Sexy Short 3: Meatloaf for Dinner

Story by Falco Fox on SoFurry

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#3 of Sexy Shorts

An unexpected visit before dinner leads to some devilish high jinks under the bed sheets.

"Welp, YouTwitFace is pretty boring today," thought the fox, his finger rapidly scrolling down his feed, orange Persian cats, black and white fursuiters and pseudointellectual poetry blending into one another.

Just as he arrived at the bottom of his feed and older posts started being generated, a thud coming from behind his head made his ears perk and his chair swivel. Facing him was a fox with upright, alert ears, wide eyes and a muzzle with an almost comical O-shape of confusion. The adolescent vulpine's surprised demeanor changed as he chuckled, as did the fox before him. This wasn't the first time his own partial reflection in the bedroom window had spooked him - however it was the first time he had also _heard_something.

He sighed and waved a paw dismissively as his chair turned back to face his unread social media messages. Some two hundred posts later, his head started to droop, and his eyes blinked repeatedly - all of a sudden, three additional, evenly spaced thuds made his entire body and fur erect, his incipient drowsiness dissipating instantaneously. He looked quickly to the left and blinked as his head stood still. The joints in his neck cracked deafeningly in his ears as his head turned to face the source of the noise.

The fox's eyes went wide as the ajar window came into focus. The color from his face drained as he leapt to slam it shut - he wasn't sure if the whooshing in his ears was the blood draining from his head or the outside breeze that just before had been coming through the slightly open window.

Facing his room with his palms pressed against the closed window behind him, the vulpine's eyes darted back and forth, a thousand thoughts going through his mind. "OK, maybe it was already open before and I hadn't noticed ... No, then my reflection wouldn't be as flat as I saw it before ... All right, maybe the breeze knocked it open ... No, that makes no sense, I latched it before ..."

His mind still racing, he made a mad dash as he stumbled and tripped over his own bedsheets, looking under the bed, in the closet, under his computer desk, and every other potential hiding spot for any would-be intruder. Not having uncovered anything out of the ordinary, the mattress springs creaked under his weight as his buttocks sank into the side of the bed, his right paw covering his muzzle, thinking about what had just transpired.

Exhaling, his mind came up with the only conclusion in light of the evidence he could gather. "You're being paranoid," he reasoned. "You forgot to latch the window and the wind made that noise ..." Squeezing the edge of the bed with his hands, he figured he'd take a nap before dinner to calm his nerves - after all, he was dozing off before at the computer.

His shirt readily peeled off of his 19-year-old chest and six-pack, and as the boy's pants crumpled up into a heap at his footpaws, they revealed a rather bulky set of genitalia under his briefs. He settled into bed, his frazzled mind going to sleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.

Some forty minutes later, his eyes opened, his slumber interrupted for no reason he could think of. Sitting up by pushing down on the bed with his balled-up fists, he blinked as his gaze caught an unusual lump under the sheets. As soon as he saw the lump, his eyes widened and his pupils dilated as he realized two things: he had a massive hard-on ... and something - someone - was touching it.

Glancing down through a small, oval-shaped opening made by the blanket fold, his brief look was met with wide, innocent eyes, a furry handpaw around his erect cock, his briefs pulled back exposing his genitals. The handpaw and devilishly adorable expression belonged to a fox a year younger than our primary protagonist.

"Dude, what the fuck are you doing here?!" he asked, almost sputtering, glancing at the door and then back at the hidden fox. "And what the hell are you doing? We can't fool around here, they're he--Oh, my God, yessss, fuuuck..."

The appendage had started bobbing up and down the hard member, folds of skin sliding up and down, the friction making the fox's mind overload with pleasure. "Mmmm ... Yeah ... No, dude, stop!" he said, coming to his senses, overriding the pleasurable sensations. "If my mom or dad find out you're here, we're fucked--Argh!"

His friend had started suckling on the head of his manhood, his teeth lightly grazing the glans, the lips enveloping the shaft. The toes from one footpaw poked out from under the bedsheets, and they squeezed and relaxed rhythmically as the fox under the bedsheets teased the vulpine's cock. "Dude, dude ... Fuck ... No, stop, they'll find out ... Oh, God, so good ..." the enraptured, confused adolescent said, not sure whether to give in to the first blowjob of his life and risk being caught, or to stop before things got too far.

"Honey, I'm talking to you ..."

His ears perked as he turned to face his mother. Brows furrowed, the vixen raised an eyebrow and addressed the adolescent. "You seem awfully distracted today ... Is everything OK? Something on your mind?" Her eyes narrowed, waiting for an answer.

"It--It's nothing, ma," stammered the youngster, his cheeks flushed, a sheepish grin on his face. Her eyes briefly shot up to his forehead - beads of perspiration reflecting in the room's one light had caught her gaze. She blinked and resumed the conversation.

"All right ... Well, you didn't tell me what you wanted for dinner." Lifting the toes of one footpaw, the mother fox crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Why's he so sweaty? He's acting real weird, too ... How could he have not heard me knocking?" she thought.

"Do I have to ask again?" said the vixen, her voice about a quarter of an octave lower than before. The boy felt pressure building in his groin as his foxy friend tongued his frenulum under the covers, unbeknownst to mama fox - he was going to cum.

"Uhm ... Yeah, sorry, what's f--for dinner to--tonight?" he asked, gulping hard as his handpaws clenched. "No, DO NOT cum right now ... Stop it!" his brain yelled, but of course the stimulation continued.

The vixen exhaled from her nose and kept her rigid posture. "Hun, not telling you again, so listen up ..." He was about to cross the point of no return as his friend was now silently, lovingly giving him a pawjob. Having to keep eye contact with his mother while on the verge of a massive orgasm made his cheeks burn.

"... Mac and cheese ..."

His nostrils flared. A dark brown paw made the skin around his cock fold over in layers at the top as his member was stroked.

"... Fajitas ..."

He cleared his throat and barely stifled a moan as vulpine lips descended on his glans. His foreskin descended along with the paw around his rock-hard member.

"... Beef and mushrooms with smashed potatoes ..."

The tingling in his groin was at an all-time high. He knew he was about to jizz - and so did his friend. His glans turned a purple color and started quivering ... Only one more stroke and he'd cross the point of no return. With a devious smile, determined to make his friend shoot ropes, the fox under the covers wrapped his lips around the head and gave the shaft one full stroke.

"... Or my meatloaf."

This was it. Feeling his balls contract and scrunch up, warm, sticky cum traveled up the length of his dick. He couldn't contain himself - it felt way too good. "Oh, yes ... God, yes, YES!" he shouted as his mother took a step back and looked on, one eye bigger than the other. Right before the first spurt of semen, his friend withdrew his lips but continued stroking to stare wide-eyed at the erupting phallus, watching thick strings of fox seed hit the top of the tented covers, some of it dripping back down onto his friend's bobbing paw.

Grunting and licking his lips as he shot his last few gobs of jizz, his exposed footpaw stretched and wiggled its toes as he let out a satisfied sigh. Under the bedsheets, a smiling fox fanned his fingers to marvel at the sticky substance between them with gleeful admiration. Coming to his senses after climaxing, he remembered his mother was still in the room.

Turning his red, clammy face, his muzzle opened as he started to speak, a string of saliva appearing between his lips. "Mom, I--" All he saw was the door to his room closing with a soft creak followed by a light thud. Blinking, he looked down through the opening and a blushing face greeted him.

"Well, I never," she thought, climbing down the stairs to the kitchen. "I've never seen him so excited about my meatloaf. I thought he hated it ..."

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