Sexy Short 2: Triple Snake Eyes

Story by Falco Fox on SoFurry

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#2 of Sexy Shorts

Thanks to the roll of three dice, the wolf is about to cum like never before.

Tantalizingly close to the point of no return, the wolf's whiskers twitched, and his pelvis undulated against his master's grip as he savored every slick stroke.

Enamored with the prospect of being someone's slave ever since he was an adolescent, he was exhilarated when his boyfriend agreed to add a master-slave dynamic to their relationship - he would be kept in a chastity cage for six days a week, and on Thursdays he would be released and strapped down for some orgasm games.

The outcome of these games would be determined by the sum of three rolled dice ... And the odds were not in the wolf's favor. Excluding a sum of 3, if the dice added up to an odd number, he'd be edged as many times as the sum indicated without being allowed relief at the end. If the sum was an even number, except 18, he'd be brought that many times to the edge and then have his orgasm ruined - his master would let go of his cock just as he crossed the point of no return, and he'd ejaculate copiously, thick, warm spurts of seed erupting from the tip, his member bobbing and throbbing helpless against the air, without any feeling of pleasure.

But the best outcomes were when the dice gave a result of 3 or 18. In both cases, the canine phallus would be edged 18 times before being mercifully allowed the pleasure of a full, satisfying cumshot. Naturally, 3 and 18 were the least likely sums - but they weren't mathematically impossible. And, indeed, after eight torturous Thursdays, he had finally struck gold - the dice produced one pip each, totaling a sum 3.

So close to blowing his wad, so close to ecstasy - this week, he knew there was a reward at the end. All that spunk that had either been spilled with no gratification or that had been denied release would finally be allowed to erupt freely and with conviction.

He managed to trudge through the first five denials without much difficulty, but it got harder and harder as the session proceeded. Gritting his teeth and involuntarily bucking each time his dominant boyfriend let go of his cock, he struggled to stay sane and focus on the upcoming grand finale.

The master decided to make edge number 18 particularly brutal. Of course, the condition to finally cum was to withstand 18 edgings - but he had to actually get to the 18th edging. After number 17, the vulpine torturer glided his paws lightly over the wolf's glistening cock, a string of precum extending from the fox's claws all the way up to the tip of lupine's swollen member as the extremity descended. Fondling the boy's ballsack, he gave it a quick tug and looked up at the captive lupine; the boy's body jerked, and he inhaled sharply.

For the next fifteen minutes, the fox's white paw mostly denied the hungry cock any tugs, any strokes, any pumps - all he did was maddeningly tickle, taunt and tease with one claw. If he was going to get to cum fully, he was going to earn it. Every so often, he would wrap his paw around the stiff member and give it a nice jerk, only to cruelly leave the wolf frustrated.

After letting his cock throb in the air for the 18th time just before he could cross the point of no return, the wolf's cumshot was at paw. Finally, it was time to shoot a nice, big load of warm wolf jizz. Grasping the needy cock in his paw, a slippery, sensuous pawjob started. It didn't take long for the boy to feel the fire burning in his loins.

Tantalizingly close to the point of no return, the wolf's whiskers twitched, and his pelvis undulated against his master's grip as he savored every slick stroke.

He got some of the friction from his thrusting buttocks, and the rest was provided by his captor's paw. The lupine's ballsack started to withdraw into his groin ... He was about to pass the point of no return. He had been a particularly good slave - never complaining when his master let go of him just as the first spurt of semen erupted from his member, always on best behavior when the stroking stopped just before he could go over the edge - so to enhance the pleasure of his imminent ejaculation, he grabbed the boy's gonads and tugged on them with moderate force. His white paw continued stroking the canine cock, the ballooning head signaling imminent orgasm.

Inhaling as much as his canine lungs would permit, the wolf arched his back as he felt enormous pressure build in the base of his cock. It was almost unbearable - his master's paw massaging the entire length of his shaft, the other paw not allowing his balls to retract, the white-hot pleasure in his groin accumulating ... He didn't know which feeling to focus on. His loving master knew he was close, only a matter of a few more strokes till his pent-up load would be violently unleashed. "Sir, sir ... May I please cum?" asked the captive lupine with a haggard wheeze, his legs tensing as his big toes curled up and pressed down on his second toes.

"Yes, pup, you may. And remember. You haven't had a full release in eight weeks, so I want to see a massive load, all right?" With a flare of his nostrils, the captive canine nodded as his master's grip continued providing the rock-hard cock with ample pleasure. Permission was all he needed. He relaxed his mind and let the point of no return approach ... Only three more strokes.

First stroke.

A dribble of precum coated the top of his master's paw as the captive's cock quivered under his grip.

Second stroke.

The wolf's body stretched against its restraints. This was it. After two months of denial, frustration and torture, he was finally going to enjoy a full orgasm. His master may have been cruel, but he was a fox of his word.

Third stroke.

The canid cock had finally been cajoled to irreversibly approach and pass the point of no return. Pleasurable, delectable, exquisite pressure threatened to make the wolf's groin explode - it kept building without bound. Two months' worth of lupine semen were about to be released. His unsheathed phallus could cut diamonds, his ass thrusting against the teasing fox's appendage.

As his master continued stroking, mercifully not stopping and making the boy suffer a ruined orgasm, the wolf felt the enormous pressure in his crotch give way and sensed hot cum travel up the entire length of his manhood. As impossible as it may have seemed, upon reaching the base of the head of his cock, his seed built up even more pressure there as the fox continued bobbing his paw up and down the ready-to-explode wolf cock.

"Ahh ... Ahhhhhh ... AAAHHH ... AAAAHHHHH!" The pre-ejaculatory cries culminated in a guttural groan as the wolf's entire groin lurched - his balls pulled against his master's paw, his asshole squeezed shut, and his cock contracted as cum shot out of the tip with massive force. He had missed the pleasure of a full orgasm; in its stead, the dreadful dice denied him release, or worse, made him ejaculate without any pleasure. But after two torturous months of putting up with mind games, he was finally experiencing the best orgasm of his life - and was it worth it.

He relished each spine-tingling throb of his cock, fucking his master's paw and groaning in ecstasy as spurts of lupine semen splattered across the black wall behind his head, his toes clenched, his face flushed. "That's a good boy... More, more, more ..." goaded the fox, continuing to pump the wolf cock while his other appendage kept the boy's balls at bay. But he didn't need any encouragement - two months of denial were more than enough. Wave after wave of sharp, satisfying orgasmic pleasure emanated from his groin as he painted the wall white, each squirt as forceful as the last one.

Finally, after shooting for what seemed to be an eternity - in reality only 14 times; the fox was keeping careful count - the boy's orgasm started dying down, the force of the ejaculations waning along with the loudness of his grunts as he started coating his left shoulder with wolf seed, followed by his stomach and then finally his pubic hair. His cock jerked one last time during a downstroke as a small trickle of jizz ran down the length of his shaft and ended up on the fold of skin between the fox's thumb and index finger, and his orgasm came to an end. Stretching in his restraints, he let out a gratified, vocalized sigh as his glistening member twitched in his master's paw.

Sniffing and subsequently licking off the drop of semen on his paw after letting go of the shrinking wolf cock, the vulpine spoke. "So, pet, tell me ... What did it feel like to cum after so long? That was quite the load," said the fox, motioning towards the wall behind the captive wolf. "You made quite a mess there!"

The wolf inhaled deep through his nostrils before answering as he continued losing his erection. "That was ... That was something, yeah. Shit, that was huge!" exclaimed the boy. He giggled as it finally hit him how hard he had just cum - not too surprising in hindsight, given that he'd just shot his load satisfyingly after a full two months.

"Triple snake eyes ... Wow, pup, you got really lucky there," approved the master. Completely sheathed and flaccid, the lupine was satisfied, practically glowing in the euphoric post-orgasmic haze, a drop of half-semen, half-precum on the tip of the now barely visible cock. "All right, pup, I'm gonna leave you here for a while so you can catch your breath ... I'll clean you off later. In the meanwhile, don't think this is gonna happen again too soon," he said as he padded towards the door, leaving the stupefied lupine alone to recover from his orgasm.

"Damn," he thought as he closed the door gently behind him, "I'm gonna have to get some loaded dice for next week! What a fucking mess he's made ..."

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