The Cub Trade

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Commission for anonymous.Warning: may not be suitable for some users. Includes heavy rape.If you enjoy my work and want to see more, consider donating to my Ko-fi. Every small donation helps to keep me doing what I love.

Jenny was nervous.

She, and her son, stood outside the door of her friend's house, waiting for him to answer the door. The adult, female rabbit shifted uncomfortable and checked her phone, making sure she wasn't too late or too early. As usual, she was right on time. Her son didn't seem too worried, humming to himself as he rocked on his heels on the spot. They were attending a dinner with a friend, but for Jenny, it was rather important. She flicked her thumb across her phone screen to the gallery, staring down at the picture of a young wolf girl, with pristine white fur. She sighed through her nose as she heard the front door's lock click and swing open.

"Jenny. Dani. Glad you could make it." Standing there was a grey/white wolf, with a chiselled body and a suave expression. He glanced towards the boy standing next to his mothers and his eyes lingered for a little too long, before stepping to the side.

"Make yourself at home. Dinner's almost ready." He assured them. Jenny nodded and smiled, ushering her son inside as the wolf closed the door behind the two of them. He lead them across the room towards the dining room, gesturing for them to sit as he returned to the adjacent kitchen, through a dark mahogany door.

Jenny slid into a seat and anxiously tapped her fingers against the table. She was here for one reason, and one reason only: A trade.

She had come to know the wolf as 'Mr. Snowpaw'. They had met in a like-minded group of individuals on the internet, who shared an attraction for those younger than themselves. Jenny was never interested in the man in any sexual capacity, though he was definitely attractive enough: toned, 7 foot tall, a good cook, but her eyes were on something else: his daughter.

The two of them were in a dilemma, of sorts. Jenny was mostly attracted to girls. Mr. Snowpaw was mostly attracted to boys. The two hit it off well when they began talking about their children, and over several months, they became friends. It was only then that Mr. Snowpaw suggested something rather tempting: a trade, of sorts. He'd offer ups his daughter, but in exchange, he got some time with her son.

That was what worried her. Though she had only spoken to him for 7 or 8 months, and although she had planned this out perfectly, she still didn't know much about him. From his tastes, which he often so openly shared, she knew he could get rough. That was why she was here tonight: she didn't want to risk her son's safety for a little fling.

Of course, this wasn't the first time they had been to his house. Her and Dani had visited Mr. Snowpaw on many an occasion: it was surprising to find out that she lived so close to him, barely 10 minutes in the car. Dani and his daughter, Lilly, had come to know each other quite well, and Dani was familiar with the man by this point, thankfully.

"Hope you like pasta," Mr. Snowpaw suddenly appeared in the doorway, expertly carrying 3 plates at once, with the third balanced on his arm. "Because that's what I'm good at."

"Where's Lilly?" Dani asked casually as the wolf set out the plates and took his own seat, immediately digging in.

"At a friend's house tonight. Some slumber party thing." The wolf explained, and Dani looked a little crestfallen.

"I'll go get us some drinks." Jenny suggested, getting to her feet and making her way into the kitchen. She knew where everything was, so finding her way around wasn't too difficult.

As she rummaged, Mr. Snowpaw idly took in Dani's body from afar, whilst the boy was focused on his meal. THe young rabbit was only 11 years of age, but he already had a body similar to that of a college girl. His sides were slender, his hips curvy. He had a round chin and a sculpted, feminine face. To make matters worse, his fur was a beautiful shade of pink, with bright blone hair that stopped just before reaching his chin. It gave him a feminine look, with the unisex hair and obvious feminine colours. Even his clothes were made to match: though they were boyish, they were tight on him, the loose T-shirt clinging effortlessly to his sides, those shorts clasping tightly around his thick thighs. He was everything that the wolf wanted. Mr. Snowpaw was getting excited just looking at him.

When Jenny finally returned with a few glasses of water, Dani was already halfway through his meal, chewing thoughtfully as he turned his gaze to the wolf.

"I wish you were my daddy." Dani said rather abruptly, much to the adults surprise. Jenny and the wolf exchanged a glance, before Mr. Snowpaw took in a deep breath.

"That's cute," He teased. "Do you want to call me Daddy, then?"

"You mean...?" The bunny's eyes bulged as he looked to his mother, who chuckled and shook her head.

"No, sweetie. It's just a little game. For the rest of the evening." She assured him, and Dani's ears wilted a little, before he beamed.

"Okay, Daddy!" He seemed rather pleased with the idea, as if the word tasted good in his mouth. He reached out the took large gulps from the glass in front of him as Jenny watched, her eyes searching.

The ate the rest of their dinner in silence. There was a tension in the air between Jenny and the wolf, but Dani was oblivious to it, not picking up the social cues. The pink-furred rabbit polished off his plate and his eyes drooped a little.

"Mommy...I don't feel so good." He muttered, looking in his mother's direction. She knew what was wrong with him: she'd slipped something in his drink whilst she was getting the glasses, something to make him a little more complacent. It seemed to be doing the trick.

"Why don't you go upstairs and get changed for bed? Maybe shower, too. Put on your special PJs." Jenny suggested, and Dani frowned, unsure what she meant.

"You can use Lilly's room." The wolf assured him, and Dani nodded tiredly, dragging himself from his seat and leaving the room. Jenny nervously tapped on the table again and looked down at her phone, checking the time. Mr. Snowpaw watched her from across the room, his expression dark.

"You sure you want to do this, Jenny? Once we go upstairs, there's no turning back: a deal's a deal." He spoke darkly to her and she looked up to meet his gaze, faltering. She glanced down to her phone again, staring down at the picture of the wolf's daughter. She was remarkably cute. With a sigh, she got to her feet.

"Ready when you are...'Daddy'." She smiled, and he wickedly grinned at her, getting to his feet and scooping up the plates, taking them to the kitchen. They had to linger, at least for a little while, until the boy was in bed. Jenny checked herself over in the mirror. Much like her son, she had pink fur, though hers was considerably darker, though their hair matched in colour. She was wearing a slim number, accentuating her curves and ample bosom. She didn't know why she dressed up so fancy, but it felt nice.

They lingered for a few minutes, before making their way up the stairs, with Mr. Snowpaw taking the lead. He strode across and into his daughter's bedroom just in time to see the rabbit putting on his 'special PJs', which apparently just consisted of a pair of girly panties. Seeing him in such a half-naked, girly fashion made the wolf's blood pound in his ears.

"U-Um...?" Dani looked confused, swaying a bit on his feet as he stared at the wolf in the doorway. Mr. Snowpaw strode across the room, grabbing him by the wrist and directing him down the hallway and into his own private bedroom. The young bunny didn't protest, but wondered what on Earth the man was up to. Jenny followed close behind, closing the door to the room once all of them were inside.

"Such a pretty boy." The wolf murmured, dragging the cub across the room. The wolf slipped into a seat on the edge of his large double bed, and tugged the cub into his lap, his hands greedily roaming his lithe, feminine body. Dani briefly squirmed against him and a giggle escaped his lips, thinking he was being tickled. It was only when those touches grew deeper and more intimate did his face fall and he began to squirm.

The drugs had made him weak, but not completely knocked out. He struggled but had no strength to his pushes, and even his whimpers did little to stop the wolf from stroking his hips and coping his girly chest.

"M-Mister..." Dani began anxiously, feeling the wolf's lips roaming the nape of his neck, tracing along his shoulder.

"Now, now. We have a new name for me tonight, don't we?" Mr. Snowpaw teased, a hand sneaking into the back of the pink-furred rabbit's panties. "Say it. I want you to say it."

"D...Daddy...?" Dani sounded confused, and the wolf let out a groan of pleasure at the words, his hand greedily groping and stroking the boy's supply flesh, his rounded cheeks. Dani turned his gaze over to his mother, who sat in an arm chair not too far away, her face creased with worry. Dani whimpered for her and she gave him a smile.

"It's okay," She said in a soft, soothing voice. "He wont hurt you."

Dani believed her, but those touches were uncomfortable. He placed his hands weakly on the wolf's shoulders as the man whirled them around, pushing the cub down against the soft covers of the bed. The rabbit watched as the wolf yanked his shirt over his head, revealing his toned, 42 year old chest. He didn't stand on ceremony: he knew he was on a time limit, especially with someone watching. He leant back and the pink-furred rabbit sat up a little, watching with wide eyes as the wolf popped the button on his trousers and let them fall to his ankles. He stepped out of them remarkably quickly and took the boxers with them, revealing himself completely. Dani couldn't help but drift his eyes down and stare at the package swinging between the wolf's legs, a half-hard member sliding from the man's sheath with a pair of hefty balls hanging below.

The man reached forwards, and Dani placed his hands on the wolf's forearms, watching as Mr. Snowpaw's thick fingers curled around the waistline of his panties. Despite his protests, Dani couldn't fight the wolf off in his weak state, watching as the man forced the panties down his hips and off of his legs, exposing his tiny sheath and round nuts. Now the pair of them were naked, and Jenny watched as the man took things to the next level.

The wolf climbed up onto the bed, towering over the younger, smaller boy as he moved his head down, peppering hungry kisses across the cub's collarbone, along his chest and further down. His hands stroked every available inch of skin, occasionally stroking and groping the boy's nipples, his hips and his sides. His mouth descended lower and lower until his chin bumped with the boy's tiny sheath, unstirred despite the man's sensual acts. Dani let out a confused whimper as the wolf's hand dived down and cupped the cub's package, giving him an encouraging squeeze, before sliding his grip unti the boy's legs and lifting him up.

"W-What are you doing...?" The cub asked groggily, his hands clutching at the bedsheets as the man forced his legs up. Dani was naturally flexible and it brought him no discomfort for his legs to be bent so far forwards, so the point where they were almost touching his shoulders and arms, lifting up his rear end a little and easily revealing his spread, sensitive pink button that normally hid between his cheeks. Mr. Snowpaw centred his gaze on it and immediately brought his head down, pressing his lips to the sensitive flesh and rolling his tongue over the pucker, slathering it in spit. The cub was hit with the peculiar sensations of pleasure, but he was far more scared and confused than turned on.

The man pressed his tongue deeper, his fleshy appendage probing the young, virgin backside, prodding and gauging how tight he was. Even though the cub was drugged, he still instinctively clenched and squeezed around and against the tongue, his whole body tense. Mr. Snowpaw could tell this was going to be a lot more fun than he had imagined.

He pulled back, satisfied, for now. He was already rock hard and aching for release, so he didn't want to dally about any longer than he had to. He shuffled across the bed as he held up one of the cub's legs, reaching out with his free hand to tug open the night stand drawer and pull out a clear bottle of lubricant. He let go of Dani's leg and manhandled him, rolling him onto his front so he could get better access to his behind. He upended the bottle and squirted a generous helping of lube onto his finger, then placed the bottle down and used his hand to completely coat it around the digit, as well as an additional one, to be sure.

With that, he hooked a hand under the cub's stomach, tugging him up so the boy was on his knees. Dani didn't have much strength to prop himself up completely and let his upper torso rest on the bed, his ass up in the air. The wolf trailed his cool fingers between the boy's cheeks and smeared the lube along his quivering pucker, feeling the boy shudder.

"What are you doing to my butt?" The boy whimpered in protest. "Mommy, he's..."

"It's okay, baby. Just let him do it. He's not going to hurt you, I promise." Jenny assured him, watching intently. Dani whimpered again, but he calmed down, soothed by her words. Mr. Snowpaw curled his finger and pushed, feeling the boy's behind clenching against him, before the finger forcibly slipped into his backside.

Immediately, the young, feminine cub felt a certain degree of discomfort that immediately made him clamp down and squeeze around the wolf's finger. To the man, it felt like a tight elastic band around his digit, and such a feeling made the blood rush to his throbbing cock, exciting him even more. The thought of delectably tight asshole sent him wild with lust, and he shoved his finger deeper, feeling the spasms of those inner walls around his digit and the warmth the spread around his finger. Dani let out a grunt and squirmed awkwardly as the finger curled inside him, poking at his insides and spreading the lubricant around.

When he was satisfied the boy was well and truly lubed up, he finally pulled his hand back. With Jenny's eyes watching his every move, he knew he'd have to be gentle at first and restrain himself with every ounce of his willpower. He leant back and upended the bottle against his member, squirting a trail of lubricant from the base of his knotted member all the way up to his tapering tip. He was 8 inches and deliciously thick, and while he was happy with his length, he wondered if the boy could take it. He rolled a hand around his cock and coated his member in the sticky substance, before sliding his hips forward. He rocked his thick cock up against the boy's feminine backside before sliding back, probing his member between the cheeks until his tip pressed firmly against the tight entrance. With that, he pushed.

Dani protested almost immediately, letting out a whimper and a groan as his behind stretched open to accommodate the sudden intrusion. The pain he would have normally felt was significantly dulled thanks to what his mother had drugged him with, but that didn't stop the uncomfortably full feeling from scaring him.

"I'm right here, honey. You're fine." Jenny quietly assured her son, calming his whimpers as she glared at the man, warning him to take it slow. He obeyed her, for now, his hips moving at a snail's pace as his member sunk deeper and deeper. He was barely an inch or two in and already the boy was squirming and squeezing. His ass was deliciously tight. The wolf's hands gripped tightly to the cub's hips, almost too tightly, desperate to stop himself from ramming on home and going to town on the boy's behind.

"Fuck, your boypussy is tight," The man murmured, his fingers massaging the flesh of the cub's ass. "Do you like the feel of my cock? Tell me."

"I-It hurts, Daddy..." Dani complained quietly with a sniffle, and another groan escaped the man's lips.

"Just give it time, honey. Give it time..." He murmured, sinking his hips a little deeper, a little faster than before. An inch of his cock was swallowed up in a matter of moments and he trembled, shuddering and groaning quietly.

He cock sank deeper and deeper until, finally, his knot presses up against the cub's behind, the vast majority of his member firmly embedded in his ass. He can feel every spasm, every clench of the boy's inner walls around his member, milking him over and over. He shuddered again and pulled back, feeling Dani's ring clenching around his member and tugging back along with the man's cock.

The wolf began in on a slow rhythm, simply to appear the woman sitting across from him, who was intent on keeping her son safe and complacent. The thrusts were slow and gentle, and it arguably wasn't doing much for the man, who preferred harder, faster thrusts. His pre-cum oozed from his member considerably, however, making each thrust easier than the last, until his movements were simple, his member gliding in and out of the boy's backside. He kept it up for what felt like hours, but in likelyhood was only a couple of minutes.

"I have a surprise for you," The wolf panted to the mother. "In the bathroom, in a bag. Go check it out."

Jenny was wary, but the wolf had played nice so far, so she let her guard down. She slowly got to her feet, planting a kiss on her son's head as he walked around the bed and opened the door, leaving the room. The wolf watcher her go with an intense expression until she was finally out of sight. A sigh escaped his lips. Now, the real fun could begin.

He yanked back and thrust down against the boy, hard. Dani immediately let out a quiet whimper of protest, but the wolf ignored him, leaning forwards and pushing a hand against the back of his head, holding him down. His hips wildly thrust back and forth as he kept the boy steady with his other hand, gripping to his hips. He knew he was getting close: he'd been edging back and forth for a little while. The boy's tight ass was just too good, and he knew if he didn't tie soon, then he never would.

Mr. Snowpaw slammed his hips down against the boy's behind, pushing him slightly across the bed as he yanked the cub's hips against his crotch, trying to force his knot into the boy's behind. Dani's ring seared with pain and the discomfort made him squirm and whimper, instinctively clenching around the wolf's cock. The man let out a snarl of frustration: as cute and as hot as the bunny boy was, his ass was simply too tight. He couldn't get his knot in, no matter how much he tried.

"So, these then?" Dani's mother suddenly appeared, having not taken long to fetch what the Wolf required. "I wonder if they'll fit in your d--..."

She stopped when she realised what had just occurred, and her face flushed with anger. How could she had been so careless, when the safety of her son was at stake? She stomped around the bed to face the wolf, glaring at him with an unhappy expression.

"I told you not to go too hard!" She exclaimed, angry. "I think it's time we put an end to this, before it goes too far."

Desperation and annoyance flashed across the man's face, his eyes wild with panic and his lips curling into a snarl. His gaze flicked towards the anal beads in her hand, each one sizeable and perfectly round, at least 3 or so inches in diameter.

"I'm already so close, Jenny. You should know better than to get in the middle of a wolf and his bitch." He warned, and the pink-furred rabbit glared in response, stepping forwards and putting a hand on his chest. She was serious. So was he.

"We had a deal! A trade!" He insisted, and she glared.

"No. This is too far." She replied firmly, and he snarled again.

"The beads!" He quickly added, and she faltered. "All of them. You get to use all of them. And I'll make sure she takes them."

That made Jenny pause. Her lust for the man's daughter overrode her own maternal instincts for her son. She flicked her gaze from the man to her boy, then back to the beads in her hand. She was at a loss for words.

"Mommy, it hurts..." Dani whimpered in protest, causing the wolf to wince. He was not making it easy.

"All of them, Jenny." Mr. Snowpaw pointed out.

"All of them?" Jenny quickly asked again, to be sure she was hearing correctly. He nodded in response to her, the cub still squirming around his cock.

"Mommy...please make him stop, Mommy..." Dani whimpered, tears trickling down his face. Jenny stared at him for a moment before looking down at the floor, lost in thought. She got down on her knees by the bed and pressed her head down against her son's back, letting him cuddle his head against her shoulder.

"Shh, there there, sweetie," She murmured quietly. "Mommy's here. Mommy's here..."

Dani's whimpered began to subside, and a look of dismay flashed across the man's face. For a moment, he thought that Jenny was going to retract the deal and completely blue-ball him. He wasn't going to let that happen. She reached up and winked up at the wolf, assuring him he'd get what he wanted. For now, he obeyed, sliding his hips back as she pushed against his pelvis. He pulled back right up until only his tip was in the cub's behind, and even then, it was barely in. Jenny slid her hands back as Dani's whimpering subsided, his breathing heavy. He thought it was over.

"Mommy just needs you to do one last thing." Jenny muttered, reaching up and grasping the boy's cheeks, spreading them apart and revealing his slightly gaping behind. She nodded wordlessly to the man, who realised that was his cue. He steadied himself and placed his hands firmly down on the cub's shoulders, pushing him against the bed as he thrust downwards, hard. Dani immediately let out a cry of protest, but Jenny held him firmly, keeping his ass nice and spread.

"Fuck yeah, I'm gonna tie this bitch's boypussy..." Mr. Snowpaw murmured to himself, turning himself on more than anything else as he slammed his hips into the cub's behind, over and over, his knot bouncing off of the boy's stretched, used ass. With each thrust, he felt the cub's inner walls loosen, relaxing a little more each time. The wolf knew he could tie with him this time, with Jenny's aid: he just had to pick the right moment.

The force of his thrusts caused the cub to shift forwards on the bed, bit by bit. Jenny adjusted her body so that Dani was pushing up against her, hoping that would keep him steady. The wolf began to moan in earnest and Jenny quickly realised he was getting close. She kept her son's ass spread as the cub whimpered and cried quietly, the pain and discomfort too much to bear.

Finally at his peak, the wolf tugged back and slammed down one final time, pushing as far as he could go. He forced himself down and finally felt the cub's muscles give way, stretching past their limit to accommodate his knot. It was excruciating, watching the ass stretch of his knot, millimetre by millimetre, until it finally passed the halway point. When it did, the knot popped in with ease, and the wolf immediately felt Dani's insides clamp and squeeze with all his might.

The man orgasmed, a climax to vivid and so pleasurable that he found himself quaking with ecstasy. He was cumming the hardest he had ever done in his entire life, feeling every spasm around his prick, his thick member swollen and spurting heavy, gooey ropes of cum into the cub's behind. Those clamping muscles suddenly loosened, but the wolf didn't care. He rolled to his side and dragged the boy with him, resting on the bed with the cub spooned against him.

"Oh no..." Jenny murmured, cupping her son's face. "He's passed out."

"I'd be surprised if he didn't." The wolf joked, which caused her to glare at him. He innocently grinned in response.


"...Oh yeah, I'm sure you'll enjoy her."

Dani stirred awake to the sound of laughing from the two adults. He was in the wolf's bedroom still, lying down on the bed. When he began to move, he realised he was locked in place. The sensations came back to him and realised how full he felt. Looked down and whimpered, realising that the wolf was still firmly tied to him.

"Oh, he's up," The wolf seemed surprised, hooking an arm around the boy's stomach. "How you feelin'?"

"It hurts...and I'm tired." The bunny groggily complained, and the wolf smiled, nuzzling his nose down against the rabbit's cheek.

"You were very good, Dani." Jenny assured him, and Dani whimpered. He wanted to go home.

"You were a good bitch for daddy. You even took the whole knot." Mr. Snowpaw remarked pleasantly with a wide smile.

Jenny cleared her throat, and the wolf got the message. He reached down, grasing the cub's hip and tugging. He was met with some resistance, but after a few more forceful tugs and a quiet whimpering from the boy, he managed to yank his knot from the boy's behind. His knot had deflated significantly since earlier and he was only about half as hard as he used to be.

He rolled to the side and rested in an elbow, admiring the boy's body. He remembered the night they'd had, how deliciously tight the cub was. He could already feel the blood rushing to his member. It took little effort for him to get hard again.

"Jenny," He began darkly, staring at her and putting an arm around the boy. "Let me have him the whole night. You get the same in turn."

"Absolutely not," She retorted. "You almost broke him already."

"Every bead, Jenny." He reminded her, glaring. She stared back at him and they stared off against one-another, before she finally resigned to the idea. She began to stand an Dani whimpered for her, not wanting her to leave.

"It'll be okay," She cooed, crouching down and kissing her son's forehead. "Just be good, and I'll come get you in the morning, okay?"

"M-Mommy, don't go, please...!" Dani begged, but she was already stepping out of the room. She lingered by the door and tentatively watched for a moment, before placing her hand on the handle.

The last thing she saw before closing the door was the wolf lifting up one of Dani's legs, his thick member pulsing between the boy's legs. She met her son's gaze and heard him whimper as the wolf forced his cock into the boy again. With a sigh, she closed the door, hearing nothing but the sound of the wet slaps of the man's hips.

She hoped she was making the right choice.

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