The Gift

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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#4 of Art quickies

Zaggy and his boyfriend celebrate their one year anniversary in a most memorable style.

A short story to accompany the art piece The Gift

Alternative title: "Zaggy Is A Fucking Tease" ;)

"C'mon, tell me!" The Great Dane stepped in front of the stallion, putting a hand to his chest to stop him in his tracks and giving him a twinkling, wide-eyed look. "You know you want to..." He tilted his head to one side and let his tongue flop out in an adorable manner. "Pleeease...just for me, your sexy handsome boyfriend, hm...?"

The stallion laughed and cupped the other male's face with a smile. "Not this time. You can give me all the kicked-puppy looks you want. I'm not going to spoil it. And the more often you stop me, the longer it will take to get home, you realise that?"

"You're such a bitch!" The dog sighed and twirled about, grabbing the stallion's hand as they resumed their amble along the street. "Give me some hints then. Is it...delicious?"

The horse pulled him in closer and slipped an arm around his back, teasing the tip of his tail. The Dane slapped him on the chest in return. "It can be," said the horse. "Depends what you do with it."

The dog frowned and thought for a moment. The clop of the horse's hooves against the concrete was the only sound in the quiet evening. "Can I wear it?" he asked.

The horse mused. "You can sort of wear it. Some might say so."

"Sort of?" The Great Dane hummed to himself. "Something that you can kinda wear...that's potentially delicious - oh shit!" He looked aghast. "It's not edible underwear, is it?"

The stallion laughed again and squeezed his boyfriend with one huge arm. "No, dork. You think the best thing I could think up for a one-year anniversary is, like, fucking strawberry-flavoured underwear? I'm hurt." He hung his head in mock sadness, and the dog barked in amusement.

"Alright, rein in the anguish there, Potato. Also, strawberry, nah. Maybe if they made, like, horse cock flavour, huh?" He sniggered and danced across in front of the stallion, groping his bulge with one hand while planting a kiss on the long muzzle. The horse nickered at the pleasant attention and blew a hot snort into his partner's face.

"If you keep stopping me..." he started to say, before the dog's tongue slipped into his mouth and he moaned instead. The two kissed for a while on the sidewalk, lost in one another. The dog's hand on the stallion's crotch grew more insistent, fumbling at the bulge a little more, before moving his hand up to his waist. His fingers slid under the stallion's waistband and ventured lower. The horse broke the kiss as they reached his sheath and groaned, his breathing heavy.

"Jamie...not..." He shook his head. "Quick, let's get home." He gave his partner a lustful look. "You'll want your present for this."

The dog's ears perked up at that and he grinned. "Oooh, sounds sexy." The two of them hurried along, hands sliding all over one another, giggles and squeals drifting into the night.

When they reached their building, the stallion unlocked the door of the apartment in record time and the two of them all but fell inside. The dog immediately shucked out of his shirt, putting his muscled torso on display. The horse stared at it greedily. "You're making this pretty fucking hard, Jamie," he said.

"I know, I could feel." The dog smirked, and undid his trousers, letting them fall. The tight white y-fronts had a large wet spot that did nothing to hide the blood-red point of the cock pressed against it. "And I'm right there with you, boyo."

The horse whinnied, taking the sight in before turning his head away. "Get behind me, harlot - no! You sexy little..." He giggled as the dog slid smoothly up behind him and pressed himself against the stallion's rear, his arms snaking under his boyfriend's.

"Since you asked so nicely, handsome..." The dog licked the horse's neck, before looking confused as the horse pulled away. "What now? I wanna fuck, Zaggy!"

"Horny little hound...just wait here, okay?" The equine pointed at the canine. "I'll check on the present and then we can play. I'll be quick, I promise. Trust me." The Great Dane whined as his boyfriend gave him a final hungry stare, and then clopped upstairs.

"It better be a fucking good present then, because I want stallion ass now!" he yelled after the horse. He sighed and poked at his underwear, pulling a rope of pre-cum from the soaking spot and stretching it out in front of him. He imagined that thick, tight stallion rump wrapped around his cock. Fuck, he needed it so badly right now. He was going to show that stallion all the reasons he was a bottom...

"Alright, Jamie, I'm ready," came the call from upstairs, and the dog yipped.

"Mmmm yeah, gonna fuck that sweet horsey ass..." the canine muttered to himself as he padded up the stairs. "Hey, Zaggy," he called out ahead of himself, "how's the golf going? Because my dick's a driver tonight." Smirking at his own bad joke, he pushed open the bedroom door -- and then gasped.

Balanced on his knees across two stools -- buck naked -- was a gorgeous stag. His ass was facing the door, his short fluffy tail lifted high between spread legs, showing off a tight ring nestled between firm ass cheeks. His head turned to look at the dog, with a smouldering expression on it. The stallion stood behind him, arms crossed and beaming at his boyfriend. The dog goggled at the handsome deer, then looked up at the stallion. "What--"

"I'm your present, Jamie," said the stag, in a voice dripping with invitation. "Zaggy tells me you've always wanted to try a threesome, and I'm here to make your dreams...reality." He said the last word in a smokey tone that fired half the nerve endings in Jamie's body. "You can do whatever you like to me, handsome. I'm here to give you and your stud muffin boyfriend the best night." The stag finished with a wink. The dog whined and felt another inch of his dick slide out of his sheath. He gaped at the stallion, who walked around to give him a simple kiss on his dark muzzle and a smile.

"Happy anniversary, sweetie. I hope you like him."

The dog looked at the stag again. "Are you serious? Best fucking present ever..." he breathed, walking around the stag, taking him all in. The deer's smirking face followed him. The unusual pose was making muscles bulge all over his fit body, and he rocked back and forth gently, making the thick dick hanging between his legs swing as well. He had a hat on just under his antlers, giving him a frat bro look. His back arched down between the ruff of fur at his neck and the pert tail over his hole. He was perfect.

The dog stopped behind the deer and looked up at his boyfriend. "What do -- I mean, where..." He was too excited to form sentences. He licked his lips and tried again. "What hole do you want?"

Zaggy shrugged, undressing as he spoke. "It's your present, not mine. Which one do you want?"

Jamie looked down at the hole in front of him. The stag made it wink, right on time, and the canine gave a growl. He dropped to his knees and gripped the cheeks with his hands, thumbs digging in to spread the flesh. The fur around the deer's butt was fine and white, but the pucker was a deep crimson, and soft as a fruit. It glistened with a touch of lubricant; the stag had come prepared.

"Give it a taste if you like, sexy," the cervine murmured. "It's strawberry flavour tonight." Jamie looked at Zaggy with amazement, but the horse held up his hands.

"Pure coincidence, I swear." The stallion walked around to the stag's head, allowing the rest of his cock to drop and eliciting an impressed noise. He looked through the stag's antlers at his boyfriend, still gazing into the stag's hole as if it was a crystal ball. "So, are you gonna--" The dog dove forward, slathering the muscled crack and hole with spit. The horse grinned. "Never mind then."

The stag moaned appreciatively and reached forward to cup one of the horse's tremendous balls. "Not often I get a spit roast from such a hot couple," he said. "I hope you boys are ready to fill me up." He hefted the fulsome nut. "Several times, I think. I'm a very thirsty deer..." He licked up the side of the horse's ball, enjoying the musk.

The stallion split his attention between the pleasure of the stag's oral work, and watching his handsome boyfriend go to town on the stag's anus. He had underestimated how much he would enjoy watching his lover attending to someone else, and his dick got harder by the second. Eyes fixed on that sight, he gripped one of the stag's antlers and lifted his dick, bringing the flare up to mouth level. The deer got to work with his tongue, practised actions completely soaking the stallion's pulsing flare. The sounds of licking, sucking and lip-smacking drifted around the room.

After a while, Jamie looked up from his happy hole-munching to see his partner looking back at him with half-lidded eyes. "Zaggy, you wanna fill this bitch?" the Dane asked. The stallion nickered and nodded, and the deer between them gave an assenting grunt. The dog stood back up and placed his dick against the stag's crack, pushing forward to frot him while he watched his boyfriend get ready. When the stallion had repositioned his flare, he moved his own dick lower, until the pointed tip just caught inside the ring. The two lovers looked at one another and grinned. With a silent, 1, 2...3 nod from the horse, they both drove in at once.

Various obscenities turned the air blue, underpinned by a long, muffled groan of pleasure from their mutual cum-sleeve. Neither stud paused; the deer wasn't paid to need a pause. Almost fifty inches of cock speared into him in total, and he took it all like a pro. Jamie's head was spinning as the deer's tight insides flowed around his cock, gripping it even tighter than his sexy stallion did. He hilted in one deep thrust, his knot the only thing stopping him from going deeper, and huffed hard. "Shit...he's so tight..."

"I'll confirm that later," was the reply, and the dog giggled. He gripped the stag's rear and pounded his ass hard, closing his eyes and letting the rhythm of the fuck take over. It felt so good to make someone his bitch. His upper body swayed in counterpoint to his hips, each powerful thrust accompanied by the wet 'smack' of flesh meeting spit-slicked flesh. His swollen nuts, almost as big as the stallion's own, swung against the more reasonable ones hanging under the stag, knocking into them repeatedly like two furry wrecking balls.

"Aren't you glad...we get home?" The horse seemed lost in his own little world of sexual pleasure and took ages to finish the sentence. The dog opened his eyes and nodded lazily back at him. His boyfriend wasn't even thrusting now, having pulled out a bit to let the deer attend to the top half of his dick. Each ball was now cradled in a palm, and the stag squeezed them gently. Jamie knew his boyfriend loved that.

"Fuck yes. Hey - let's make a deal." He reached out one hand over the deer's muscled back and made a fist. "We don't sleep until this muscle slut is so full of cum, he tastes us when he coughs." The stallion laughed and met the offered fist with his own.


The nameless stag shivered with delight. This was going to be an evening he wouldn't soon forget.

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