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#26 of Commissions

My twenty-third commission which I did for a person who wishes to remain anonymous.

It's about two tribes who learn coming to terms with each other isnt' quite as simple as it seems for some.

Rivalry by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. All are original and used only within the context of this story. Any similarity to characters both real or fake are purely coincidental. This work contains underaged/cub content. If this is not your cup of tea, then do not read. You have been warned.

The sun rose to a new day to greet the cawing of crows across the horizon. Animals far and wide awoke to a new day as the land seemed to be rejuvenated with life and those who lived in nocturne returned to their home to slumber. With the rising of daylight came the onslaught of heat. It was the midst of summer and the Serengeti offered little resistance from the often overbearing sense of heat and humidity.

However the lush environment offered much to grace the otherwise harsh environment and many populations had sprung up over the generations. Perhaps the most famous was the most densely populated was the Northeastern precinct which encompassed the great Lake Manyara. It's waters cherished by it's citizens, the large Kingdom of Nassar. It's people a completely homogeneous culture completely adverse to outsiders was completely composed of Lions.

It's most prominent structure, the palace of Rashn where the Royal Family of Izem. It's leader the Grand Vizier known as Hasan. His reign was a popular one, his rule well known as being fair and just to his people. However his distrust of foreigners was well founded, since his Kingdom was one that was built on blood. Twice he had ousted the Human Kingdom of Masaai and several other times had he successfully defended his reign from invaders.

Many outsiders dared not to trifle with his military. The Lion Guard, as they were known, were infamous for being as ruthless as they were cunning. Even though firearms were outlawed in their land, they were well known for their prowlice with Longbows and Crossbows alike. However despite all their problems with the humans, perhaps their most well known conflict was with the Hyenas. "The dogs of the South" as they were called by his citizens.

The Hyena's lived on the opposite side of the Lake, so they were fully in site of the great Kingdom of Nassar.

However the Hyena's weren't quite as dominant as the Lions to the north. The last purge had left them sprawling for what little supplies they had left. Even aid from the allies they had offered very little in terms of solace, for the Hyenas lived in constant fear; that one day the Lion's would attack their territory.

Unlike the Monarchy to the North, they Hyenas ran a Republican style of government. A rather new nuance that the tribe had picked up from wandering Macedonian, Greek, and Roman merchants. It seemed to be going well, as it's citizens had rather taken a liking to the whole concept of voting and citizen involvement. However this only added to the bad blood between the Royalists of the North and Republicans to the south.

However not everyone shared in their distrust of the other. The younger generations of both communities were being bred on a completely different ideology. The Lion guard professed Independence and Leadership skills while the Hyena-haris embodied teamwork and efficiency. Many of the younger generation began to question their elders hatred, though not entirely in an open way. When in public in either city, it was in ones best interest to fall in line.

Talzoc was a young hyena boy of 12, lean yet strong willed in nature. Though idealistic and unruly in nature the child often gave his mother a hard time. Having grown up without a mother, the boy was without a true figure in his life. Where he made up for that deficit was in the Ward of his Haris lead by the Fariq known simply by his code name of "Khan." He was respected by many of his troop, having told countless tales of his heroism and distinguishable by a single pale eye.

In truth the elder could not see, but this was not something he told in public. His sense of hearing and smell was second to none. One day Khan summoned Talzoc to his quarters. The inside of his tent was dense with the smell of Hookah. The cub fought back the desire of coughing but knew it not to be appropriate in front of his senior, lest he risk the probability of a public lashing for such a humiliating act.

"My son, I have orders for you." The large muscular canine sat relaxed in his canvas chair with knees crossed.

"My Lord, what will you have of me?" The cub knelt respectfully before his superior.

"Child, I will not have you grant me supplication. Please stand." Khan instructed his charge.

Talzoc stood erect in front of his master. The two silent for a moment. The sullen and serious officer grayed showed his years through his poise and careful consideration of each word. The cub meanwhile a much more prominent hue of black, perky fur and ears accompanied by little muscle to speak of. To the untrained eye they could have seemed related.

"We have word of the Lionguard trespassing on our land." Khan looked directly at the boys eyes.

"Is this not normal my lord?" Talzoc responded as carefully as he could.

"It would be, were it not for the reported indications it's personage." The man stood up and carried himself to a table with a map, gesturing for the boy to join him.

The smaller male accompanied him to his left looking over as the guardian pointed to a location on the map.

"It was indicated that a batch of new recruits showed up here recently. I would have you survey this claim and report to it's evidence as fact or fiction." The older hyena's breath smelt mixed between liquor and smoke.

"Very well, my lord. Am I to go alone?" The cub inquired seeming concerned about his safety.

"I think it more wise for you to go alone. It seems less likely for you to be found. But rest assured pup, Verethagna will guide you to victory." Referring to their cultic Persian religion.

"Very well, I will prepare for my journey then." Talzoc bowed his head in respect and made his exit from the tent.

The hyena boy exited from the hostel. Outside was much more muggy and humid than the inside of the tent. However the escape from the arid scent of smoky vapors was a welcome sensual vacation for the boy. Talzoc made his way to supply himself for his journey. His hajj would need a turban to defend from sandstorms and of course he weapon to protect himself. Since he was commissioned for this service, the items would be loaned to him.

Upon his arrival to the armament center, he was greeted by a tall yet lean woman. A scar adorned across her snout, and her own fur matching to that of the sand stricken beneath her paws. The female was infamous for her involvement in espionage, but had since retired from the service of Lady Malika, her codename "Isra". Kalzoc hoped, foolishly, that this service would finally award him with one such call.

"Greetings, Lady Isra. I have been sent by the Fariq with a charge in the service of our lady." The boy approached the small wooden stall.

Isra soon turned around, her eye squinted as if caught in the gaze of the everlasting sun.

"Your papers were just brought to me, youngling. You are granted a Kaffiyeh and a blade." The woman turned around, going to a nearby corner where such things were stored.

The steadfast woman bent over to collect the items from a small trunk, a bundle of blue cloth and a blade similar to a falchion.

"The blade is sharp, youngling. Be careful in your duty and carry her well. Would you like me to wrap you properly?" The tall woman asked assuming he did not know the proper technique.

Talzoc simply nodded and Isra understood. This was not the first time she had geared a child. Boys of his age were taught in the art of war from a young age. It was not strange for them to be sent on a coming of age trial, and she assumed this was the case for this Hyena puppy.

"Your payment will be expected upon your return. One lion's tooth will suffice." The woman came around to his side of the stall.

She set the blade on the table for him to examine while taking the cloth in her paws. Carefully wrapping his snout and face as if to protect him from the elements. Such was the ways common to protect from sandstorms. Once she had fitted him properly she lightly patted him on the behind, gesturing him to get a move on. The cub brandished the blade to his side and sheathed it next to his belt. Truthfully he was nervous but hoped the woman would not catch on.

"You smell of fear, best you watch yourself. Lest the lions feed on your entrails." Isra warned the boy, not caring for tact of her wording.

"Yes, my mistress." The cub did his best to suck in his fear and made his way out of the tent.

"May Bahram guide you." Isra wished the boy good luck and bade him farewell.

Talzoc wasn't particularly religious but he pondered for a moment if he should visit the town's shrine. It was usual tradition for journeys be dedicated to one god or another. The boy thought it wise to not wish his journey ill, despite his own suspicions about the ceremony. The shrine was but a short distance away at the watering hole. It was watched over by a Priestess who paid him no mind. However the boy decided instead to dedicate his purpose to Rostam, his boyhood hero.

Rostam, at least, was a verified hero and one whose descendants lived in the very village where the boy was at home. After bowing and paying homage to the fallen hero, he decided he had done his civic duty and finally went about exiting the village. His final stop was at the table, where horses were stabled for his use. Many of which were far too large for his frame to mount. However fortunately for the boy there was one pony left for the trainees. Talzoc figured the small Arabian stallion would do.

He saddled up and prepared for his journey. No payment was necessary since the steeds were for public use so long as they were returned. The patron of the stable nodded to him as he galloped into the distance. Once on the open range, the oncoming breeze was a welcome addition to an otherwise balmy day. Luckily for him, his headdress protected him from what sand would have otherwise bashed and beaten against his face.

Talzoc looked across the horizon expecting the Lionguard to be at every corner. He knew not exactly what he was looking for. Half expecting a standard or some sort of encampment in order to distinguish their presence. But with every passing moment he found no such indication that the cats were to be around. Internally he was happy that he had yet to find the beasts, as the tails that surrounded them were nothing short of frightening.

But he knew he could not go back empty handed. He either had to find an already slain feline or do the deed himself. He did not want to go back with nothing, for he would be charged with dereliction of duty and would be subject to lashings, not to mention the debt he'd incurred as a result of his loaned equipment. Talzoc continued in the direction of what he considered to be the way to Nassar. He assumed they had to be...somewhere.

Soon enough his apparent isolation from company was remedied. Talzoc could hear noises in the distance. Nothing loud enough to represent a large presence but still the interruption on unerring silence caused him some unrest. The Hyena knew it to be in his best interest to be cautious. He did not want to give away his position and began looking for cover. But the barren nature of most of the landscape offered little in terms of hiding places.

Darting around looking for any such manner of clandestine cover. Soon enough he found it in a makeshift ditch covered strangely enough by the corpse of long forgotten animals. The boy threw himself behind it, hoping that even with it's sparse offerings the spot would serve his purpose well enough. However he continued to peer through the cracks between the spaces in the rib cage of the fallen beast. Soon enough he discovered the cause of the noise.

A small entourage of cats was coming forth, seemingly intent on some unknown purpose. Most of them seemed to be leopards by the looks of it, Talzoc knew they were the servants of their Lion lords. However one figure panned out of interest, a smaller one among the bunch that seemed no older than himself. The boy had no mane yet, his garments seemed ornate and his gait was overeager and full of energy. Despite constant warnings from his guard, the boy continued to jolt about.

Talzoc knew not the forbearance of this child but assumed he had to be important if he had this sort of gathering about him. But he could not risk a direct assault with so much security. No, he had to wait for the youthful naivety of the child to give way and break him away from the group. The group continued forward following past even the Hyena's position, resulting Talzoc in sleuthing around to the position opposite from before.

Soon enough they stopped at a nearby watering hole. It seemed they would break here and the guards remained stationary around their position looking around the area for any disturbance. Talzoc continued to look on, in search of any opening that might permit him access to his prey. The boy decided to wait til dusk, and hoped they would remain until nightfall. The darkness, he thought, would afford him some advantage and he would take any he could get, because number was surely not in his favor.

After waiting for several hours, Talzoc's hunger began to bother him. But he knew it unwise to reveal himself. The sun was finally beginning to set and the warm nature of his surroundings was beginning to fade, soon to be replaced by a more moderate temperature. The boy was glad, for he was just as parched as he was hungry. It was now or never he thought, he had to knock out two things for the price of one. First: eliminate his prey and Second: sate his bodily needs.

The puppy began sleuthing about searching to see if the troop was still in place. Smoke over the horizon verified as such, his assumption that they would camp for the night was correct. He began to make his way over towards the watering hole thinking that it would be the best choice to launch his plan of action. Once he arrived at the hole, many of the lingering animals looked at him waringly as he lurched into the shore of the water. The chill of it's shores were a welcome addition to his otherwise sore body.

He took a moment to quench his thirst, it was a welcome change to his already arid maw. Once he did that he went about in submerging himself enough in the water so that he could creep up on the felinguard camp. Occasionally he had to to come up for air but his training had developed his lungs enough that he only had to do so a few times. As he began to approach the camp, the glare of a fire could be seen. Even more promising was the small figure of a shadow looking out into the oasis.

Talzoc could only hope that it was the young lion. His luck had held out so far, and his movement hadn't been detected. Meanwhile the foolish lion cub bathed his paws in the waters of the lake. His eyes were closed and the movement of water didn't bother him since he thought it to be the wild animals that frequented the area. Another few moments passed before Talzoc was upon his target, it was now or never.

The Hyena arose from his watery cover and emerged ever so quietly, making sure not to disrupt the seemingly blissfully ignorant target in front of him. Talzoc continued to calm his breathing, making sure to limit his audible sounds. Soon enough he was over top of the lion. It was very evident to the Hyena that the boy was day dreaming, without a care in the world. It was almost pathetic and it made the canine hesitate for a moment.

That single moment of pause allowed for the boy below him to wake from his stupor. The Lion gazing over the figure atop of him. Had Talzoc actually brandished his blade, he might have screamed but the boy was more curious at his arrival. The seemingly younger and smaller child had only heard about the Hyena's and their horrible streaks of ferocity and yet this one did not seem so voracious to him.

"Who are you?" The Lion cub asked inquisitively.

The boys soft words caused the Hyena to question his actions. He knew not why he was actually trying to go through with the assassination, other than he was told to. The boy didn't seem so much different than he was.

"Tal...Talzoc.." The Hyena unwittingly responded to the question with a low voice.

"I'm Salim. Nice to meet you, Talzoc." Salim eyed the boys sword for a moment yet did not suspect mischief.

For a moment Talzoc questioned himself, forgetting all about why he had come in the first place. Eventually Salim's own curiosity got the better of him, causing him to stand straight and scale himself against the boy. Though the Hyena seemed more muscular, Salim was but a few hairs taller.

"What's this?" The lion asked pointing at the boys blade.

"A...sword?" The hyena asked half muttering clearly no longer intent on killing his prey.

"I assume you came here to kill me." The cub asked getting dangerously close to the canine before tilting the blade causing it to drop on the floor and falter away.

"Erm..." Talzoc couldn't answer that question and stumbled over his own words.

The cat fleshed out a claw from one of his forefingers, making sure the other boy saw it.

"And what makes you think I couldn't just kill you where you stand?" Salim ran his finger against the other boys throat but not close enough as to cause discomfort.

This threat made the Hyena cringe for a moment. Enough so much that his own bodies self defense mechanisms began to take over. The puppy lept forward, so quickly that the lions claw jabbed a little into his throat drawing some blood and exacerbating the already tense situation. The situation had not gone as planned for either of them, Talzoc pinned the other boy on the floor who allowed him dominance over him at least for the time being.

Salim remained passive eyeing the puppy over top of him. But he was far from done and began fidgeting in order to free himself from his makeshift confines. The two began tumbling and had the lionguard not been sleeping on the job, they made have discovered the boys rough housing. For a few moments they curled and tumbled about. Sand and dust flew about and the two remained in a close tussle among a cloud of dirty smoke.

Eventually the two tired themselves out with the Hyena coming out on top. It wasn't surprising considering of the two he seemed more muscular.

"I win...now give up foul kitten." Talzoc huffed between his own breathing.

"Not..really." Salim had noticed that a small bulge was pressing against his own apparently the two had shared some sexual excitement in the fray.

"Hehe looks like I'm not the only one that enjoyed this little spat." The lion jabbed his right paw forward grasping the other boys crotch.

This action caught the hyena off-guard, causing Talzoc to dismount from the other boy, but not fast enough to injure his own privates. Gradually the puppy guided himself next to the other boy and soon returned his embrace with a soft lick causing Salim's own grasp to lighten up and become more loving than aggressive. Soon the two were able to relax next to each other. After retracting his had to a more comfortable position, the Hyena soon extended his own paw to the lion's stomach.

Both boys chests were firmly flat even if the Hyena's was slightly more developed, neither had yet to fully experience the changes that came with puberty. As Salim began coaxing his palm over the canine's bulge, he slowly began retracting his pants. The fabric was loose and easy to free and only a loin cloth kept him from being in full access of his intended prize. By the time it was exposed, Talzoc's sheath had fully revealed itself.

The Hyena's legs by this point were completely relaxed and his eyes had completely glazed over. No one had touched him in this way before and it was very difficult for him to do little else but massage the other boys stomach and even that was becoming hard as time went on. Salim found his paw able to fit over the fleshy piece of meat and began threading it through his furry fingers, pushing into his more coarse pawpads.

The addition of the friction of the fur and the relative warmth made Talzoc squirm. His whole body was filling with lust and fast and he knew not what to make of it. Salim began to pump it bit by bit, first slowly then following up with a more firm and rapid pace. The other boy was fidgeting, reaching his limit rather quickly. After a few more moments the boys knotted member tensed and spasmed as a small bit of cum erupted out. Talzoc couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Ungh..." The puppy was without words and remained in a state of stupor.

Salim had been frequented by the court harlots many times over, this wasn't the first time he had pleasured another and knew full well what it meant. He splayed his finger and decided the mess could wait, instead allowing himself to stretch his arm over the other boy seemingly trying to cuddle with him. It took a moment for the canine to realize what was happening but eventually warmed up to the affection. The two remained in a soft embrace before sleep took over the more innocent child.

Morning came and Talzoc found himself in another place entirely. No longer was in he in the camp of the Lionguard. His clothing had indeed been returned to him but it seemed his blade had been returned or stolen. Even more strange he found a small piece of parchment rolled up in his paw. Taking it from its store, he opened up the paper to find a written letter with a small tooth attached. It read:

"I've taken the liberty of freeing you from your duty. I'm not as ignorant as to why you were here. I thought it would be an even trade. Don't ever come again."

Talzoc sighed as if in defeat but he knew this to be the proper place. His trousers were still soiled but he knew he had to return home. His story of course would have to be fabricated of course, but at least it seemed he had completed his service. Though in secret, he wished the meeting could have gone better and that he and the lion could have been friends. Perhaps in the future...he thought.


Galvanized by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Most are original and used only within the context of this story. One is the property of another person and I use them with permission and respect...

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Lessons Learned

Lessons Learned by Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. They are original and rightful intellectual property of their creator. I use them with permission and respect to the owners. This work contains...

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Assimilation by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: All characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. Additionally, characters are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life persons...

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