like to deceive people.

"So truth be told, I'm not sure I can turn you back. But we can try if you want." The mouse said to the teen on the coffee table.

Gus rolled his eyes. He knew it was too good to be true. He figured she was either making up a white lie or brushing him off.

"Just do it!" He shouted but he knew she couldn't hear him.

The mouse heard a squeak and figured it was the teen. Deciding it was worth a shot regardless of what he said and prepared a small helping of powder in her palm.

She then sprinkled a little it on top of him and hoped for the best. Gus felt the familiar feeling of being stunned and unable to move. Waiting to see what happened as the sensation began to dissipate. Phoebe watched as the mongoose began to grow bit by bit. Slowly overall but eventually enough that she had to move fast and remove him from the platform. Bit by bit he became larger and larger but it wasn't long before the sensation ended.

Gus' body was achy and tense. He was now about a quarter of the girl's size and was happy to see that he was no longer the size of a toy. Though he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that he was not normal size. Though it was better than nothing, he supposed. He looked up at the girl who was still taller than he was.

"Well...are you gonna fix me?" He figured she could hear him now.

"Maybe later. I like you this size." Phoebe patted him on the head and ruffled his fur.

"That isn't fair..." Gus tried to swipe the pouch as she pulled it away from him.

"Bad boy...don't try that again...or else." The girl threatened him as he backed away from her.

The mongoose thought about running away but still wasn't normal size. Even if he had taken the powder, he wouldn't know how to use it. Gus needed to figure out a way to free himself. Looking down, he couldn't see the two older men, but knew they were down there.

"Go ahead play with them. I will check on Louise." Phoebe went over to where the other girl was still recovering.

Gus kneeled down and peered into the home. Both of the men were still there and looked up at him as if they were a bit ashamed in him. But it didn't matter much to the teen as he had a plan.

"Don't worry...just wait. Play along and I promise I'll get you guys out of here too." The teen whispered to them hoping the girls didn't hear them.

Gus continued to play along and took both of the men out of their hiding spot. He looked around for the missing plastic table. It was nowhere in sight so he decided some improvisation was necessary. He decided to use them as if they were army men. After all, he had played with GI Joe toys when was younger. He figured it was easy enough to pull off and began positioning the two older men as if they were soldiers on a battlefield.

"Hey, do you guys have any GI Joe clothing?" Gus asked but figured it was unlikely.

Phoebe was helping Louise dress back up who had since recovered her senses. The mouse looked back over at the mongoose who was busy toying with the two men. She couldn't help but smile at them, he seemed to be enjoying himself.

"GI Joe clothes? No, but I'm sure we could manage something else.

"Alright, great. I have a new game you could try with them." Gus figured his plan would be put into work starting now.

"Yeah, and what's that?" Phoebe led her friend and herself over to the area where he was situated.

"Make them compete to be turned back to normal. The loser has to stay the same." The mongoose figured he could learn how to do it just by watching.

"That sounds fun. What would be the competition?" The mouse eyed the teen with curiosity as the feline did the same

"I think they should participate in a modeling competition. You provide them with whatever doll clothes you have and they will show it to you while walking down the runway." Gus figured that a typical sports competition would not appear to girls.

"That sounds cute! What do you think, Louise?" Phoebe was trying to get her friend back into the little game.

Louise was still a little weirded out by what had just happened to her. She simply nodded and gave in to the other girl's wishes without saying a word. Phoebe simply shrugged it off and decided she would snap out of her little funk eventually.

Phoebe got up since she was the ablest to prepare the little event. She spent most of her time readying a little runway. What she used to set it up was just an old piece of cardboard which she folded over in the shape of the jutted out walkway similar to the ones at fashion shows. Gus decided to get together the doll clothes. They were all still stored in the dollhouse so it was easy enough to get together and put in a single spot on the floor.

It took a short while before the girl was able to assemble a little platform out of cardboard and while it was neither symmetrical nor was it perfectly flat, it would serve the purpose for which it was designed.

"Alright, you two will be the judges. Both you and Louise will score them out of 10. Judge them purely on the appearance of their costume." Gus explained how the game would work.

"Sounds good. Come on, Louise, I'll make some cards that we can re-use." Phoebe continued to be proactive, seeming rather excited about the prospect.

The cub got a notepad for each of them along with some crayons to use for scoring. Louise looked it over and smiled a little bit. At least she was easing up a bit, Phoebe thought to herself. Gus fixed the two men and instructed them what to do. Both felt rather humiliated but decided it was no different, or more degrading, than anything else they had been forced to do that day.

"Just play me, alright?" Gus tried to keep it on the down low as possible.

Neither of the men had much choice in the matter. They decided to play along and went back to where the pile of doll clothes was situated.

Don was the first one to go and he decided on something one of the Ken dolls had worn. It was a simple beach getup, which showed his upper torso. In fact, it was just a bathing suit and sandals which the rodent found difficult to fit on his thin paws. Regardless he managed and made his way down the runway. Don had never seen a fashion show before and just walked normally. As such since he didn't actually try to sell himself the girls scored him at 5 each.

Frank was up next. Unlike the other man, his daughter had made him watch the fashion award shows quite frequently. He knew exactly how to upsell himself. Even selecting a much more formal getup which was similar to a blazer and matching trousers. The feline wasted no time in sashaying down the walkway, not shy enough to hide his form or even worry about what they thought about. Even going as far as spinning around towards the end and walking back, making sure to show off his luscious tail.

The girls responded in kind with perfect scores. Louise was erratically jubilant, now no longer in the funk, she uproariously screamed and cheered at her father. It seemed she was a bit biased in the matter. However, the one session was not enough. The rules were to be the best of three and this time the cat would have to go first. Frank looked over at his competition confidently and changed into his next wardrobe. This time he selected a military uniform.

Marching down the runway he did similar to before in a much more systematic style. Even making sure to salute the girls in a style they were familiar with. Frank was a crowd pleaser and had learned how to appeal to girls from having two daughters. This time his score was just as the high as last time and he looked at the mouse who basically had given up at this point. Still, he went through the motions and decided to try anyway.

Don this time selected a semi-formal getup with a button up polo shirt with some khaki's He tried imitating what the other male had done but knew he was fighting a lost battle. Phoebe felt a little disappointed, yet sad, that he couldn't keep up while watching him struggle down the ramp. Eventually, it was over and he only scored a pair of 8's. The event was over and it was evidently clear that the car was the winner.

Louise acted as the announcer and made a short celebration about the fact her father had won.

"The winner is Daddy!" The kitten cheered proudly as she was rather hopeful that her friend was true to her word.

Phoebe was just glad her friend had finally snapped out of her little funk. The mouse wasn't about to make short of her promise either and picked up the tiny cat. Don felt helpless but remained motionless as he knew that a struggle would be pointless.

As with before Phoebe set the man aside and prepared him to be turned back to normal. Don was rather impatient as he crossed his arms waiting for the girl to get on with it. The mouse reached into her pocket and poured out a helping of the powder onto her palm before dipping it over the man. Like the teen, the man's body stood paralyzed for a moment. However, the feeling was soon replaced with energy that coursed through his veins.

Eventually, his size began to increase. As with before he got larger, bit by bit. Both girls watched with interest and even the teen stared but his focus was elsewhere. He watched Phoebe as she made a sleight of hand over the man, figuring that there was some sort of magic involved. While he wasn't as foolish to believe he could pull it off after watching it just once, he wanted to learn it's intricacies. Before long the man was almost up to his own daughter's knee.

Arrogance overcame him as parental instinct set in. His immediate gut reaction as he grew larger was to taking the thing away from the girl. He was just large enough to be able to reach it. But Phoebe was no fool, she watched as his tiny hand tried to grab upwards. She grabbed it immediately and as soon as she did the man's growth stopped cold. The mouse veered down at him with disgust as her formerly playful mood turned vindictive.

"Tsk tsk...such a naughty boy. Guess you need to be cut back down to size." The cub shook her head in disappointment.

Without a word, the girl took half a handful of powder and sprinkled it on top of him.

"You wanted this so bad? Well, here you go...enjoy the ride, pipsqueak." The mouse watched as the cat's hand began to sink lower and lower.

This time the feeling was unlike any before. An innate cool feeling overcame the man as if he felt as the strength began to be sapped from his body. Once again he watched as the girl became larger and larger, or rather that he was shrinking again. It was much faster than before and it was even making him feel sick to his stomach. Before long he was ankle sized and then diminished even below, showing no signs of stopping.

Gus watched in terror as his plan was seemingly torn to shreds. Phoebe hadn't looked back at him, she was quite intent on watching the ever-shrinking cat before her. This was his last chance, it was all or nothing, especially since the man had ruined everything he had worked to create. The mongoose slipped in behind her, careful to not make a sound and cause any alarm. The kitten watched him but said nothing, obviously, she was ambivalence to his actions. The mongoose put a single finger on his lips indicating for her to be quiet.

The mongoose had always excelled at being stealth as his parents had taught him to avoid snakes. This was just another version of that skill. Once he was within reach, Gus snatched it and Phoebe screamed a loud outburst of terror. The mustelid didn't even bother to run and almost immediately slung the bag open, not worried about how much came out or even where it poured onto. The powder scattered about in the air-conditioned room

Most of it landed on the mouse as she was the closest individual nearby. Whatever didn't land on her scattered about in no particular direction. Phoebe continued to scream as if she was a siren of old. However, her body remained unable to move. Gus stared uncertain of what to do next. He didn't know how long it would last or how the rest of the process worked. Looking around he saw no sign of Frank and figured he had returned to his former status.

The girl continued to shriek, expecting Louise to come to her rescue. But she did not and instead scooped up her father, intent on saving him instead of her. Gus in the meanwhile bent over to search for the other man. Luckily for him, the older mouse was waving about. He picked him up and immediately exited the room along with the other pair. It seemed they had escaped the wraith of Phoebe.

They immediately made an exit from the house, making sure to lock the door behind them, forgetting all about the fact that it was open-able from the inside. Strangely the girl's screams could be heard from the outside. The entire squad of the refugees stopped in their tracks as it seemed they couldn't move anymore. Phoebe's anger had multiplied ten-fold. During her fury, she had beckoned to Lyssa who heard her chanting.

The girls power uproarious scream bellowed outward in a single pulse. Sending the whole lot of the escapees onto the knees. Within moments a more bothersome noise was overheard. Crashing and rumbling replaced the screaming as Phoebe moaned with power. Gus looked back, feeling something was wrong. Sure enough, the entire foundation of the house was shattered. Before him stood the very same girl that only moments ago was left fettered by her own magic trick.

Almost immediately the teen had regretted his actions. Now the cub stood before him, larger than ever. This time it wasn't because he had shrunk, but rather she had gotten larger. He found himself only as small as the girl's big toe.

"You thought you could escape me? You were wrong! And you, Louise! I can't believe you would betray your best friend!" It was clear that the girl had lost all sense of reason.

Louise was just as scared as all of the rest of them. Her father looked up and beckoned to be brought to his daughter's ears. He wanted to be heard.

"Calm her down...maybe she'll listen to you." The man tried to coax her into a more relaxed state.

But fear gripped the young child and she was shaking. She didn't know what to do and searched ever inward for an answer.

"Stop now or your going to hurt someone. Look at what you've done, Phoebe." Louise shouted loudly and with confidence.

"What did you just say?" The mouse cub kneeled down, now stark naked as all of her clothing had ripped off during her growth.

"I said stop! Look at what you've done. You're a terrible person!" The kitten began to cry appealing to her friend's emotions.

Phoebe swept her hand across and knocked down her own friend. Louise began to tear up and cry.

"Look what you've done you monster!" Gus ran over to aid the now seemingly hurt kitten.

"Hmph! You don't know anything." Phoebe began walking away as her thunderous paws made a mess of the debris around her.

It seemed that the girl had become drunk with power and no amount of reason was able to stop her. The two fathers ran away and fear as the babysitter tried to shield the still injured cub.

Phoebe didn't look back. She no longer cared about the life she'd left behind. The little satchel of powder had been depleted but that wasn't about to stop her fun.

Her own home was only a few kilometers from the core of the city. She was able to make the trek in only a few minutes. The mouse's massive strides covering huge spans of the area in the same time a commercial vehicle would. By the time she arrived there, she could overhear the scream of sirens as her presence had already attracted attention. The local population scattered away from the closer she got to the entrance of town.

Phoebe didn't care much for the police. They often warned her about her so-called "black magic" even know she didn't practice the idea. Some patrol cars buzzed around her traveling around her in circles, trying to get her to divert her course of action. But she wasn't interested in them and swiftly kicked one out of the way. The vehicle screeched and crashed into a building before a cloud of smoke began to plume from the wreckage. The mouse smirked as she was clearly satisfied herself.

The cub continued striding her way into the core of the city. By this point, police helicopters had begun to circle above. The officers inside were yelling onto a loudspeaker trying to beckon the monster to stop her rampage. Phoebe swiped one of her paws into the air, intent on knocking it out of the sky but the pilot inside was much too skilled to allow her to catch him. The mouse glared intently at the machine as it circled around her.

The girl decided to ignore them, even after the men inside of the airplane started to yell at her. She knelt down and took a car that had been abandoned and began pushing it around on the pavement as if it were a toy. Phoebe smiled and giggled, clearly enjoying the playful nature of the moment. The police were still hesitating to shoot anything since it was clearly a child. But the boys in blue were seeking any sort of solution to their very big problem.

Some nearby people continued to stare at the giant girl continued to treat the town as her playset. Phoebe caught sight of them and immediately picked them up into her grasp. Now she had two hostages and the police were becoming even more increasingly desperate. But the girl was not treating them as prisoners, rather she was sticking them inside of the car to push around. The people inside were screaming in terror.

Each time they were pushed along, they got closer and closer to a building. Before long they finally crashed and this gave them the opening they were looking for and immediately began to run away in terror. Now that the girl had no hostages the police began to act on a plan they had formed. They had loaded some tranquilizers into some guns and were ready to make use of them since there was no longer a lingering threat of hitting the wrong target.

They didn't wait and shot a barrage of bullets at the girl who shrieked in fear. She was no match for the barrage of gunfire. The second they hit her, Phoebe began to feel drowsy. Even with her increased size, the chemicals inside the bullets reacted rather quickly. Before long the girl fell to the floor her body completely limp and motionless. Unfortunately for the buildings around her, they served only as the cushion and were crushed below her body weight.

Eventually, the girls family was contacted. It wasn't until the mother was contacted until a solution was reached. She knew the answer to her daughter's growing pains and was glad to return her to normal. The mother ended up grounding her and taking away Phoebe's fortune telling hobby for some time. As for the fathers and babysitter, they too were returned to normal. Gus was even given a tip to keep his mouth shut about what he had gone through.

But the problem remained that the image of the giant mouse rampaging through the city left an indelible mark on the cities mind. It would be talked about for some time by the local news. Fortunately for the parents, she was never identified. The only downside was they had to pay for the damages. It took a long time but eventually, they were able to manage. It seemed the mother would have to teach her daughter how to harness her power. Would it work? Only time would tell...


Sentience by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is...

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Training Day

Training Day by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is...

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Spice of Life

Spice of Life by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are portrayed are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is given to...

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