One-Upped - May Rule 34 Story #1 (Teaser)

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#60 of Patreon

After an encounter six months prior, Falco Lombardi and Panther Caroso reunite at a space station to catch up on old times...


This story was voted in by those lovely supporters of mine on Patreon! Go check it out if you are interested in reading the whole story or even voting in the next story idea!

"One Upped"

It had been six months since Falco's last encounter with Panther; even in subsequent battles with the rest of his team, they had not come across the Star Wolf team, and have heard relatively radio silence from them ever since. After Fox's sudden departure over a week prior, Falco decided it was time for him to take a break from Peppy and Slippy and took off on his own. Generally, these times were best spent in his cockpit, roaming the systems he happened to come across; but today, he decided to head toward Ascalon; a small colony space station well past the Lylat System and at the maximum range that his ship could travel without the Great Fox. It was a chance for him to unwind, and to relax, but as his Arwing was lowered into the dock, a ship in the distance caught his eye: One of Star Wolf's cruisers was in the bay; as Falco disembarked his own ship, he strolled past it, noting the visage of a panther scrawled on its hull.

"Well, I'll be damned." He said aloud as he continued past the ship and into the station.

Panther pressed the button on his visor, sending a sheer glass mask over his eyes. The HUD responded and targeted in all available targets down range. He was dressed in a white sleeveless shirt, a pair of brown cargo pants and a black belt; standard for what he wore when he wasn't on duty. The fact that Wolf had been out of contact with them for a couple of weeks didn't bother him; it was not unlike their leader to take a sabbatical without telling the team, and he often did the same. Finding time on the Ascalon gun range was as relaxing to him as a day at the beach getting a massage for others. He raised his weapon and fired several shots down the range. The targets immediately evaporated upon contact with the gunfire; sixteen in total before Caroso was out of ammunition. He allowed the targets to reset as he inserted a new magazine into his pistol.

"Aww, isn't that a cute little thing?"

Panther was startled by the voice suddenly coming in from behind him and he turned around to see Falco standing there, resting a much larger pistol on his shoulder. "Lombardi? What the hell are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'd have to ask you the same thing." Falco answered, peering at the weapon. "I've seen you in combat, are you sure you know how to work that thing?"

Panther scowled in frustration and aimed his weapon down range. His aim was impeccable, he shot down each target one at a time up to fifteen. The sixteenth blast however missed the target by a wide margin. He groaned in disappointment as he lowered his weapon. "Fuck." He said.

He knew it was coming; Falco aimed his weapon with one hand and submitted a powerful blast of energy toward the last target, it struck and obliterated the object in an instant. "Aw, so close and yet so far." Falco said. "You're getting better, Caroso." He said. "But try to hit all the targets next time."

"I did just before you arrived." The panther scowled defensively.

"Mmhmm. Sure." Falco said. "To be honest, I'm pleased. I stopped here for a little vacation and I've found more than I expected."

Panther rolled his eyes. "If you think anything that's happened between us is going to happen again I--" He paused, a loud thump beside him turned his attention to Falco's hand resting against the wall directly to the cat's right. He turned around to see Falco grinning, their eyes locking as he then put his other hand to Panther's left, cornering him in.

"Oh, I don't think what happened last time is gonna happen this time, kitty." He said. "I think it's gonna be a lot different." He grinned.

Panther didn't fight the instinct to grapple Falco by the waist as the bird leaned into him, the moment their bodies touched, he could feel the pulse of arousal; he hadn't remembered if he'd been with anyone since he and Falco were together. In fact, he hadn't gotten off at all, and the rush of that realization only encouraged the bulge in his pants to grow. Falco roughly grabbed the back of Panther's waist band, and let his hands slip smoothly down into his pants. "No undergarments? You must be on vacation..."

"I don't like 'em." He admitted. "They ride up, and they can be a real pain on long flights." He said.

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