The Oracle

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#39 of Commissions

My thirty-fourth commission which I did for someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

It's about a young girl who learns her hobby has more powers than she realizes.

The Oracle by Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All characters are original and are only to be used within the context of this story. Any resemblance to a person, living or dead, is purely coincidence. This work contains underaged content and micro/macro interactions. You have been warned.

Have you ever gotten one of those advertisements promising things that you know cannot be true or that seem to be too good to be true? Of course, you have. This is the age of commercialism and no person, no matter how young or old has been subjected to it. But have you ever wanted one of those ads to be true? You know like one of those pipe dreams you had as a kid or something you lost in old age that you desperately want back? That too is most likely the case.

No matter one's situation, there is always something that you want but cannot have. Fantasies are often their own realm of possibility. Often left to the world of books and movies, the stuff of dreams cannot be ignored. Imagination can certainly play into the suspension of disbelief. However, there are often those who are more gullible than others. Age is certainly a factor in one's malleability and so too is education. But what if one's fantasy became reality?

A mouse by any other name: To some a vile rat and to others a fine rodent. A small animal to be sure. Nimble and quick to flee from fear. None would call them confident or even brave in their actions. But of course, these are all just stereotypes as not every mouse is the same. Phoebe was a mouse of 11 years old. A chestnut brown furred girl with a tan colored chest. Atop her head sat two rounded ears and upon her rump extended a long slender tail typical of her species.

Her parents had named her after the Greek Titan of intellect and oracle of prophecy. A name that the girl had, over time, come to relish as her strength in fortune telling had become one of her well-known quirks around the school. Often seen with a deck of tarot cards or some make-shift ball which was supposed to represent the same orbuculum used for by fortune tellers. While her mother, a gipsy, supported her hobby, the father was left out of the loop. Luckily for the females of the family, he had yet to find out their little secret.

The only secrets he had been given were near the holiday of Apokries, a Greek holiday similar to that of Halloween. One day the when Phoebe's parents were not yet home, Phoebe was visited by the postman. This was not odd by itself since the girl often picked up the mail when her parents were absent. The only anomaly was that she felt obliged to look through it. Of course, the mail was all for her parents, as she herself was too young to get the mail.

As the mailman left, one piece of mail caught her eye. It was one of those magazines that were purely made of coupons. It was colorful and rather flimsy in make as she took the pile inside her home before discarding the majority of it on a table by the door. She didn't think taking it would alarm either of her parents. Mostly she was interested in what she found on the front. It looked to be a toy ad for the latest Harry Potter release, some new wands and various gowns and other cosplay regalia.

Phoebe very much liked Harry Potter, her favorite character being Professor Trelawney from the moment she was introduced in the Prisoner of Azkaban. Ever since that day, the mouse cub had been a fan of the Ravenclaw house, which Trelawney was a member and leader of. This particular ad had some new house stuff but was really interested her was the item labeled as Divination Powder. Underneath the poorly designed picture of the stuff was a description which read.

"To encompass one's dreams, one must first conjure a plan. Conjure a plan within reason with this patented powder which is guaranteed to produce desired results posthaste."

Below that was some other scribbled words which the girl didn't bother to read. It was likely some legal jargon she wouldn't understand anyway. She earmarked the page and made a mental note that would serve as a reminder to show her mother later. Until then she decided to store it in her back pocket, to keep the item hidden from her father who was always the first parent to arrive home. While she was waiting, she returned to her room to work on her homework.

Phoebe was a studious learner, very keen on her studies. She enjoyed more abstract things like creativity and art and wasn't very good at math or science. Often she only got just barely by in these classes and her parents had even hired a tutor, which served to help her but didn't deter her from her main interests in school. Luckily this day she only had a fiction writing prompt, to which she had decided to write about one of her favorite mythological figures, Tiresias.

Just as she was getting past the exposition of the story, Phoebe overheard her father enter the home. The two weren't particularly close so the young mouse continued to work on her story. It wasn't long before the woman of the house arrived home as well. But the child wasn't as ignorant as to rush and greet her. She knew her parents liked to spend time with each other since they didn't work with each other. Besides, there was the preparation of dinner, when her mother was likely to be alone.

Until then she continued working, making a good bit of progress. It would surely be enough to serve as a rough draft for tomorrow, Phoebe thought to herself. Too bad though since Tiresias was just about to bestow Apollo's wraith on some unfortunate Titan. Still, she had grown weary of the story, even if the character and setting appealed to her. Grasping the small magazine of ads, the mouse cub decided it was time to show her mother what she had found.

Quickly she made her way through the small corridor that led to the front of her home. Now that dinner was being made, it smelt like raw meat being cooked. It seemed it was her fathers turn to cook. This meant that Phoebe would likely find her mother relaxing in the living room. Sure enough, the older woman was sitting with her feet perched up on the coffee table watching the news. She paid no attention to her daughter, even as she knew the young girl was behind her.

Phoebe loomed over her mother before playfully putting her feeble hands over her mother's eyes and semi-covering the woman's eyes.

"Hiya, Phoebe's. What's up?' The mother knew her husband would never pull such a stunt.

"Whatcha watching, mom?" The girl started on an unrelated subject, gripping the ad-paper in her right paw.

"Just the local news. Nothing that would interest you. How was school?" The woman looked back at her daughter who soon hopped over the sofa to join at her side.

"School was good. I already finished my homework, well most of it anyways but the rest isn't done until next week." Phoebe smiled seeming pleased at herself.

"Learn anything new or interesting?" The mother always tried to remain interested and involved in her child's life, especially since Phoebe was an only child.

"No, not really. I want to show you something that came in the mail today, though." The mouse cub wasted little time in getting around to what she really wanted.

"What's that?" The mother asked as the girl brought forward a rolled up newspaper flier.

"Check out this ad for Harry Potter stuff, mom!" Phoebe chirped showing off her excitement for the products on the page.

"Yeah? What about them? Which one do you want?" The mother looked at the page and nothing really seemed to catch her attention, though it wasn't really geared towards an adult audience.

"This one!" The girl pointed right towards the divination powder which showed a price of 25 Euros.

"Wow, that's pretty pricey for some faux dust." The mother was blunt and to the point, not expecting the stuff to do what it was actually meant to.

"Well, would you buy it for me if I did extra chores for it?" Phoebe knew her mother would play along so long as she did extra work.

"Sure, I don't mind. There is always stuff that needs to be done around the house." The older woman scratched her chin as if thinking for a moment.

"What could I do?" The girl wanted more to do than her normal chores of laundry and dishes.

"There is always washing the car or raking the leaves." The mother made suggestions which she didn't really think her daughter would take.

"Washing the car sounds good. I could do both dad and yours in one afternoon. Do you think he would be okay with that?"

"Have you seen his car? He hasn't washed it in ages. I insist you do his first." The mother chuckled a bit as she talked with her daughter.

"Alright, I'll do it tonight. Sound good?" Phoebe was keen to get started right away.

"Woah, Woah. Slow down your horses, little lady. Let's go for tomorrow so I can at least prepare you some stuff to clean with."

"Okay, that sounds good. Thanks, Mom!" The girl leaned over to hug her mother, who of course hugged her back.

The mother was a bit surprised her daughter wanted such a nuanced item. She understood the whole attachment to the license, but the powder seemed like such a specialized item, even for a child. However, she decided to not pursue thinking about it and buy the product anyways. She even decided to throw in a Ravenclaw scarf, which the mother knew Phoebe needed to complete her cosplay Hogwarts uniform. It would serve as a good reward if the girl did a decent job on the cars, she thought.

After kissing her mother on the cheek, the two retired to the kitchen. The father had finished dinner. A decadent broiled chicken with some rice and vegetables. The man had slaved over a hot stove and even spiced it up with some seasoning during preparation. His family was always grateful for his skill at the oven. He and his wife were very much the perfect tandem duo for a cooking team. He served up his plates and his family dined with pleasure.

Once finished the mother and her daughter teamed up to clean after the meal was finished. The father would retire to the couch to take the rest of the night. They cleaned together and made the kitchen spotless. It took half the time it did usually since the mother normally allowed Phoebe to work alone. It was getting late so the older woman decided to dismiss her daughter to her room to clean up and get ready to sleep.

The young girl was keen to get to sleep for once. Little did she know that her mother had already ordered the stuff for her. Tomorrow she would work on cleaning both of her parent's cars after they got home from work. Allowing sleep to take her, Phoebe began to think about the possibilities of what the powder could do. Of course, fantasy overtook reality and dreams soon invaded her young mind. Such is the power of imagination.

The school week was over and the weekend had come. Saturday was the day her package was supposed to arrive. Phoebe's mother had informed her of this update once she had fulfilled the task of cleaning both parents cars. Now the girl only had to look forward to the postman arriving at her door. Anticipation began to overtake her as she looked out the front window, expecting their arrival on almost an hourly basis.

Her mother had already left the house and her father too would likely be leaving. Both parents had a work arrangement they needed to attend to. The only thing the father was waiting on, was the babysitter. The two adults had hired sitters before but this was the first time they were using an online site to hire their daughter's watcher. The father waited anxiously occasionally looking at his watch, ever vigilant of the time he had remaining before he absolutely needed to leave.

Luckily for the man, shortly after looking at his watch there was a knock at the door.

"Just in time," The father thought to himself.

He approached the door before opening it. Sure enough before him was a mongoose, much taller than himself but seemingly fresh-faced. It seemed the person he hired was nothing more than a teenager. Looking at his watch, he knew had no time to protest or otherwise improvise.

"The emergency number is written on a sticky note affixed to the fridge. You will be paid upon completion of the weekend. Don't try anything funny or I will have your head, clear?" The father looked up at the teen trying to remain calm and confident in his delivery.

The teen simply nodded before sloppily chewing on some gun with an open mouth. The father rolled his eyes at the unkempt boy before him.

"Goodbye sweetie. Be a good girl for the sitter, alright?" The older male waved and blew his daughter a kiss before showing himself out.

The mongoose looked around seeing that the young mouse cub he was watching over was perched on a bench looking out the window.

Not wanting to inquire why the teen decided to set himself up on the TV. He was a big fan of the show Survivor and there was a new season starting up.

It was another hour or so before the package delivery service arrived. Phoebe didn't wait for the person to arrive at the door and quickly rushed outside to greet them. Luckily for the girl the delivery person, didn't need a signature and quickly passed off the parcel before leaving the stop to continue with the rest of their route. The girl was ecstatic with her package, not even waiting to get inside the home to open it.

It didn't seem like her watcher was bothered as the teen's gaze was still fixed on the screen in front of him. The door was wide open and if anyone wanted to enter, they probably could with little issue. Phoebe proceeded to tear open the tape that sealed the package. Sure enough inside was her treasured powder which was stored inside a rather large crimson pouch, with the Ravenclaw logo affixed to the front.

There was also a scarf inside, which surprised Phoebe since she had never been told about the extra item her mother had ordered for her. Even though it was warm, she decided to drape it over her neck. Gripping the small pouch in her hand, she picked up the empty box and headed inside before shutting the door behind her. Sure enough her babysitter hadn't moved even a little bit. The girl decided to bop him over the head to see how he reacted.

Of course, he was much to entranced in the show to bother with her. It was strange especially since they hadn't even been properly introduced.

"Hey, Mr. Mongoose. YOOHOO, earth to Goosey!" She continued to bop him on the head before walloping him with the empty box.

This was enough to catch him off guard as he quickly swatted it away as the box flew to another side of the room.

"Quit it, girly before I send you to your room." He protested without actually looking at her.

"And what makes you think I would listen to you?" She stuck her tongue out at him in disapproval.

"I'll put you in there myself, little missie." The mongoose made an empty threat he knew he couldn't actually act on.

"You can't touch me, you big bully! I'll tell my mom." Phoebe threatened her sitter back.

"Whatever, just leave me alone and you can do whatever you want." The teen just wanted to watch his show in peace.

Phoebe didn't like the idea of being alone, instead, she preferred playing with her friends or even her own parents.

"You don't want to play with me?" The mouse asked despite already knowing the answer.

The mongoose made no attempt to answer back.

"Your no fun!" The girl liked the idea of doing whatever she wanted but was seldom left to her own devices.

The cub decided to play with him anyway, figuring that maybe if she annoyed him enough, he would concede to join in her horseplay. Quickly she pounced over the couch and landed to the left side of the mongoose, who was much larger than herself.

"Stick out your left paw." The girl requested of her watcher.

Strangely the teen decided to play along. He figured that if he gave in, that at least she wouldn't interrupt his show. Phoebe began by fiddling through the pouch and untightened the string that kept it from opening. Inside it smelt of a dank odor as if it had been stored for a long period of time. She carefully poured some of the stuff out onto his hand as it felt down in a sparkle of flakes before finally resting on his dark fur colored palm.

She had told many fortunes before, usually her parents or friends who allowed her to indulge in her interests. Phoebe was very much interested in seeing if the divination powder did what it was supposed to. So she watched as the powder settled in, making a rather sparkly mess of his already unkempt fur. It was easy enough to spot since his fur color was rather dark. Phoebe closed her eyes and beckoned to Tyche for forbearance.

While her parents were not Pagan, she herself took great pride in her knowledge and love of the Olympian Pantheon. Her parents often ignored her chanting and rituals, playing them off as childish and as just a phase. Phoebe saw nothing that came to mind, allowing it to wander before settling on an image in her imagination. It was one of great power and of her in control of the older male before her.

"What's your name anyhow?" Phoebe didn't open her eyes and remained in a trance-like state.

"Guh-Guh-Guh...." The teen muttered and stammered unable to get his name out.

"Gus will work I suppose." The mouse cub assumed it to be the case.

An inert sense of energy was building up inside of Gus. No longer could he focus on the show before him. It was almost like a tingling sensation, one which simple itching or rubbing couldn't get rid of. However, his body remained limp and unresponsive to even the most simple of functions. His eyes were becoming heavy as if he were tired and yet he remained in an upright position, able to maintain both his posture and his feet which were crossed just below him.

Eventually, he could no longer keep his eyes open and dipped into a soft slumber. When Phoebe opened her eyes, the teen was missing. There was no sign of him in the home. She looked around, assuming he had gone to the bathroom or something. But she had not recalled his grasp leaving her own, even if she was hyper-focused on reading his fortune. Now that she thought of that, she was never able to do that either. Just what had happened that deterred her purpose?

Another quick look around the placed proved that the teen was nowhere within sight. But looking down next to her was a pile of clothing. It appeared to be the same shirt that the mongoose was wearing that day. Even more concerning was the pair of jeans and underwear lying carelessly on the floor by her feet. Had the babysitter gone streaking or otherwise lost his mind? Just then Phoebe could have sworn she saw some movement in the shirt next to her.

She rubbed her eyes as she watched a little bulge in clothing run around in a circle. Lifting up the shirt was simple enough but believing what was underneath was not so much. Before her was a little blur of brown chestnut fur, it appeared to be a bug but the color of the little thing seemed to be off. As she brought her eyes close enough to examine it, the little spot seemed to run away. Sure enough, it appeared to be the babysitter.

But just what had happened and why was he so small now? A huge smirk arose over her face as the realization dawned on her that she had gotten what she wanted. She was very much in control as she swooped down one of her paws in order to get a hold of the fleeing mongoose. All it took was her forefinger and her thumb in order to pick him up. Looking him over, the teen couldn't have been more than a few centimeters tall.

From Gus' perspective, it was as if he were being moved violently in an earthquake. He couldn't keep his stance and rolled over from side to side as he was guided up closer to the girls face. Once she had stopped moving, the teen got a good look down the mouse cubs snout. It was utterly terrifying and he backpedaled backward on his back in fear. Phoebe playfully snorted a puff of hot air at him which caught the mongoose off-guard and almost sent him reeling off his fleshy platform.

Luckily for him, Phoebe reacted rather fast and cupped her other paw beneath him so that he didn't fall too far.

"Be careful little guy or you might hurt yourself," Phoebe smirked at him.

A few inaudible chirps were uttered as the mongoose seemingly protested at his now giant captor.

"I got an idea for you. How about we set you up in my dollhouse!" The mouse cub didn't wait for a response and cupped her paw as she headed back towards her room.

Phoebe hadn't used her dollhouse in years but now seemed like the perfect opportunity to take advantage of it. Once she was inside her room, she quickly headed towards the side of the room where the plastic two-story home was situated. It was quite dusty as she got near it, she sneezed from all the dust that came off of it. Gus too was sneezing up the storm as the now large dust particles floated around him.

"Here, I'll put you on the floor while I clean the dust from the house." The girl kneeled down before placing the sitter on the carpet.

Gus looked around, even the carpet was big to him now, though he was still tall enough to see over it. The threads of the floor rose just high enough to reach his ankles. He looked over to the right where the dollhouse was. It looked large enough to be a real house for him now even if the open design and colors gave it away as a toy. Soon after Phoebe returned with a damp rag and began wiping down the house, getting rid of some of the dust and other dirt that had collected over time.

The mongoose panicked as she almost stepped on him, but his quick reaction time resulted in him saving himself. It didn't take long before Phoebe felt she had done a good enough job and looked over to the side, searching for Gus. He was on his backside on the floor.

"Whoops, sorry about that." The mouse cub blushed as she picked him up.

The teen rolled his eyes as he looked up at her, still awestruck at her awesome size. She guided him over to the dollhouse and placed him on the top floor.

Still peering through the open side of the house, Phoebe looked over at him with almost a fiendish smile. The girl's visage pored over him as the teen began to fear that she had something terrible in mind. Finally, the girl had realized that the boy before her was very much in the nude.

"You're nakie!" Looking at the mongoose in front of her, made her feel strange inside.

Gus rolled his eyes as the comment was blatantly stating the obvious. He didn't even bother to cover himself as it was much too late for modesty now.

Phoebe began poking at him through the open side of the house. It was like one of those giant movies where the monster was terrorizing villagers. The teen couldn't do much protest either, except for the run to and from one side of the complex to the other. It didn't take long before the mouse caught up with him, and quickly pinned him back under her finger. But the finger didn't remain fixed for long, instead, gradually she began rubbing it up and down his body.

Eventually, the mongoose's leg began to make a thumping noise as one of his hind legs inadvertently reacted without him meaning to move it.

"Oh, you like that do you?" The girl began to rub one of her trimmed nails against the fur of the teen's tiny chest.

It didn't take long before the mongoose's member began to stir, rising from its sheath. Phoebe began to notice it as well as a tiny pricking sensation began to prod into her forefinger.

"Oh, what's this?" The cub exclaimed as the older male before she began to squirm even more as if to try and wriggle free.

Of course, the girl didn't ignore it either, bringing her touch even lower than it was just over his member as if coaxing it even further. Truthfully she was enjoying this herself too. Already her small nipples were hardening, and even if she didn't know what it meant, she was enjoying the thrill of having complete control over her captor. She continued to rub and indulge on her little toys groin area. Bit by bit the mongoose was turning into a more subdued victim.

As Gus' eyes became more glazed over and his body limper, his heartbeat began to steadily increase. His breathing too became more rapid as some pre-cum seeped out from his cock's tip. Of course, it wasn't nearly enough for the cub to notice. No longer was the mongoose trying to wriggle away as he had long since conceded that it was not possible. His common sense and logic processing had given way to more primal needs.

Phoebe began to notice her own body becoming more responsive too. Even know her nipples were long since hardened, her nether regions were beginning to tingle. Using her spare hand she began to reach beneath her shorts and panties as if to itch the insatiable sensation in which she was experiencing. However her focus did not deter from her captive pet, still ever diligent in rubbing his entire form underneath her pinned finer.

A few more moments before the whole of Gus' body began to shiver and spasm. The teen let out a moan as his cock orgasmed as his body arched forward. This time the mess made was a little more noticeable to the giant girl who picked up her finger in order to inspect the now stickiness that tainted her thin finger.

"What's this?" The cub was still evidently feeling herself below exploratively while bringing the sticky finger to her nose.

First, she smelled the stuff but seeing as it didn't emit a smell, she then brought it lower to her mouth and licked at it.

"Tastes weird...and warm." Phoebe didn't much mind the taste, though it wasn't exactly tasty either.

Just then her finger found it's way to her clitoris, even if she didn't know it. Even touching it caused her whole body to convulse in pleasure. It didn't stop her though, rather she began exploring even deeper as her knees bent and her legs began to spread eagle. Even if she was sitting, it was in a rather awkward position. Her other hand remained at her mouth as if she were no longer able to move it, still meekly licking it as if it were a sweet candy.

Gus was still recovering not able to see much from where he was lying down. All he could see was the silly stupified smirk on the girls face. Clearly, she was enjoying herself, whatever she was doing. Phoebe continued pressing on as if she had an instinctual understanding of the indulgence in which she was engaging. Her index finger very much dug into her intimate area as her eyes were not completely closed, already lost in the bliss of the moment.

Continuing on for but a few moments was enough to send the young girl over her limit. Her mouth gaped open as she let out a gasp of her. Some fluid squirted out as her formerly rapid movements became less aggressive and more subtle before beginning to remove her finger. Had she still not had her clothing on, it made a mess. As she withdrew her finger, she discovered the wetness and became concerned that she may have wet herself. Like with the fluid from the teen, she patted some on her finger for examination.

It seemed of the same make of the mongooses but was somewhat different in texture and appearance. She didn't feel as implored to taste it either, instead simply wiping it off on her shirt, deciding that it couldn't be urine since it didn't smell the same. She decided she would have to clean it out later after her body recovered from the indulgence. From Gus' perspective, all he could tell was that she clearly was enjoying herself.

Then looking down seeing her digging at herself down below, told him all he needed to know. His own mind had cleared from her assault made it all too clear. He had watched countless pornos online and understood the pertinence of female masturbation, even if this was the first time he was watching the ordeal. Her face had a priceless, innocent, and yet stupefied look about it. However, gradually her discernment was returning to normal.

It took but a short time before she fully recovered, now able to refocus her vision realizing that the teen was staring at her.

"What're you looking at pipsqueak?" The mouse asked knowing the older male couldn't reliable answer back.

She shrugged off the question and peered inside the building again before there was a knock at the door. The mail had already come and her parents weren't supposed to return for several days. She wondered who it could be. Phoebe couldn't simply ignore it either. However, she overheard some fiddling of keys and assumed it must have been her father. She began to panic, trying to come up with the best possible way to explain her predicament.

She grasped the little back of powder tightly in her palm and decided her captive audience could wait. Gus watched as she rushed out of the room and wondered why she was in so much of a hurry. He had heard the doorbell but wasn't sure as to why she was suddenly so interested in answering it. The girl darted down the hall to greet her father who seemed in a desperate search for something. But while that bothered him, something else seemed off.

"Where is your sitter?" The father asked his daughter looking at her rather suspiciously.

"Uh...he went out for some food." Phoebe came up with the best white lie she could on short notice.

"I don't believe you. I think your hiding something. Tell me the truth, or else." The older mouse loomed over his daughter threatening her.

"Um..." The girl began to panic searching for an answer, a solution to the very real danger of getting in trouble with her father.

Just then she got an idea, quickly snagging the satchel from where she was hiding it behind her then bringing it in front.

"What are you doing with that?" The father thought briefly about taking it away.

That moment of hesitation was enough, the girl hoped for the best and quickly threw the divination powder onto her father. The older mouse was furious as if dirt had been tossed at him.

"Why you little..." The father's voice trailed off as he began to feel queasy unable to maintain his train of thought any longer.

Within seconds the formerly imposing figure of her father began to dwindle. After only moments his clothing sagged off him before following by completely falling from his form. Still conscious, the man watched as he slipped from well above his daughters gaze to below it. But it didn't stop there, his surroundings grew ever larger around him. Watching his daughter do the same as her discernment turned from concern to utter mischief.

The father tried speaking, even yelling and it seemed his daughter could no longer hear him. The only thing positive now was that the shrinking had stopped, though he stood in a puddle of his own clothing. Soon Phoebe bent over to pick him up with two of her fingers. The formerly large mouse was now just the size of an ordinary rodent and he began to panic and try to escape, despite being held high off from the ground.

Luckily for him, the girl didn't release him. Instead, she brought her new prize to the dollhouse where Gus was still dilly-dallying around. Now there were two residents to the home. Briefly, Phoebe was concerned about how she might explain the situation to her mother. But for now, she decided to ignore the issue. She had a new toy to play with and now Gus had a friend.

The teen and the man looked at each other rather disheartened. They knew not their future or what the seemingly giant girl had in store for them. All they knew was that they were toys for their makeshift giant girl. After setting her father inside the second story of the home, she looked inward. Her gaze was as ominous as ever.

"How are we going to get out of this pickle?" The father asked the teen.

"I don't know." The teen simply shrugged.

Just what would happen to Gus and Phoebe's father? Only time would tell...

A day in the park

A day in the park by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is given to their owners....

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Race Day

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Spacing Out

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