Time for Fun

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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#5 of Art quickies

Some mornings, there's just one thing you gotta do...

The companion story to this art piece.

This is going to be my last story for a little while. I've got a bunch of commitments to deal with over the next few months, and I've ended up with three other pieces that I just can't finish due to lack of focus. I'll wrap them up over the next while and then get back to the porns for you all :)

Light was only just filtering through the thick curtains when the stallion awoke. He blinked, then yawned and turned on to his side.


His body jerked to a halt, and one hand slid down under the blankets to grip the hard mass of cock that had gotten in the way. Well, then. He smiled a hungry smile. The cock was the master in his home, and if he woke hard, it demanded satisfaction. He was more than willing to comply.

He rolled over to his other side, sliding a bedside drawer open and pulling out a large, pitch-black dildo. It was tapered like a human dick; while he'd never admit it to anyone, of course, the horse was fascinated by their cocks. They made him feel kinky. They were just so...different. He really hoped to have the chance to play with one someday. Until then, the toy would have to do.

He dropped the toy onto the bed next to him, and settled back into the pillows, facing upward. Anticipation of what was to come was half the fun, after all...why rush it? He slid his hands up and down his body a few times, feeling his muscles. "Muscle-bitch," he muttered to himself. Then the hands slid lower; one took hold of his balls, squeezing the scrotum where it met his body and making the dark orbs stand out like eggs wrapped in black silk. The other hand gripped the base of his dick, which was growing harder and beginning to drip onto his chest. It felt so good just to hold himself. He gritted his teeth a little, pulling up on the scrotum until it was only barely on this side of being painful. Shit, and that felt even better. His dick hardened further, and as the dribble of precum built up a pool in between his abs, he released himself and ran a finger through the sticky liquid_._ A quick taste -- to confirm that he was still delicious -- and then he felt ready for the main act.

He reached back to the side table and pulled out a bottle of lube, grabbing the human-shaped dildo and squirting a generous helping onto it. Just the act of smearing it around the shaft and tip made his breathing speed up a bit and made him lick his lips. He should have sucked on the toy a bit before this, but too late now. He threw his blankets off, and spread his legs, then reached down with the toy and carefully felt around. There: settled into his eager hole. His eyes closed, and the other hand gripped his cock again. Slowly, now...

The tapered tip made it so easy to insert, although the faux mini-flare of the glans always gave him a bit of a thrill. But in moments, with a wonderfully soft squelch, the head was in. He gave a sigh of pleasure, and just let the toy sit there, not even an inch into him. His other hand gripped at his shaft, sliding up and down the flesh. He liked to imagine all sorts of scenarios while he played with this toy, but there was a particular favourite that he wanted to indulge that day.

It was a fantasy about being a slave, in an ancient marketplace, and being bought by a tall, mysterious stranger for unknown reasons -- only to get home and discover his new owner was a lustful human with an eye for submissive stallions. He'd be watched all day long as he moved about his new home...and when night fell, his owner would summon him to his bedchamber. The stallion would be forced to disrobe -- although, by then he was more than willing to -- and then to do the same to his owner, before bending over to reveal what the raunchy human was after the whole time.

Eyes still pressed shut, hand beginning to move faster, he whispered the magical words that he knew would lead to perfect climax. "Yes, master, I'm your stallion," he murmured, pushing the dildo deeper, feeling his body mould to the latex length. "I'm your bitch, sir, your living fuck-toy. My cock is nothing, I only care for yours." His dick responded to the imagery with strong jerks, and he stroked yet faster. "I want your cock, your human prick, master, inside me, deep as it will go, sir." The hand holding the dildo sped up as well now, his equine body easily able to fit the full toy within it. He could have handled one twice as big, even, but then he wouldn't feel quite as much like a submissive bitch, being dominated by a mere human male and his purple-crowned dick.

"Fuck me, sir!" he whispered again, in between the growing moans and gasps. "Mark me as yours, your property, yours to do with as you see fit." The hand holding the flared base of the dildo shoved it in as far as it would go, and then left it to grab at his balls again. He squeezed them tightly, pressing them against one another as he jerked off. "Fill me, master, please do it, fill me with your thick human cum, oh fuck, yes, yes fuck...!"

As always, the thought of a human pumping him full of their hot, musky seed was all it took to make him crest. He gave a scream of pleasure as his dick flared, and quickly pushed it down to avoid painting the ceiling with cum. It splattered over his face and chest instead, and he opened wide to get a good mouthful, still imagining his human owner. "Oh sir, you taste so good..." He swirled his tongue through his own seed, wishing for the umpteenth time that it was a human's, and swallowed. He let his cock flop onto his belly and his arms to either side as he enjoyed the warm afterglow. The dildo gradually slid out of him as his anus spasmed, and he giggled at the feeling -- then sighed. It just wasn't the same.

That weekend, he resolved, he'd do it. For real. He'd go online, to those dodgy sites, and find a human to play with. One that would fuck him 'til his head spun and his ass was just a sea of cum. Delicious, thick, human cum, from an amazing, squirty human dick...fuuuuck...

A hand slid down again to the dildo between his legs...

Pitching Dad's Tent

It was the smells in the air that he enjoyed the most when he woke up. The warm scent of sandalwood floors, never laminated because Mom preferred the rough wood under her feet. The deeply pleasant aroma of mown grass. The light scent of horse dung. The...

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The Gift

"C'mon, tell me!" The Great Dane stepped in front of the stallion, putting a hand to his chest to stop him in his tracks and giving him a twinkling, wide-eyed look. "You know you want to..." He tilted his head to one side and let his tongue flop out in...

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The arm tightening around his neck stopped just short of cutting off airflow. Perch stood stiff, afraid to move an inch. "Tight like you, fuck-mare," said Bucephalus. "Tootight to believe. I told these handsome guys about that ass, you see, and they...

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