Prisoner of Warcraft - April Rule 34 Story #1 (Teaser)

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#56 of Patreon

A strange creature is captured near Stormwind and is currently a prisoner and observed by Genn Greymane. Little do they realize how much they have in common!

This story was voted in by my Patreons! Read the stories a month early and vote on your pairings!

"Prisoner of Warcraft"

The sun was going down; the night sky filtering in slowly, as Genn Greymane walked along the street toward the Stockade. It had been nearly ten days since the arrival of a strange creature found only a mile outside of Stormwind's walls. The man was bearish in his features, thick, and fit under that heavy black coat he wore; silver hair flicking past his dark blue eyes, observing the guards of the city, who watched him pass.

He was a legend in Stormwind; the direct advisor to the king, a captain of the Gilnean guard with a long history as a warrior under his belt. But even he could get no answers from the stranger. He paused as he came to the end of the bridge, watching as the last sliver of the sun reached the horizon, and then proceeding into the prison. The cold air of the dungeon swept across his feet as the guards opened the door for him, letting out the stench of prisoners to a grimacing glare. The Stockades were nearly emptied at the moment, only a few of the most diabolical prisoners that they'd been able to take in still lived in these halls. He descended the stairs and turned right down the hall, being greeted by two of his guards; massive Worgen who nearly blocked the doorway off completely.

"Has our guest awakened?" Genn asked, adjusting the cuff of his coat slightly.

"No, sire." One of the guards said.

"Should be awake anytime now though, I suspect."

"Good." Genn said, glancing at them. "Leave me." He said.

The two guards looked at one another. "A-are you sure sir? This creature could be dangerous--"

"He has not been a threat as of yet, and I do not intend to show malcontent toward him by having security guards looming about to show him we don't trust him. I will call if I need you. Now go."

The two looked at one another again; then, as if mentally judging it wouldn't be wise to be asked again, they left, closing the large steel door behind Greymane as he stepped in. The creature was encased in stone; a curious condition that appeared to happen only during the sunlight hours. He called it 'sleep' but it was nothing of the sort that Genn had been aware of before. He had witnessed gargoyle-like creatures before; but these were permanently encased in living stone, this one became flesh and blood whenever the sun went down. Genn drew out a pocket watch and with the press of a button it popped open. The sun would be behind the horizon any second now.

As if on cue; a crack split across the creature's chest, shooting across with the loud splitting noise of stone that echoed through the room. The cracks quickly spread until they encompassed a good portion of the shell, and it began moving. The eyelets blinked and illuminated a fiery white color. The arms lunched forward and with a beastial roar that exploded through the cell, the gargoyle cast off his shell with a mighty bellow, revealing the beast underneath.

He was an older creature, white hair, one scarred eye. He was called Hudson; or that was what he named himself. As his yawn ended, he blinked and looked at the Gilnean and after a pause, stroked his beard thoughtfully.

"So, Greymane. It seems you have been coming earlier and earlier, have ye?" He asked.

The gargoyle's accent was strange, almost reminiscent of a Dwarven dialect, but when asked about it, Hudson had no clue what a dwarf was. He was a muscular gargoyle with a rather stocky build. Not in the best shape of his life, but for his age, he was in an excellent condition. He'd stated being over one-thousand years old; give or take one hundred, fifty years for his natural state. He was sharp-witted and intelligent, and it was perhaps that intelligence that captivated Genn the most. Never had he seen such a creature.

"Well, let's just say that you piqued my interest when you first arrived here, Hudson." He answered. "I find your nature... fascinating."

"Aye... many do." He said. "'Course where I come from, many would find your nature interestin' lad."

Genn chuckled. "And what is my nature."

Hudson gestured to the cell. "Well, you're one of them Worgens aren't ya?" He asked, earning a look of surprise from the man. He'd never revealed his other form to the gargoyle, how would he have known--the smirk on Hudson's face told him that he'd just informed him exactly what he needed to know. He chuckled confidently. "Thought ya might've been."

"You are astute." Genn said. "How long have you suspected it?"

"A few nights now. Listen, Genn. I'm an old man, I don't care much for bein' locked up for no reason. When d'ya think I can speak to this King Anduin about being released?"

"Being the king's advisor, I am responsible for insuring that the king and his kingdom are safe from all manner of threats; though you bear the claim of peace, I've had to launch an extensive search into your story. It would seem least on Azeroth, you are the only one of your kind. I have arranged to have the king meet with you tomorrow, to discuss the terms of your release."

"And my return home?"

Genn sighed a bit. "The mages of the Alliance have been working tirelessly on not only how you ended up on this world, but how to return you to this... Manhattan you spoke of. So far they have found no answers to either."

With a growl, Hudson crossed his arms in frustration. Genn raised a familiar sword he had brought into the cell with him, that returned his interest to the man. "This is some of the finest craftsmanship I have seen in a sword. I assume you are proficient with it."

Hudson grinned, his tail flicking with his response: "Ye could say that."

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