Opportunities part 2

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#34 of Commissions

This is a continuation of the last commission which I did as part of a trade for someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

It's about a babysitter who no longer finds he is in control of a situation that gets out of control.

Opportunities Part 2 by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: All characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. . Additionally, some characters are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life persons is purely coincidental. Furthermore, there is a prominent micro/macro theme presented within this story. You have been warned.

Trevor had thought of taking this extra job would be easy. He liked kids and considered himself good with them. But his most recent exposure to his charge had shown otherwise. Erika was his coworker's daughter and the squirrel was anything but normal. Instead of liking dolls and dress up, the squirrel preferred more physical activities. The Chipmunk man considered himself at a loss, but he needed to get through his day. Besides, he had accepted the job and he didn't want to let Helga down either.

The day had been fairly normal at this point. Sure there had been a few hiccups here and there but Trevor felt like he was managing fine regardless. One minor issue, however, was the fact that he thought Erika hated him. On the contrary, the girl just hated being babysat in general. She was very much your typical 9-year-old in that she firmly believed that she didn't need a miner. All she wanted was to be left alone.

The squirrel found a new fascination, however. Throughout the day she had come to realize that something was happening to her body. Nothing in her drawers fit her anymore except for an assortment of bed shirts, which was supposed to be oversized to begin with. Now it was the only thing she could reliably wear. It was rather intoxicating. Still looking at the wall, she had to be bigger than quite a few centimeters from her last mark. She knew from science class that this was far from normal.

Curiosity was certainly getting the better of her. She couldn't help but wonder what it meant or how she might use it to her advantage. Especially since it meant she could probably perform better in baseball. She revelled in the possibilities before trying to come up with a way to exploit it. But the bottom line was she didn't know how or why it was happening. The squirrel became intent on figuring it out.

Before long Trevor figured it was his duty to check on the girl to make sure she was alright. After all, he was the authority in the house, even if the girl hadn't really obeyed his orders the entire day. So he followed the same route the girl went in order to get to the girl. There was no sound of the shower so the man assumed she had to be out by now. Once he arrived at the door, Trevor made sure to knock as he didn't want to seem intrusive.

Erika was a bit startled by the sound. She had almost forgotten about her babysitter since she was so entranced by her own changes. But it didn't take her long to figure out who it was once she thought about it.

"What do you want?" Erika had a sound of irritation in her voice.

"I just wanted to check on you. Can I come in?" Trevor wanted to make sure she had her permission before coming inside.

"I guess." Erika decided on a plan of action. She was going to toy with him.

The Chipmunk showed himself in and looked over at the squirrel who was over by her height chart. He too could make out the little marks, though it wasn't as clear from where he was in the room.

"Hey...come check this out." Erika just wanted to make sure.

Trevor decided it was best to comply since this was the nicest she had been to him all day.

"Can you measure me?" The squirrel requested before placing herself against the wall.

"Sure..." The man went over to a nearby desk to grab a pencil before going over to her.

At the wall, the Chipmunk looked down the squirrel, then proceeded to draw a line over her head. After the action was completed, she stepped away. Of course, the newest line was above the older one.

"Hehe had a bit of a growth spurt did you?" Trevor bit his lip thinking about the prospect.

"I guess so...it's super cool!" The squirrel stepped up on her tippy toes to exacerbate the fact.

"I had a super cool idea for a game...since you like the idea of being bigger." Trevor had an idea that was making him rather anxious.

"And that is?..." For once the girl was responding positively to him.

"How about we pretend your the bigger one?" The Chipmunk very much liked the idea of that and tried to show how flush he was getting thinking about it.

"Heh...I can do that." The girl sized herself up next to Trevor, it was quite strange since she was definitely smaller.

The man felt his body go limp as he let the girl take over. He probably shouldn't be going through with this but his desires were getting the better of him. Erika brushed her body up against him and lightly pushed him against the floor. Surprisingly he fell with very little effort and landed with a light thud against his back. Soon after she used her foot to step on him.

"How's this little man?" Erika seemed to be strangely into this whole ordeal.

"Th...that's good..." The Chipmunk stammered through his sentence as her weight pressed on him.

The moment she did so an immense warmth began to overtake her body. It was as if she was taking a dip in a spa. But it wasn't overwhelming enough to make her hesitate or consider it causes. The squirrel began to lightly push her weight onto the Chipmunk beneath her. Now while Erika didn't weigh enough to cause any discomfort to the male, her presence was nonetheless felt. Trevor struggled beneath her but certainly didn't mind.

"You like feeling little?" The smirk on her face only seemed to increase as she got more and more into it.

"Uhuh..." Trevor watched as the girl stepped on top of him time and time again.

The second time she did so...she felt strangely heavier than the first time. Trevor figured she must have been applying more weight. Erika was trying to grapple with the alien sensation of warmth. It wasn't really going away and continued to course through her body. The sleeves on her shirt no longer seeming as long as they were just moments ago. Was she getting bigger? It was hard to tell...the floor didn't seem that far away from her even know she was slightly standing on top of the older male.

Trevor tried to shift himself a bit to accommodate the girl's weight. With each passing second, it seemed like the pressure was getting to him more and more. Looking up at her from below, the Chipmunk could very much see into the girl's clit and vagina. No longer was the formerly large shirt offering any sort of covering for the girl. It has already superseded past her genital area. In fact, the shirt was a rather good fit on her now. It was as if she was meant to wear it.

Little did the Chipmunk realize but the girl above him was gradually getting bigger. Looking around the room, Erika was beginning to figure it out as well. Her excitement was steadily rising with her own body. It was especially obvious now as her surroundings were seemingly shrinking all around her. She could visibly see above just about every fixture except the ceiling fan now. The squirrel was beginning think that being in control was giving her her growth spurt. She wanted more...but she needed confirmation.

An idea came to her head. She stepped off the Chipmunk. The shirt fit rather nice on her at this point and she was rather comfortable despite being naked from the waist down.

"Come on, little guy. I got an idea..." Ericka stepped off him for now and allowed him some movement.

Trevor did as he was told, completely mesmerized by his girl captor. Standing up...it became blissfully apparent to him that they were now eye level. A fact that the squirrel thoroughly enjoyed as she looked deeply into his eyes.

"I like this...I like you..." Gradually it seemed the girl was coming along.

In truth, she was just getting a power trip from it all and decided to use him for her own devices. She wanted to be bigger and would do whatever it took to get there...

"Kiss me..." Ericka didn't wait for an invitation and simply did what she wanted.

The second she did so, the burning sensation inside of her overwhelmed her like a surge of electricity. It wasn't painful to make her stop, but slowly but surely she ticked above the chipmunk's head in height. She then took it to the next level by tackling the older male to the floor. Trevor fidgeted as the now larger girl pressed her body over top of him. Despite her youth, she seemed strangely familiar with the activity.

The Chipmunk continued to squirm as the now larger girl on top of him continued to press him against her flat body. The floor seemingly creaked beneath them as her form became gradually heavier. It didn't take long before she weighed more than he did and Trevor began to strain from the overwhelming amount of weight being pressed on him.

"Let me out!" Trevor tried to escape from her bodily confines.

"Oh...you want out little man?" Even her voice was deeper now.

The squirrel backpedaled off of him since she wasn't intent on hurting him. Sure enough, he was smaller now, by a fair amount. Trevor looked up at her with an intent stare.

"Wow your so big now! This is cool..." Trevor tried to hide his erection which was fully tented against his pants.

"Hehe...what have you got there little guy?" Erika wasn't naive enough to ignore his sexual innuendo.

She reached out and gently grabbed it as he splayed his legs out in a spread eagle position.

Inside his head, the Chipmunk's conscious was telling him he shouldn't go through with this. His sexual side said to push on, after all, she was definitely big enough to pass as an adult now.

He watched her as she began peeling down his zipper revealing his underwear through his pants hole. Erika worked it down his legs before sitting down and putting him between her legs. Once she had settled down she returned her attention to the man's member. Eventually, she fished it out of his pants and continued to coax it through her hand paws. Trevor closed his eyes trying to deal with the assault of pleasure.

"Oh..." Trevor cooed softly as his flesh touched against her fur.

The grin on her face seemingly widened as she felt the familiar feeling begin to build up inside her. "Bigger..." She thought to herself as she began to pump his member. Bit by bit as the man's hips thrust into her, her form shifted ever upward. Briefly opening his eyes Trevor caught wind of some of her expansion, but it didn't seem to bother him. Her paw continued intent on milking the man seeing that he was getting rather worked up quicker than she anticipated. Despite this being her first time she was surprising knowledgeable from all the pornography she had watched online.

She continued to pump the man's cock as her paw continued to fill out as her shirt became much more form fitting and was rather tight on her. He was getting closer and closer, Trevor's breath growing more rapid as he neared his limit. His face was blood red as the girl continued to work him to his edge. Slowly but surely her form continued to ascend, the floor beneath her began to creek and stress under her ever-increasing body of mass. The squirrel watched as her surroundings shifted ever smaller before her.

"Gonna..." Trevor's voice stammered as his shaft twitched and erupted cum.

Erika let go as his body recovered. Her ears now just enough to brush against the ceiling of the room. The squirrel's young body still quite lean and undefined, she was just an overgrown youth now. She held out her hands, taking a look at them. They were so much bigger than she remembered. The shirt that just moments ago was big on her now lay in tatters in the floor. She was all but in her birthday suit.

Eventually, the Chipmunk came around. It took a while before the man regained his senses. Trevor opened his eyes back. Everything was still a bit unclear but once his vision was more in focus, he looked up at the now much larger girl before him. The Chipmunk bit his lip as he rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Sure enough her form didn't change as he wasn't exactly daydreaming even if this was his fantasy. It was still all unbelievable to him and he was still trying to come to terms with it.

"Hehe like me this way, little man?" The squirrel stood up on her tippy toes so that her head almost touched the ceiling.

"Y-yeah..." Trevor figured there was no point in hiding it in more.

"Good...let's go outside and show everyone!"

"B-but your naked!" The Chipmunk protested the idea, forgetting he was basically in the nude as well.

"So what!" The squirrel seemed intent on showing her new improved size out.

Honestly, she just wanted to see how well she could perform in baseball now. Erika didn't much care for modesty. Besides she had nothing the rest of the world hadn't seen before anyways. The squirrel grabbed her male prize and quickly made her way outside. There was some difficulty, however. The door was much... too small for her to go through now. The predicament remained for a moment as she considered her options. It was either she broke through the door...or broke through the roof.

She decided she couldn't wait anymore as she was restless. Trying to fit through the door, but ultimately the structure couldn't support her size. The frames of the door crumbled and crushed as she crashed into them. Surprisingly the squirrel wasn't injured by her own action nor was she deterred to stop. In fact, she was like a battering ram, setting to get to the outdoors. By the time her tackling motion was complete, she had bashed through 2 sets of doors

She had made it outside but at the cost of some serious property damage. The hinges and frames of the doors hung without a fixture. The actual doors themselves no longer hanging properly and strung in various locations. The door from the girl's room was not visible however the entryway as strewn on the side of the front lawn. It was as if a miniature tornado had torn them off. Looking back at what she had done, Erika seemed rather proud.

"L-look what you did...Your mother is going to be so angry!" Trevor finally was able to speak after being tugged out into the open.

The mere mention of her mother was enough to make Erika hesitate. But after considering it for a moment, what could her mother do now except scold her?

"She can't do anything to me!" Erika proudly explained as she stood defiantly at the mention of authority.

The moment she did so the same sensation returned to her form. It was almost euphoric and she had grown accustomed to the feeling. Coursing through her body as she watched herself creep ever taller and taller. Eventually stopping just above the roof of the house.

"Hey, it sorta looks like a doll house now..." The squirrel joked as if she actually owned one.

Trevor stood in awe, he was at best a quarter of the size of the girl now and it made him leery with desire. Despite spending himself just moments ago, his desire for almost this exact same scenario drove his libido crazy. The Chipmunk tried to cover himself, luckily for him, the girl was too occupied with her own ascent to pay him any mind.

"Hey let's see how my form is now..." Erika suggested finally releasing the man from her grasp.

The squirrel returned to the same place where she was earlier in the day. Of course, her ball was waiting for her in the same place as it was. But bending over to pick it up was harder than she anticipated. The small baseball was nothing for her to grasp now and placing her fingers around it in proper placement was impossible. Regardless she was set on seeing what she could achieve with her new size, so she decided to wind up and give the ball her best throw.

The mattress from earlier was still set up against the garage so of course, she aimed for that. With all her might she tossed the ball and sure enough, it landed square against its target. The moment of impacted resulted in a large thud as the sheer force of the ball pounded through the mattress, garage door, and through the rear end of where her parent's cars were normally stored. However, with no car currently park, the ball made it clear through the garage leaving a rather noticeable hole through the building.

"Wow..." Erika stood in awe of her own strength, wondering where the ball might end up.

The squirrel didn't realize it until now but she had gained immense strength with her new size. Looking over her hands again she was amazed at how fast this all had come to be. It made her feel powerful and she loved it. She wondered how far she could take it. Pondering her gaze back towards, Trevor she wondered how she might use him to her own needs.

What did this mean for the Chipmunk? How would the situation pan out? Just how big would Erika get and what would it mean for her relationship with her parents. It was likely that they would be angry. But what would they be able to do about it? Only time would tell...


Opportunities by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: All characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. . Additionally, some characters are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life...

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Assimilation Part 2

Assimilation by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: All characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. Additionally, characters are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life persons...

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Vindication by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Most are original and used only within the context of this story. One is the property of another person and I use them with permission and respect to...

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