Outfoxed - March Rule 34 Story #1

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#57 of Patreon

Fox McCloud and Wolf O'Donnell meet up at a space station away from their respective teams to engage in...recreational activities ;)

This story was supported by the members of my Patreon page! Please enjoy you guys!


Shanoi Station; one of those out-of-the-way outposts on the far reaches of the Cornerean army's influence. It was a trading post, an outlet for some of the scummiest creatures to fly the galaxy, and Fox McCloud felt out of place for even stepping into it. Landing the Arwing in the docks could have been considered a questionable act, while the reason he found himself here could have been considered by many an actual act of treason.

"Fox, I'm not sure why the beacon on your ship suddenly stopped responding, but if you make your way back here I can get Slippy to fix it for ya."

Fox rolled his eyes at Peppy's voice on his intercom and he brought the screen displaying his face to full. "Peppy, I turned it off on purpose. I'll turn it back on when I'm done here."

"Ohhh..." The hare's eyes widened. "Are you on some secret mission from the general?"

"No, I just needed some time to unwind. I'm sure you understand."

"Why is it you need to be so secretive then? Why can't you unwind here with us?"

"AHHHH! Peppy! Help me! Falco's gonna kill meeee!" The screeching voice of Slippy in the background almost made Fox's eye twitch.

"You're gonna regret smashing that plate, it was a collector's edition you little toad! Get back here!"


Peppy's face was somewhat contorted into a mid-eyeroll and a deadpan expression before another loud crash and screaming could be heard. "I...see your point." He said. "When can we expect you back?"

"I'll check in in a few days." Fox said.

The hare's expression turned back into its cheery smile, the crashing and banging in the background having faded as Falco and Slippy moved on. "Alright. I'll try to keep the place in order until you get back then." He said. "You just be careful, your father wouldn't forgive me if--"

"Yeah, yeah." Fox said dismissively nodding his head. "You don't have to tell me twice. Fox out."

As Peppy's face vanished from the console, Fox gave a groan and ran his hands down his face. "What the fuck am I even doing here?" He asked himself before popping the hatch and climbing out of the ship.

Fox's feet clanked the ground loudly, giving off a metal echo that was only overridden suddenly by the engines of other ships getting ready to take off. He slid his hands into his pockets and strutted his way across the bay until reaching the corridor to the hall beyond. This place was like a maze inside and for once the pilot was unfamiliar was unfamiliar with its layout. He approached a small black screen on the edge wall and placed his hand on it. "Where's a fella gotta go to get a drink around here?" He said.

The computer panel flickered to life, displaying several establishment names. The "Downward Dog" was the bar he had been looking for, and pressed in its logo. Immediately the wall flashed to what looked like a map, following a trail of dots from his location, he found the route and released the panel, causing it to go dark. "Thanks." He uttered as he continued down the corridor. Following the familiar signs leading along each corridor, it didn't take him more than five minutes before he was staring directly at the logo. He took a deep breath and stepped into the doorway, causing it to automatically slide up into the upper canal of the frame before stepping inside.

The bar smelled heavily of booze as one would have expected, but none of the patrons really paid Fox any mind as the door came slamming back down into its place. He wasn't exactly an unrecognized figure; hero of Corneria, defeater of Andross...son of James McCloud, but perhaps his light change in outfit was enough to sort of set him apart from the legacy. Fox slid into one of the remaining empty stools at the bar and caught the eye of the bartender; a female leopard with an eyepatch over her right eye. As she slapped a dirty towel over her shoulder, she made her way over to Fox. As she approached, Fox put on his best smile. "Good afternoon, I'm looking to meet with someone and--"

"You gonna order something... 'hero'?" The tone of her voice indicated she was not impressed that Fox McCloud had come to this place.

Fox's eyes wandered a bit, spotting a rather strangely glowing drink with black globes floating in it. "How about one of those?"

"One Blackhole coming up." She said as she moved away abruptly.

He watched her work for a moment, slipping a few unknown strains of black liquid into a glass, then mixing in several drinks that caused them to come to life almost in the crystal-clear fluid. Returning to the fox, she added a small handful of what looked like dust and it caused the glass to illuminate and shine brightly. As he took the glass, he could feel it vibrating under his fingers. "As I said before, I'm looking for someone."

"Look, we don't want no trouble from team Star Fox here. We got our own codes--"

"I'm not here as part of Star Fox." Fox said raising his glass. "I'm off duty, now all I need to do is meet someone." He took a slug of his drink, and the sudden induction of sour and sweet made his eye twitch and his head start spinning. He gagged and exhaled loudly before returning his gaze to the bartender. "So you g-gonna help me or not?"

The female smirked, amused at Fox's reaction. "You know, I haven't seen anyone take a belt of the Blackhole in a while. You're alright, Fox." She said as she slipped her fingers into the top of her blouse and extracted what looked like a card key. "He was here about an hour ago, said some pompous dick would show up acting all tough and wanting to meet with him. I guess you're that dick." She said as she slipped the card to him.

"I guess I am." Fox answered, taking the card and climbing down from his stool. He wobbled for a moment as he touched the floor and started to walk away.

"It's a pity." She said as she caught Cloud's attention again. "If you weren't so much his type, I'd take you home myself." She said before leaning away from the counter and returning to her work.

Fox left the bar, feeling the slightest haze from that strong drink as he made his way across the station's open courtyard toward the elevators. The elevators were activated by keycards, which indicated what room they were assigned to. As the doors opened he stepped into the lift and swiped the card, causing the lights on it to go green. The car shunted and began to move toward its destination, brief glimpses through the windows allowed Fox to see the space surrounding the station and just as soon as he began to feel comfortable with it, the elevator stopped and the door opened into the darkened hallway that was like an airlock before a door just beyond. Fox slipped the key back into his pocket and knocked on the door.

After a few moments, the door clicked and it slid upward similar to the bar's opening entrance and Wolf O'Donnell stood on the other side. He was dressed in a black tanktop that showed off more of his gray fur than even Fox was used to seeing. On his legs were a pair of dark flight pants, which seemed somewhat out of place in such a casual environment. He raised a martini glass to the fox in greeting. "Oh, there you are Fox." He said with a somewhat facetious tone to his voice. "I'm glad you could finally make it."

"Sorry, had to slip away from the team." Fox said as he stepped inside.

Wolf scoffed as he set his glass on a nearby table. "I had about as much difficulty. Care for something to drink?"

"Oh, no thanks. I had one of those Blackholes down at the Dog an--mmph!"

There was really no warning to the wolf's pounce, Wolf suddenly shoved his body against Fox's and thrust his back hard against the door as he brought his mouth in for a kiss. Wolf wasn't much taller than Fox, but he was a bit more muscular and a bit older which meant he was somewhat more experienced than him. Fox's hands couldn't find any place to grab for an instant before they wrapped around Wolf's waist and indulged in the kiss. Their teeth clicked slightly, their tongues twirled around one another and instantly Fox could feel his pants tighten around his crotch as Wolf's claws slipped in under his shirt and began to massage into Fox's fur claw-first. After a time, Wolf's lips parted from Fox's, leaving a small trail of drool that fell apart inches after separation. He too was hard as a rock, the bulge within his pants were pressed hard against the fox's own as he took a deep breath. "I wouldn't mind trying a black hole." He insinuated rather abruptly as his hands slipped under Fox's waistband and grabbed his ass, making the vulpine shudder in pleasure. "Mmm, no undergarments, Fox? I sense you were anticipating this as badly as I was."

Fox's mind was a blur for a moment, he growled and uttered. "Rrrr. Yeah..." He sighed as Wolf leaned in and nibbled on his neck, his paws exploring nearly every inch of Fox's nethers with a lewd intent.

Fox's hands climbed Wolf's hips and pushed up on his shirt until Wolf finally relented and allowed Fox to take it off. He was well toned for an older wolf and just as appealing as he'd expected. Wolf's hands masterfully clutched at Fox's belt buckle and unhinged it, letting the fabric fall free and land on the floor at their feet. Fox stepped out of his pants and moaned as Wolf grasped his cock and slowly dragged his hand down the length. "And here I thought your piloting skills were impressive." Wolf teased, pinching the tip of the fox's member.

Fox's hands had come back down to Wolf's pants and he realized how nearly fur-tight they were. He could practically make out every detail without even setting his eyes on it. He grabbed the front and unhinged the loop keeping it together. Separating the top and allowing him to drag them down. Wolf growled playfully as Fox tugged at his pants and started to drag them downward. Fox bent down to his knees, absolutely sure that Wolf did this on purpose as the canine's cock flopped out and slapped Fox on the cheek. He glanced his eyes up knowingly at the Wolf, whose somewhat innocent-looking-stare was anything but. As Fox continued to drag them down with one hand, he grasped the base of Wolf's flesh with his other and wrapped his lips around them. It pulsed with Wolf's heartbeat and a slick of precum immediately coated Fox's tongue as it slipped around the member, his mouth sliding inward as he effortlessly took in all the meat he could handle; right down to the hilt, but with a moan from the wolf, he could tell it wasn't quite over yet.

"Oh, yes Fox... so good..." Wolf moaned a bit louder now and his cock began to writhe in Fox's mouth, expanding quite a bit more as it grew more-fully erect.

Fox gasped a bit and began to bob his head along Wolf's shaft, taking the new length in stride as he too was so hard that it hurt and he began to stroke himself. He could feel his own fluids draining off him like a leaky faucet. The musky smell between them was so strong it was beginning to drive him crazy. Messily, Fox pulled his head back and began to suck on Wolf's balls, taking them into his maw and juggling them with his tongue before sliding back out and continuing to pleasure the flesh with his lips before driving it back into his mouth with more vigor. The second time this happened though, Wolf grabbed Fox's head and began to buck hard into his throat. Fox swallowed every drop of precum that shot into the back of it, trying to get by without breathing for several seconds at a time while his heart was racing. Giving in to the lust-filled moment, Fox reached back, grabbed Wolf's ass and pressed it toward him. He was rather impressed by how tight the cheeks got on every thrust; Wolf must have some routine to improve "pilot's butt" as he called it, which provided a little bit of a cushion to the standard ass. He didn't care though, this was; at least in Fox's case, a bit of heaven. He'd wanted to be with Wolf for several years, but their battles across the Lylat system often got in the way of it.

"Ahhh, Fox one moment..." Wolf huffed as he pulled back on Fox's head and extracted himself, a stream of white shot across Fox's face as Wolf trembled, closing his eye and he breathed deeply. "That was getting quite close there." He admitted. "Let us continue this on the bed, shall we?"

Fox swallowed nervously and nodded with a smile. Wolf chuckled a bit and grasped Fox's face and kissed him again before leaning away and licking the mess he'd made off the pilot's muzzle. He was so gentle, it was almost unnerving to Fox, who'd spent most of his life fighting him. Wolf led Fox over to the bed and proved that he wasn't so gentle as he practically threw his partner onto the bed, stomach down. Wolf grabbed Fox's ass and let out a sigh of pleasure as he began to lick up his backside, lifting Fox's hips and separating the cheeks enough for his tongue to get in good and deep. Fox clutched at the sheets on the bed and moaned as he felt Wolf's tongue invade his ass; pushing past the muscle in his ring so that he could enjoy sliding it deep within. The deeper Wolf went the louder Fox moaned and the more prolific his precum leaking dripped onto the bed. Wolf indulged Fox's leak by grasping his cock and stroking it, grinding the seed into the flesh and making it slicker. Wolf growled intensely, deepening his tongue and flicking it around so that Fox could feel it deep within him. After a time, Fox felt the tongue extract from him and Wolf instantly turned him over onto his back. With a wide grin, Wolf grabbed Fox by the thighs and pulled their bodies together so that their cocks were more intertwined. He continued to stroke them together, their seed making it so wet that the sounds of their flesh sloshing together was filling the room. "So tell me." Wolf teased. "Out of the two of us, who is the better pilot?"

Fox huffed and hid his eyes behind his forearm as his legs hung extended in the air at Wolf's shoulders. "You've g-gotta be kidding me..." He panted. "N-now?"

Wolf grinned; he knew he had Fox right where he wanted, and he began to grind his member hard against Fox's, enjoying the flesh rubbing against flesh as he teased him. "We can answer this the easy way or the hard way, Fox." He said. "Who is the better pilot?"

Fox's mind was swimming, he wanted Wolf to fuck him and Wolf knew this. His teeth clenched and then began to slide along his lips, the anticipation rising to the point of madness. "Y-you are! F-Fuck---just.... fuck me Wolf."

Wolf's grin widened as Fox looked at him and the two kissed once again, somewhat briefly. "As you wish, Star Fox." He replied at last.

Sliding his cock back, Wolf pressed it forward against the fox's hole. Fox moaned and his legs drooped over Wolf's shoulders as the canine leaned down against him and finally penetrated him with a soft pop. Fox let out an audible sigh and Wolf shuddered in pleasure as he began to drive himself into the vulpine with a carnal instinct. They kissed again and Wolf pulled back on Fox's legs, bucking into him harder and harder with each deep thrust. Wolf grew close enough so that Fox could wrap his arms around his larger shoulders and Wolf's thrusts were so hard that even his balls were beginning to slap against the Fox's bare backside. With the fur, the sound was more muffled than an outright slapping of flesh, but the effect was the same. Fox's moans were muffled out by the kiss as Wolf's growling began to reach its own climax and with a fierce, hot-breathed grunt, finally climaxed.

Fox could feel every jolt of seed as it was ejected deep into him. His cock was already on the edge being ground in between their pelts, and the sensation of being filled suddenly set him off, and he pulled his head back, crying out as Wolf began his breeding howl. Fox came hard and wet between them, soaking their fur with layers of fox cum that simply kept on flowing. Their bodies melded and Wolf was now thrusting against Fox so hard that his shoulders were thumping loudly against the headboard of the bed. For a time it felt like neither fox nor wolf were going to stop ejaculating.

Soon, all good things began to come to a close and as Wolf slid from Fox's body, a fountain of cum dripped out of his ass and all over the sheets as the two rested together on top of the bed, panting loudly and basking in the afterglow. After a time, Fox looked down at the mess in his fur and chuckled.

"Guess I'm going to need to take a shower." He said.

"Unless you're in the mood for a second round... or a third..." Wolf smirked at him.

Fox grinned. "As tempting as that is, I don't want to get back to my team walking around bow-legged."

"Then perhaps next time you can return the favor." Wolf said. "I'd look forward to that."

Fox chuckled and snugged his body against the wolf's. "I'd like that, though I've got to warn you, I get a little out of control when I'm in charge." He teased.

Wolf smirked. "We shall see then."


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