Spice of Life

Story by pentrep on SoFurry

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#46 of Commissions

My fortieth commission I did as part of a trade for Orgunis.

t's about a downtrodden man who gets an unexpected pick-me-up from a friend.

Spice of Life by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are portrayed are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is given to their owners. Any similarity to real persons, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. Furthermore, there is a prominent micro/macro theme presented within this story. You have been warned.

"People chained by monotony, afraid to think,

clinging to certainties. They live like ants."

-Bella Lugosi

It is often when life seems like it is at a dead end. The often mundane nuances that come with familiarity can often dull the senses and make creativity go stale. It is the rare situation in these occasions where the freedom from tedium is offered. How one goes about it differs from person to person. But usually, it is another who is the saving grace one needs, especially when one has become seemingly lost in a humdrum.

Adulthood is often just that case. Where a person gets up day in day out to repeat the same activities. Work, eat, and sleep often dominate a mature persons life. There is no doubt of the necessity of these actions. But it is in the eyes of the beholder of how best to use free time. As everyone knows leisure is not frequent and as such should not be frittered away. Whenever one is not certain of what to do when there seems to be nothing to busy yourself with, then it is time to consult with another.

Such is one the beauties of friendship and even more so with relationships. Sonny was a 23-year-old squirrel who had recently graduated from school. His original plan of getting an MBA was seemingly uprooted by an inability to find financial aid and instead, he was stuck with finding some middle-management position. Fortunately for the squirrel, he was able to land one with some human resource firm local to where he lived.

But it was still early in his career and he was not able to work alone. As such he sought the help of another. A longtime friend of his came to the rescue. The local "lab-rat" as she was known by her coworkers, but by her friends she was known as I.Q. The two had met in college prior to the mouse having to move onto into graduate school. Although older than the male by two years, the smaller rodent was seemingly wiser and experienced in the way of the world.

I.Q. Was a very smart girl. She was keen on all things scientific and very much loved working in her lab. Though only in the first year of her contract, she had already been come to have been known as both a quick study and a hard worker. Sonny, on the other hand, wasn't as lucky. His hours were erratic with his boss often scheduling him at various times of the day. However the most frequent was the dreaded graveyard shift.

Sonny had been managing his rather random days despite often being fatigued when he got home. I.Q. Often remarked that he had very little emotional demeanor and cited that he could pass off as a robot was it not for his heartbeat and ability to think freely. However one weekend the mouse learned that the blue squirrel had the entire weekend off. She decided that she would spice up his life and offer him a little variation in his otherwise dull existence.

The gray mouse had been working on a project for some time now. As a mouse, she had frequently been used to being the smaller one. So to change things up she began working on a ray gun. The idea of this little prop that basically looked like a toy, was to make things smaller. She had tested it before on a plant which she was growing. Sure enough, the little cactus turned into a much smaller bulb on the floor. It was rather promising results for something that wasn't even supposed to work.

The mouse wasn't sure it would work on a person but decided that the weekend would be the time to try. Once Friday rolled around and Sonny arrived at the house, she worked on a plan. They were both adults so playing pretend wasn't going to do. Her solution was to use his often post-work depression to her advantage. She was after all good at making him feel better about his day.

As always, the squirrel arrived into the house and wasted no time in kicking off his shoes. He was always lazy and sullen after work, ready to retire to the sofa and just watch TV. Often times he didn't even greet the other rodent in the room. Normally this annoyed I.Q but today was not the case. She was keen to get her plan underway. But she decided that first, he needed some coaxing out of his little mood.

Once he was relaxed on the couch, the smaller rodent hopped over to join him. In her lab coat pocket was the little gun she was to use later. It wasn't yet primed so there was no chance of misfiring on herself.

"How was your day?" I.Q asked the squirrel.

"Same stuff, different day. How about you?" Sonny asked in order to seem at least semi-sociable.

"I can't complain. You know I love my job." The mouse responded trying not to sound cheeky.

"I envy you sometimes, hon." The squirrel sounded a bit depressed.

"Don't worry everything will get better soon." I.Q wrapped her arm around the larger male and pulled him in for a friendly hug.

"Thanks, hopefully, it will." Sonny hugged her back softly, careful not to do so too tightly.

"I was thinking we could have a nice dinner tonight and after I'll treat you out to something special." The mouse was feeling rather in a romantic feeling this evening.

The squirrel couldn't help but wonder what the mouse had up her sleeve. It wasn't like her to be this intimate around him. But he wasn't one to complain as it sounded like the female was planning to make dinner in.

I.Q had no such idea in mind. Of course, she intended to stay indoors. But who said she was going to cook anything. After all, she was never the best at culinary stylings. Luckily for her, there were plenty of frozen things available at the store. She had bought some frozen fish and vegetables. The only instructions it had on the side of the box were only specific to cooking time and when to turn over the raw meat so it wasn't undercooked.

Once she announced her intention, she made her way into the kitchen to begin preparation. Meanwhile, Sonny continued being rather lazy and lounged about the house. He had a long day and didn't seem keen on helping her. The mouse smirked as revenge would soon be hers, she thought to herself. But it would have to wait as she didn't want to reveal her plan pre-mature or to have the squirrel suspect anything.

She spent the next hour or so over a hot stove and successfully made the fish and vegetables using both the oven and stove top. Once I.Q finished all she had to do was serve it up and call the meal to order. After she did, Sonny wasn't far behind as he was quite famished.

"Looks good. Did you make it yourself? I didn't know you were a chef." The man tried to compliment his friend.

"Sort of but not exactly. What would you like to drink?" The woman was keen on making her subject as comfortable as possible.

"Milk or whatever we have in the fridge is fine." Sonny pulled up a chair to the table and slid it under.

"Does a body good, Am I right?" I.Q wasn't very good at making jokes but often she tried making rather corny ones.

"Hehe very funny." The man forced out a short laugh in order to be polite.

Making sure to not spill the drink, she delivered each of them the same glass and followed by tucking her lab coat under her butt before fitting her tail into the chair and sitting down.

They began eating before long as it had been some time since lunch. However, there was an awkward silence shared between them for a moment as they were both hungry.

"This is good. Thanks for dinner. So was this the surprise?" Sonny asked a little curious.

"Nope, that's for dessert." I.Q popped a smirk across her face as she looked over at him.

"Oh? I thought you didn't like sweets?" Sonny thought it was rather strange for the mouse to be acting so sociable.

"Just wait and see. I don't want to spoil it." The woman passed off her friend's curiosity as if it were nothing, hoping he would change the subject.

"Ok, fair enough." The man decided it was best to drop the subject and continue eating.

Before long the couples plates were empty and Sonny thought it would be polite to clear the table. As he got up, I.Q thought it would be the best opportunity to take advantage while he was not aware. Carefully she aimed the gun at her friend and lightly pulled the trigger.

There was no recoil from the gun but there was a little beam of thin light that protracted from its tip. It didn't take long before it the squirrel, seemingly stopping him in his tracks. I.Q watched with interest as the male rodent began to shrivel in size before his eyes. Bit by bit he became smaller and smaller, with the man's clothing becoming rather baggy in a hurry before the changes ceased. The mouse grinned as she looked at her friend.

Now, she was always the bigger one of the two, but the size difference became that much more apparent. The woman stood up just to see how much smaller he had gotten. Sonny stood stunned, the little blast had stopped him in his tracks and made him lose focus on what he was doing. Frankly, he couldn't remember what it was he had in mind. All that he knew was that his clothing was baggy on him and the room around him seemed bigger than he remembered.

Eventually he came back to cognition and was able to think again. Looking around everything was indeed off perspective. I.Q approached him and was a good head and a half taller than him now. He couldn't help but look up at her as he struggled to keep his pants up. It dawned on him that she may have had something to do with it.

"What did you...?" Sonny questioned the woman with a toothy grin in front of him.

"Now, now. Don't just go jumping to conclusions" The mouse looked down at him and patted him on the head, ruffling his blue fur.

"Turn me back this instant or I'll...!" The squirrel began to protest and almost reached out in anger towards her.

"Be a good, boy. Now, won't you?" I.Q said in an incredibly patronizing voice.

Sonny was stubborn as ever and tried tackling her. But with his diminished size all he was able to do was end up wrapped around her ankles. In the process, he lost his pants and his underwear was almost down to his knees.

"Looks like somebody needs some new clothes." The mouse lifted her foot and kicked the man's pants off his lower half.

"Why are you doing this?" Sonny looked up with a sense of defeat in his voice.

"I'm just having fun. Just enjoy yourself." I.Q shifted up her glasses so they glared against the room lighting.

"And just how am I supposed to do that?" The squirrel couldn't help but wonder what the woman had in mind for him.

"Well, that's half your problem. You never have fun doing much of anything anymore. Think of this as your chance to reinvent yourself." The woman cocked her head down at the man.

"You have an interesting definition of enjoyment, I.Q." Sonny sighed as he shifted in his position weighing his now baggy shirt against his upper half.

"Then, we'll have to change your idea of enjoyment. Now, won't we?" The female was set on making her friend enjoy himself.

"Now now...Don't go getting any ideas." The smaller male began walking away step by step.

I.Q began fiddling in her pocket for the gun. As it appeared, Sonny began to run away figuring that must have been the cause of his dilemma. But it was too late. A quick sensation of burning coursed through his body, causing him to stop in his tracks again. Before long the shirt was just sagging on him became even too large to even loosely fit on his form. Falling to the floor beneath him and making a pool of fabric beneath his paws. It didn't take long before the scathing sensation had ended.

The mouse sneered over at her friend who now stood naked in front of her. Sure she had seen him naked before, but the stakes were different now. She approached the male who looked back with a terrified sense in his eyes. If it wasn't bad enough before, now he was virtually half her size. The mouse was a veritable giant to him now and the squirrel couldn't help but be a little afraid. The idea of running didn't even cross his mind, as what was the point? She would catch him regardless and perhaps even risk another shot of the raygun.

"Such a little man now..." I.Q got within arms reach of him and began to rub his fur with her paw.

She stored the raygun back in her back pocket, making sure it was out of his reach, pulling him in closer. He was much more manageable for her now, and Sonny made no attempt to squirm in protest.

"Now...you're going to do as I say. Just relax and enjoy yourself. I promise you'll like what I have in store for you." The woman tried to comfort her makeshift boyfriend.

"O-okay." The man didn't have much choice in the matter and was feeling rather humiliated.

I.Q continued to spread her paw around the males back, ruffling his fur. Eventually, the man came around and began to relax as he started to accept that she wasn't really intent on hurting him. This was further confirmed after she leaned down to kiss him on the head.

Eventually, the woman's touch found her way southward. Her grasp eventually resting on the squirrels sensitive member. The moment she touched it, Sonny gasped as if in a show of surprise. He never thought she was really into him this way. Clearly, he was wrong and certainly wasn't adverse to this new sense of affection she was showing him. She wasn't about to stop either and as soon as she sensed no hesitation, she began to press her whole body into him.

I.Q was careful not to actually shove Sonny down as she understood she was much bigger than he was. Their closeness was purely on an intimate level and allowed her to explore his nether regions in greater detail. The mouse began coaxing it by rubbing, bit by bit the man's genitals began to expand. However, they were much smaller than she remembered.

"Not such a big boy anymore are we?" The woman said in a joking manner.

"Ha...ha...very funny." Sonny didn't find the comment as comical as she did.

She tried fitting the shaft between her fingers and wasn't able to. Instead, she continued to press it against her furry palms. Working it against her own paw and his waist, she rubbed it rather slow and methodically as if she was teasing. It had been a while since Sonny had seen any sexual activity so his sensitivity was more than usual. Slowly but surely his limit was getting closer to being reached as the familiar tingling sensation began to build in his loins.

I.Q was no stranger to pleasuring a man, even if she seldom did it. She knew how to please one and was using her enhanced anatomical knowledge to her advantage. She watched as the man's face became stupified and lost in lust. The mouse knew he was entirely hers for the taking. With several more methodical rubs, the man finally came. The amount of semen that spat out was a fraction of what it was at his normal size.

But it was all to clear what had just happened. Sonny sighed in relief just as it did and tried to recover. I.Q felt the sudden built of warmth followed by the wet release of her man. She was satisfied that she had milked him and felt accomplished that she had her way. She gleamed down at him with a look of approval on her face. The squirrel couldn't help but give her back a dumb look of approval even if he couldn't fully rationalize what had just happened. Though he didn't much care.

Eventually, the mouse's paw made its way from Sonny's groin. The squirrel's crotch was now a sticky and wet mess full of his own body fluid. His fur was matted all around it as he stood there trying to recover from what had just happened. It didn't take long before he fully was able to regain his composure.

"Is this really what you had in mind?" Sonny asked as the curiosity was getting to him.

"Something like that. I just wanted you to relax and as they say, the best way to relax a man is through his pants." I.Q made another attempt at a corny joke.

The man simply rolled his eyes as his mind slowly recoiled from the lewd activity.

"Well thanks, I guess." The squirrel was appreciative but didn't think the manner she had gone about it was necessary.

"Who said we were done?" The woman's visage and look overtook a more ominous glare as she said that.

Sonny mind ceased almost immediately in thought. The realization that she may have had more plans for him had not dawned on him.

"It wouldn't be fair for just you to have fun now would it?" I.Q crossed her arms defensively looking at the man as if expecting some sort of reward.

"Well, what is it you have in mind?" The squirrel asked figuring he wasn't exactly big enough to pleasure her anymore.

"Oh don't you worry about that, little one." The woman wrapped her hand back around her and fingered the gun.

The squirrel knew all too well what it meant at this point. Running away didn't even cross his mind. He knew it was a lost cause and agreed with the woman that it would have been selfish for him to not reciprocate. He watched as she pointed the gun at him. Now that he had a good look at it, the squirrel could see it didn't appear to be much more than a toy. However, he knew the device worked all too well. It seemed looks were deceiving.

I.Q aimed the gun again, glad that the man had finally submitted to the fact he could not run away from her. Pulling the trigger, the same ray of thin light beamed out as it reached towards the Squirrel. As with before the man began to shrink smaller and smaller. This time she shot for a longer period, waiting until her friend was just the right size for what she had in mind. It only took a few seconds for the gun to work it's magic.

Sonny watched as she grew taller and taller before him, but really he knew that he was the one getting smaller. From half her height he continued to dwindle at a rather consistent rate. Watching as she turned from a manageable form to one that loomed before him. When the sensation ended and she put the gun back where it came from, Sonny was not even sure how big he was anymore. All he knew is that she was gigantic in front of him.

Looking around it seemed the room around him was the same scenario. It seemed he couldn't have been more than more than 2 dozen or so centimeters. He barely came over the top of the woman's shoe.

"Such a small little toy. Now it's my turn." The woman peered down before picking him up and taking the squirrel to her room.

The now tiny man shifted and rolled about in the woman's paw as she moved. He wasn't able to get much grounding from his position as her hand wasn't made for standing. Luckily for him, I.Q's paw was cupped as to prevent him from falling out. After all, she wasn't intent on actually hurting him. Once she arrived inside the room, she shut the door behind him and placed him aside from the gun after taking it out of her jacket.

The idea came across him to try and use the gun on her, himself, but even the gun was bigger than he was now. Instead, he watched as the mouse undressed. Piece by piece her clothing came off as she disrobed in front of him. He had seen her naked before but this was a very new situation for him and he couldn't help but be nervous. Eventually, she got rid of all her clothing. Now he could clearly see her tan fur as well as her fragile figure.

Before long she came over to him and picked him up, taking him over to the bed with her. She placed him at the base of the bed where her feet were now resting. Sonny now just got an idea of just how small he was. In front of her was the mouse's thin feet, next to which he got a clear idea that was about the same idea as. He pressed his nose against it and licked it once over. I.Q giggled slightly and he took in the woman's scent.

But he didn't do this for long. As much as he liked it, he knew she was intent on him returning the favor. So he wasted no time in traversing between her legs. Her furry limbs were like mounds of flesh to both sides of him. She wasn't exactly fat, in fact, she was rather thin. It further convinced him of just how small he was. However, it didn't deter him from what his goal was. In front of him sat the woman's vaginal lining.

As the mouse's legs were spread, he could very much see the outer area. The closer he got the stronger the smell became. Now the smell wasn't obnoxious but carried rather loftily into his nostrils. When he was close enough, he began to allow his fingers to explore along the labium lining near her pubic region. The second he did so, the woman curled up her toes and gasped. It had been a long time since she had been touched down there and she was sensitive.

Sonny knew well enough how to bend a woman to his will and continued to string along his finger along the outside of her vagina and clit. Eventually, he found his way inside, not quite digging but allowing his fingers to massage it with affection. Before removing his touch, he brought his head inward and began to lick. The taste was new as he had never experienced the mouse in this way before but it wasn't all that bad.

The squirrel's tongue began to wrap around the woman's in and outer labium. Sticking his tongue further in so it was able to reach her vaginal and urethral area. This closeness was completely alien to the mouse and the longer he went on, the more she got worked up. She was becoming more flustered as her body became lost in the feeling. Before long she squirted, not lasting nearly as long as the man had.

Sonny had a makeshift shower as she exploded a clear fluid. Her body began to relax once he removed himself from her legs. The man couldn't help but smile that he had managed to return the favor for his friend. She laid flat unable to move for a while as she tried to recover. The squirrel used this opportunity to climb up her body. It was quite the task and after some tremendous effort, he was able to scale her legs.

Moving down her belly to her chest was much easier for him since it was essentially flat, at least until he arrived at her breasts. It seemed Sonny wasn't quite done yet as he made his intentions clear and allowed his whole body to rub against one of her boobs. It was quite strange to have her little toy act so aggressively against it. It seemed that the man wasn't as averse to this now as he was at least originally.

The man had worked up a second wind of sexual appetite and began pressing himself into the woman's chest, allowing his hands to grope and feel around one of her breasts. Sonny began to hump methodically into it. I.Q was still spent and simply watched in enjoyment, rather glad that he seemed so into it. The man was finding that he was still rather sensitive, regardless he pushed on now intent to pleasure himself a second time.

This was a whole new type of titty fucking for him and his movements were rather rapid and precise. Another few moments of which ended up in him letting out the last bit of cum that he had built up. His body limping backward and falling flat onto the woman's chest below him. I.Q reached up and petted him softly as the two began to fall into a light sleep. It had been a long day and it seemed the mouse had achieved her desire of making him forget about his problems.

Upon waking up the squirrel found himself buried in the girl's furry chest. Her consistent yet silent breathing brought him up and down each and every time she took in or let out air. After stretching and trying to wake up, he began to walk around. Shortly after I.Q was not far behind as the prancing of little paws on her body jarred her from her soft slumber.

"Morning, pipsqueak." I.Q continued the trend of her humorous attitude.

"Morning. What have you got planned today?" Sonny asked as he was keen on being turned back to normal.

"So impatient." The woman stood up and placed him on the bed before putting the gun in reverse.

Being turned back to normal wasn't nearly as bothersome as being shrunk. It was rather energizing, though once the squirrel grew back his body seemed to be a sweaty and matted mess. The two of them decided it was best to share a shower. After all what difference did it make after the intimate moment they had shared earlier. They made rather short work of the shower as the mouse had to work soon. The two drying each other off in a show of friendliness.

"Need a ride to work, big girl?" The squirrel decided to try his own luck at making a joke.

"Sure, why not." The woman knew how to drive but decided she could use the company.

After both of them dressed back into their normal clothes, Sonny took the woman to work. I.Q was appreciative of this and the squirrel was being extra gentlemen-like today. Even going the extra mile in opening her door after they parked. Their relationship took a new turn as they became more chummy around each other. Now neither considered this the start of a stronger relationship, rather than the continuation of a good friendship. Sonny hugged I.Q after he was changed back and the two shared a soft embrace.

"Just let me know if you ever want to have another go, little guy." I.Q made another attempt at a corny joke.

"Har Har, very funny. I will." Sonny forced out a friendly chuckle.

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