Catching up

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#44 of Commissions

My thirty-eight commission which I did for Roure on sofurry.

It's about an undergrown cub getting a growth hormone shot and it getting out of control.

Catching up by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is given to their owners. Any similarity to real persons, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. Furthermore, there is a prominent micro/macro theme presented within this story. You have been warned.

"We must be adventurous to know where we truly belong"

-Sue Fitzmaurice

It is the desire of every person to be wanted, to be needed, and felt like you a part of something greater than yourself. Even for those who bask in the strength of solidarity, there is often times where they need the embrace of another. There is no denying the comradery and fellowship that comes with groups. But for some the size of the group might be overwhelming and so they stick to their tried and trustworthy friends.

Especially in childhood, when kids often are hungry for the support of another. Whether it's the parent, another trusted adult, or one of their friends the search for fellowship is often a lifelong journey. But when such a lifelong mate is found, then happiness can finally be achieved. Such is an important part of growing up. It is the responsibility of a person to make sure they live their lives to the fullest.

Cai was an 11-year-old fox who lived right outside of the suburbs of the big city. His parents had reserved him at a boarding school as they decided the fox would be better off living on his own. The kit had always been a bit of an outcast. Though normal in most of his looks the boy had decided rather early on that he would color his head fur. Deciding that instead of the normal red or black that adorned most foxes of his breed, he made it pink instead.

The boy had come out as gay rather early in his life. His parents had picked it out as a phase but he never seemed to outgrow it and often hung out with girls. The result was his parents decided to send him to an all boarding school. Hoping it would fix him, forgetting about the fact that he preferred the company of boys over girls. Upon arriving at the place, Cai found it rather difficult to make any friends.

Most of the other boys at the place were nothing short of miscreants or else-wise cast out by society as lost. It took some time before the rather frail fox was able to find any sort of company that was even willing to hang out with him. One could say he was even picked on by the other boys as a rather frequent occurrence. However, one day when the Cai was all but down, he was finally graced by the goodness of a cathartic soul.

Rory was another boy at the Hopewell boarding home for boys. A much more masculine boy who was very much your typical boy of 11. Slightly older than Cai, the dog had already grown used to the nuances of living in a makeshift home. Like Cai, the mutt puppy had been exiled by his parents but for an altogether different reason. However, he moved on beyond his parent's decision and decided to live his life away from them.

Of the two dogs, Rory was much larger both physically and mentally. He was a force of all of his own inside of the complex. Unlike Cai, he was not the target of any sort of abuse by any of the other boys. Even at 11 he was already quite physically fit and often found himself busy at the pathetic little area that the place called a gym. The fact that he decided to befriend Cai, made the kit feel more secure about his place at his makeshift home.

It had been several months since Cai had moved in and the two had begun hanging out on a more regular basis. In fact many of the other boys had been rumoring around that they might have been more than friends. Especially since Cai easily made it obvious that he was interested in the dog as more than a friend. However, Rory didn't pick up on it at first as he was rather dense to the others interest in him.

Things had become more interesting lately for them. Rory was going through a growth spurt and going through a lot of clothing. Whereas before were very close and figure and form, now the dog was almost a full head taller than the now smaller fox. It was rather trying time for Cai for a number of reasons. He was getting more intimate looks at the dog now as the two were now no longer just sharing a room. They had been assigned a twin bunk.

Even though the dog was larger, he preferred being on the top. But after the recent changes in his size, he figured it was smarter to be on the bottom. What bothered Cai more though was the fact that since the puppy had outgrown his clothing, the fox was left with the hand-me-downs. The boarding school never bought anything new and whatever clothing it's residents wore were often relics passed down over the course of the years.

It was making the fox rather self conscious about himself. Especially since every day, Cai walked past the bathroom where at the entrance of which Rory was keeping track with little lines that were progressively getting higher and higher. However it didn't last very long and eventually, it did stop. Regardless, it didn't make Cai feel any more secure about their now much more apparent size difference.

It bothered him so much that it was often a part of the conversation every time he spoke to Rory. Truthfully, Rory was becoming bothered by it even if he didn't come out and say it. However one day the mutt had decided to ignore him as Cai was getting to his nerves. Now the puppy wasn't exactly mad but just needed a break from the same conversation day in and day out. This change caused concern to rise up in the foxes mindset.

Immediately this made Cai thought the worse. He was not used to being alone and the lack of support from his best friend made him feel like he was a lost soul. The kit began searching for answers, not even bothering to come out of his room or even leave his bed. He was overly upset for something as a minor change in his life. Cai wanted to fix whatever was wrong and blamed himself for Rory essentially disappearing for the day.

Any realistic answer was difficult to come upon. He wasn't able to clearly think about anything about the other boy or Rory's opinion of him. But eventually, the cub came up with an answer that made sense to him. Perhaps it was because the dog had outgrown him? Maybe he was tired of the undersized fox and wanted something more appealing or similar to his own figure. It seemed like a logical enough reason to the distraught boy.

How could he fix it though? Cai wasn't physically active and couldn't just change his lifestyle without a significant shift in how he spent his free time. Besides, that didn't change the fact that he didn't like any sort of the sports offered by the recreation team at the complex. As the day wore on and Rory didn't show up to hang out with him, he became more and more worried about the prospects of what it could mean.

His anxiety only built over the course of the day and he began to blame himself more and more as time proceeded. At lunch inside the mess hall was the last straw. Cai looked around the cafeteria to see if he could see the mutt anywhere. Sure enough, he was hanging around boys much larger than both he and his friend. Immediately the fox became jealous and even lost his appetite too. He decided to try one last thing, the fox waved over to his friend and all Rory could do was walk away and ignore the other boy.

It broke the kit's heart and he had enough. His depression had only mounted throughout the day and this small gesture was enough to send him over the end. Cai decided something needed to be done. Although the fox was hungry, he was desperate for answers. Soul searching himself for any reason or for something he might have done to upset the other boy. Once back in his bunk, he buried himself in the sheets, hiding and searched for a resolution to his problem.

Perhaps it was because the puppy fancied another boy? The fox wasn't even sure the dog was even gay like he was so that couldn't have been the answer. At least he hoped it wasn't. He began to ponder a way of how he might appear more appealing to Rory without a lot of work. Perhaps he was too small and weak? Figuring that maybe he and his crush shared little in common other than finding the occasional solace in each other.

He began to come up with a plan of action. Cai always thought he was a bit puny and the most recent change in Rory had only exacerbated that. But how would he become bigger without drastically changing his life? Perhaps a trip to the doctor might bring more clarity to his uncertainty. Luckily for him, there was a medical bay on the campus. The fox decided a quick trip to the ward would be worth his time.

The kit decided it was he would no longer sulk in his own sorrow and quickly pounced out of his bed. Forgetting all about the fact that he was on the top bunk. However, he had done it enough that he was able to land on feet without hurting himself. Making a dash towards the medical sector was a bit of a trek as it was on the other side of the campus. It was in a rather off-location since they often had people their quarantined for various sicknesses.

Cai wasted no time in making a dash streamlined for his destination. Even managing to knock a few people out of his way in the process. His victims simply glared at him with disdain after he passed them in a hurry. Once he arrived into the eastern half of the building, there weren't as many people around and he was free to continue his rushed activity. All the way down the hall led down towards to an automatic door which opened as he appeared.

Once inside there were several other boys already waiting to be seen by the doctor. At the desk was a woman stationing the check-in counter. In front of her was a computer screen and on the opposite side was another showing the waiting list. According to it, there was a queue of about 25 minutes to be seen. Of course, the fox didn't really have a real ailment so when he approached the counter he needed to come up with something on the spot.

The kit gave his information to the woman who asked him basic questions to fill out his profile for the medical chart he was to be assigned for the visit. Once he made some asinine reason for his visit, all that was left was for him to wait. Making sure to stay away from the other people just in case they were ill or something that might have been contagious. After about a half an hour of waiting, the boy was finally called.

Cai got up from his chair. The people in front of him were already inside the ward but were replaced by other patients who were now waiting to be seen. The fox made his way down the tile covered hallway. His nurse was a fur just like him, all through her fur color was much more eccentric than his own. It seemed she had chosen to dye her fur color. However she appeared to be some sort of leopard, or so the kit gathered from her spot covered fur.

The taller woman led him down the hall to a place where a scale was and took his body measurements.

"Pretty small for a boy of 11. Have you been eating properly?" The woman asked after penning down his body stats on a piece of paper.

"Yes...I have" The boy cringed a bit as her words were further proof of his fears.

"Alrighty, we'll take some blood and urine. We'll see what we can do for you. The doctor will be right in." The woman then proceeded to show the boy to the office where he would be waiting.

Before she left she made sure Cai was instructed on the urine sample. The last thing she did before she exited was taken his blood which had to be examined for his nutrient level.

The fox hated getting shots and basically, this counted as one, but he didn't have any choice. It didn't take long for her to finish before she patched him up with a bandage. Making sure he remembered to pee inside the cup as she exited the room. He did just that and wasted no time, assuming that the doctor wouldn't be far behind his results. After he finished, he returned to the office which was now empty.

After sitting down, it wasn't long before the doctor showed up. An old human man in a lab coat. No hair anywhere to speak of on his head, with the atypical stethoscope around his neck. He walked in overlooking the boys chart before pulling over a chair which easily rolled from one side of the room to the other.

"So what brings you here today, Cai." The man overlooked the fur and didn't see anything immediately wrong with him.

"Well, I just feel like I'm smaller than I should be. Literally, every one of my friends is bigger than me." The fox looked down at the floor as if ashamed.

"You do know that everyone grows at different rates right?" The doctor said before looking at the boys chart a second time.

"Well yeah, but just compare me to the other boys at the school. I bet I'm the smallest one here." The kit said in a dejected tone.

"That doesn't really change the fact that everyone grows more at different points in their lives." The doctor looked over his height and weight, both of which seemed about normal for his age.

"Isn't there anything you can do to help me?" Cai was desperate for answers and wanted an immediate solution to his problem.

"If you really want to try something there is always growth hormone injections. Though that takes time as well." The human didn't really think the furry needed it but suggested it as an alternative regardless.

"Really, can we try that?" The fox was willing to do anything, suddenly wagging his tail in excitement.

"We could but what about the side-effects?" The older male began looking them up in order to read them off to the boy.

"Who cares about them! Just do it." The kit was prepared to accept any consequence no matter the cost.

"Very well." The human stood up before exiting the room, only to return shortly after with a small needle for injection.

"I'm ready, doc." The fox hated getting injections but put up his other arm sleeve opposite of where he had gotten blood taken from.

The doctor aimed the needle at the foxes upper arm and then compressed the plunger as the liquid began to enter into the boy's bloodstream. It took a mere five seconds before the ordeal was over. The man assured to discard the now used needle in the biohazard bin.

"There happy?" The doctor asked almost rhetorically.

"Yes, Anything else?" The fox asked expecting some sort of remuneration.

"Nope, you're free to go. Have a good day." The man filled out the rest of the paperwork in order to discharge him but overall it was a simple procedure, most of which the school covered.

Cai made his way back to his room. This time he was much more careful about going back and made sure to not run into anyone.

Once he was back in his room, he checked the same height chart as before and of course, there was no difference. A boy could dream, he said to himself. What he found more interesting though, was that he felt a strange tingling from below. Though he was not feeling incredibly aroused, he could definitely sense that his crotch needed some attention. Good thing he was alone, the fox thought to himself as he began to ponder how he might take advantage.

Just then an idea came to his head and quickly he traveled to where the bureau was that both he and Rory shared. The dog's clothing was on the bottom, same as the bunk and so the fox decided to rifle through it in hopes of finding some underwear to smell. Sure enough on the bottom of the dresser was all of his friends dedicates. The fox found a pair of boxers which he had seen the dog wear before and went over to the bunk.

The fox wasted no time in freeing his sheath from his pants and briefs. He was already hard and he hadn't even done anything to entice himself. Just the idea of indulging in his friend's underwear seemed to be arousing him enough to masturbate. The second the crotch area of his friend's boxers hit his snout, he couldn't help but take a long deep whiff of his musk. The scent was tantalizing and sent him into a trance-like nothing else he had experienced before.

It forced him to rub himself in a more methodical, yet quick pace. The fox rolled his eyes back as he allowed the feeling to overtake him entirely. Already his tip was leaking as Cai came closer and closer to his limit. He couldn't help but moan as his canine shaft finally let loose and a thin string of cum erupted from his tip. The kit couldn't help but try to recover from his indulgence. His waist, as well as the pelvic area around his groin, were sticky.

"That felt good...." The boy thought to himself as he slowly comes back to his original composure.

Once he managed to gather his thoughts again, something seemed off. Though his pants, and underwear, were still at his knees; his shirt seemed strangely tight on him. So much so that it was almost stifling him and making him want to change. But the shirt was fairly new, at least by the standards of the school. He chalked it off as nothing more than the fabric clinging to his body sweat and fur.

He needed to clean up, though, as he didn't want Rory to figure out his little secret. So he got out of bed and went over to the side of the room where the laundry basket was situated. Stashing the now dirty boxers inside was simple enough and he even made sure that it was placed near the bottom. On the wall was the same height chart as before. Sure enough, the mark where he had placed for himself was now below his own line of site. Had he gotten bigger or was he imagining things?

Just to be sure he looked up at Rory's mark which was now barely above the top of his head. He was certain now, he had gotten bigger. The fox couldn't help but feel excited, at least it would explain why his clothing was suddenly tight on him. Perhaps he would be more interesting now to the dog, he thought. Only time would tell and Cai decided to see if he could coax the other male into playing with him. Strangely even know he had just masturbated, he was still in the mood.

He decided to keep his clothing the way they were. Maybe if they didn't fit as well, his figure would be more appealing to the puppy. Now it was just a matter of waiting. It wasn't long before Rory showed up. His fur was a matted mess beneath his school uniform as if he had been involved in some sort of tussle.

"Everything alright?" The fox was a bit concerned even despite his mood making him think about more lewd things.

"Yeah, don't worry about it. Where are your pants?" The dog noticed almost immediately that his friend was in little other than a tight-fitting shirt and underwear.

"I thought it was comfier this way..."Cai picked himself up from the bed and sized himself up next to the dog.

Surprisingly enough he was now the same size and stood eye level to his formerly larger crush.

"What the...?" Rory noticed there was something off as the fox began rubbing against him.

"Hehe, like me this way?" The fox could tell he was getting to his friend.

"Uh...I guess. What's gotten into you?" The puppy was feeling a little uncomfortable with how touchy-feely his friend was getting.

"Just relax, I want to show you how much I like you..." Cai was enjoying the moment a little too much, already tenting in his briefs which no longer offered the same space as before.

"Mmm...alright...suit yourself." Gradually the puppy was getting more into it, finding himself getting worked up the longer the fox rubbed into him.

It didn't take long before the dog took control of the situation. He didn't like to be the one who was overly submissive. Eventually, he brought his paw to press against the other boy's crotch. Now, he had never touched it before but now it seemed strangely bigger than he remembered. Perhaps even larger than his own and though this notion bothered him a little, it turned him on even more.

"I didn't think you were so big down there, hehe..." The dog pushed closer to his friend as the two shared a soft embrace.

The moment he did, Cai's body crept steadily higher. Now his friend was taller than he was and his shirt was just about ready to burst.

"Did you just...?" Rory noticed the foxes eyes were now higher up than his own.

"Woah...this is cool! I'm still getting bigger." The fox notated with excitement.

Rory couldn't help but back away but the moment he did so, Cai beckoned him back in with a tight hug before tackling him in the bed. The coils on the bunk retracted back as they bounced slightly. The fox and dog tumbled slightly as their bodies settled and the larger boy pressed into the smaller one. The puppy was still in his clothes but was even more turned on by the notion of his now larger friend and began to work his own pants off.

Unlike his friend, the dog wore boxers which were already tented from being teased earlier. The foxes snout leaned in for a kiss and Rory couldn't help but welcome his embrace as they lay motionless in each other's arms. But the fox didn't hold out for long. He had been looking forward to this moment for way too long to hold back now. Slowly but steadily he began to push his briefs down, though it was much harder than he first recalled.

But he was able to manage with some effort as he peeled them down to his knees. Beginning to motion his sheath into his friend who was still mostly clothed. Now that they were in close proximity, Cai was able to drape his arm over the other boy and pull him in close enough that their bodies touched without any extension. Both boys now were basically naked from the waist down. Eventually, the fox managed to flip the smaller cub over so that they faced each other.

The kit began grinding himself into the smaller cub, finding his member now slightly than the puppies. It was strangely invigorating now, though he had never really properly compared before. The two canine members began to push together as both boys knots began to swell and pulsate.

"This feels funny...." Rory had never thought about having an intimate moment with another male before.

"Enjoying yourself?" Cai stuttered between his own words trying to maintain his stream of conscious.

"Uhuh..." Rory couldn't even manage to complete his thought as no one had ever gone this far with him before.

The confirmation of his crush enjoying himself was enough to send the fox into overdrive. Almost immediately he began pistoning his body, grinding his own flesh into the other cubs.

The dog was the first one to give in. The puppies canine cock tensed up and throbbed before leaking out a single jet stream of cum as Rory's member twitched and spasmed. It wasn't long before his friend followed, though not in any great amount since it was the second time he was orgasming today. His body was spent by this point and had even worked up a sweat through the sexual activity with his make-shift boyfriend.

"Wow...that was crazy but that was fun..." Rory struggled to mutter out any sensible comment.

"Glad you liked it...I've always wanted to do it with you." Fatigue was beginning to set in on the fox.

"You have? How come you didn't tell me?" The puppies member began withdrawing inside his sheath.

"Well...I was afraid to, to be honest." Cai was a bit ashamed of the truth.

"Naw, it's okay don't worry about it. I like you too." The smaller boy extended his arms back over his friend to drag him into a hug.

"Cool. So do you wanna you know...try dating?" The foxes heartbeat was already going a kilometer a minute.

"Sure, I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try." Rory reached in and gently kissed the other boy on the lips.

"Thanks...that means a lot. I really like you." Sleep was beginning to overtake the spent kit.

Cai yawned and stretched as he allowed his exhaustion to overtake him. Rory wasn't tired but decided to placate him and just cuddle. It was rather an awkward situation especially since he wasn't used to the other cub being bigger than him. But eventually he gave in and decided to allow his body to relax and snooze in a light afternoon nap. The two of them shared the moment for a good couple of hours before their bodies became restless and roused.

The fox was the first one to come around. Cai stretched his arms around his head. Sure enough, this was his shirt needed to finally give way and rip. It seemed now he was completely naked minus the poorly fitting underwear and pants still strapped around his lower thighs. Rory was still mostly sound asleep next to him. Even getting up from the bed didn't wake the other cub who groaned and simply rolled around in the bed into another comfortable spot.

The kit picked himself out of bed and went into the bathroom to relieve himself. Afterward, he got some water both to drink and wake himself up as he was still rather groggy. But the semi sink shower was enough to wake him up. As he headed back into the bedroom, Cai couldn't help but look at the same height chart as before, as he was now anxiously curious how much bigger he had gotten. Sure enough, he could see the other cubs mark just below his line of site.

He wondered if his little growth spurt had worn off or not. He didn't feel quite as antsy as earlier and truthfully he felt a little dismayed about that notion. Cai decided it wasn't that big of an ordeal. At least he was bigger now and had finally achieved his dream of being attractive to his crush. The kit soon returned to the bedside. Rory was still fast asleep, now clinging to the pillow since his cuddle buddy had departed.

Cai leaned over and began to shake the puppy. It took a few rather abrupt motions before eventually the smaller cub came around. Rory awoke shortly after that jarring gesture of kindness. He was surprised that he had managed to sleep as soundly as he had, especially since he wasn't exactly tired. But it was a dead issue and he decided to leave it be. As he came to, his body rolled around and his eyes began to shift back into focus.

Standing over top of him was Cai who peered over him like a parent looking at their child.

"Good morning, sleepy head." The fox loomed over him with a grin to his face.

"Morning, how long did we sleep?" The puppy questioned before yawning and stretching.

"Just a few hours. It isn't that late in the day, though we could go get dinner if you want." The kit suggested as his form of some on the spot date.

"Sure, I wonder what they have tonight. Let me get dressed, but what about you?" Rory realized that his friend was now much too large for his old clothing.

"Well I could probably try your stuff, or you could just bring me back dinner." Cai didn't want to alarm the other residents of the school.

"Hmm...I wonder what the better option is." The dog thought out loud before scratching his head as if deep in thought.

"Probably safer to just bring back dinner for both of us. We can make it a mini date. Sound good?" The kit giggled at the thought of going on a date with his friend.

"I suppose that sounds good to me. Well, what do you want from the mess hall?" The cub asked his friend.

"I'm not sure. Just get me whatever you have. I don't know what they made tonight anyway but I'm really hungry." The foxes stomach growled loud enough so that both of the boys could hear it.

"Hehe, I guess I shouldn't waste any time then because I'm hungry as well." The puppy sat up on the bed and began putting his clothing back on, not even worried about his now dry mess.

"I'll be back, alright?" The smaller cub stated the obvious before leaving the room.

The fox looked around the room and became rather bored pretty quickly. He was one of those people who enjoyed the company of others. Of course, it helped that he especially enjoyed the company of Rory. Fortunately for him, the dog didn't take that long to get back from the cafeteria.

Rory entered back into the dorm after about 10 minutes of absence carrying two trays with food on each of them. However, he managed to balance both of them in his paws quite well. The puppy had decided on some burgers for both of them. The toppings were on the side along with some condiments and a glass of milk, spilling over a glass on the top of the tray. The larger cub couldn't help but lick his lips as the scent of the cooked meat wafted around the room.

There was no dining table in the room so Rory decided to place both trays on at the study table instead. It was fixed by the wall and was quite heavy. After placing the meals down, he tried to move the fixture. But he struggled and Cai had to end up helping him. The two of them were more than enough to place the bench away from the wall so they could sit opposite of each other. Once the piece was situated, they joined each other at the table.

"Thanks, this looks good." The fox placed his snout near the meat and enjoyed its aroma.

Cai was famished and ate at a rather feverish speed, finding himself able to devour the entire meal in half the time of his friend. He was a little embarrassed about it but luckily his friend was too busy enjoying his own meal to notice. The kit was a still a little hungry but decided to leave the issue be since he didn't want to take his friend's food and seem greedy. The fox was becoming increasingly restless as he watched his crush quietly dine in front of him.

An idea came to his head as he raised his right foot-paw and began rubbing it into his friend's leg. Rory looked up suspecting mischief and was truthfully still a bit tender from before. He couldn't help but swat away his friends advance.

"Still in the mood?" Rory asked knowing full well the answer.

Cai looked away a little ashamed as if he was seeming more and more like a nymphomaniac.

"Hehe...okay. Come on" The puppy decided to indulge his friend, even if he wasn't in the mood.

Rory switched sides next to his larger friend. Now the two were shoulder to shoulder and the puppy got a good idea of just how much bigger his friend was now.

It wasn't much but it was definitely noticeable, especially this close together. But it didn't bother the dog, instead, it made him more curious about the boy's condition. Soon he reached his right paw down and began exploring the foxes sheath. Almost immediately the cub's sheath began to swell as he was still rather sensitive from the day's action. The second he did, the boy began to feel a tingling sensation inside him build up ever so slightly.

Cai closed his eyes as Rory began to rub and coax him out of his sheath. Bit by bit his red rocket began to show itself. The dog noticed that the foxes form seemed to increase as he explored the boy's bits. It seemed he was growing even larger and the notion of this happening made him even more enticed to continue. His motions became more rapid and erratic as he began to rub the boy's cock as it continued to slide out of its cover, now fully erect.

The foxes member was much bigger than his own and was even getting a bit big for him to handle. But that didn't stop him as he continued to jerk his friend off. Rory continued to work as his friend's body continued to creep higher and higher. Already Cai's body was breathing more rapidly as his cock was getting close to its limit. Rory used a finger dragging it along the length of the foxes canine shaft, causing it to erupt in a single spurt of cum.

"Mmph!" The foxes body finally stopped growing as the excitement began to wear from his body.

"Enjoy yourself, big boy?" The puppy smirked at his friend, clearly satisfied with his results.

"Uhuh..." The kit came around in a shorter period than before, blinking a few times to allow his eyes to refocus.

Now he could see easily over the other boys head. It seemed he had gotten even bigger. The fact his growth was showing no signs of stopping was nothing short of intoxicating. He began to wonder how big he could be. Though his body had become rather achy and sore from sexual exhaustion. Maybe after a good night sleep, his body would recover, he thought to himself. Cai leaned over and kissed his boyfriend on the head wondering what the future might hold for them.

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