Incarnation #10

Story by bluedraggy on SoFurry

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#10 of Incarnation

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Wrong kind of wings, and lioness is feral, but still. Kinda fits anyway.

That evening they returned to the communal dinner, in the same seating arrangement. Surprisingly, Borin seemed to be upbeat. Even Farnsworth was quite talkative. While X didn't really understand why, he was nevertheless releived to find that their earlier tryst wasn't going to have any long lasting effect. They even talked about it a little bit, Borin giving perhaps a little praise to X for his performance, which Lisrian accepted rather proudly.

Of course, Borin being Borin, she still flirted rather boldly, her paw finding it's way onto his cock on more than one occasion. But, thanks primarily to Lisrian's little picnic, he barely even stirred. Later, after dinner was pretty much completed, Lisrian excused herself went off to 'do some business that needs doing.' The five remaining stayed at the table, however, long after it had been cleared away and sang along to an exceedingly bawdy song that Portia had made up. They all held each other, arms behind their backs and swayed to the awful, barely rhyming lyrics. Though X found himself happy to be in their little crew, he threw Donner a disgusted glance after the big lizard's dick had smacked into his own for the third time.

"You do that on purpose!" he said, laughing but pushing the thing away after the last time.

"Little man," came the odd voice of the Demon, "if I wanted to touch dicks with you, my cock wouldn't be this soft!"

"Point conceeded," X had to agree. "You could tie the damn thing up or something though!"

"Lock that beauty away?" Borin laughed. "That would be a crime against Nature!" and she grabbed the huge dong and hugged it to her breasts.

"Borin! Please! If you want him to fuck you, just come by the hut! I'm sure he'd be happy to!" Portia spat out.

"Ah, that's just the problem, little Honeypot," the cat said, kissing the thing before returning between X and Farnsworth. "I only like reluctant men!"

Suddenly one of her fingers found it's way straight to X's anus and he let out a decidedly UN-manly squeal. His one consolation was that Farnsworth managed an even higher pitch at the same time.

"Borin!" they both complained.

"My ass is off limits!" X said.

"Mine too! At least, out here. Modesty is in short supply here," Farnsworth said, though the smile on his face betrayed him, "but at least my sphincter should be safe in public!"

"And besides, I thought you said I'd be safe from you now too," X whined.

Both men received a strong squeeze on their cheeks before she relented. "Oh, lighten up," she laughed. "But you're in Hell men, you'll never be safe from me! And don't worry Farnsworth, I'll wash my hands when we get back."

"I should hope so!" he said, feigning indignation.

"But then I'm getting out the strap-on..."

Farnsworth's gulp could be heard around the group clearly.

"Hey," Portia said, picking up the lute again. "I've got another one. Wanna hear it?"

"Sure!" the other four agreed, and she began playing and singing again.

Finally, Portia suggested they all go to her hut for a show, but X begged off, instead deciding to wait for Lisrian to return. She'd been gone longer than expected.

"Suit yourself," Portia said. "But if you want to drop in later with Lisrian, we should still be at it. My Donner has impressive stamina too!"

"Actually, Portia, I think Farnsworth and I will retire to our hut too. As enticing as your offer is, I already want to ravish his ass plenty. That would only add fuel to the fire, and my dear human can only take so much that way!"

X looked worried at the man, but he just laughed. "Duty calls, my man. My Demon hungers, and I must fulfill her desire."

The cat slapped his butt at that. "Fuck you Farnsworth, you love it and everybody knows it. Now come and get your bum stuffed."

She grabbed his member, though gentler than her words seemed to imply, and led him off. The other two also left, though he noticed the reptile led his woman back in a different manner.

"Now that would be interesting to try," he had to admit to himself.

That left X alone, and growing a little worried. But soon he saw Lisrian coming out of the darkness, lines from the corner of her eyes down her muzzle betraying tears and leaving her looking more like a cheetah than a lion.

"Lisrian! What's wrong?"

She looked up at him. "Only 2 days, X. I only had you for 2 days. Goddamn this place! Goddamn it to HELL!" she screamed, turning some heads and apparently oblivious to the inherent contradiction. "I've waited so long, and I only get 2 fucking days!"

He didn't know how to respond to that. On the one hand, it was clear that something significant had changed, but why she should be so upset, he wasn't sure.

"Lisrian..." he began.

"Oh fuck it, come on X," she said, grabbing his hand roughly and leading him into the darkness. "Let's go talk to Satan."

"My hand? Not my dick?" he asked, wondering if she'd forgotten the protocol already that he'd only just learned himself.

"Fuck no. You're fucking ascended! We don't lead ascended around by the cock, more's the pity."

He stood his ground, holding her hand tightly and she turned back to him, her face clearly welling up with tears again.

"What?" she demanded.

He took her hand and put it on his dick. "Lead me."

She looked at him and began outright crying. "Fuck you too, X. Goddamn you, Please! Why couldn't you have whacked off more? So soon..." she wailed, but she put her head against his chest and let his skin wick her tears away. They stood there for a minute only, while he held her against him. He noticed she didn't let go of his dick though. Finally she licked his face, her eyes still watering. He kissed her back, and she led him by his cock to Satan.

Incarnation #8

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