Lessons Learned

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#25 of Commissions

This is my twenty-first commission which I did for Alexfoxx.

It's about a boy who is "punished" and sent to another boys house to learn a lesson.

Lessons Learned by Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. They are original and rightful intellectual property of their creator. I use them with permission and respect to the owners. This work contains underaged content. You have been warned.

It had been a long work week. Linda Daniels was a working woman who spent much of her time in the office. She was very much distant from your typical house mother. At home, her husband was the keeper of the family. The family was a pack of three wolves. The two had a son who was in primary school. At 8 years old, the youngest cub was quite the handful especially when it came to physical activity. Like most boys his age, his enthusiasm and energy were hard to contain.

Linda walked inside to her home, exhausted from an overwhelming day at the audience. She was damp from the falling rain. While it wasn't pouring, she didn't bring an umbrella so her pantsuit and fur were quite wet. Once inside the water dripped from her form onto the carpet. The woman overheard a crash and a sense of foreboding overcame her. She hoped for the best, thinking maybe her bad day was making her think negatively.

Closing the door behind her the tired woman entered into the living room. She shook herself hoping to relieve her form of some of the wetness that enveloped her. Placing her briefcase by the entrance, she made her way towards where she believed the noise came from. Linda overheard a second sound which sounded more similar to her husband grumbling about. It was confirmed by some shouting.

"Young man, you will stop running around in the house now or else." Frank commanded the boy to refrain from bouncing around.

The husband had made the horrible mistake of giving the boy ice cream for dessert. The cub was seldom afforded sugar. As such his body wasn't used to it and the result was nothing short disastrous. Once the woman arrived into the room where the others were located. What she saw infuriated her. The gray and white cub was essentially streaking about in little more than his briefs. The father, still unaware of her presence, seemingly defeated on the floor trying to catch his breath.

"Hunter Daniels. You will cease your roughhousing this instant." The mother boomed in a boisterous tone from the doorway.

The sheer tone of the woman's voice was enough for the boy to finally stop running around. Even despite having circled the bottom floor of the house, Hunter still wasn't winded. The wolf puppy looked up at his mother who leered down at him in disapproval.

"March up to your room right now! I will consider your punishment after I speak with your father." Linda pointed upstairs gesturing where the boy's room was.

Hunter frowned a bit but he knew better than risk the vindication of his mother's wrath. Still, he was disappointed his fun frolick was over and quickly skipped off into his room. He overheard his parents discussing some things but decided it was best to not be nosy and quickly rushed off to his room.

A short time after the woman helped her husband, it seemed it was time to pay a visit to the youngster. No words were exchanged between the adults as Linda was much too tired to bother with chastising Frank. Instead, she decided to let it be and boiled over her own thoughts, thinking of how best to judge the boy's action. After all, it wasn't really his fault. As she began heading towards his room, another option became apparent to her.

What if she sent him to a friends home? The foxes son was a diligent child whom they never had an issue with. Good in school and respectful to his friends, he would be the perfect role model for her own child. Besides Kayla owed her a favor and she often complained at work that her son was lonely. This would be an opportune time to kill two birds with one stone. Her decision was made, exploring her paw through her pocket she fished through the damp fabric to pull out her phone. After a few taps, she texted the co-worker of her intent.

Once she was done she put it back away inside and headed into her son's bedroom. Inside the boy had done very little to dress. His lack of modesty did very little to phase her, after all, she had raised him from babyhood.

"Well...what do you have to say for yourself young man?" The mother crossed her arms defensively.

"I was just having fun, mom." The boy kicked his feet carelessly on the bed.

"Yeah, and you made a mess along with making a fool of your father." Linda tapped her feet on the carpet.

"I'm sorry, Mom. I didn't mean too." Hunter really meant no intentional foul play.

"Even still. I think you could learn a lesson from your wrongdoing." The older wolf uncoupled her arms, not distracted in her purpose.

"Aw...okay, Mom." The cub's voice took a more defeated tone.

"I think you could do with a new friend. Sorta like a role model. It would get you out of the house for a while and let me and your father clean up." Linda's disposition remained firm but still felt compassion for the boy.

"What?" This wasn't what the boy was expecting at all.

"I got you a play date with a friends son. He could set a good example for you." The mother approached her son, a light buzz vibrating in her pocket.

"Ah, right on time." Linda pulled the phone out of her pocket and sure enough, her co-worker had responded.

"Get dressed. She's coming over to pick you up shortly." The older wolf exclaimed not thinking much of sending her son off to what essentially equated to a strangers home, at least from the view of Hunter.

Linda knew better than to take her eyes off the boy. He was always quick to mischief. Despite her fatigue, she continued watching not letting on for a moment that she was tired. Hunter did as he was told, considering just who this other boy was. The idea of making a new friend didn't seem bothersome, though he couldn't help but wonder what the other boy might be like. As his mind began to wonder, his focus was quickly snapped into place by his mother who lightly tapped him from behind.

"Come on, Kayla will be here soon to pick you up." She said watching her son finally regain his composure.

Hunter went into his wardrobe and picked out some clothes to wear. It wasn't incredibly cold outside so he figured a casual getup would do for the day. Choosing a rather simple t-shirt with a rocket ship on it, blasting off in front off a cascade of stars and darker colors. For pants, he picked a pair of jean shorts which while they were somewhat shorter on him than they should have been, were rather comfortable. Some older socks were what he found on the top of the drawer and even though they were beaten up, it didn't bother him much.

Once he was just about dressed Hunter sat down and leaned over so he could reach underneath his bed. Pulling out a pair of heeled shoes so they could accommodate his digitigrade paws. By the time he was done a doorbell was overheard. Linda was the first to leave the room, no longer as agitated as she was before. Soon the cub followed behind to the door. The mother opened the door and behind it was another woman who was somewhat shorter than Linda.

Unlike the two wolves the woman with almost sand-colored fur. Her ears were longer than the lupines and were very typical of a fennec fox.

"Thanks for coming, Kayla." Linda reached in towards her friend giving her a friendly hug.

"No, problem. Alex could use a new friend anyways." The fox responded breaking the hug and smiling at the wolf.

"Where is he anyways." The wolf asked expecting the boy to have tagged along.

"He's right here." The woman stepped aside to reveal her own son.

Behind her stood a smaller male fox. Like the mother, he had sand-colored fur but with white markings canvasing his form here and there. Unlike Hunter, the boy wore more conservative clothing. A polo complete with khakis and no shoes. Even as Kayla moved aside, the smaller child hung close to his mother. It seemed he suffered from social insecurity.

Kayla pushed her son into the limelight. Eventually, his grasp was loosened and the boy was thrust in front of Hunter and his mother.

"Hi...I'm Alex." The boy introduced himself to the others in front of him.

Soon Linda did the same and nudged her own son in front of her. Hunter wasn't as shy as the other boy. At first glance, Hunter seemed the older child as he was both more confident and larger in size than the fox boy. It rather caught Linda off-guard since she was under the impression he was older. But she didn't say it out loud, in fear of offending her friend.

"Hey, I'm Hunter." The wolf cub extended his paw out in a gesture of greeting to the other boy.

Gradually the fox did the same and the two shook paws and eventually, Alex's face took a more positive smile.

"Good, you boys have fun. Thanks, Kayla." The older wolf went aside leaving the rest of them outdoors.

"Come on your two. Let's head back and you two and can get acquainted in the car." Kayla headed off towards her vehicle and opened the back door for the two of them.

The fox kit was the first to make his way into the vehicle. Hunter wasn't far behind and the two of them easily fit into the back seat.

"So what kind of stuff do you like to do?" The wolf fit his tail behind him looking over at the fox who was looking out the window to avoid conversation.

"Uh...I like to play video games and I can play guitar some." The fox eventually returned his gaze towards the other boy but they did not cross eyes.

"Cool. What kind of games do you like?" Hunter tried his best to make the other boy feel at ease.

"Uh...I like guitar hero but my favorite game is Fire Emblem Warriors." Alex ground his paws into his lap, still a little nervous.

"Oh wow! You have a Nintendo Switch?" The fox continued his attempt to alleviate the other boy's nerves.

"Yeah...You wanna play when we get home?" The fox looked over finally giving a heart filled smile at the younger boy.

"Sure! That sounds fun." The lupine smiled back feeling satisfied that he'd finally broken through.

In the meanwhile, Kayla made her way back to her home. The houses were not too far from each other. It was a fifteen minute trip at best and the roads were not overwhelmed with traffic as they might have been earlier in the day. She overheard the cubs discussion, not paying it much mind seemingly content that the two were getting along.

Before long the travel was complete and the mother parked in her spot. No other car was there as the husband was still at work and would likely be there until later that night. Kayla ceased the engine and exited from the car. The two newly christened friends weren't far behind. In a new show of energy, Alex was the first one to the door. It seemed some of Hunter's enthusiasm had rubbed off on him. Even more surprising, his tail was wagging, a gesture he didn't often show in fear of being called a dog. His mother considered it cute and smiled as she opened the door for the two of them.

The older boy was the first to file inside. Hunter followed behind the mother and looked around inside. The living room was much more ornate than he was used to. The mother was quite vain and used some of her, and her husbands, income to buy expensive pottery. Kayla's intention was to be immersed within the Asian culture. She thought herself to be in good tastes, but the sheer amount of the stuff was overwhelming to many. The cub couldn't help but think the place to be dangerous, especially with young kids around.

Alex looked back and saw that his new friend was distracted.

"Come on! Stop being a lame-o and let's go play games." The fox barked to the wolf.

Hunter was snapped back to reality and soon filed in the room, following close behind the older boy who kept a short distance ahead of him. Down the hall, several doors were spotted. It was a single story home so there was no other place for the boy's room to be.

The kit led into the last room on the left and as they filed into the boy's hostel, Hunter again found himself astounded. Unlike his room, the boys were just as decorated as the home. Game paraphernalia was stashed around the room without any particular setup in mind. But obviously, the parents had little issue in supporting his hobbies. In one corner of the room was a guitar which currently was stashed in a cloth case.

"Coming?" Alex noticed again that his friend had lost focus.

"Yeah..." Hunter looked around one last time.

The wolf puppy recognized some of the stuff but there were some posters he didn't recognize the characters from. Curiosity rose up inside of him but it was quickly dispelled by his friend's interest in beginning a session of gaming.

"What do you want to play?" The older boy asked wanting to be a good host.

Hunter looked over at one of the dresser bureau's which had an entertainment system on top of it. By the looks of it, it appeared to be a Nintendo Switch.

"Do you have Mario Odyssey?" The younger one asked, his interest finally perked.

"Sure, I do! We can play that if you want." The fox headed over to the desk where the system was stored, pulling it out.

Alex spent some time re-arranging the cords and plugging them into the spots on the television. After a few minutes, the ordeal was done and he powered it on. Hunter was a bit surprised that such a new device would be stored, even if a bit jealous that the boy had one. His own family wasn't quite ready to part with the cash necessary to purchase one. Getting to play one was something he was vastly looking forward to.

The older boy was fine in caving into the other's whims. Mario Odyssey was far from his favorite game, especially since he'd already beaten it. But something he yet to experience was the cooperative play mode that was available. Both were expecting something than what the game provided. Instead of giving the usual Mario and Luigi team, one boy was given control of the Italian plumber while the other got control of his hat.

"Oh wow, I didn't think this would be a thing but I guess we can try it. I'll be the hat since you haven't played before." Alex said as he handed out the controllers to both boys.

The two sat alongside the bed and played for some time. Playing a few missions together but the notion of playing as a hat was more cumbersome than practice and Alex found himself becoming bored. But even still the boy bit the bullet and played through the night. Hunter found he enjoyed himself and the two sat rather close to each other throughout the session. Much time passed before the two were finally called to dinner. Once they arrived into the kitchen, the wolf found the father had returned home.

Kayla was occupying herself with finishing dinner. Like the good boy he was, Alex went about with setting the table. Hunter watched with interest and sure enough got enough before following in suit, going as far as to serve drinks. In no time the table was set and the make-shift family sat and ate dinner together. The extended group shared their days and made the younger cub like as if he were home, it was as if he were a long time friend of the fox kit.

Hunter found himself implored to clean up once the ordeal was over. Shoving off requests for help and taking the pick-up duties on himself. Alex in the meanwhile took his time in actually cleaning the dishes. They worked as a nice team and were even awarded cookies as a reward. Once everything was tidied up, they were dismissed and told to get ready for bed. The parents didn't want to mess with the younger boys sleep schedule, especially since he was so young.

Alex felt slightly bitter about it but decided to play along and comply, not wanting to rock the boat. The two cleaned up and Hunter was the first to make it into bed. Not thinking much of sharing the space with the older boy, he yawned showing his fatigue. It didn't take him long to pass out. The fox looked over at him, thinking how cute he looked while he was sleeping. The kit undressed into his usual night get-up, just his undies, and an over-sized nightshirt.

Once he crept up into bed, he nestled himself behind the younger boy. It was strange being so close to him and eventually, he found himself coaxing his paw over the larger cubs body. As he did so, he could sense the boy's heartbeat which elicited further exploration. Allowing his limp grip to rise and fall with the boy's respiration. Gradually his reach lowered further and further before his own curiosity led him right to the other boy's groin.

The other cub was wearing a two-piece pajama set but once Alex landed on the mound of flesh, he knew full well where he was on the boy's body. Hunter's body squirmed a bit but showed no signs of actually waking up. Eventually, the fox began toying with the larger cubs genitals, realizing that even "down there" the other was bigger. Curiosity was getting the better of him and honestly, he was rather enjoying being so naughty. Steadily he felt the other boy's flesh begin to rise and tent in his trousers.

As it did so, Alex fit the flesh through his fingers and began pumping steadily. With each thread and indulgence, the breathing of the still sleeping boy continued to increase. Bit by bit the younger the heartbeat of the other boy was increasing, inching towards his limit. Before long the shaft twitched and throbbed, before spasming. A light sigh escaped the boy's mouth and Alex knew all to well what that meant. But luckily for the older boy, he was too young to release.

Alex smiled, content that he'd satisfied the other boy. Returning his paw to a more innocent place wrapped around the other boy, he pulled him in closer for a snuggle. Eventually, sleep overcame him too. The night had been long and they'd gotten closer. For now, the intimate moment would remain the foxes secret. Whether Alex would ever reveal his indulgence, only time would tell...


Assimilation by: Pent Ghelsburg Disclaimer: All characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. Additionally, characters are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life persons...

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