Times Change - March Rule 34 Story #2

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#59 of Patreon

Living life as an adult isn't exactly what Matt had expected, but when a former friend calls him into the Digital World once again, he doesn't expect the changes he's going to be going through!


Thank you everyone who supported this story and my Patreons! I really appreciate it!

" Times Change"

The sun was going down by the time the bus reached Matt's stop, the door slid open at the sound of the breaks hissing and locking into place as he climbed out of his seat and made his way toward the front.

It had been two months since he'd started his college life, he was almost twenty years old now and living on his own was still something he was getting used to. As he stepped off the bus, Matt brushed his long blond hair back behind his ears and rubbed his scalp before straightening the courier bag dangling off his shoulder. If only he'd have gotten into school with some of his old friends like Tai or Sora, even Izzy would have been a welcomed roommate, but as they got older the older of the Digi-Destined had drifted apart and while they still stayed in touch through email or social media, there just wasn't the kind of kinship that there had been when they were kids. He walked into his apartment building and took the stairs up to the second floor; he made his way to the familiar door number I-01, which he found odd that the second floor would have the numbers starting with a zero on the upper floor. But something had spoken to him when he decided to take this apartment and as soon as he entered, he immediately felt comforted.

He turned on the lights, the soft electric buzzing of the fluorescent lighting and then the sharp white bulbs over his head illuminating his doorway with a slight flickering as he kicked off his shoes and stepped onto the carpet. He was home. Matt immediately grabbed his guitar and sprawled out on the sofa in his living room, groaning in relaxation as he brought his fingers across the strings, filling the small apartment living room with a vibrant sound that bounced around the walls before subtly fading.

There was a thumping from down below: "Ishida! What did I tell you about all the noise!?" He heard a muffled man's voice shouting at him from the apartment under him.

"Fuck you, old man." Matt scowled at his bad luck in neighbors before sitting up, he made his way over to the amplifyer that was tucked into the corner of his living room behind his television. He plugged the guitar into the amp and raising his voice, he readied his fingers over the strings once more. "You want NOISE you old canker sore? How about this!?" He then threw his hand across the instrument, causing an explosively loud riff to scream through his apartment. Matt dug his teeth into his lower lip as he did this, bearing the full brunt of the instrument's noise as he held the chord for as long as he could. The floor vibrated under his feet, and the sound seemed to bounce off the walls for ages before the sound faded away.

It had its effect though; there was utter silence from the apartment below him, but he could also hear babies crying, car alarms going off and--"Aw, man..." he groaned as he noticed that one of his windows had shattered from the noise. The sound of car alarms going off in the parking lot below could be heard clearly in his living room now as he investigated the damage. He sighed and looked at his guitar. "Karma is a bitch, isn't it?" He asked the instrument before putting it down on the couch again. Flopping to a seat next to it, Matt resolved to fix the broken glass later. Right now there was his favorite show that was about to start. He grabbed the remote and clicked it. The TV came on in static that hissed at him defiantly, Matt stared at the static for a moment before clicking to another station; but again, he was met with static. "What the?" He said to himself as he tried again, then again. "Don't tell me my guitar did this too?"

As the static on his television flickered, Matt could have sworn a strangely familiar image could be seen in between the layers. The human paused his remote clicking for a moment as he spotted this; then he heard a familiar voice echo within the static in his speakers. "Matt? Matt!"


Matt approached his television and stared into the static once more; a familiar shape had begun to grow more familiar as his eyes locked onto it, it looked like a crest; his Crest of Friendship. Again he could hear the voice whispering to him from his TV; though this time, it sounded more like a growl. "Matt... help me!" It wasn't Gabumon, but it was Weregarurumon: Gabumon's Ultimate form.

Placing his hand on the screen of his television, Matt could feel static electricity begin to flow into his arm, and a vibration in his pants pocket turned his attention toward his jeans. Reaching in, he pulled out his old Digivice, which was now glowing a bright blue color and giving off a high pitched screeching noise. Looking at the device in his hand, Matt nearly threw it when the device began to make his hand glow just like it was glowing, but resisted in doing so as the lights began to shimmer along his hand, then his arm, then all over the rest of his body. Matt could no longer feel his form; it felt cold, then warm as the hand still held against his television began to glow and he felt himself falling inward and into the screen itself before he saw a world of circuitry surround him and he could feel himself falling down into it.

As Matt descended into the blue and yellow world of electricity, he could feel his body surging with a strange and newfound strength. He looked at his hands as he fell, they were growing exponentially, his fingernails becoming longer; more pointed, like the claws of an animal. His arms were also bulging out, becoming more muscular than he could ever hope to be. A tingle down his spine caused him to go rigid and he could feel his hair tickling at the back of his neck, growing longer and then the feeling of hair suddenly sprouting from his skin and encompassing his entire body. But every time he looked at his hands, his feet, his legs, they were still coated in a brilliant cocoon of blue energy. He could only see these changes in shapes, he had no way of knowing if he was actually sprouting fur. What was happening to him?

Gravity began to take its toll on Matt, as he felt his body beginning to descend at a much faster rate now. It felt like he was falling; but to Matt, it felt more like falling into a pool. His body dove foot-first through a blue sky-lit portal that had formed directly underneath him and he felt his body return to a physical form as he fell from the sky. Hurling toward the ground at such an alarming speed would have made him cringe in the past, but something strange came over Matt; he felt as though this was a natural thing, he knew that he would not be harmed by the fall. Instead of cringing and cowering from the inevitable landing, he readied himself for it and slammed into the ground; one knee, one foot and his fist hitting the earth with such a force that it cratered the land around him. As the dust cleared, his eyes focused on the first thing in front of him: Weregarurumon in trouble.

Several massive Kabuterimon were swarming around the werewolf Digimon, who dangled precariously over a high cliff. Each time they swooped in, they narrowly missed the Ultimate beast, only to wear away at the rock little by little every attack. "W-Weregarurumon?" Matt asked aloud, realizing his voice sounded a little strange, but he didn't pay much mind. When he saw two of the bugs hovering over the wolf emit their electrical attacks though and Weregarurumon howling in pain as the attacks struck, Matt's instincts kicked into action.

"Leave him alone!" Matt yelled as he threw himself in the direction of the fighting.

Matt was flying along the ground much faster than he would have normally been able to; it was as if some massive energy had taken over his body and he was moving at the speed of light compared to how it felt back on Earth. He attributed it to the strange nature of the Digital World. As he ran up on the Kabuterimon, they turned toward him with alarmed expressions, and Matt bellowed out a mighty roar, which was oddly enough to send the insects scattering to the winds in all directions. He made his way to the cliff's edge, where Weregarurumon was dangling over the precipice, looking down at the spires and needles of the old rocks below, he almost felt dizzy as he looked at the wolf. "Hey big guy. Long time no see."

"I-I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't come along and--" Weregarurumon paused and stared at Matt. "Matt?!" He asked in shock, as if just recognizing his old friend.

"Yeah? Who else would it be?" He asked as he reached down to pull Weregarurumon back onto the cliff. Realizing for the first time that his arms were covered in a tan-brown fur, his massive arms and massive hands clearly not his own. "What in the?!" He asked, letting go of Weregarurumon and almost dropping him. "Oh shit! Sorry!" He exclaimed as he grabbed Weregarurumon's hands again and pulled him up before looking himself over again. "I'm... I'm Leomon!" Indeed he was; Matt was as muscular as the Digimon guardian ever was. His biceps rock hard, every muscle of his abdomen in abundance. He was even a little bit taller than Weregarurumon, who had; at one point, towered over his human form. But the shock was nothing compared to him reaching back behind him and finding a muscled, bare rump at his fingertips. "Holy shit, I'm also naked!"

Every muscle was exposed to the breezes around them, they were high up on a mountainside and it was a bit chilly, but his new layer of fur helped to cancel this out as his hands explored his massive body, he couldn't help but notice Weregarurumon was staring at him as well. "I'll say!" The wolf exclaimed. "Here, let's get you someplace warmer."

Weregarurumon led Matt down the mountainside, which was a somewhat steady pace. But becoming Leomon, Matt didn't tire easily and was able to keep up with the other Digimon without breaking a sweat. As they reached the lower areas of the mountain, Weregarurumon led him into a large forest that rested alongside the mountain's edge before spanning out into the vastness beyond the outer edge. The sun filtered down through the trees as Weregarurumon led him along an old pathway toward what looked like a large log cabin buried about half a mile into the forest. That was where they stopped.


Weregarurumon smirked and opened the door. "A lot has changed since you were here last Matt." He said. "Many of the original Digi-Destined Digimon have gone off on their own, we rarely communicate anymore. I was amazed you were still summoned when I got in trouble back there. I appreciate you coming to help."

"I guess that's the same thing that's happened with us on Earth. We've gotten spread out, I just started college in a new country and--" His voice trailed off as he watched Weregarurumon remove the shoulderpad and strap from his arm and take his gloves off. He hadn't realized how attractive the wolf was; maybe it was this new Digimon blood coursing through his veins, but it was almost impossible to keep an erection hidden from the wolf. "We--ahh....lost touch." He managed to complete his thought. "What about you? Why haven't you gone back to Gabumon yet?"

"I'm too strong for that now." Weregarurumon responded, stretching his arms and yawning. "The only time I go back, even to Garurumon is when I'm too weak or hungry to move." He admitted. "So I just stay like this all the time."

"All--the time?" His voice faded as Weregarurumon approached him again, a smile on that cute muzzle of his as his arms wrapped around Matt's waist, the fuzzy wolf chest pressed against the large lion chest; Instantly provoking an erection. "S-so--how long am I Leomon for?" He asked.

"I suspect as long as you'd like." Weregarurmon's claws crawled up the lion's back; gently rolling over the muscles they encountered along the way. Matt moaned softly and his shoulders rested against the wall behind him. "Of course this is something I've wanted to do for some time, how about you?"

Matt--no--Leomon nodded and gasped as he felt Weregarurumon's teeth nibble softly at his neck. Leomon's body went limp; except for that one specific region, which the wolf was now grabbing in all its glory. Weregarurumon made sure to press Leomon's shoulders firmly against the wall as his tongue began to lick down the lion's bare chest. It passed over Leomon's nipples, making him wince and moan softly as he continued to lower himself down. Leomon could feel the wolf's warm breath on his flesh, and before he could react, he felt his tongue begin to lick along its length. He was dripping precum all over the wolf's chest and neck and eventually began to coat Weregarurumon's tongue in its slick white substance as he drew the shaft into his mouth. Leomon growled in pleasure, feeling his toes curl, his claws digging into the wall behind him as he felt the wolf's muzzle travel down his length and back up again, sending shivers through the rest of his muscles as Weregarurumon gave a most satisfying sigh; grasping at the thick muscle and squeezing as he drove it deeper and deeper into his warm maw. As the wolf's mouth tightened around the shaft, Leomon's grasp on the wall behind him began to tighten as he dragged his claws loudly against the smooth wood.

The wolf continued his journey along the shaft until reaching the end of it, his throat barely touching the tip of the lion cock. Careful not to drag his teeth along the smooth flesh, Weregarurumon opened his mouth a little wider and used his lips to encompass every bit of the lion's loins before slowly dragging back, letting Leomon's balls fall heavily from his mouth as he drank from the ever-flowing precum draining off his tip. Again, he moved forward, teasing Leomon as his claws worked their way back behind him, grabbing his firm ass. Leomon growled and his hands grabbed Weregarurumon's head as he thrust forward into the warmth. Weregarurumon gasped in pleasure and indulged himself for a few moments before pulling away again and standing up.

Grinning, Leomon pressed his chest against Weregarurumon and gave him a soft lick on the lips. His hands unbuckled the wolf's belt and he began to drag them down, revealing the Ultimate 'mon's slimmer legs to their equal enjoyment as Weregarurumon kissed Leomon fully now. His chest expanding out and contracting with every deep breath he made. Eventually, Weregarurumon took Leomon's claw and led him back into the bedroom for some more enjoyment. Leomon moved Weregarurumon onto the bed and laid his body on top of him, entwining their muscled limbs yet again as his claws worked over the slim musculature on the wolf. His cock slipped between Weregarurumon's legs and found the warmth of his ass to be very accommodating, the wolf shuddered and moaned as he broke the kiss and rolled his head back.

"I-I've always wanted this, Matt." He said in a whispered tone of voice.

Leomon grinned. "I know..." He admitted.

Leomon grunted as he thrust forward, feeling his cock penetrate the wolf's ass. Weregarurumon gasped and yowled a bit, spreading his legs out some as he allowed the lion to move in closer. Their maws touched again and they kissed as Leomon thrust in again. Weregarurumon's claws grappled Leomon's shoulder blades and dug in as the lion felt himself move deeper and deeper into the wolf. The muscled walls of his ass growing tighter and tighter around his shaft as it pushed inward. They moaned at once and Leomon felt the wolf's profuse puddles of precum now squirting and meshing against his own belly fur as he began to move a bit faster, picking up the pace as the warmth made every one of his muscles cry out in need of release. Louder and louder their bodies slapping together began to echo through the room. Wet slaps followed by lustful growls began to get louder and louder until Weregarurumon just couldn't take it anymore.


Weregarurumon's climax was loud and messy as it began to shoot heavy strands of cum that began to coat his chest his face and even Leomon's chin as it set off like a firehose between them. Leomon began to grab tighter onto Weregarurumon's shoulders, his claws digging in deeper as the smell of sex and the taste of cum began to fill his senses. He let out a low, deep growl then went to grunt as his own body climaxed.


The roaring was unexpected and it nearly threw off Leomon's concentration as he felt his entire body go into convulsions, breeding the wolf deep and hard with copious amounts of cum. He huffed and grunted, burying his face into Weregarurumon's chest until the very pressure of his orgasm practically launched his cock from the wolf and he was left expelling cum into the wolf's crotch, coating his taint in his own thick fluids.

Soon, Leomon's orgasm began to reign in a bit and his body had stopped shaking. He collapsed onto Weregarurumon's body and laid off to his side as they both laid on the bed, drenched in sweat, cum and euphoria, breathing heavily as their legs dangled over the foot of it. After a while both of them started to chuckle, which then turned into all-out laughter for a few minutes. When all was settled down, Leomon looked at Weregarurumon and grinned. "I've wanted this for a long time." He said, placing a claw on the wolf's cheek before taking it back and looking at it for a moment. "But I didn't expect this."

Weregarurumon was wordless for a moment before turning over and straddling Leomon's lap, their drenched cocks resting against one another. Immediately Leomon's shaft began to swell in response, as did Weregarurumon's. The wolf placed his claws on Leomon's chest, clearly looking to be the dominant one this round. He kissed Leomon deeply, which only made him grow hard that much faster. As their lips parted, Weregarurumon smiled at the lion. "I know." He said.


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