Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 14: World Tour Part I

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#14 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

The residents of the lost city tried to keep themselves from going crazy after being snowed in for nearly two weeks as a fierce storm ravaged the land wiping out all survivors of the cataclysm who weren't prepared. The evening the storm finally ended, Corbin was assissting Corey and Rumble who were digging out the main entrance when the trio observed some passers by who observed them right back. Hmm...

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire Chapter 14: World Tour Part I

Day 26 (8:26 AM medical clinic)

" then I hugged Rumble shaking and trembling as I felt something enter my very being, you know like I was being possessed by a spirt or something." The snarky teen said to the lioness.

" it..." He whispered into my ear. I complied.

"Should we be lying down?" I asked him as I tossed my undergarments into a pile on the floor of the room.

"What did he say?" The leonine healer asked her patient that morning.

"Nothing he just nodded and then picked me up and took me back to our hammock. Once there he lied down on his back and pulled me to him. The next thing I knew I was resting my head on his chest, the top of his abdomen, just below his mane. The spot I like sleeping on."

"What happened next?" The lion lady asked the black haired teen.

"I looked into his yellow eyes and the snagly tooth grin of his. Rumble is this going to hurt?"

"...very much so..." He growled.

"I am excited but also very scared."

"...I am here Corey..." He said placing his massive paw on my back.

(Um, what is going on here?!) I thought to myself as I was about to enter the medical clinic that morning. I decided to to listen in a little more.

"Thanks big guy. I said hugging him."

"...I won't be the only one..." He snorted back to me.

"It was then that my transformation happened! I felt unimaginable pain! indescribable pain as my bones stretched, cracked, reformed and elongated."

"...don't resist, let it happen..." The were-creature warned.

"My frame grew a couple of sizes as I started filling out, muscles appeared on my shoulders, arms and legs and a bone sprouted from my spine forming a tail. I remember moaning and screaming in agony. Is it done yet?! I pleaded with him."

"...just beginning..." He said looking at my face.

"That was when I felt like something was pulling on my ears while remolding my face. My nose and jaw elongated into a snout as my frame, grew bigger and bigger and bigger then stopped. Please tell me this is over!!"

"...almost..." He said rubbing my back.

"That was when my skin bubbled and fur sprouted up over my entire body from face to tail and then my hands and feet reformed into paws. When that had painfully finished I felt my body tingle all over."

"That was when your claws came in?" Shakara asked her patient.

"Yeah." Corey said.

" do you feel...?"

"OW. Now I know why were-things are ALWAYS angry after emergence, that hurt a lot." I said to him.

"...usually does..." He said to me.

"Wow, it finally happened! It finally happened! I am a were!" I said looking up at him. "He started to say something but our snouts locked in a deep passionate kiss."

"...welcome..." He said to me as we snuggled. "...Corey wanted this for a long time...?"

"Yes." I said to him. "Rumble, let's roam the world, have adventures in the great out doors, sleep under the stars. Say, what color am I? I said staring at my fur."

"So what color was your fur?" Shakara asked.

(What is going on here?!)

"Grey with white highlights, but mostly grey."

"Were you as tall as your friend?" The lion lady asked.

"Naw only five and a half feet, but with a similar build."

"Well, after such a painful transformation I would have been very upset if I was anything shorter than six feet."

(Transformation?! Did he finally get his wish?!)

"Shakara it was such an intense dream- like watching something on the hub."


"I just wished it had come true."

"Why Mr. Collins?" The she beast asked as she started checking the teen's vitals.

"You beastials seem to be better equipped to survive during these harsh times."

"So you long to be someone else, something else huh?" The lioness said running her paws up and down the snarky teen's neck.

"At the very least I want to know what it is like to have fur, claws, paws, fangs and a tail."

"Much better than not." Shakara said lifting Corey's shirt off of him and running her paws down his abdomen and then his sides. "So you have been trying to make that dream of yours come true have you?"

"Hey, I live with a werewolf, what do you think?" Came that snarky reply.

"But so far you haven't succeed." The lioness said continuing the examination.

"It hasn't been for a lack of trying. I have tried everything I have seen, read and watched in werewolf lore."

"Really little cutie? Such as?"

"Well, I made Rumble bite, scratch and even kiss me."

"Kiss you?! Did you now?" The she lion said giving the human boy her undivided attention.

"I thought exchanging our saliva would trigger the transformation."

"Did it?" The she beast asked.

"No. He kept telling me it didn't work that way."

"What else have you tried Corey?"

"Well after his mating session with that wolf pack a few weeks back, I thought about his cream."

"Cream Mr. Collins?"

"You know male milk, jizz, his semen. Maybe that was the trigger." The teen said blushing.

"Corey?" Shakara asked.

"When we were cooped up during the storm, I started experimenting. We started playing Afterward, I applied some of his white stuff to my legs, and arms- topically."

"Wow that is quite extreme. Any luck?" The lioness said moving down to his legs and feet.


"I can't be sure without running tests- but it looks like your roommate is a genetic werewolf. I don't suppose you have seen him ever revert during the daytime?" Shakara said rubbing her paws on the teen's feet.


"Then chances are the only way for him to create more of his kind is through sexual reproduction. I would observe the wolves he mated with to see if any of them produce weres. If they do..."

"It means that I shouldn't have applied the white stuff topically but maybe internally?"


"If you are that desperate Mr. Collins, that could be considered one interpretation provided that your were-creature isn't just a 'one off' and can indeed make more of his kind."

At that point I had heard enough.

"Good morning Shakara." I said entering the small room. "Oh I didn't know that you were with a patient!"

"And that finishes your genital exam Mr. Collins." Shakara said feeling up his groin. "You are maturing at the proper rate- you physical development is equivalent of a sixteen year old boy which is what you are.

"Um thanks Shakara. I enjoyed our talk." Corey said sliding down of off the table. "I will consider your recommendations. Morning Alex! Bye Alex!"

"Bye Corey." I said. Just like that he was gone. "Genital check up?" I said assuming a stern tone.

"Well..." My devious person started to say.

"Shakara you just made up that exam because you wanted to feel a sixteen year old kid's privates. What ever happened to healer do no harm?! Whether you realize it or not we are all family here...." I said starting to lecture her.

"It wasn't like that." She retorted.

"Well what was it like then?"

"Corey was telling me about an intense dream he had recently coupled with a longing desire he has had. I can't go into much more of that. Healer's privilege."

"I know you just didn't do a good job of covering it up. I have been aware of Corey's obsession for some time."

"He told you?"

"Not exactly."

"You have been watching him secretly! And you lecture me about doing no harm!" She said with those red eyes locking on me.

"Hey, he came from the Grand Kingdom. I had to make sure he wasn't spying for the Intendant and his goons."

"I am came from the Grand Kingdom. I could be a spy too you know." She said grinning deviously at me.

"I don't think so, your profound sadness and grief is genuine; that doesn't seem to be an act."

"Or I could be just a good actor. I know some in the community here secretly call me the villainess."

"Possibly. But I doubt it." I said to her.

"Why is that you little cutie?" The lion lady asked me.

"Because you like bedding your human and his bear too much to betray any of us."

"Well you two do seem to care about my well being." Shakara admitted. "And the sex is fantastic."

"The best you ever had?" I said backing her into the counter. "Ever, ever, ever, ever. Ever?"

"Well...." She said smiling. "And I know you won't admit it, but you adore having another set of breasts around to grope and squeeze."

"Morning Alex, Shakara!" A little mongoose boy said as he bounced into the clinic. "Whoa! Now that is something you don't see every day! Shouldn't she be backing you into a corner?"

"It is roll reversal day." I said to my little brother. "Besides it keeps her on her paws."

"Morning adorably cute." The lion lady said to our interloper.

"Shakara that is Corbin! Cor-bin!" The little mongoose boy huffed.

"I know, I just call it as I see it." She said making that broad leonine smile of hers.

"So when are we leaving?!" Corbin asked.

"We?" I said to my little brother.

"Yes we. The snow storm has stopped, Corey and Rumble dug us out, we basically are out of everything and I am tired of being sealed in and want to go scavenging."

"Well not exactly scavenging Corbin. Shakara and I are going to check out some of the hideouts she and The Madam shared."

"Bree stored supplies while eluding the knights." The lioness said to the mongoose. "Including clothing- I am dying to get out of these overalls into something more comfortable."

(I bet you are.)

"You mean in the various cities?" He said growing excited, his tail wagging.

"Yes adorably cute." Shakara said.

"Well World Five, Three and One have been destroyed- so you are going to World Four and Two? And it is Corbin lion lady."

"Yes." Shakara said.

"Count me in!"

"Careful little brother we don't know what we are going to encounter." I said to him.

"You mean it is going to be dangerous. Like what we found in World Three?"

"Um, yeah or worse. You still are coming aren't you?"

"Yup." He said smugly. "The professor grudgingly gave her approval. The more there are the greater chance of success."

"As did Ursa." Shakara said.

"That is Lady Ursa." I said correcting the lion lady.

"Do titles really matter any more little cutie?" My lioness asked.

And so our friends gathered at the blue coupe as Shakara, Corbin and I prepared to depart on our urgent mission that morning.

"Now I want each of you to dress warmly and to look out for each other." Dawn said well, quite sternly.

"We will professor." Corbin said hugging his adoptive mother.

"Overwatch you look out for them as well." My bear knight said.

*As you wish Lady Ursa.*

"I very much want to go." My perfect person started protesting.

"But you are still in recovery mistress." I said hugging my bear.

"You need to stay here and rest, um, my bear." The lioness said mimicking me. She received equally strange looks from Lady Ursa.

"How long do you expect to be gone?" Corey asked.

"It should be just a day trip- in theory but the way things are now, you never know." I said rather bluntly.

"...prepared...?" The werewolf grumbled.

"We think so." The little mongoose said assuring the were-creature. "But you guys will have to hold down the fort until we return."

"I think Rumble and I can do an adequate job protecting the others until you come back." The teen said snarkily.

"But who is going to protect you Mr. Collins?" My fierce ursine warrior remarked.

"Right then we are off." I said sitting down in the driver's seat. Shakara shared the passenger seat with Corbin who sat in between the lioness' legs. She cuddled him under Dawn's watchful eye.

"Shakara that is not necessary- the prototype has passive restraints." The little mongoose boy said.

*Emergency Authorization Corbin Mongoose Wundagore Castle*

*Emergency Authorization Alex Winter Wundergore Castle*

"What is that all about?" Shakara asked.

"This vehicle that we are in is a former weapon of the empire." Corbin said to his seat mate.

"You mean this cute blue coupe?"

"A very powerful weapon." I said to her. "This will be the thin line between our success and failure out there."

"You mean this cute blue coupe?" She asked again.

"Yes. Now place your paw on the dashboard like Corbin and I just did."

*Emergency Authorization Shakara Kubari, Lost City*

"Welcome to a select club, Shakara." The little boy said .

"Some club- three humans, three beastials and a werewolf." The lioness in the overalls commented.

"Status?" I asked my traveling companions.

"As well as can be expected." Corbin responded. "Power supply is at max. Weapons are at the same level since after the fall."

"Weapons?!" The dark tan lioness said.

"Weapons." The little mongoose said showing the lioness the main menu on the large monitor in the center stack as we left our families, friends and our home in search of vital items we needed for our very survival.

"This vehicle was a prototype one of three that the Knights of Wundagore used for surveillance and to supplement their forces out in the field when their conventional tools and tactics weren't enough." I said to Shakara.

"So this cute blue coupe is a weapon. How interesting."

"One whose payload we have no way of restocking once they are exhausted." I said warning her as we drove toward through the south maze and its exit and then up to the surface and the forest which was still buried in three feet of snow.

"So much." Corbin said as we drove to the platform Corey and Rumble had dug out. "Snow everywhere."

*36.3 inches Mr. Mongoose.* The automated assistant announced.

"What is the temperature?"

*26 degrees under a sunny red sky. Winds are south by south east. Ms. Kubari.*

"Well we can't drive out of here." I said to my companions.

"So let's fly." The lioness said.

"Overwatch." I announced.

**Right away Mr. Winter.* *

"What gives?" The lioness asked.

"Alex never learned to pilot a hover vehicle." The little mongoose said. "Overwatch is going to take control."

Shakara watched at as the wheels folded under the blue coupe and a rear spoiler extended as we lifted off of the ground into the sky.

*Hover-mode has been engaged. Destination?*

I looked at the lioness as did the little mongoose boy.

"Belmont Avenue and Chase Road in World Five." Shakara said.


"You do realize that the city is still underwater?" Corbin said to the she beast.

"I know adorably cute. But that was where one of our supply caches was located." The leonine female said as we headed northward toward the destroyed city.

We arrived roughly five minutes after departing the lost city.

"It is still under water after a month?!" Shakara exclaimed nearly hyperventilating.

"No more like ice water thanks to the snow." I said looking around.

"It kind of looks like a milkshake." Corbin replied.

"Yeah some portions are frozen over, some still underwater. What about the Others?" I mentioned.

"Nowhere to be seen." Corbin replied as the blue coupe descended from the sky and landed on a chunk of ice about twice the size of city block.

(Perhaps even they are smart enough not to be out in all of this.)

"What is this?!" The lioness said.

*Belmont Avenue and Chase Road in World Five. Ms. Kubari*

"Flooded in ten feet of water and frozen over." Corbin said looking around.

"It looks so different." Shakara said.

"Do you know which building?" I asked.

"Give me a second... That one. I think.." The she beast said pointing.

"You mean it was at street level which is now ten feet down under the water and ice." I said looking at the massive job before us.

"I think I got that covered." Corbin said as the little mongoose reached for the far right toggle switch on the weapons console.


The copilot monitor and keyboard emerged from the glove compartment in front of him and Shakara.

"Is that what is in there?" The lioness said as Corbin started typing and accessing menus.

*Holo-projector engaged.*

"Shape of a penguin!" The little boy exclaimed.

"Shape of a what now?!" The dark tan lioness said.

*The prototype has been disguised to prevent our detection Ms. Kubari.*

"Which means it is showtime." I said accessing the weapons menu.

*Side-pods engaged*

**Flamethrower engaged.* *

"Firing now." I announced as I started melting the ice while Corbin snickered.

"What's up adorably cute?" Shakara said.

"To anyone watching right now we look like a fire breathing penguin on a ice berg!"

"Yeah I guess it does." I said as we physically made our way past the frozen water to the street. "We are at the front entrance of the building."

"That didn't take long at all. Hmm.... It looks like any typical store front." The little mongoose boy said.

The hole we made leading to the front of the building was at a 45 degree angle. Overwatch backed the blue coupe right up to the building's exterior as we got out.

"The door is frozen too." The lioness announced.

"Then I shall carve the way forward!" Corbin said enthusiastically jumping back into the passenger seat.

**Laser system engaged.* *

I moved Shakara out of the way as a beam from the right side pod cut open an entrance through the frozen door.

"Nice work." Shakara said to the mongoose boy.


"You know the drill." I said to him.

"Right big brother scan for Others. If I hear either of you two scream I am coming in weapons charged."

With that Shakara and I entered The Madam's secret hideout. As we made entry the water that had been encased within for the last month spilled out.

"Wow this place was completely flooded." The lioness said gasping.

"This was your hideout?"

"Twenty six days ago. I was lucky to get out when I did." She said to me.

"The water smells awful and we going to have dry out after this." I said as we started foraging.

Shakara opened drawers, checked closets and shelves for anything we could salvage. "It is all waterlogged and ruined." She said turning to me. "There is nothing to salvage."

We decided to check all the floors in the building. We combed the hallways in the floors above finding abandoned offices, desks and cubicles and in one section many corpses. Shakara freaked out at the site. Twelve beastials lying on the floor of a hallway.

Shakara wanted to check and make sure they were indeed deceased. After that length of time underwater they would be. I carefully looked at each as well.

"No one I knew." She said as turning a young looking male yak over.

"Or I."

(Just poor luckless souls.)

"Why were all the bodies in this one area?" I said to my lioness.

"Looked like they were trying to hide from the waters." She said to me.

"We have been through this building floor by floor and there is nothing."

"This was a office building. No one reported to work that morning except for the yak and the eleven other employees we found because the world was kinda ending." She said sarcastically.

"You mean they got washed away." I said following her back downstairs to the blue coupe.

"Anything big brother?" Corbin asked as we arrived.

"Nope what we are looking for was ruined by the flood." I said as I was about to enter the blue coupe.

"You sit with adorably cute, let me drive for awhile." The she beast said sitting down behind the steering wheel.

"Let me guess having a mongoose between your legs was making you hot and bothered." I quipped.

I joined Corbin in the passenger seat as we departed.

"Did you detect anything?" I asked as the prototype launched toward the sky.

"Remains of those who drowned." Corbin said solemnly. "We better switch disguises."

"What now?" The dark tan lioness in wet the overalls asked.

"A cloud should do for now."

"Where to next?" I asked my devious person.

"World Four." She said as we proceeded southeast.

"Brace yourself Corbin." I said hugging the little mongoose boy.

"Why is that?" Shakara asked.

"Corbin and his family lived in World Four for a time. With what happened to World Five, Three and One we are hoping for the best but expecting the worse."

It took an hour for us to reach what was left of the city. That's right what was left of it. As we flew over we realized why Capital stadium near us had signs of quake damage; World Four had been destroyed by a counter earthquake. It must have been big one or a series of big ones. Buildings were laying on their sides, on top of each other, others were split down their middles and that was what we were able to observe from the air- because the city had been buried by the recent storm that had kept us cooped up for nearly two weeks.

"This isn't going to be an easy mission boys." Shakara said to Corbin and myself as we observed the devastation.

(Yeah it looks like it going to be down right dangerous.)

"Do we have any shovels?" Corbin asked.

Alex Winter January 26 YOE 34....

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 13: The Corbin Report

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 12: Defending The Villain

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 11: Healing The Healer

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