Friendly Wager

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#35 of Commissions

My thirtieth commission which I did as part of a trade for SageMerric and his friend Lamoro

It's about two boys who find there is more to their relationship than simple friendship.

Friendly Wager by Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. They are the original and rightful intellectual property of their creators. I use them with permission and respect. This work contains underaged content. You have been warned.

The human desire for satisfaction is a strong one. Often times the mind craves more quick indulgences while others it allows for more gradual ones. But the fact remains that no person can deny the allure of desire. This could be even truer in our youth when one does not truly understand the risk versus reward nature of any given trade-off. This is because youth comes naivete and with that comes with the uncertainty of new situations.

Ryuka was a 12 mixed breed puppy of earnest needs. The dog's candy red and white toned fur matched his love for sweets. Some of his friends compared him to peppermint and even jokingly called him "Mint", a pen-name he was pretty ambivalent towards. Living with his parents in the outskirts of the big city put him astray of the vices that normally attracted a more questionable crowd. His parents loved the suburban life even if it meant they had to commute a little bit more to work.

The cub went to a local school which wasn't that far of a drive. It was close enough so that he was on the bus route which made his parents lives a little considering their busy work schedule. Unlike most of his classmates, he rather enjoyed his uniform. He found it to be fancy and too his liking. Fancy and formal was very much his tastes. In fact, his favorite pieces in his wardrobe were a black sports coat, matching shorts, a top hat, and purple undershirt.

It was getting close to the weekend and the boy was looking forward to having some free time to play some games. His mother had allowed him to invite a friend over for the entire weekend. Ryuka had decided on inviting over Lamora. The two had a lot of common interests, especially Pokemon. Ryuka insisted that the other boy bring his deck over. Lamora had long been boasting about some new cards he had gotten and the mutt wanted to set the record straight.

As with most youth the two were overly confident they would come out the better trainer. Lamora was a Samoyed puppy with pitch white fur and had never been anyone else's house for more than an evening. This was his first sleepover for more than a day. His own mother assured he had enough clothing to carry him on through the weekend. Forgetting all about the fact that the two boys often shared attire. However, unlike Ryuka, Lamora was much more casual.

Instead of preferring the finer things, the Samoyed was rather relaxed in his looks. Preferring simple t-shirts and jean shorts in dark colors that contrasted his otherwise pitch white fur. Of the two boys, Lamora was slightly pudgier as he was less physically active than Ryuka was. It didn't seem to bother the mutt much though since he was usually just as slow and lackadaisy when they made their rounds at school doing laps around the track.

The end of Friday school had come rather quickly, the two boys were very much looking forward to time together. The plan was that they would take route 600 home, which was the one that Ryuka normally ventured on. Lamora had packed some stuff in his bag, but his mother had dropped whatever else he needed already at the mutts home. Both groups of parents had a long relationship and watching one cub or the other was no big deal for either of them if a favor was required.

Once the bell had rung and the crush of kids had left the building, they all head towards their respective ways home. The initial onslaught of the crowd was always too much for Ryuka and Lamora. They were always some of the last ones to trail out with some of the younger and smaller students who were afraid of being trampled. But it didn't matter they had 10 minutes before the buses were scheduled to leave anyway.

Of course, the two were never late since the drivers couldn't leave without calling attendance. Once the two ascended the staircase and the large crow of a woman screeched at them a non-audible command. Ryuka knew full well what it meant as the grey feathered woman had little to no patience. The mutt sometimes wondered why she had come out of retirement as she didn't seem one to like her job, or children for that matter. No one even knew her name....the bus simply referred to her in a clandestine tone as the crone...

After arriving at a vacant row of seats, the two sat down together and each of the two boys shuffled their bag in front of them. It wasn't long before the bus began to move after violently kicking into gear and shifting much of its cargo inside of it. The kids inside were all but used to it and it didn't really phase them.

"What the....?" Lamora noted the sudden jolt as the bus left the school.

"Just ignore it...she does that every time just to annoy us. Don't let her know it bothers you." Ryuka suggested as a coping mechanism.

"Alright, so what are we gonna do this weekend?" The Samoyed asked his friend with a smile, recoiling back into his char.

"Well, I definitely want to challenge you in Pokemon. Maybe even a few rounds of it." The mutt said with a grin seeming confident in his deck and skills.

"Your on....wanna make it interesting?" The smaller boy was just as sure as himself as the larger one.

"Oh...what do you have in mind?" The boy's red furred eyes perked up at the interest of high stakes being involved.

"Well...I kinda don't want to say it here." A sudden sense of bashfulness came over Lamora as he blushed.

" can wait." Ryuka thought he was acting a bit strange, especially considering his rather his rather surprising shift from excitement to uncertainty.

The rest of the ride remained an awkward silence. Though the mutt thought it odd, he didn't pursue the matter any further and just let it side. Perhaps something was on the other boy's mind. Though he was curious as to what his wager entailed, he would have to be patient. After several stops, the bus finally made a violent stop at the place where Ryuka was to disembark. The mutt motioned for his friend to get up.

They made their way off the vehicle together. Once they were off, the bus didn't wait very long before it left the spot where it had just parked only moments ago. Ryuka couldn't help but look back and hold back in letting out a string of complaints. But he remembered it did no good and didn't want to burden his friend with his problem even if Lamora had shared in it that day.

"Come on let's go inside." The mutt guided his friend to Ryuka's house.

The boys home was a modest one. A two-story home with the bottom being partitioned off for a kitchen, laundry room, and a living room. The upper portion of it was 2 bedrooms and a bathroom. Ryuka shared a bedroom with his twin brother, who was currently away on a field trip with the band. So for the first time in a while, the red furred boy would have the room basically to himself. Sharing it with Lamora was no big ordeal, especially since he had two beds anyways.

Once they were inside, Lamora couldn't help but look around. The place was larger than his own but it wasn't extravagant. It was the first time he had been over so he couldn't help but look around the inside. Ryuka locked the door behind them after they were through the entryway.

"Please take your shoes off at the door." The mutt requested before doing the same himself.

Lamora followed the orders as he didn't want to be a bad guest. After they had done so, the taller boy led the smaller one into his room.

Ryuka's room was quite colorful. A number of posters adorned the room, most of which were Digimon themed. Ryuka's favorite was a Japanese themed one that his parents had imported. It had Terriermon driving a red car. He was one of the boys favorite fictional characters. Once they were inside, the mutt could no longer wait. He wanted to know what Lamora had in mind for the wager.

"So what were you thinking?" Ryuka asked as he settled his backpack onto one of the two beds in the room.

"Thinking for what?" The Samoyed responded either playing ignorant or having forgotten about it.

"The wager." The mutt responded quickly and concisely as his curiosity was getting to him.

"Oh...promise not to get mad?" Lamora asked as the blush soon returned to his face beneath his white fur.

"Of course not." Ryuka stepped over and placed his paw over the smaller boys shoulder in order to put him at ease.

"Alright...I was thinking we could play a little game of Strip Pokemon..." The Samoyed had gotten the idea from one his older friends.

"Strip Pokemon?" The mutt was unsure as to what his friend was referring to.

Lamora proceeded to explain the concept to his friend. Clearing having planned it for some time now.

"The general idea is that you take off a piece of clothing with each prize card that is claimed." The smaller boy was unable to look the larger one in the eyes as if he was ashamed of himself.

Ryuka considered it for a moment and blushed. There was a very real possibility that either he or his friend would end up naked. He wasn't adverse to it, however, there was a problem.

"What about the last two prize cards?" After counting in his head, Ryuka deducted that both boys were wearing a total of four pieces of clothing.

"Maybe they would have to do whatever the other one wanted?" The Samoyed seemed to ease up since the other boy seemed open to the idea.

"You're on!" The mutt wasn't about the challenge even if he was a bit hesitant at revealing his birthday suit.

Thinking about it, now Ryuka had an incentive to win. Not only would Lamora have to do what he wanted but he could see the other boy naked. Sure he had seen the cub in his underwear in the locker room before and after gym. But this was entirely something new and alien to him and of course, his youthful sense of curiosity played into his interest of the idea. The mutt head over to his desk where his Pokemon deck was stored. Ryuka just had to win, choosing his best deck a combination of fire and fighting cards.

Meanwhile, Lamora shuffled through his bag. He had decided on an electric and psychic combination. Neither boy knew what the other had, so planning for specific strengths or weaknesses wasn't something either of them could consider. However, of the two, Ryuka had slightly more experience in the game. In fact, it was the mutt who had gotten the Samoyed puppy to get his parents to purchase him cards. In addition, the taller boys collection was larger than the smaller one. It was likely that the cards would be in Ryuka's favor and he knew it.

Lamora found his deck near the bottom of his bag and fished it out. Like any caring cub, each of the pieces of thin cardboard was placed in sleeves. Both boys took immaculate care of their cards. They joined each other near the center of the room where a rug would serve as their playing mat. Each boy shuffled the other's deck as they prepared for play. Just for the sake of being formal, Ryuka posed out his paw in a gesture to shake and confirm the deal. It took a second for Lamora to figure out what he intended but eventually, he joined in a handshake.

The deal was sealed and they returned to a more relaxed sitting position. Ryuka combed over his pink hair with his paw as he dealt out 6 of the bottom cards to be the prize pile and another 7 to be his hand. The mutt seemed rather lucky; he got a rather nice starting hands with a combination of energy, pokemon, and trainer cards. Lamora, on the other hand, didn't seem quite so lucky and had to mulligan seeing as he didn't have a pokemon. After drawing an additional card Ryuka and the Samoyed replacing his hand, they were ready.

Ryuka delivered out his first Pokemon, it was a Growlithe. Lamora countered with a Croagunk. It seemed to be a rather even match in terms of stats. Each boy placed an energy on their respective Pokemon and drew another card. Ryuka couldn't attack but Lamora did with Corkscrew Punch. He scored 10 points worth of damage and both of their turns ended. The second turn had Ryuka attach another energy to his fire dog, this turn being able to attack with Bite scoring 20 damage. Once he drew a second card, the mutt couldn't help but smile as it was the dog's evolutionary form.

Lamora's turn had him also attach a second energy which meant this time he could gamble with Frog Hop. The Samoyed's draw wasn't quite as lucky as his friend getting little other than an escape rope but he did manage to bench an Alolan Geodude . The puppy flipped a coin and it landed on heads. At least that was in his favor he thought. This mean the attack scored 40 damage instead of the regular 20. Once the turn was over, Ryuka was keen to begin his own.

Quickly evolving Growlithe and while he didn't have another energy card to spare, he at least had more HP and attack to boast. He then pulled from his deck and got an Energy search. This was just what he needed. Using it he fished another fire energy from his deck before reshuffling. Then he attacked with Fire Storm and discarded the very same card he just drew. But it didn't matter it was enough to knock out his friends Pokemon. Ryuka accepted a prize card as a reward.

"Boo no fair, you got an evolved Pokemon before I did." Lamora pouted a bit as he took off his socks.

It wasn't much to grin and bear but the Samoyed was the first one to have to strip anything. The Alolan Geodude replaced the fallen Croagunk. Lamora pulled a double colorless energy which at least gave him some breathing room since the Pokemon couldn't yet attack. He ended his turn by playing an energy retrieval which at least would allow him to attack next time. It was the other boy's return. Ryuka wasn't quite as lucky this round. He didn't pull another energy which meant he couldn't use Flamethrower and would have to settle with flop instead. Instead, he settled with putting an Eevee on his bench.

He then used Flop since he couldn't do anything else dealing only 30 damage to the enemy Pokemon. It was now Lamora's turn and he began by picking another card which he quickly dispensed out onto the bench, it was a Shinx. He then added another energy to his Alolan Geodude. He added a Giovanni's scheme trainer card which further enhanced his attack and proceeded to barrage the Arcanine with a with Rollout. The attack was quite devastating but not enough to make the other boys monster faint.

Ryuka began to worry a little as he drew his next card. Still no energy....he dismayed over his recent turn of luck. Instead, he scored a giant cape which would at least boost his Arcanine's health. This was becoming worrisome especially since his benched Eevee was without Energy as well. The mutt repeated the same attack which was almost enough to knock it out but not enough. It was Lamora's turn and his luck continued. This time pulling the evolved form of Graveler. While it wouldn't fix the Pokemon's injury it too would give him a little more health to work with.

However, he waited to use it....since the Pokemon's attack was less. Now it was his turn to attack. Lamora was excited...he knew it meant the other boy's fire dog would faint. He repeated the same attack as Ryuka looked over at his friend with a smirk. He knew full well what it meant, but went about stripping a different way. The mutt starting with his shirt instead. Now the boys each had lost one piece of clothing. The Samoyed now seeming satisfied in his small feat of glory looking at the flat furry chest of his friend.

The rest of the game went much of the same with the two boys exchanging blows. Even before the games end both of them were naked. It was anyone's guess who would come out on top. Lamora would score the upper hand with a lucky Camerupt Ex which all but scored doom for his friend. The victor by a score of 6 prize cards to 5 was the Samoyed. When victorious the boy couldn't help but scream in glee. Forgetting all about his own nudity and basically flaunting his birthday suit in front of his friend.

This meant that he would get what he wanted. Lamora lamented for a moment. He knew what he wanted...but the question remained would Ryuka be alright with it? Was he even in a position to deny? The cub hesitated for a moment before his friend snapped him out of it.

"Well, what do you want?" Ryuka asked covering himself in a feeble attempt of modesty.

"Erm...promise not to get mad?" The Samoyed repeated the same question from earlier.

"No...why are you acting so weird today? I won't think less of you just get on with it." The mutt tried his best not to seem impatient.

Lamora sighed in dejection before the other boy came over to calm him down. Forgetting all about his insecurities.

"Sorry, I promise I won't get mad." The larger boy reassured the smaller one.

"I want to...take a bath together." The smaller boy looked into the larger one's crimson eyes.

The request caught Ryuka off guard a bit who hesitated at the mention of the idea but didn't say anything in response.

"Is that...okay?" The Samoyed seemed just as uncertain as the mutt even if he was the one who suggested it.

"Sure...I guess. Let's go get it ready then." The larger cub began picking up his cards and stood up to put them away.

The white-furred boy watched as the red one got up, carefully eyeing his package with curiosity. It didn't seem much different than his own, even if the other boy had a sheath. He had heard about them before but this was the first time he was seeing one in person.

Luckily the other boy didn't notice Lamora's gaze, especially since the Samoyed was getting a bit aroused by looking at the other cub's bits. Snapping himself out of it he soon joined in cleaning up his own cards and placing them back into the bag where they had come from. Both cubs now made their way to the bathroom which was conveniently located in a door near the back of the room. Neither bothered to pick up their clothing, it seemed the initial bouts with modesty had passed.

Once inside the lavatory, the Samoyed couldn't help but notice the cool tile on his paws. It was much colder than the rug which only supplemented the body heat from his already warm fur. However, it didn't take long before he got used to the feeling of the tile. Ryuka made his way over to the place where his dual-purpose shower and bath mix was located. Turning on the water to make sure it wasn't too warm or too cold for the two of them. It had been a long time since he'd bathed with anyone but this is what Lamora wanted.

After waiting for the temperature to get comfortable, the mutt plugged the bottom of the tub so that the water would no longer drain. As Ryuka was the larger of the two cubs it only made sense that he went in first. Lamora watched as he did so and didn't wait long before he too joined in the small ceramic space. The water continued to fill as the two cubs adjusted to fit into the small area. It was definitely not large enough for two twelve-year-olds but the two managed to fit regardless of the difficulties they faced getting in.

"Kinda a tight fit...hehe." Ryka exclaimed as his legs wrapped around the other boy.

"Uhuh..." Lamora didn't seem to mind nearly as much as his friend did.

The Samoyed could feel his friend behind him trying to adjust. A bright red fuse came to his face knowing that the other boy's sheath was pressing into his back. Little did Ryuka know that his friend has developed a bit of a crush on him. The smaller boy closed his eyes in bliss as his little member eventually began to rise bit by bit. Ryuka, on the other hand, was finding it harder to manage, his level of discomfort made it difficult for him to enjoy himself.

It took him a bit but once Ryuka adjusted the smaller boy enough so that he laid on Ryuka's stomach, it became a little easier bare. By the time that the mutt had finally managed to make himself comfortable, he realized that the other boy was overly enjoying himself. Moving just a little bit to turn off the water, Ryuka got a glimpse of Lamora's now fully erect penis.

"Hehe, enjoying yourself?" The mutt didn't seem to mind much.

"Uh....yeah I guess." Lamora didn't see any point in covering it up.

Just then the larger cub got an idea when retracting his paw to a more relaxed position. Ryuka instead turned his paw so that it rested on the other boy's genitals. Lamora's body flinched a little bit as the alien touch met his nether regions. Then as Ryuka relaxed his paw so that it covered the Samoyed's genitals, the smaller cub elicited a soft coo. The mutt had never tried this before, on anyone but himself, but it seemed like the other boy was enjoying himself, so he pressed ever firmer.

Eventually, Ryuka wrapped his red furred paw around the other boy's shaft and gently began pumping it, slowly at first. Lamora's body responded as his eyes remained firmly closed, clasping his toes tighter than before. The mutt didn't stop either, instead of continuing by picking up speed as his friend's member began to pulse and throb. By this point the Samoyed's jaw was completely ajar, he was completely lost in the feeling. Lamora's body was completely relaxed and submissive.

Lamora felt a sensation inside him building up like he had never felt before. It was as if he had an innate need to urinate, but didn't want it to go away. Before long it did just that...the smaller cubs genitals spasmed and erupted. It was by no means a large amount but the Samoyed couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief. Ryuka had masturbated before so he knew full well what it meant. Eventually, the mutt released his grip and lightly kissed his friend on the cheek.

"Wow...that was...." Lamora wasn't sure what had just happened but he knew it felt amazing.

"Feel good, buddy?" Ryuka asked rhetorically despite knowing the answer.

"Uhuh..." The Samoyed stuttered through his response still trying to collect himself.

"That's good." The mutt himself was a bit worked up as well but nowhere near as much as his friend.

He decided it could wait. The two eventually stood up after draining the tub and ended up taking a shower instead. It was much easier to move since space wasn't quite as crowded. Ryuka was the main working force behind cleaning the two cubs. He started with the soap first and covered the backside of his friend as well as his own body. They swapped off and Lamora finished up. Feeling that they were both clean enough, the two pruned boys stepped out of the shower after turning off the water.

After they had dried off, the two still naked boys returned to Ryuka's room. Now that they were wet there was a bit of a chill to their fur and the mutt couldn't help but shiver.

"Bit chilly now isn't it?" Lamora remarked, obviously

"Yeah, wanna get in bed and warm up?" Ryuka wouldn't mind sharing body heat with the other boy again.

"Sure...that sounds good." The Samoyed didn't seem too adverse to the idea.

The taller boy led the smaller one to his bed. For once his bed was actually made. It was an anomaly to be seen since usually, neither boy bothered. Ryuka was the first one in, making sure to lift the sheets enough so that both cubs could fit underneath. Lamora didn't take long before he joined at the bedside of his friend. Once joined together, their body heat did begin to warm up and the chill they had to recently battled with soon faded away.

It didn't take long before Ryuka's interest in indulging soon returned to his loins. Being in such close confines was doing little to help his mood. The mutt's sheath began to stir the second his furry sack touched against the small of the other boys back. Continuing the larger boy shifted himself lower to a position where his rising flesh as near the other boys tail hole.

"Mmmph..." Ryuka held back a soft grunt as his furry flesh touched against the other cubs backside.

The mutt could sense his primal needs beginning to stir especially when in such close proximity to the other boy, and having denied himself earlier. It was now or never...he thought to himself. With that...he gently began to rock his body against the smaller cub, hoping Lamora wouldn't notice. Lamora was quite relaxed and subdued from before, so the simple swaying motion and pushing of the other boy's body didn't bother him much.

Before long Ryuka was fully erect and while he didn't try inserting himself, Ryuka was intent to continue pumping his canine shaft between the other boy's butt cheeks. The addition of the two boys fur made for some more friction that only further added to his own pleasure level. The mutt closed his eyes and continued to gently sway back and forth. He wasn't too overly aggressive, simply pushing forward and retracting in a gentle and relaxed manner as not to attract too much attention.

Slowly but surely Ryuka's balls were beginning to tingle. He was nearing his limit and was already intent on milking himself. It didn't take long before his cock erupted into the other boy's crevice. Covering his own shaft and the collection of their fur, making a rather sticky mess. Some of which seeped on the bed covers below. The mutt sighed in a content sense of relief.

"All done...?" Lamora asked as if he knew what was going on all along.

"Uhuh..." Ryuka was a little ashamed the other boy knew of his lewd premonition.

"Good boy..." The Samoyed reached back and kissed the other boy on the cheek.

In response, the mutt coaxed his arm over the other boy. Lamora returned to a more relaxed position as fatigue set in. Eventually, sleep came over the two and they drifted off. No more words were shared as they relaxed in a soft embrace. It seemed their relationship had taken an interesting turn. As for how it would turn out? Only time would tell...

Opportunities part 2

Opportunities Part 2 by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: All characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. . Additionally, some characters are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. Any resemblance to...

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Opportunities by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: All characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. . Additionally, some characters are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life...

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Assimilation Part 2

Assimilation by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: All characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. Additionally, characters are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life persons...

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