Cub Campout

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#56 of Commissions

A trade I did with Comjuke about a boy who has his first experience at sleep-away camp.

Cub Campout by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All are original and used only within the context of this story. Any similarity to characters both real or fake are purely coincidental. This work contains underaged/cub content. If this is not your cup of tea, then do not read. You have been warned.

The auspice of freedom is a tantalizing prospect for many. For those under the ever-vigilant gaze of the tyrant, freedom can often be seen as a faraway fantasy. But what of those who need watching? Not necessarily the wards of society but the youth of our generation. There is little doubt that some level guidance is needed for proper maturation. But the finite specifics of parenting are always in the eyes of the beholder.

But of course, there is always time to let go of the leash of control and to allow the youth to explore. At what time and how much is always an interesting game to play and there is often no better time in a child's life than during camp. While not completely away from the wayward eyes of adults, kids can often spread their wings and experience the joys of freedom without ever having to worry about becoming lost in its embrace.

It was the weekend of the big scout camp out. The Boy Scouts of America had been planning this big pow-wow for a while now. All of the different troops across the country were making similar treks to wooded areas all over the US. One particular scout pack in the state of Utah had selected the state park of Antelope Island. It was a perfect mixture of pasture, water, mountains, and it was located in the middle of the Great Salt Lake.

This particular troop was a wide variety of ages since not many boys had opted to join it. In addition it even crossed the racial divide and extended membership to furries as well as humans. One particular member was a rabbit who went by the name of Ryan. Ryan was a 10-year-old rabbit cub who had just been accepted into the boy scouts the previous year. But it wasn't til this year that his parents finally let him participate in one of the legendary campouts he had heard so much about.

Ryan had been over-prepared by an overzealous mother who was quite certain he would get lost, become home-sick, or some other terrible outcome. The cub wasn't quite as pessimistic as his mother, instead of being far more outgoing about the ordeal. Frankly, he was excited that he would finally be permitted to go out on his own. For the weekend he was to be assigned an older scout who would show him the ropes an older bear who went by the name of Austin.

Austin was one of the more elite members of the squad. Even at only 14, he had already been with the troop for 6 years. He had a number of merit badges and was seen by the scout master as one of his most reliable members. Even the boy's parents were involved, always willing to put in volunteer hours and even willing to donate and run fundraisers when the scouts needed money. It was typical to team him up with the more insecure kids as to avoid any sort of breakdown.

It was the first day after arriving and Austin was dropped off fairly early to the rendezvous spot. His parents hugged him and make sure he was seen off by one of the counselor's who took him to the boat which would transport him to the island. Many of the other kids had not yet arrived so there was to be a short wait before the ferry would take off to the other side. After all, they had only paid for so many tickets and they didn't want to be wasteful.

It was another few hours before enough kids arrived so that they could go to the other side. The ferry was fairly full when this occurred. The captain made the passage in a little under two minutes and overall the voyage was fairly normal. Once they were off and onto Antelope Island, the adults led all the boys into a clearing which was away from the landing of the boat. It was fairly sunny out, although since it was fall it wasn't too warm.

The administrators went over rules and procedures and explained some of the events planned for the weekend. Ryan listened with interest as he didn't want to screw the big opportunity up. He wanted to impress not only his parents but also the scout masters that were present for the campout. But most of all he wanted to make some friends. Once the announcements were done the rabbit made his way to the campgrounds.

The campgrounds weren't a long trip from the water. By the time the boy arrived, he could see that a variety of size of tents had already been set up. The older kids had already been working fervently throughout the morning. They had been instructed to establish a base camp and greet the younger kids as they arrived. The scout masters made their way to the new arrivals with the older kids. One by one they began assigning buddies.

Eventually, they got to Ryan and Austin was shown to his new friend. Austin was substantially larger both in height in mass. He was much more physically active and social while the rabbit was much geekier and awkward. It couldn't have been more of an opposite match.

"Hiya, I'm Austin. Nice to meet you." The bear stuck out his paw in a gesture of kindness.

"Uh...Hi. I'm Ryan." The rabbit hesitated a moment before he did the same.

The two shared an awkward handshake for a moment before it was broken. The teen smiled at the cub before guiding him to the spot that would be there campsite for the next few days.

The campsite was rather simple in a clearing that was mostly dirt with very little grass around. The little tent was already erected, it was dark green, fairly small, and triangular in shape. The only thing keeping it up was the stakes in the grounds and ropes maintaining it's form.

"Here's where we are going to stay. It's not very luxurious but it will serve it's purpose." Austin said feeling rather proud of his work.

"It's good enough. I'm not about to complain. Do we have any tasks for tonight?" Ryan was very keen on getting underway.

"Hmm? Oh, not particularly. We aren't supposed to begin any activities til tomorrow. But we can go fishing or swimming tonight if you want."

"Swimming sounds fun. I brought my swim trunks. I'll go change now. Don't look." The rabbit was just as modest as most boys were at his age.

"Okay?" The thought of peeking hadn't even registered into the teen's mind.

Ryan disappeared into the tent with his bag of things in order to change. The cub had always been a quicker changer. This was, even more, the case since he was excited to get to the swimming hole.

The younger cup reappeared after a few moments in nothing but a pair of swimming trunks. His whole upper portion was bare and he had decided to go barefoot for the travel. Austin looked at the younger boy and by the looks of it, his trunks were much too big for him. They barely hung on his waist and didn't have a drawstring in order to make them tighter. The teen couldn't help but think they would fall but before he could state his concern, Ryan was roaring to go.

"Come on, let's go swimming!" The rabbit was literally bouncing as he was clearly ready to go.

"I need to..." Before he could finish his sentence he was dragged back to where the water was.

Ryan remembered where they had arrived. He didn't know if there was an official place to go and swim but he figured it was easy enough and he was rather warm from being outside all day. Austin allowed the other boy to control him despite being the stronger of the two. Surprisingly they were back at the Great Salt Lake in half the time it had taken them to arrive at the base camp. Luckily there was no site of the ferry when they arrived, though it didn't seem that had come back to the same location.

"This looks good enough I suppose...go enjoy yourself." The teen figured he wouldn't be invited since he didn't have a chance to change.

"You can come too! I don't want to swim alone." The rabbit begged and pleaded with his buddy.

The bear rolled his eyes and looked at the cub whose eyes had a sad look upon them. Looking him over it seemed the cub has lost his trunks, which were now bundled up around his feet. Worse yet was that he hadn't even noticed it yet.

"Uh...Ryan...your pants fell down." The bear's glance couldn't help but gaze over the boy's sheath.

"Oh...oops." Ryan didn't even bother to pull them up seeming more worried about playtime than anything else.

"Come on...let's go play!" The boy finally pulled up his trunks and went bounding into the water.

"Fine...I guess it doesn't matter if I just go in my underwear." The teen decided he would just give in, shedding all of his clothing except for his boxers.

The two enjoyed the cool water for some time splashing and horsing around for a good hour or so. It reminded Austin of simpler times and frankly, he didn't mind not having a care in the world.

Once they got out of the water, the bear was the first one out. He felt refreshed even if he was a bit hungry since it was almost time for dinner. Ryan wasn't far behind and when the teen decided to check on him to make sure he was ok, he saw the cub getting out of the water. Of course, the rabbit was soaking wet. But yet again, the boys pants had failed to serve there purpose, he was naked again.

The bear looked around for the trunks and there was no sign of them this time. Eventually, his gaze came across the cub who was standing in front of him, shaking a bit. Looking over him to see if he was alright, his eyes eventually met with the boy's sheath which by this point was shriveled because of the chilly water they had just come out of. He couldn't help but stare for a moment and luckily for him, Ryan never caught him. It took him a moment to snap out of it.

"Come on, let's get you into something warm. You can borrow my clothes for now since we have no towels. I will dry them out later. They are better than nothing." The older boy led the younger one to wear his clothing was stashed.

Ryan only put on his friend's shirt and that was enough to cover his upper half. Austin decided the trunks could wait until later. Right now he wanted lunch since hunger was a more pressing issue and he didn't want his charge to get sick. They made their way back to camp together, making their trip in a similar time as before. Many of the kids had arrived by this point which was easily recognizable by the amount of traffic compared to earlier.

The bear led back to the camp site and allowed his new friend to change before he changed himself. Now they could go to lunch and not have to worry about anything. Austin couldn't help but wonder what sorts of goodies the scout masters had prepared for today but he wondered if it might have been the usual sandwiches. The prospect of the idea started to entice him as he was hungry and it was only spurred on by his appetite.

Ryan reappeared shortly after from their tent and the bear led to the place where lunch would be served. He didn't bother putting any more than pants on as it wasn't like shirtless boys were uncommon around in the campground. When they arrived both boys could see that tables had been set with red and white tablecloths along with serving trays which had assorted items on top of them ranging from various cold cuts along with condiments and toppings. It seemed Austin was right.

There was already a line by the time the two buddies ended up making it to the luncheon. The scout masters were the ones serving the food as unhappy scouts were the last thing they wanted. Austin was the first one to get in line though Ryan wasn't far behind as the two waited their turn to be served. Luckily the service was fast and they didn't have to wait that long. Most of the boys were eating standing up because there wasn't really places to sit yet.

Austin and Ryan found a comfortable place to sit that was free of foliage, twigs, and other debris. While it was no chair, it was better than nothing. Each of the two friends sat Indian style across from each other and began nibbling at their meal. The bear was able to devour his meal in no time and watched the rabbit slowly munch on his own meal.

"Do you want something to drink?" The teen suggested it since neither had bothered to get one in the first place.

"Sure. I'll take a carrot juice or some soda." Ryan was a simple rabbit with simple desires.

The teen came back with some juice for both of them. The scouts never bought soda since the stuff was labeled as a sugar high and no one ever liked the crash afterward.

"Thanks. What do you want to do after lunch?" The cub was interested in what else his new friend had planned.

"Well, today is only the first day so we can do whatever." Austin really had no plan for the day.

"Hmm, well what is there fun to do?" Ryan had no idea what sorts of things had been set up to entertain the boys.

"Well, there's an obstacle course. But that isn't finished yet. There is also a zip line but it isn't safe without supervision." The teen always had a mind for safety.

"What could we do then?" The cub immediately felt bored at the prospect of nothing fun being available.

"We could always just chill and hang out." The bear really had no idea what the cub was into it.

"I guess..." The rabbit had a disappointed sound to his voice.

"Well, what do you want to do then?" Austin had no intention of having an unhappy cub whine the rest of the night.

"Do you think...maybe I could try on your clothes?" Ryan's face had a look of embarassment upon it.

"Uh...what? I mean...I guess but it wouldn't really fit you." The teen wasn't about to say no especially since the boy had suggested it.

"Really!? Thanks! We can pretend to be a big and little brother for a while." The rabbit had always wanted an older brother and this was his chance.

"Sure, I guess we can do that. Come on then." Austin discarded the garbage for both boys before they went back to their tent.

The two went back to their tent. No one seemed to be around since most kids had stuck around to socialize after lunch. Ryan wasted no time and darted inside the tent. Not even asking, he began to look through the bear's stuff.

Austin peered into the tent and sure enough, he found the cub rummaging through his stuff. Even more bothersome was the fact that he was already bare naked and didn't even notice that the teen had entered. The bear stared at the boy's buttocks and tail was flaunted right in front of him. Frankly, the notion of the boy being naked hadn't bothered him before, but the fact he was able to try his clothes on strangely appealed to him.

"Take your time. Don't rush. We can do it in here..." Austin's heart was racing faster than it ever had before.

"Oh...I didn't think you would come in while I was changing." The rabbit turned around and covered himself in an act of modesty.

"It's okay. It's not like I haven't seen you naked before." The teen was finding himself getting aroused now that he saw the boy this close up finding him rather cute.

"Really? It doesn't bother you?" Eventually, the boy shed his hands to his side and stood without fear or judgment.

"Yeah, it's alright. I think you're kinda cute." The bear stuttered as he said those words finding himself getting rather worked up over the boy.

" do?" Ryan murmured and blushed profusely as the words were uttered.

" wanna have fun? I know a good game." The teen bent down onto his knees so he could fit better in the tent and shifted forward slowly.

"What game?" The cub watched warily as the gap closed between them.

"This one..." Austin reached forward once he was within range and quickly groped the cub.

"Oh...but that's a no-no place." Ryan repeated old adage he had heard countless times from his parents.

"It's okay...I have one too." The bear assumed the younger boy was completely naive to the concept of sexual content.

"Oh...okay. As long as it doesn't hurt." The rabbit was already beginning to twinge in pleasure from just a few touches from his friend.

"It won't...don't worry." Austin was absolutely sure of precisely the opposite of the boy's concern.

The bear continued to fondle the younger boy. The cub's bits were smaller than his own so he found them easier to manage. It didn't take long before his little red rocket began to reveal itself from his sheath. Ryan's body shivered as his flesh was revealed to the outside ear. But Austin didn't let it bother him that much and soon covered the cubs entire length with his paw. He slowly began extending and retracting the flesh with his big finger.

"Mmmph...that feels funny." Ryan looked down and watched how his engorged penis was being played with.

"Don't worry....just relax. It's normal." The bear was keen on relieving any sense of discomfort the younger boy might have had.

The teen soon took it to the next level, allowing his palm to caress the cubs member and then proceeded to wrap his entire grip around it. Gradually he began to pump it and with that escalation of euphoria, Ryan's eyes closed. The cub allowed himself to be lost in the feeling. It wasn't long before he felt like he had to urinate. But as the rabbit tried to pull away, the bear pulled him in closer.

"I'm gonna...mmph!" Just as the cub said that his tip exploded with a small stream of cum which jetted out onto the bear's paw.

"Good boy." Austin continued to stroke him as he milked the smaller boy for all he was worth.

"That felt...really good." Ryan confided in the obvious alien sensations he had just experienced.

"I told you so." The teen had experimented on himself enough times to know how the ordeal worked.

"Thanks..." The rabbit leaned in and hugged the bear who was still kneeling down.

Frankly, Austin was still aroused but he was unsure if the cub was ready for anything else. However, it was pretty difficult to ignore his own bodies needs. It was even harder considering the fact that the rabbit was pressing against his body and the cub's foot was brushing up against his own cock which was painfully hard at this point.

"Hey, your thing is poking me in the foot..." It was so obvious that even Ryan realized it.

"Uhuh...I guess I enjoyed it" It wasn't like the teen could deny it.

"Can I make you feel good too?" The cub didn't want to leave his friend hanging.

"Well...I won't say no..." The bear felt a bit guilty about giving in to his own bodies desire.

"Okay but I'm not really sure how..." Ryan had never done anything before.

"Don't worry...I have an idea." The bear stood up and inched the other boy down so that he was face to face with his crotch.

Austin wasted no time in getting rid of his shorts or his underwear for that matter.

"Erm...what do I do?" The rabbit stared at the teen's cock who was much bigger than his own.

"Lick it...taste it...hehe." Austin was feeling like he should push the cub towards him but didn't want to push his limits.

Ryan hesitated a moment before he licked a single time. Austin's body shivered as it was touched.

"Are you okay?" The cub wanted to be absolutely sure his friend wasn't being hurt.

"Y-yes..." The bear stammered and had to use all of his self-control to not push his friend against his cock.

Ryan reached in and began to lick more aggressively now. The cub's tongue was long and slick and the teen found it rather warm. Austin had never been touched down there in this way before but had seen the act done plenty of times before on the internet. But never had the act been actually committed on him before. The bear's knees were buckling from the foreign sense of bliss that was dawning upon him. The rabbit's tongue kept slathering around the teen's penis as a little bit of pre-cum was spit out.

Luckily for him, the cub was not deterred by the new taste. Instead, the boy dived in further, even going as far as to stick a little bit of the bear's shaft into his mouth. The overwhelming sense of warmth was too much for the teen to handle as his sensitive meat throbbed and released into the other boy's mouth. This was completely unexpected on the cubs part and he quickly released his friend's member and had surprised him.

"Ew..." Even know he acted disgusted, the cub's curiosity got the better of him and he inched in to at least try the stuff.

Eventually, the teens breathing returned to normal. The two looked into each other's mind yet shared an awkward moment of silence.

"That was fun...thanks for letting me try that with you..." Austin wanted his friend to know he was appreciative.

"Sure...I enjoyed it too.." Ryan added as he stood back up and hugged the taller teen.

The rest of the day went like normal and they became close friends. By the end of the whole event, the combined team of the bear and rabbit ended up coming out near the top scoring better than average by far. Ryan even got some of his first team merit badges which the bear had gotten long ago. When the excursion finally concluded the two made a sorrowful departure from each other. However, there was always next time. Promising to return and always team up when the opportunity presented itself.

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