Make Ends Meet

Story by Birdpup on SoFurry

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First part of a YCH I did on IB for CobaltTheUnicorn.

This story isn't related to Nick Wilde: The Office Whore or other works of similar titles.If you enjoy my work and want to see more, consider donating to my Ko-fi. Every small donation helps to keep me doing what I love.

On the dark city streets of Downtown Zootopia, a beat-up, rustic red van trundled along, the quiet tunes of heavy French Rap lyrics rolling from out of the thin slits in the windows. The van, vandalized on either side, was moving slowly and quietly, and in the driver's seat, a tiny Fennec Fox peered from over the dashboard, his eyes scanning the street. Sunglasses hung from the collar of his red shirt, and his hands were gripped tightly to the wheel. Almost a little too tight.

Spotting the entrance he was looking for, the Fennec turned into a dark alley that was just wide enough for him to squeeze his Van in to. He trundled all the way to the end, but stopped before he took a turning onto the street on the other side. The Van spluttered into silence as the Fennec killed the engine, and there was an eerie silence that crept over the alleyway, a thin veil of dreadful foreboding.

The Fennec rolled out of the driver's seat, sliding from the strapped, bound books that had been piled underneath his rear end, and he clambered into the back of the van, scanning over it's features. A dingy mattress, big enough just for him, sat on his left, and a hung board of wood with pegs sat on the right. From that hung a variety of different clothes: a finely-pressed Nurse's outfit, a onesie that resembled an elephant, and a number of others. His eyes looked bleak as he glossed over him, before he began to undress.

This was his life, at least for the time being. The Fennec was aptly named Finnick, a nickname he had garnered in his many years, and despite his appearance, he was considerably older than he looked. Zootopia had not been kind to him: the Prey species out-numbered Predators by a striking amount, to the point where Prey species had the upper hand and had all the motivation to be prejudice, to boot. It had left Finnick high and dry on many occasions, and in those hours of need, he had turned to crime and hustling to get by.

But even that wasn't enough. Many were becoming aware of his plays, despite his best efforts to remain inconspicuous. Food was scarce, if only because money was even more scarce. Forced to make ends meet in a city that thoroughly disliked him, Finnick had turned to the one thing that he shamefully knew he could count on: his looks.

He had masqueraded as a cub many times in his hustles, so it was easy to him to masquerade as one for those who lingered in the dark shadows of Zootopia's Downtown district. Unseen from the public eye, these Prey and Predators alike sought a different kind of pleasure from the fake face of Zootopia's 'diversity', and it was one that Finnick had begrudgingly played a role in, on one too many occasions.

This night was like any other, and he wondered what he might use the money for when it was over as he slipped out of his jacket and shorts, leaving himself dressed in only his boxers, that tightly clung to his rear end and hips. He reached down and stuffed his hand into the front of his pants, manoeuvring his sheath around until he was satisfied it was in a good place.

Just then, there was a loud banging on the doors of his van. He snapped his head in the direction of the sound and skittered towards the doors, scooping his bat up from the floor as he went. He held it tightly in his grip and clicked the lock on the far right door, slowly pushing it open enough for him to see who was there. He relaxed, to a degree when he recognized the face.

"Oh. It's you." Finnick muttered darkly, his eyes centring in on his customer for the night, who he had seen before. He was a tricky customer, one that had specific tastes.

The two had met previously for a similar rendevous. He was a pink-furred Otter, who was widely known for owning a number of bars up and down the streets of Downtown Zootopia, as well as a number of high-end bars in the more richer areas of the city. Whilst he always appeared both friendly and a little laidback, perhaps even loving, he had some darker kinks that Finnick wasn't too impressed with when they first met.

It had been a simple day, when Nick wasn't yet in the ZPD, and it was him and Finnick hustling the citizens of Zootopia. To make ends meet, they'd often do the sorts of things that Finnick was doing now: prostitution. It had been Nick's idea, one that Finnick initially wanted no part in. Nick, however, was a lot better with words than Finnick was, and whilst it took a bit of coercion, the fox managed to get the fennec on board.

The otter, who they quickly found out was named Koobi, was a friend of Nicks. Finnick didn't know how, or why, Nick knew of him, and the fox refused to divulge any details. Regardless, it came to light about Koobi's hidden little kinks: spanking, amongst other things. It had taken a bit of effort to coerce Finnick into wearing his elephant suit, the one he typically used to disguise himself as a cub to fool people. It had lead to some serious roleplay, where Nick had pretended that Finnick was just a cub, forcibly spanking him for 'being naughty'. Finnick had never wanted to relive something like that again, but he couldn't deny that Koobi always paid well.

The person standing next to him, however, was a new face. Unlike Koobi, her fury was naturally coloured, but her gaze was steely, her demeanor and expression warning Finnick that this was an Otter not to be trifled with.

"Hey Finnick." Koobi sported his usual, wide grin, clambering up into the van without so much as asking. Finnick stepped aside to allow him in, shooting his glance to the female Otter, who regarded him with a cold, calculated stare. After some reluctance, she joined the other Otter, hopping up into the van. Finnick sighed through his nose and closed the door, so they wouldn't be interrupted.

The interior of Finnick's van was a little dingy, but clean. His clothes were appropriate placed into a metal basket, and a mattress sat on the far end of the van's floor for him to sleep in. There was little in the way of furniture, but there wasn't exactly a great deal of space to put any in. Regardless, there was a small box opposite the mattress that contained the majority oF Finnick's tidy clothes, and costumes for hustling.

"It's extra for two." Finnick pointed out in his usual, gravelly voice, a tone so deep that many wouldn't have expected it from such a small creature. Even the female Otter couldn't stop herself from raising her eyebrows in surprise. She must have thought he was just putting on a voice before.

"I know," Koobi beamed, before gesturing to the girl. "This is my twin sister, Aqua."

"How do you do." She regarded Finnick qith a quick, sweeping gaze, drinking in his figure from head to toe. Finnick felt himself shudder a little.

"A'ight, well..." Finnick trailed off and popped the top button on his shirt. "Let's get started, then."

Finnick wasn't looking forward to this. Even as he prized off his shirt and yanked it over his head, he could tell the two of them were bad news. He already knew Koobi had some peculiar tastes, but this woman, Aqua...she wasn't exactly an open book. He couldn't read anything from her other than she was cold, distant, and probably had a great deal of pent up energy. He dreaded what she might have in mind, but the idea of having some more money was enough to bottle down his nerves, for now.

"Can you put this on again?" Koobi held up Finnick's elephant suit. He'd been digging through the box that sat in the far corner of the room. Before Finnick even had a chance to reply, Koobi let out a squeal of delight, which was enough for even Aqua to turn her head in his direction.

"This! This!" Koobi lifted up a pink tutu, one of the many female-esque outfits that Finnick had worn on occasion, much to his own Dismay. It had been Nick's idea to give him various outfits, and partly for the fox's own enjoyment. Koobi kept rummaging and found a set of panties, a small pink T-Shirt, and a pacifier to match.

"Perfect!" Koobi strode across the van and pushed them into Finnick's hands, his eyes wide with delight. Aqua eyed the from a distance and Finnick couldn't help but think that she was observing them for her own 'data'. She seemed like that kind of girl.

Slowly, Finnick tugged off his shorts and slipped out of his boxers, not bothering to make a show of it. It wasn't anything that Koobi hadn't already seem before, and he got the impression that Aqua didn't hold much interest. In fact, he was left wondering shy she was even here: she certainly didn't seem like the type, but then again, Finnick had dealt with the odd 'businessman' before.

The panties went on first, cupping perfectly around the fennec's plump sheath and ample ballsack. It was just barely enough to hold it all in whilst still looking the past. Thankfully, no-one was going to see much of them: when he clipped the tutu around his waist, it just about covered the majority of his crotch, down to his stumpy knees. He yanked the shirt down over his head, and Koobi held up the pacifier, making some cooing sounds before he popped it into the fennec's mouth. Finnick glared at him.

"So cute!" Koobi scooped him up and whirled around the room, giggling in delight as he cuddled the fennec against his chest. Finnick chanted a mantra in his mind: 'Just get through this, and you'll have more money than you could ever dream of'.

"Are we going to get down to it, Koobi?" Aqua demanded, and the pink-furred Otter sighed.

"Aw, you're no fun, sis. Ain't he cute?" He held Finnick out, his hands tucked under his armpits. Finnick stared up at the female otter with a sour expression and he saw, for a moment, the twist of a smile on her lips.

"He'll look even better when I'm through with him." She replied darkly, and Finnick's ears drooped.

"Oh, yeah, uh...Aqua can be really mean. Sorry." Koobi whispered. Finnick glanced from him to the otter, watching as Aqua strode across the room towards her handbag. She hadn't even noticed she was wearing one when she came in: she must have deposited it at the door without him looking. She rifled through it for a moment and retrieved a horrifying implement from within: a dildo bigger than anything Finnick had ever seen before, complete with leather straps to clip around the waist. He knew what it was for.

"H-Hey, I didn't sign up for t..." He trailed off when he caught Aqua's wicked expression, the look on her face that told him this wasn't an option. His ears flattened down against his head and he felt Koobi's hands curl around his stomach, cuddling him.

"It's okay! I'll be with you every step of the way." He assured him, though Finnick had a feeling this was going to be uncomfortable regardless.

"Warm him up for me, would you Koobi?" Aqua asked, her voice cold, almost as if she was demanding her brother to do it. Koobi obeyed regardless, his hands stroking sensually across Finnick's stomach, against the fluffy T-Shirt.

One of his hands slipped lower, scooting under the tutu to grope at Finnick's package, his hands cupping underneath his balls and rolling his fingers against them. Finnick squirmed and leant back against him, a small sigh escaping his nose. He didn't often get mutual gratification, and he couldn't deny that being touched like this felt nice, but even still, his eyes were fixed on that thick dildo in Aqua's hands. It had to be at least 7 or 8 inches, which might not have been much for someone like Nick or larger, but for Finnick, it was fairly big.

Koobi's hand slipped upwards, dragging across the outline of Finnick's package until his fingers reached the waistband of those frilly, girly panties. He teased with the elastic for a moment, before sliding his fingers down against Finnick's pelvis, stroking against his soft fur. His fingers quickly pet with the fennec's sheath and he felt it warmly pulse and throb against his fingers. A restrained groan escaped the fennec's lips, but Koobi wasn't interested in his member: no, what he was after was much lower down.

Despite the tip of Finnick's member sliding from his sheath, and the obvious attention tha tthe fennec craved, Koobi ignored his wants and slipped further down past his balls, until his fingers were sliding against the fennec's taint, drifting lower. It was a roundabout way to get to it, but it didn't take long for Koobi's hands to curl around far enough to reach between the fennec's cheeks. Finnick initially squirmed as he felt Koobi's fingers pushing between his cheeks, eventually meeting with the pink pucker hidden away, but he quickly began to shudder and groan as he felt the otter's fingers kneading against his sensitive flesh, probing his entrance and threatening to enter at any moment.

"Quite a fan of anal, aren't you? It seems as if you were the same last time." Aqua mused out loud, causing Finnick to snap back to reality and glare at her. He felt the colour rise to his cheeks: had she seen it?

"How do you know about that?" He demanded, and he watched the same, sinister smile twisting her lips again.

"I might have watched it on my laptop at home," She mused, looking down at the dildo in her hands, admiring it absently. "Someone leant me a copy."

That was confirmation enough for Finnick to realise the session had been recorded. He might have accused Koobi of doing so, if he didn't already know what Nick was like: he had probably up-selled the session with the promise of recording the footage, which netted them a little more earnings. It was just the thing he would do. A snarl escaped Finnick's lips and that seemed to amused the naturally-furred Otter, who admired him from a distance, turning the large dildo over in her hands.

"You like that?" Koobi whispered into Finnick's ear, his lips trailing across the fennec's ear and down to his neck, brushing against his fur. Finnick couldn't stay mad for long, for Koobi's fingers stuffed themselves into his behind and curled around his flesh, sending spikes of pleasure up his spine, a sensation that threw him off guard and distracted him. As the fingers sunk deeper into him, he couldn't stop himself from letting out tiny groans of pleasure.

His eyelids fluttered, and he watched with a lidded gaze as Aqua began to strip in front of him, much to his surprise. He stared as she slipped out of the clean white shirt that was wrapped across her front, revealing her flat chest and row of nipple that ran down her body, all the way to her pelvis. She popped the button on her formal trousers and tugged down the zipper, shimmying out of them and letting them drop around her ankles. Wearing nothing but a pair of rather simply panties, she stepped out of her trousers and discarded the underwear along with them, revealing the slender curvature of her lower lips. She turned and collected something from her bag and moved closer, looking him up and down with her cold expression. His gaze snapped to the dildo in her hand, now balanced on a singular palm, with a bottle of clear fluid in the other. He quickly realised what was happening, but knew there was on use protesting.

"He's all ready." Koobi remarked, sliding his fingers from Finnick's behind and curling it back around to his front. He reached down with his other hand, settling himself on his rear end as he hooked Finnick's panties down, sliding them past his ankles and letting them dangle off his right foot. His hands moved up to cup under Finnick's legs, pressing the fennec up to his body as he spread his legs apart, leaving him wide open for whatever Aqua had in store.

"No," Aqua gestured. "I want him on all fours, like an animal."

"A little harsh, sis, but okay!" Koobi obeyed her instantly. He moved backwards and slid Finnick from his lap, flipping him over. Finnick unceremoniously tumbled around until his front met with the cool metal of the van floor. With a grumble, he crawled up onto all fours, glaring up at Koobi who beamed down at him with a pleasant expression, already popping the button on his baggy shorts.

Finnick tensed when he felt a hand grabbing his tali and lifting it upwards, exposing him completely. He had initially expected the coolness of lubricant against his behind, but instead, he was met with a sharp, stinging pain and something slapped his backside, causing him to immediately tense and arch his back.

He let out a muffled roar of pain and turned his head to glare, slightly teary-eyed, in Aqua's direction. She held a fairly standard wooden hairbrush in her hands, turned so that the flat end was directed towards Finnick's behind. She was messing with him, it seemed, spanking him as part of her little game. He certainly didn't enjoy it. Before he could spit out the pacifier and demand she stop, she swiped down the hairbrush again, roughly slapping it across his other cheek. He trembled and his cheeks flushed, his breathing heavy. It definitely wasn't arousing, and the pain was terrible. Koobi reached out to stroke Finnick's ears as the fennec winced with pain, the stroking doing little to soothe him. For Koobi though, it was just a sense of pity: he felt bad letting Aqua do whatever she wanted, as he knew how brutal she could be.

She, however, was relentless. She didn't stop at one, nor two. In fact, she kept going, spanking his ass, using the hairbrush to alternate between his cheeks, assaulting each one in turn until the skin beneath his light brown fur was red and stinging. After a length of time, the spanks became unbearable: each slap felt more painful than the last, and he felt like his flesh was searing with each strike. Aqua didn't let up, however, not until he was sobbing and whimpering from the pain. Koobi felt bad for him, leaning forwards and gently stroke his head and let the fennec cuddle his head against the otter's chest. Koobi didn't have much the say in the way of words, but his gentle coos were soothing enough, at least enough to dull the stinging pain in his rear end. Only when he was finally broken did she stop and drop the hairbrush to the floor of the van.

Finnick was glad it was over, taking in a deep shudder and pressing his head against Koobi's chest and stomach. Aqua, however, was just getting started. Finnick quivered when a cool, wet feeling smeared against his behind. He'd been in the business of this sort of thing long enough to know she was lubing him up. He couldn't help but chuckle, spitting the pacifier from his mouth.

"To think, you'd actually wanna do stuff with your sister, Koobi. It's a little weird, don't you think?" Finnick said between a sniffle, wiping his eyes with a free hand, giving the pink-furred otter a toothy expression. It was just a little revenge for the pain from earlier. He suddenly felt the finger slide into him, quickly met with another one or two after a few fierce, forceful plunges. He winced and gritted his teeth, his ears flattening against his head.

"Talk big all you want," Aqua mused absently. "But you'll regret saying that, I'm sure."

When she was finished lubing him up from the inside, she slid her fingers out and coated the dildo in lubricant. It looked similar to a fox, only considerable larger. It didn't take a genius to figure out that it was designed to resemble a wolf. Maybe Aqua thought she felt fierce wearing it. Finnick wanted to comment on it, but thought it best not to say it out loud.

He heard the sound of Aqua clipping the strap-on dildo around her waist, and felt a sense of dread in his stomach. In front of him, Koobi wormed his way out of his shorts enough to expose his member, the thin, narrow cock poking Finnick in the nose, smearing against his face. It was clear that Koobi was enjoying himself, and that Finnick was due to be in the middle of a spitroast.

It didn't take long before Finnick could feel the tapering end of that wolf dildo against his behind, poking at his entrance. Aqua didn't seem to care much for whether Finnick would adjust well to the member, for she shoved the dildo forwards once it found it's mark with little warning, or ceremony. Finnick's eyes bulged and a hiss escaped through his gritted teeth.

He could feel nothing but discomfort and searing pain. His behind was being stretched beyond its limits, far wider than anything he'd ever taken before. He thought Nick was big, but this thing was a monster, and it had a sadistic creature like Aqua at the helm. She gripped tightly to his hips and forcibly yanked him further down on the member as his insides spasmed and clenched. A whimper escaped his throat.

"Not talking big now, are you?" Aqua couldn't help but chuckle, showing just how depraved and sadistic she could be. For Finnick, the pain was almost unbearable, causing him to squirm and write, his toes curling and his ears pressing down against his head. Koobi gently stroked the top of Finnick's head as he smeared the tip of his oddly-shaped cock against Finnick's lips, trying to coax him into opening up. Finnick, however, was much more concerned with adjusting to the size of the dildo inside of him, his teeth clamped down.

For Aqua, the entire ordeal was a power move. She got off to the idea of dominating someone, especially a man, and especially one like Finnick, who always felt he was in charge and had all the power. To watch him quiver and tremble beneath her was a feeling like no other. Though she had no space to touch herself, she knew she was already deeply aroused. She rammed her hips forward again, and Finnick tensed beneath her, his tail standing on end. By now, more than half of the member was firmly embedded in the fennec's behind, with more to come.

"Mmh. C'mon, open up..." Koobi cooed gently, stroked Finnick's head and chin with his hand as he tried his best to coerce the fennec into opening his mouth. Finnick peered at the otter through scrunched eyes and knew that the pink-furred male was likely going to keep pestering until he did it. Resigning to his fate, he took in a deep breath through his nose and opened his mouth, bowing his head and letting the cock slid along his tongue. Koobi let out a sigh of relief and wiggled in his spot, his hands running over Finnick's ears and stroking them affectionately.

Aqua tugged her hips back, letting the lube-coated member slide from Finnick's behind, watching his stretched ring tug back. Then, she pushed forwards again, making sure to sink deeper than before, watching the way that Finnick instinctively pushed his body forwards to try and offset the vast, painful insertion. She knew it was uncomfortable for him: that just made it all the more hotter for her.

Little by little, with every thrust, she sunk deeper and deeper, her own cheeks flushed with arousal, her hands gripping tightly to the tiny fennec's hips. She admired him from behind: the silly pink tutu and T-Shirt was a nice touch from Koobi: even if it didn't do much for her to see the man crossdressing, it certainly emasculated him, which made it all the more interesting for her. Eventually, after a few solid, powerful, rough thrusts, she managed to bump the knot of the dildo up against the fennec's behind. She watched his back arch and heard his quiet whimpers as he continued to bob his head onto Koobi's cock, diligently doing the work for the money he'd be getting after it was all over.

Koobi began to quietly pant, rolling his head back and curling his toes. His cock was dribbling droplets of pre-cum into the fennec's mouth, which Finnick dutifully scooped up and swallowed, so as not to make a mess. Despite the viciously painful insertion in his behind, he couldn't stop himself being hard: the sheer size of the dildo meant it pushed directly down against his prostate, stimulating him enough to make him erect, though there was little opportunity to focus on the pleasure of the situation when all he could feel was the spikes of pain shooting up his spine and searing his behind.

With the dildo now as far in as it could go, Aqua tugged back and shoved forwards hard, gripping her hands tightly around the fennec's waist as the thick, bulbous knot of the dildo pressed dangerously into his behind. Finnick's eyes widened and he yanked his head back from Koobi's member, twisting his neck to stare at her, almost bug-eyed.

"Y-You're not planning to put that in, are you?" He asked tentatively, and saw her wicked smile. He gulped nervously and she forcefully shoved forwards again. Already, Finnick began to feel his ring stretching, and the searing pain was just too much.

"No! No, please! I can't take it," Finnick practically begged, bowing his head. "Please don't..."

For Aqua, this was yet another one of her power trips. Seeing him beg for her was both arousing and exhilirating. At his pleading request, she pulled back, and the fennec let out a long sigh of relief. Koobi cupped under Finnick's chin and coaxed him back towards his member again as Aqua steadied herself once more. She began in on a series of steady thrusts, each one hard and rough. She slid back a number of inches and thrust forwards, yanking Finnick down against the dildo every time, causing him to tense and shudder with each slow, hard thrust. Koobi began to roll his hips up into Finnick's mouth, and the fennec had the sneaking suspicion that he was drawing close to his climax. It didn't take long before Koobi was gently pushing Finnick's head down, trying to get him to take more of the member than before. The end of the cock began probing the back of the fennec's small mouth, threatening to push down into his throat.

"I think...O-Oh yeah, here it comes...!" Koobi pushed his hips up and a long sigh escaped his lips, the pressure in his loins finally releasing as he orgasmed. His cock thankfully didn't push further down into Finnick's mouth, but that didn't mean that the fennec didn't get a generous amount of cum right down into his throat. He coughed for a moment or two, before he finally managed to swallow, gulping down the salty substance with each thick, measured spurt. Koobi's hand tightly held onto Finnick's head until his orgasm inevitably faded, leaving him a panting mess.

Aqua began to speed up, slamming her hips forward and bouncing the thick, bulbous knot of the dildo off of Finnick's backside, inevitably forcing Finnick to pull his head back and let out a cry of pain and frustration. His cock dangled between his legs, his knot swollen and pre-cum dribbling from the end. He couldn't stop himself from nearing some form of orgasm, even if he felt nothing but discomfort. It was the stimulation of his prostate that urged him closer and closer, and Aqua knew that.

Eventually, before he realised it, he was climaxing. His cock bobbed and twitched, spurting strings of cum onto the floor of the van beneath him. His insides spasmed and squeezed like a vice, his body shuddering and his hands curling into firsts. Aqua continued to thrust, unaware of his sudden orgasm, until she began to hear him quietly groan and sway, on the spot, overstimulated. She slowed and observed him with a calculating glare, before sliding her hips back.

"Wow, Aqua. You actually made him cum." Koobi remarked, angling his body to the side to admire the splatter of cum between the fennec's legs.

"That was my plan all along." Aqua spoke rather matter-of-factly. She clasped onto his hips again with the intention of thrusting into him once more, but a sound drew their attention.

There was a scuffling by the door of the van, and the clink of something in a lock. Finnick's eyes widened when he realised what it was, and began to desperately wriggle.

"Pull out! I gott--" Before he could even finish his sentence, one of the doors of the van swung open, and all parties involved were met with an eerie, awkward silence.

Standing outside the van, hand on the door, was Nick, his eyes wide with surprise. Standing next to him was Judy, his partner in the ZPD, who Finnick knew only vaguely. The pair of them were wearing their uniforms, so Finnick assumed they were either off duty, or called in to report on a disturbance in the area. Their eyes widened when they finally took in the whole picture, but their reactions were altogether different.

"Ugh, what the hell?!" Judy covered her eyes and turned from them, both embarrassed and mortified at what she'd just seen. Nick, however, began to widely grin.

"Koobi! It's been a while, my bartending friend," Nick climbed into the van without a second thought, despite Finnick's situation. "What're you doing around these parts?"

"Oh, you know, just popping in on an old friend." Koobi joked, waggling his cock with a hand and gesturing down to a hunched over Finnick, who still remained on all fours. Aqua slowly slid her hips back and the dildo dislodged itself from the fennec's behind, leaving him gaping and hissing with pain. Judy poked her head into the van again just in time to see Finnick rolling over onto his back, quietly panting.

"You...know these guys?" Judy weakly asked, her mouth agape, her cheeks a bright shade of red.

"I know him," Nick gestured to Koobi, before his eyes centred on Aqua, holding out a hand. "You, however..."

"Aqua," The clipped otter shook Nick's hand, albeit with some discomfort. "Koobi's brother."

"Gotcha. The famous twin sister who runs the business. I've heard of you." Nick snapped his fingers and pointed in her direction, before placing his hands on his hips and looking down at the panting, cross-dressed Finnick, who glared up at the fox and his suave, smug expression.

"Just couldn't help yourself, huh?" Nick goaded, and Finnick snarled in response. Aqua turned to regard Judy, and the rabbit looked up at her with a quizzical gaze, her stare eventually drifting to the dildo hanging from Aqua's pelvis.

"Like what you see, Ms. Hopps?" Aqua mused, and Judy stood rigid, staring at her.

"How did you...?" She began, and Aqua gestured to her brother.

"Koobi has a big mouth. Evidently, so does your friend." She explained vaguely, but Judy was smart, and it was enough for her to pick up on: Nick must have spoken about her a few times to Koobi, who must have shared it with Aqua in turn. It didn't bother Judy that much, though having a stranger know her name before she could even speak was a little unsettling.

"You look nervous," A smile spread across Aqua's face, an altogether warm expression that was unbefitting her usually cold exterior. "Do you want to come in?"

"Oh, uh..." Judy trailed off and eventually resigned to the idea, climbing into the van. She stood there awkwardly. 3 out of the 5 people in the van were either naked, or exposed, and clearly didn't mind that fact. Judy felt a little put on the spot. Her eyes trailed to Nick, who seemed more than comfortable admiring his friends naked. Nick had been open with her before, especially about his tastes: he didn't want it to be public knowledge, but he trusted her. At the time, that thought had been heart warming, but now she was dreading what kind of life Nick lead outside of work hours.

As Nick shuffled his way towards Koobi, the two of them started to fondle one-another. It didn't take much to put Nick in the mood, and seeing people he was familiar with openly exposed was plenty enough to get him aroused. Koobi was already starting to pop the buttons on the front of Nick's shirt, when Aqua put an arm around Judy's shoulder and patted her reassuringly.

"Don't be anxious." She said with that same, peculiar warm expression. "You're a woman. You're powerful. Own it."

"Own what? I mean..." Judy trailed off and watched as Aqua unclipped her dildo, moving around behind Judy and wrapped it around her. The rabbit stammered her protest and watched as Aqua slipped the harness around her waist and thighs, tightening it to her. Once it was securely in place, Judy was at a loss for words. It looked way too big on her, that was for sure. She swung her hips left and right and watched it sway.

"Feels different, doesn't it? Wouldn't it be nice to make a male bow to you for a change?" Aqua whispered in her ear, reaching around to her front and undoing a couple of the buttons on her shirt. Aqua lips trailed to Judy's neck and the rabbit let out a sigh, instinctively tilting her head away to expose her neck more. Aqua peppered her neck with subtle, sensual kisses as she undid the buttons, lower and lower, until the shirt could be parted, exposing the simply white vest underneath. Aqua slipped it from Judy's shoulders and grasped at the hem of the vest, tugging it over her head.

Judy stood there, half naked, and felt Aqua's lips continue to trail down her shoulder as her hands wrapped around the rabbit's body, stroking across her chest. Her fingers met with Judy's nipples and she caressed them, eliciting a quiet moan or two from the lapine's mouth. Nick and Koobi watched from afar for a moment or two, before returning to their own activities. Much like Judy, Nick was already half-naked, but Koobi was wasting no time in removing the fox of his pants and underwear. Finnick still lay recuperating from the rather large insertion that left his behind sore and aching.

"Now, don't you want to make use of that?" Aqua murmured into Judy's ear, her gaze coldly snapping to the resting fennec fox. Finnick's ears perked up and he glared, shuffling his way back across the van in an effort to escape another brutal pegging. Unfortunately for him, everyone seemed to be in on the idea, but for Judy, who remained hesitant.

"I don't know..." She began anxiously, remembering how pained Finnick looked with his gaped behind and strained expression. Aqua lead her across the room and coaxed her onto her knees. The otter slipped in beside her and put an arm around her waist as she reached forwards, grabbing Finnick by the ankle and pulling him back. He didn't quite have the strength of larger mammals, and he already felt a little weak from their previous ordeal.

"Now," Aqua began, grasping the dildo for herself, making sure it was still firmly lubed up. "You have the power, Ms. Hopps. Aren't you going to utilise it?"

"But, I mean..." Judy trailed off anxiously and looked down at Finnick, who's ears tilted down, his eyes wide. Judy watched as Aqua pulled Finnick closer with a hand, and unwrapped her other hand from Judy's waist to help assist in shoving the tip of the dildo back into the fennec's behind. Finnick was on his back this time, which felt all the more emasculating then the first time around. Finnick let out another hiss of pain as the dildo sunk into him, and Judy watched his pained expression, saw his muscles tensing and his toes curling.

"Now, put your hands here," Aqua grabbed Judy's hands, guiding them to Finnick's hips. "And just feel the rhythm."

Judy's gaze flicked from Aqua to Finnick, before glancing over at Nick. The fox was already wildly into his own activities, his hands cupped firmly around Koobi, who nakedly straddled his crotch. Judy caught a brief flash of Nick's balls and thick, bulbous knot, and that was enough to tell her what he was up to. If that wasn't enough, then the moans from the two of them quickly confirmed it. She looked back down to the Fennec below her, watching him quiver and tremble as the dildo sunk deeper and deeper. She could only assume that Finnick felt an extraordinary amount of discomfort, possible to the point of being unbearable. She felt pity, and guilt.

"You feel bad, right? Don't. This man has hustled more people in this city than there are policeman in the ZPD. I'm sure he deserves a little hazing now and again." Aqua assured her, and Judy glanced to her again, looking over her strangely happy expression. She looked back down to Finnick and his girly-looking outfit, before she tightened her grip and pulled him down onto the dildo. He openly shuddered and let out a quivering groan of pain, squirming in her hands.

"Hold him firm, now. Don't feel sorry for him: he's obviously enjoying it." Aqua remarked, reaching down to lift up the pink tutu. Judy stared, wide-eyed, at the sight of Finnick's erection: she had no idea he was into this. In truth, he was only partly aroused: the rest was simply physical stimulation. Unfortunately for Judy, she wasn't aware of that.

Judy slowly reached down, grasping the base of Finnick's erection and feeling the warm, pulsing knot against her fingers. She pushed her hips forward and the dildo sunk in another inch. Finnick squirmed again, but she felt that same familiar pulsing around his member. So, perhaps it was true.

"T-The hell you doin'...?" Finnick muttered darkly, leaning up a little as Judy leant forwards. She didn't quite know herself, but Aqua was right: she just had to get into the rhythm. Slowly, she slid her hips backwards and forwards, rocking them over nad over and kneading just a couple of inches into Finnick's ass, back and forth. Finnick squirmed against her; the pain hadn't subsided at all, but it was now slightly dulled by the sensation of pleasure he felt stirring in his loins. Judy was groping him-- no, she was outright masturbating him, her hand wrapped firmly around his knot, occasionally sliding up towards the rest of the length and around the tip, but she always focused on the knot. He couldn't ignore the gentle spikes of pleasure that made his stomach quiver. Every so often, he couldn't stop himself from letting out a quiet groan.

"That's it. Use him to your leisure." Aqua insisted as she moved over, her hands dancing across her lower parts, stroking herself with a stray finger or two to the sight before her. She didn't need much more stimulation than that: the sight of Judy dominating the smaller fennec was enough to get her off. The raw power of it all tantalised her, stirred her senses.

In the corner, Nick and Koobi were getting into it. The otter had opted to bottom for the fox, who was more than enjoying the feeling of Koobi's muscles squeezing every around ever of his throbbing, knotted member. Nick bucked and thrust his hips as the two were enveloped in a series of passionate kisses, their lips briefly parting to roam each other's necks, their hands groping and squeezing at every possible part of their body. Nick's hands designated themselves to Koobi's hips, more often than not, requiring the steadiness of his own hands to keep his thrusts regular and as passionate at the last. Koobi couldn't help but moan in delight with every other thrust, feeling the thick knot bouncing wildly off of his behind, his tight ring clamping down.

The back of the van quickly became a humid hotbed of sensual, sexual moans and noises, the passing of fluids and the rigorous thrusting of hips. The scent of sex with thick in the air, accompanied by their passionate groans. Aqua watched Judy in earnest, sinking her fingers against her sensitive flesh, probing her warm inner walls and lightly panting in pleasure. Judy was fixated on the pulsing cock in her grip, the way it twitched and stiffened with each thrust of the dildo strapped to her waist. Finnick's teeth were gritted and he was a panting, whimpering mess. Amongst all that, however, Judy could hear his breathless moans, the gentle exhales that meant he was enjoying it, and he was getting close.

Nick rolled him and Koobi over, until the otter's back was pressed firmly down against the harsh metal floor. Nick scooted himself forwards and bucked his hips down, burying his snout into the otter's neck as he began to furiously thrust with abandon, his knot slamming down against the otter's tight ring. Koobi wrapped his arms around the fox's body, clutching him tight and whimpering his delight. Nick thrust a little harder, his movements slowing, until he pushed down firmly. With a bit of coaxing, he eased his knot into Koobi's behind, tying with him.

The clenching of the otter's inner walls around his knot quickly sent Nick over the edge. He shuddered and arched his back, letting out a long sigh of pleasure, his tongue lolling from his mouth. His cock swelled and throbbed, spurting thick ropes of seed into the otter's behind, shooting into his most deepest, intimate parts. Koobi held onto the fox's shoulders and panted happily from below him. As Nick glanced down, he could see the otter had enjoyed himself too: gooey strings of cum hung between the two of them from where the otter had already blown his load.

Judy felt Finnick's cock throbbing wildly, warning her he was at his peak. She gripped firmly to his hip with her free hand and bucked her hips forward, sinking the dildo in as far as she could muster, until the knotted base rammed up against Finnick's behind. The fennec's eyes bulged and he looked down between his legs, wildly panting. Judy wasn't an idiot: she knew the knot would ruin him, but the rest would be fine. Despite the obvious bulging in Finnick's stomach, she reached down and vigorously pumped his member in her hands, her fist beating off of his knot and stroking his length from tip to base.

"Say something powerful," Aqua demanded breathlessly. "Own it. Show it."

"Cum for me," Judy spoke huskily, enough for even Nick to glance over, wide-eyed. "Do it, fuckin' fox."

"You...!" Finnick couldn't even retort. He rolled his head back and let out a mixture of a groan and a snarl, hissing between his teeth as his cock wildly throbbed and began spurting tiny strings of cum, shooting from the end of his member as Judy continued to wildly stroke him. She hadn't expected him to cum so fast, but she didn't let up, continuing to vigorously milk him throughout his orgasm and beyond. He squirmed against her as she continued to relentlessly stroke him, even after his orgasm had subsided. The over-stimulation was difficult to handle.

Eventually, however, she slowed, her hand sliding from his member and admiring the splatters of cum across Finnick's tutu, and partially on his pelvis. She slid back and brung the dildo with her, watching as it tugged from his hole and left him gaped and panting. He was well and truly used.

" did that feel?" Aqua asked Judy quietly, putting an arm around her. Aqua had already fingered herself to completion a number of times, leaving her damp between her inner thighs. Judy took in a deep breath.

"It's...not hat I'm used to." Judy admitted.

"I can help take care of the rest...if you like." The otter murmured, and Judy glanced at her, nervously gulping.

"Unfortunately for carrots..." Nick began, tugging harshly against Koobi's behind to try and dislodge himself. "We're actually on duty. Raincheck?"

Aqua sighed through her nose. She reached down and unclipped the dildo from Judy's waist, letting it clatter to the metal floor of the van. Her lips trailed Judy's neck, before she reached up and planted a long, lingering kiss on the rabbit's lips. Judy's eyes widened, before she leaned into her, accepting the kiss.

She did, however, eventually pull back, slowly getting to her feet and grabbing her clothes. Aqua sat on the floor of the van and glanced over to her brother, who let out a grunt as Nick's knot popped from his behind far earlier than he was used to. Nick clearly wanted to stick around, but he, too, had to get changed and collect his things.

"I suppose we shall make out leave as well." Aqua murmured. Koobi nodded in agreement.

There was a considerable length of silence as they got dressed, and Finnick sat back on his mattress watching them all, still breathing heavily, the ache spreading throughout his body. When they were all finally dressed, they exchanged a few words. Koobi assured Nick that he had his number, and that they'd arrange for something else later, a bit of harmless fun that they could all enjoy, and Judy reluctantly agreed to it. Before they left, Koobi clambered across the van's floor, holding an envelope he'd taken from Aqua's bag.

"Thanks for the fun time, as always." Koobi beamed, and Finnick silently glared, taking the envelope from him. Koobi giggled and leant in, planting a kiss on the fennec's forehead, before crawling back and. The van door slammed shut, leaving Finnick in the dark, with nothing but a dim light on the far side of the room to illuminate him.

He exhaled through his nose, prizing open the envelope and counting the bills inside. This is why it was worth it: They always paid an extortionate amount of cash, more than Finnick could ever make in the year.

With a sigh, he leant back. Sleep would not be easy tonight,

White Oak Middle School: Dillon's Predicament

The school bell rang throughout the halls of White Oak middle school, informing it's young, lively students that it was lunch time. The classroom doors swung open and a sea of young boys and girls poured from the classrooms, worming around each other...

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Brother's Bargain

"Shh! Keep it down, or he'll hear us!" A pair of young fox cubs giggled to each other as they scooted across the floor of their parent's bedroom, looking underneath their bed and around the drawers of their end tables. They were on the hunt for...

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Judy Hopps: The Reluctant Whore

"Thank you for agreeing to see me, Ms. Hopps." Lionheart smiled as Judy slipped into a seat opposite him, sitting there uncomfortably. Her nose twitched. She could smell something. "Not at all, Mayor Lionheart..." She trailed off, glancing around...

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