Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 13: The Corbin Report

Story by Worlds Apart on SoFurry

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#13 of Counter Earth Chronicles: Fallen Empire

Last Chapter:

Shakara under the prodding of Lady Ursa came clean to her new friends and family about who she really was and what she really did, they in return vowed to keep the former minion in line. The meeting was cut short however, as the beastials of the group sensed that a nasty storm was approaching. That evening as the residents of the lost city observed the approach of the snow-apocalypse, Alex admitted to his mistress that Shakara had apologized for um, sexing him against his will in a most unusual way. To his shock, Lady Ursa approved....

Counter Earth Chronicles - Fallen Empire

Chapter 13: The Corbin Report

Day 24 (ATF)



Ok how should I begin this? It wasn't the best of times, it wasn't even the greatest of times. No, that ain't it.



It was the worstest of times, yeah that is it... I think.



"Corbin what are you doing?"

"I am working on that writing assignment Alex gave me professor!"

"What writing assignment Corbin dear?" The 23 year old blond archeologist said emerging from our bedroom wearing nothing but and a bed sheet to cover up her naked skin which was exposed to the night air of our house.

(Naw, that is too descriptive.)

"With all the free time we have had lately, Alex started teaching me how to write at length. He said that it was a great way to learn about grammar, punctuation, diction, observation and personal reflection." I said to her slightly annoyed to have my thought process interrupted.

"Okay sweetie. Don't stay up to late- you are a growing mongoose and need your rest." Dawn said to me.

"And I need my little boy to snuggle."

"Kay!" I said as I started over.

Okay, okay, I think I have it! It had been eleven days since the snow storm hit. Alex, Corey, Dawn, momma bear, Rumble, Shakara and I had been stuck underground as the storm raged outside. The exit to the southern maze was buried by untold amounts of snow. Our supplies were criticaly low and everyone was annoyed by the rationing of food. But it was either that or go hungry since we did not know when the storm was going to end.

Then there was the massive boredom with all the free time everyone had. At first we played games to pass the time. You haven't lived until you played hide and seek with Rumble. Then we talked. When we grew tired of that we started cleaning. Not just our houses, but all of the houses in the lost city we could find and even the central building until it was spotless.

Corey also started working on the relaxation pool project in the wash rooms. He found out that that project wasn't turning out as he had hoped.

Big brother suggested I start keeping a journal to reflect on my thoughts and feelings. He said at the very least it will help me learn how to write effectively and think logically. So I have decided to do so since there hasn't been much to do around here since winter finally reared its ugly head.

I had thought that we had been soooo lucky in December and the first half of this month. Well then again not so lucky, the known world changed almost overnight but with the exception of the red sky, the weather had been nice. That was until the snow storm hit eleven days ago. The winds were fierce and howling, the snow was blowing and drifting and visibility, well there wasn't any. A decision was made that no one from our group was allowed outside for any reason- it was just two dangerous. Momma bear said that she had only seen weather this fierce on the other side of the planet where she and Alex wound up during their unexpected long vacation. So all of us have been trying to keep ourselves from going crazy being trapped here in the lost city for the last week and a half.

Wait, I better continue this elsewhere. My guardian doesn't like it when I am up past my bedtime...

"Mmm.... thank you for this award for the greatest discovery in archeology!" The blond human said purring like a cat in her sleep. "I had to keep this a secret for quite some time especially during the fall but I am finally glad to be able to announce this to the planet! Well what it is left of it anyway."


"OW!! Professor! I am trying to write here!"

"Perhaps you shouldn't try to write in bed Corbin sweetie." My adoptive mother said snuggling me again. "It is for sleeping and other things."

"I would try using the table in the study but it is piled high with your stuff!" I pouted.

"I am sorry sweetie. You know I love you very, very much...ZZZ." She said pulling me next to her.

"I love you too professor." I responded within her snuggle.

Professor Stern can be flakey at times, wait, wait, who am I kidding! She is an out right ditz! But a very kind one. I consider her my ditz. After I lost my parents I lived with momma bear and big brother for a while. It was actually fun. But both of them were concerned about my health and well being. Alex told me that they lived dangerous lives and they didn't want me to get sucked up into all that. They wanted me to live somewhere safe away from the chaos that was surrounding them and the empire. I was upset about that at the time, but it did end up working out.

That is how I met the professor, she stepped in and adopted me. I worked as her assistant at this archeological site which ultimately became our home after the fall. Despite being young herself, we sleep together in the same bed and she enjoys cuddling me like some type of plush doll. It did seem disturbing at first but then when I realized that she was extremely single- maybe it is because she works too much or that her chest isn't as big as the other females in our group. Who am I kidding! It might as well be flat! That is something I think she is self conscious about all though she tries to hide it.

"Corbin honey are you ok? You seem to be scribbling a lot." Dawn said stirring.

"I just writing down my thoughts professor."

"Can I read it?" She mumbled.

"Professor, I think these things are supposed to be private."

"Oh, I see. Like a little report on your life." She said rolling over.

There she is being over protective of me. But then again, I think everyone in our group is. Well, bedtime. I will continue this later.

Day 25

"Good morning sweetie, it is another bright new day!" Dawn said quite cheerfully.

"Professor we have been hiding underground from all sorts of threats, dangers and now a snow storm for over four weeks. The only light down here is from what we create ourselves and it isn't that bright."

"Yes sweetie but we are alive and together; we didn't die during the collapse of the empire or become monster food." She said.

"So every day above ground is a good day huh?"

"You are so funny!" She said snuggling me.


She coaxed me out of bed, out the door of our home to the central building. From there we went to the showers in the washrooms on the first floor. As we entered we noticed something different.

"That doorway between the washrooms wasn't there before was it?" Dawn asked me.

"No professor it looks like Corey is making head way on his project."

"It certainly is taking shape." She said as we curiously peeked through the doorway. "I think Corey wants it to be more than a relaxing pond where we can socialize and forget about our troubles."

"I can't wait until it's finished!"

The professor and I headed to the showers to bathe.

"So do you have anything planned today?"

"Well, I was thinking about translating some more records I found. I was hoping to get a better idea of what life around here was like for the last inhabitants." She said after we removed our clothing and entered the shower stall.

"You have been doing that for the longest time!" I pouted.

"Why? What did you have in mind Corbin?" She asked as she started soaping me.

"More tactical training. You have improved since the night we rescued Shakara, but you still need to brush up on a few things."

"Ok sweetie if I have time." She said as her fingers combed through my fur.

"I think you will, professor. I know you will."

"Says my little mound of soap foam." She said laughing.

"You know, you are next now kneel." I said grinning.

Since Dawn is taller than me, in order to bathe her, she has to crouch so I can get to her areas, including that flat-ish chest of hers.

"Remember we have some meetings this morning." She said reminding me.

"Yeah I guess so."

We soon doused ourselves and exited the stall to start drying off.

"What do you want for breakfast this morning Corbin?" She asked drying my legs, tail and what was under my tail.

"Aren't you getting a little too personal there?"

"I wanted to make sure that you completely dry all over." She said as she moved to my front.

When she drys my privates it is always so embarrassing. But oddly she doesn't mind when I dry off hers.

"Something besides dried fruit. How about some real food? I mean that stew we were saving! You know the last of it!"

"Hmm?" Dawn said as if she were in a daze.

(She is such a flake.)

"You wanted to know what I felt like for breakfast. How about some stew?"

"That sounds like a good idea Corbin let's go!" She said placing our towels back on the rack.

"Um professor, maybe you should get dressed first."

(And a ditz.)

After our communal shower, we returned to our home.

"Just a minute Corbin let me clean off the table."

"Don't forget the chairs, the floor and the area behind the doorway as well professor or no one else will have a place to sit." I reminded her.

It took some doing, but she managed to clear the area just as everyone else was arriving.

"Corey, Rumble good morning." Dawn said answering our door. "You look bored."

Rumble walked in and started pacing back and forth back and forth.

"What is with him?" I asked.

"He has been cooped up too long. He prefers to be outside." The teen said.

"Well please calm yourself Rumble dear the snow will have to stop sometime, we can't be stuck below ground forever." Dawn said to our guests.

"...hope so..."

"So Corbin whatcha eating?" Corey said peering over my shoulder.

"The rest of the stew. Want some?"

"That would be outstanding." He said to me. "No more dried fruit!"

"Rumble?" I asked the werewolf.


That answer received a stern look from his roommate.


"I have been teaching him manners." The teenager said.

Corey Collins is a relative new comer to the lost city. He is the second youngest of our group despite only being three years older than me. Alex and I befriended him at the Intendant's compound. He introduced us to Rumble who may look fearsome and scary at first but he like Corey is really kind in a aloof way.

Rumble has been trying to assimilate into our community, but has been having difficulty transforming from something feral to something not. But Corey is by his side helping him. Me on occasion too.

Alex, momma bear and Shakara were the last to arrive for our meeting.

"Good morning madam Ursa, Alex, Shakara." The professor said greeting them at our door.

"Good morning." Alex said greeting everyone. "I hope everyone is happy and healthy."

"Not really." Corey said looking up from his bowl of stew.

"What seems to be the problem?" My big brother asked while momma bear and the lion lady looked on.

"I am suffering from a bad case of winter blues punctuated by boredom."

Alex smiled thinking it was something far more serious before he said- "You just need to find some way to keep yourself busy Corey like a side project?"

"I seem to recall you were working on one for all of us Mr. Collins how is that coming?" Momma bear asked raising an eyebrow.

(I always think it is funny when she does that!)

"Um... it is coming along. Almost there. Sorta." Corey said to the inquisitive beastial female.

"...hasn't finished..." Rumble said looking up from his bowl.

"Who asked you?" Corey said growling at the wolf.

"I am also interested in this little project of yours." Shakara said. "A relaxation pool would be a rather nice way to soak and meditate. We could all benefit from that."

"Riiiight, you are just looking for an excuse to go skinny dipping." Momma bear said grumbling at the lion lady.

"Guilty." She said.

I have known momma bear and big brother Alex much longer than I have Dawn or the others. In fact they looked after me while I was trying to find new guardians. I grew very close to the both of them and missed the both of them after I moved away. Despite the circumstances now, it is beyond wonderful that they are living right next door to me and the professor.

The newest member of our community is Shakara. I consider myself a good judge of character but I am having trouble reading her. A lot of trouble. She was the right paw of a heretic scientist trying to fight against the empire but became lost after her friend perished. She has been living with momma bear and Alex who are trying to help her out of her depression ever since.

We have also have had group discussions where we talk about our feelings with what has been happening. She doesn't seem to be evil and or completely good either but somewhere in the middle. I myself think she is mysterious and shady. Big brother told me that he had encountered her once before and she did some things to him that she is still compensating him for to this day- I bet. That might explain why Alex seems worn out all the time. I also notice that he seems to be walking funny too.

"So any new business?" Dawn asked opening the meeting.

"Yeah, there is a storm outside that has been raging for days and doesn't want to give up." The teen said.

"...Corey is restless..."

"You just need to finish your project." The professor said.

"What is the status of our food supply?" Momma bear asked.

"Low." My big brother said. "If that storm doesn't abate soon, we will have problems."

"So we are going to need to start hunting then." Dawn said.

"We are going to have to dig out first. All the exits are buried under piles of snow." I volunteered.

"We should make that our first priority." Mr. Collins volunteered as he received stares from the group. "After I finish the upgrades to the washrooms."

"What is the status on the water supply?" The professor asked.

"Still clean and clear though the pressure is a bit low." Momma bear said. "I am surprised it is still flowing despite the storm."

"With everything going on above ground how is it that we are not freezing down here?" The lion lady asked.

"We aren't entirely sure about that or the ventilation." I said. "I just think the builders, built this place quite well."

"Any other items?" Dawn said directing the meeting again.

"Yes I have one. Clothing. What is being done about that?" Shakara asked. "I am in need of a change my robe is the only thing I have to wear."

"Well you are in luck. We did manage to find you a change of clothes while cleaning the city." Alex announced.

"You did?!" The lion lady asked.

"We did." Momma bear said giving the lioness something that was folded several times over.

"OVERALLS?!" Shakara said as she unfolded her gift. That is the least sexy item of clothing anyone, anywhere can wear!!!"

"Precisely!!" Alex and momma bear said in unison.

"Any other items?" The professor asked as we heard the wind howl. "I know winter has everyone down. I just think we need to keep busy."

"Well I guess Shakara and I could help you with your project Corey." Alex said.

"We can?" The lion lady asked.

"We can." Big brother said.

"Rumble, let's continue your training." Momma bear said to the werewolf.

The wolf nodded.

"That is the spirit everyone." Dawn said cheerfully. "Meeting adjourned."

"Not so fast, you have tactical training." I said to her.

"Sure Corbin. Let's get started."

And so....

*Emergency Authorization for Dawn Stern Wundagore Castle*

"No, Overwatch- let's just make it for the lost city." I said to the computer inside the blue coupe.

*As you wish Mr. Mongoose.*

"So how do you make that computer and keyboard emerge from the glove box?" Dawn said feeling up the dashboard from the passenger seat.

"Do you see the three toggle switches on the weapon's console?"


"Press the one on the far right."


"Wow." The professor said as the monitor and key board emerged and extended toward her. "This is quite a sophisticated vehicle. But wait, if that is in there, where do you store gloves?"

(Such a flake.)

*There is always the trunk Ms. Stern.*

"So now what?"

"Professor access the subdirectory and deploy the probe, but don't launch it."

*Surveillance probe engaged.*

"Now you should be able to scan everything around us for the radius of a mile."

"Corbin what are these blips?"

"Those three here are Alex, Shakara and Corey in the central building."

"And those two near the eastern maze?"

"Hmm... probably momma bear and our werewolf sparing. Take a look at what is going on above ground."

"Ok sweetie. I don't see anything in the forest Corbin."

"With the probe still docked we are able to scan the immediate vicinity professor. Now if you launch it you can view the city."

"Launching. Wow this is really unique! I can see everything even us!!! Hiiiii!!! I am waving at myself!!!"

(And a ditz...)

"Professor gently maneuver the probe toward Lady Ursa and Rumble." I said to my trainee. "Now increase the volume."

"Now for today's lesson I want you to come at me using about half your strength and speed Rumble."

The were-creature charged at momma bear attempting to claw and slash her- she ducked, dodged and evaded each of the attacks. Until the were-creature was out of breath.


"Clear your mind from all thought and watch your opponent's stance and movements. This will give you insight into their next move. Alex taught me that one. "Your turn dodge my attacks if you can."

Momma bear proceeded to gouge and slash the were-creature who watched her movements and dodged, ducked and evaded her attacks.

_"Very good Rumble you are a very fast learner. Say have you ever used a weapon besides fang and claw?" _


"Consider this your introduction then- they offer some advantages. Such as versatility and range. Now this may look like a long stick I am holding here but as of now it is my weapon- a bow staff. See how it increases my attack sphere so I can reach you here and here and even here?" Momma bear said tapping Rumble on his head, chest and groin.

"...before you couldn't..."

"Very good Rumble. In confrontations especially in these times look for an advantage out-think, out-smart and outlast your opponent. Do you understand?"

"...yes..." The were-creature said.

"It looks like some intense training happening there Corbin are they planning for some type of invasion?"

"Momma bear thinks that it is an only a matter of time." I said to Dawn. "Especially given our particular situation."

"Well, we do have some advantages that would cause our enemies to think twice Corbin.

"You mean the prototype? It would be better if we had the other two as well. It would make this place easier to defend. Say what are you doing?" I said as she started typing on the keyboard.

"Let's check up on Corey, Alex and Shakara." Dawn said maneuvering the probe to the central building.

"Professor, careful!" I warned her as she navigated it through the entrance, the hallway and into the washrooms.

"Yes Corbin very sensitive surveillance equipment. I get it, I think."

"This is very hard and tiring!" We heard a lioness complain.

"Afraid of a little work my lioness?" Big brother said to the lion lady.

"I just didn't know the project was going to be so difficult!"

"Quit whining we are almost done." Corey said to her. "We just need to pretty it up and then fill it in."

"Good so we can take a break then!" Shakara said making a broad smile.

"I hope that lackadaisical attitude doesn't cary over to your beside manner otherwise we are all doomed." Corey said making a sarcastic remark.

"Trust me dear boy, I have been told my bedside manner is fantastic."

"Shakara innuendos aside could I ask you a personal question?" Corey said walking up to her.

"How personal little human?"

"You are one of those original beastials right?"

"I am."

"Do you remember any of your life before you became sentient?"

"I do." Shakara said abruptly.

"Are you going to give us any details?" Alex asked the female.

"We don't mean to pry, we are just curious." Corey added.

"I lived on the plains far, far, far to the west. I was part of a small pride of lions consisting of four others and myself. My pride was led by two adolescent males Fang and Claw twins who left their parents to form their own group. They were joined by their playmates Lita, Kita and myself. We were a close knit group traveling, hunting in the plains for a time. Eventually the two brothers decided to select mates to breed with and be mated to. I as well as the other two females of my group had hoped to be chosen. I mean the twins were total studs- thick long manes, tawny tan fur, beautiful muscular bodies. I mean who wouldn't want to lay down next to that every night? But that also meant that one of us wouldn't be selected. Well guess what happened?

_The two stud brothers chose Lita and Kita; I was the runner up. I don't know if I was more upset that I wouldn't breed with one of the hunky males or that I was rejected. I expressed my disappointment and outrage for some time, well, the next four days until I was kicked out of the pride. _

I wandered on my own for the better part of a week before I met another of my kind. This lion looked quite odd in that he was walking up right on two legs! He motioned me to come with him. He said that he would take care of me and make my life better by making me like him. I was so upset with what had happened that I took him up on his offer. I went through a series of experiments- some quite painful. The last one turned me into a beastial making me sentient. As I emerged from his lab that day I realized what he was saying in full totality."

"So did you hook up with him?" The teen asked.

"No, he was married to his work transforming the wildlife into beastials for some new overload who had risen to power in the east." Shakara said ending her story.

"Thank you for sharing, I think I understand you a little better." Big brother said.

"Do you now little cutie?"

"Um, we should get back to work." Alex said shrugging off her advances.

"Wow, I didn't know that about the lion lady." I said to Dawn. My statement fell on deaf ears though.

_ _"I didn't know you can access the weapon's menu from this terminal!"

"It is built in redundancy professor in case the weapon's console becomes damaged." I said to her.

"Just look at all this- grenades, machine gun, missiles, lasers."

"Dawn be very careful!"


*Side-pods engaged*

"Whoops, I see what you mean Corbin. Now how do I turn that off?"

*Flame thrower engaged*


"ACK!!!! Professor!!!"

"Whoops!!! Sorry!"

I quickly accessed the weapons menu deselecting the flame thrower and then the buttons on the weapons console closing the side-pods, but not before the cobblestone sidewalk we were on was charred.

"And that concludes your tactical training for today." I said to her. "And possibly forever!"

"Right recalling the probe." Dawn said embarrassed.

"Um professor, let's let Overwatch do that."

"Corbin! Ms. Stern! Everything ok?" Momma bear said running over.

"Um, the sidewalk has looked better." I said smiling.

"I pressed the wrong button, ha, ha, ha.... ha." Dawn said.

"...hurt...?" Rumble said walking up.

"No just embarrassed." I said looking at the professor.

"I think I should return to my research madam Ursa." Dawn said turning a deep shade of red and leaving the blue coupe.

*Apart from that one incident she performed adequately* Overwatch said as the probe returned to the docking port on the rear of the vehicle.

I quickly left to join the professor in the central building.


"I don't think I should touch the prototype for a while Corbin. Besides I have my work to keep me company."

"Did you find something?" I said joining her in her office.

"Yes sweetie. I think the original inhabitants traveled westward after they left the lost city."

"Really? You mean that there could be another city like this out there?"

"Perhaps. But it is going to take more research. Want to help?"

"Why am I not surprised?" The professor and I researched the rest of the morning and afternoon trying to discover if there was indeed a second lost city out there and its possible location.

"Excuse me, excuse me." Corey said walking into the records room.

"Yes what is it Corey dear?" Dawn asked.

"Your presence is requested in the washroom." The black haired teen said to Dawn and myself.

We looked at each other before deciding to follow Mr. Collins.

"Corey what is going on?" I said as we walked down the hallway. We found ourselves in a line behind Rumble and momma bear.

"Ladies, gents, humans and beastials I know that it has been a long time coming, but thank you for your patience. At long last I give you our soaking pond, a place to relax, unwind and socialize with family and friends after a long day."

Big brother Alex held open the door to the male's side of the washroom while the lion lady opened the door to the female's side of the washroom.

In the far corner between two rooms was a 10' x 10' pool about four feet deep, its rim lined with stone and marble rectangular plates which made it look somewhat nice. Big brother said it gave it character.

"Not a bad job Mr. Collins." The professor said. "Although I don't think any of us have any bathing suits."

"How about the one you entered this world with?" The lioness said removing her overalls and entering the pool quite nude.

"And the one with no shame proves she has no shame." Alex face palmed.

"Our undergarments will do." Corey said guiding Rumble into the pool. Momma bear, Dawn and me followed Mr. Collins' instruction and entered the pool as well. Corey and Rumble were on one side. Alex, momma bear and Shakara on another and the professor and I on another side.

"See big guy the water is very warm, but not scalding."

"...we just lay here...?"

"It is called relaxing Rumble." That naked lioness said to the werewolf. "Forget your troubles and worries and relax."

"I would like to relax too but someone just grabbed my ass." Alex said looking at the lioness who tried to act very innocent.

"You have out done yourself Mr. Collins." Momma bear said complimenting him.

"I will say." I added.

"There are some rules though." Corey said to us.

"Really what are those?" Alex asked.

"No depressing talk about current affairs, the state of the empire or struggling to exist." He said.

"Only happy talk?" The professor said.

"Only happy talk." The teen admitted snuggling his wolf.

There was a real pause as everyone present tried to figure out what next to say.

"Well, I have something- Corbin and I discovered that the original inhabitants may have traveled westward after leaving the city." The professor said petting me on my head while everyone locked their eyes on her. I am not exactly sure where though."

"So there is a possibility of a second site?" Momma bear said.

"I am not entirely sure, but I think so." Dawn said as everyone continued to stare at her. "Something wrong?"

"Um professor, how old is that shirt?" The teen asked.

"I have had it for quite some time why Corey?"

"I think your garment is are not long for this world." Corey said.

"I don't understand." Dawn exclaimed.

"Um, professor your shirt just disintegrated!" I said as she looked down and realized that she was topless.

"Eek! I guess, I have been wearing this for far too long!"

"Dawn, that isn't a bad pair of girls you have there- kinda small though but if you want bigger...." The lioness started to say before she received some angry looks from big brother and momma bear. "Oh never mind."

Embarrassed the professor dropped below the water line to her neck.

"Don't worry about it professor I am naked, our resident were-creature is near naked as are you. We are all family here anyway." Shakara said reassuringly.

"So Corey, what is your next project?" Momma bear asked.

"I was thinking maybe a dinning hall in the central building. I mean we have more than enough space."

"...dining hall...?"

"Yeah a place where everyone can congregate and eat." The teen said to the were-creature.

"We need to find a full time preparer first." I said.

"I know a couple of great cooks I just don't know if they are..." My big brother said. "I mean the storm, we know that there are others suffering out there while we are... I mean we should be doing something."

"We are barely holding on ourselves pet how can we even start?"

Everyone in the soaking pool watched as big brother clasped momma bear's paw and then the lion lady's as he said.

"One soul at a time mistress."

"My he is something special isn't he?" The lioness said to the bear.

"I realized that a long time ago." The bear said to the lioness.

As bedtime approached I found myself unable to wind down for some reason. I was sooooo full of energy, like I had played Furry Fury all day. The professor had no trouble falling asleep. I decided to visit Alex and momma bear. As I was opening the door to the house, I noticed Corey and Rumble leaving their home headed toward the south maze.

"Rumble, Corey!!"

"Corbin!! Wow, imagine meeting you here!" The teen said started.

"So whatcha doing?"

"...gonna dig..."

"It sounds like the storm has stopped so we were going to dig-out the exit from the south maze to the forest. Wanna help?"


I grabbed my jacket and followed my friends into the south maze and to the trapdoor that led above ground. When we pulled on it, snow dropped everywhere. It took all our effort to dig a tunnel to the surface where we saw that everything was buried in thirty inches of snow. It was white everywhere.

"Well at least it stopped snowing." Corey said. "We should be able to get back out and start hunting soon but getting around in all that snow is going to be a pain."

I mentioned that I have come to think of Alex as the big brother that I never had. I have also become close friends with Corey and Rumble. So much so that I think of him as another big brother and Rumble, well he is a very big wolf and very protective.

"...not safe..." The werewolf grumbled.

"Maybe not, but what other forms of entertainment do we have? Not the hub, or its movies and games." Corey protested to his roommate.


"And how do you know about that?" The teen asked the were-creature.


We watched the nighttime winter landscape for a time looking at the white drifts everywhere and how everything seemed peaceful and serene. That was when we saw several large creatures lumber by in the distance making large tracks in the snow. One of them casually turned our direction staring at us with its six red eyes before continuing on. The three foot drifts obviously not bothering them in the least.

"Um that is enough winter watching for us right fellas? Nothing to see here!" Corey said closing the trap door.

"I think it is definitely time to call it a night." I added.

Rumble snorted in agreement.

Corbin Mongoose January 25 YOE 34....

Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 14: World Tour Part I

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 12: Defending The Villain

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Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 11: Healing The Healer

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