Lessons Learned P2

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#30 of Commissions

My twenty-sixth commission which I did for alexfoxx on Inkbunny

It is a continuation of the last story where two boys try to grapple with growing feelings for one another.

Lessons Learned Part 2 by Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. They are original and rightful intellectual property of their creator. I use them with permission and respect ,to the owners. This work contains underaged content. You have been warned.

Boyhood can often be a mischievous time for many. Ultimately its teachings deliver boys unto the cusp of adolescence and eventually adulthood. But with it often come times of trials, tribulations, and of exploration. As with all children, exploration is but part of the natural process of growth and maturation. How each boy deals with it is a tale unto itself and many would be worth telling if given the time.

Hunter awoke half in a state of slumber. The wolf puppy of 8 was no sound sleeper and often got up multiple times throughout the night. Many might consider him an insomniac, though he had not been properly diagnosed by any medical authority. However, it was no detriment to him as normally he could go back to sleep with ease. However this particular night, he was not alone. In the bed with him was the older, but smaller, fox Alex who was still sound asleep.

Once he pulled himself out of bed, he was careful not to make to much noise as he didn't want to awake the other boy in bed with him. He needed to go to the bathroom and decided now was as good as a time as any. After managing to stand up without making too much of the bed or pull the sheets and risk waking his friend up. Finally free, he quickly made his way to the restroom to relieve himself. Doing so was a relief and was just what he needed in order to get through the rest of the night without waking again.

Returning to bed was simple enough, Hunter just had to be extra careful when getting back in. Shuffling back into to the warm confines of the sheets and his friend's warm body. Hunter fit his arms back around the other boy, causing fox in front of him to adjust a little bit but not enough to wake him. The rest of the night went like normal. Neither of them woke again. Frankly, it was the soundest night of sleep the wolf had in some time. Perhaps all he needed was the warm embrace of another.

Morning came before long. Of the two boys, the wolf was the first one up. His body worked like a clock even outside of the school year. Once 7 rolled around, the larger boy pulled himself out of the bed. He wasn't quite as careful as he was during the night however Alex was sound enough of a sleeper that the younger boy's movements didn't phase him. Free from his shackles, the mischievous boy made his way around the room looking for something to do.

The room wasn't all that different than his own, however, after looking around it didn't seem like anything really struck his fancy when it came to occupy himself. Hunter's stomach rumbled a bit and the boy wondered if breakfast would be soon. He didn't want to impose and decided to wait, biding time doing something else instead. The puppy decided on something silly instead. He wondered how Alex's clothing might fit him.

The foxes wardrobe was on the far side of the room by the door and was as large as his own. The furniture was made of cherry oak and was in fairly good condition. It was much better maintained than his own and in fact looked quite new. The closer the boy got to it, the stronger the smell of the lacquer became. It wasn't exactly overpowering but it was definitely a smell that Hunter noticed since he wasn't quite used to it.

Upon arriving at it the boy opened the drawer at the most accessible location, the top drawer. The furniture was small enough for him to reach so it wasn't exactly a struggle. Open, the chamber didn't exactly show anything special or peculiar. It seemed all of the boy's delicates were stored in this particular space; his socks and his underwear. They were pretty neat which surprised Hunter considering his own were nothing short of a mess. The Wolf figured this was as good a place to start as any.

The boy fetched a pair of each, a simple pair of gray socks and a blue lined pair of briefs. Naively the wolf went back over to the bed to try them on. Little did he know that gradually the other boy was coming to. At the side of the bed, he sat back down and began to disrobe himself. Strangely he didn't bother to get the other pieces of clothing. It seemed he didn't much care for them. Hunter spent very little time in putting on the other boys socks which fit him fine, as most socks were generally elastic anyways.

The underwear, however, he spent a little more time with... Alex meanwhile was awake and curiously watching the other boy as he held the small piece of fabric aloft. Hunter looked at it for a bit before bringing it closer to his face. The aroma that was coming off it was something alien to him. While it smelt clean from a recent wash there was still a light odor to it and it was further enticing the wolf with each passing second. The moment it hit Hunter's nose, his sniffing became much more evident and aggressive.

"Whatcha doing there, hunter?" Alex asked with a big smirk across his face.

The other boy's words quickly forced Hunter to abandon what he was doing. The indulgence had even resulted in his own member rising just a tad, even if it wasn't noticeable yet.

"Noth-nothing, I was just..." Hunter stumbled his own words trying to come up with an explanation.

"Sure doesn't look like nothing.." Alex said having a hunch of what was going on.

"I can explain..." The wolf seemed to be searching for words to explain his actions.

"You don't need to explain, it's not anything bad." The fox tried to settle the other boy down with soothing words of support.

"R-really? You're not upset?" The younger boy seemed to be easing his discomfort.

"Nope. I'm fine with it." Alex pulled himself up so that he was sitting in an upright position next to the other boy.

The kit put his hand over the puppies shoulder and pulled him in close. No words were said for a few moments and they just sat there enjoying each others body warmth. Alex then got an idea, of how to take advantage of the other boy who had been caught in a rather naughty moment.

The fox worked his paw down the other boy's side and picked up his own underwear before coaxing it in front of Hunter's nose. This caught him off guard.

"Hey...what're you doing." The wolf asked with a bit of a pent-up curiosity.

"Just enjoy yourself and you'll see." The fox waited for Hunter to grab the pair of briefs from him.

"Uh...okay?" Hunter seemed a bit hesitant and unsure of what was going on.

"Trust me you'll like it, okay?"The older boy tried to reassure the younger one.

Hunter simply nodded and did as he was told, taking the briefs from his friends grasp. He didn't want to upset him or ruin the moment. Alex guided the boy's hand to his nose. It didn't take long before the younger one began to understand.

Once Hunter had complied, it was up for Alex to make the rest happen. For him, this was the perfect opportunity to take advantage. Once his hand was freed up, he snaked it back around and quickly rested it on the wolf's bulge. This elicited a quick gasp from the younger boy, but no words were said. The fox took this as approval and continued his actions. Eventually, Alex began to massage his palm into the other boy's lap.

With each movement, Hunt's body became more and more responsive to the affection. By this point, the other boy's face was flush red and his young member was well past the point of being free from his sheath. The now expanded fabric of his friends pants served as an invitation to take this to the next level. Alex licked hunter on the cheek as he used his fingers to begin to pull down the other boy's zipper and peel down his pants. Once that was done, all that was left was his underwear.

Alex knew that the boy was wearing briefs but wasn't able to get that good of a look at them the previous nice. Looking at them they were much more childish than his own, but that didn't bother him much as they served little other than a deterrent for his ministrations. The fox used his other hand to make rather short work of the briefs, assuring that they clasped to the upper portion of the wolfs furry legs. Alex's tail wagged behind him once he got a clear look at the other boy's canine cock.

Surprisingly Hunter was still sniffing away at the older boys underwear. However, once the foxes warm touch fell upon his flesh, the younger boys composure became much harder to maintain. Gradually the fox lowered his head as his own lust was getting the better of him. Little did Hunter know that Alex's own boyhood as tenting quite obviously at this point. Now Alex was hunching over in an effort to get a taste of the other boy's flesh. It was something he had seen on pornos before but never actually tried. Curiosity was surely getting the better of him.

Hunter's eyes maintained a close watch on the other boy as he wasn't entirely sure what exactly was going on. However, the moment Alex's maw hit the base of the wolf's flesh, it became obviously apparent as to what was happening. The younger boy finally dropped the underwear which he had been clasping up to that point. The foxes attention was becoming much more aggressive and almost as in a fit of primal instinct, the wolf's paws began to caress the back of the fox's head.

With that, Alex knew there was no turning back. He began to rock his head back and forth, just as he had seen in the videos, making sure to slather his long tongue around the other boy's flesh. It didn't take long before Hunter's body began to respond to the attention bucking to and fro almost in a reverse reaction to the foxes actions. But this didn't deter the older boy, eventually, he learned the rhythm and began speeding up his own pace.

As young as the wolf was, Alex assumed it wouldn't be long before his friend reached his limit. Already Hunters heart rate was racing and his breathing was also quite sporadic. Another few moments later and the larger boy let out a deep sigh of relief as his shaft and balls spasmed in Alex's mouth. Nothing came out, but Alex understood what it meant and recoiled his attention so that the other boy could recover.

Once Alex relieved his affection, he looked at Hunter's face, which was priceless. He wasn't able to say much but the sheer look of lustful stupor was omnipresent. It took a few moments before he would recover. The older boy reached in and kissed him before tackling him to the bed. Even if the fox was still aroused, he knew better than to push the other boys limit. He decided it could wait and settled on cuddling with him instead. Eventually, Hunter came around.

"Wow, that was..." Hunter was without words as to how to explain what just happened.

"Hehe, Did you enjoy yourself?" Alex asked knowing full well the answer.

Hunter simply nodded and wrapped his arms around the older boy, enjoying his embrace for the time being. However eventually the boxer-clad erection poking into Hunter's thigh eventually caught his attention.

"Huh, you're still hard?" The younger boy asked, a bit naive about the mechanics of the thing.

"Uhuh, how would you like to help me with it?" The fox asked a little Pent up from pleasing the other boy.

"Uh...sure." The wolf agreed, not knowing exactly what the smaller boy had in mind.

"Alright, cool...let me help you get set up." Alex picked himself before going over to a nearby nightstand.

The older boy rifled through it before delivering out a small bottle of what appeared to be a clear liquid. Hunter knew not what it was, but Alex had used it on himself before.

Now while the fox had not performed on another before, he had seen enough pornography to know how it worked. After returning to the bedside he soon joined the other boy, now behind Hunter. The fox worked the top of the bottle by twisting it loose before taking some of the viscous liquid onto two of his fingers and began applying it near the rim of Hunter's butt. The sudden coolness of the application resulted in the younger boy jumping a bit.

"Hey! What're you doing?" Hunter inquired, looking over his shoulder, suspect to the foreign activities.

"Nothing...just relax and trust me, alright?" Alex tried reassuring the other boy into being a little more submissive.

Gradually the wolf eased down and the feeling became more appealing to him than not. Once the fox had finished this part of the process, all that was left was trying what he had watched so many times. Alex positioned his still hard member near the spot where Hunter's asshole was. He began to gently insert himself into the other boy. The further he got into the tight space the more the feeling was increasing for not only himself but the larger boy as well.

Hunter grunted a little bit, Alex wasn't even that far in but the sensation was completely alien and new to him. Alex pushed forward bit by bit and fortunately for the other boy the foxes smaller size was easier to accommodate and eventually the intrusion became easier to bear. Hunter managed to pull through and gritted his teeth. Eventually he found the feeling to be more appealing than not.

"Mmmph!" Alex grunted a bit as he now managed to full push himself completely inside.

A strange popping noise was overheard as now the fox was firmly lodged inside the other boy. The addition of his knot made the sensation, even more, harder to deal with. But as soon as the fox began to hump him, the lurid sense of the moment began to overtake him. Alex continued to motion himself as well as he could, which was quite difficult with the knot in place. The fox managed regardless, mostly due to his own pent-up desire to finish. The older boy was reaching his limit rather quickly, much more so than when he self-indulged.

Another few moments later and the smaller boy could no longer control himself. Releasing inside of the other boy, Alex breathed a deep sigh of relief. The sudden injection of, well... Hunter wasn't sure, created a sharp pain that went away rather quickly. Now the passion of the moment was passing and the two were still lodged together as one. The fox laid his arms over Hunter's shoulders in order to pull him in for a quick hug.

"That was...." Hunter was without words to finish his thought.

"Uhuh..." Alex was out of breath and trying to collect himself.

The two sat tied together, simply cuddling. Over time the fox was able to remove himself, though the two passed out before that happened. The rest of the day went like normal. However, their relationship had taken an interesting turn. How would it turn out in the future? Only time would tell...

Tight Confines

Tight Confines - Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All are original and used only within the context of this story. Any similarity to characters both real or fake are purely coincidental. This work...

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The Suprise

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Rejuvenation - By: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All are original and used only within the context of this story. Any similarity to characters both real or fake are purely coincidental. This work...

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