Slumber Party

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#52 of Commissions

By far my longest story which is for someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

it is about a mouse who comes across a group of girls having a slumber party. What happens next is anyone's guess!

Slumber Party By: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: Some characters are original and others are the rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is given to their owners. Additionally, some characters are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life persons is purely coincidental. Furthermore, there is a prominent micro/macro theme presented within this story. You have been warned.

"Every good slumber party needs a funny movie

and a good conversation about guys."

Jennette Mccurdy

You know those nights? Those nights where you never want to end? Nights where the fun is infinite and one is in good company. Especially when those very same friends share some things, if not most, in common. Those are the evenings where you wish they could never end. Those are the times where they have left an indelible mark on the minds of many. This is often more so in the journey of childhood, especially for young girls.

To boys, the rumors of what goes on at girls slumber parties are nothing short of infinite. While some of the opposite genders don't care, there are plenty who ponder at the mystery of the sorority of sleep based activities. Often rumors would be spread including to the possibility of magic, fortune telling, and other fantastic stories that would never amount to being true. But sometimes there was a grain of truth to what was told across the gender line.

What of the wayward watchers? What of those who were witness to went on at the may locations where slumber parties were often held? But what if those watchers were never meant to be there in the first place? So the idiom goes the fly on the wall sees many things but tells nothing. No one ever pays attention to the flies for they are often seen as little more than a nuisance. But what of the mouse in the wall?

Husani was an of the Egyptian Jerboa breed. The mouse was a very able bodied rodent who no man but himself as a thief. He was especially keen at disabling mouse traps At only 23 years of age the Jerboa was able to work his way up from petty to grand theft through nothing but hard work and intuition. Not many knew of his existence as the man lived alone and lived for no one else other than himself.

Husani was your typical mouse who lived in the cracks of a home in Pennsylvania. He had no family to speak of as he never sought out any type of companionship. Instead, his life thrived on the moment and was always seeking a new thrill. He loved nothing more than stealing things and loved to create mischief. Always a one to sew chaos and disorder, the rodent was one of those who supported the anti-establishment, even if he often went under the radar despite his best efforts.

Along with Husani, there was a group of inhabitants that also lived in the place. Far larger than the mouse, the co-ops who shared the building were actually the owners. It was a family of cats who was actually quite similar to that of the typical American Nuclear family, but with one child instead of two. Much like the mouse, the cats often fell outside of the realm of recognition for their efforts.

The feline parents also were hard workers but were more physical laborers. Both the father and mother worked in the many factories that made up blue collar America. Though despite their meager means, Helen and Mark's combined income was more than enough to support a family of three. The child happened to be 10 and actually went to the local elementary school in the district. Though the cat family didn't actually formally recognize the existence of the mouse as Mark made sure that his wife never knew of the so-called neighbor, for she was terrified of mice.

This particular weekend was one of interest for the family. It was Jessica's 11h birthday and the parents had been planning it without her knowledge. The idea was for it to be a surprise. They had been going to the girl's school and passing out invitations for a slumber party. They figured it would likely be her last since the girl was getting older now and they assumed she would outgrow the idea sooner rather than later. By the time Jessica's birthday rolled around, they managed a sizable group of 7 girls plus their own.

While a party of eight girls wasn't huge by any means, it was more than enough for the families humble home. They decided that Friday would be the day they would set up, making sure that the room was able to accommodate all of the participants. While Jessica as the school the parents worked to clear up the room and move the furniture to the sides. Setting up several sleeping bags with a small pillow on each makeshift mattress. All that was really left was to pick up the cake and the presents from the place they had stored them.

Jessica had proposed many gift ideas, from the almost rhetorical pony wish to the much more realistic phone. Both Helen and Mark had decided on a much more down to earth variety of gifts. Some of which the girl needed like clothing and furniture to the things the girl found more desirable like her fascination with Barbie and dolls in general. Despite being a little out of Mattel's audience range, Jessica still fancied the idea and had a wide collection of the stuff.

Her favorites were of the Disney variety and both Mom and Dad had decided that her party would be Princess themed. It was rather childish considering her age but none of her friends seemed to be mind. In fact upon inviting each of them, they were asked which Princess they fancied most and were told to come dressed as closely as they could to their respective counterpart. They figured it would be the girl's last saving grace before entering adolescence the following year.

The mouse knew nothing about the party. Of course, Husani knew he shared the home with the felines, but he chose to live amiss of their presence and not bother with the cats. Frankly, Husani was afraid of cats as he had grown up being taught the whole concept of predator and prey. He had continued to avoid them and only worked to occasionally steal things from them, instead of picking on the next house over which happened to have far better merchandise for him to politely borrow.

Friday arrived and the slumber party was to be that very evening. Helen and Mark dedicated their entire day to ready for the party. They never informed the kitten and simply sent her off to s good with well wishes. It was rather casual and Jessica couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that her special day was not treated with higher regard. Each of her friends remained silent about the ordeal as they had been instructed to by their own parents in addition to the cats.

It was quite a hard task and all of the girls who had been invited had to work together to make sure that no other girl broke the silence. All in all, it was rather a successful endeavor which by the end of the day, proved that the girls could keep hush. Each of them was promised a reward, so the incentive of candy proved to be worthwhile for each of them. Once school was over, each couldn't help but feel proud about the accomplishment of remaining silent and not spoiling the surprise.

Now that the day was over the real fun could begin. Helen and Mark were ready for the onslaught of cubs. Jessica was the first one home and the home was already decorated so she got suspicious immediately. The parents knew eventually they would have to inform her of their plans. They began to share the details of what they in mind. Almost immediately the kitten began to break down in happiness. It seemed they had more in mind then she had thought all along.

After another hour or so the girls began to arrive. With each new guest, the nome became louder and louder. By the second guest, Jessica's room became a stereo system of chatter. The mouse lived in the side of the wall by where the young kitten's room was. Husani was minding his own business but as time went on, the noise became louder and louder. Once the noise became an annoyance, he began to wonder exactly what was going on.

It wasn't until the room received it's fourth girl that the man was becoming annoyed. He had no way to drown out the noise or to even request that the girls be quiet. After all, he was a mouse and he would be lucky even if they noticed him. It was surprising that they were this loud since literally, they were mere centimeters away from each other. Eventually, it became unbearable and the mouse started considering poking his head out of the mouse hole.

When the fifth girl arrived, enough was enough. The noise was nothing short of rambunctious. Husani ventured outside of his hole and saw that it was difficult to make out exactly what was going on. In front of him were six girls, all of which had their backs turned to him. Most of which weren't dressed in all that much except for pajama bottoms and shirts. It seemed most of them were ready for bed, despite their constant chatter proving otherwise.

Husani began scurrying about. He wasn't afraid of the girls and by this point, his ears were ringing from all the clamor of the yelling. The mouse knew that he wouldn't be able to get their attention without some sort of catastrophe. The man began to wonder how he might achieve that. An idea came to his head, he needed to create a distraction in order to gain the girl's attention. It was really his only hope of being noticed.

He worked his way around the backside of each girl, avoiding all of their tails and making note of just how many there were. Lucky for him, not many of them were moving. Though the occasional movement of tails created obstacles for him to overcome. But he was athletic and able to jump over each tail as if it were a barricade on the track and field of his old high school alma mater. Near the wall he saw some boxes, he could only hope they were empty.

Husani managed to overcome every swish of every tail and made it to the side of the wall where some boxes were stored. The boxes weren't quite empty and the mouse struggled to move them even slightly. Even with very little inside, they proved to be too big for him. It seemed he needed another course of action, which he was further reminded of when one of the girls shrieked.

"Eek!!!! Mouse" It seemed he didn't have to make a scene, after all, one of the girls spotted him.

All of Husani's work over the years to remain in the shadows was for nothing. The second that the girl shouted out, each of the girls looked over at the mouse which was admittedly scared. The rodent soon regained his composure. His immediate purpose wasn't to steal but was rather to settle them down. But now an entirely different realization came over him, all six girls had their focus fixed on him and for a moment he couldn't act.

"Kill it, Catch it, I don't care! Just get rid of it." Jessica was just as terrified as rodents as her mother was.

Her friends weren't nearly as delirious as the birthday girl. In fact, they were rather enticed by his presence. Not only that but his appearance seemed to entrance them as if his ring had power over them. Jessica and her friends couldn't take their eyes off him. The screaming had stopped at least as the canine reached over to her feline friend and was holding her snout shut. It seemed that not all of her friends shared the birthday girls fear of mice.

Eventually, Jessica got the picture and stopped screaming since she could see it bothered her friends. Mary was the girls best friend and she was no stranger to rodents. She saw them quite often on her farm and so over the years she had become immune to the site of all sorts of the same species of critters. This one seemed different though. He had a small satchel to his side and a gold ring fixated on his tail which shifted back and forward as the creature flitted its tail.

Husani thought about running for a moment but his body seemed unable to move. It wasn't as if he was afraid and he figured it was the command of the ring in charge of his form again. Another moment of waiting passed and Mary extended over her large paw and grabbed the mouse. The man struggled as he was lifted, squeaking and struggling. It was no use and the young cub held him up by his tail as his small body dangled and rotated around in circles.

Husani felt helpless as his body spun around, he got a full 360 view of the girls and room around him. He already knew there were six girls present, but now he got a much better look at them. The mouse recognized Jessica but no other girl. Next to the feline was the dog, a strange pairing to be sure by his account. The other girls varied in species from a squirrel to a chipmunk. Husani found it especially strange that most of them were rodents like he was.

Once Husani was pulled in closer, Mary got a good look at him. The mouse had a tuft of black hair which already set him apart from other wild breeds she came across. The other cubs at the party looked on in curiosity wondering what the puppy would do. Of all the girls at the party, Mary was the most outgoing and while she wasn't the friendliest pup, the small group at Jessica's party all found her company favorable.

"Looky what we have here, girls." Mary stated the obvious as she held up her prize.

Husani began swiping his paws at the girl, rather intent on breaking free. The dog brought him extremely close to her face and for a moment he thought she was going to eat him. Mary had no intention of doing that and instead swapped her paw over to in front of Jessica. The kitten cringed as the little rodent hung delicately in her friend's fingers.

"Oh come on, he can't do anything to you. Stop being such a baby." The dog continued to pester her friend in a petty effort to coax her out of her state of fear.

Husani still dangled and wasn't entirely sure what to do. But just as he was feeling even more hopeless than before, the ring in his tail began to resonate. An annoying semblance of screeching was heard as the mouse was dropped to the floor. The man began to scatter as the girls all got up and began to panic. Now the noise was even worse than before as each of them had lost sight of the rodent and had joined Jessica in her moment of panic.

This was his chance. Husani knew he needed to run away and fast. He began to scatter but the stomping of little girls paws all around him was difficult to avoid. Each time he thought he managed to escape one, another stepped down on top of him. However within sight was his humble hole in the wall. He made a break for it but just as he thought he had made a clean getaway, Mary picked him up again and held him up high.

"Now, now little mousey. We haven't had fun with you yet. We're going to make you into our little plaything." Mary's confidence was contagious and it didn't take long before the other girls settled down.

"Stop being such little pussies and let's have fun with him" The dog commanded the other girls to fall in line.

Husani was carried over to the other side of the room where there was a dollhouse and toy chest. He watched with dismay as the girl dangled him with little regard for his safety. Eventually, he was brought down and set on the roof of the colorful plastic roof. It was rather slippery and the man found it difficult to keep his footing. So much that he continued to jumble his position and soon enough he fell flat on his back.

"Hahaha! Such a goof. Maybe we should dress you up like a clown. What do you think, birthday girl?" Mary chuckled before asking Jessica.

"Uh...I long as the mouse isn't hurt." Jessica was a little more concerned about the rodent's well being than her friend.

Husani was a bit surprised to hear this and thought he might be Scot-free of his predicament but as soon as he began to think that he was pinned to the floor beneath the pads and claws of the dog girl looming over him. The puppy didn't have to use much strength in order to overpower him but allowed him very little movement. In fact, the man was finding it hard to breathe and was squeaking constantly in hopes Jessica would catch wind of his struggle.

While she did not, it wasn't long before Mary found a suitable garment for her new captive victim. Husani was lifted up and relieved that he could finally catch his breath. Soon she began forcing the clothing onto him. To the rodent, it didn't resemble anything he was familiar with. But to the girls, they associated it with the hunk in the Barbie universe, Ken. The stuff wasn't exactly humiliating enough for Mary and as soon as she put it on him, she took it right back off.

Husani had no idea what was going on and frankly the mouse was confused. He'd never put on and taken off clothing in such quick succession in his entire life. He would run away but for whatever reason, he couldn't even a little bit despite not exactly being held back. Little did he know the little ring on his tail was disabling his movement. Before long the dog replaced the old formal doll clothes with much more playful ones.

Husani's body was shifted around as the girl forced some other clothing around his form. This time a colorful outfit that resembled a costume that could be worn by an entertainer at a children's party. While not exactly a clown costume, the mouse couldn't help but feel that this was as close as his captor could find.

"Now dance for us, little mouse. Dance!" Mary commanded him with the utmost authority she could muster in her young voice.

While the man had no intention of following orders, his body did just that. The strange thing about it is that Husani had never even danced before.

The girls began laughing at him almost the moment his body bean swaying back and forth. They had never seen anyone dance before and to a professional eye, it wouldn't have come across as professional or even good. The ring did as it was told and was responding very well to the commands of the young oppressor. The man's body continued to sway too and fro as if he had performed the deed countless times before.

Even Jessica was being won over and her fearful anxiety was slowly being overcome with joy. She couldn't help but smile as Husani pranced around in front of them.

"Now, juggle!" Mary was much more intent on humiliating him than making a star out of the rodent.

Husani looked around expecting there to be tools for him to use but there was no such availability to be found. He wasn't entirely sure why he was still complying and yet he was doing just that. Eventually, the girl threw him some little toothpicks which pierced the ground around him.

The mouse had to make quite the effort in order not be impaled himself. Some of them were as large as he was and Husani didn't think it was realistic to even attempt the feat. However, his ring had just that in mind. Grabbing a single piece with having a second one in his hand before he began to rotate them back and forth. The crowd began to revel in delight but before long Husani's lack of skill showed and he began to falter.

Eventually, he dropped his payload and his audience gasped as if they were surprised.

"Bad, mousey! Look who's gone and made a mess. You should be punished. What do you think girls?" Mary had been set on seeing the man fail and was surprised he'd managed this long.

"Yes! My mom will yell at me and that mess isn't cleaned up." Jessica was even in on the charade despite over-exaggerating her punishment a little bit.

"Well...what should we do with it? Why not pick his sentence, birthday girl?" Mary wanted the feline to take over as it was her party after all.

"Hmm...Let's see if it's a boy or a girl." The kitten had no idea how to verify that outside the obvious sexual differences between the genders.

"And how do you propose we do that...?" Even Mary wasn't experienced in the peculiarities of the opposite sex, let along a mouse.

Husani began to feel incredibly nervous but he still had absolutely no control of his body. He watched as the kitten guided one of its paws over to the area where he was. Gradually she lowered her hand so it was directly on top of him.

Jessica pinned the mouse so he was flat. Beginning to take off his silly costume piece by piece, which didn't take long as Husani wasn't fully clothed to start with. Before long the mouse was completely naked again and the man began to overly self-conscious. The kitten hadn't even been through sex-education yet and still, she knew exactly what she was doing. She began rubbing over every centimeter of the rodent's body.

It didn't take long before he started to squirm. He'd never been touched before, let alone in a sexual way, by someone that young. Husani was feeling incredibly nervous but his body seemed to be liking it. His hind legs were thumping as if he were a rabbit. With each second that past his face more and more flustered as embarrassment overcame him.

Jessica looked on with interest as the man's face turned blood red. Gradually his cock began to slide out of its sheath. It was then it became apparent to them that he was male.

"Look he's a boy and he likes it!" The feline showed off her new prize.

Husani was trying as hard as he could to not enjoy it but his body was betraying him. Bit by bit his member continued to enlarge.

The kitten continued rubbing and more aggressively than before. By now Husani was sweating bullets and he wasn't sure what to do with himself. Already leaking with precum, the mouse would have given anything to break free from his situation. But Jessica wasn't about to give up as the man's body was beginning to tense up, his member pulsating from all the attention. The mouse knew he was close and was feeling increasingly guilty about enjoying himself. But it didn't matter since clearly, this is what the ring wanted.

Another few moments passed and the mouse could hold against his inhibitions no longer. His cock responded to his bodies whims and leaked out cum as he sighed in relief. Husani's sense of disgust remained but his body clearly had enjoyed the indulgence.

"Look at the mess he's made girls!" Jessica picked him up as if he were a rag doll and showed him off to her friends...

Husani's body hung helplessly again but truthfully his body was exhausted and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

"He's so little! What should we do with him next?" One of the other party goers was keen on seeing him suffer more.

"Hmm...well how about everyone gets a turn to do with him whatever they want?" Mary suggested since she obviously wanted to be the first one to have a go at him.

"That sounds like a good idea." Jessica handed the man over to the girl on his left.

Of all the girls Zoe was the most socially awkward. The sloth didn't even want to be there and she hadn't said a single word ever since she had arrived.

Zoe was the first one to have a go at him and even as she was handed the mouse, she wasn't entirely sure what to do with him.

"Can I go last?" The sloth said in a slow, calm, and whispering voice.

The girl next to Zoe was much more outgoing than she was. By far the most active in the bunch and often seen hanging with the guys. To many of her female compatriots, she was a tomboy but Alice didn't care.

Alice didn't wait to take the rodent from her friend and Zoe didn't mind at all. Alice peered down at the still limp rodent who was still recovering from a stupefied state. She was much leaner than her friends and a star on the soccer team at the elementary school. But what she really enjoyed was running.

"I got an idea...I'm gonna stuff him in my shoes and take him for a run. You guys enjoy yourself and I'll be back soon."

The rabbit sat down on the floor and began to take off her shoes. She usually kept them on in shared spaces as she was self-conscious about her larger paws.

"While we're waiting for her to return we'll play truth or dare." Jessica suggested as she still felt rather randy after indulging the small mouse.

The girls began to chatter about no longer paying attention to Alice. Husani had come to his senses by this point and began struggling in her grasp. But her hold was much too tight for him and every single time he tried to make a run for it, an electric pulse coursed through his body making any further movement painful and difficult. The cub paid no attention to his struggling as she managed to free her large free from her footwear.

Husani watched as he was lowered into the girl's shoe. Once inside he couldn't see very far as the light penetrate that far into it beyond the mouth of the shoe. The mouse wanted desperately out even if the scent wasn't horrible. He tried grabbing backward onto his tail in an effort to remove the wicked ring from his appendage. The thing kept out of reach and before long he found himself shoved in the toe of the shoe along with the girls socked paw.

Now that he was pushed even against the end of the shoe, the smell of the inside of footwear became much stronger. Had Husani been able to pinch his nose, he would have. As with before he couldn't move any part of his body and this time it was because the girl's foot barely fit inside the shoe. Alice picked herself up and began to walk out of the room. Jessica's parents eyed her as she exited the home, wondering why she was leaving the party. Neither decided to pursue the issue.

Alice began running once outside. It was semi-late out so the temperature was rather nice for a quick stroll, she thought to herself. With each step she took, the end of her foot pressed into the mouse. Husani was having trouble breathing between being crushed and the toxic smell invading his nose. Every time her heel hit the floor, Husani's body shifted just a little bit until his body was lodged in a banana-like shape underneath her big toe.

She continued her run around the block for two rounds before making a dash on her final trek around the block. Husani was completely battered and bruised by the point that Alice finally stopped running. Figuring that she was done once the movement ended. The girl was out of breath and ready to return to the sleepover. She was a sweaty mess and would need a shower before she turned in for the night.

Once back inside she wasted no time in getting her shoes off. In fact, she even forgot about the mouse she had stored inside and left him near the front of the home along with her shoes. Alice didn't even care anymore, all she wanted to do was take a shower. Husani was left all alone in the shoes, strangely he had gained control back of his body and he began to wander around inside the footwear.

Husani suddenly felt free of his situation. A world of worry and concern washed away from inside of him. He figured that the girls had probably forgotten about him. But he knew he wouldn't have long before they realized he was missing. The man began to climb out of the shoe, glad to be free of the stinky smell from the confines of the footwear. He looked around the living room, expecting the girls to burst in at any moment.

The Jerboa didn't think about it anymore he bolted across the living room. He had two options, he could go back to his home or wreak chaos on his former captors. The thief wanted revenge no matter the cost. He wasn't about to be made a fool of and not get some sort of rise out of them. But the question remained, how would he do that without being captured? Or even worse without the ring playing some trick on him.

It was a risk worth taking, he figured to himself. Besides if he was the grand thief he made himself out to be, he needed to prove himself in even the direst of situations. Husani decided a grand illusion was required to pull off the ultimate heist. He was going to steal the girl's pride. Husani needed to make a plan and decided to return to his hostel in order to concoct the perfect idea. Returning to Jessica's room, he could see the girls were still occupied playing their little game.

Husani didn't find much difficulty in returning to his home. As like any mouse he made very little noise when he wanted to, except when his ring decided to act up. Inside his home, he returned to his desk and pondered into his little satchel for a scratch pad. He began drawing up a map of the room where he had just escaped from complete with rather obscure representations of each girl. He began to wonder if he could use Zoe's uncertainty to his advantage.

His idea was basically to try and pretend to be a ghost. It was his best shot at getting even with the girls since he was too small to make a scene either way. The biggest question that remained was how he would get a sheet or if needed a sheet at all. Maybe he could just break stuff and move as quickly as possible without making a noise. He figured it was the same basic idea with or without the physical representation of the ephemeral.

It was a plan that the rodent was rather satisfied with. He just needed to come back into the room without a noise. He knew he could do that much as he had stolen countless things in the past without anyone ever realizing it until after the fact. The biggest problem that remained was his ring. Looking back at it, it always seemed simple enough. Even as glaringly sneered shining back at him, Husani couldn't help but feel like it was a lose-lose situation.

It didn't matter though, he needed to recover his pride. He decided to try it despite his senses telling him to avoid agitating the great ring. Husani peered outside and the girls were still busy about messing around with their latest game. The mouse didn't pay attention and instead worried about not being seen or making a sound. Of course, the hardest part was avoiding each of their tails as he made his way to the same location as earlier.

He was able to clear each hurdle, every time a tail swished by him. Even the more bulky tails were no challenge for the mouse. Husani was feeling better about himself as he managed to complete the first task of his challenge. Now he needed to avoid being spotted as he climbed up the stairs in the dollhouse before trying to mount up to its roof. When he had reached the top, he looked back to make sure none of the party goers was looking at him.

Luckily for him, none of the girls had noticed yet. He continued climbing using a curtain and the wall as his repelling surface. It was like rock climbing, except at a very micro level. Husani deftly was able to bring himself up the full length of the cloth before jumping onto one of the bureau's which were set to the side of the window. The man could feel the breeze coming in from outside as the window had yet to be shut for the day.

Now that he was at the top he could begin his plan. There was a number of items on the top of the dresser. The lamp looked much too large for him to move, so Husani began pushing on a doll which stood in the light of the lamp which had already been turned on. It took an extraordinary amount of effort from the mouse, but after a few minutes of pushing the doll fell to the floor.

"What was that?" Jessica was the first one who noticed the doll had fallen.

Each of the girls looked around suspecting nothing.

"Maybe it was the wind?" Mary answered being the most logically minded in the group.

"Maybe. I will close the window, just in case. It's getting chilly in here anyway." The feline got up to close the window.

Husani hid behind one of the books near the top wedged between the lamp and a book holder. Jessica returned to her spot once she had shut the door. The girls resumed their game of light as a feather and thick as a board. The mouse waited a few more moments before trying to act again. This time he decided on a plush toy. Pulling out a small knife from his satchel before beginning to tear off its head. He wanted to send a very clear message to the girls below him.

It took some effort before he decapitated the small bear. Pushing it down in the same way he did before. Then following with the head to make sure that the party saw both pieces separately.

"What the!? How do you explain that?" Jessica began to panic almost immediately.

"Your room is haunted!" Zoe fled in fear and immediately exited the room without delay.

"Oh, relax. I'm sure there is an explanation behind this..." Mary couldn't come up with a logical explanation behind the ordeal.

"No...there must be a ghost! What should we do?" The feline was pitched with fear and just be rid of the phantom.

"Fine...whatever. Pull out the Ouija board and I'll prove that you're wrong." The dog knew that her friend had always been superstitious.

"Good idea...Maybe it will show itself!" The kitten went over to her toy box and began looking for it.

Meanwhile, Husani considered this an opportunity to further screw with them. He used the same curtain as before to ride down back to the base area of the room. By the time he had managed to descend to the bottom, Jessica was already instructing the other girls to get into a circle.

Husani had to wait for the lights to be turned off and for them to close their eyes. One of the other girls who the mouse had made no prior contact was over at the side of the room to switch the light switch. Once she came back to her friends, Husani figured it was as good as a moment as any to make a dash for the center of the room. Jessica was chanting some gibberish non-sense as the each of the girls had their hand on the board.

Once the mouse was within an arms distance of cubs, he could see there wasn't much space between them. But fortunately, between the dog and the cat, there was a small distance between their bodies. Husani was easily able to squeeze in between them, careful not to brush himself up against either girl. After all, he didn't want to alarm them or to distract their attention. Once he was in front of the cubs, he could see every girl that was left much more clearly.

Each of them was much larger than he was and Zoe was still missing from the entourage. Husani could now see a board in the middle. It was a flat surface and was placed directly on the floor with nothing to raise it up. As he neared it, he could see nothing special about the board. Its appearance was the standard tan and black coloration with black letters and various short answers scattered about the board. There was also a little plastic planchette near the center, which currently was making no movement.

Unlike the board, the little plastic pointer had legs. Husani figured he was strong enough to manipulate the thing. But he knew he needed to avoid the little clear looking area near the center of the object in order to not be found. The mouse darted for the center of the board while being careful to make sure that he did not come across any of their arms or paws. Once underneath the planchette, Husani began to move it with a great deal of effort.

"It's moving...Who's moving it" Mary was the first one to notice and protested without delay.

"Shh...Don't scare it away." Jessica tried to shush her friend.

Husani continued to fiddle around with the plastic piece spelling out the word ghost before one of the girls brought it to a stop.

"See?... Jessica is right." One of the other girls mentioned.

"Shh!" Jessica reminded everyone to be quiet a second time.

Husani figured this was a good time to make his getaway. Walking from underneath the pointer and trying to make an exit the same way he had come in. But the moment that he thought he was free one of the girls unknowingly grabbed him.

Husani's plan had fallen to ruin. Immediately he tried to struggle but the second he did, the ring shocked him back into submission. It was probably for the best especially since the girl didn't even realize that she had captured him. Husani was carried over closer to the girl's body. He wasn't exactly sure what was going on since the girl was still mostly focused on the game in front of her.

" all scared it away." The feline seemed disappointed.

"Oh come on this is ridiculous. Let's stop this nonsense." Mary was still not convinced it was real.

Meanwhile, Husani's captor continued to edge him along towards her pocket. This girl seemed to be some sort of hybrid but seemed similar to a timber wolf. To the mouse, she seemed the largest, though it was hard to tell from the position where he was pinned down beneath her thumb. Eventually, she stuffed her paw into the pants pocket of her clothing, When she tried to grab her cell phone she let go of the mouse that she was never aware she had caught in the first place.

The mouse was let loose inside the clothing pocket. He couldn't help but chuckle at the simple irony of the moment. Trying to move only caused him to sink further and further into the crevice of the

the pit of fabric. Another few moments late, he had reached the bottom. Inconveniently his feet had fallen into a hole which had been created over the years by the wolfs love of skateboarding. Now he was wedged into the hole and squirmed continuing to try and get out.

Wiggling only made the situation worse. With each gyration, the mouse submitted to the quicksand-like trap of the pocket. Another moment passed before finally the mouse was completely engulfed by it, finding himself in a new area with a lot less light entering into it. In fact, the only light that came in was from the same hole where he had fallen from. There was a light smell but it was nothing that off-putting.

Husani now had gained control back of his body and began walking around as much as he could despite the rather cramped nature of the fabric. Tory was beginning to feel strange downstairs. Her nether regions were beginning to tinkle and react to the movement of the tiny mouse within. The rodent continued to crawl around inside before he found the crevice near her rear end. He assumed it had to be her but crack.

Husani now had gained control back of his body and began walking around as much as he could despite the rather cramped nature of the fabric. Tory was beginning to feel strange downstairs. Her nether regions were beginning to tinkle and react to the movement of the tiny mouse within. The rodent continued to crawl around inside before he found the crevice near her rear end. He assumed it had to be her but crack.

By this point, Tory was feeling incredibly needy. She no longer cared about the Ouija board, since it still wasn't moving and decided to remove her hand from the lot that was not controlling the planchette. She began to lower her dominant hand into her pocket and began to fiddle around with her genitals. Husani could feel the invasion as space became even tighter. Eventually, Tori's finger found its way between the rodent and her perineal lining.

Tory began to finger herself as she had done a few times in the past. Of the group, she was the oldest and also the most sexually educated. Rumors had gone around that she had already been with one of the boys at school. No one except the wolf knew if that to be the case as she never spoke about her romantic interests and didn't care much to usurp the rumors with the truth. Already Tory was spreading her legs, as she was quite sensitive from lack of activity over the last few weeks.

The girl continued to dig at herself, her face already agape from the initial onslaught of pleasure from abstaining from masturbation for a while. She was the only one with her eyes open, so Tory knew she would not be caught in the act. The cub inserted her finger even further and continued to move it in and out along the labia and her vagina. Husani was so close to the opening that he could make it out even despite the lack of lighting going to the area.

It wasn't much longer before the girl squirted. Husani felt the liquid cover his body as Tory began to withdraw her finger from her nether regions. The mouse felt incredibly dirty and flustered. He wanted nothing more than a shower right now and yet he still couldn't move because the girl hadn't actually gotten up. The rodent tried to clean itself but there was far too much liquid for him to lick off on his own.

The stuff tasted rather bitter and it certainly didn't entice him to continue lapping out of it. By this point, the girls had gone restless. It had been several minutes since the pointer had moved and nothing strange had happened since Husani was captured. Jessica was finally placated and had settled that maybe it was her imagination. However, the party continued to converse about the subject even after the Ouija board was put away.

Now they needed something else to do. Even if it was getting late, Jessica knew that the night couldn't end on the rather bland Ouija board events.

"Alright girls, time for cake." Jessica's mother called the party downstairs.

Each of the girls wasted no time getting up to make their way to the kitchen. As the wolf got up, Husani's body shifted and was finally free of its stationary position. His body rolled back and forth as the girl made long continuous strides towards the living room and finally the kitchen.

After arriving, Husani managed to free himself from the girl's underwear. Though once he did so, his body tumbled to the floor. The initial shock of the fall ended up in him hobbling around a bit, much slower than before. He wasn't terribly injured but the wind was knocked out of him and it took him a moment to recover. Luckily for him no one noticed that he had fallen from the confines of the pants.

The family began singing the happy birthday song and by the end of it, Husani was able to move again. Husani's matted and stick fur reminded him of the price he had to pay for his shenanigans. However, he was satisfied that he had pulled off the whole ghost trick and technically he was never caught doing it either. Looking up at the girls, he could see that Jessica was blowing out the candles.

He wondered if he might be able to steal a present as a last hurrah before he retired for the night. Looking around the room he saw that they were on a table set towards the back of the room. Despite his poor luck throughout the day, Husani settled on one last attempt at coming out on top. Husani darted towards the table which had a cloth laid over-top of it. It was a large picnic style cloth with red and white squares designed over its full length.

As with before Husani began to climb up the clothing using his sharp claws as a pivot to push his progress ever upward. He knew he didn't have much time as the party was likely busy eating the cake already, Husani needed to move fast. He cleared the make-shift ladder in half the time of the one from earlier. Looking back to make sure he wasn't spotted. Neither the cubs nor the adults seemed to be looking his way, it seemed he was stealthy as obvious.

Now that he was on top of the table, he wasn't sure which present would have been the best one to steal. Husani knew he wasn't that strong so he needed to find a smaller box. The rodent just chose a random box which was only slightly bigger than he was. He thought about kicking it down, but since his plan was supposed to remain clandestine, he chose not to create a clamor. Instead, he settled on trying to go back down the fabric with one hand, while holding the present in the other.

Husani had never tried scaling anything with one hand. An idea dawned on him as he neared the edge of the table. What if he used his claw to rip through the plastic tablecloth. He figured it would be enough to at least slow his descent down a little while allowing him a more expeditious travel than simply repelling off the wall like he was a cliff-side adventurer. He gripped his strong paw into the fabric and slowly began to lower himself off the side, making sure he had enough strength to uphold his weight.

Husani bounced on and off the wall as made his way downward. Surprisingly he was able to manage with the small box in his paw. It was almost as big as he was but its size was simple enough to handle for him. The mouse was able to make it to the floor without a big fuss. By the time he finished his descent, Husani looked over his shoulder to make sure that no one had caught wind of his heist. The family and friends were still occupied with presents.

The mouse bounded for his home with the little box. Curiosity was overcoming him as he got closer and closer to his hole in the wall. He still needed to clear Jessica's room but since that was now empty, it was an easy feat. Once he returned back home, Husani couldn't help but feel proud of himself. For the first time all day he had managed to accomplish what he set out to do. Now that he was safely inside his hole, he could indulge in his curiosity.

Taking the wrapped box to a desk where he set it up on to look over the details of the package. The wrapping paper was hot pink with a perfectly tied bow over the top of it. Husani thought the box to be rather a small gift, especially one for the bigger anthros. Still, the box was bigger than he was, but so was everything else in the felines side of the house. As he began to peel and rip off the paper, he could make out a velvet-like fabric that seemed to be a case of some sort.

Once he could see the entire outside of the box, there was a small crack separating the top and bottom with a small hinge on the back to serve as a mechanism to allow it to open. Husani rotated around it so he could go to end opposite of where the opening was. After it was open, Husani peered inside, seeing a sparkling piece of jewelry. Looking at it more closely, it appeared it was some sort of locket that was shaped like a heart.

Husani had to lift himself into the jewelry box in order to get a better look. Once he was able to open the locket, he saw a picture of both Jessica and her mother. The second he saw it, a sense of guilt came over the mouse. He knew he just had to get it back to the cub and her mother. The rodent tried to pick up the necklace, but it was rather cumbersome due to its length. Regardless he was able to manage, though he had to drag some of it behind him.

Husani began to head back towards the living room. This time making much slower progress since the necklace only hindered him. The rodent took about twice as long to return to where he came from. By the time he returned, the family and Jessica's friends were busy looking for the locket. The mouse felt a bit guilty as he ran about trying to get their attention, For the first time all day, Husani wanted them to find him.

It took a great deal amount of effort before the mouse was finally discovered by the mother.

"Mouse!" Jessica's mother ran terrified as the father came to look and stomp.

"Wait! Look." Jessica tried to stop her father from killing him.

"It has the locket." Mark recognized the heart shape from shopping with his wife.

"That's it?" The kitten leaned over to grab it from Husani.

The mouse knew none of them could hear him but had a look of disappointment on his face. He was visibly sorry for taking the item.

"Looks like he found the jewelry. I guess we owe it a favor." Mark made a passing remark not meaning it seriously.

"Maybe he can be my pet?" Jessica didn't mind the idea but also didn't understand that the mouse lived on its own.

"Nah, I don't think he would like that. Just show him your appreciation." The father smiled warmly, figuring Husani wouldn't want to be cooped up in a cage.

Jessica bent over and picked the rodent up before bringing him to her face. Husani was a little bit nervous but decided it was for the best.

The feline nuzzled him and licked him once over before setting him back down on the floor.

"Thank you. Mr. Mouse." Jessica thanked the rodent for his good deed.

"Let's give him some cheese as a reward." Mark suggested that as he assumed that all mice liked cheddar.

"Great idea!" The kitten went to the kitchen to fetch Husani's reward.

"Wait...what if we play a game with him instead?" Mary stopped Jessica in her tracks.

"Oh, yeah he liked the last game we played before didn't he?" Jessica retorted with a light chuckle.

"Sure...just make sure you don't hurt it, okay girls?" Mark wasn't entirely sure what they were getting at.

Mary picked up the mouse and made leaps and bounds with the mouse in her palm, fumbling around as if he were in a bounce house. Eventually, they returned to the inside of Jessica's room. Husani was extremely nervous, he thought he would be able to bury the hatchet with the girls but it seemed like they had something else in mind entirely. Near the center of the room, each of the seven girls sat in a circle as if they were going to repeat a ritual from earlier.

"We know you stole this from Jessica and now you shall be punished accordingly." Mary seemed to have known all along.

"Bad boys don't get presents until they have served their punishment." Jessica and Mary scooted to the circle of girls.

Both cubs were eyeing one another with a death-like stare.

"In the middle, you go." Mary tossed the rodent onto the carpet between both of the friends.

Mary nodded to Jessica as the two followed in removing their clothing, piece by piece. Within a few moments, both of them were down to just their panties. Husani could see the crevice of the kitten's underwear, which he assumed was her perineal lining. Both girls soon began to creep near each other, making the space between them less and less.

Husani began to feel nervous, looking for a way out. The girl's legs were closing in on him as the area between them continued to shrink. Eventually, their bodies crossed and the girl's chests met in a joint hug towards the center of the room. Each of the girls around them joined clasping their paws together. A small drop of saliva slipped out of the cub's maws which almost dropped on Husani, but fortunately, he was able to dodge it.

Soon they were done kissing and Mary dragged Jessica onto the floor and the two of them shifted so that they laid on the side of their backs. Afterward, they crossed each other's legs so that they were in intertwined with each other Now that the two cubs were on the floor, the two of them scooted close enough that there was no space between them. Both of their curious hands began exploring each other.

However, one of Mary's free paws picked up the mouse and wedged him in between each of the girl's legs. Husani only had a little bit of space to move and not much light to see what he was doing. As with his underwear prison from earlier, the scent made it clear as to where he was. Eventually, the girls began grinding together and feeling each other up and down the length of each other's bodies. Jessica had experimented before and served as a guide for both of them.

Mary continued to follow her lead as the sensation in her nether regions began to tingle while they were grinding together. The dog had no idea what they were doing but wasn't about to stop since it felt so good. Gradually, Jessica moved so that she was in control of both of them, humping methodically so that their vulva's touched. She even inserted one of her more dominant fingers in between them to further stimulate Mary.

Since Mary was the only one who hadn't squirted that day, she was much more sensitive. Jessica continued to work her body into her friend. Making sure to rub her Labia and even further down into the urethra and vestibule. It didn't take long before her friend was moaning and groaning in pleasure. Clearly, she was already near her limit and Jessica knew it. It was becoming increasingly difficult for Mary to move, so she let the kitten continue to overwhelm her senses.

Another few moments passed before she squirted. Husani was unable to see much except that he knew that the entirety of his body was now a sticky mess. It smelt similar to the same stuff as before and after thinking about it, he understood what had just happened. It took a few more moments before they broke away, Husani finally released from his prison and able to see light again. All he wanted now was a shower and to sleep.

Husani was retrieved by Jessica who simply smirked at him and set him down. He looked up at Jessica who showed no signs of gratitude or remorse. Mary had a look of stupefaction on her as her body recovered from the action.

"Just one more thing and we're even. Here..." Jessica handed the mouse his prized cheese which she had been given earlier by her father.

Husani was satisfied the ordeal was over and he felt satisfied that the locket had been returned to its rightful owners. His reward was a huge chunk of cheddar and frankly, it was one of the man's favorites. It was far larger than anything he'd seen before and Jessica had to move it by his door. He no longer felt humiliated and felt proud of his actions. For once it seemed like he had done the right thing. He decided to let bygones be bygones and no longer considered them as enemies anymore.

Occasionally the rodent found fresh cheese by his door. Though he couldn't help but think that maybe he wouldn't steal from them again in the future. He now had an infinite supply of cheese and no reason to fear his mortal enemies. Wether he would ever resort to thievery again, only time for tell. The punishment he had endured remained a stark reminder of his ignorance. But for now, it seemed like everything had worked out for the best.


Puberty by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All characters are original and are only to be used within the context of this story. Any resemblance to a person, living or dead, is purely a...

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Oracle Part 2

The Oracle by Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All characters are original and are only to be used within the context of this story. Any resemblance to a person, living or dead, is purely a...

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Sentience by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect is...

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