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#24 of Commissions

My twentieth commission which I did for a person wishes to remain anonymous.

It involves a recently immigrated tiger who is having some difficulties accustoming to German culture.

Assimilation by: Pent Ghelsburg

Disclaimer: All characters in this story and have been created for use within the context of this story. Additionally, characters are portrayed as underage and are purely fictional. Any resemblance to real life persons is purely coincidental. Furthermore, there is a prominent micro/macro theme presented within this story. You have been warned. Some German is used and may not be grammatically correct.

Time is a fickle mistress. For the elder, it is a ticking clock that often forebodes towards other things while for the younger it is something to look forward to. The innocence and purity of youth can often be deceptive. Seldom do youngsters shake ignorance and naievity until later on in life. Some others never "grow up" and remain young at heart forever. Some of those chosen few are often cherished by society while the others are ostracized.

The curiosity of cats is often insatiable. Even past kitten-hood felines find themselves inquisitive about anything they find new and interesting. Much the same can be said about those feline furries who are at the cusp of adulthood. Their bodies still grasping with the changes that come with adulthood. One such teenager was a Bengal tiger by the name of Rama. Recently arrived from India, the teen had recently immigrated to Germany.

As with any new arrival the boy was having difficulty assimilating into his new surroundings. His German was far from good though he did have a basic understanding of English which was supposed to afford him more upward mobility later in life. Fortunately for Rama, some of his fellow secondary students were able to converse with him on a level. Because of this the tiger soon looked to associate himself with a younger crowd.

One day Rama found himself wandering around outside the local intermediate school. Like his own institution, the school was integrated. It was something he could have never thought was possible in his homeland, where furs and humans were segregated. However, in Germany, this was not the case and Rama found it a bit strange. The intermediate students were congregating around each other and Rama couldn't help but look around for a friendly face. Eventually, he found another boy seemingly younger than him standing alone.

The tiger decided to approach him in an attempt to make a friend. Like him, the boy was a feline, though not a tiger like himself. By the looks of his sand-colored fur and mane, Rama guessed he may have been a lion. However, unlike himself, the boy seemed quite frail, whereas Rama himself was quite athletic and was previously the star of his Cricket team.

"Hiya, My names Rama what's yours?" The tiger asked hoping the other boy spoke English.

"Oh, Hello. My name is Willard but you can call me Will." The lion spoke in a thick British accent.

"Cool. I'm glad someone speaks a language I know. Where are you from?" Rama asked standing closer to the younger boy.

"I'm from England. Though my parents immigrated from South Africa. What about you?" Will asked uncrossing his arms so he didn't come across as defensive.

"I'm from India. My family just arrived not long ago. Do you live around here?" Rama asked wanting to make sure the boy was local.

"Yeah, I live about 10 minutes from school." The lion responded politely not wanting to scare the potential friend off.

"Sweet! Want to hang out or something?" The older boy inquired not thinking anything about how quickly he was moving the conversation along.

"Uh...sure. I guess. " The kitten didn't have anything better to do with his time anyway.

" you know anywhere fun around here?" Rama questioned since he didn't really know the place yet.

"There's an ice cream place nearby if you like sweets." Will suggested rubbing his index finger against his chin deep in thought.

"That sounds good. I'll treat you to a cone if you like." The tiger assumed the younger boy didn't have any source of income."

"That's nice of you. I think I'll take you up on that." The kitten smiled back at the teen.

Will was the first to make a move as he was the one that knew the way. Rama followed closely behind. To the undiscerning eye, the two looked like brothers. Of the two boys, Rama was the taller by quite a bit with the younger boy barely coming up to the tiger's shoulder. Of course with their age gap, it was to be expected.

"So how old are you anyway?" Will's curiosity got the better of him.

"I'm 16. How old are you?" The teen wanted to try and be sociable.

"I'm 12." The kitten chirped back, a little surprised at how old he was.

It didn't occur to Rama even once that the boy was too young to hang out with. Instead, he was just happy to have companionship in his new surroundings.

Before long the two arrived at a large section of building with the one on the far right labeled Das Ice. Rama assumed this meant something similar to Ice cream. It was a rather small establishment with the door left open as the weather was temperate that afternoon. Once the two went inside they were greeted by the owner who positioned herself behind one of the serving stations with a scoop in hand.

Unlike the two boys, she was a human, though their presence didn't seem to bother her.

"Herzlich wilkommen. Wie kann ich euch Jungs helfen?" The woman asked in a strong German accent.

" you speak English?" Rama approached the glass case hoping she did.

"English is okay. What you like?" The older woman inquired in broken English.

"What would you like, Will?" The tiger looked over at the lion who was staring intently at the selection.

"I like Strawberry." Will's tail swayed behind him thumping against Rama's leg.

In order to be clear and not cause any further confusion with the owner, the tiger decided to just point to it. The saleslady watched as the teen's paw poked at the glass and understood.

She picked up two cones and delivered two scoops into each before heading over to the register. The price popped up on the screen and she pointed at it. Rama fished his wallet out of his pocket before delivering a few Euros from inside it to the waiting woman. She tried to give him his change but he closed her hand, a gesture for her to take it as a tip. The inside of the store was empty so all of the tables were empty. Will chose a table near the far side of the establishment and soon Rama joined him.

Will took his pack off his back and set it on the floor as Rama gave the cone to his new friends. The two enjoyed their treat together not sharing many words while they made rather quick work of the cold delight. Of course, the younger boy was the more expedient of the two and when he emerged victorious there was a look of delight on his face.

"Thanks for buying me some ice cream. It was really good!" Will smiled over at his new friend with a look of appreciation.

"No problem. What would you like to do now?" Rama was trying to the best possible host he could.

"We could go to your place or mine if you want." Will suggested wiping his face of creamy residue.

"Hmm, I guess we can hang out at your place since I still don't really know where we are." The tiger responded after considering the notion for a moment.

"Sure, my place isn't far from the school like I said. It shouldn't be a long trip from here either." The kitten picked up his bag before headed to the waste bin to discard his napkin.

"Auf Wiedersehen." Rama waved at the woman who smiled and waved back.

The younger cat led the way with a spring in his step keeping ahead of the older boy. The teen actually found it difficult to keep up with the energetic kitten despite being quite athletic. Especially since the sugar was now rushing through the youngster's body, he was definitely showing no sign of crashing. But his exuberance and persistence in leading the way made the trip that much quicker. Within all of 10 minutes, the pair arrived at what Rama made to be the younger ones home.

Outside there were no signs of the vehicle so the teenager assumed that they would be alone. Thinking to himself the tiger thought this would be the perfect opportunity to get to know the cub. William fished the key out of his pocket before opening the door leaving it ajar and allowing the taller boy to enter first in order to be polite. The inside of his house was much more decorated than Rama was used to. So much so that the tiger couldn't help but stand in awe by the sheer vanity of the place.

Inside the younger boy closed the door behind them after the pair had both entered through the door. The living room was decedent with a big screen television and even a surround sound stereo set. Clearly, the parents were well to do.

"Do you want something to drink?" The lion was a bit thirsty from the walk despite having ice cream earlier in the day.

"Sure. I'll take whatever you have." The teen didn't want to be difficult and made his way over to the large couch where he took a load off.

Will made his way into the kitchen before fixing up each boy a beverage. Feeling a bit mischievous about having an older friend there, the boy got an idea.

The lion-headed over towards one of the cabinets where his parents kept the more potent medicines. Opening up the cabinet he looked over at the top shelves. But they were too high up for him to reach merely by himself. Fortunately, a nearby stepping stool was available. Will pulled over the aluminum staircase over to the front of where the cabinet was. Escalating himself up the stairs to the top level, the cub tippy-toed and tried to reach the place where he thought the medicines were.

With a bit of stretching, he was able to fish off one of the vials from the fixture. It fell down onto the floor with the contents inside jostling around before coming to a rest. Will hopped off the staircase and forgot all about putting it back where it came from. Picking it up from the floor, the lion overlooked the label which was simple enough. Some of the small text was hard to make out but the name of it was clear enough, Equalizer. He couldn't help but be curious as to what it meant.

He tried to refocus his eyes so that he could read the blurry text on the label. Looking inside the vial showed there was another set of directions inside the label. He couldn't read that either so he decided a quick search on his phone would do the trick. The cub, like many other his age, had been given a phone in cases of emergency. It was relatively new as he'd just gotten it his last birthday. Typing in the name of the medication into the search bar he found some information about it online.

But the reality of its effects were unbelievable. Did the concoction really shrink people? A smirk came over his face, Will decided that Rama would be his test subject. It was too good to be true. The cub was used to being the small one, this was finally his chance to be the one in control. The internet further instructed him to only use one pill. But the tiger was much bigger than he was so why would it hurt if he used more, he thought to himself. Pouring two pills into his paw he looked over them before placing the jar on the counter.

He took some time in order to return the vial into the cabinet so his parents didn't expect anything and quickly closed the door. Still holding the pills he took them over to the water, he dropped them inside one of the cups. Quickly they dissolved inside, a convenient occurrence for William. He took both cups, assuring that the spiked one remained in his right paw. As he approached the older teen, the cub couldn't help but fight to subdue a smirk. He leaned over to hand the now relaxed boy the cup of water from his right hand.

"Thanks." The tiger didn't think much of the beverage and began sipping it.

As Will hopped over the couch to join the teenager he couldn't help but stare at the tiger.

"What? Have I got something on my face?" Rama caught the boy staring.

"Oh, nothing. Sorry, I thought I saw a bug but I was mistaken." The lion looked over towards the coffee table in front of them where the remote for the television was.

"What do you want to watch?" Will asked trying to change the subject.

"Uh...whatever you want is fine." Rama didn't want to make the situation awkward, but he leaned his right arm over the other boy bringing him in closer.

Will wasn't expecting this but the warmth of the other teen in close proximity to his own body but it didn't bother him that much. Rama was feeling rather brave especially since the cub wasn't protesting. The tiger leaned himself over and pressed his wet nose against the smaller boy. It was a show of affection that the cub wasn't entirely expecting and it made William feel rather strange inside.

"What're you doing?" The younger cub wasn't sure what was going on.

"Just relax...hehe." The teens insides were beginning to churn but he decided to ignore it.

Rama turned the other boys face so it looked towards him and aimed his lips square so that they were parallel to each other. Soon the tiger's maw met with the lions.

With each passing moment, the older boys insides were knotting and coiling. His frame was beginning to ache and pain. Slowly his body was beginning to diminish. Neither noticed but the medication was beginning to take effect. The twos lips remained joined for several moments before the younger boy finally broke the embrace.

"What was that for?" William was at a loss for words.

"Just showing appreciation for my new friend." Rama's clothing was feeling a bit looser than it did earlier.

"Thanks, I guess?" The cub wasn't sure what to make of this new found affection.

The lion looked over at the teen. Something looked different about him but he couldn't quite make out what it was. Maybe the medication was working? Only time would tell.

Now that the kiss was broken, Rama was feeling much better. Though that didn't deter him from furthering his actions. The tiger snaked his paw downward down the younger boys side. Eventually he found his way resting against his paws against the boy's hips. Gradually he brought nudged his fingers so they rested against the hem of the lion's pocket. The cub's shorts were loose since they were a thin fabric and he was easily able to find his way inside.

Will pointed his head downward looking at the exploitative teen fitting his hand into his pocket but showed no signs of resistance. A moment later the older boys paw rested squarely on the younger boys bulge of flesh. The cub couldn't help but squirm as the alien touch made his nether regions warm up and tingle in response. Rama's body began to tingle the second they made contact but his own desire was well past pacifying to ignore. Clasping his hand in a more firm state, he groped the boy in a more aggressive approach.

By this point, the teen's shirt had become quite loose on him. William looked over at the teen and it became evident that his plan was becoming reality. Deciding he could let the teen have his way since soon enough it would be the other way around. Regardless it seemed the more he was indulging, the smaller he was getting. The lion pressed his own paw against the others, showing his feigned approval of the action. Looking over at the teen, the smirk on his face was priceless.

Once his grasp was tightened, Will got had a much more keen sense of bliss rush through him. Opening his legs so that the teen had better access to his crotch. He could feel himself steadily rising below. Meanwhile, the tiger's frame wasn't quite as intimidating as before. Already his shirt was draping over his legs, the arms looking much more similar to long sleeve than short. Rama began pumping his paw against the others bulge, making the other boy gasp in reaction.

"You like that?" The tiger asked rhetorically.

"Uhuh..." The cub trembled beneath his own mumbling.

"Good." Rama couldn't believe he was going through with this.

Little did either of the boys know that the pills he was given were aphrodisiacs on top of it's "normal" effects. Rama continued to massage the boy's shaft through the fabric, before taking his paw out from the enclosure, leaving his friend wanting more. The teen didn't leave him hanging either soon returning his paw above the boy's bulge, toying with his zipper. The tiger fiddled with it for a moment before tugging it down. The rush of air inside the boys fly caused Will to shiver from the entrance of the draft.

Fortunately for the younger cub, the coverage provided by the larger boys paw afforded him some extra protection from the chill. Gradually Rama was becoming more eager too, his own pants tenting from indulgences which had previously only existed in his dreams. Rama had known he was gay for some time, as for the younger cub he had yet to awaken into his own sexuality. Though it didn't seem to be bothering William that the tiger was having his way with him. The lion shifted his own paw over patting the teen on the head, ruffling his head fur.

Wait...he could reach his head fur now? William began to consider just how quickly the pills were taking effect. Was the teens fondling expediting his loss of stature. The cub began to wonder, genuinely inquisitive by nature, thinking of how he might "help" the other along. For now, he decided to watch closely, considering if he might mimic the others action. Meanwhile, the sensation in his loins was seemingly increasing causing him to squirm and groan.

Rama slid his hand backward before attempting to peel off the boys tight underwear. The previously tented fabric sprung backward as the elastic recoiled off the tip of his erect penis. Once the boys now naked barbed member touched against the warm fur of the tiger almost made William squeal in delight. As the teen made contact his own body reeled in recourse as his form continued to diminish. Will caught a quick glimpse of the teen who looked to be nearing eye level with him now. His plan was working, and much better than he could ever have realized.

After a few more seconds the boy's body spasmed. His young form couldn't take the pleasurable assault. Only a small spurt of semen leaked out, it was the first time he'd ever orgasmed and he sat there in a moment of stupor just trying to recover. What happened next wholly caught him off guard. Rama's lust got the better of him, the sight of the boy's leakage made him even more willing to please him. Allowing himself to lean over hoping to help clean the boy up. A single lick was all that was needed, causing the boy's body to recoil in a slight jump.

Once Rama returned his posture back to a sitting position, it became clearer to him just what was happening to him. He was definitely smaller than the younger male. Rubbing his eyes he couldn't believe he had to look up at the boy now. It wasn't much but he was definitely bigger than the teen was.

"What happened to me?" The tiger questioned seemingly afraid of the change in perspective.

"Don't worry about it...You're enjoying yourself right?" The lion tried to defer his friend's concern.

"Uhuh..." Rama tried to hide his own arousal, despite the time for modesty long having past.

"Can't leave you hanging down there now can we?" Will decided it was time to test his theory.

Will motioned his paws down around to the base of the couch before creeping up the sides of Rama's hips. Gradually the cub had to lift the other's hands up, freeing access to his lower region.

However, the now draped shirt over the teen provided even more abstraction to the teen's bulge. Though it was very clear he was hard, Will was expecting more...forgetting all about the diminished figure of his friend. After digging his hand through the extremely loose shirt, the cub decided it was just easier to lift up the excess sag and rest it on the teen's lap in a bundle. The kid tried to hold back a giggle as he discovered the teen's bits were now smaller than his own.

After a slight show of hesitation, the boy finally managed the gusto to wrap his own paw around the others boy. Almost immediately he felt the teen's body shiver and seemingly shrink right before his eyes. The cub smirked, making his efforts much more aggressive and upfront. The teen began to pant as soon as William's grip tightened. By by bit the boy's frame became more and more impressive before him. But he didn't want to stop was all too perfect to be real.

The lion's gaze veered further and further downward. Pumping seemingly less and less and the teen's shaft as the cub went about his way in placating his friend. Rama's own desires were seemingly sated much easier than the younger boys. His own limit was quickly escalating. The sensation inside of his body resembling more pinpricks all too similar to a tickling sensation. Now able to cup both the teen's balls and his shaft and balls in his paw, the boy made one last stitch effort to imitate the gesture he had witnessed earlier, running his thickest finger along its length.

Rama gasped as his own body reeled in its pleasure. His tip exploded but the eruption was far less than what the younger boy was suspecting. Looking down at his now fraction of his friend, the teen's feet reached the floor. Will was very much the one in control now and the now tiny teen looked way upward at his now giant friend. Standing up on the couch, even straight up he barely came up to the boy's shoulders. At least the strange feeling had gone away, for now, or so he hoped.

"Haha!" Will laughed with a chiding tone in his chuckle.

"What?" Rama began to tremble at the boys increased tenor.

"You're so small now!" Will pointed down at the boy to tease him even further.

"What did you do to me!?" The teen began to panic looking around the room as if suspecting an answer to dawn on him.

No such clarity was offered. Only more questions came to the teen's mind. Why had this happened? What should he do? Looking over to the cub, his frame was almost gargantuan in comparison to his own. Even the room loomed before him. Standing, the tiger was completely naked. His clothing had slipped off him during his shrinkage.

"I only did what you wanted." The kitten roared playfully fluffing his mane.

"I didn't want this!" Rama crossed his arms defensively.

"Well obviously you did or you would have stopped when you realized it, silly." The lion reached over fluffing the teens head fur.

"Turn me back into normal or you're going to get in trouble?" The tiger was trying desperately to get control of the situation.

"And what if I don't want to?" Will poked the now smaller boy's nose sending him back reeling.

"I...uh...I'll tell your parents!" Rama made an empty threat not realizing that he was in the wrong as well.

"Uhuh...sure you will. You will behave or I will tell them you touched my naughty place!" Will stood up now looming over the diminished male who was still sitting in a pool of his own shirt.

This comment silenced the older male who now was now deafly afraid of what might become of him.

"If you play with me, maybe I will turn you back to normal." The cub knelt down so he was more on an eye level with the tiger.

"O-Okay" The teen decided he had no other option than to comply with the younger boys intent.

"Good boy. Now let's get rid of that tent." William leaned over the couch before allowing himself to pick up the sagging piece of fabric that enclosed his friend.

It was an easy task and once this last piece of clothing was gone, it showed just how small the teen had gotten. The kitten had to fight back a laugh, the teen's feet no longer touched the floor and from a glimpse, he couldn't have been more than a quarter of his original size.

"Stand up." The younger boy instructed the older one.

Not wanting to anger the boy, Rama did as he was told. Once he did so he felt fear overtake his senses. Looking over at Will, the teen's eyes barely reached the cub's knee cap.

"Hehe your so little now! I wonder if you'll get any smaller.." William said out loud stating the obvious.

"Smaller? But aren't I small enough already?" The tiger began to tremble at the question.

"Want to find out?" The cub asking but not waiting for an answer.

William picked gently gestured the teen so that he laid flat on the carpet. The lion shuffled his feet slightly so that eventually his paw was freed into from it's confines. The boy wiggled his toes in their sock before lifting his foot with his leg. Gradually he shifted the limb over top of the now flat teen. Pushing his appendage over the older boys snout, he only applied slight pressure as he feared hurting the other.

Rama watched as the boys paw glided over top of him. The closer it got the more musky the scent became. Eventually the scent of it's contents began to override his senses. The boys odor was none to pleasure but he didn't seem offset by it. Even finding himself rather enticed by the slightly sweaty odor of the boys foot. As it rose over him the teen tried to get a more proximate sniff even going

as far as pulling himself up hugging against the bottom of the boys sole.

Upon touching his snout against the gray fabric, the teen found it to be rather moist. It's scent quickly permeated his nostrils. Rama closed his eyes finding himself rather turned on in rather a short amount of time. Will watched with increased interest as the tiger's body began to tremble and shake beneath him. A few whiffs later and Will found himself watching as the teen began to slowly become eclipsed by his own paw. The shadow of his body looming more and more ominously on the teen below.

Rama sensed the odor becoming stronger with each passing moment. His nose patted first between two toes and then dragged downward between two of his pawpads. Awkwardly he found the space rather cavernous. Before long the teens body was the same size as the foot, and Rama used this to his advantage as he began humping it in kind. Thrust by thrust, bit by bit the boys body began to vanish beneath the cub. Then as suddenly as it started, it stopped. Will suspected mischief and quickly withdrew his paw.

What he found below was shocking. Rama was now maybe half the boys foot size. His eyes star-crossed and glazed over as the teens body recovered from a secondary orgasm. But his body produced no seed. Rather it didn't seem to be the case, but rather it had been quickly absorbed by Will's own fur.

"Such a good tiny boy...Now what to do with you..." Will smirked looking at his new toy with newfound affection.

Will's voice seemingly was booming to Rama now. Had he been able to think clearly he might have considered running. The cub acted before the teen had a chance to react.

"Let's see how you like it as my new toy." The boys face took a more mischievous grin.

The lion peered himself downward so that his eyes were eye to eye with the now miniature tiger. Reaching his hands inward he took hold of the smaller male and lifted him with very little effort. The teen was but a fraction of his original size. While not quite the same as an action figure, an idea occurred to the boy. What if Rama was treated as such, would he enjoy it? William began to fiddle around with the tigers arms moving them about and posturing them as if though he were a figurine.

"Hey! What're you doing. I'm not your toy stop it!" Rama protested but was unable to break from the boys grasp.

"Nope. Be a good boy or else! How'd you like to get smaller?" The cub threatened his captive victim.

The sheer thought of the idea made Rama tremble in fear. William felt the teen shake in his paw and the sense that he struck such awe in the other made William feel powerful. Rama began to ponder to himself. What would happen now? What else would the boy do to him and would he ever return to normal? Only time would tell...

A day in the woods

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this work are purely fictional. Mose are original and used only within the context of this story. One is the property of another person and I use them with permission and respect to the owner. This work contains...

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The Curiosity Shop

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