Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 17: How Do You Cure Fear? (World Tour Part IV)

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#17 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Alex, Shakara and Corbin were horrified to discover that the oil creature tracked them from Sogreth Castle to The Madam's hideout. (Hey, it was hungry). As it was about to feed, Shakara made a controversial decision that ended up saving their lives and allowed them to escape. With nothing to show for their efforts and afraid to return home empty handed, Alex decided to raid the pantry of the Seven/Seven Club which he discovered had turned into a meeting and recruitment center for those possessed by the entity....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

*Chapter 17: How Do You Cure Fear? (World Tour Part IV) *

Day 26 (6:03 PM The Frost's Farm House)

"Overwatch was right, there is no way to really do this. We can't force our way inside- too dangerous." I said.

"What about the probe?" Shakara asked.

"We could observe them for a while with it, but then we would lose the ability to scan our immediate surroundings for danger."

"So you want to just go and knock on their door?!" Corbin said aghast.

"Quickest way to find out if this is a refugee camp or an stronghold for the possessed." I said. "I will go." I said stepping out of the passenger seat of the prototype.

"No, you have already done your incredibly stupid thing for the day." The lioness glared at me. "Corbin you go."

"Me?!" The little mongoose exclaimed.

"Hurry up it is getting dark out." Shakara warned.

The farmhouse had pretty much looked the same since the last time I had visited save for a rear wall and portion of the roof which had collapsed. There were also several sink holes that had appeared in the fields.

"So I should just go knock on their door?" The little mongoose boy asked.

Shakara nodded.

"Wait." I said pressing the third button in the column of buttons on the weapon's console.

*Side-pods engaged*

"Now go."

Corbin made sure that he was covered top to bottom in his winter clothing and not a single portion of his face, arms, legs, and tail were exposed as he waded through the snow to the front door of Gabby and Gabe's home.

As his paw was about to touch the door, it suddenly opened and the occupants started stepping out of the inside to the porch- humans and beastials alike.

"Magnify." Shakara ordered from behind the steering wheel.

"Good evening multiple sirs and madams I was looking for the residents whom reside at this location." The little mongoose said backing up uneasily trying to avoid being surrounded as the residents poured out of the house. He was trying anyway.

"That voice! Why if it isn't little Corbin!" A adult green tortoise said walking towards the mongoose.

"Mentor Langur?" The covered mongoose boy said.

"I haven't seen you since you moved away." She said to the little boy.

"Nor have I." A old panda said to the little mongoose.

"Mr. Boa?" Corbin said. "I always enjoyed your deserts! Especially the pies."

"This is just another refugee camp." My lioness concluded. "They aren't dazed or chanting about you know who."

"Wait." I said to my devious person activating the co-pilot monitor and keyboard.

"We hardly recognize you in that outfit." The turtle and the panda said as they continually advanced upon him.

"Actually I was looking for the Frosts." Corbin said backing away.

"They don't reside here." Came the answer as more 'refugees' exited the farmhouse to greet the little mongoose boy.

"Oh, okay. I think I should be going now." Corbin said growing increasingly uncomfortable as the group swelled from four to nine.

"Nonsense boy, why don't you get out of that get up- it looks quite uncomfortable." The panda said.

"Yes come inside where it is warm." The turtle said.

"Besides it is getting dark out. You don't want to be outside after dark." A red headed woman to Corbin's right said.

"At the very least let us get a look at you." A black haired man with a tired looking face said.

"And touch you." A muskrat said as it started tugging on the mongoose boy's hat.

Corbin looked at the faces of the welcome party as he was surrounded. Goofy looking but serene.

"That was not a neighborly thing for you to do at our meeting place little mongoose." A brown ferret said exiting the farmhouse.

"That is right, we don't have much but we would have shared it with you for a price." A female otter said grabbing his gloved paw.

"Besides we want to introduce you to someone... someone very special." A border collie said exiting the farmhouse.

Corbin screamed.



"Code what?" The lion lady asked I pressed the PA button on the weapons menu.

"Corbin duck and cover!" I shouted as the crowd swelled to fifteen possessed souls.

The horde that was around him redirected their attention to the blue coupe in the driveway with the extended weapons launchers on either side- which were now firing balls of electricity.

*Assuming control of the prototype Mr. Winter. Static Pulse Engaged Maximum Yield.*

The balls of electricity started striking each of the Others that had surrounded the little mongoose attempting to touch his face or fur in order to make him one of their own.

Of course I was not having it. I started typing madly on the co-pilot keyboard as Overwatch continued firing.

"What are you doing?" Shakara asked.

"Scanning Corbin."

"For what purpose?" The dark tan lioness said.

"For multiplication." I said pressing the return button.

*Halo-projector engaged.*

Shakara and I watched as magically twenty Corbins appeared in front of the farmhouse running this way and that way confusing the enemy.

_"Corbin!" _

The little mongoose got up and kicked a ewe hard in the shin just as a ball of electricity found her.

"I may have to find another nick name for him- he has got spirit." The lion lady next to me quipped as the little mongoose boy dove into the passenger seat.

"Overwatch! Let's go!" Shakara shouted.

"Are you alright?" I asked my little brother.

"No, I won't be for a long while. I saw my school mentor and a former neighbor! ONE got both of them!"

"They didn't touch you did they?" Shakara asked.

"They tried to, but no." The little mongoose said shaking.

"So they took over the Seven/Seven club and the Frost's farm." I said as we drove back down the driveway, engaged hover-mode and took to the sky.

(But what happened to Gabe and Gabby?)

"That satyr you fed to the oil monster Shakara was right, they are taking over." The little beastial said shaking.

"You noticed that that group knew what we had done at the Seven/Seven Club?" The she beast said changing the subject. "How did they know?"

"Sorry to put you in danger like that Corbin, I couldn't figure any other way apart from breaking down the door." I said to him.

"Actually I was going to look through the windows on their porch door when the saw me and decided to come out." The little mongoose said to me.

"So now what?" The dark tan lioness asked.

"How about we stop down for dinner?" I said to the lioness and mongoose. "I mean we haven't had anything since breakfast."

"That would be divine. But where?" The she beast said to me. "There is nothing but countryside."

"Some place safe." Corbin answered.

"Where is that? It is not like we can stop off at a hotel or restaurant for that matter." Shakara said.

*How about a clearing Ms. Kubari?* The automated assistant said.

"I see, at least if we are attacked, we can see them coming."

Overwatch traveled further south of the city finding a clearing in the countryside to land. As we touched down I realized that the amount of snow that had fallen south of the city was much less than what had fallen north of it. Regardless, we conducted continuous scans of the surrounding area just to make sure.

Carefully we climbed out of the blue coupe and moved to the rear of the hover vehicle- the trunk to inspect the supplies that we had *ahem* taken from the Seven/Seven Club pantry.

"Open it!! Open it!!" The little mongoose said bouncing with excitement.

"Ok, calm down adorably cute." The lioness said pulling out a container from the trunk. Gently the lion lady opened it up.

Corbin took a quick whiff.

"EW!!!" The little mongoose gaged.

I took a good sniff as well. The food was spoiled.

"It says here these were pre-made sandwiches for some type of party." I said reading the label.

"Maybe for late December." The little boy huffed.

From there we moved on to the other containers he and the lion lady had loaded while I was observing the Others recruitment drive.

"The salad is bad too." Corbin announced.

"The meat as well." Shakara said.

"Dairy is no good either." I added.

In fact everything we had pilfered was spoiled, over-ripe and rotten.

"We can't take any of this back with us." My devious person announced. "It would make everyone sick."

"Dam. Scavenging the whole day and we have nothing to show for it." I said to my companions.

"Well we still have what momma bear and the professor gave us." The little boy said.

"What is that adorably cute?"

"Mini-rations." He said cheerfully.

"Shakara where is the next hideout of The Madam?" I asked the lioness.

"That would be The Aard Woods between World One and World Two." She said to me.

"What is it? A building? Museum?" Corbin asked.

"A shack actually." The she beast said. "About an hour from here."

"Alex?" Corbin asked.

"We can't go home with nothing." I said reasoning. "But traveling at night is really dangerous. We also don't know what we are going to encounter in those woods either."

"So what are you saying big brother?"

"He is saying we should bed down here for the night and start out fresh in the morning." Shakara said.

"But the prototype only seats two! It is going to be very uncomfortable for three! And it is cold out!" The little mongoose protested.

"Well if we take out the containers we should have enough space in the rear." I said to my little brother.

"But we didn't bring camping supplies! How are we to keep from freezing?" Corbin protested.

"We will just have to keep each other warm adorably cute." The dark tan lioness said making a wry smile.

*The prototype has heated seats Mr. Mongoose.*

"I will take the front and you two can have the rear." The little beastial said.

"I would like that." The lioness said licking her chops.

(Yeah you would.)

So after our 'meal' we parked the blue coupe at the edge of a small field next to several other abandoned hover vehicles.

*Hidden in plain site. Excellent idea.* The automated assistant commented.

"It will give the prototype a chance to rest its systems which have been running nonstop since the fall." I said joining my lioness in the trunk of blue coupe while Corbin took the passenger seat.

"Good night you two. Pleasant dreams. Overwatch maximum warmth." The mongoose boy said from the passenger seat.

"So how are we going to do this?" I said to the dark tan lioness.

"You can lie on me my cutie." The reclining she beast said pulling me on top of her.

"It is a little snug, but it will do." I said within my devious person's embrace. "Sir Ram and Mara knew what they were doing when they designed this vehicle."

"Interesting. Where are the weapons stored?" The lion lady asked.

"You see those panels on either side of us?" I said to my lioness.


"In there, when needed they are loaded into the side-pods and fired on demand."

"Amazing." The she beast quipped.

"Umm hmm." I said thinking.

"Something on your mind cutie?"

"Yeah, I was thinking about the food we stole from the pantry of the Seven/Seven club."

"What about it?"

"We found out that it was spoiled. Was everything in the pantry spoiled? And if so what were they doing for food?"

"Good questions." The she beast said. "I have another one- do Others even eat?"

"And the mystery deepens." I said within my lioness' embrace.

"I got another one- it appears the possessed can communicate across distances without the need for technology." Shakara said.

"The Seven/Seven Others mentioned that my possessed friends missed me- how would they know that?"

"Alex, I was referring to the Others at the Frost's home- they knew we had been to the Seven/Seven Club and had raided it." The lion lady said.

"So what is the synoptic? Why is it possessing humans and beastials? Too what end? What is it's ultimate goal?"

(More unanswered questions.)

"I have just one more question for you my little cutie." Shakara said her red eyes staring right at me. "Have I been a good pussycat today?"

"GOOD?!" I shot back at her. "GOOD?!"

"Well mostly good." She started to say as I eyed her.

"Really, what was that stunt you pulled in the Space Museum?"

"You mean with the junior knight?"

"Yes with the junior knight! Shakara you fed him to the monster!"

"Yes I did." The dark tan lioness said. "And I would do so again in a heartbeat."

"What did I say about do no harm? You know, not being evil?"

"Alex we were in a impossible situation." The lioness said removing her jacket and throwing it to the side. "Impossible."

"Well...." I said as the she beast started removing her shirt.

"If I hadn't acted when I did you know we would have died. Do you disagree?" She said continued to disrobe this time removing her pants.

"No." I said watching her.

"I assessed our situation and made the call. It had to be Chucky. Besides he was gone anyway." The dark tan she beast said.

"But...." I stammered.

"No buts. I have come to think of you, Corbin, Corey, Dawn, Rumble and our bear as my family. You six are all I have left in this horrid, dark world. So the answer was beyond obvious. You are what keeps me going."

"DAWW!!!" I heard from the front of the blue coupe.

"Corbin you heard that?" I asked.

"Yuppers! Every word!"

My attention we redirected as the now topless lioness pulled me back on to her.

"Now my little cutie am I going to receive my Essence of Winter this evening?" She said mashing my face into her boobs.

"Um, Shakara we are in the middle of no where and if I make a big mess inside you- we have no way to um, clean up afterwards." I countered.

"Or bathrooms for that matter." The little mongoose in the front seat added.

"That is too bad because after what we have been through today I am feeling a touch of deep depression coming on with a side of futility and utter despair. I could use a big dose of well being to counter it." She said grinning broadly. "In other words, I desire to lift my tail for my male."

"You know big brother the success of our mission could drastically be impacted if we all aren't at 100%." Corbin said piling on.


"Just like The Madam you have become proficient at manipulating circumstances to your advantage." I said to the horny beastial.

"I learned from the best." My devious person said lifting my head up. She then directed my mouth to her nipples which I started to lick, suck and kiss.

As our foreplay continued she removed my jacket and then shirt, boots and pants until I was near naked like her. The only thing we had left was our underwear.

Sharkara lied back on her back in a submissive feline position. "Come here my little boy."

I complied with my lioness. I continued to suck and kiss her breasts receiving moans of pleasure from her. This went on for a little longer before she grabbed my chin and made my mouth meet hers. At which she gasped.

"Something wrong?" I asked as I started to grow hot and bothered.


(Apparently she does cares about my warrior bear too.)

"You're not with her!"

"Not to worry my lioness, I anticipated this, we have been apart before; I left her a couple days supply."

"So she will be fine?"

"As long as we aren't away for too long Shakara."

"In that case, I think we should continue lover boy."


Before I knew it I was laying on my back and she was straddling my hips looking down at me with that broad feline smile of hers.

"Hey where did my undergarments go?"

"The same place mine did you little cutie." She said grabbing my penis with both her paws and lowering herself down on it. "As I said before we will have to keep ourselves warm tonight."

"I *OAH* have no problem with that." I mumbled incoherently.

Her inner 'hand' was squeezing my shaft again. I Ioved that feeling, that sensation so so much. So yeah the world may have fallen apart, and those of us who are left are struggling to stay alive but between my bear and my lioness my nights are beyond wonderful!!!!

I was slowly beginning to appreciate the true joys of a triad and also realizing what Tauren had with Lurie and Sorren. In a way my mistress was the Tauren of our group, I was the Lurie and Shakara was the Sorren.

"So Shakara can I ask you a personal question?" A little mongoose boy said from the front of the prototype.

"Sure *AH* adorably cute *OAH* what's on your mind?"

"Since we are still getting to know each other, I was wonder how many males have you lifted that tail of yours for?"

(And just like that I am soft again.)

"Recently only my little cutie. But when I was helping Bree, it was a lot- but it was in the name of science of course."

"Really?" The mongoose said. "Only in the name of science?"

"Soft my little cutie?" Shakara said noticing that I was no longer pointing inside of her. "Let me help you with that."

She backed off my penis and moved further down my groin so she could swaddle it in-between her breasts.

"During The Madam's study I once mated with this tall, broad shoulder, hulk of a male. He was a wrestler, fighter or something like that."

"Was he a willing participant?" I asked as she continued to rub my shaft between her cleavage.

"Boy was he! A young looking face, nice frame with a square butt and very gentle. Our pairing didn't prove fruitful which was unfortunate he was quite the human specimen. I think he could have taken on several moderately sized beastials if he wanted to. I believe you are ready my cutie." The she beast said inserting my penis back inside of her.

That did the trick, as I felt the tickle I looked at my devious she beast riding up and down my shaft. As my moment approached I pulled her on top of me.

"Ah yes, you like to cuddle when the moment cums err comes."

"Hrrk!!! GAH!!!! SO GOOD!!!" I mumbled as I exploded into her.

"I FELT THAT!!! YES!!! YES!!! YES!!! OAH!!! YES!!! MY WARM HAPPY!!!" She shouted.

My lioness roared as she received her Essence Of Winter and that wonderful sense of well being she so craved. To her the planet could blow up and the universe could shatter, but as long as she could feel like this twice a day, the rest of it would work itself out and she would be ok.

"Grrr.... so warm, so silky and so so much. Please don't pull out." She whispered.

"You want to stay like this?"


"But Shakara at some point I am going to revert, you know, go soft?"

"I don't care." She responded as I wrapped my arms around her, I felt her back and that feline butt."

(What is it about the feline form that I find so appealing?!)

"Alright." I said kissing her on her forehead. She was like a soft delicate flower.

"You like holding me like that don't you? Is that because I am small enough that you can actually wrap your arms around?" She asked teasing me.

"Yeah Lady Ursa is a huge muscular tank and when I go to hug her my arms don't entirely reach; she ends up hugging me instead. Mmm this is nice."

Of course moments like this never last for long and ours not to mention the silence of the night was interrupted by rumbling.

"Another Counter Earthquake?!"

"Nope, it was just me rocking your world!" My devious person said.

"It is not that." I said removing my hand from her backside."Notice how bright it has gotten outside?!"

"Alex! Shakara!" The little mongoose boy in the front seat shouted. "You got to see this!"

Corbin folded down the driver seat of the blue coupe so that we could peer into the cockpit.

What we saw nearly stopped my heart, a huge triangular shaped craft was slowly floating about 2000 feet over our location moving off to the east.

"What.... what is that?!" Shakara said.

"Lie perfectly still Corbin, no sudden movements." I advised.

"What is that thing?!" The little mongoose gasped.

"Something that was not affected by the EMP three weeks ago." I said to my companions.

After that disturbing visit, I didn't exactly get a good night's sleep despite being within one of my female's embrace. Corbin was rattled too. Somehow Shakara was not.

The area received a light coating of snow during the night, but there wasn't any further activity. Morning came and with it the red sky.

Slowly and carefully we emerged from the trunk of the blue coupe to look around. There were some animal tracks that had gone by during the night but that was about it.

Shakara went around the other side of a abandoned hover vehicle to clean up.


"Sorry no running water around these parts." I said to her.

"Was she relieving or cleaning herself?" The little mongoose asked.

"I think the latter." I said putting on my jacket.

"Ugh! What I wouldn't give for a warm bath!" She said re-appearing.

"We better get going. I am starving." I said to her as she redressed.

We piled into the prototype- Shakara sat behind the drivers wheel. A quick systems check and we were on our way.

We traveled south and west arriving at The Madam's hideout in the woods between World One and World Two. The hour long trip went quick because we had something to preoccupy our time.

"Here is what the front mounted camera recorded this." The little boy announced.

"That thing is big." Shakara interjected. "What was it?"

"I don't know." I added.

**The craft appears to be extraterrestrial in origin Mr. Winter. It looks like it was conducting some type of reconnaissance.* *

"To what end Overwatch?" Shakara said studying the image.

*Unknown Ms. Kubari.*

Nearly a month after the known world ended, we survivors had to contend with the entity, the intendant and his forces, monsters, food/supply shortages and now a possible extraterrestrial threat.

I like professor Stern, suddenly had an incredible urge to become a home body as well.

Alex Winter January 27 YOE 34...

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 18: The Threat Of Tomorrow (Conclusion)

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire **Chapter 18: The Threat Of Tomorrow (Conclusion)** Day: 27 (8:22 AM The middle of nowhere between World One and World Two) We arrived at a one room shack in the middle of the Aard Woods. "Looks like this as...

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