A leg up

Story by pentrep on SoFurry

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#40 of Commissions

My thirty-fifth commission which I did for someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

It's about a girl who tries to up her game in order guarantee a spot on the youth tennis team.

A leg up by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: All characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. . Additionally, some characters are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life persons is purely coincidental. Furthermore, there is a prominent micro/macro theme presented within this story. You have been warned.

"Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th"

-Julie Andrews

The desire for victory is a strong one for many of humankind. The ire of success often stare down the abyss of failure with unending humiliation. No one ever wants to lose but of course, there are times in one's life where the pitfall is unavoidable. At this juncture, we must overcome and conquer the uncertainties that come with the expectations of falling short. Such is part of the allure of sports and the human need for competition.

Even at a young age, kids often take a love of sports. It varies between age group and if the kid is in one of those phases. But sometimes the young folk take sports seriously and even dedicate their lives to it. Often even eclipsing the need of education and perhaps even pushing them through it. Balancing young lives is often a touchy area for parents, especially those who weren't able to make it themselves.

Eleanor was a 12-year-old girl who during her younger years had been indoctrinated into the sports world of tennis. Her father was a semi-tennis star who was forced to retire after an injury to his leg. Now his own dreams were impressed on his daughter who fortunately for him bought into the whole thing. Every day after school she was enlisted in a tennis school which worked to hone and perfect her skills. She was by no means the best at the sport but at she was least average/

There weren't many kids her age who took any sport serious, let alone tennis. Her family was of the Chipmunk species. Eleanor herself was darker colored than the rest of her family and had black and white stripes along her back. Every day after practice she was awarded her favorite snack, walnuts. She didn't like them sweetened up either, rather she preferred them to be broiled and kept warm for her. Her mother didn't mind so long as Eleanor did what she was supposed to. The young cub, of course, entertained her parents by performing as best she could.

Eleanor wasn't alone at Tennis school either. Luckily for her, there were a few other kids her own age. Both human and fur alike but most of them were boys. She was one of the few girls at the school. The chipmunk was able to manage to make a few friends even despite their not being any other girls to speak of. The cub related more to boys than to girl. Even choosing to dress in traditionally boys clothing, even while at tennis camp. Many of the boys considered her one of them.

However, there was one boy whom the girl fancied, though she didn't know what attracted her to the particular boy. A rabbit by the name of Elliot. He was of a darker color tone just like her, similar to cocoa. The lapine was a good bit taller than her and quite lanky as if his body had just been through a growth spurt. Sometimes the two wore matching polo's, though it was more coincidence than anything else.

One day the two met up before practice. Coach had yet to arrive and both the rabbit and the chipmunk were just socializing about what the day might hold. It was a discussion about who might make the team.

"So who do you think the coach is going to select for the competition?" Elliot asked looking at the smaller girl.

"I'm not sure but supposedly they are only taking 15 kids to the game." Eleanor responded with a slight bit of concern.

"Don't worry. I'm sure as long as you try your best, the coach will pick you." The rabbit responded before slouching his arm over his friend.

"Heh, thanks. I need to make the team or my parents will be angry." The chipmunk was blunt and to the point as to her concern.

"Oh...okay. Well hopefully you'll make the team then." The boy hugged his friend tightly as if to comfort her.

"I hope so." The girl felt strangely comforted by her friend and even felt a warmth building up inside her.

The embrace didn't last long and eventually, Elliot broke it once he overheard a whistle being blown.

"Come on, let's go." The rabbit stood up and started to head off towards to the tennis court.

Eleanor didn't want to let her friend down nor did she want to invoke her parent's rage. She leaned over to the side and went through her duffel bag. Inside was her drink and a little vial of supplements. Her father specifically said not to use them unless it was an emergency. The chipmunk figured this was emergency enough and popped out the bright orange vial in her paw. After freeing two pills from inside she placed them inside her drink.

A second scream from the whistle was overheard as she took her water bottle and went outside. The court was one of the typical tennis size with a net in the center. There were a few of them set up but her age group seemed to be assembled on the green court. The coach was a large and bulky coyote whose pitch black fur glistened against the sun. The large male was wearing the same tennis gear as everyone else, a sports polo, and short pants along with athletic shoes.

The coyote traveled to the center of the court and motioned for all the students to gather around him. He spoke in a loud but confident voice.

"Alright, so as I'm sure most of you have heard we have a competition coming up. However, not all of you will be able to go. They are only letting us take 5 from each age group which comes to a total of 15 students in total. However, if you are selected this means your skills will be on show for the public to see. If not, then there is always last time. I'm sorry I cannot take all of you but these are the rules."

The kids began rumbling and grumbling over the announcement, many of them complaining that it wasn't fair. But of course, the coyote would have none of it.

"Alright, well if you think it's not fair then show me what you got. After all, I'm the one who decides who makes the team and who doesn't. The competition is this weekend. You have 3 days to prove yourself. The decision will be posted on Friday after class is over."

This quieted some of the kid's discontents and they knew the coach was fair. They dispersed once the second comment was made. The pitch black coyote designated some of his underlings to each corner of the court. The junior division where Elliot and Eleanor were teamed up was stationed by a baboon who was quite scrawny compared to his boss. The primate was one who was often absent and many kids didn't know what to make of her.

Her short figure stood over on the west side of the net with a clipboard looking it over. She folded her visor over and combed the almost orange fur on her head as if she was thinking.

"First up will be Elliot, Eleanor, Shirley, and Scott." The woman decided to start with pairs in order to eliminate as many of the kids as possible.

The woman walked in and threw a tennis ball to the team with Eleanor and Elliot. The chipmunk decided to hydrate herself in preparation for the match. She had almost forgotten about her little addition, though was reminded upon a brief examination of the transparent bottle.

The rodent took a few quick swigs of the drink and quickly felt energized. She was ready for the round and so too was her partner as well as the other team. Just then the primate sounded the whistle. It was the signal for the match to begin. The chipmunk bounced the ball once on the floor before catching it and throwing it upward in order to serve. She raised her racket and hit the ball as it beamed across the court to the other side.

The neon green tennis ball traveled to the left side as Scott ran to hit it. The human boy was able to volley it past towards Elliot but with less oomph than the girl before him. Eleanor watched as her teammate responded with a backhand. The ball making it back the opposing side of the court with ease. It fell short of the back of the court, so Shirley had to run in to get it. But it was too late, she wasn't quick enough to rebound the ball back.

"15, Love." The primate announced as the opening score.

The first points had gone to Elliot and Eleanor. They were rather proud of the accomplishment, but it was far from the end of the match. The rabbit and chipmunk came together for a high four. It was a short celebration to be sure but Eleanor felt strangely energized by the sense of satisfaction. It made her feel rather strong, although there was an innate sense of tingling throughout her form. It made her itch herself...and her clothing was feeling rather tight on her. Perhaps it was because she was sweaty and the fabric was clinging to her body fluid? She decided to ignore the feeling and focus on the game.

Eleanor offered the ball to Elliot but he politely declined since she seemed to rather enjoy putting the beat down on the sports equipment. This time she decided to not bounce the ball and instead simply throw over top of her. She was planning to spike it, so the chipmunk tossed the ball upward and arched her arm back before trying to put her muscle into it. The ball bounced off her racket once it was hit, beaming towards the right. But this time, Shirley was ready and dove down in front of her in order to save her team from an early loss.

The human girl was at least able to keep it alive and pass it off to Scott who rebounded the ball back towards Eleanor who was able to come forward, able to meet it with a light volley which barely limped over the net. Shirley was already close to the net and was able to quickly come up to meet the ball to send it back with a weak paddle. Eleanor was ready and powered it over the other girls head.

"30, Love." The primate announced the updated score.

This resulted in another session of cheering from Eleanor and Elliot. This time they were more flamboyant than last. More interesting though was that the chipmunk was now eye level with her formerly taller friend.

"Hey...what the?" Elliot blinked and rubbed his eyes as if he thought he was dreaming.

Eleanor felt the strange feeling build inside her again. Her sense of pride was becoming overwhelming and she was feeling even more confident in her skills. Strangely it wasn't even tiring her and she felt even more energetic than before. There was no denying she was enjoying the feeling of success...it was intoxicating. Bit by bit her gaze crept ever higher above Elliot's head...till eventually, she could see over it. She was getting bigger...but why?

"Your...getting bigger..." The rabbit noticed but the thought of her getting bigger than he was strangely appealing to him and he didn't seem to mind that much.

"Hehe...I guess I am." The girl was rather liking the sensation even though it was short-lived, even if the second experience was slightly longer than the first.

But it wasn't enough to catch the makeshift referee off guard or even the other team, though her clothing was very tightly clinging to her body now. Any larger and it might have ripped. The baboon quickly sounded the whistle as she was in no mood for nonsense. Elliot couldn't shake the idea of his friend getting bigger. It was turning him on and he even had to try and hide his own growing tent from the public. At least it wasn't bad once she walked away from him, he thought to himself.

The ball was returned to the victor's side which of course was Eleanor's to serve. She was feeling even more confident and stronger than before. A smirk lit up on her face feeling like she was on top of the world and the best part she wasn't even tired. In fact, she was still feeling rather energetic as if she hadn't done any physical activity at all. She tossed the ball down so that it bounced and decided a slow start was the best strategy this time as the chipmunk didn't think the other team would expect a weak serve from her.

She underhanded it to the other side and Scott was able to rebound it back with a little force. Elliot wasn't paying attention so Eleanor had to make up for his sudden bout of slacking.

"Come on bunbun!" The chipmunk urged her friend to react more quickly.

This allowed a moment for the rabbit to snap out of it as the ball traveled back across the court. Shirley had already hit the ball back towards the furry team and Elliot was, fortunately, able to cross back and retaliate back with a fierce cross hand.

The humans were able to rebound it back but Eleanor was waiting for them. Both the boy and girl across the net were too close and so the Chipmunk took advantage of it by volleying it overhead. Unfortunately for the other team, both the Shirley and Scott ran into each other which resulted in the tennis ball making it towards the outside of the arena. By the time they were able to recover, it was much too late.

"40, love." The woman on the side of the arena called out the score again.

This meant that the furs needed one more set to win the round. The rabbit and chipmunk embraced each other. Now that the girl was larger than the boy, it was a rather odd situation for Elliot to be in. He hesitated a bit before giving into his emotions. Eleanor too was feeling overly emotional as she loved winning more than anything else. The sensation was building up inside her again as a smile ran across her face. She had a feeling she knew what it meant.

Her body expanded and enlarged and this time it was much more noticeable. Her formerly well-fitting clothing began to rip and tear at the seams. At first, it was just the button of her pants but soon after the threads in her shirt began to give way. Bit by bit she grew larger and larger...til she could now clearly see over Elliot's head. Her audience watched as the girl outgrew both her partner and her clothing.

It didn't take long before those, with exception of Elliot, ran in fear. Now that the ordeal was over, most of the sporting complex was all but empty. The chipmunk was just about naked with exception of some shreds of clothing here and there. The rabbit couldn't help but stare, his mouth agape in disbelief. She had stopped growing, for now, but was a great deal taller than he was now. He barely came up to her shoulder now, especially since his ears were normally folded over for comfort.

Elliot looked up at his looming friend who simply looked back down at him.

"This is really cool..." It didn't seem to be naked bothered Eleanor that much.

Though in truth there wasn't much to see. Her body, while it was athletic, was fairly flat and her fur covered whatever lean muscle she had worked up over the years playing tennis. Elliot could sense himself getting aroused and had to cover himself in order to save himself any potential embarrassment.

"What're you hiding down there, little boy?" Eleanor noticed him using both of his paws to cover himself.

The rabbit blushed profusely and tried to turn around in a modest effort to hide. Eleanor guided her left paw down before trying to coax him back into facing her.

"It's okay, I don't mind." She said while leaning down to kiss him on the forehead.

"You don't?" Eventually, the rabbit managed to regain his confidence and turn around.

Once he was facing her again, she used her paws to separate his feeble attempt at hiding himself. Sure enough, the front of his pants was tented out and she couldn't help but smirk.

"Like me this way, do you?" Eleanor made a devious grin towards her friend.

"Uhuh...." Elliot simply bit his lip, unable to say much else.

"Good boy..." The chipmunk rose one of her hands to pat him on the head before returning to the boys waist.

Just then, Eleanor got an idea...something she had seen before but had never considered doing it. She had always liked Elliot, but maybe now was the time to take it to the next level. She decided it was worth a chance. Gradually she brought her hand lower and lower before finally landing on his crotch. The rabbit couldn't help but fidget as no one had touched him down there except himself. But her touch was welcome and only made him feel even more uncertain about the situation.

But the chipmunk wasn't about to stop. In fact, she was rather enticed by the now fleshed out tent in front of her. Her paw easily eclipsed it but the poking at the center of her palm was rather bothersome. So she took a measure to ease the tension and guided the boys member down so it was flat. This move elicited a small groan from his maw. Elliot couldn't help but stick his tongue out as he had never experienced such a euphoric sensation before.

Eleanor couldn't resist her own primal needs. She was feeling rather randy at this point as well and her nipples had already hardened, even if they weren't visible beneath her fur. Eventually, she found her way underneath the rabbit's pants and was able to finally manage to break the button off her now found boyfriends pants. Though, she wasn't really trying before. It wasn't even a second longer before she managed to wiggle off his underwear down his thighs and freeing him of clothing, for the most part, from the waist down.

Elliot felt a chill run down his lower portion but soon it was replaced by an intense feeling of bliss. Eleanor's paw had rested on his crotch before cupping it in her paw. Before long she began pumping it into her palm slowly but methodically. The rabbit rolled his eyes back in his head, lost in the feeling of the moment, his heart rate steadily increased as his breathing became more elongated and drawn out. The tingling sensation is his loins causing him to squirm as he could feel himself nearing closer and closer to his limit.

It was only a few seconds later before his body spasmed and Elliot let out a sigh of relief. His cock spewed out cum as the warm fluid spurted out onto the palm and fur of Eleanor. The chipmunk couldn't help but smirk, feeling that she'd satisfied her new lover. It made her feel rather victorious and her body was beginning to feel the ravages of the very same sensations she'd experienced earlier. A mischievous grin came across her face as she knew all too well what it meant at this point.

Elliot was a bit lost in his own sense of lewdity but he watched as the girl loomed over him while more of her shadow began to eclipse his form. Even on her knees, she was taller than he was now and her body only grew more massive before him. She was nothing short of a mini-giantess now.

"Wow...You're really big now." Elliot stated the obvious blushing a little bit.

"Yep...dodon't worry I won't hurt you, little guy," Eleanor reassured him before patting him on the head.

Eventually, Elliot came around and redressed himself. Eleanor gently picked him up in her paw and settled him on her shoulders. Now they could both bask in the view of her new perspective.

"This is really cool....let's go watch the sunset." The chipmunk offered as she took him to a nearby hill.

Luckily for them, it was abandoned and they were able to enjoy the view. But the real question remained one which neither of them had thought of. How would she get back to normal and if she didn't, what then?" Only time would tell how things would turn out for them.

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