No Shaman Admitting It...

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#113 of Commissions

Commission for superduperdog of his Worgen; Morrice Pewterlane, participating in a ritual of his 'particular' interests with a few Horde shaman.

Gotta say it....woof! Enjoy!

" No Shaman Admitting It..."

The fresh salty air hit Morrice's face as he came above deck for the first time in what felt like three weeks; even though it had only been a few days for the speedy vessel to cross the Great Sea from the Eastern Kingdoms to Kalimdor, he had been spending a lot of time below deck resting and preparing himself for this trip. He was bound for the city of Thunder Bluff; home of the Tauren, and supposedly had been selected to participate in a rarely viewed shaman ritual. Pulling the note from his satchel he had read it again:

"Morrice, it has been a long time! I would like to invite you to meet up with myself and a few other shaman interested in a ritual called the Mor'gat; which will be happening in three weeks' time during the full moon. Please meet us at the gates of Mulgore near sundown. I just thought you would enjoy it. Plus it would give us a chance to catch up!"

The letter strongly smelled of a musk that only Morrice could have picked up on; an old friend of his, who knew him so very well was inviting him to spend a vigorous evening with his fellow Shaman, it was such a rare treat. Maybe Dexter would have picked up on the musk too if he had been within scent range, but there was no way he could have imagined the anticipation the priest felt. He inhaled it softly and sighed. He could use this diversion after the painful weeks he had been trying to subdue the Legion's advances on the Broken Isles. The worgen leaned back against the mast and watched the horizon as the small mass of land slowly get closer. Ratchet was a rinky-dink town that had only gone downhill in recent years; with the induction of the goblins to the Horde, their willingness to accommodate Alliance warriors had taken a turn for the worse. Even as the boat approached the dock, Morrice could pick up the angry glares even as he glanced away to pick up his satchel. He had been the only member of the Alliance on this vessel; Ratchet was also much less visited than it used to be since the Cataclysm's turn of the Goblins.

He sighed and stepped off the boat and onto the dock, inadvertently bumping into another man making his way off the ship. "Ek out Kor my Tuztor." He stated gruffly as he marched past the worgen.

The troll's looks contrasted his bad attitude though; as Morrice stared at the large male storming across the dock with a rolled up sack slung over his shoulder with one slim-yet-well-muscled arm holding it in place as he walked. He had long black hair, braided back into a single tail underneath the satchel and his shirt was in tatters; bits of blue skin could be seen through them. As he turned to greet a goblin, Morrice caught a quick glimpse of his face; rounded a bit at the chin, but cut at the cheek. He had a goatee that fell like a straight line down from his lip to his chin; a strange accent for an orc to be certain. As the troll turned his gaze back, the worgen quickly averted his eyes and continued down past him. "Naog need narg so rude" Morrice quoted back at the troll as he made his way toward the inn. As he walked, he noticed that the troll was now following him, his dark red eyes staring at the worgen as he reached the building, catching the eye of one of the goblin workers there.

"Good afternoon." Morrice said with a smile. "Could you tell me when the next caravan to Mulgore is? I must be there by tomorrow night."

The goblin scoffed. "Good luck gettin' in there kid. The Tauren don't take kindly to your kind." He said as he turned around and stomped off.

As Morrice took a step back, he noticed the looming presence of the troll that had followed him standing directly behind him. "So, ya speak orcish." He said, the gruffness in his voice having not gone down in the slightest.

Playing it coolly, Morrice didn't turn his attention to the troll. "What does it matter?"

"I wasn't being rude. I jus' needed to get off dat boat."

"Really." Morrice said with a deadpan attitude. "As if I did not."

"Usually ya kind stops in Booty Bay, or if ya come here, the remains of Theramore." The troll scoffed. "What brings you here?"

"An invitation."

"You told the keeper you were headed for Mulgore, mon. You wouldn't happen ta be attending the Mor'gat, would you?" Morrice turned to face the troll, leaning back as the grisly brute leaned in on him, a smirk rising to his expression. "So, ya are the worgen they sent for." He said. "I'm Bo'tal. I be attending it as well."

Morrice's heart nearly jumped into his throat; he'd only read about the intimate nature of this ritual and the idea of seeing this stud in even fewer clothes nearly sent the worgen to the moon. He did his best to swallow the feeling in his gut and he nodded. "Then I will look forward to it."

"Oh, will ya?" Bo'tal teased, leaning in a bit, his lips and tusks only inches from Morrice's. "Den I will dress to impress."

"Yeesh, and here I thought the worgen were the predators." A goblin's screeching voice interrupted the orc, who stood up and grimaced at him. "What'cha doing back here, Bo'tal?"

"I need passage to Mulgore, along with my friend here Geer." He stated, slapping down a few gold coins in front of the goblin.

Geer glanced at the money, swept it into his hand and nodded. "Huh. Both goin' to Mulgore? I guess I know of a caravan that's headed out of here in about an hour." He took one of the coins and bit it. "This'll be enough for two passengers I guess, I suggest you get out there about fifteen minutes before it heads out, otherwise the seating'll be a bitch to mess with."

Morrice and Bo'tal glanced at each other for a moment. "Thank you Geer." Bo'tal said. He glanced at the worgen. "Ya hungry?" He asked. "Got about an hour to kill, might as well find something."

Morrice was fairly hungry, but his intrigue of the orc was more than enough to earn his attention. He followed Bo'tal to a table at the back corner of the inn and with a sharp whistle, invited a female goblin over. She looked rushed and irritated at the troll, but took his order. She then vanished before Morrice had any say in it. "Don' worry. She knows what ta bring. We can share a meal if ya like."

"I don't need to have any sort of dress for this thing do I?" Morrice asked innocently. "I packed light and in a rush so---"

"Hnn hnn hnn." The troll chuckled. "Ya really don' know what dis ritual's all about do ya? Well..." He said as he grabbed a bottle and drank nearly half of it in one deft swig. "Ya be knowin' about it soon enough I imagine."

The meal consisted of a large plate of meats that Morrice indulged in rather heavily. He hadn't realized exactly how hungry he was; he was only vaguely aware that Bo'tal had not touched a good portion of the food, simply letting him feed as much as he wanted until he was satisfied and relaxed in his chair. The time had come all too quickly for them to move yet again, as the caravan they were waiting for pulled up outside. Morrice followed the troll out to it; it was more-or-less a simple horse-drawn wagon with a few people in the cart behind the driver's seat. Bo'tal shoved Morrice up into the group of passengers and he looked around at scowling orcs before a young clay-and-white Pandaren hoisted Morrice to his feet.

"Please sit here, friend." He said with a jovial sound to his voice, placing Morrice into the seat beside him. As the troll climbed aboard, the man looked at him. "Bo'tal, is this our guest for the evening?"

"Dat be him." He said.

The panda chuckled, his body shook a bit as he looked at the worgen. "Oh, it is a pleasure to meet you. My name is Hu."

"Don' even get started on jokin' with him about his name." Bo'tal said as he seated himself on Morrice's other side.

Hu was a large bear; very much like his people, he looked rather well fed and round. But there was a solidarity to his frame, a muscle underneath the roundness that pressed back against the worgen's arm as he leaned it against him. He was dressed in a long red cloak and a black tunic underneath it. The outfit itself seemed pretty simple indeed, Morrice noting the wide-brimmed hat dangling from Hu's hands, then looked back to his face. His eyes were an oceanic blue color and a single piercing in his left lobe looked to be a stud of one of their Yin-Yang symbols. His mane of hair was tustled over the ears a bit, somewhat unkempt as if it were under that hat for some time before being lifted. He leaned back as the cart lurched into motion and it was finally then that Morrice was able to take his mind off of everything going on.

"So, have you witnessed Mor'gat before?"

Hu's question nearly flew over Morrice's ears, but realizing the bear was talking to him, he turned his eyes to the man's kind face and chuckled a bit. "No, I have not."

"It is a very interesting ritual; it delves into the spiritual aspects of the shaman who summon the spirits of the elements in their rawest forms."

"I have read about the ritual. It sounds... very interesting." He said as he smiled.

Hu met the worgen's smile with an even broader one, his body nudging against the priest's. "I don't know." He teased. "Not many can take such an honor."

"Oh, I can take it." Morrice teased, sticking his tongue out.

"Now don' make me turn this cart around." Bo'tal said. "We gonna be there soon, so try not to spoil everythin' right?"

"Bah, don't listen to him. Ol' Bo'tal's a bit of a stoic, but once the ritual gets started he actually loosens up a little bit."

"I ain't stoic, but my pants don' go flyin' off at a whim either."

Morrice was almost amused by the looks of the two other orcs in the caravan with them as they glanced at each other and tried to continue on with the scenery before returning to the others.

The ride wasn't as long as the worgen expected; but the sun was getting low in the sky as the caravan finally turned up toward Mulgore; following along the path through the ruined village that was once Camp Taurajo before being stopped by a pair of burly bulls at the gate separating it from Mulgore. Morrice had not been this way in some time, but realized that the war between the Horde and the Alliance had definitely left some marks. After Bo'tal explained that Morrice was a guest in their care, they were allowed to pass through the gates and continue down the road. As they reached Bloodhoof village, the wagon came to a stop and the trio climbed out, allowing it to continue on its way to Thunder Bluff with the remaining passengers in tow.

"Bo'tal! Hu! Over here!" A voice bellowed from the edge of the village as a large black-furred Tauren made his way toward them.

Morrice had to swallow hard; the bull was very scantily dressed: Only a sliver of leather hanging from a string was all that prevented everyone from seeing everything imaginable. He had a harness strapped over his upper-torso and his body was covered in red and white paints. He grabbed the bear and hoisted him up in an embrace. Hu laughed and returned the gesture as Bo'tal chuckled. "It's good ta see ya Tan." He said getting another warm hug from the bull.

Tan turned to Morrice and his jovial nature turned a bit inward as he gave the worgen a soft bow. "And this must be our guest for the evening." He said. His thundering voice hard to get over.

"I've heard much about you, my friend." He said. "It is a pleasure to have you here."

"Hope you haven't heard too much about me." Morrice smirked and returned the bow.

"Ahh only the important stuff." A massive green arm suddenly wrapped around Morrice's neck and he was pulled into a large, equally-painted muscular torso as the orc ran his knuckles across the top of Morrice's head. "How are you, snowball?"

"Gar." Morrice grunted as he struggled to free himself from the embrace; but not---too quickly. "I told you not to call me that."

Gar'vas was an orc of almost-average-proportions for his race; though slightly above average in muscle tone, he was at about six-foot-eight and the closest to Morrice's own height. The two had met years ago in Stranglethorn Vale, and after a rather passionate trist they parted ways not long after. He was dressed similarly to Tan, but his loincloth was a bright red color and only a strand; not a flap existed in the back, giving his backside a rather open viewing. His paints were more white with red accents, as opposed to Tan's which was the exact opposite.

"Perhaps we should start getting ready?" Hu suggested.

"A good idea. Sunset is nearly here." Tan said. "Morrice, our place is out there." He said with a pointing of his finger. As the worgen followed the point, he could make out a line of trees off in the distance. "An altar made of stone beyond those trees, under the open sky. Go there and we will arrive shortly."

"Alright, should I have any guards to worry about or anything?"

The men chuckled. "Do not worry Morrice." Gar said fondly. "That area is strictly forbidden during this night, no one can enter it without specific invitation. You'll be fine. We will be along shortly."

Morrice nodded and the orc left his side, patting him on the furry shoulders as Hu and Bo'tal followed him and Tan, leaving the worgen standing on the road for a moment. With a sigh, Morrice turned on his heels and started toward the bridge that would lead him across to the trees beyond.

It was a pleasant walk, the sounds of birds in the distance, the soft trickling of the stream as it poured along the length of the valley. Occasionally he looked back, curious to see if he was being followed. Call it the intuition of Alliance walking through the Horde territory; but it was interesting to see that he was walking alone. As he made his way past the clearing and through the trees, he could almost feel the elements shifting around him. At first, he felt cold and then he felt warm, the trees bowed away from him in a gust of wind, then returned to normal. The stone altar was clearly in the center of the forestry clearing, maybe thirty yards from the entrance to the area. Seating himself on the stone, he felt compelled to lay back and enjoy the perfect atmosphere, but resisted. How long would it take for the shamans to join him anyway? It shouldn't be much longer; the sun was already setting, the orange sky now being overwhelmed with twilight.


The orc's voice could clearly be heard from beyond the worgen's eyelids. He blinked and opened them, realizing that not only had the sky gone pitch black, but firelight was illuminating the stone slab he had fallen asleep on. He sat up, confused for a moment before realizing he had actually passed out. Had he really been that tired? "Gar?"

"Sorry it took us so long." The orc chuckled. "I didn't expect you'd be so bored."

Morrice looked around, immediately feeling his cock twinge from excitement. Not only had all four of them showed up, but they were all dressed for the part. Hu wore a white loincloth; his balls were so thick that they were partly visible under the slim cloth. The body paint on his fur was a white and blue mixture. Bo'tal wore a teal-green loincloth which was a bit longer than the others; clearly the colors of their cloths were representations of the four elements. "I hadn't even realized I'd gone to sleep." he said as he was pulled to his feet.

"It happens here." Hu said with a smile. "Especially those of us in touch with the elements of nature."

"But I am no shaman." Morrice said.

"Aha, but you are an element of nature." He said as he pushed a finger into the center of Morrice's chest, letting it linger into a caress. "A combination of man and beast is just as primal as any elements we can conjure up."

"Are we ready to begin?" Tan said, breaking a short silence between the other three and looking toward the troll. "Bo'tal?"

"I be ready."

"What do I do?" Morrice asked before he was pulled into a soft kiss by Gar.

A soft inhale sounded off as the worgen leaned into the kiss and it was slowly withdrawn. As his eyes cleared he noticed that Hu was also grinning a bit, a prominent erection pushing his loincloth away some. "You just stand here, I think you'll enjoy this Morrice."

Morrice took a step back onto the stone platform as the four shamans surrounded the four sides of the altar. One at a time each of them lowered their hands to their sides, spreading their fingers out; Bo'tal's flashed with a watery blue splash, Tan's hands flashed a green color, which then looked like deep brown roots; Hu's hand exploded with a brief burst of white, causing the area to whistle with white colors, then lastly Gar's hands exploded like fireballs for a brief moment before their adjoining elements interlocked in a circle around them.

"Hear us, spirits of the elements." Tan said, a deep rumbling voice resounding from him and causing the ground under the worgen to vibrate slightly. "Allow us to be your vessels of Earth..."

"...of the air..." Hu's voice sounded like it was being carried on the winds.

"...of water..." Bo'tal's voice sounded like a babbling brook.

"...of flame..." Gar's voice growled out and crackled in the air.

"As we commune with our volunteer in Mor'gat."

Tan's voice echoed now, causing Morrice to become dizzy for just a moment, he fell backwards, but an arm reached out and curled around his neck somewhat, catching him from his fall.

Morrice felt like he was floating in a strange area of water. He inhaled and exhaled normally but his fall had slowed considerably as Bo'tal's eyes appeared in his vision, a smile on his face as his hand ran down along the worgen's fur. "Don' be worryin' about this..." Bo'tal said. "I can be as gentle as a spring..." Morrice felt the troll's grip tighten, then he was suddenly flung to his knees, the troll's cock having grown to its full size girth, he began to grind it against the back of the worgen's trousers. "Or I can be wild as a waterfall." He chuckled as he leaned down and wrapped his arms around Morrice's waist.

Morrice could feel every inch of the troll's body tight against his own. Bo'tal growled and nibbled the back of his neck, his tusks narrowly going around the worgen's mane as the troll's arms slid down the priest's waist. He could hardly contain his breath as Bo'tal's fingers worked their way into his trousers and slowly pulled them down, slowly greeting his bare fur with his warm flesh. Bo'tal's breath let out slowly as he groaned, feeling his flesh sandwiched between Morrice's cheeks before he pulled himself back, then pressed forward. Morrice gasped and let out a rather feral growl now, moaning as Bo'tal penetrated him. As the troll's arms tightened around him, the worgen felt himself pulled up into the air, his pants falling clear off his feet as he felt the troll's balls meet his own.

"Awwroooo!" Morrice howled, then gasped as the troll threw him to the ground. It didn't feel like stone though, it felt softer to the touch. It felt like sand now; the sand at the bottom of a river or an ocean. He clawed into it as Bo'tal placed his hand down at the small of his back and began to thrust himself inward. Bo'tal drove himself so hard with more and more of his length that Morrice was feeling like one half of a spit roast. The troll leaned his body fully onto Morrice's form, forcing the worgen to bear the brunt of his weight for the both of them; but it didn't feel like the troll weighed anything. His entire body was shivering with the anticipation as waves of pleasure rolled over him.

Suddenly, Bo'tal's form was gone and a warm wind surrounded the worgen. Morrice stood up and realized he was still missing his pants. He still felt like his ass was being filled; he couldn't stop the sensation as his eyes rested on the Pandaren seated cross-legged a few feet from him. Hu tilted up his had and smirked at the oogling worgen. He stood and walked over to Morrice. "Soft as a summer breeze; I can fill you with many pleasures." He said as his hands rested on the worgen's waist, slowly pulling his shirt up and off his body as he leaned in. His firm, round belly pressing hard against Morrice's body. As the fabric was freed from his ears, Morrice was greeted with a deep, passionate kiss that sent tingling sensations through his body. As if Hu himself was electric to the touch. Their tongues interlocked and their kiss deepened as Morrice's claws explored the panda's body from his shoulders straight down to his ass as he hugged the male close. He could feel Hu's erection prominently against his waist, the loincloth pushing away from the flesh, with an almost psychic inkling, Hu guided Morrice's claw to the strand barely managing to hold his cloth on and he slipped his claw through it, causing the band to snap and the cloth to fall to the ground. Hu was much thicker than Morrice expected, feeling the dripping flesh against his hip as the bear gently pushed him back. It felt like the worgen had fallen on a cloud or some massively soft pillow as he landed below Hu; his cock like a spire over his head, drooling a single, sloppy strand of precum that fell just below the priest's neck. He did indeed have plump balls underneath that loincloth of his which now rested, curled under his left foot.

First Hu lowered himself onto Morrice; wrapping his arms around the worgen's head and kissing him. Morrice received the kiss rather well and indulged in the flavor the bear was feeding him, there was the hint of an ale on Hu's breath; he had been drinking, but was obviously not intoxicated by it. Then, in a swift move he parted lips with the worgen and turned around, he straddled his legs over Morrice's head, his balls dangling down over his eyes a bit; the warm musky smell flooding his senses as he felt the panda's plump shaft against his lips. He adjusted himself some and then felt Hu's mouth wrap around his cock, engulfing it with such an elegant ease that Morrice gasped before pulling in the thick cock hanging over his head. It felt like electricity was swarming him everywhere. Then; just as before, he too had vanished and the world around him had changed.

It felt like he was standing in some vast meadow now, light illuminated across the horizon and the sounds of woodlands and distant song birds filled his ears. Morrice knew this couldn't be where he had been standing because it was dark out. From the woods, a figure appeared; immediately, Morrice recognized the tauren. Then in the blink of an eye, the bull was behind him and his massive, muscular arms wrapped around his ribcage, making him feel almost short of breath as he felt that massive staff he called a cock pressing urgently against his hole. Tan's deep, resonant voice vibrated through the priest's body and for a moment it felt like they were the same person. "The earth welcomes you..." He spoke. "It can be used as a cradle of life or a cradle of support. It can penetrate you fully and become the very world on which you live."

With that, there was a sharp sting at Morrice's backside; the massive tauren cock pushing itself inward was a tremendous shock of pain; but as Tan penetrated him, a cooling sensation washed over him, he could sense Bo'tal somehow was a part of this, he could still taste Hu's musk in his mouth as he choked back on the air as if a thick shaft was being pushed down his throat. The tauren moaned and growled, his muscular arms encompassing Morrice, their bodies becoming one as he could almost feel the heat of a climax coming on. Morrice's tip was soaked with precum as it readied for an explosion. Tan's probing, groping fingers not making it any easier as they tightened around his shaft and began to subtly stroke him.

Then an explosion of fire encompassed him; rocks of molten heat shot from the ground all around him, Tan was no longer there, but the heat was intensifying suddenly as Gar exploded from the ground below him like a living flame that quickly reverted back into the body of a massive orc. Gar forcefully shoved Morrice back against a shaft of rock behind him, the force of the heat now burning Gar's own clothing away as he kissed the worgen. "The fires of passion can burn hot, but they can also cause great, intense pleasure." He said. "Heat is the spice of life, and with this, we are complete..." He said as he grabbed Morrice by the waist and pulled him hard into his muscular torso. Gar crouched down, casting his breath and his tongue along every inch until he was down on his knees before him. Gar's mouth wrapped around the worgen's cock, a burning heat radiated through his body, and he could even feel the electricity he felt with Hu now tingling to the very ends of his extremities. His howling was abruptly cut off as the Pandaren's cock once again found his mouth.

It was a sudden explosion of pleasure that snapped Morrice out of this daze; he was lying with his back flat on the ground at the base of the altar. He couldn't moan, his face was full of bear cock. The feeling of both the troll and the tauren penetrating him made him feel like he was going to be literally split in half while the tight warmth of the orc's maw clamped around his cock made him almost cum right on the spot.

"Mmphhh--nnnnnhhh!" Morrice mumbled out in surprise; trying briefly to piece together what had actually happened before:

"Nhhh! AHH! FUCK!" He heard the troll howl out before a sudden pulsing of cum that began to fill and flood the worgen's ass. It was deep and hard, like seed pulsing against his prostate and surging him even faster toward his climax. With the prompt of the troll's explosion, he could feel Tan start to convulse.

"RRRRRHHHH!" Tan growled as he climaxed as well, the force of his cumshot felt like a dragon being unleashed in Morrice's backside. It was so forceful that it nearly threw the troll's shaft out, both of their cocks then popped free of their confines and began to shoot wildly across Morrice's stomach and Gar's face, which rested in the way.

"Ahh! Ahhh!" Hu grabbed tighter onto Morrice's cheeks as he started to cum. Splashing his cum all over Morrice as Hu received some of the explosive cum splash from both the troll and the bull. He tightened his grip and thrust in as far as he could, sending his cum pouring down the worgen's throat.

Next up was Gar; at least, that was what Morrice was expecting, but the feeling, the smell, the taste of being covered in cum was too much for Morrice and he began to howl through the flood of seed pouring down his throat as he too began to erupt. Gush after gush of cum shot into the back of Gar's throat as Gar sloppily swallowed, tightening his hand to ensure that every ounce shot down his throat. He had been playing with himself and the sharp breath was the perfect precursor to his orgasm. He gave a low guttural growl as he came as well, Morrice could feel the wet strands of cum shooting across his back, draining down his body and against his side as the orc wetly began to grind himself against Morrice's overly-used body.

Moans and howls were abounds as the men finally parted their bodies and collapsed together on the stone altar under the brilliance of the full light of Mu'sha over them. Their muscular forms breathing heavily as Morrice lay in the center of the four shamans. The literal glow of their afterglow slowly began to wear off as they rested and began to gather their minds.

"That---that was...intense..." Morrice said with a moan.

"Hnn hnn... I knew you would like it." Gar said. "Why do you think I'd invited you?"

"It always works best with a beast man." Tan said, still breathing heavily. "Tauren, Pandaren, but with the Worgen there's an extra something..."

"What's that?"

"The man in you; the other half of your soul." Hu explained. "It intensifies the Mor'gat ten fold..."

"Not to mention the fact that you are extremely handsome." Gar teased.

"Agreed. We must do this more often... to help... hone our shamanistic abilities."

Morrice grinned as he sat up, full of energy as if he'd turned into a pup again. "So... then when is the next one?" He asked. The others looked at one another with big grins on their faces.


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