Illusion of Reality Chap 1

Story by AshuraK on SoFurry

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#2 of Mondias Tales

Illusion of Reality

Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga

Adapted from: JDawson's adventure

Chapter One

Kalo was closest to San Kailon, and San Kailon was running low on reserve

supplies, and so part of Kalo came to help San Kailon, but after a few long hard

battles, San Kailon fell. This is what happened...

"Ready more balista!" ordered a red-haired commander, riding a war-horse. This

was Cal Sear, commander of the Alpha Squad for the Kalo Resistance. He looked

very seasoned and hardened, and had an aura about him.

About a few months before the first battle of San Kailon, his eldest son, Brad

had run away. Brad was tired of listening to his parents tell his younger half-

elven brother, Anthony, about the resistance and the way of Kalo peoples,

meditation, and the fact that his Tree Elven mother was helping with this

'madness', Brad once called it, named the War of Years. Having to do almost all

the schematics for his father's battle plans didn't help either.

"Commander Sear, we are almost out of balista bolts!" shouted a soldier, who had

just run up to him holding tightly onto his bow. The soldier was a young man,

in fact, and had no prior teachings before his training in the army. He looked

shell-shocked and he was sweating rather much. However, Commander Sear simply

smiled and patted him on his shoulder.

"You'll do fine, just go and gather the Magik Troops, soldier" Cal said

reassuringly. The soldier smiled weakly and made haste to the Magik Barracks.

Just then Cal heard a faint buzzing in the air from the Amarahn Clan side...


"Quickly, rally the Defensive troops! Amarahnian Magicians at," Cal looked for

them and there they were... three whole squads of Magicians, Magik users.


As the order was given, six soldiers upon horses appeared upon the hilltop

behind the Amarahnian Clan. Cal paid no heed to them yet, and raised one of his

arms in preparation for the bowers to nock their arrows.

"On my mark!" he shouted. The Defense troops made their way quickly into the


"Now" commanded a horse-riding soldier upon the hilltop. This was the powerful

leader of the Amarahn Clan, Maximus. On his command, the Magicians launched the

Magik missiles into the air. They streamed different colors each, arched into

the sky toward the Alpha Resistance, and landed explosively on top of the

squadron from Kalo.

"Release!" roared Cal lowering his arm. From the cloud of dust, flew thousands

of arrows. Just as the dust was clearing, Cal heard the screams of pain and

death from the Amarahnian soldiers and Magicians, and he grimaced. Though Cal

was a commander, he hated killing humans and other races. He preferred to strike

down the leaders and free the soldiers. He looked around. Not one of his

squadron were hurt or killed from the Magik missiles.

Maximus grinned and wiped the spittle from his chin. "Fool" he whispered.

Maximus half closed his eyes, and then looked up at Cal directly with now all

red eyes.

"Charge!" he growled. He and his five other soldiers rode slowly as his army

began to run into battle.

"What is he doing?" Cal wondered, and then he bellowed out orders: "Draw your

weapons!" "Remember what I taught you!" "For San Kailon, for the other fallen

cities, and for Mondias!"

His men cheered, and gathered their defenses, as he smirked and shouted for them

to charge as well.

Almost at once the two armies clashed together, and blood misted into the air,

and fell onto the ground. Cal and his other higher-ranking soldiers charged

right into the mass of soldiers, and each slaughtered the opposing army.

Maximus and his five soldiers also rode into the fighting armies, and in turn

helped their soldiers kill Cal's army.

At some point, all of the higher-ranking soldiers from both armies were off

their horses and began to seek out each opposing army's higher-ranking soldiers.

Cal had found Maximus, and they began to circle, their swords already drawn.

"You can't win Maximus!" said Cal over the battle around him. He brandished his

sword and swung at Maximus, who in turn countered and swung at Cal, slicing his

armor, but not his skin. Maximus grinned, and lunged at Cal.

"Why do you hide your face, soldier?" asked a red-haired Amarahnian commander,

circling a green-haired Kalo commander.

"I hide nothing" replied a feminine voice. The Amarahnian soldier and the Kalo

soldier ripped off their semi-masked helmets and glared.

"Brad!" growled the female Tree Elf.

"Mother" Brad smirked, and then he swung at the Elven soldier.

"Traitor!" she said countering his blow, but then caught a back handed gauntlet

from what seemed like nowhere. She fell to the ground.

"Now mother, that hurts me when you say that" he grinned evilly, now standing

over her. She took this opportunity to kick him in the stomach. His armor

cracked, and sent him stumbling, but he regained his composure quickly.

"Bitch!" he growled, then swung again with his sword.

"How dare you!" she said, dodging the swing, and then charging at him. She

knocked his sword out of his hand with an upward swing, and came down upon her

son. But she stopped mid-swing, for Brad had pulled out his dagger and buried

it into his mother's chest.

"I'm sorry mother, but you must sleep now" he growled quietly to her. She

dropped her sword, looked at him briefly as he pulled his dagger out of her,

then dropped to her knees, and collapsed onto the ground.

"If mother was here, where's father?" he wondered, smiling with satisfaction.

"The way of the world is not yours to toy with Maximus!" Cal shouted, dodging a


"I simply want the world, nothing more" Maximus growled, then swung again at

Cal. Cal countered, and sliced Maximus' armor, but missed his skin.

Unfortunately, this left Cal open, and ultimately was also his demise. Seizing

the moment Maximus, lunged at Cal like before, and stabbed him through to the

other side. Brad saw this and made his way over, gritting his teeth and


"Damn it, he was mine!" he shouted. Maximus turned around, after pulling his

sword out.

"He chose to fight me, Brad!" Maximus glowered, then dodged a punch aimed at his

face from Brad, and returned one in kind. Brad's nose was broken, and along his

bridge was a long gash. "Learn your place, whelp!"

Brad got up, and punched Maximus in the side. Then, when Maximus was bent over,

Brad kneed him in the face, knocking him backwards and onto the ground, flat on

his back. Brad pulled out his dagger again, and kneeled over Maximus.

"He was mine to kill, you bastard" he growled, and stabbed Maximus in the middle

of the chest, then he slit his throat.

Brad got up, and ordered a retreat.

The Battle of San Kailon was over in a draw.


In Kalo, the word of a loss had not yet reached them, but it soon would, and

would forever change dozens of lives not involved in the war.

[In the next Chapter of IoR, Kalo learns of its losses: it's highest-ranking

commanders, the other lives lost, and the loss of friends... and even family]

Illusion of Reality Chap 2

Illusion of Reality Written by: Ashura L. Kusanaga Adapted from: JDawson's adventure Chapter Two In Kalo, the word of a loss had not yet reached them, but it very soon would, and would forever change dozens of lives not involved in the...

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Illusion of Reality Prologue

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Hiroku's First

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