Illusion of Reality Chap 2

Story by AshuraK on SoFurry

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#3 of Mondias Tales

Illusion of Reality

Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga

Adapted from: JDawson's adventure

Chapter Two

In Kalo, the word of a loss had not yet reached them, but it very soon would,

and would forever change dozens of lives not involved in the war.


Anthony Sear, a half-elven, half-human boy of eight years was playing outside

his house with the HavenWood Forest animals. His long green hair flew in the

wind as he laughed joyously and romped around with the animals as if they were

best of friends. And they weren't domesticated either, which said something

about Anthony's skills with animals.

His mother left him in the care of the neighbors, Markus and Julian Ilfi.

They too had a son, and his name was Toshi. Toshi, like his father, Markus,

showed interest in weaponsmithing and armorsmithing. Julian simply was an at-

home mother, as Markus provided enough money with his line of work.

"Hey" smiled Anthony. A HavenWood chick was perched on Anthony's shoulder.

Toshi had just run to see his friend, and was out of breath.

"Anthony, you gotta see what Rachael's doing!" Toshi exclaimed trying to catch

his breath by bending forward and using his knees as a rest.

"The healer's daughter?" Anthony said simply. He was a quiet child, but he had

a fierce determination that other kids envied.

"Yeah... she's doin' something amazingly cool" Toshi breathed heavily, still

resting. Anthony smiled.

"Let's go then," he said. He let the chick go back into the woods, and jogged

with Toshi.

"Wow! Look at that!" some children were saying. Anthony and Toshi reached the

crowd of children.

"Move aside you, Anthony hasn't seen yet" Toshi said to another kid. Toshi was

a rough and tumble kid, and this was because his father brought him up to be

strong, but unfortunately he was also somewhat of a bully. They edged through

the crowd. Only Toshi was stopped, stopped by a Dwarven child.

"You've already seen though," the child said. Toshi tried to squirm by, but to

no avail.

"Oys! Emmes roue das condae oo slagra!" Toshi yelled in Dwarven. But the

Dwarven child wouldn't let him through still. But he did, however, grab Toshi

by the face, and lift him out of the way.

"I am not a piece a slag, you runt of the litter" the child said.

Anthony ignored all this, as Toshi was always getting into fights with other

kids, mostly the Dwarven ones. He continued watching Rachael in wonder, though,

as her Magik entranced him.

She had a few dozen dead butterflies, and one by one, slowly, she brought them

back to life. They fluttered around everyone, especially Anthony.

One particularly pretty butterfly fluttered near Anthony's outstretched hand.

As it was about to land, a wet and sticky tongue lashed out from what seemed

like nowhere, and snatched the beautiful bug.

Everyone's attention snapped toward an Acem as it towered over them. Even the

Dwarven child stopped mid-punch from Toshi, and dropped him. It smiled

gleefully as it showed off its still-alive prize, then mimicked a chomp, and got

a few gasps and cries of sorrow. Rachael simply frowned, looked down, and began

to cry.

Anthony stepped forward, and stared at the literally cold-blooded lizardman.

"Give it back" he demanded quietly.

The Acem cocked its head multiple times, trying to figure out if Anthony was

talking to it, or if he was just cross-eyed.

"Me?" said a raspy voice from the lizard. It looked around, and looked back at

Anthony. "You're talking to me?"

The Acem stepped closer, and Anthony didn't budge. And then he, too, stepped


"Give back the bug now, Acem" Anthony demanded again. They were so close that

they were a mere inch from each other's face. Anthony noticed that the insect

was still alive, and grabbed the Acem's lower jaw with one hand, and grabbed the

tongue with his other.

"I said now! Don't make me repeat myself!" he yelled. The Acem struggled. It

tried to retract its tongue, and try and bite Anthony as well. Anthony held

fast and strong, and pulled the tongue out further. The Acem moaned in pain, as

its tongue was not ready to be stretched like that. And finally, the Acem

pulled the insect off of its tongue, and handed it to a near-tearful Rachael.

As it did, Anthony let go, and the lizardman growled, and leapt at Anthony.

Unfortunately for it, a small rock smashed into the side of its head, and it

crumpled to the ground, and the children began to cheer. They turned around to

see a tall man with white hair, but also a very youthful and beautiful face.

He reached down to Rachael's hands and held his finger above the butterfly.

After a moment, he lifted his finger, and the butterfly was glass-like but still

alive, and able to flap its wings and flutter around. He then put the butterfly

in Rachael's hair, and it rested there and fluttered slowly.

"There" he smiled big, wiping her tears away.

There was shouting in the distance. And some of the town made its way toward

the herald that had just come from San Kailon.

"People of Kalo! I bring news of the War! The battle for San Kailon is over,

the Amarahn have retreated! ..." The herald's voice was drowned out as the town

erupted in joy. The white haired man put Anthony up on his shoulders to get a

better view.

"Thanks Uncle Drake" Anthony smiled.

The waved his arms and the town grew quiet again, but with eager smiles on their


"And more so, Commander Maximus has fallen in defeat, and was killed, but at the

loss of our commander, his wife, the other commanders... and a three-quarters of

our forces" said the herald. The town became very quiet, and a few sobs could

be heard. And then the townspeople began to murmur as well as feel the sorrow

wash over them.

"... Three-quarters... over half of our population... six dozen men and


But most quiet was Drake. A single tear fell down his cheek and dripped onto

the ground. Anthony was almost as quiet.

"Uncle Drake, did the herald say 'our commander'?" asked Anthony.

"Yes, Anthony... he did... and he said 'wife' as well" Drake said quietly.

Drake was an adopted child, and his sister was Agnes Sear, wife to Cal Sear,

mother to Brad and to Anthony. Drake loved his sister very much. And to the

point where he said he'd do anything for her.

Anthony knew then that his parents weren't coming back. All he could do was to

hold onto Drake, and cry.

[In the next Chapter of IoR: with emotions running high, the distraught people

of Kalo seek refuge in the care of those they love, and that are still with

them. While others do things that are life altering to them selves, fate stops

just in time for two individuals.]

Illusion of Reality Chap 3

Illusion of Reality Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga Adapted from: JDawson's adventure Chapter Three It had only a few days since the news of the loss of Cal and Agnes, as well as the loss of three-quarters of Kalo's army. The townsfolk...

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Illusion of Reality Chap 1

Illusion of Reality Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga Adapted from: JDawson's adventure Chapter One Kalo was closest to San Kailon, and San Kailon was running low on reserve supplies, and so part of Kalo came to help San Kailon, but after a...

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Illusion of Reality Prologue

Illusion of Reality Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga Adapted from: JDawson's adventure Prologue For many centuries in the Realm of Mondias, there had been peace. For farmers, each year would yield fruits and vegetables, more or less than the...

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