Illusion of Reality Chap 4

Story by AshuraK on SoFurry

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#5 of Mondias Tales

Illusion of Reality

Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga

Adapted from: JDawson's adventure

Chapter Four

"Ow..." Anthony cried out. He propped himself up on his elbows, and turned his

head towards the direction of the moans that weren't his.

Lying on its back was a small child about his age with blue hair. Its head was

turned to the side.

Drake and Toshi made their way across the plateau, and both examined both

Anthony and the other child. Anthony and the child just lay there breathing and

moaning now and then.

"Anthony's fine, but that fall looked like it hurt" Toshi said to Drake, who was

examine the damage on the blue haired child.

"This one's a girl and she's bleeding from her head, but not too badly" Drake

said, then placing some slight pressure on the girl's head where the blood was

coming from. A moment later, the bleeding stopped, and Drake wiped the blood

from his hands and her head.

"Let's get them over to the steeds, Toshi" Drake said. Toshi nodded and

preceded to help Anthony up, who did not object.

"I'm sorry I said those things Toshi" Anthony whispered. Toshi smiled, and

continued to walk Anthony to Katey.

"It's okay... if I didn't love you like a brother, I still would've forgave you,

buddy" Toshi replied quietly.

"How are you doing small one?" Drake asked the girl. He hoisted her onto

Elkira, who kneeled down for the new passenger.

"My head still hurts" the girl said with tears in her eyes.

"Unfortunately, my Magik can't take away pain, just injuries."

"That's okay, it's better than the pain that I would've felt if that boy didn't

jump into me."

Drake smiled, and looked to the skies, then back down at her.

"You gonna be okay Anthony?" Toshi asked Anthony as he got on Katey. Anthony

was sad and quiet, but he looked up and smiled briefly.

"Yeah, Toshi, yeah..." Anthony replied. He squeezed Katey's sides with his

knees, and she made her way back in the direction of the Sear house at a

reasonable pace. Drake, Toshi and the girl took off a moment after Anthony.

During the ride, he kept thinking to himself about the girl's life he saved by

colliding with her.

"I can't believe I was even thinking about killing myself, Katey" Anthony said.

He hunkered down, and hugged her around the neck, while she bounced along.

"Next to my parents and Uncle Drake, you and Toshi are the most important things

to me." She heard him, but didn't respond, as if to say "Thank you, but you

need to realize I'm am very important to you".


"That should do it" Drake said, after applying a cold wet cloth to the bruise

that bothered the injured girl. Anthony said they should use his bed, as it was

closest from the front door.

"Can I come in, Uncle Drake?" Anthony asked. Drake was already on his way out,

and shrugged his shoulders.

"Sure, but I don't know if she'll want to talk to you after you accidentally

thumped her head and saved her life by doing so" Drake said smiling, which

invoked smiles from both Anthony and the girl. Then he promptly left.

"You can come in, Volo" the girl said. Anthony was surprised at this remark.

Volo happened to be Anthony in Tree Elven.

"How'd you know my Tree Elven name?" he asked inquisitively. She turned over to

face the wall, and shrugged. And as she did so, her hair parted just right to

reveal pointed ears, exactly like Anthony's ears. He felt comfortable in her

presence now, as he now knew she was like him.

"You're half n' half like me?" Anthony asked making his way over to his bed.

"Yes" she replied, then looked at him for a second then faced the other way

again. He noticed as he sat down on the edge of his bed, that she had green

eyes. He then realized that her hair and eyes were polar opposites from his

green hair and blue eyes.

"What's your name? Who're your parents?" he asked her.

"My name is Nera Fain, and my parents are Sam and Taylor Fain, the merchants"

she said while still facing the wall. "By the way, your wallpaper is nice."

"Is you mother a Tree Elf as well?" Anthony asked. She nodded knowing that he

was on the bed. There was silence except for their breathing, and after a bit,

Anthony said something.

"I'm sorry that I jumped into you, but I'm glad I did" Anthony said quietly.

"Thank you... I wanted to run right over the edge and right into the sea because

of what's been happening," she said. "I'm glad you stopped me from ending my


At that she turned to lie on her back again, and put her hand on his hand.

"Here's to a life debt and a new friendship," she added.

[In the next Chapter of IoR: ?.]

{I'll edit it as soon as my friend reads it and makes a suggestion, as I've hit

a temporary writer's block.}

Illusion of Reality Chap 3

Illusion of Reality Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga Adapted from: JDawson's adventure Chapter Three It had only a few days since the news of the loss of Cal and Agnes, as well as the loss of three-quarters of Kalo's army. The townsfolk...

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Illusion of Reality Chap 2

Illusion of Reality Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga Adapted from: JDawson's adventure Chapter Two In Kalo, the word of a loss had not yet reached them, but it very soon would, and would forever change dozens of lives not involved in the...

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Illusion of Reality Chap 1

Illusion of Reality Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga Adapted from: JDawson's adventure Chapter One Kalo was closest to San Kailon, and San Kailon was running low on reserve supplies, and so part of Kalo came to help San Kailon, but after a...

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