Assimilation Part 2

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#32 of Commissions

My twenty-eight commission which I did for someone who wishes to remain anonymous.

It is a continuation of the other Assimilation and is about a teen coming to terms with his new size issues and learning that his new master has other plans for him.

Assimilation by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: All characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. Additionally, characters are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life persons is purely coincidental. Furthermore, there is a prominent micro/macro theme presented within this story. You have been warned.

Responsibility is something one should never toy with. Duty to yourself and those who you owe service to should be paramount in everyday life. That would be the mantra of society if every person got to do what they want. But you don't always get what you want. Often times one is denied outright while others, the desire to want spins out of control and becomes something else entirely. That is why want should never outweigh sensible need.

Every person no matter how old or young is subject to the will of want. Some are able to control it better than others but at any given time in one's life, you will be subject to it. How one deals with it ultimately defines the character. Of course, some wants are reasonable and obtainable but there are also those which should never become an obstacle at all. Rama the tiger is one such unfortunate soul to the whims of his own desire.

The 16-year-old tiger was an average Indian teen, named Rama, who had recently immigrated to Germany with his family. Recently he had befriended a younger boy, Willard who was a lion. The two hit it off quite well which was no surprise since they were both foreigners to the area. However, the older teen found himself fancying the younger one and while the lion did not object to his advances, the teen's ministration were met with rather an interesting end.

Now the teenager was very much subject to the whims of his attraction. The younger boy perhaps had taken it a bit far and decided it was keen to test out an experimental drug on his friend and now the tiger had been shrunken to a fraction of his formal size. The younger lion very much could do what he wanted with the older boy. The two remained in the living room with the tiger being very much in control of the formerly smaller lion.

Willard wasn't that tall of a boy, he had had yet to have his growth spurt. However, the fact that he now peered over the older boy put him in a situation which he had never been in before. The younger lion couldn't help but smile especially since now he virtually had the other's fate in his paw. It made him feel rather powerful. But the boy wasn't overly hateful nor did he intend on hurting his friend. Rather he preferred to just toy with him.

The cub held his paw out as the small tiger rolled about, finding it rather difficult to gain any traction in order to maintain his composure. The larger feline decided he would take him to his room and have fun with him there. Willard paid no heed to the piled up clothing which the teen had just shed only moments ago.

"What're you going to do with me?" Rama squeaked just loud enough for the other boy to hear.

"Just wait and you'll see." Willard's voice beckoned like he was on a loudspeaker.

Rama's body reverberated as the sound coursed through his body. It seemed like every time the boy vocalized, it made him tremble and the teen could only hope it wouldn't happen again. The tiger decided it was best to remain flat on his back in order to prevent any more tumbling, less he actually fall off the larger boys paw which would put him in a very dangerous predicament. The teen decided it was in his best interest to comply.

Eventually, the pair made it into the boy's room. Rama had not seen it before but it's content's were not that surprising for a boy of 12. Several anime posters adorned the wall but the most prevalent of all of them were from the My Hero Academia franchise. Regardless it seemed the kid was a weeaboo or at the very least an anime nerd. Will decided to set himself on the bed being careful to deliver his occupied paw over his chest.

After arriving over top of it the cub finally decided to let the teen loose. Fortunately he was still clothed, otherwise, the tiger may have had some difficulty in traversing over fur that would basically amount to over-sized grass to him now. Now that he was released, Rama spent some time in regaining his composure. Now he could stand up and get a perspective on just how small he was. Looking up at the boy, it became obviously apparent at just how big a predicament he was in.

Willard looked down at him and seemingly loomed over the teen. Rama gathered he couldn't have been more than a dozen or so centimeters. It was hard to gauge since he didn't know how big the kid was, not that it really mattered. He was small and he was at a loss for what to do.

"Now...since you enjoyed yourself, it's time for you to do the same for me." Will formed a smirk widely across his face.

Rama couldn't help but be curious exactly what the boy had in mind. He didn't have to wait very long before finding out. Soon he was picked back up between the boy's fingers before he was guided down the length of his body.

Eventually, Rama was placed on the boy's waist. Turning around the lion was faced with his challenge. The cub's member was erect in front of him and wasn't much smaller than he was at the current size he was.

"You want me to...?" The tiger trailed off, already knowing what the boy expected.

"Yup, or else I'm not going to make your normal size. Do what I want and I make you big again." Will commanded the teen, clearly having a set goal in mind.

"Uh...okay..." Rama didn't mind the notion much but was a little bit hesitant since his own indulgence was what landed him in this predicament in the first place.

Now he was left to service his master and to be frankly honest, Rama didn't mind the idea much.

Looking over at the boy's member in front of him was a little imposing at first but eventually, the tiger brought himself close enough to touch it. The second he did so, Will gasped a little as the alien touch brought a sense of warmth to his flesh. He had never had that much experience doing this before, even if Rama had touched him earlier. Eventually, the teen wrapped his arms around the boy's barbed flesh and even tried to use his tail in order to coax him further.

It didn't take long before the lion's cock was rock hard, making it harder to deal with. Essentially the teen was making himself into a makeshift handjob, adjusting his small body so that it rubbed against the entirety of the boy's shaft. Gradually the teen watched as the boy's shaft tip was becoming eye level. It wasn't that the boy's shaft was getting harder as it was already fully erect, rather it seemed the pill was still having its way on the older male.

The flesh began to pulsate and throb as the two boys fur thrust against each other. The static between them was making it more difficult for Rama to work but the tiger managed regardless. Before long the boy's loins began to stir, he was getting close to his limit. Already his tip was leaking, though the boy certainly couldn't tell. It was easy enough for Rama to see it through and once some of it showed, he couldn't help but lick and peck at it, watching as it slowly rose above his own perspective.

The added attention of the teen's tongue was too much for Will to bear. Once a single dragging motion was complete, the lion's shaft pulsated and twitched before releasing a small stream of cum. The eruption was almost too much for the teen to bear. It exploded like a volcano and some of it even ended up on him. It was surely a mess and the fluid made a matted yet sticky mess of him. Rama dragged licked a few more times before relieving himself from his duty.

He had completed his task and thought he could use a shower, though he was not certain it was realistic. Meanwhile, Will tried to recover from the activity. The tiger waited tried to collect himself, feeling like he was probably short of action figure size at this point. Patiently around, toying around with some of the strings of cum, He licked himself clean trying to maintain his hygiene.

"Wow...that was crazy." Will stuttered through his own sentence but gradually his breathing and heart rate was returning to normal.

"Yeah....hehe. Glad you liked it, though." Rama was finding it easier to deal with his new perspective after what just happened.

"Do one more thing for me and I'll return you to normal." The lion wasted no time in getting to the point.

"And that is?" The teen was ambitious on being returned to a more level playing field.

"I'm going to make then put you in a maze. If you find your way through, you win. If not you have to stay the same size."

"Oh...that sounds like fun actually. Count me in." Rama was in no position to turn it down regardless of always being up for a challenge.

"Alright cool, let me get cleaned up and I'll set it up." The younger boy picked up the smaller one before placing him on the table.

Will disappeared for a few moments before returning in some boxers and a bed shirt. He then returned to the table and set the small tiger on the floor. He wasted no time in beginning to construct a make-shift maze with legos.

Surprisingly enough the cub had enough lego's to make one. The sides of the walls didn't have to be that high especially since Rama wasn't that tall now. Looking at it once over to make sure it was structurally sound, the boy considered his masterpiece to be ready.

"Here are the rules. You have 5 minutes to get through the maze. I will play a 5-minute long song so you can keep track as well as keep a timer on my phone. If you win, I will return you to normal size. If you lose then you're going to stay the same size and be my toy forever." The lion went over his guidelines to the little game he'd created.

The tiger was a little bit anxious about the idea but didn't have much choice in the matter. Besides the fact he was a little arrogant and felt he could best anything the boy conjured up for him.

"I agree." Rama was feeling rather confident about the challenge.

Willard moved the tiger to the starting position and geared up his CD player to mix through the songs. He had a perfect song in mind for the moment, the extended version of Hardcore by the German techno group Scooter.

"On three you will go. 1...2...3" With that the cub began the track as the music sounded throughout the room.

Rama wasn't one to waste time and quickly went about making his way through the maze. Of course, the walls were above his line of sight, in addition to the walls being too slick to climb. He wasn't about to try it, less his minder would think he was cheating. There were many twists and turns. The first minute clocked in as the boy shouted to remind the teen that he was being timed. The reminder made him much more frantic, running into a few dead ends. As time dwindled so too was his hope.

But the tiger wasn't one to give up so easily. As the second minute passed, Rama started to run, even going so fast that he rattled some of the blocks. It wasn't enough to jar them so that they collapsed, however, the teen found that he had fractured space between the colorful blocks. One of his accidents were so aggressive that the teen had to re-compose himself before he could continue. The boy above mentioned that the third minute had passed as the teen continued to coil through the maze.

Some of the colors were becoming increasingly familiar, making him think like he was backtracking or at the very least going in circles. He began to think something was amiss. Eventually, though he made his way back to the the boy announced 4 minutes. Technically he had freed himself from the maze. Had he won or at least found a loophole in agreement.

"I win!" Rama celebrated thinking that he had come out victorious and with time to spare.

Willard turned off the music as he turned his attention to his little charge. The cub thought about it for a moment.

Rama did seem to best his maze even if he didn't get to exit, he did technically manage to get himself out. It seemed that lion would have to do what he said, but perhaps there would be a stipulation. He would have to consider it.

"Alright little guy. You win. Guess you get to go back to normal, huh?" Will asked rhetorically already knowing the answer.

The kitten disappeared for a short while into the kitchen. Looking back in the same medicine cabinet as before, he saw the same vial as before. He assumed there had to be an antidote but wasn't sure what it was or where it could be.

The boy wasn't quite tall enough and didn't have enough reach to get to the upper cabinets so he decided to pull over a chair in order to step on. Once he finally managed to rifle through the cabinets he pulled out a few items in order to get a better look at them. One of the more dusty vials had a fairly faint indication of the words gain...and reverse. It wasn't clear as to the details but the cub assumed this had to be the antidote to what he used earlier.

Will took out two pills before delivering the jar back into its spot and making sure that the rest of the stuff was back in a nearby spot. After cleaning up his mess and moving the chair back, he made his way back to his room. Rama was patiently waiting for the boy to return, and once he did the tiger couldn't help but cheer. It seemed it was finally time to return to normal. Though he hadn't been small long, it felt like it had been an eternity.

The kitten fished one of the pills from his pocket before going to get a small toy plate that he could use as a saucer. He then went to the bathroom before returning with an eye dropper to put some water on it. Now all that was left was breaking open the pill and sprinkling the powder onto the little toy-sized saucer. Obviously, it was too much for the teen to ingest at his size and this was certainly an option since not everyone enjoyed swallowing pills and some opted for the same avenue the cub had chosen to use.

Rama went over to where the saucer lay. It seemed like a normal size and he thought about lifting it for a moment. But his judgment got the better of him so he decided to do something he had never done before, lap it up with his tongue. The tiger found it necessary to lean over, even as small as he was and haunched on all fours as if he were a feral cat. Will watched in increased interest as he fought back a giggle. The teen looked so silly imitating a rather primal instinct that many in the anthro community considered taboo.

Eventually, the feline managed to lick it all up. After all his tongue was designed for such an activity, the barb-like spines and curvature of the appendage made it easier to cup the liquid and carry it into his mouth. Once it was empty the tiger looked up pleased and then gazed over himself expecting almost immediate results.

"I don't feel any different. Are you sure you used the right stuff?" Rama asked suspecting mischief.

"Yeah, I think so...Maybe it just takes time?" Will asked trying to deflect some of the teen's concern.

"I guess we'll just have to wait and see them." The teen sounded defeated but really didn't have a choice.

Regardless it was getting late and sleep would be necessary soon. Will was tired and eventually, his parents would come home.

This meant that he needed to figure out what to do with the teen, especially if he was to return to normal sooner rather than later. Will decided to keep him at his bed, covered by his sheets.

"Stay here, I will get you food and stuff." Will assumed his parents had to be home by this point.

The boy redressed himself and headed to the kitchen. He was right. It wasn't odd for them to leave him alone as he was a boy who could very easily entertain himself by watching anime. Rama was certainly hungry himself and was hoping the boy would not break his promise.

Will wasn't about to leave his friend hanging as he wasn't one to be overly hateful. Besides, he felt responsible for the teen now and knew full well what it was like to deal with the difficulties that came with being overly hungry. The lion spent a good hour with his family, leaving the tiger to busy himself in the meanwhile. It wasn't like he could go far anyways. He was much too small to jump down from the bed, so instead, he made himself a makeshift tent inside its covers.

Once the boy finished his meal and had helped clean up, he returned. Willard was careful to keep some sustenance in his pocket for his tiny charge to nibble on. It was nothing special, just a few scraps from the fish his parents had served him. After it was delivered from his pocket, the lion found that his pants would need to be cleaned. He decided to take them off since he would be sleeping soon anyways and preferred just sleeping in his boxers.

"Here you go...I got you some Cod." The boy put a small square of fish on the same saucer as before.

"Thanks...I'm starved." The meager meal looked like a feast to the small tiger.

The cub watched as the teen finished his meal in no time. The rate at which he did so was pretty astounding considering his size. The teen burped before covering his mouth.

"Guess it's time for sleep then, are you ready?" Will suggested yawning and stretching.

The boy soon joined the older male in bed, being careful to not squish him, allowing the smaller male to cuddle up beside him.

"Yeah, good night buddy." Rama was tired as well and decided to turn in despite how early he thought it was.

The two slept through the night rather soundly. Morning came and although no alarm went off, the younger boy was the first one to get out of bed. His body had become used to the regiment of school despite being off for the weekend.

After relieving himself of his bodily needs he returned to bed. At this time in the morning he was quite groggy, so he had to fight the sleep that made his vision rather blurry. Upon returning to the bed, what he saw was astounding. A now visible bulge in the confines of his bed sheets. It appeared that the antidote had worked and that in fact time was one of the elements the teen's body needed to recover. Curiosity overcame the cub, he was curious as to how big the other had gotten overnight.

Will quickly rushed over to the bedside before tugging off the sheets. Of course, the teen was still bundled up and once the cool air hit him, Rama began to come around.

"What time is it..?" The pitch of the tiger was still pretty high and squeaky.

"Time to get up! You're bigger!" The excitement was very much clear in Will's voice.

Eventually, the older male came around and stretched his body out so it wasn't in a bundle. Now while he wasn't huge by any means, he was definitely bigger.

"Come on and stand up you lazy bum." The younger boy was in a playful mood and even went about in shoving the older male off the bed.

"Hey! You didn't need to do that." Rama rubbed his arm which had violently hit the floor.

This was enough to rouse the older boy who pulled himself up from the floor. Once he was able to stand up, the younger cub stood next to him. Clearly comparing sizes between the two, it seemed like the tiger was already up to the boy's waist. While clearly smaller, it was quite a big jump from yesterday.

"Cool, it worked! Maybe we should give you another dose today?" Will suggested calmly before patting the teens head fur.

"Sure, if you think I need it." Rama wasn't about the protest since he wanted to return to his old size.

They would, however, have to wait for the cub's parents to leave.

"Yeah, well, for now, you can have the one in my pocket." The lion had almost forgotten about it but the mention of another one made him recall it.

Will fumbled through his pocket before delivering out the pill he had been storing for later, but dropped it back inside after coming up with an idea. What if he took it...?

"Where is it?" The tiger asked feeling a bit anxious.

"I guess it fell out...?" The cub seemingly questioned his own words.

"Okay, so we'll just have to wait and see how big this makes me then?" Rama answered not suspecting any mischief.

"Yeah, I'll go grab you some breakfast and see if there are any more left after my parents leave," Will suggested calmly.

"Alright, that sounds good. I'm already hungry. I guess my appetite has increased." The tiger rubbed his stomach in a gesture of his craving.

"I'll be back then. Give me a few." The boy made his way back to the kitchen.

Will was thoroughly enjoying being the bigger one and while he wanted Rama to be returned to his normal size, he also still wanted to be the bigger one. So perhaps he would give the tiger one more pill and take one himself? It seemed like a great idea to him as he fumbled the little pill around in his pocket and then clasped it in his hand as he approached the kitchen area of his home. His father had already left for work leaving his mother behind, who was still getting ready.

She always saw fit to leave her son a sandwich for lunch even if she knew he could make one. Once that task was completed, she would be on her way.

"Have a good day kiddo. See you when I get home." The woman kissed her son on the head as she too made her way out the door.

Both of his parents worked full time so it was fairly frequent that he was left alone, especially on weekends. The cub thought about calling for breakfast but decided to fix himself a drink first. Smirking he figured now was as good a time as any to begin his plan.

"Come on to the kitchen. My parents are gone." Will shouted down the corridor summoning the older teen.

Meanwhile, the cub prepared his own drink before pulling over the same stepping stool as before. Using the same method he began to look for the vial, however, it seemed that one of his parents had moved it around. Perhaps they had discovered he had been snooping around. It seemed that they would have to do with the one pill that remained. Now a dilemma arose...who would get the pill?

"So how are you feeling?" Will decided to put a placebo in one cub...just to keep up appearances.

"I'm feeling alright today. Just hungry is all." Rama looked at the chair deciding he could probably climb up it.

The lion cub served up the dishes thinking about his options...he decided that he wanted the pill and gave the tiger the placebo drink.

"Well, hopefully, this should help with your little size issue." The younger boy continued playing on his white lie.

"Hopefully. What did your parents make?" The tiger asked getting right to the point, wasting no time in downing some of his beverage.

"Nothing special, they just left us some danish." Will pointed at the center of the table where an assortment of fruit danish lay.

Most of the more desirable flavors had already been taken by the boy's parents but the two friends would have to make do with what they had. The cub took a cherry and peach danish while the tiger took an apple one. To top off their meals, each selected a matching fruit to serve as the crowning touch to their meal. Rama's appetite had gotten the better of him, he didn't even wait. He was undeniably famished as he ravaged the food in front of him.

William was a little more conservative in managing his manners at the table, even if his parents weren't present. He nibbled on the food bit by bit, thinking about whether he should go through with his plan. Regret was already overcoming him, even if he had yet to go through with it. Once he had finished his first danish, he was getting thirsty. It was now or never...he needed to decide. The cub started at his glass as he began to bring it near his snout.

He closed his eyes and opened his mouth before he downed the drink in one go. It was done...the deed was decided and his thirst was quenched. Though he wasn't quite as hungry and fought his way through the second danish before retiring it to the garbage. The kitten began to wonder how long before it would work on him and whether the teen would notice or not. At least his classmates couldn't call him a pipsqueak anymore, he thought to himself.

"So what do you want to do today?" The tiger asked trying to figure out what they would do for the day.

"Hmm, it's a pretty nice day to go outside so how about we go to the park?" Will smiled at his friend, hoping to make a worthwhile suggestion for both of them.

"And...what about my clothing?" The tiger gestured downward towards his nudity.

It seemed the younger one had forgotten about that. They couldn't exactly go out with the teen naked and he was too small to wear anything that fit Will. Instead, they would have to stick indoors.

"So what if we play some games or something?" Will suggested as an alternative idea.

"That sounds alright, at least until I return to normal or a size where I can wear clothing." Rama hopped off the chair and scooted it in towards the table.

Will busied himself in cleaning their mess. After all, he didn't want to risk the wrath of his parents. He had been trained well and made an allowance if he followed orders. He didn't want to risk it especially since there was a new manga released that he wanted to buy.

And so the two returned to the living room where they decided to play the latest Naruto Storm game. The teen wasn't exactly keen on video games but decided it was a good way to waste time. A few matches were played between the two boys and usually, the younger one came on top. Towards the end of the third match, their play was seemingly interrupted.

"HICC!" The younger boy let out a bellow of air.

The boy's body crept just a little bit...enough so that the mid-region of his shirt lifted above his chest. His boxers more tightly clad against his body and his shirt too fairly tight for his form. Rama looked at him.

"Does he look...bigger?" Rama said to himself looking at the boys whose face had a priceless smirk on it.

What did this mean for the two boys? Would Rama ever be turned back to normal? Just how big would William get? Only time would tell...


Vindication by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Most are original and used only within the context of this story. One is the property of another person and I use them with permission and respect to...

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Lessons Learned P2

Lessons Learned Part 2 by Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. They are original and rightful intellectual property of their creator. I use them with permission and respect ,to the owners. This work...

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Tight Confines

Tight Confines - Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All are original and used only within the context of this story. Any similarity to characters both real or fake are purely coincidental. This work...

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