The Vixen's Vexations - Part 1

Story by Falco Fox on SoFurry

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#1 of The Vixen's Vexation

A stunning jet-black vixen has her first bondage experience, and it almost drives her insane.

The vixen took a couple of deep breaths as she settled into her restraints, laying her head back as she was instructed to before. Looking straight up at the ceiling, the vulpine squinted as she noticed the soft lighting of the room. Two fluorescent tubes provided ample illumination to the area of the room where the bondage table was. She broke her squint and restored her eyelids to a more natural aperture, her brown eyes dilating ever so slightly.

Having vacillated for weeks, she threw all caution to the wind and made a profile on that fetish website; it's not like there would be anyone local to her area that would entertain her silly idea, anyway ...

Adrenaline coursed through her veins, a nagging feeling of uncertainty in the back of her mind; at the same time, the fulfillment of a years-long fantasy excited her to no end. She found this concoction of feelings exhilarating.

The tomcat slowly started circling the bondage table, starting at the head of the table. Not a day over her early twenties, the pretty face of the jet-black fox complemented her firm, sleek and resilient body. White lace undergarments were the only items of clothing that remained on her toned physique, her clothes stacked in a neat pile to the side of the table. Her underwear did little to protect her modesty; a faint outline of her womanhood could be seen through her panties, and her nipples threatened to poke through her bra. Long silky brown hair adorned her head like a Hindu goddesses' halo, the locks flowing over the flat surface of the table.

Her captor had always favored light bondage; indeed, the vixen was held in place with ankle and wrist restraints, a single strap that went over her stomach, and two thigh straps. As he prowled around the table, the cat noticed her struggling against her restraints, testing their strength. Try as she might, the vixen could barely move; as minimalistic as the setup was, it proved surprisingly sturdy.

As the feline turned the corner to reach the foot of the bed, he took a couple of steps closer to admire her lower body. Her athletic and firm thighs led down to slender, curvy legs. An ankle ring adorned her left footpaw, its shiny silver sheen making it stand out against her dark coloration.

His pupils dilated as he followed her legs down to her feet. Her bare footpaws came into view. The feline stepped back to admire the vixen's tootsies - and he raised an eyebrow at what he saw. The soles were a lovely shade of cream, devoid of all fur, creating an alluring contrast with her jet-black fur.

Her toes twitched as the cool air of the room descended on her dainty appendages.

The feline pursed his lips, a look of wonder on his face. "Hm, do you really not have any fur here ...?" he wondered out loud as he dragged a claw up her left sole, the smooth skin giving way to his nail, answering his question.

She giggled and tried to pull her paw away as the metal chain of her ankle restraint went taut. "Yes, I'm kinda unique like that. But please don't do that, I'm super ticklish there!" she warned playfully, worried that the feline would take advantage of her precarious position and tickle torture her. The vixen knew from the fetish website that tickling was a kink of many, and she hoped he wasn't one of them ...

To her relief, he stepped back and started admiring his bondage handiwork and the vulpine's physique, taking in every inch of his new captive. The male cat then purred and padded towards a closet situated in the far corner of the room. She could barely make out what he was doing as that part of the area was rather dark. As he came back, the light illuminating the bondage table revealed a devious smirk on the feline's face.

Unbeknownst to the vulpine, the tomcat held a large vibrating back massager behind his back. The feline suddenly disappeared out of the vixen's sight, slipping under the table. Her chest rose an inch and then froze in place as she held her breath; a sense of impending doom filled the air. As exhilarating as the experience was up until now, he was pretty much a stranger to her, and it wasn't clear what he had in store for her. This realization made her panic; she stared at the foot of the table in hopes of seeing the cat reemerge, but all she saw was the tops of her own footpaws. He turned the vibrator on; a distinct droning hum echoed softly throughout the room. Feminine foxy ears perked. The cat rose from his crouched position after having plugged in the device, and she gasped as she saw the machine for the first time.

"Wha--What are you going to do with that?" asked the vixen with a hint of frenzied confusion in her voice.

The feline stood at the foot of the table, the vibrator purring in his paw. "Oh, I think you'll love this ... at least at first!" proclaimed the tomcat, his toothy grin widening. The captive fox started to question her fate. Why would she only love the vibrator at first?

The cat took a couple of steps towards the head of the table. The vixen leerily kept her eyes on him; the grin on his face remained.

"Don't be rough, a--all right?" Her voice betrayed her - she wanted to sound assertive, but the unfamiliarity of the situation made her words come out in a nervous stammer.

"Don't worry ... Like I said, at first, this will be an amazing experience!" As before, the vulpine was not sure what to make of that. Her experience with vibrators was nothing short of immensely pleasurable, resulting in the best orgasms of her life ... Why would it be amazing only at first?

The feline was now at the level of her crotch, standing at the side of the table, a cocky smirk on his face revealing nefarious thoughts. A bulge in his pants was now visible, and the vixen saw it - and it certainly didn't help to relax her. He slowly lowered the massager to her left thigh, the fox's eyes following the machine as it traced a straight path to her upper leg. The vibrating head was still and unmoving to her eyes, even though the room reverberated with its soft mechanical hum. Even on the highest setting, her massager back home still visibly vibrated. "It must be on a high setting." She thought.

She flinched slightly as she felt the familiar sensations of a wall-powered vibrator massaging her left thigh; it felt a lot stronger than the vibrator she used back home to pleasure herself ...

"Have you ever been massaged down there with one these?" The feline's voice dripped with cockiness, the bulge in his pants now more prominent.

Her vibrator was her best friend. The vixen's cheeks would turn red with embarrassment if it weren't for her dark coloration. Memories of intense vibrator induced toe-curling orgasms flooded her mind. "Ye--Yes." She answered with hesitation.

The tomcat purred at the answer. "Then you're going to love tonight ... but you see, my love, I enjoy building things up ..." He let out a seductive, low-pitched growl that ended in a chuckle, and started tracing a path from her thigh to her crotch with the massager.

She bit her lip and held in her breath in anticipation of the familiar sweet, delicious feeling of a vibrator massaging her clitoris as she watched the vibrating head make its way to her sweet spot. Just before the vibrator reached the spot where her aching clit was under her lace underwear, the evil feline started circling it ... he was teasing her!

She gasped and looked up at him in angry confusion, and he knew what was on her mind.

"Aww, you think I was just going to give it to you? I've seen how hard you girls cum from vibrators, and I don't want to give that to you just yet." He continued driving the vixen mad with the clit circling. All of them found the teasing to be evil in his experience ...

Her hips twisted and shifted as she angled her crotch in all directions, trying to find the vibrator. Alas, the wicked feline's restraints were too strong. "Mmpbff ...!!" she struggled against her straps. "Why not!? That's mean!" she whined, her voice rising in pitch.

"You're so innocent ... You see, I want to train you to have better orgasms ..." This confused her. How was keeping the vibe off her nether regions going to help her have orgasms, let alone better ones?

"Be--Better, uh, orgasms? Ho-How? You're not even touching me!" she complained in a frantic stammer as the cruel circling teased her into madness.

"Oh, silly foxy. You gotta learn how to pace yourself ... Quick, dirty orgasms are nothing compared to ones you build up lovingly!"

The vixen was silent. Maybe she was too busy struggling against her restraints trying to get the vibrator where she wanted. A newcomer to bondage, it was also possible she didn't understand what he meant. "The more you get teased before finally climaxing, the better you cum at the end. Beautiful girls like you should be cumming hard ..." He clarified with a grin.

The vixen's ears drooped. Having seen fetish websites where subs were teased and denied orgasm, the fox doubted she could handle that. She was the kind who impatiently rubbed out quick climaxes. "He--Heh, well, I dunno, I just do it and cum in a couple of minutes. I--I'm kinda fine with that, y'know?" she said, hoping to persuade the grinning tomcat into just letting her have the vibrator, her hips bucking and shifting around almost subconsciously, desperately trying to get the massager on her aching clit.

"Oh, please, oh, please, ..." begged the fox, her thigh restraints flattening her fur as she struggled to get even a morsel of pleasure from the vibrator. Her hands balled up into fists as she pulled on her wrist straps. While frustrated, she strangely found the experience of having to beg to be turning her on ...

The tomcat rolled his eyes. "You girls and your vibrators ..."

Her eyes widened. The feline had decided to end the cruel teasing and the vibrator was now whirring away at her clit, the vibrating head making a spherical impression in her panties; the feline really wanted her to feel it, even if her clit was hiding in its hood.

The sudden intense sensations made her gasp as her stomach muscles tightened. Her nostrils flared as she took in a deep breath and lightly arched her back, her shoulders and ass still in contact with the table. She opened her hands, revealing palms the same furless white color as her soles, crescent-shaped indentations in the smooth skin from where her fingernails had been digging in during her previous struggle.

"Awwww, fuck, so good..." the vixen cooed. The vibrator was definitely more intense than her personal massager. "Maybe trusting this guy wasn't such a bad idea after all ..." she thought, losing herself to the delightful feelings, the creamy white soles of her footpaws wrinkling as she curled her toes in ecstasy, her eyes rolling into the back of her head.

He put his other paw flat on her stomach to steady her as he pleasured her. Her abs were firm and smooth to his touch; he wondered if the vulpine worked out.

The vixen felt her panties getting damp from excitement as the vibrator kneaded her clit. Her torso rose and fell as her breath came out in ragged huffs, relishing the feelings in her loins. She was otherwise silent, but the feline knew it was building up inside her. It was only a matter of time before she felt the telltale signs of an impending orgasm. He knew this from experience; even the most frigid ladies he had played with couldn't resist succumbing to the vibrator.

"Can you do a little something for me?" asked the cat with a touch of mischief in his voice.

Holding a conversation was difficult while trying to process the intense sensations in her vulvar area, but the vixen managed to muster up an answer. "Mmmm ... yesss ... Wh--What?"

While keeping the vibrator securely in place, he leaned over to her left ear. "This thing should get you pretty fired up ... Let me know when you're about to cum, all right?"

As odd as the request seemed to the vixen, she decided not to pursue a conversation and just agreed, too caught up in the pleasure. "Fuu--Fuck, oh, God. Yess, I--I'll tell you. Mmm ..." she managed to moan out.

Deep, heavy breathing and the mechanical hum of a vibrator were the only sounds that could be heard for two full minutes - but then the vixen jerked her eyes open. Her clit started tingling sharply, a feeling she had learned to associate with impending orgasm ever since she had first started masturbating. Unlike her sessions back home with her own massager, the sensation was unusually strong, like a searing white-hot pleasure; she realized she was on the verge of an earth-shattering release.

She remembered her captor's request. "Ohhhh, fuck, oh, shit ... OK, I--I'm close, I'm gonna cum!" she blurted out looking down at the massager one last time.

"Oh, shit, oh, shit, ..." was her train of thought as she felt the colossal climax approaching.

This was it.

The point of no return was imminent.

Nothing else existed in the universe, only a captive fox on the brink of one hell of an orgasm.

One final deep breath filled her lungs to capacity, her back arching, her pussy pushing into the vibrator to take in as much pleasure as she could.

The delicious white-hot pleasure in her clit was about to plateau into blissful orgasmic contractions.

"Oh--Ohhhh, my fucking God! I'm gonna cu--I'M GONNA...!" The pre-orgasmic cry echoed throughout the room as she closed her eyes.

The white soles of her footpaws wrinkled as she scrunched up her toes in anticipation of the best climax of her life.

Her eyes bolted open.

She gasped and looked down, wide-eyed, at her crotch, then at the vibrator, and then at the tomcat with a maniacal look of horror and anger. The pussy answered her stare with a taunting smirk.

"NO! WHAT THE FUCK! DON'T STOP! I WAS GONNA CUM! PUT IT BACK, DON'T STOP!!" she yelled as she tugged at the restraints with all her might, for the feline had deviously yanked the vibrator off her just before she crossed the point of no return, cruelly denying her the most earth-shattering orgasm of her life.

In response, all the cat did was continue grinning. "Hun, don't you remember what I said? I said I don't want to give that to you just yet."

The vixen huffed and slammed her head back down to the table, pouting. "That was so mean!" She growled in frustration, on the brink of tears, her ladybits still tingling from all the stimulation before. "Why would you do something like that!? I was so close!" she demanded to know, her voice hoarse from all the shouting.

"Like I said, hun, we got to build them up with love ... As long as you're here, you're not gonna have any wimpy quick and dirty orgasms ..."

The vixen continued pouting, unable to comprehend why anyone would be so evil. She had had guys pull out just before she could climax, but that was nowhere near as frustrating as the feline's hijinks. "What do you mean!? I was gonna cum super hard, but you just stopped!" she exclaimed, noticing that her vulvar area wasn't tingling that much anymore; her arousal had decreased from the lack of stimulation.

"Oh, you think that was going to be super hard? You'll know hard once I'm finished with you tonight ..." The vixen didn't know how to process that. On the one hand, she would give anything at this stage for a nice orgasm; on the other hand, she had no clue what kind of calculating ploy the feline had in store for her this time.

"So, tell me, sweetheart, you ready for round two? I bet you're not tingling down there anymore ..."

Before the sexually frustrated fox could answer, he placed the vibrator back on her nub. It was easy to locate, as her juices had thoroughly soaked her panties, making a nice outline of her vulvar region. As before, the vixen sighed and rolled her eyes into the back of her head and laid her head back, completely enraptured by the delightful vibrations. While she hated his guts for denying her the most satisfying climax of her life, the fox decided to stay quiet and just enjoy the massage, lest he cut short her pleasure again.

"Now, remember, like last time, let me know when you feel you're about to cum, OK?"

The vixen didn't like the request; the last time she obeyed, the cat cruelly denied her the best climax of her life. "Mmm, yeah, su--sure, ..." the fox fibbed in between soft moans, planning to cum silently this time so the feline wouldn't tease her.

Sure enough, after about a minute, the burning feeling of imminent orgasm returned to her clit. She took deep breaths to steady her nerves; she had to stay quiet. For a split-second, she wondered what the feline would do to her when he found out she climaxed without telling him, but the sensations building in her clitoris almost immediately overrode those thoughts. The cat was on the back burner; right now, she wanted to cum.

The cat was distracted by her physique, she noticed as she peeped through half-closed eyelids; he was busy rubbing the bulge in his pants as he eyed her breasts, his other paw holding the vibrator on her right where she needed it. While she detested men gawking at her, this was one instant she was fine with it.

She knew this was her chance, so she used all her willpower to steady herself. Mere seconds away from crossing the threshold, the fox decided that this time there would be no stopping her. "Oh, fuck, oh, shit, oh, shit, ..." the vixen thought, the fiery pleasure concentrated in her knob about to lead into heavenly orgasmic contractions; this orgasm was going to be the strongest yet.

The delicious white-hot feeling in her clit dissipated as her orgasmic contractions started. She felt her entire nether region throb, the contraction sending a wave of intense pleasure down to the very depths of her soul. Eyes closed, she fought to control her body as waves of pleasure crashed into her as her pussy and asshole quivered and throbbed. Her climax went on for ages; she lost count of how many times her womanhood throbbed. Usually she'd just have 3 or 4 contractions back home when she masturbated, but these contractions weren't letting up, and each one was as strong as the last one. Of course, she wasn't complaining ...

After what felt like an eternity of bliss, she finally felt the orgasm subsiding, the contractions tapering off in intensity. Her body radiated from the familiar euphoric afterglow of orgasm as the last of the contractions died out, a silly wide grin of relief on her face. She closed her eyes and laid her head back to bask in the afterglow, almost unable to believe how hard she had just cum ... but then it hit her. The vixen's eyes jolted open and she looked down at her crotch with a pained expression - the feline still held the vibrator in place right dab on her clit, unaware that she had orgasmed, still rubbing the lump in his pants.

Like all females, her nub became horribly sensitive after cumming, and the sensations that once made her toes curl in pleasure were now like nails on a chalkboard. The fox was screwed - she couldn't tell her captor that she had orgasmed, but there was no escaping the devilish vibrations. She tried twisting and shifting to get the massager off her clit. Was this some form of cruel punishment for enjoying an orgasm?

"What's the matter, sweetheart? Didn't you want it right here?" the cat asked with suspicion as he vigorously rubbed the vibrating head over her vulvar region.

She grimaced and squirmed, her stomach sucking in involuntarily; she had no idea her clitoris would get this hypersensitive. "Uh, nuffin'! Could you just move it around a little? It, uh, kinda gets boring in just one spot, y'know! Ack!" She hoped the excuse would fly.

But the feline was more experienced than she had figured. "Hmmm, have we been a naughty girl? Did you cum without telling me?!" the cat asked, an air of menace in his voice, pushing the vibrating head deep into her womanhood, causing its hum to muffle.

"Ugh! Stop, stop! Fine! Yes, I came ... I didn't want you to stop like before! Please stop, it's too sensitive!" she pleaded, squirming in her restraints, desperate for the sensations to stop.

"Nuh-uh, I told you to tell me! You were a naughty fox! Now, this is your punishment..." he reprimanded, disappointed at her insolence.

The vixen huffed and puffed - the sensations were overwhelming. Even if the orgasm had rocked her world, she regretted not obeying. "I just wanted to cum, I didn't want you to deny me again! Umfffgh!"

The cat spoke again, this time not as menacingly. "Well, you get another chance then ... and this time, you had better tell me! And I'm not taking this off you ... Take it like a good girl, the sensitivity will pass soon."

She squirmed and gasped sharply for the next half a minute or so as the vibrator painfully pounded her hypersensitive bud ... but after that, the sensitivity subsided and was slowly replaced by the familiar feeling of heightening arousal. Relieved that her hypersensitivity was gone, she stretched her limbs and relaxed into the exquisite vibrations. Another denied orgasm would be a challenge for her sanity, but of course, she wasn't the one in charge ...

"Sensitivity gone from down there, huh? That'll teach you to try and be smart with me, young lady!" the cat teased, keeping the massager firmly planted against the fox lady's nub. The vixen wanted to talk back but was too busy enjoying the vibrations on her clit. "What's the matter, cutie ... cat got your tongue? Don't forget, don't you dare forget to tell me this time!" warned the cat, but his voice wasn't menacing, but took on a more teasing demeanor.

"Ye--Yeah, all right. I--I'll let you know. Mmmmmff ..." The vixen struggled with her words as the vibrator coaxed her clit closer to another mind-blowing orgasm ... An orgasm she knew would be denied.

After only about a minute, the captive vulpine felt the familiar pre-orgasmic tingling building up in her clit. She cursed the cat under her breath because she knew this orgasm was going to be the strongest orgasm of the night. In a last-ditch effort, she started pleading with the callous feline. "Do you really gotta take it off again? I'm gonna cum s--so hard! Please, don't take it off!" she pouted, hoping the cat would have mercy on her and let her climax.

"Well, if you want more clit torture, I could keep it on ..." answered the feline.

The vixen didn't like this game of pain for pleasure; she grunted in frustration and slammed her head back down, defeated. "OK, fine!" she declared, feeling seconds away from crossing the point of no return.

The cat was pleased. "That's my girl ... I'll reward you for this later ..." A reward sounded nice, but right now her mind was on the feelings of imminent orgasm and how it'd be cruelly snatched away at the very last instant.

The intense feelings in her clit were about to give way to her first orgasmic contractions. "I'm su--super close, n--now!" she managed to pant out and for a moment the vixen thought she would get to cross the point of no return and enjoy a second orgasm. But luck was not on her side tonight as the fiendish feline took the vibrator off her nub at the last possible moment, turning it off. She had gotten even closer to cumming than the first time she was denied.

The vixen let out a guttural growl as she was denied a huge climax for the second time that night. "UGH, JESUS FUCK ... FUCK!" she blasphemed at the top of her lungs, threatening to break her restraints, overwhelmed with frustration. "My, my, such a potty mouth! But you've been such a good girl ... About to cum so hard only to have it taken away at the last minute ... This always gets them riled up!" said the fox's captor with a chuckle, the bulge in his pants now unusually prominent. A dark spot had formed on the tip of the bulge, and she wondered whether it was precum or whether he had blown his load.

"Why won't you just fucking let me cum?!" The vixen slumped back, feeling utterly defeated. Her sanity was slipping.

"Aw, hun, I told you we need to build them up lovingly, didn't I?" he answered, cradling the bulge in his pants in his left paw as his other one held the vibrator.

The vixen found this both perplexing and infuriating. "Ho--How the fuck is this lovingly? Taking it away right when I'm about to cum is not lovingly, it's being a frickin' jerk!" If looks could kill, the cat would be dead. The vulpine was the calm and collected one in her group of friends, but the torturous sexual frustration had set her off.

"Well, sweetheart, if you give me a chance, I can show you." He affirmed as he leaned in. "But you have to do everything I tell you, all right? No hanky-panky like before!" requested the dominant feline, his tone stern yet polite.

The fox looked at him with boiling rage, but on the inside, she was pensive. The prospect of a mind-blowing orgasm was too good to pass up, but she wasn't sure if this was another one of the cat's sinister plots to drive her mad with frustration. She took her chance ... "OK, fine," agreed the vixen, exhaling as her eyes continued to bore holes into her captor, "I'll do what you tell me to!" She hoped she wouldn't regret it this time ...

The cat nodded and smiled in appreciation of her compliance. "That was a naughty thing to do, by the way ... sneaking in that orgasm when I wasn't noticing."

The vixen shifted her eyes, momentarily forgetting her anger. "Well, a girl's gotta cum, you know. You had really frustrated me before, you see!" The vixen would call this a cheap excuse, but it was true - not orgasming would always put her in a foul mood.

The tomcat chuckled. "Was it worth it, though?" he asked, turning the vibrator back on.

The fox smiled sultrily; her cheeks felt warm with embarrassment. "It was amazing ... It went on and on ..." she said, hoping she'd have more orgasms like that tonight.

The cat started massaging her left thigh again. "I'm glad you liked it, but that was nothing compared to what I have in store for you, sweetheart ..." he reassured, as he traced a path with the vibrator to her other thigh, playfully avoiding her vulva.

The vixen liked the sound of that. As he dragged the vibrator over her, she shifted a bit in her restraints hoping to get to some pleasure, no matter how brief, from the vibrations. When he devilishly avoided her genitals, she huffed and looked at him, her anger returning briefly.

His train of thought was still on the previous topic, though. "I gotta say though, you stayed quiet the whole time ... That was impressive! Every other girl I've played with can't help but make me worry the neighbors are gonna call the cops!"

"Oh, I kinda had to because I was worried you'd notice. Girl's gotta stay quiet living with her parents in a house with paper-thin walls, y'know? I got tons of practice there." She giggled at the memories of her teenage years and all the orgasms she had to sneak in silently.

"Oh, is that right?" asked the tom. "Heh, well you're definitely going to make a racket tonight, whether you want to or not!" The toothy, evil smirk returned to the feline's face.

As always, the vixen had no idea how to interpret that. But she set aside her uncertainty and went along with the tom's plans, whatever they may be - she was too desperate to climax after having been denied twice during the night to give it much thought.

The cat began to tease her anew. This time, he would circle her clit once and move the vibe to her left thigh, then move it back to circle her nub once again only to move it to her right thigh, skillfully avoiding her love button every time ...

The vulpine squirmed in her restraints, being driven to madness as the vibrator got so close to her clit every single time he circled it, but cruelly moved it away to massage her thighs. "Ugh, I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" she pouted, shifting in her bondage to try and get some vibrations where she desperately craved them. She regretted agreeing to whatever ploy the feline had in mind.

"Now, now," said the feline, "remember what you said. You said you'd do whatever I told you to, so now I'm telling you, take it like a good girl. I need to get you all hot and bothered ..." his last words trailing off in a lower register.

"Ugh, fine!" exclaimed the vixen, resigning herself to her fate. "As long as you make me cum ... You will make me cum, right?" she looked up at the cat with large puppy-dog eyes, hoping he wouldn't be cruel enough to keep her frustrated.

The feline stopped the merciless teasing to lean in, the vibrator still on. "Of course, you'll get to cum ..." he leaned in even closer, till his muzzle was hovering right next to her left ear and she felt his hot breath on her ear lobe. "... eventually." He whispered. This last word had a sinister undertone.

Once again, the vixen's train of thought was at a crossroads. The teasing and denial were chipping away at her sanity, but she figured she may as well try to put up with it so long as she got to enjoy an orgasm at the end of the ordeal.

She sighed. "You're really evil, you know that, right?" she asked. There was a hint of resignation in her voice, so the feline knew she'd be submissive.

The cat chuckled before he answered. "That's what you all say at first, ... but that's before I make them cum at the end ..." he said, padding back to the middle of the table. "Then they all love it."

Her captor's answer was somewhat relieving, she thought. She just hoped "the end" would be sooner than later ...

He held the vibrating head in his paw. "Oh, these vibrations are so strong. No wonder you girls love them so much ..."

Once again, he started approaching her with the vibrator. While the vixen caught sight of this through her peripheral vision, she didn't bother to see where he was taking it; what was the point if all he was going to do was tease her? It's what the sadistic feline seemed to enjoy doing ...

The tomcat pleasantly surprised her with a much-needed respite from the teasing; the vibrator found itself right on her clit, sending a delicious wave of sexual energy coursing through her body. Nostrils flaring, her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her muscles relaxed involuntarily, her body reveling in sexual bliss. She pointed and curled her toes in sheer delight, her ankle ring tintinnabulating against the flat table surface.

The feline spoke up with a tone of dominance, the vulpine writhing on the table in sexual ecstasy. "OK ... So, since you've been a good girl, I'm going to let you choose what happens now ... "

Even though the vixen was almost lost in a trance, her ears stood at attention.

"I can either tease you for a long time and build up a monstrous climax ... Or I can force you to orgasm again and again, but I got to warn you ... There will be no breaks, this thing's going to stay on you even after you cum each time. And you know how sensitive you get down there ..."

"I--I ... oh, f--fffuck ..." she struggled with her words, the massager pummeling her nub closer and closer to sweet release. "OK, I don't fucking care, ju--just make me cum!" came the demand in a denial-provoked delirium.

"All right, then ..." said the tom. "... Teasing and edging it is!"

Her ears shot straight up. "No! What the fuck! I told you to make me cum!" she protested, giving the cat a death stare.

"No ...", he explained, careful to keep the massager on her to not break her building sexual tension. "I gave you a choice, and you said you didn't care ... you just wanted to cum ... And you definitely will get to cum ... In a while ..." The last three words came in a sinister hiss.

"NO! I fucking told you to make me cum!" The vixen's mouth started to froth. "No more teasing, I--" Her rant cut off as her eyes went wide as saucers. The tingling had started again; the fox knew she was on the verge. And so did the cat ...

He started tapping the vixen's bud with the massager, making the vulpine fidget. "Stop!! Fuck! Just make me cum!" demanded the half-insane fox. The tapping kept her right on the edge. Her tormentor had an uncanny ability to recognize when a female was right on the edge, and he enjoyed putting this knowledge to good use.

"Hmmmmm ... I don't think so!" said the cat, pausing briefly to pretend to think about it. The vulpine didn't know if being kept close to cumming was worse than being denied; both experiences drove her crazy with frustration.

"OK ... OK ... What do you want? Want me to suck your cock? Wa-Want to fuck me after we're done?? Anything, just please let me cum already!" begged the vixen, her voice frantic and desperate. Her restraints creaked as she thrashed on the table, on the edge of insanity.

"While I would love a good blowjob, I love torturing you a lot more ..." purred the cruel cat, flicking the vibrator over her bean, teasing the shit out of the poor girl. If he kept it on her for just a couple of seconds, that's all she'd need to cum.

"Why?! Just let me cum already! Please, please, please!" supplicated the vixen. Although half driven to madness, a part of her psyche found the begging exciting ...

"Oh, sweetheart, remember what I told you." He reminded her as the relentless clit teasing continued. "Beautiful girls like you need to cum hard ... and I'm here to help with that."

The girl was going bonkers. "I'll cum hard! I promise I will! Just let me cum, fuck! Please, please!" All she could think about was cumming. Tap, tap, tap, flick, flick, flick went the infernal vibrator. If only he would keep it there for a second or two ...

As before, the tomcat rolled his eyes. "What will I do with you girls and your silly vibrating toys?" Sensing that the poor girl was about to lose her mind for good, he mercifully brought the edging to an end. A feather-light touch with the massager in the right spot was all she needed.

The floodgates of orgasm heaven opened.

The vixen's climax slammed into her like a tidal wave as her body locked up, her face contorted as if in pain, her pupils fully dilated, her toes splayed so that her creamy white soles were stretched to their limit. Her grunts resembled that of a burly he-fox as never-ending waves of ecstasy wracked her body.

After what seemed like an eternity, her orgasmic contractions started to die away, and she started breathing again. Her feline tormentor looked on as the vixen's sweat covered torso heaved in sync with the last of her orgasmic pulsations, her grunts of pleasure now more feminine.

As the vixen felt the last of the contractions die out, she opened her eyes, still breathing heavily. The room, her captor, the situation all came back into view as her eyes adjusted after the brutal climax. "Ho--Holy shit. That was ... Oh, my God, that was HUGE!" she exclaimed. She had no idea it was possible to cum this hard.

The cat purred and with a flick of a switch, brought the hum of the massager to silence, the vibrating head jolting briefly due to resonance right before it turned off. "What did I tell you before? They all love it in the end ..." He leaned in close and whispered. "Did you?"

The fox shifted her eyes sheepishly. "Yeah, I, uh, kinda did. That was so huge, oh, my God." Her tone was serene and composed as she answered with a coy smile. She basked in the afterglow of what she thought was the best possible orgasm anyone could ever have. I mean, she couldn't cum harder than this, right?

Right ...?

The Vixen's Vexation - Part 2

She felt like she could almost doze off right then and there. The vixen almost visibly radiated from the post-orgasmic chemical concoction surging through her system, a wide grin of satisfaction adorning her cute face. After what seemed like an...

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The Noseless Plumber

The kit's sweat-laced shirt clung to his back, the dark spot of moisture barely visible in the dim light of the TV. He faced the door of the room, his back illuminated by the off-white glow of the TV screen. Changing images on the screen made the...

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