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#48 of Commissions

My forty-second commission which I did for DemonSoulz on sofurry.

It's about a trainer and his pokemon finding solace in each other.

Sentience by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is given to their owners. Any similarity to real persons, alive or dead, is purely coincidental. You have been warned.

"Friends show their loves in times of trouble,

not in times of happiness."


There comes a time in every child's life when the trials of a juvenile come to an end and when the path to adulthood really begins. As to when that is, it is difficult to say. For some, they are thrust in the mantle of responsibility far younger than they should be. Ideally, children should be permitted to grow up and learn things through trial and tribulation. Of course, there should be some level of guidance because no youth should ever walk that treacherous path alone.

In twinleaf town, there lived a family of dragons. Now now, I know what one might think. How do dragons live at peace with general society? The answer is simple, do not judge a character before you see it's true personality. The family lived on the outskirts of the town by where the path out remained. Some considered them the gatekeepers as their presence was enough to deter any passerbys from staying from any long period of time.

The family was a typical family of three. With the mother working as a seamstress for a costume company and the father working as an administrative assistant for the same company. It was rather a convenient fit since the place of work was only two towns over, in Sandlife village. The couple had been married for almost 2 decades and during their time as a couple, they had a single boy whom they named Soul. Together they made up one of the few groups of drachens in the whole of the Sinnoh region.

Their breed was not typical either. Instead of adorning the cliché scale or otherwise leathery appearance, the family was furred. It made them more easily fit in with their community who was much the same of various animal species integrated with humans. It wasn't exactly harmony but most of the groups got along well enough. Still most of the time the furs avoided human contact and vice versa. It was like self-induced voluntary segregation.

It was the day of Soul's 12th birthday and that meant it was time for his Pokemon journey to begin. His parents had been looking forward to the day because it meant their son could experience the world like they had in their youth. Though normally no child ever made it to master status, they hoped the boy would at leave achieve a mediocre level of success. Soul woke up to an alarm, which normally meant it was time for school. However, today that was not the case.

It was summer time and school was out for the next 2 months. This meant he had a while to just enjoy himself, though he accepted he must endure the trails of becoming a Pokemon trainer. When the boy came around and finally woke up, he almost rolled out of bed before bumping into his nightstand. Luckily the fixture kept him from falling off. But the simple motion was enough to jar him and wake up.

Soul got up out of bed and hopped into the shower. Once he was done with that he exited and brushed his blue and white fur so it wasn't a matted mess. The cub didn't spend as much time drying as he should have as he was rather excited to get his journey underway. The dragon couldn't help but smell the scent of sausage. It seemed his parents were cooking him breakfast. That certainly didn't help him focus in drying himself either.

Once he had dressed, Soul rushed out of the room knocking down a lamp in the process with his tail. But he didn't care as he was intent on getting to the kitchen as quickly as possible. When he arrived breakfast was already served. His mother smiled at him, but said nothing and began serving him the dish. She had already eaten as it wasn't long before she had to go to work.

"Thanks, Mom." The boy hugged his mother before sitting down and eating.

"No problem. Just make sure to pack a backpack before you leave. Here is a phone in case there is an emergency. My number and your fathers are saved on here." The woman passed her son a cell phone.

"Alright, Mom. Don't worry." Soul was a little bit nervous but decided he was too hungry to care.

His mother joined him just to be friendly and watched as he ate. She was happy he didn't seem that concerned and could go to work without being as anxious about the predicament. After sitting with him for a few minutes, he was done. The woman got up and showed the cub where she had placed all of the stuff she had set up for his trip. All he needed to do was put it in his bag.

"I'll clean up. Go get your stuff packed and I'll drive you to Professor Rowan's." The woman picked up the empty plate and glass.

Soul was not one to disobey his parents and went back to his room. Picking up the lamp in the meanwhile, he quickly grabbed his bag and headed back to where the travel supplies were situated.

Putting the stuff inside was simple enough. Fortunately for him, all of it was able to fit in his hiking style backpack. It wasn't too heavy as the weight was surprisingly equally distributed among his body. Once his mother was done cleaning up, she popped her head into the living room to see if he was ready yet.

"All packed up?" The mother saw him zip up the bag and knew it to be the case.

"Alrighty then, let's go so I'm not late to work." She continued to hurry him outside as the two filed into her vehicle.

Sandgem was just the next town over and was but a short 5-minute drive from their home. When they arrived the mother waved to her son and wished him good luck.

Though she didn't stay very long as she was already close to being late for work.

"Feel free to stop by once you get to Jubilife City. You know where I work." The woman said before driving off after dropping him off.

Now the whelp was in front of the Pokemon Research center. He didn't want to wait any longer and immediately headed inside. The indoors was much what he expected, equipment everywhere with various charts, notes, and other data strewn about with no sense of order. Towards the back was an older gentleman wearing a lab coat. Soul assumed it had to have been Professor Rowan. The human took no note of the dragon until the boy poked him.

"Oh, hiya. Sorry about that, was too focused on my work. Here to begin your pokemon adventure?" Professor Rowan asked with a slight smile.

"Yup I'd like to get my first Pokemon, please." Soul stood up proudly and puffed out his chest.

"That's great. However, we have a small problem. All three of the starters have been selected and I have not had a chance to go out and catch anymore." Rowan said a bit dismayed.

"Well, what I am supposed to do then?" The dragon couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed.

"You could wait or I could offer you an alternative Pokemon." Rowan scratched his chin indicating he was thinking about it a bit.

"What is the alternative Pokemon?" The cub asked curiously as he was prepared to accept any option he was offered.

"It's a Riolu that was left behind. The trainer claims it was a little..." The professor was unable to finish his sentence before he was cut off.

"I'll take it!" The whelp looked around expecting the thing to be walking around somewhere.

"Erm...alright." Rowan was caught off-guard and headed off to the side where the Pokeball was being kept.

The human gave the fur the ball as Soul overlooked it a bit. The boy already knew how to work the thing, but was a little bit nervous.

"Now, here is your Pokedex. On this, if you have any problems just call me. There is a button on the bottom for that. Alright?" The older male could sense a bit of anxiety in the cub so he patted him on the head in order to ease his concern.

"Cool, thanks!" The dragon broke away as the human watched him exit the building.

Outside Soul was very excited and couldn't wait. Rowan looked up as he popped the button on the Pokeball. Out came Riolu who ran around and looked quite confused. The dragon kneeled down in order to greet it but the Pokemon simply looked at the boy a bit doubtfully.

"I'll call him Rio...hehe. He's so cute!" Soul didn't wait and walked over to the Riolu to take it in his arms.

The Pokemon squirmed and fidgeted. Clearly, it didn't want to be held. Strangely the amount of strength was exhibiting was a bit much for the cub to hang on to. Eventually, the Riolu broke free.

"It will take a while before he trusts you. Just take it easy. Let him roam free and everything will be fine. Good luck and let me know if you need anything."

"Thanks, Doc! I'll keep that in mind." The dragon began walking half expecting the Riolu to follow him.

Rio was being a bit defiant and simply watched as the boy walked towards the high grass. Soul didn't look back as he ventured into the knee-high grassy area. Almost immediately he was assaulted by a Starly which beat its wings angrily as it took to the sky. It wasn't long before the thing swooped down and began to peck at the boy. The Riolu watched for a moment as guilt began to overcome the Pokemon.

"Help, me Rio!" Soul cried out in fear.

The Riolu couldn't stand it any longer and lept into action. Riolu made a swift quick attack as he jumped onto the Starly who was much too focused on pecking the boy to defend itself. Now Rio was atop the boy. Soul didn't mind much as the as the Riolu didn't weigh a lot. Even as the bird tried to tackle the canine, Rio was able to dodge with ease. The Riolu retaliating with a second quick attack which led to the other Pokemon fainting.

It seemed the battle was over and Rio's body seemingly glowed from the victory.

"Silly boy...don't walk in the grass without a Pokemon to defend you." The dragon overheard a voice in his head.

Looking around, Demon saw nothing. Thinking he must have been imagining it or otherwise delusional he decided to let the issue subside for now.

"Come on...I guess I will travel with you. Just stay close and don't fall behind." The voice reverberated in his head again.

It wasn't a deep voice, in fact, it was rather high and even juvenile. Rio looked back at the boy who was still on the floor.

"Get up. Let's go, I will protect you." The Rio looked directly into the boy's eyes.

Soul assumed the Riolu was talking to him telepathically. Was this what the professor was talking about? Picking himself up he began walking again. He wasn't sure whether it was a good thing or a bad thing that Rio was able to communicate with him. He decided that only time would tell.

The two began traveling down route 201 back towards the boy's hometown. It was a short trip and the two didn't come upon any further Pokemon beyond the Starly. It was a rather nice and quiet trip back home. But of course, the two didn't stop there. They continued on further to Route 202 which led to the city where both of Soul's parents worked, Jubilife city. The path was winding and took some effort to get through.

On the way, they encountered a Shinx as well as a Bidoof. The Bidoof prooved to be a weakling which Rio managed to knock out in one blow. It was clear the Riolu had been trained very well before the dragon had met him. The Shinx was a little more challenging for the canine. It's electric attacks ended up in the small Pokemon becoming paralyzed and unable to act. This caused Soul to panic and search for the easiest route to the Pokemon center in the next town.

Luckily for the pair, the city wasn't far from where they were. Soul was able to avoid whatever Pokemon appeared by just running away, continuing to carry Rio in his arms as he did so. Rushing into the Pokemon center once they arrived, the dragon made his way to the emergency portion of the clinic. The receptionist welcomed him as they took the injured Pokemon from his arms and made him fill out a small form explaining the situation. Despite his concern, Soul was able to manage his emotions well enough to answer the questionnaire.

Paralysis was a common malady for Pokemon to endure and it wasn't long before Rio was carried back into the waiting area for Soul to claim. The nurse was expecting the Riolu to be put back in his ball, but the boy insisted on allowing the canine to continue to roam free. Although the woman thought it to be strange, she didn't pursue the matter and handed the small critter over. The boy was quick to whisk him away and decided they would remain overnight at the Inn to allow his new friend to recover.

The Inn was near the center of town, a short distance from the clinic. Soul decided the visit to his parents could wait a day and that Rio's health was a more immediate concern. Though the canine's body seemed to be breathing rather steady now which was already a vast improvement from earlier. Still, he wanted to be safe rather than sorry. Fortunately, the hotel was basically empty since not many vacationers stayed long term in the city.

Soul booked a single room for the discounted rookie trainer rate. It was a measly 25 Pokedollars so the boy wasn't one to complain about that. Surprisingly the room he got was rather nice and even included breakfast the next morning. Inside the room was two beds which the dragon found strange since he was traveling alone. The boy decided to use the spare bed for the Riolu and set the Pokemon down on the cushioned surface.

The dragon pulled up a chair to continue watching over Rio. Meanwhile, he turned on the TV in order to pass the time while he waited. It was a good 30 minutes or so before the canine eventually came to. At first waking rather groggily and with only a semblance of what just happened to him.

"Huh? Where are we?" The Riolu began projecting a voice into the boys head again.

"We are inside the Inn at Jubilife city." Soul patted the Pokemon on his head trying to ease his tension a little bit.

"Did you save me?" Rio wasn't entirely sure of the details but vaguely remembered being attacked by a Shinx.

"I guess you could say that. I suppose we're even now." The boy smiled at his friend with a warm grin.

"Hehe, I guess your right. Are we going to stay here for the night?" The Riolu asked as he looked around at his surroundings.

"We can do that. It is getting late and I paid for the room already. Besides you need rest before we can continue our journey." Soul kept it short and to the point.

"Alright. That sounds good. My body still aches a little anyway. Make sure you get some rest too, alright?" Rio wanted to make sure his trainer was rested up as well.

"Of course. I just wanted to make sure you were alright first. I'll get ready for bed now." The boy got up from his chair and headed off into the shower in order to get ready for bed.

Soul spent a good couple of minutes in the shower before reappearing in just some briefs and an over-sized t-shirt. Rio looked at him as he exited the small stall, seeming like he was staring at the boy for some reason. The dragon was unable to pick up on it and went about his way before turning the lights off and tucking himself in.

"Good night Rio. See you in the morning." The whelp closed his eyes and tried to slumber.

The Riolu meanwhile kept a close eye on his trainer watching for any sudden changes in his body language. Rio had grown used to living outside of a Pokeball and this wasn't the first time he'd been allowed to roam freely. Frankly, the Pokemon was a bit spoiled. Once he overheard a light snore from the boy, the canine knew his master to be asleep. Rio picked himself up and headed to the other bed which was situated across from his own.

Rio wasn't quite tall enough to look over the bed so he had to instead climb up on top of it after he approached the mattress. Examining it for a moment, he sensed no movement and looked down intently on Soul. Nudging him for a moment with a light push of his foot, just to be sure he wasn't awake, the Riolu waited for any slight moment. Sure enough, there was none and he knew this was his moment of freedom to do as he wished.

The canine continued to shift his paw across the youngster's body. Soul made no movement as he was seemingly fast asleep despite little activity during the day. Eventually, the Pokemon's foot made its way to where the boy's pants were. Rio bent over and allowed his master to lay on his back. The canine simply smiled as clearly he had something in mind for the whelp. Gradually, his paws rested on the boy's groin and hovered over top of it.

Despite Rio's seemingly youthful age himself, he had experience pleasuring his trainers before. In fact it was the reason he had been left behind at Professor Rowan's. The Riolu continued to push his paw forward until he discovered the boy's flesh. Assuming it was the cub's sheath, Rio continued to push his paw into it, coaxing it to come out with the paw pads of its feet. Eventually, a tent began to rise in the boy's pajamas.

Soul was still mostly asleep but was beginning to rouse as the feeling in his loins began to stir. The canine continued his soft touch, not caring much about the fact that Soul was coming around to his senses. Rio began to press more of his weight into the crotch of the other boy. It took a while but eventually, the boy came around and by the time he did, his penis was all but aching and growing more sensitive by the second.

Once Soul came around it took him a second before he realized what was going on. He saw Rio reaching down with its foot grinding into his cock. Just as his eyes set upon the action, he watched the Riolu expertly wrap its toes around the boy's crotch. The dragon wasn't entirely sure what was going on but what he did know was that the sensation was both overbearing and enjoyable.

"What're you doing?..." Soul asked stammering between his own words.

"Don't worry about it. Just relax and enjoy" Rio didn't even look at his friend, projecting the same calm voice into the whelp's head.

"Erm...okay..." The dragon was a little bit uneasy but didn't want to upset his new friend and besides it just felt so good...

Rio continued to pump his toes up and down, eventually, the boy's meat found it's way free from its fabric escaping out from the small slit in between the briefs.

The Riolu had never seen a dragon before. The thing was barbed and a bit larger than he expected, but it didn't deter his action. Continuing to press the prickly flesh in between his small toes brought an interesting alien feeling of being brushed up against. It wasn't long before the boy's cock spurted out a small bit of cum. Rio simply smiled as the pent-up shaft pulsated and throbbed, trying to return to a more normal state.

Soul sighed in relief as it happened. It was a completely new and alien feeling to him and all together it wasn't too bad. Even if he found it strange that his Pokemon had touched him in his no-no place, he couldn't help but ignore that small issue.

"Feel good?" Rio spoke to his master before finally withdrawing his foot from atop the dragon's crotch.

"Mhmm...." Soul murmured as still was left mostly stupefied from the lewd indulgence.

"My turn then..." The Riolu jumped off the boy to the side of the bed, still standing on top of it, nudging for him to rotate over.

Eventually, the dragon got the idea. The boy's sizable tail lurched over his back as he shifted and almost hit the Pokemon in the process. But Rio's fast reaction speed was able to dodge it, re-aiming it so that it rested opposite of the way it did normally. Now the canine could see the boys tail hole in plain sight. It couldn't help but lick its lips, of course realizing that he needed preparation before he tried anything.

The Riolu leaned in and began licking his behind near where the hole was. Soul fidgeted a bit as this was yet another alien feeling he was experiencing. It was cold and quite rough, similar to a dogs tongue except in an area that a dog would never get too. Eventually, the boys white and blue fur became rather matted and stuck in place. This would serve as lubrication for what Rio had in mind. Once the Pokemon removed his head, Soul felt a small breeze push against his butt.

It wasn't long before the chill was replaced by the Riolu who began to push his own crotch near the hole. Now the Pokemon wasn't incredibly big but as the cub was a virgin the entry point of his hole was incredibly tight. So regardless of how big or small the critter was, it was likely going to be a challenge for both of them. Still, Rio was intent on mating with his master. Soul gritted his teeth as he felt the canine enter inside of him.

Bit by bit, more and more of his flesh filled his insides. It was rather warm and squishy, although at the start it was rather uncomfortable. Rio grunted a little bit while his own cock tried to settle within the small space. Before long the full length and girth of his shaft found it's way inside and the Riolu relaxed a little. But the canine didn't wait for long before trying to push himself in and out of the boy's hole, even if it was slow at first.

Soul could feel the small Pokemon pushing in and out of him. It didn't move him much due to their inherent size difference but each time the Riolu pounded inward, Soul felt his body shift forward. The dragon squinted his eyes as he tried to deal with the combination of pain and pleasure. Some drool slipped out of his mouth as his tongue hung outside of his mouth. Clearly, he was enjoying this despite what his inhibitions were telling him.

It took a while before the Riolu was able to free himself from inside the boy. After all, its knot had swollen up inside of the boy. But Rio was small enough that he was able to free himself after only a couple of minutes. The two shared an awkward moment of silence between them as they both tried to recover from the lewdity. Once the canine had relaxed enough to pull out, he wrapped his arms around the other boy in a soft hug.

Eventually, Soul turned himself around but not before almost whacking the Riolu in the face. Rio was still aware enough to dodge the lengthy appendage which just barely swung over his head. The canine was just about to get up as the dragon grappled onto one of its feet before it was about to jump off from the bed. The Riolu hesitated, unsure exactly of what the boy wanted. It wasn't long before the canine found out.

The whelp reached out with its hands seemingly latching onto the Riolu's feet. The critters bipedal limbs were far smaller than his hands, making it rather easy to grab onto. Rio looked down not sure what his friend was doing. A moment later the dragon began to pick up the canine's paw and began to slowly guide it up the length of is body. Now the Riolu wasn't exactly too weak to pull away but decided instead to hop and follow along using it's free foot.

The whelp was able to pull his friend's foot right up to his maw. For a second he placed it against his lips as he allowed it's paw pads to rest on the makeshift platform. Soul could smell a musky but light scent emanating from the foot. Almost immediately he began dragging his tongue along the bottom of the Pokemon's paw. For Rio it was quite the tickling sensation and he began to squirm a little bit. Soul continued to lap between each of the fleshy paws.

Soul was finding the ordeal rather enticing and the scent to be rather intoxicating. Rio watched as the boy began to essentially clean its paw with his tongue. Soon the dragon found it's way between each of his toes, then following by sucking each of his toes. The Riolu smirked a little bit as he watched the trainer worship his feet. The whole ordeal lasted a good few minutes and when the whelp finally seemed like he was done, he simply shifted feet.

After finishing, Rio's paws were soaking wet. The Pokemon laughed a little as he watched the dragon lick his lips. It seemed that despite whatever initial inhibitions the trainer harbored, were long lost now. The Riolu finally hopped off his friend, smiling one final time before heading back to his own bed.

"Now get some sleep." The Riolu projected into the boys head again.

Soul was already tired and perhaps even more so now that his body had experienced its first orgasm.

Once morning rolled around the two did end up meeting the boy's parents. Soul was rather happy with his Pokemon and never mentioned the incident from last night or the fact the little critter could communicate. Overall it seemed like he was rather happy with the turn of events. Both of his parents were rather glad the two were getting along quite well. It seemed like everything was going to work out. Only time would tell if he was able to become a Pokemon master or not.

Training Day

Training Day by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is...

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Spice of Life

Spice of Life by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are portrayed are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is given to...

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Just a flesh wound

Just a flesh wound by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and...

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