The Chipmunk's Predicament

Story by Falco Fox on SoFurry

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A reserved, sexually naive friend of the vixen pays the tomcat a visit for a night she won't forget.

The cute chipmunk always made ears perk at school when she moved to the States at the young age of 11. At first, her Andalusian Spanish accent always drew attention, but in just the course of a couple of years, she learned to speak perfect English with just a hint of an accent of her native language.

It was in these formative years that she met a vixen with striking jet-black fur, and over time they grew to become the closest of friends. They'd share countless sleepovers, copy each other's homework, and when they came of age, started discussing boys - they loved talking about who they were crushing on. Both of them grew up to be stunning in their own right - the vixen had a toned, athletic build, a pretty face, whereas her rodent companion had an extremely cute face, whiskers and all, with round eyes a perfectly petite body.

Despite both having a healthy interest in the opposite sex, the chipmunk was always the more reserved of the two. While her fox friend would almost always be in a relationship, the squirrel, the more studious of the two, was rather busy hitting the books and securing a place in a good college and had little time to pursue romantic relationships.

Even though she was fresh out of college and about to enroll into graduate school, the chipmunk kept in touch with her vulpine friend, who was still close as ever to her Spanish soulmate. The fox was always disappointed when it came to her friend's coy nature around boys. Countless times she had tried to send her out on dates, but for some reason, they never proceeded past second base; the relationships, if they could be called that, would dissolve in a matter of a couple of weeks.

Given her academic interests, it was relatively rare for the chipmunk to engage in self-gratification. She would masturbate perhaps once a week, nowhere near as frequently as her friend. The scholarly squirrel also considered sex toys, vibrators in particular, to be a waste of time. When the fox told her about the wonders of owning a personal massager, the chipmunk would always roll her eyes in playful frustration.

After one fateful night, the vixen was a transformed vulpine. She had just experienced a sexual awakening of a lifetime. Still glowing from the never-ending climaxes of that night, she thought how unfortunate it was that her Spanish friend never felt anything like this - and then she had an idea.

A few days later, the two girls met at a familiar café. Fox and chipmunk embraced, always thrilled to see each other. The delightful duo sat down and ordered their favorite; the vixen got a caramel macchiato and the squirrel a cappuccino.

"So, how's college going, girl?" started the fox, the more confident of the two.

"Well ..." the chipmunk answered, pausing slightly, "... I just got accepted to Harvard!" she declared gleefully.

"Oh, you go, girl ... I knew you had it in you, you were always the smartest!" praised the vulpine with a genuine tone, not one of forced happiness concealing envy.

The squirrel held her paw and looked into her longtime friend's eyes. "Thanks ... I knew you'd be happy for me ... But don't leave me in suspense, enough about me. You said you wanted to tell me something that would change my life for the better?"

The vulpine grabbed her friend's paw by the fingers. "Hun, you know how much I care about you ... And your birthday isn't too far. You haven't celebrated it in a couple of years, so I figured maybe I could help you take a breather for one?" she suggested.

"All right ... Fine, that sounds like a plan. Lay it on me, whatcha got?" asked the chipmunk, fully expecting something pleasant.

"You know, I think it's about time you finally got to enjoy some intimate company, I always te--"

The squirrel pulled her hand out of her friend's grip, her expression slightly annoyed. "Joder, I told you many times, I don't really think I have time for that." When annoyed or otherwise emotionally overwhelmed, words from her native language would slip in. The waiter arrived with their order. "I kinda just want to concentrate on my studies for now, you know how much that means to me." Explained the chipmunk.

The vixen sighed as she stirred her coffee. "Look, you need to relax a little. You graduated top of your class, and you're on your way to Harvard of all places ... Surely you can give this a try?" She asked one last time with puppy-dog eyes, taking a sip of her drink. "Please ... For me?" she held her friend's paw again.

Who could say no to that face? "¿Qué vamos a hacer contigo, corazón? You silly girl, you have such a way with words ... stop looking at me like that, OK, fine ... but one time only, all right?" the chipmunk agreed, putting sugar in her coffee.

The fox was ecstatic. "Yay! OK, all right - just one last shot before Harvard, OK?"

As the girls finished their caffeinated beverages, the vixen explained to her Spanish friend how she'd meet up with this mysterious tomcat for the experience of a lifetime.

Saturday evening came, and after a night of bar-hopping, the chipmunk found herself in a familiar predicament: strapped down to a bondage table in her underwear. Her black cotton panties and bra complemented her straps and restraints perfectly.

"Really? Sex toys? I was told I was going to get a night I'll never forget here!" she exclaimed upon seeing the vibrating massager. She had always put off vibrators as gimmicky, never having tried one herself.

"Feeling cocky, little lady?" teased the tom, ever so dominant, holding the vibrating head in his hand. "Heh, wait till she feels this down there ... her friend told me she's never used a vibrator before ..."

"Well, I just never saw the appeal. Like, I kind of just use my fingers, you know?" she explained. "Like, where do you even put it? Isn't it too big to fit in there? I mean I still have my panties on ..." The squirrel was confused.

The cat grinned. "Oh, where do you put it? That's easy to answer ..." The feline held the vibrating head ever so lightly over her clitoris under her panties, just lightly touching it.

The effect was immediate. Her eyes jolted open, wide as saucers, her mouth agape. When she pleasured herself, she massaged her clit till she climaxed - this was like she was doing it a thousand times faster, a blindingly fast paw rubbing her love button, sending currents of pleasure up her stomach.

"Ohhh, joder, qué rico, hostia ... Oh, God, that's good ..." she exclaimed, completely enraptured by the vibrating stimulation, not realizing she had lapsed into Spanish. Her captor found this rather cute. He had noticed her very slight Spanish accent but didn't expect to hear any Castilian that night.

The vibrator continued to massage her nub, the cat careful to apply a feather-light touch. "So, tell me, little lady ... Am I rocking your world yet?" asked the tom with a hint of playful condescension.

The rodent was on cloud nine, but the question still registered. "Yeah, yeah ... Joder, que me corro, coño ... This is ... oh, my God ... Me corro ... I'm getting pretty close ..." she said as she felt her excitement build, her chest heaving, the pre-climactic sensation in her clit beginning to take hold of her sanity.

The tom knew she was getting close as she started breathing faster and faster. Having never felt a wall-powered vibrator on her clitoris before, it took less than a minute to get to the brink of an earth-shattering orgasm.

Her breath froze as she felt the point of no return approaching rapidly. The white-hot pleasure in her clit was about to crescendo. "¡Oh, sí, sí, sí, joder, dale, dale, dale, me corro, me corro!" she cried out as she was about to cross the threshold, her wrist straps creaking under her strength, her toes almost disappearing into her footpaws as she curled them up, the vibrator barely touching her panties.

All her doubts and reservations about vibrators had vanished. It was barely touching her, and it felt so good. "Uhhh, yeah, right there, joder!" she blurted out, her mind mixing up languages as the delicious pleasure scrambled her mind. "¡Coño, que me corro, que me corro!" The squirrel clamped her eyes shut as she lifted her head, her wrist restraints groaned as she pulled with all her might. She had experienced the burning sensation leading up to orgasm before when she masturbated with her fingers, but this was so intense ...

She felt the orgasm about to start ...

In the moments leading up to her climax, the tomcat was thinking of letting her enjoy her first vibrator orgasm - but at the last moment he changed his mind. After all, he only wanted to show her where the vibrator went since she wasn't sure. Who said anything about cumming?

With the flick of a wrist, the tom cruelly cut short her frenetic ride to a massive climax. "What the fuck you doing?! ¡No, hijo de puta, no pares! Goddamn you, I was right there!" Even while boiling over in rage, her petite figure, mild Spanish enunciation and her habit of switching languages made the girl seem extremely cute.

"Why ... Whatever do you mean, cutie? You asked where you put it, so I showed you ... I had no clue you were actually going to cum ..." the cat lied with a telling expression. He knew full well she was going to climax hard - he was used to reading facial and body cues, and even though he couldn't understand Spanish, her tone clearly reflected an imminent orgasm. "By the way," he continued as he switched off the vibrator, "I do love how you switch languages like that ... that takes some talent!" he complimented.

"Oh, you like that? Here's another one for you: ¡Eres un cabrón!" she chided, her adorable face scrunched up in sexually frustrated anger.

"Now, now," said the feline, "I do have some friends from Venezuela, and I know that's a naughty, naughty word. How's about you maybe consider taking that back?" he taunted playfully.

"Take what back? That you're a cabrón? I don't think so ... Why you tease like that? It's not cool!" she complained, looking at her captor straight in the eyes.

"But you said you used your fingers, right? You didn't get the appeal of these things ... How come you changed your mind now, hun?" he asked, knowing full well what the answer was. He wanted to embarrass the cute chipmunk. And embarrassed she was.

"All right - OK, it felt good, ¿vale? I didn't know it would affect me like that. Nobody ever told me how to use the stupid thing." She confessed.

The tom was rather surprised. "You mean your friend didn't tell you either? I thought you two were close?" he asked, intrigued, his pupils dilating.

The squirrel began with a sigh. "Well, she always did try and explain but whenever she started, I'd think it was just this stupid thing, you know. I got so caught up in my theses, and my coursework and blah. Never had time for these things." The explanation came with a tone of regret.

"Well, I guess that explains that." The vibrator came back to life at the flick of a switch. "But you still haven't apologized for calling me that ..."

"Oh, puhlease, hombre," the anger returned to her voice, "you knew what you were doing. I can see it in your eyes. I was told I'd have a good time, but so far, it's just sort of mierda, así que, hala, you'll let me go. 'Cause I can finish off at home, since you don't want to or maybe can't. Hala, me vas a dejar ir, venga." The chipmunk wasn't having it. She wasn't going to get toyed to the very edge of orgasm and then be patronized.

"Oh ... You think I don't want to?" he asked as he flicked the vibrating head over her clit, causing her to nearly jump out of her straps. "You were saying?" he teased. Before the chipmunk could retort, he resumed vibrating her with the same feather-light touch - his grip was surprisingly steady, keeping it right on the very tip of her clitoris. "So, you still wanna go? I can let you out ... or ... I can keep this on you ..."

The Spaniard bit her lip in pleasure. The sensation was almost unbearably intense. But no; she wasn't going to let some sex toy allow this cat to talk smack to her. Mustering up all her willpower, she blocked out the feelings. "No!" she declared. "I don't like the way you treat me, por favor, take off these straps, and I'll be going home now!" Her muzzle wrinkled as her whiskers twitched.

"Are you absolutely sure ...?" enquired the tom. Before the chipmunk could process the question, the vibrator was pushed into her womanhood. A whirlwind of sensations flooded her nervous system as she gasped silently. "Always does the trick!" thought the cat, chuckling.

"Ufff, brffffffttt, joder ..." were the only muzzy words the squirrel could come up with, unable to comprehend how something could feel so good. Her breath shuddered, completely forgetting the argument she was having with her captor.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue ...? The cat always gets their tongue for some reason ..." teased the feline. "So, I guess you wanna stay here after all, don't you?" he taunted, the vibrating head doing a number on the poor girl's clit.

The conversation barely registered. She was lost in her own world - and what was more, on the edge of another breathtaking climax. Being unused to strong vibrations, it didn't take much to get her to the edge ... And unfortunately for her, the cat also knew. He always did when he was paying attention; few things excited him more than seeing a female on the verge of a mammoth orgasm. The thing he enjoyed most, however, was reminding his captives who was boss. This is exactly what he did ...

About to feel sweet release for the second time that night, on the very brink of one hell of a climax, the sensations suddenly stopped, the pleasure cruelly interrupted when the tom started circling the chipmunk's nub. She had been conned for a second time that session, and this time she was livid. "¡Hijo de la gran puta! What the fuck are you doing? Do you know how to get a woman off? I was right fucking there! ¡Coño, me cago en todo!" she growled after taking in a huge breath, her voice cracking as her vocal cords strained to keep up with her rage.

"But, sweetheart, I still didn't get to hear an apology ... And instead all you do is let loose with more name-calling? Tsk, tsk ... It's like you want this to go on, don't you?" he answered with a knowing expression, the vibrating head still circling her sensitive love button.

No way was the sassy feline getting any apology. "I don't want to hear this anymore, ¿vale? Peddle your bullshit elsewhere, because it's clear to me you don't know how to get a girl off!" replied the chipmunk, her eyebrow furrowing. On the outside, she was steaming ... but deep down she knew she could use a satisfying climax. The maddening circling made her want to cum so bad ...

"Hunny," answered the cat, "all of this can be fixed if you say you're really sorry ..." The massager continued its torturous path, denying the chipmunk the pleasure she desperately wanted as she seethed on the bondage table.

"¡Nunca, hijo puta! You're not getting shit out of me, now let me out of here before you get in trouble!" she shot back, tugging at her restraints.

"You sure I can't convince you ...?" he asked with a tone of superiority as he flicked the squirrel's clit with the vibrator once, causing her to grunt involuntarily, but she shook her head and cleared her throat to dismiss the sensations.

Not about to go down without a fight, the squirrel retorted. "No! You think that toy is going to get me off? You had two shots and you blew it! I want out, ahora mismo! I'm waiting!" her tendons strained visibly as she pulled with all her might.

The feline smirked as he started massaging her clit with the vibrator, rubbing all over so that every angle of her nub was given attention. "Oh, well ... guess you're gonna miss out on a rockin' orgasm, then ..." he teased, looking up at her to see her reaction.

Sure enough, the chipmunk initially fought the sensations, but eventually gave in and closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. She took a deep breath and laid her head back ... "OK, fine, I'm sorry ..." Her ego was trumped by her desire to climax, and she figured that would be OK as long as she got to cum.

"All right, now that wasn't so hard, was it?" he asked with a tone of slight condescension, applying firm pressure to her womanhood.

Despite the tom's snarky attitude, the building pleasure in her loins overruled any desire to talk back to the cat - she just wanted to climax ... and she could tell this was going to lead to a rather strong orgasm.

All it took was half a minute, and once again the chipmunk felt the burning, searing, white-hot pleasure in her clit, a signal of imminent orgasm. She breathed in raggedly as the sensations in her womanhood rose to delectable heights - she was going to cum epically. The chipmunk tried to keep quiet up until then to not accidentally say something that would upset the cat ... but the feelings compelled her to enunciate the impending climax. "Sí, sí ... joder. Goddamn, yes ... Fuck, I'm gon--shit, it's ... Oh, God ..." she said quietly through clenched teeth, the pleasure of the point of no return increasing without bound, her paws balled up into nearly perfectly spherical fists.

She was on the edge.

Mere seconds away from crossing the threshold.

She scrunched up her toes with overwhelming force, clamping her eyes shut in anticipation.

"¡Oh, Dios, me voy a correr, me voy a correr! Yes, fuck, I'm gonna c--I'm gonna cum!" she blurted out, right on the brink.

She let out an ear-splitting yelp, not of pleasure, but of shock and horror ... right before she could orgasm, the vibrating head was cruelly yanked off her clit. "¡WHAT THE FUCK, ME CAGO EN TUS MUERTOS, HIJO DE LA GRAN PUTA, COO!" The exasperated squirrel sounded like a demon from the pits of Hell had possessed her as she thrashed on the table, hurling obscenities with bilingual proficiency at her captor.

"Now, now ... What ever is the matter? Remember what I said?" taunted the cruel cat, holding the vibrating head in his other paw. "I asked you say you're very sorry. But you only said you're sorry ..." he explained with a devious, toothy grin.

The chipmunk cursed the day she was born. She just knew the cat would do something like this. But her ego and rationale were clouded by the sweet, delicious feelings in her clit. "I've fucking had enough of this! RELEASE ME RIGHT NOW!" she demanded, her voice cracking.

"Aww, cheer up, hun," said the cat as he got to the end of the table, right in front of her footpaws, "this much anger is really bad for you ... And that sweet voice of yours? You're starting to get a little hoarse ... May want to take a breather from all that yelling ..." He looked down at her left footpaw.

She rolled her eyes. "Oh, yeah, you're also into paws, too, huh? Lo sabía ..." she exclaimed, not because she had anything against paw fetishes, but to spite the dastardly cat who refused to let her cum.

"Well," started the feline, "your friend told me something that I figured I'd give a try ... You seem really agitated and moody, and I need you to cheer up a little ..."

"You expect me to cheer up? After all this? ¿Me estás tomando el pelo? Why am I even having this discussion ...? Just let me out of here!" shot back the frustrated squirrel.

"Oh, come now ... You'll find you can't help but cheer up ..." he said, holding down the ankle of her right footpaw and scritching the top of her paw with the claws on his other hand.

The squirrel rolled her eyes again. "Really!? You think my paw's itchy or something!? Listen, I don't have time for this bullcrap, así que, for the last time, let m -" Her words froze in her throat as a tingling shock travelled up her leg and squeezed her stomach, forcing her to curl her lips upward.

The nefarious cat's nimble fingers had gone from the top of her foot paw to the bottom; there, he lightly stroked the smooth skin with the tips of his claws, knowing full well what effect it would have on her. "You were saying ...?" he chuckled, amused at her sudden reaction.

The bottoms of her hind paws had always been rather ticklish; as kids, the vixen and the squirrel would often have tickle fights till they were both exhausted and in tears from hysterical ticklish mirth. She made a mental note to get some payback once she was out of here - she wasn't amused that her friend gave her captor ideas.

She bit her lip, not about to be toyed with again - and most certainly not with such a silly thing like tickling. Of course, the more she tried to block the feelings out, the worse it became. Her lip quivered as she fought the urge to start laughing like a helpless baby chipmunk.

"My, my, quite the fighter, aren't we?" he teased. She remained quiet, afraid that opening her mouth would cause helpless giggles to escape her throat, but she still locked eyes with the cat, mentally cussing him out in Spanish and English. "Tell you what, hun ..." he started sweet talking her as usual, "... if you cheer up a little and show me those adorable teeth of yours, I'll be all over you with that vibrator and then you can finally enjoy a good cum ..."

Not about to be fooled again, the squirrel kept her jaw clamped shut, her cheeks turning red from the exertion of trying to block out the tickling. However, when the tom started vigorously scratching the arch of her hind paw, the first cracks in her defense started to show. Her nose and whiskers twitched, her lips were curled into a nearly demented, toothless grin as she realized she was fighting a losing battle. The tomcat saw this and knew it was time for the coup de grâce ... "Cootchie-cootchie-coo, sweetheart ... Come on, show me those teeth!" he teased, furiously scritching the soft skin of her arch.

That was it. A couple of snickers escaped through her nose, she sputtered and dissolved into helpless, high-pitched giggles that came straight from her stomach. She cursed herself for not having enough willpower to withstand such a childish thing - not only was she sexually frustrated and angry as a result, but highly embarrassed. There was no way she could get herself to stop tittering. "Haha, OK, you made your point! Stop! Hahah!"

After a few seconds more of tickle torture, the cat dragged his claws up the entire length of her sole to extract one last set of deep belly laughs. As he let go of her ankle, she jerked her foot away and gave him a death stare. "Now, what's that look about, little missy? A second ago you were happy and showing me those little chompers of yours!" He picked up the vibrator again and started padding towards the middle of the table.

She eyed the vibrator and secretly wished he'd finally finish her off this time, but her ego kicked in again. "You know exactly why. Now, what did I tell you before? ¡Quiero irme de aquí! I want to just leave, no more stupid cosquillas, no useless sex toy crap!" she barked, grunting against her restraints.

"Stupid sex toy, huh? Hmmm ..." The feline lowered the vibrator to her by now soaked panties and started massaging her clit underneath. She breathed in and closed her eyes, curling her four smaller toes towards the bottom of her foot, her big toe towards the top. "I still didn't hear that apology ..." he snarled, furiously rubbing the vibrating head over the area where her clitoral hood was under her panties.

She was completely enraptured by the delightful sensations, eyes seemingly wired shut with force, rapidly climbing in arousal. This time it took only about twenty seconds till she was on the brink of one hell of a climax.

"Que me corro, que me corro, me corro, me corro ..." she exclaimed in a frenetic, quiet tone, the white-hot pleasure in her clit about to crescendo into what she knew was going to be the best orgasm of her life.

As always, though, the tom knew she was on the brink. He started tapping the vibrator on the poor girl's clit, keeping her right on the very edge, and would not let her cross over. She started thrashing in her restraints, wide-eyed. "No! ¡¿Qué haces?! Make me cum already! Goddamn you! Ugh!" The squirrel tried to arch her back to get more contact with the vibrator, but the evil feline tapped with the precise frequency needed to keep her exactly on the edge.

"You know what you need to do, sweetheart ... Just say the words, and you'll get to cum ..." Tap, tap, tap. The chipmunk was being driven to madness. Tap, tap. Her ego was on the line. Was one moment of intense pleasure worth sacrificing her sense of self-worth?

"No!" she yelled, straining against her restraints, desperately trying to cross the point of no return. "¡Hijo puta! ¡Ughhhh, joder, déjame acabar ya!" she cussed and demanded. Tap, tap, tap went the infernal vibrator. Each pat chipped away at her resolve, her desperation to cum growing.

The cat chuckled. "Heh ... OK, then ... I can do this all night, after all ..." he said, continuing the exasperating tapping. She had never in her life been this desperate to climax, and it infuriated her that she would have to lose face to finally enjoy the orgasm. Tap, tap, tap ...

After 10 more seconds of the devilish teasing, the chipmunk finally broke down. "OK, FINE, I'M VERY SORRY, LO SIENTO DE VERDAD, NOW STOP ALREADY AND MAKE ME CUM!" she yelled at the top of her already strained lungs. Tap, tap, tap ...

"What was that? I can't quite make that out, hunny, can you speak louder?" he requested, despite having heard her perfectly well. Tap, tap, tap ...

"I SAID I'M VERY FUCKING SORRY, STOP IT, I WANNA CUM!" she blurted out in sexual hysteria, on the verge of losing her mind for good as the vibrator continued to keep her right on the very brink. Tap, tap, tap ...

"Are you sorry because you want to cum? Or because you're truly sorry?" asked the devious tom, knowing she was about to lose it. Tap, tap, tap ...

"I'M SO VERY SORRY, PLEASE, I'M BEGGING, I'M REALLY SORRY! ¡LO SIENTO, QUIERO CORRERME! ¡UY, POR FAVOR, POR FAVOR!" she exclaimed and begged at the top of her lungs, completely broken, desperate beyond belief to climax, thrashing maniacally against her bondage. Tap, tap, tap ...

"Hmm ... So, are you sorry for calling me a cabrón?" Tappity-tap, tappity-tap ...

"YES! I'M VERY SORRY! PLEASE, NO MORE, I CAN'T TAKE IT! I'LL DO ANYTHING, JUST LET ME CUM!" The chipmunk was going absolutely insane. She couldn't comprehend how one could be this close to climaxing but not go over the edge. Tap, tap, tap ...

"And what about hijo de puta? That was very mean of you, little missy ... I will have you know, my mother is a cat of great virtue and dignity ..." Tap, tap, tap ...

"YES, I'M VERY SORRY I INSULTED YOUR MOM, PLEASE, NO MORE! I WANNA CUM!" Nothing else was on the squirrel's mind, except for the all-consuming desire to orgasm. Tap, tap, tap ...

"And what about when you started hollering at me ...? I have very sensitive ears, sweetheart ... It kind of hurt my eardrums, you know ..." The tomcat was enjoying every second of it. Tap, tap, tap ...

The chipmunk was delirious. Every fiber of her being was desperate to cum, begging to cum, would give anything to cum. "YES ... SIENTO MUCHO ... POR F--POR FAVOR!" Even the grammar of her native language started to slip - she truly was going nuts.

"So, you want me to stop tapping?" he asked with a seemingly unassuming tone, blinking slowly at the chipmunk to establish trust.

"YES, NO MORE TAPPING ... STOP, NO MORE, I'M BEGGING, PLEASE, PLEASE, I'M VERY SORRY FOR EVERYTHING, PLEASE, PLEASE!" she continued supplicating, the desire to climax increasing, as impossible as that sounds.

"All right," he answered, "if you say so ..." The tapping did stop ... in its place, however, the cunning cat started flicking the vibrating head over her nub. This was even worse - she was even closer to the edge, but the diabolical flicking kept her from getting the relief she so desperately craved.

"¡NO, HIJO LA GRAN PUTA! ¡ME CAGO EN TU PUTA NACIN! FUCKING MAKE ME CUM RIGHT NOW!" the squirrel demanded and cussed as she thrashed in her straps, the flicking literally keeping her as close to the edge as possible without letting her cum.

"What did I tell you about using those words, little missy?" chided the cat. "She is a great woman of great virtue, as excellent and heroic as they come ..." He started flicking the vibrator with slightly more pressure, bringing the poor rodent even closer to climax without going over the point of no return. Flick, flick, flick ...

"OK, OK, OK! I'M SORRY! I TAKE IT BACK! POR FAVOR, PLEASE, I WILL DO ANYTHING YOU SAY! JUST LET ME CUM! I WANNA CUM!!" she yelled at the top of her lungs, on the brink of orgasm and permanent insanity. Flick, flick, flick ...

"Do you agree that she's a fine lady of virtue?" he asked, carefully studying her face and body language to make sure she'd stay right on the edge. Flick, flick, flick ...

"YES, SHE'S A FINE LADY! I WANNA CUM! PLEASE, PLEASE! ANYTHING TO CUM! POR FAVOR!!" her sore vocal cords cried out. Nothing in the universe mattered right now, she would give literally anything to be allowed to cum. Flick, flick, flick ...

"Do you also agree that she's a heroic cat? She took such good care of us ..." purred the taunting tom. He didn't care much if the squirrel cussed her out, he just needed an excuse to drive the poor girl inane. Flick, flick, flick ...


"Do you also agree that she's an excellent lady?" questioned the cat, applying firmer pressure every time, keeping her teetering on the verge of the most glorious climax. A climax he was refusing to let her enjoy. Flick, flick, flick ...

This was it. Any more of this, and the poor squirrel would go insane for good. "ARGH, FUCK, YES, SHE'S ANYTHING, MAKE ME CUM, MAKE ME CUM, FUCK, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU!"

"The chipmunk was about to lose her mind for good ..." he thought. He smirked. She had finally been broken. All her bravado had faded away, replaced with a delirious desire to climax.

"Heh, this gets them every single time ..." the cat boasted as he mercifully stopped the flicking and held it firmly over her clit.

Her mouth was agape in an O-shape, her eyes were closed tight, and her thorax quivered as she felt the impending climax about to hit her hard. The white-hot pleasure in her nub reached a maximum and then finally dissipated as her orgasmic contractions started.

She grunted loud and hard as the first convulsion slammed into her, her entire womanhood pulsed and sent a wave of delightful orgasmic joy throughout her entire body. Another contraction knocked her wind out as she groaned gutturally as her pussy squeezed shut in sheer ecstasy. Convulsions like these rocked her pelvic region for the next thirty seconds, each one sending a pummeling wave of sheer pleasure down to her very soul, her already hoarse vocal cords struggling to keep up with her cries of pleasure. She opened and closed her forepaws, digging her fingernails into her palms, oblivious to the pain as it was overshadowed by the ecstasy of her climax.

The tomcat liked what he saw. A seemingly never-ending flurry of orgasmic contractions made her nether regions twist and throb and curl - she felt everything, and the feeling was exquisite. As her orgasm started to subside, the last of her uterine and vaginal tremors fading in intensity, she took a few much-needed breaths, her heart thumping in her ears. This was without a doubt the strongest orgasm of her life, ever.

The cat smirked. "So, you never saw the appeal, huh?" His sardonic tone sliced through the sexually charged atmosphere of the room. The hum of the vibrator stopped reverberating in the room as it came to a stop as the tom flicked a button.

She exhaled loudly and opened her eyes, not sure whether to look at the cat with hate or appreciation. He had just given her the most epic orgasm of her life, but holy hell, did he make her suffer for it. Groveling and pleading was not something that was part of her psyche - she was a confident, scholarly girl with ambition, not used to begging, let alone asking, for anything.

He approached the head of the table, his hind paws lightly padding the hard floor underneath. "Hehe ... What's the matter? Cat got your tongue again ...?" he asked, trying to make eye contact with her.

But she refused to look, still annoyed because of the relentless teasing and edging he had put her through before, yet secretly enjoying the orgasmic afterglow. "Hmmmpf!"

"Awww, sweetheart, don't be like that ... I only do this so you get to cum as hard as possible ... It's what I do ..." He leaned down and spoke in a whispered tone. "You did cum hard, didn't you ...?" he asked, brushing a stray hair from her forehead.

While the orgasm had rocked her world beyond belief, she was still too pissed off to acknowledge it. She refused to look at her captor ...

"Guess I'll have to convince you that you did cum hard ..." he explained, still whispering in her ear. "... You see, when you climax nice and hard, your body gets super sensitive ... Let me show you ..." He steadied her by placing a paw firmly on her stomach. Her damp panties had a perfect imprint of her vulva ... everything was obvious: her lips, her clitoral hood, and, of course, the glans of her clit.

He extended a claw on his index finger and started to stroke her nub through the panties.

She gasped. Her love button was exquisitely sensitive after the mammoth climax, and the razor-sharp claw of her tormentor produced a cacophonous feeling of pleasure spiked with pain. She grimaced and groaned and tried to get away, but the tom had a firm grip on her abdomen. The intense sensations compelled her to speak. "OK, OK, stop, stop, too much!" The cat chuckled and gave her clit one last flick for good measure, making the chipmunk's body jolt and burn holes into him with her eyes.

"Hehe, sorry, love, I had to get you to speak somehow ... And that always does the trick ... But tell me, did I see you cum nice and hard?" he asked almost rhetorically since he already knew the answer.

The chipmunk mumbled something that sounded like "seh".

"What was that? I didn't hear you ..." he asked again with a telltale smile.

"All right, sí, yes, joder, I came good, OK? But don't give yourself that much credit ... it was those vibrations." She quipped, rolling her eyes.

"Hmmm ...", started the feline, "... so, I'm not supposed to take credit for this?" With the flick of a switch, the vibrator was brought back to life and found itself nestled on her crotch, right where here most sensitive spot was.

She gasped silently and instinctively curled the toes on one footpaw, closing her eyes and turning her head to one side. "Oh, God, yes ... Ahí, dale, dale ..." she groaned in pleasure, her chest heaving at a moderate pace as she breathed deep.

"Well, given that I'm the one controlling the vibrator, I'd think I have something to do with it... or else those cute little toes of yours wouldn't be dancing ..." he chuckled, glancing briefly at her hind paws.

The chipmunk didn't answer - she was already on the brink of another orgasm. All it took was half a minute as a newcomer to wall-powered vibrators and already sensitive clit.

Her captor spotted her clenching fists and sucked in stomach and knew she was on the verge of cumming again. "Hey, how do you say 'forced orgasms' in Spanish? 'Cause that's what's in store for you now ..." he smirked, bearing down on her panties with the vibrating head.

She took a few shallow breaths as the white-hot pleasure in her vulva crescendoed. The chipmunk lifted her head off the table, eyes clamped shut as her second orgasm of the night hit her. It was even more powerful than the first one, building on top of her already hypersensitive nub. Random English and Castilian words escaped her mouth as the climactic contractions rocked her body, her torso jolting with each convulsion.

Her body collapsed back as the climax's intensity tapered off, but what didn't taper off was the hum of the vibrating head on her clit. She grunted and groaned and squirmed as the post-orgasmic sensations hit her full force, the feelings an indescribable feeling of discomfort and sharp pleasure focused on her clit. "This will pass in no time ... You're very sensitive down there and you're going to cum a few more times for me ..." explained the cat.

Sure enough, a few seconds after the tom spoke, the uncomfortable sensations disappeared and almost immediately she felt as if her clit was searing in ecstasy, about to cum yet again. "Oh, God, coño, I'm cumming aga--" her words caught in her throat as the pleasure was too intense to speak through, and her nether regions throbbed again as her third orgasm crashed into her. A burly male chipmunk couldn't grunt and croak as hoarsely as she did in the throes of her wild climax; she really gave her vocal cords a workout as she grinded into the vibrator rhythmically.

As the squirrel let out a deep sigh, her third orgasm finished, she realized the vibrator was still on her clit. "No, shit, take it off! ¡Demasiado! God, fuck!" She cursed and hyperventilated, thrashing in her restraints, trying to get the infernal vibrator off.

"Not a chance, sugar ... I want you to see the appeal of vibrators ... I know you've had a few rocking orgasms, but for good measure, I want you to cum nice and hard for me one last time ... That's a good girl ..." he said, holding the squirrel's midriff down firmly with one paw while rubbing the vibrating head all over her vulva, making sure her clit got strong vibrations.

This time, the unbearable post-orgasmic sensitivity led very smoothly into the intense sizzling sensation of imminent climax; the chipmunk could not tell when the first one stopped, and the latter started. Her pre-orgasmic sensations increased without bound, the white-hot pleasure became almost insufferable as she felt her entire vulva would blow up in ecstasy.

When she did cross the point of no return, it was an insane orgasm like she never experienced before. Her contractions were so strong, the outline of her lips quivered and throbbed rhythmically through her black panties. She nearly blacked out from the pleasure, her darkening vision serving as the backdrop to what seemed to be shooting stars. The climax went on and on, her pussy throbbing under her panties in tandem with her deep grunts of pleasure, her toes wiggling and curling wildly in all directions.

The wild orgasm finally subsided, and the tomcat took the massager off her crotch; it had left a detailed imprint of her entire vulvar region, thanks to the pressure and to her bodily fluids. "Hmmmm, she's gonna have fun peeling that off later ..." thought the cat as his petite captive breathed so deep, recovering from her latest climax, it sounded like she was dry heaving.

"So ... See the appeal yet, hun?" he asked, switching the vibrator off with a quick motion. No answer came. He looked at her, and she had seemingly dozed off; she was snoring very lightly, the sound being previously masked by the vibrator now audible, a sheepish grin of satisfaction on her face.

He smirked. "Ah, another very satisfied customer ..." He took advantage of the situation and dropped his pants ... As expected, he sported a mean boner. Before storing the vibrator away, he decided he'd have some fun with it himself ...

Keeping an eye on the chipmunk to make sure it wouldn't wake her up, the massaging head started droning again. He took a deep breath as he positioned the vibrations on the backside of his cat cock, right below the glans, on the sweet spot.

It was only a matter of a few seconds before he felt the cum pooling at the base of his cock. He bit his lip and dug his hind paw claws into the solid ground as he felt the orgasm approaching.

He bucked his hips and his pupils dilated and contracted as the massive load was expelled from the tip of his cock, thick lines of spunk flying into the air in a straight line, as he fought not to cry out in pleasure.

As his climax dissipated, the last few spurts of semen dribbling out, he finally breathed out, letting the post-orgasmic overglow overpower him. He switched the vibrator off, cleaned it off, and padded towards the far corner of the room where the vibrator was usually stored, when it wasn't giving girls industrial-strength orgasms or making him shoot ropes.

Before switching off the lights to the room and leaving for a catnap, he glanced at his captive who was in a trancelike slumber.

The door closed lightly behind him as the squirrel was left alone to sleep off her intense climaxes. Oh, well, he'd be back to let her go and she'd be free to go, right?

Right ...?

The Vixen's Vexation - Part 2

She felt like she could almost doze off right then and there. The vixen almost visibly radiated from the post-orgasmic chemical concoction surging through her system, a wide grin of satisfaction adorning her cute face. After what seemed like an...

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_3:00 AM_ "Oh, for fuck's sake ..." Eloquence was never the jackal's forte. Piercing orange eyes glared at the digital alarm clock. "3 AM again? This is the third time this goddamn week ..." Yet again, he had awoken at the dead of night at the same...

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The Vixen's Vexations - Part 1

The vixen took a couple of deep breaths as she settled into her restraints, laying her head back as she was instructed to before. Looking straight up at the ceiling, the vulpine squinted as she noticed the soft lighting of the room. Two fluorescent...

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