Sons and Lovers 5: The Afterparty

Story by Zaggy Norse on SoFurry

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#6 of Sons and Lovers

Perch and Bucephalus continue to entertain their dinner party guests.

The direct sequel to "The Dinner Party"; you'll almost certainly want to read that one first if you landed here. Since this was the most complex story I've yet attempted, I would love any and all feedback on how it turned out.

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The arm tightening around his neck stopped just short of cutting off airflow. Perch stood stiff, afraid to move an inch. "Tight like you, fuck-mare," said Bucephalus. "Tootight to believe. I told these handsome guys about that ass, you see, and they didn't believe me. Well, except Sven"--the stag glanced up from his ongoing worship of Perch's cock and grinned-- " but he believes anything I say, because he looooves me." The last words were said as derisively as anything that Perch had ever heard from the stallion. He winced, even though it wasn't aimed at him. Bucephalus leaned over him and looked down on Sven. "It makes him stupid. Too eager to please someone else. Too eager to compromise on what he wants. It makes him weak." He spat on the deer, and Perch's ears folded down. Daddy was being cruel, but not in a way he liked. This was simply for cruelty's sake. His father, seemingly reading his mind, pointed down at the stag.

"These are facts, Perch. Truth hurts. Look at Sven. That's_love. It makes you helpless, makes you lose sight of reality. It makes it easy for someone to manipulate you. Hurt you." His body was shaking ever so slightly; Perch could only tell because they were pressed so close together. "And you want me to say I _love you?" He gave a barking laugh. "I'd rather cut off my own dick and eat it. You'll _never_hear that from me, son." He paused, and Perch felt that unpleasant gut feeling from earlier make a return. Was this bleeding over from their little game into something else? The passion in his father's words was a little too much for Perch to just pass it off as make-believe.

"Besides," the stallion continued, "I'vegot something better than love, princess. It just made Sven suck your cock. It makes you remember you that you're nothing but a fuck-mare. And it's going to teach you one more lesson now...because you've been bad, Perch."

Perch let his head drop down in mock capitulation. "I'm not bad! You..._you're_bad! You're a big bad horse and...and I should punish you!" Another strong twitch from the horse cock pressed against his back. Daddy was still enjoying his defiance, then. So, this was all still fun. Almost certainly. But, arousal made it hard to try to decipher it all right now, and he put it aside for the moment.

"Go on, then," his father said. "You punish me if you can, princess." Perch struggled helplessly against the arms holding him, and his father snorted. "Thoughtas much. Meanwhile..." The Friesian motioned the other two guests over with a hooked finger, and they rose and undressed. The wolf's delicate frame made his extra-large knot look even bigger than it was, while the lion's lean musculature reminded Perch of Bucephalus' own build. They walked up to the stallions, standing to either side of Perch, cocks hard and bobbing in front of them. The lion was leering at Perch, and the wolf was still massaging his knot, crimson as blood.

"You've tried pushing a lot of my buttons tonight, son," said Bucephalus. "You were late. You didn't do as I asked. And then you give Sven a delicious gift, but nothing for the other guests?" He clucked. "Verybratty behaviour. We'll have to get that fucked right out of you, won't we? A good thick dick will get you back in line in no time."

"No, Daddy, please, I'm a good boy. Don't punish me!" Yes Daddy, fuck yes, punish me so good, make me your bitch, your slutty cock sleeve. No matter how Perch truly wanted to feel, he could never deny the part of him that desired this sort of treatment more than anything.

Bucephalus grunted. "Alright, son, I won't punish you." Perch blinked, thrown off by that, but then Bucephalus nodded at the other two guests. "Theywill. Care to fuck my bratty son, gentlemen?" The two furs grinned, as Sven got to his feet and took a step back, cum marking his face. The stag was biting his lip and watching everyone become naked, his hand sliding along his thick cock. Perch watched back, mesmerised, as the wet head was revealed and hidden in turn by the motion of the foreskin. "Sven, are you only going to watch, you little voyeur?" asked Bucephalus.

"Oh yes, lord stallion," said the stag breathily. "Somuch potent maleness...I must observe, pay homage..." He reached a hand around to finger himself as he masturbated, giving a soft moan, and Bucephalus waved a hand at him. "Your loss." His gaze turned to the wolf and the lion. "Although that makes the math simpler. One hole each, boys."

Perch eyes slid off Sven and over the other two. Silas the lion was purring deeply as he stroked his cock, and Nick was tapping his against his palm, then licking off the precum. Perch noted with slight alarm that the feline dick was still showing those spikes he'd seen earlier. Did the lion know to pull them back in?

"He looks like a real good fuck, Bucephalus," rumbled Silas. "Who'sgoing to take that nice throat then? I call dibs. So much wetter." He gave Perch a smile full of fangs, and a tiny note of alarm sounded in Perch's mind.

"He's quite the specimen," agreed Bucephalus. "And _so_inexperienced. I was his first, you know. He's had a lot of training in taking horse cock since then...but he's never had barbs." What the fuck were barbs? "Or a knot." The Friesian looked down at the bulb of flesh at the base of the wolf's dick. "How thick is your knot, Nick?"

"Almost six inches," said the wolf, smirking.

"I bet that's a tight fit for anyone." Perch's eyes goggled; six inches? That was...that was thicker than Daddy's dick! And that still hurt when it went in...

"Daddy...I don't--" he started to say, but Bucephalus shoved a couple fingers into his mouth to muffle him.

"I really couldn't give a fuck what you do or don't want right now, Perch. You shush and open up wide for Daddy's nice friends, alright?"

The wolf's tongue licked along his jowls. "Yeah,Perch. You'll get lots of time to make noise in a bit, hehe. They all scream the first time. Aaand the second. And third. Actually...I think they might scream every time." He wrapped both of his hands around his knot and squeezed. "I always get it full before it goes in, too. More fun that way." He shrugged. "For me." Silas cackled at that, stroking his wolf friend up and down the back.

Perch struggled a little, looking at the monstrous knot with horror. "Ith...toobig..." he spluttered through the fingers in his mouth, starting to feel a little concerned. It had been more fun when Daddy was playing along with him, and he had been expecting his cock. This was getting out of hand. "Mmmnnn...donff...wanna..."

The hand at his mouth whipped out and slapped one of his ears. "That's the fucking point, Perch!" the stallion snarled. "Punishment isn't optional! You fucked up and now you pay!" Perch shrunk back into himself, and Bucephalus collected himself a little. "Ifit's any consolation, though -- and I very much doubt it will be -- I'm sure you'll get into it. Sluts always do." He made a small noise of equivocation. "Eventually. They say the first fifteen minutes are the worst."

Perch's ears went limp and he struggled harder. "N--no!It's too -- I don't want to, Daddy! You can't make me! Let me go!" He felt a stab of worry; had he misread things? Daddy did know this was supposed to be a game, right?

"Oh, yes I can, son." Bucephalus' powerful hands slipped onto his son's arms and pulled them roughly behind him. Perch yowled in pain. "Ican make you do anything, because you're a bratty, rebellious slut of a stallion and I'm your father. And I've decided that you're going to get nice and fucked by Daddy's friends." He paused and licked his lips. "And no lube, I think...I want you to remember what happens when you defy me."

"I -- I won't! Ever again, Daddy! I'll be a good horse!" Except you won't._Perch closed his eyes and tried to shut the voice out, but he'd woken it back up to begin with, and it wasn't going anywhere now. _Rebellious. Slut. That's precisely who you are. It just so happens Daddy only agrees with one of those. His breathing was shallow, and he shook a little with fear. His cock had vanished back into his sheath; this wasn't arousing at all anymore. " changed my mind..." The quaver in his voice was embarrassing, and he felt tears coming on.

Bucephalus' hands squeezed him tightly, and without moving his mouth from behind Perch's head, he spoke, pitching his voice low so that only Perch would hear him. "You're shaking, son," he murmured. "Don't you know I'd never put a princess in danger?" His warm nose snuffled against Perch's neck.

Relief flooded through Perch like boiling metal. This was still the game -- it wasn't real! Daddy would make sure he was safe, no matter what. Of course! He _did_care for him -- in his own, weird way. Perch's heart leapt and his muscles relaxed; Bucephalus' hands squeezed him again as the tension drained from his son.

"Oh dear," his father said, "hearthat, son? Nick says he sometimes takes a good ten minutes to get the knot in. He's going to make you scream...but don't worry. You won't make any noise with Silas down your throat. Kitty cocks know how to stay embedded in their sluts, so it won't go anywhere for a while. Brats get punished, Perch, and Nick and Silas are the tools of my discipline. We'll get you straightened out, and you'll be Daddy's good, obedient princess again."

No, I won't, thought Perch, I'm going to be a brat and force you to do this to me, over and over again. The entire evening was crazy, thrilling, and a tiny bit scary. He was getting rock-hard again.

"Now get down there and suck Nick's cock, boy," the big stallion said. "Youwon't get another chance to taste it tonight, and he likes a good warm-up hole." Bucephalus waited for a moment, and Perch jumped into the gap.

"No! You can't make me! I don't want to!" Make me obey, Daddy, make me.

A stallion hand dropped into his head, forcing him down to his feet. "Doas I command, fuck-mare." Perch suppressed an excited giggle and went down onto his knees under the force of the hand, bringing the wolf's cock to his eye level. The hand went away, but Perch hardly noticed. Dick filled his mind.

The red-veined penis itself was nothing special, but Nick's knot was the thickest thing he'd ever even entertained having inside him, beating out Daddy's width by a good inch. Perch's hole was clenched tight as he imagined that monster pushing against him, stretching until he felt he couldn't spread anymore, and then stretching yet further...then ramming in, filling him, blocking his ass and pumping him full of seed. Daddy filled him to the brim and more, but his cum always squirted out around the edges; this fleshy plug, he was certain, wouldn't let anything out until the owner allowed it.

Entranced, he reached out to grab the cock, and gave it a lick. It tasted bitter, but in a way that he liked; very unlike the earthy taste of Daddy. He sucked a bit more in, and Nick let out a slow breath. "Ohyeah, pup, just like that." He put a paw on Perch's head and pushed, encouraging him to take more. Perch obeyed, his tongue curled around the relatively thin member, sucking down the pre happily. He slipped a hand down the cock to the knot, gripping it with amazement. It was impossibly big. It would turn his ass to jelly, he was sure -- and he wanted it. As soon as Daddy told him to. He closed his eyes, imagining it, and sucking the cock he'd been given. For a while, the only sounds in the room were the wet suckling noises he made, the occasional happy grunt from the wolf, and the quiet noises of Sven and Silas masturbating.

Then there was a clatter of crockery, and Perch jerked. Nick jerked as well, hastily pulling his dick out of Perch's muzzle. "Whoa there, pup, watch the teeth," he warned. He looked at something behind Perch with a frown. "Horseman, maybe less of the sudden loud noises while I've got my dick deep in a mouthful of chompers?"

"Got news for you, Nick: nobody's letting you fuck them just for that thin pizzle anyway. They'd barely notice if it got nibbled away." Perch turned to see Bucephalus clearing the table, moving everything to the sideboard. With the last cutlery cleared, he eyed it and nodded. Then, he started to strip. All eyes in the room were fixed on him as he pulled his shirt up and over his head, shaking out his mane after. He looked back at them and smirked, grabbing one nipple to tweak it with an 'ooh'expression and a wink at Sven, as his other hand rubbed up and down his chest. The reindeer nearly fainted, falling to his knees and looking up at Bucephalus as if he beheld the face of a god. The stallion chuckled and tucked his thumbs into his waistband, tugging down with a gradual motion perfectly designed to tease. Even though Perch knew exactly what lay under the clothes, he still found himself holding his breath as the long cock was revealed, inch by swollen inch. He knew every vein, every patch of pink skin like it was his own. When the pants fell to his ankles, and Bucephalus kicked them to the side, there was a pregnant weight in the room, as if everyone was hoping for the handsome stallion to look at them personally, and point, and gesture them closer...

Instead, he hopped onto the table with his butt, then scooted back, with his long tail splayed about him like a spray of black liquid. His head was raised, and one leg was bent, hoof resting on the table. His cock lay against his other thigh, an invitation to new pleasures. The stallion spoke softly.

"Slut-stallion. Come here and lay on me."

Perch felt that he moved in a trance, getting to his feet and drifting towards his father. He reached the table and tried to figure out what he had to do. Daddy occupied most of the space.

"Here, son. Like this." Bucephalus showed him how to get up, and where to place his limbs; with care, Perch settled on top of his father, back against belly. His shorter height allowed him to nestle his head next to Bucephalus', and still feel the lovely great cock nestled along his crack. The flare was leaking fluid between them, and their skin was soon warm and sticky. Bucephalus held him tight, arms wrapped around his chest. "Incase the fuck-mare tries to get away," came his voice from above. Perch gave a little struggle to test it, and the arms tightened some more. "Too late, slut. You're mine now." Perch closed his eyes and shivered with delight. "You'vebeen a real little bitch today, you worthless cum-slut, and I'd just as soon tie you to a pole in the garden for any passing guy to fuck as they saw fit, to teach you a lesson." Perch tried to imagine that wonderful scenario, and almost came. He tucked it away for another day. "ButI'm your father, and tragically it falls to me to educate you. So here we are: a caring father and his idiot son. You're going to get good manners and respect for your elders fucked right into you today, princess. Starting with me."

Silas growled. "Hey, I was promised a fucking slut hole to fill! You taking him for yourself now?"

Bucephalus growled right back. "Really, Silas? Do you want to take Perch's place, perhaps? You sure sound like a big enough bitch." He waved a hand at him. "Your canine toy can keep you busy for a bit." Silas muttered, but turned aside to give attention to Nick.

Bucephalus' arms gripped Perch under the arms and pulled him forward and up across his body, the precum acting as a lubricant, just enough for his cock to be exposed. For a moment, Perch was suspended in the air, his father's head under him, supported solely by the corded arms lifting him. The warmth of the horse under him was radiating up, and he felt as if he was being lifted to heaven. It was wonderful, peaceful...and then, with a grunt, Bucephalus pushed him back down. He had flexed his cock into position, and Perch was impaled onto it, a mighty sword sheathing into its scabbard. The horse's thick prick felt like hot lava as it forced its way into him in moments, all its tens of inches of flesh stretching his ass muscles wide. Perch screamed at the pain, his high voice trailing off only after seconds, and proved Bucephalus right as he tried to push away from it. The stallion responded by holding him tighter and giving a nasty chuckle. "Where are you going, fuck-mare? I've only just begun." He nipped Perch's ear, and Perch groaned.

"Daddy, it hurts! It's too much! Let me go! Daddy, please..." Begging had no effect. His arms were held tightly against his sides, and he couldn't get leverage to push away. His insides were on fire; it felt like he was being ripped open.

"I should fucking hope it hurts, you brat," said the stallion. "What'spunishment without pain? You'd never learn anything from that. No. I'll do this properly." He nipped Perch's ear harder, and said in a lower voice, "Besides,this will get you nice and loose for Nick." As Perch groaned again, vividly recalling the mass of the wolf knot that was in his future, his father settled into a rhythm with his hips. The first withdrawal -- merely a third of the cock, although it felt like the sweetest relief to Perch's ass -- was momentary; a repositioning. The horse flexed and drove back in seconds later. Perch screamed again, but it wasn't as agonising as the first time. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to relax more, but without preparation, the horse cock was an assault upon his body. Thankfully, as the cock was squeezed and milked by his body, its precum began to ease the rough passage of the stallion. The third brutal hilting was again easier, and by the fifth, the pain had faded somewhat. It was not exactly pleasant, yet, but he ceased to yell out whenever the tremendous cock was buried into him.

"Lord stallion takes his mare," came a sudden unexpected voice. Perch's eyes flew open to see Sven standing close by, watching Bucephalus' dick ravage him. He had skittered over to Bucephalus' discarded clothing the moment he stepped away from it, and had the Friesian's underwear pressed tightly to his nose, breathing in deeply. He was jerking off, and Perch watched his purple head bulge whenever he gripped himself, like a tiny equine flare. The stag smiled at him. "Penetrationis the act of creation. You are remade, with every stroke, a greater vessel than before. Embrace it." Perch wanted to yell at him that his bullshit made no sense, but he needed his breath. He wanted to embrace this, but it hurt...

Sven stuck a finger inside his foreskin, running it between skin and flesh, before lifting it to his mouth to lick it. "Weare the same, you and I," he said. Perch stared at him in confusion as his father continued to use him for his pleasure, the sounds of snorting and ecstatic whinnying coming from his head above. "Youcannot escape the pain, but the pain belongs to you, not them. Take it from them." Sven dropped the stallion's underclothes and reached around to his rear to thrust a finger in. A flash of discomfort flitted over his face, only to be replaced with slack-eyed pleasure. He pushed it in deeper and gave a juddering sigh. "Takeit, and make it something else..." His voice trailed off as he finger-fucked himself harder, and his eyes drifted back to the sight of Bucephalus' member pistoning in and out of Perch.

Perch shut his eyes again and focused on the cock below. Stupid crazy reindeer. But his rambling had distracted the horse for a bit, and now the pain within was as muted as it ever was -- with something that size inside him, at least. And as his flesh recovered, he could begin to feel more subtle sensations. The massive flare, squashed by its passage, rubbing against him. The shaft, so heavily veined that it felt rough, gripping him and pulling on his muscles. It all felt...good. Finally. He sighed, and his muscles untensed. Bucephalus felt it and relaxed his own grip on him.

"There you go, son. Feeling good now, isn't it?" Perch sighed and wriggled against his father. It did, it really did. "There'salways pleasure after the pain, when I'm involved." He took Perch's ear in his mouth again, but instead of nipping, sucked it gently. "Have you learned your lesson, son? Are you going to be a good, obedient princess for Daddy?"

"Yes, Daddy," said Perch, although he doubted it. It was fun to rebel. For now, though, it was more fun to get fucked.

The horses writhed on top of the table. Sweat built up and slicked their bodies, making them glint in the light as Bucephalus fucked his chosen son. Perch felt only pleasure now, as Daddy's massive cock hit all the places inside him that he loved. He could smell his father all about him: stallion musk, the most primal aphrodisiac. And with his warm arms wrapped around him, he felt safe. No matter how he felt, no matter how annoyed he was at the big horse for being him, he couldn't deny that he was happy. He pushed back against the cock, willing more of it inside him. The ravaging beast was now the welcome invader, and he gloried in the fullness it provided, grunting along with his father at every thrust, moaning in between at the waves of pleasure.

"Princess, my friends didn't get to see your wonderful show at the club." Won't you give them a taste of what they missed?"

Perch glanced over at the guests. Sven was still standing to one side, lost in his own world, but the other two were busy with one another. Nick was standing behind Silas, grinding against the lion's rear as the feline huffed and fondled himself. Nick's head was nestled into the lion's mane, but Silas was watching the horses. His intense look gave Perch a thrill, same as before: he'd never seen a predator look at him like that before. "Yes, Daddy," he said breathlessly.

As his father's pace picked up, Perch became even more vocal. He yelped when his father's thick medial ring popped in or out. He moaned sluttily when the dick withdrew, extra-slow to give his son time to react. He cried out in high-pitched lust when it slammed back into him. And throughout, he gave his audience a show.

"Oh yes, Daddy, fuck me harder! I need your cock, Daddy, I want it all! Oh, fuck, Daddy, you're so big, so thick, you fill me up so much. I can feel you deep inside me, Daddy! I never want your dick to leave me, I'm trying to hold it in, but it's too good, I can't...I don't...hhhuuuuu Daddy I'm gonna cum from your dick in me, oh fuck, don't stop, harder, Daddy, harder, fuck me fuck me fuuuuuck..."

The whorish display probably did more for his father than for the guests; Perch could feel him tightening his arms again and pounding his ass harder by the second. The impacts against his ass cheeks made him feel used; a thing. A slut, desired. A princess. He meant every word he said, and as he descended into wordless squeals that began to rise, he forgot about anything except his father, and his cock, and how it joined the two of them together.

"Cum now, Perch. Squirt for Daddy."

The commanding presence in those few words from Bucephalus was enough. Perch whinnied in climax, a fuck-mare getting everything he wanted from his powerful stallion. His cock became a hose, spraying long ropes of semen into the air, and onto his chest, and over their sides. His muscles contracted around the dick within, and his father's bellow came as a counterpoint to his own mare-ish whinny. Exquisitely sensitive inner flesh felt the warm rush of hot semen against it, the ultimate expression of his father's satisfaction. And it was him: _he_had satisfied him. Perch wriggled his arms out of his father's orgasm-weakened grip, and grabbed his big ox-sized head, and planted a kiss on his breathy mouth. A tongue snaked in and was met and welcomed. The stallions kissed passionately in the aftermath of their lovemaking, cock still mated with ass, and the whole world was only the two of them...

"Holy fuck, that's hot."

...until Silas' voice intruded. Bucephalus broke the kiss to look over at him, and Perch did as well. The lion had forced Nick down to suckle on his cock and was gripping his head to force the dick into his throat, oblivious to the choking sounds the wolf made. His hungry eyes took in the horses. "I want some of that now, Bucephalus. You promised."

The heavy breathing of his father under him made Perch feel like he was floating in a pool, gently lifted and lowered in turn. He was happy, and safe. He felt suddenly emboldened, and gave the lion a smile as he ran a finger through the cum pooling between his abs. "Yes, Daddy, the horse should eat the lion for a change. Dick. Lion dick."

There was a snort of surprise from above him, and Silas roared with laughter. "Yourslut's got a bit of spunk, Bucephalus!" Perch giggled and tried to imagine what Daddy would say to that. He licked his cum off his finger.

"Got more than a bit, Mr Lion, and it's, um, it's on...on me..." Shit, no, that didn't work out. But Silas roared again -- "Mr Lion! Nobody has ever called me that, but I like it!" -- and even Bucephalus chuckled.

"Not a bad try, Perch. But now you have to make good on that boast." At some signal Perch could not see, Nick and Silas approached them. Sven watched them with half-lidded eyes and followed. Nick stood at one end of the table, at Perch's hooves, while Silas took up position near his head. Bucephalus grunted and shifted a little, repositioning Perch until his head lay alongside his father's, and his ass was freely accessible -- although still plugged with cock. Perch looked up along the lion standing almost over him; with his cock right there, he could see the painful-looking barbs ringing it in horrifying detail, and his eyes grew wide. Meanwhile, Sven stood alongside the table, bleating softly and then bending down to lick up the congealing cum from Perch's chest. The horse gasped at the pleasantly soft tongue against his fur, and as he did, Silas' hand flew down to grip his mouth and hold it open.

"Just like that, princess," he said, and pushed his cock inside. Perch gave a muffled 'wait' that was lost in an explosive breath from the lion's nose. "Ah shit, yeah..." He purred and stroked Perch's neck, feeling the slight bulge of himself there. "Fuckin'horses give the best blowjobs." He pushed in more, and Perch felt the barbs dig into his tongue. They weren't razor-sharp, but they weren't exactly blunt, and they hurt; he struggled to avoid them, trying to keep his tongue from scraping over them. But the clawed paw on his throat made him afraid to move too much, and as the cock pushed in deeper, the sharp points grazed his whole mouth.

"Pleasure is not the end, Perch," his father said, seeing his unhappy expression. "Italways cycles back to pain, as it must. We flow between them, zenith and nadir of everything we do and say and feel..." Perch felt his father's barely-softened cock pulled out of him and moaned as the comfortable fullness was lost. A splattering noise indicated the exit of a flood of horse semen from his ass, onto the floor. The pythonic length was flopped over his leg, and dripped droplets of his father's sex onto his fur. But the loss of fullness was temporary: moments later, he felt a new pressure at his rear. A thinner -- much thinner -- something had snaked inside him and was poking around the cavernous gape left by his father's colossal member. Perch could hardly feel it -- but he certainly felt the wall of flesh that followed, pressing up to his anus. Nick's knot, almost forgotten. A cold shiver ran through him, and this time he did struggle, heedless of being held down. A nasty chuckle came from the wolf at his feet.

"Yeah, pup, you feel that? Can't believe there's any sensation left down here. Your daddy's cock sure does a number on your hole. Oh, I've been looking forward to this, can't even tell you. Was watching your Daddy make you his bitch, and all I could think was, I can do better." A snort from Bucephalus was the only opinion he gave. "He was nice enough to lube you up for me, so it won't be that bad...maybe." And with that, he jolted forward.

Perch tried to scream, but lion cock in his airway made it impossible. Barbs irritated his tongue and he swallowed; bitter lion precum slid down his throat. He almost gagged, but the lion felt him widen up, and pushed in deeper. Down below, the knot had burst through into him. His ring was on fire, agony beyond what even the unlubricated horse cock had inflicted on him. Tears ran down his face as Nick yipped and fucked him mercilessly, while another cock violated his throat. The knot was in him now, and Nick did not withdraw it; merely swept along his passage, and then swept back. There was no structure to it, no pleasant separation of flare and ring and shaft; just a vast mass that stretched him more than anything ever had.

He gripped his father's arm with one hand and pulled, desperate to signal that he didn't want this, it was too much, he wanted to stop...

"No." With a single word, Bucephalus ended that hope. "Painis the reward you reap for your insolence, Perch." His head lay right alongside Perch's, and as the little horse wept, he spoke on. "You'vebeen quite a different horse tonight, Perch, and I can't say I'm not a little impressed. But that only makes it even more important that I remind you who you are." He took a deep breath of Perch's mane, absorbing his scent. "You're my pretty princess. My fuck-mare. The son I choose to fuck, and have fucked, as I see fit. And that is all. You're as pathetic now as you were when I first brought you here, no matter what you do. It's only when you give your hole to me, that you gain worth -- for a little while. As long as it takes for the cum to drain out of you, let's say."

The vicious words did their work. Perch wept harder, desperately hurting, and hating what his father said...not for the content, but because of how it made him feel. The way his cock jerked a little in its puddle of spent seed at each new insult. The mental pleasure grew as the physical pain slowly -- so slowly -- diminished, the one taking the place of the other. He wanted to be angry, to fight back, to yell I'm more than that! I am a stallion!

But in truth, he was Daddy's slut-stallion, now and forever. He could hardly keep track anymore of who he was, let alone how he was feeling. The evening had been a crazy mess of pleasure and pain and sadness and ecstasy. But whatever else he was, whatever he did to make himself stronger, better, more independent...when it reached this point, it didn't matter. Slut-stallion submitted to horse-god and was used. Fucked, like a mare. It was good and proper. Perch closed his eyes and accepted it.

The mental and the physical assaults met and crossed over. The pain diminished, and the pleasure grew. Throat and ass still stung and protested, but the pain was his, not theirs. He took it and wrapped it up in the denigrations his father whispered to him, and made it something new. His body was a vessel, just as the reindeer had said. These dominant males would empty themselves inside him, as his father had done, and he welcomed it. Their seeds would mingle and he would hold them in, their potency becoming a part of him for a while, giving him the only greatness he deserved.

Perch went slack, loosening every muscle, allowing the double-ended fuck to happen to him as his father wished. Bucephalus released him, stroking his mane. "Goodboy, Perch. You understand, hmm?" He squeezed his father's arm in agreement. He sensed motion next to them; Sven had stepped closer, still jerking himself. He placed one hand on Bucephalus' bulging bicep and muttered something in a different language. His voice rose and fell, his accent making it sound musical. The words faltered, and he gave a long, low-pitched bleat. Perch felt his father flex, doubtless showing off for the stag, and suddenly Perch felt a wetness slap over his chest. It was warm, and smelt of cervine. Sven was cumming over him.

"Princess horse is such a slut, even Sven cums on him," said Silas with deep amusement. Sven bleated back, still ejaculating. The cervine must have been backed up, or else he had balls as dense as tiny stars, because by the time he did finish Perch was utterly drenched in his cum. It mixed with his own, white frosting on a muscled cake, and soaked his legs and mane. Bucephalus huffed and sniffed at him.

"Deer cum on slut-stallion...smells even better than I'd have thought. Bet it's worth a taste." Perch felt warmth at his father's words, and wished he could kiss him. The lion cock down his gullet was still holding his neck stiff, the pain of the barbs hardly noticed now. He gripped it with his throat, moving back and forth as much as he was able, and milked it of every drop of bitter feline pre. His tongue swirled around the base and had Silas purring like an engine. If he could simply get the lion off...

The paw on his throat tightened, and Perch felt claw tips suddenly dig into his flesh. He froze in fear, but he needn't have worried. "Silas,pull those fucking things back in before you make a mistake I won't forgive," his father said. The great cat yowled and hissed at the stallion, apparently beyond words right now, but the claws were retracted. Instead, a second paw gripped Perch's throat, and together they kneaded his flesh. Silas seemed delighted in the feel of himself through the skin. It seemed to do the trick; with a deep moan, he came, flooding Perch's mouth with seed even more bitter than his pre. Perch choked and coughed, some of the cum spurting out of his nose, some of it pushing out around the cat's shaft, and the rest being swallowed. The bitterness was like a mark of pride to Perch.

The barbed cock was withdrawn, and Perch breathed deeply in relief, but only to get enough air into his lungs to pull his father's head down for another kiss. "Ilove you, Daddy," he said between locking lips. He felt his father's chest vibrate with a deep rumble, and was glad. It wasn't reciprocity, exactly, but it was something. They kissed again, swapping spit and lion seed. Silas stroked both horse's manes and Perch could feel Sven's cock resting on him, the stag spent but still aroused enough to be tumescent. Four of them had reached climax now, and only one remained. Perch lifted his head to see the wolf: his eyes were closed, and he thrust in and out of Perch with slow, measured strokes, lost in his own world. The entirety of Perch's ass was a pleasure centre now, and each movement of the wolf's hips fired off waves of bliss. He moaned loudly, and the wolf's eyes snapped open, meeting his. "Please...fuck me harder..." he said, putting every bit of need into his words that he could. Bucephalus nickered next to him.

"You heard my son, Nick. Fuck his ass, you knotty bitch." There was a lust in his words that almost made Perch jealous, before he remembered that they were for his benefit. Moments later, the knot pulled out for the first time since it went in, and Perch gasped. He could feel his muscles quivering, unable to close up after being stretched for so long. He waited for the return of the knot, but it didn't come, and he glanced over at the wolf.

"C'mere Silas," said Nick, and Silas left the horses and went to stand behind the wolf, arms sliding under his. Nick said something softly, and the lion gave a very affirmative nod. He dropped a hand and did something behind the wolf, then thrust forward with a growl. Nick whined and his tongue flopped out as Silas began to fuck him. He quickly lined his dick up with Perch's thoroughly abused hole, and their combined motion drove the knot back into him with a 'pop'that made Sven gasp and Perch moan. Fullness returned, and he let his head flop back, against his father, as the final fuck commenced. He let his mind go blank, drifting happily between the spikes of pleasure coming from his ass. His body bounced gently atop his father. When Bucephalus took his face in a huge hand and stroked it softly, it made things perfect. Perch let everything go, and came again, squeals of pleasure ringing out like bells as his balls rose and did their duty once again.

Barbs must have done something special for Nick; perhaps they were an analogue for the pain of another male's knotting. Or maybe Perch's orgasm tightened his lubricated tunnel up just enough for the wolf. Whatever the reason, Silas barely needed to thrust into him before a loud howl marked the final orgasm of the night. Perch was so well-stretched, he could not even say whether the knot had expanded; Nick managed to pull out after without any problem, adding a rush of his own cum to the drying pool already under the table. The wolf gripped the mane of the lion behind him, and smiled, and gave him a kiss. "Thanks, handsome," he said. Silas purred and nuzzled against him.

"Get a room," said Bucephalus, but for once there was no hint of snark in his tone. He placed a hand on Perch and said, "Don'tmove, son." With a grunt, and some sliding aided by sweat and cum, he got out from under his son, leaving him spread over the table. Perch still had his eyes closed, and was happily surprised to feel a warm tongue on his belly and chest again. But this wasn't Sven; he knew this tongue well. He tucked his hands behind his head and simply enjoyed the feeling of his father licking up every drop of semen that had pooled on him, drinking down the horse-and-deer cocktail as he said he would. "Doesit taste nice, Daddy?" he asked his father. The stallion looked up at him, smirked, and went back to licking. Perch giggled and wriggled under the teasing tongue.

And then it was over. Perch was exhausted, and wet, and supremely happy. Bucephalus had cleaned up his front, leaving him merely damp and sticky there, but cum still streaked his sides and dripped from his ass. His sweaty mane lay flat against his skin, and he wasn't sure he'd manage to stand when he eventually got to his feet.

Bucephalus helped his guests clean up. Sven got a final opportunity to suck stallion cock, after persuading Bucephalus that deer mouth was as good as a wash, and the three of them said farewell to Perch, eyes lingering over his body. Silas slapped his ass, slipping a cheeky finger inside. "Next time, I'll try this one," he said, and Perch blushed.

When they had gone, Bucephalus returned to the table, standing over Perch and looking down at him. Perch looked up and smiled. "Thank you, Daddy," he said again. "I'll be a good princess now. I'll do as you say."

"That's easy to say, son," said his father. "Harder to keep to." He knelt down, bringing his head alongside his son. "You said a lot of things tonight. You even surprised me with some of them. So, tell me now -- did you mean them?"

For a moment, Perch wanted to lie. He wanted to be dumb, to hide, to go back to how things were. But the new Perch was still around, and he spoke out before the rest of Perch had time to think. "Yes,Daddy. I'm not gonna be dumb anymore. I'm gonna try harder. And -- and you need to be better to me." He felt that emboldening feeling again, and grabbed on to it. "Always! Not only when you want to fuck. You need to be kind, and caring, and..." He almost said and love me, but something warned him off. He quickly changed tack. "And I want to see my friends, and my parents, and, um, and I want a car and I want to go back to university--"

Bucephalus put a hand to Perch's mouth, and Perch eeped, worried that he'd overplayed the moment. Great job, you dumb shit, you're going to ruin everything. He waited with bated breath.

But Bucephalus simply sniffed and let him go. "I think, all things considered, I prefer this Perch." He gave the smaller stallion an appraising look. "I'mimpressed, son. This really is something different for you. And I thoroughly enjoyed your little bratty roleplaying. I'll reserve judgement on whether you're still a fucking moron for a bit, though, alright?" He held up a finger to stave off Perch's complaint at that. "Wait now. I'm not done." His expression sobered. "Ialso said some things tonight, and I meant them exactly as much as you did. You're too infatuated with love: you need to work on that. It's not what you think it is, and the sooner you internalise that, the better. I'll give you everything you want...but I won't say that."

Yes you will, thought Perch. I know you do, and I'll find a way to make you admit it. But when Bucephalus gave him a kiss, and then walked around to his ass and slapped his hardening flare against it, Perch shivered and decided that was something for another day. He gave a deep moan. "Yes, Daddy...fuck me again..."

"My side is still sore, you asshole. Is your elbow made of granite?" Nick massaged himself and grimaced.

Silas dismissed his bitching with a wave as they waited for a bus. "Well, I didn't want you to say something dumb. You know how he gets if you mention his real son."

"Uh, yeah, of course I know. That's like Bucephalus 101. You didn't need to break a rib." He elbowed the lion back. "I got confused, is all. Thought that was his real son. Thought to myself, 'that horse isn't a mustang'. Ah, there's the bus..."

Sons and Lovers 4: The Dinner Party

Perch slouched home, dragging a jacket on the ground behind him, oblivious to the dirt it was gathering. His bloodshot eyes were fixed on the ground in front of him, and his mouth was pulled into a thin line. One hand roved about; he held the back of...

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The Stablehand

The villagers called him simply "Stablehand". He was not the only one - at least three others plied the same trade. But they went by whatever mundane names they had been given: names for the unremarked, and unremembered. He alone had the grander...

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Right in the kisser

It had been _far_ too long. Quentin's hands were sweaty with excitement; he rubbed them against his pants before he pushed the door open. The stables were located just on the edge of the woods; far enough from the city that not many people used it....

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