Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 12: Defending The Villain

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#12 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Lady Ursa took in Shakara Kubari offering the former minion of The Madam a place to stay. During the night, Alex discovered that the lioness was racked with despair, depression and guilt over her friend's demise. He did his best to help her through her loss, that was before Shakara decided to help herself using her re-found acquaintance she had met so many years ago to self medicate... well a lot.

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 12: Defending The Villain

Day 13 (ATF)

After waking up halfway through the night to comfort a despondent lioness, morning came too soon. I was awakened by a soft paw to my head as my perfect person attempted to get me to stir.

"I am asleep." I whispered to my bear stretching out within her grasp.

"Sure you are." My she beast said. "The only one who is asleep right now is her."

"Well that's understandable she had a rough evening and night. I found her on the roof of the central building mistress. I think she was contemplating jumping."

"You talked her down pet?"

"Yes. I tried to make her realize that her death wouldn't change what has already happened. That was when she thought about turning herself in to ONE."

"Not even a remote option in the slightest!"

"Agreed mistress. It took some time to talk her out of that as well."

"But you did Alex?"

"I did." I said as a lioness snuggled my chest. "She realized that we, well specifically me could help her through her depression."

"So you convinced her to stay pet?"

"Actually, she convinced herself to stay." I said to my warrior bear.

"Her healing knowledge will be invaluable to all of us." My she beast said. "Anyway we should get moving- the professor has a meeting at 8:30."

"I like to mistress, but I am being lied on right now."

"You can roll to your right then pet."

"Negative. She is holding my genitals- rather tightly." I announced.

It took some doing and coaxing but my warrior bear was able to free me from the lioness' clutches. We both decided to let Shakara sleep a little longer while we headed to the central building to bathe.

"Your scent is all over this building Alex. That must have been some heart to heart."

"Well, I did show her around especially the medical clinic. She was more interested in closets though."

"So she remembered who you are?" My warrior bear asked me as we entered the building and made our way to the washrooms.

"Boy did she. She believes that she will recover if she self medicates."

We found the washroom empty this time of morning. Removing our clothing we stepped into one of the shower stalls while my she beast pondered what I had said.

"Medicates with what?"

"A daily dosage, well rather two." I said looking at my bear.

"Of what Alex?"


"So she sexed you this morning did she?"

I nodded. "Repeatedly. She wants my Essence of Winter twice a day. She feels that it will help her with her misery and depression."

"Well you do have that effect pet." My she beast said as she started lathering my legs. groin, bottom and back.

"You mean you approve?" I said surprised as the bear moved to my chest and neck.

"Yes, like when I took you in. She will need support, love and affection."

"You are taking this awfully well." I said to the female beastial who was bathing me.

"I am going to try, we will be living with and sharing our lives with accessory to a wanted criminal of the former empire."

"I know, that you and the other knights were after The Madam for quite some time but what about Shakara?" I asked as my she beast finished soaping me.

"We wanted her as well, but not as much as the skunk lady." Lady Ursa said turning her back to me.

(Murr!!! There is that huge back with the broad shoulders!! Yum!!!)

I then started soaping her magnificent form starting with her neck and working my way down, all the way down.

"So what did the Knight's files say about Shakara?"

"That she was the best friend of The Madam, a trained and gifted biologist, but quite unconventional." My bear said as I lathered the area just underneath her tail.

"Unconventional how?"

"She plays fast and loose with science almost to the point of lacking empathy. She is clever, cunning and devious." My bear said turning around so I could wash her front.

"She is not evil is she?"

(Like another beastial scientist I know.)

"No pet. The term that I would say applies to her is shady."

"So we will just have to keep her in line."

"If you can Alex." My bear lover said as we started to douse ourselves.

As we were drying, Corbin and the professor walked into the washroom.

"Morning." Corbin yawned.

"Morning yourself." I said greeting my little brother and my sister's doppelgänger.

"Where's our guest?" Dawn asked.

"Sleeping comfortably at the moment." My bear knight said. "We think."

"Well, I want her to attend the meeting this morning." The archeologist said as she helped Corbin into the shower stall.

"The professor wants to help her get acclimated." The little beastial said as he and his adoptive mother disrobed.

"I do love a morning shower. It is most relaxing! Well semi shower anyway." Dawn said kneeling to lather the little mongoose.

"Morning, ulp!" Corey said walking into the washroom. "I didn't know everyone was in here!"

The teen was followed by a familiar were-creature.

"Morning Corey, Rumble." We said in unison.

"Um hey what is that white stuff on your legs and arms?" Corbin asked as Dawn transformed him from a mongoose to a small pile of soap foam.

There was a extremely pregnant pause as the black haired teen turned red and Rumble started doing that thing with his paw fingers.

"I think Rumble had a little accident." Corey responded abruptly.

"" The werewolf growled.

"Anyway, I was thinking what we have here now is kind of nice in a ancient - lost city kind of way but we need more." The teen said removing Rumble's loin cloth and ushering him into another shower stall.

"In what way?" I asked as Lady Ursa and I reclothed and were preparing to leave.

"This is our home right? Why not make it a little more comfortable?" The teen asked.

"It is a washroom Corey- we bath ourselves here." Corbin said as he started soaping up Dawn.

"What about a relaxing pool, something to just lounge in?" He said disrobing.

"You mean like a hot tub?" I asked.

"What's a hot tub pet?" My she beast asked.

"It is a soaking pool for unwinding after a long day- you can bathe in or lounge in it." I said.

"A spa." Corey said. "I have been looking around, I think we have enough materials to build one right here."

"Let's talk about it at the meeting." My she beast said. "We will leave you to get clean."

"Yeah we have to wake a sleeping lioness." I said.

We departed to let our friends bathe. I was snickering loudly as we left the central building on our way back to my bear's lair.

"Something wrong pet?"

"You saw those um, stains on Corey's arms and legs right?" I asked my bear knight.

"Yes Alex."

"I think that was were-creature jizz- our teen was hoping to wash that off before any of noticed." I said. "You noticed how surprised he was to see us in the wash room at the same time."

"Actually pet I was amused that you were staring at Ms. Stern while she and Corbin were bathing." My she beast said placing her paw on my shoulder.

"It is amazing how much she looks like my sister. Even 'down there.' I said as we returned to her lair where we found our dark tan lioness still sound asleep.

"Not a morning person is she?" Lady Ursa said.

"Shakara... It is time to get up." I said rubbing the leonine female on her head.

"But it is still dark out." She said rolling over.

"We live below ground, it is always dark out." Lady Ursa said crossing her arms.

"How are you feeling?" I asked petting her.

"Tired." The she beast responded.

"That happens when you are up late at night. Come on, get up- it is a new day. Your new day."

Gingerly she rolled out of bed and onto the floor of our room.

"Definitely not a morning person." Lady Ursa commented.

"Where's my Essence of Winter?" Shakara moaned.

"You received several doses early this morning." My warrior bear said non-judgmentally.

"The first two doses are free. The rest have to be earned." I said helping her up. "Now get dressed we have a meeting!"

"Meeting? When?"

"Soon!" My bear said pushing the groggy dark tan lioness from the bedroom into great room.

"UGH! I forgot how modest this place is." She said staring at the table and chairs.

"The accommodations are small, but here you are not an indentured servant." My warrior bear said. "Now get dressed!"

"Still seems like it!" The dark tan beastial protested.

"Mistress she only has that robe she came with and that small white shirt and brown pants." I interjected.

"She is my height but has a much smaller frame." My warrior bear observed.

"Looks like we need to go shopping." The leonine female said.

"Yeah, we will get right on it, I guess what you wore will have to do." I said to her.

It took some prodding by the groggy lioness got dressed in what she was wearing when she came to our community and followed us over to the professor's house next door in time for the morning meeting.

"Wow, just as quaint." The lioness said looking around. "A great-room, study and bedroom and lots of books.

"The professor is an avid researcher, studier and knowledge seeker." The little mongoose boy said greeting the lioness. "And a bit of a slob."

"So what is this?" Shakara said as Corbin poured her a bowl of gravy like substance.

"Something special for your first day away from the Grand Kingdom- stew."

"And it is hot! Why thank you, adorably cute." The lioness said.

"Thanks, but you can call me Corbin."

Shakara devoured her breakfast as the Dawn, Corey and Rumble entered and took their seats at the table she was eating at. Well most did, Rumble sat on the floor of the room.

"Well, good morning everyone." The professor said.

"We are back to good?" The snarky teen said.

"Yup, thanks to you, Rumble, Alex and Corbin we have some more supplies to keep us going for the next couple of days." Dawn said.

"I think it would be prudent to continue shoring up our supplies Ms. Stern." My warrior bear said. "I feel something big is coming."

"You mean you can tell?" Corey asked my brown bear.

"She knows, she lived in the forest for a time... you know like a bear?" I said to the snarky teen.

"...she is right..." Rumble grumbled.

"Well it has been a mild winter so far. I guess we are overdue. Anyway, I wanted to extend a hearty welcome to Kara, the newest member of our community." Dawn said.

"Yes I heard she made quite the entrance yesterday." Corey said as we all stared at the lioness.

"She will be working with Alex in medical clinic. Kara, why don't you reintroduce yourself?" Ms. Stern said.

"Wow, I still can't believe there is only six of you." The lioness said as all eyes fell on her. "Hi I am Kara former prisoner of the Grand Kingdom where I worked as a healer since being captured. I am originally from World Two and am a biologist by training." The she beast said standing up greeting everyone.

"AND?" Lady Ursa said placing her elbows on the table and clasping her hands.

"I have lived all over the five cities of the previous empire." Kara continued.

"AND?" My perfect person said staring her down.

"While pursuing my craft." The lioness said.

"So you moved around a lot?" The little mongoose boy asked.


"Or was it because you were being pursued?!" My bear knight interjected.

"The last few years I have been working on several special research projects." Kara said beginning again.

"Anything we might have heard about?" Dawn asked.

"I was working with a research outfit on modified sexual reproduction."

"AND?" My fierce ursine warrior said starting right back up again.

"To create life forms that were both human and beastial- dual species." Kara said.

"I heard about that." Corey said. "There was some wack-ball iconoclastic scientist who was trying to make hybrids."

"Yes and she was labeled a heretic, a rouge and was being hunted by the knight core." Dawn said thinking back.

"Yeah she would seek volunteers to experiment on at undisclosed locations." Corey said. "Wasn't the scientist a skunk?"

"Yeah and I remember the hub news said she had many assistants." Corbin said thinking.

"One of them was a lioness." Lady Ursa said.

Silence fell across the room as Dawn, Corey and Corbin looked at Kara.

"So you worked with HER?" Dawn said.

"Bree was my best friend and oh, my real name is Shakara."

"She went by Kara while in hiding." My she beast said.

"But Shakara dear your work put you in direct opposition with the High Evolutionary." Dawn said. "Why would you want to do something like that?"

"Because we felt he was wrong. After our 'awakening' Bree and I saw the inequality between humans and beastials and how humans were being treated. Instead of joining the rebellion we decided to do something about it."

"You mean work within the system for change?" I said goading her.

"Protest?" Corey asked.

"No bring about change through the sciences." Shakara said.

"She became a rebel scientist." My she beast said.

"If the dual species project had been successful, it would have broken the first class and second class label distinctions in the empire." The lioness said. "But that project had mixed results."

"...doesn't matter anymore..." The were-creature grumbled.

"I suppose it doesn't The Madam is gone." The lioness said.

"What he means is that the empire no longer exists and survival is all that matters now." Corey added. "But for what it is worth welcome to our family. Should we call you the villainess or minion of the villainess?"

"Shakara will do boy."

"She will need us to keep her in line if she starts to stray." I said as that lioness' mischievous grin widened.

"So we can give her lots of hugs and kisses to remind her not to be evil." Corbin teased.

"Looks like we now have a healer and a medic." Corey said.

"That is true but there are so many other positions that need to be filled." The professor added. "We need a full time food preparer and cleaners. We could also use teachers, someone to maintain the hover vehicle and more scientists, researchers and definitely more protectors and defenders."

What Dawn was saying was that our community needed a community to run.

"You mean despite the known world ending- Corbin and I still need an education." The snarky teen replied.

"Well actually, you Corbin and Rumble." Dawn said looking at the werewolf who gave her a curious glance.

"Dawn and I can handle food preparation for now." My she beast said.

"I guess I can take care of cleaning and maintenance." The little mongoose boy said.

"Rumble and I will handle food acquisition." The teen said. "With a little help from our beastial knight."

"Shakara and I will take care of medical and supply acquisition." I added.

"Rumble and I can also take care of defense." My warrior bear said. "But we need more."

"It would be a good idea for one of you two to always be on site in case the unthinkable happens." The professor said.

Still I could see what Dawn was getting at there were just a lot of gaps and holes that needed to be covered in fledgling community.

"So are we done here?" Shakara asked.

"...just beginning..."

"We all have been so busy trying to keep this place from collapsing we haven't taken time to reflect on the last two weeks." I said.

"And you want to now?!" The lioness asked.

"I think we need to." I said taking her paw. "I think you need to as well."

"Who wants to go first?" The professor asked.

"I guess I will go. A few days ago I discovered that a friend of mine died. Since the fall I have wondered about her and several of my colleagues I had worked with in the past. On a recent mission I discovered her remains."

"I am sorry big brother." Corbin said hugging me.

"How long did you know her?" Corey asked.

"Only a few months but we shared some adventures together and it appeared that she was becoming romantically involved with another of my colleagues. I wonder if he survived?"

"Thanks Alex. Does anyone else want to share?" Dawn asked.

"I guess, I will go next." My fierce ursine warrior volunteered. "I have lost several dear friends and warriors since the day of the fall starting with my best friend and then my superior. It has been quite hard not knowing if the rest survived or have fallen as well."

"We know you were looking for them momma bear." Corbin said.

"Without success little one." My bear said to the little mongoose boy.

"That is tough, they could be be dead, Others or still out there in all this, like my old man." Corey said.

"Do you miss him?" I asked the snarky teen.

"Sometimes." Corey replied.

So for the next hour or so, the six of us talked about our feelings of loss and despair. Corbin talked about missing his parents and relatives. Shakara her grief and loss of her best friend. Rumble mentioned that he was glad to be free from that lab, but was finding it difficult to transition from an lab experiment into a beastial. He had no recollection of his life before the lab. Something Shakara thought was interesting.

"Anyone else like to share with the group?" Dawn asked.

"I do. What exactly is the leadership structure here?" Shakara asked. "Who speaks for everyone?"

"Well we don't exactly have a leader per say." Dawn said.

"Professor Stern and I. We try to make the best decisions for our survival." Lady Ursa said as her fur bristled. Rumbles did also, as did Shakara's and Corbin's. "Not everyone likes what we have to say but it is for the greater good."

"Something wrong?" I asked the lioness, bear and mongoose.

"Winter is here." Corbin said.

"We are in winter." Corey said.

"No the real winter." The lioness said.

"Meeting ended we need to prepare now." My she beast said.

Corey and Rumble left to go hunting. Dawn, Corbin and my mistress decided to check on our food and water while Shakara and I went to check on our medical supplies.

"Pitifully small." The she beast commented looking at what we had in the medical clinic.

"Sorry but it is what we have."

"Well, I know where we can get more."

"Really Shakara?"

"Yes, Bree had several storage caches where she left supplies. Next chance we get we should stock up since we will be concerning ourselves with the wellness of the others."

"That is true." I said as the lioness backed me into a corner of the closet. "And you will be concerned will mine."

"And that of my other female." I said placing my forehead on hers.

"I was thinking about that too." She said smirking.

"Okaaaay." I replied looking her in the eye.

"You said that your semen has some type of healing properties, right little cutie?"

"In a way, it relieves the symptoms of Lady Ursa's degenerative condition so that she can continue to function however the underlying condition still remains. But in terms of her withdrawal symptoms from ONE it just doesn't seem to be working."

"Or the dosage is TOO low." The devious she beast said to me.

"Too low? I didn't think about that." I said to the lioness.

"Her treatment regimen should be equal to mine- twice a day." Shakara said grinning widely. "Are you up to that little cutie?"

"I have a feeling I will be walking funny for the next few weeks."

"Or the rest of your life." Shakara said squeezing my butt.

(And will never ever, ever have to masturbate again.)

"Yeah, I think so." I said blushing.

"Good. I will be expecting compensation for my services later." The lioness rumbled.

"Speaking of compensation villainess..." I started say.

That evening the forest was hit with the first winter storm of the season, howling wind, blinding snow and a lot of the white stuff. The seven of us watched from the exit of the south maze.

"Looks like we are going to be snowed in for awhile." I said trading glances with my perfect person.

"Indeed." She responded.

"Don't worry I think the three of us can find some way to pass the time my devious person responded."

"Well if the rest of you need something to do you could always help me with my research." Dawn said.

"Actually, I think now would be a good time to start on that relaxing pool I was talking about." Corey said.

"Um, can I help?" The little mongoose boy asked as he followed the dark haired teen.

"Alone again." The archeologist said.

"...I can help..." The were-creature said offering his services.

"Why thank you Rumble dear. Those huge paws of yours would be great for carrying things."

"...'s go..."

"So did you and Shakara work out your differences pet?" My she beast asked as we started to follow Dawn, Rumble, Corey, Corbin and Shakara back to the lost city.

"Actually we did. She kind of expressed remorse (for her) for what happened the day we met in the World One Museum and I forgave her for sexing me against my will. The truth is, it pales in comparison to everything else that happened afterwards the alien abduction, Ember, the forgotten outpost, Bertha and Spirit, world fall."

"I sense there is a condition though." Lady Ursa said crossing her arms.

"Yes mistress. She decided to compensate me."

"How so Alex?"

"I get to touch her butt, breasts, genitals or any part of her anatomy anytime I want, for however long I want any place I want."

"That is quite a generous offer Alex." Lady Ursa said. "Just make sure it is in our lair pet and under my supervision."

"Wow. You are taking this quite well."

"It is a symbiotic relationship we need her as much as she needs us. That is all there is to it." My she beast said as I received a wry smile from the lioness in front of me.

(I think she overheard us.)

Despite these horrifying dark times, I now had a triad. I would be sharing my bed with two beastial females. Something told me that I wouldn't have trouble sleeping at night- ever again.

Alex Winter January 13 YOE 34....

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